Fiasco (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

In the Red

[Raph grunting, panting]
[melancholy music playing]
[breathing hard]
Oh, fuck me.
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.
[muttering] Okay. Okay.
[suspenseful violin solo
over industrial percussion]
[morphing into synth beat]
Fiasco! ♪
[British man] What a fiasco.
- [door creaking open]
- [footsteps receding]
Come on, Mr. Monteiro.
You've been my banker for 15 years now.
I really need you to help me out here.
I already told you
I'm expecting a big payment. Trust me.
Yes. I understand very well
what you're saying,
and I need you to understand
I'm working with a partner
who's bringing major prestigious brands
on board. Major brands.
One week? Yeah, that doesn't give
me a lot of time. Can I have two?
Well, fine then, one. Sure.
- Aw shit, Diego,
- Ah?
- Easy with the granola bars.
- Huh?
Next time you go shopping,
get the bargain brands for Christ's sake.
- Bend your knees. You know what I mean?
- Okay.
Grab the ones on the bottom
of the shelf, work a bit.
It's not rocket science.
So as you know, my film tells
my grandmother's life story.
But it also allows us to imagine
her life in other periods.
And now we come to prehistoric times,
where they lived in caves
and wore animal furs,
and for me, I was like a kid again.
[indistinctly] All right, everyone,
take your places.
Rolling! Are we rolling?
All right, and acti
[atmospheric flute and drums]
[doglike grunting and whining]
[wolf howls]
Hey, uh, are we using
another CGI dog in this shot?
Huh? No, no, no. It's a wolf.
- Ah.
- Yeah.
Hey, Raph. I need you to relax
a little bit on the budget, all right?
Yeah. It's just that I haven't heard
from Bartabé in a while, so
[tense music playing]
[Tom, muffled] Hey!
Don't worry. He told me
he'd be going away for two or three days.
You know how billionaires are.
One day they're on some deserted island,
the next day they're in space.
It's normal that they go
off the grid sometimes.
So just don't worry about it.
[loudly] And cue the rams!
[sheep noises]
Sweet mother of God.
[Raph] I knew Jean-Marc was broke.
He'd already spent, what?
Uh, two million euros?
But I was in so deep
there was no going back.
I had no choice but to finish shooting
so we could sell the film.
If not, I I could never repay Jean-Marc.
- [Magalie] Jeremy, you hear me?
- Yeah.
I'm sending Ingrid
to you for some touch-ups.
- You good, Raph?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
[sighs] I'm really trying to get Ingrid
out of my head, but it ain't easy.
- It's like she has someone else
- Sorry, I'm sorry.
Excuse me. Oh, it's the studio manager.
- Take it.
- Yeah, hello?
- What?
- What is it?
Fuck. How is that possible?
[Magalie] Fuck. What a fucking nightmare!
This can't be happening.
Jean-Marc, we have a big problem.
- Aw, now what?
- The whole studio set got trashed.
- What?
- It's destroyed, we can't shoot there.
[siren-like music over
crashing and splintering sounds]
[Raph] When is he gonna leave us alone?
[Jean-Marc] I don't know.
We have to watch our asses.
[Magalie] Exactly.
This fucking mole is a crew member!
You didn't help when you lost your shit
on everyone the other night.
[Raph] Whoa, are you saying
it's my fault that the set was trashed?
[Magalie] No, Raph.
Look, the most important thing
is to get a new set fast.
[Raph wincing]
[Gabrielle] Then,
we'll have to shoot at the farm,
since the location that looks
most like Huguette's living room
is Huguette's actual living room.
- [Raph] Maybe, but no.
- [Magalie] That's perfect.
- Great idea.
- No.
I don't think you realize
what it'll be like to shoot on the farm.
My brother would put me down
in front of the whole crew,
and my grandmother would be
telling everyone how useless I am.
She'd be saying, "That's not
how it was in the day." Not a chance.
[Jean-Marc] Raph, we have no choice.
If we don't shoot there,
we'll never finish the film.
No. No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.
[forcefully] No.
I said sure, no problem.
Clearly it was our only solution.
I put two and two together, and said,
"Let's shoot at my grandmother's."
No, no, no.
I'm putting my foot down. No way.
Wait. You you uh,
never filmed that when it happened, right?
- The whole thing?
- No, we never
That's how it happened.
I'm pretty sure it was actually my idea.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, my grandmother's?
Yeah, yeah! My grandmother's.
It was my idea.
[indistinct chatter]
[Raph] Excuse me, everyone!
Your attention please?
Hello! Please, folks. I just need
your attention for a few minutes.
[talk dies down]
Uh. Okay, well, I just wanna
clarify something with all of you.
Uh. I was kinda mean and, uh, aggressive
the other night with several of you.
But I was unknowingly drugged.
And, uh, I was very insensitive, the way
I spoke about Ludivine's condition.
What I said was unacceptable.
So yeah, but
But I just wanna remind you,
I'd been drugged without knowing it.
Wait. I hadn't been drugged
without knowing it actually.
I No. I have to admit it.
I admit it.
I wasn't drugged,
I was wasn't even a bit groggy.
Just had one too many, I guess. That's it.
So once again, Ludivine,
I never wanted to hurt you.
So with that in mind, I'd ask you all
to please be as positive as possible.
For Ludivine,
for what she's going through,
and end her life, I mean, th this shoot,
that she finishes this shoot
in the best conditions possible.
That's it. Thank you.
Tha that's very sweet. Um.
Uh, I just wanna
tell you all the truth too. So
[Raph] Excuse me, there's one last thing
I wanted to tell you.
If you ever need a bit of a break,
if you ever need to take some time,
if you're tired, take a day off.
- That's Thank you.
- Don't even hesitate for a second.
That's great, but that won't be necessary,
because I need to tell you the truth.
The truth is, uh
Would tomorrow be okay?
- Say what?
- Tomorrow.
Tomorrow I'm gonna be
a bit burnt. So yeah.
Sure, no problem for tomorrow.
- Yeah?
- You got it.
And if you need the day after,
you take that day off too.
And if you need, uh, Friday, you
Ah, Friday.
That's a really big day actually,
so I'll ask you all
if you could all be there.
Thank you all for hearing me out. And
[Eliott] Raph?
- Got a second?
- Sure.
Uh, here, just wanted to give you this.
It's the serial number
of the phone that hacked my iCloud.
And if you find that phone number,
you should be able to find the mole.
- This is amazing.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- No problem.
And if you don't mind, could you
please tell my dad it wasn't my fault?
Because your film means everything to him
and I don't want him to be mad at me.
Yeah, sure. You can count on me.
Well, thank you.
- [Magalie] That was a nice speech.
- Oh, thanks.
How you doing?
- Not great.
- What's the matter?
I wasn't exactly forthcoming
in our vermilion sweater investigation.
What do you mean?
Well, uh
I took Victor
off the list of suspects because
because I think he's hot.
The guy's head of wardrobe,
and when I showed him the sweater
he didn't recognize it. Is that possible?
Sorry Raph, I'm just
so scattered these days.
Look. Just forget it, okay?
If it is Victor, we'll know pretty soon.
Look what Elliott just gave me.
The serial number of the phone
used to leak the video.
- I don't believe it.
- This is great.
So if I check every crew member's phone,
I'll know who the mole is?
- Exactly, so get started.
- Okay.
- Let's go find this piece of shit.
- Yeah, we're gonna get this guy.
Let's do it.
- [Tom] I don't like yogurt.
- Just try it.
- I hate it!
- Don't be difficult. Just open your mouth.
- I'm not. I just don't like yogurt.
- Come on, open up.
Agh! No. No! No.
- Hey, that's pretty good actually.
- Of course it's good, now eat up.
- Open.
- Is that blueberry?
Yes, it's blueberry. Not only that
but it's all natural too, 0% fat,
expires September 2019
- Oh shit. Spit it out.
- No! It's still good.
- No. Spit it out.
- No, it's really good. Try it.
No thanks. I
Fine, take it.
I can always give you Pepto-Bismol later.
Come on, Raph. Let me go!
I can't take this anymore.
Tom, Tom. I'm sorry, but I can't take
the risk after what you did.
- So you gotta stay.
- Fuck, Raph.
You can't keep me here
till you finish shooting.
- Yeah. Well, I
- [Ingrid] Raph?
We're over here. Ow! [muffled yell]
- Ah. There we go!
- Raph, can I talk to you please?
[yelling] All packed up!
Gotta love all the trunk space!
How ya doing?
[loud cough to cover banging]
Um. Are you eating yogurt?
Huh? Yeah. I was just grabbing a quick
bite and it's 0% fat, so
Yeah. That hit the spot, I needed that.
Okay. I wanted to just, uh, break the ice.
Look, I'm sorry
I didn't come to your party.
And I know I screwed up. It's just that
Gabrielle told me a few things and
- [Tom bangs and yells]
- [Raph coughs and chokes]
That went down the wrong way there.
- You okay?
- [coughs] Yeah. [stirs yogurt noisily]
Well, I was thinking maybe
we could go for a drive
and talk about things a bit, and
- I don't know if you felt like doing that.
- Yeah? That'd be great. [nervous sound]
Uh, but, but I'd love Not in this car.
No, no, no. Uh. Very old car. No airbags.
Don't want you coming back with whiplash,
you know? From banging your head.
And then my insurance will, uh, "Who
are you with?" I'm with [shrieking cough]
I'm I'm with InsureAll. And I think
the best thing would be if Hey, listen.
You gotta Give me five minutes.
I need to clear my head,
to finish my yogurt cup,
that's what I really need right now.
[almost yelling] So you go on your way now
and I'll be on my way as well.
I just need some
breathing space for five minutes.
You go ahead.
Jump in the transport. See the new set.
You can be a real idiot sometimes.
Do you know that?
[quieter] Well no, I
[rhythmic music playing]
[Tom banging]
[shrieks] Ingrid!
[music continues]
- [Magalie] What happened to all the bags?
- [man] There's a door on the side.
[Magalie] Hang on.
Gabrielle. Gabrielle, Gabrielle!
So. You do what I asked?
Uh, yeah,
but I didn't find the serial number.
It's gonna take days to check every phone.
But, uh
I did find this in Karim's things.
The caterer? "Normalax."
- Fuck. This is a laxative.
- Mm-hm.
And I was thinking about
what happened on that interview show.
Of course. Obviously.
That means he poisoned them.
So he could very well be the mole.
Yeah, maybe, but we don't have
anything concrete yet.
- Right.
- So, uh
I'm gonna try and find out
if he has issues with constipation.
- If so, he has an alibi.
- Yeah, good thinking.
He might have constipation.
We'll have to do some more digging.
- [crickets chirping]
- [cows mooing]
[Jean-Marc] Crew okay?
[Gabrielle] Yeah, and they set up
the food truck on the side.
- Hey. I'm sorry about before, it's just
- It's okay. Forget about it.
Do I really have to be here?
Well, yes. It's extremely important
for Huguette. You're the one playing her.
Now look, I need everyone
to be on their best behavior.
We can't piss them off.
So, uh, no arguments.
[Raph] Right.
And I brought a few gifts for the family.
[Raph sniffs] What are those?
Are they Aren't these things
Air fresheners for your car?
- These are the gifts?
- No, no, no.
They're not only for cars,
that's what makes them so great.
You can hang these things anywhere.
For example, in a cupboard.
They're great for your grandmother.
- Seriously, Jean-Marc? Please don't.
- Hang on, that's not all.
- Also got Ferrero Rocher.
- All right, move.
- Jean-Marc.
- Well, what do you want?
It was an Esso station,
not Galaries Lafayette.
- [Jean-Marc sighs]
- [tense music]
I don't get it.
No one's coming for dinner.
It's been ready for over an hour now.
That's lousy timing, huh?
Yeah, that's Diego. He doesn't count.
[engine noise]
[Karim] Oh fuck, the bastards.
[disbelieving] The bastards!
[Slice] The whole team was doing that.
Order pizza so they wouldn't have
to choke down the crap Karim was making.
It was so bad.
So listen. Thanks so much, Mamie,
for letting us shoot, uh, here.
Really, it means a lot to me.
Like I said, I really don't mind.
Well, thanks again. You're a life saver.
Yeah, I'm sure the old lady
didn't mind one little bit.
I had to give her 20 grand.
I had nothing left.
Which explains the air freshener things.
[Jean-Marc] They only had strawberry left,
but there are lots of other scents.
- Yeah?
- Yeah! And they go anywhere.
You can put them in,
uh, cupboards, or in drawers
That's why they're so great.
- Eh? Here!
- All right, great.
Uh, thank you, yeah.
So Mamie, there is one other thing.
Like I was saying, as well as
letting us shoot in the living room,
we were also hoping to use the barn
for the concentration camp.
Oh, well yeah, but, uh, I don't want you
making a big mess in there.
You out of your mind?
We have to work in that barn, you know.
- Yeah.
- Of course.
I know, but only two days
and then we'll put it all back.
[sighs] Two days.
And don't forget that
when the film comes out,
- Mamie, you'll be a legend.
- [scoffs]
That'll be good for business.
People are gonna wanna come here to, uh
- "When the film comes out."
- Well
I should plant your head in cow shit
just to bring you back down to earth.
- [Raph's family laughs]
- [chuckles uncomfortably] Yeah, right.
This guy, um,
thinks he's funny, doesn't he?
Well, I should plant, um,
a little bonsai in your bathroom
and then just, try to
to get rid of the humidity.
I want to, uh I wanna see you
try to get rid of that. [laughs awkwardly]
See if it'll grow then, Buster.
[Mamie scoffs]
[Jean-Marc] Mmm!
- Oh, what an excellent wine.
- Huh?
- You have great taste 'round here.
- My boyfriend made it.
- Oh?
- Mm-hm. He's into red.
- Ah, he's a producer?
- Yes.
Oh, well he's just like me then.
I'm a producer as well who's in
the red.
Um. But not with wine.
[general laughter]
- [Wanda] With money. Gotcha.
- [Mamie] I don't get it.
You know, when I got there
I was still really mad at Raph.
Mm, but when I saw how badly his family
treated him, I could feel his pain.
At that point,
I decided I'd wipe the slate clean.
Can I tell you something?
Uh. Well sure, sweetheart.
You can tell me anything.
You know, when I had Covid back in 2022
I lost, uh, my taste and, uh
and smell.
You did?
Oh wow, that's crazy. You know, my ex
also lost his sense of smell? That's nuts.
I think I've been in denial, because
now it's being thrown in my face.
No one wants to eat what I cook.
- What I make is disgusting.
- What? No. Why are you saying that?
I dunno. I, uh
That sauce that I let you taste before,
was it good?
- Well, look.
- Uh-huh.
Don't worry about it.
I remember my naturopath telling me
about a treatment that works every time.
Oh yeah?
But you have to stick with it
or else it won't work.
- Not a problem. I'll stick with it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- It'll be fine.
- Eh?
- Yeah, I sure hope so.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [music ends]
- [Magalie] All right!
- [man] Quiet, please.
[Magalie] Quiet on the set, people!
And roll sound!
We're rolling!
[poignant music]
[coughing, sniffling]
[poignant music continues]
Wait a minute. Cut it!
Sorry, uh
Uh, Jean-Marc. We can't possibly do this.
I mean, there's no way.
Yeah, well, Raph,
this is about product placement.
No. I know
all about product placement. I get it.
Uh, excuse me,
if you don't mind my saying.
I heard what you said, I just want to say
I agree with Mr. Valande,
- Oh, there you go.
- We can't do that. It's in poor taste.
I really would prefer if it wasn't a Nazi
who was eating my cassoulet.
- Oh.
- It's the wrong message, I think.
No, excuse me.
That's not what I was saying at all.
I was saying that
Well, we're in a concentration camp here,
we can't be playing
with history like this.
Yes, yes, I agree. This is what I propose.
Give a piece of sausage
to that Jew, there.
He doesn't look well.
Then he'll start feeling better
and the color will return to his face.
That's a much more positive message
for my target market.
No, hang on here.
I I'm sorry. There's no
This is not about target market.
Seriously, no, no. I'm I'm No.
Excuse us for just a second.
- [hissing] Raph! You know our situation?
- Yeah.
Ah, well, good, 'cause I even
had to ask Elliott to come in
so we didn't have to pay an extra.
Listen, I got serious cash flow issues.
That's because Bartabé's money
hasn't come through yet.
Look, 200,000 euros for just three shots
with canned food in them. Gimme a break.
Morally, that's catastrophic.
They're gonna hang us by our nuts.
And frankly, we'd deserve it.
How're we gonna sell the film
with a scene like this?
- There's no way.
- We're not gonna need to sell it.
Bartabé's coming back.
I'm telling you, I trust the guy.
There's a real connection between us.
- Yeah, that connection.
- That's right.
Well, yeah.
All right, gimme a second.
Uh, what I might be able to do is, uh
Let me think, let me think. Uh, well
We shoot the can in a close up
and it's fully on the beans,
and then I pan away
without anyone touching it.
Yeah Without the sausage,
it's not my cassoulet.
- [Jean-Marc] Really?
- Well, yeah, that's not at all cassoulet.
- [Jean-Marc] You gotta have the sausage.
- Or full sausage,
a couple of beans No, wait. Hang on.
All right, look. Sorry, I just have to
No, no, no.
Look, I just need five minutes.
Five minutes.
I need five minutes.
What the hell is your problem?
Tell them you don't want
their cassoulet in your film.
Yeah, well no.
It's just not that easy, Mamie.
Come on. Sure it is.
Just tell them, that's all.
Same goes for that Ingrid girl.
Move your ass on that too.
- Okay, but it's It's complicated, Mamie.
- No, no, no. It's not complicated.
Gather your courage
and tell her you like her. That's it.
[Raph] About the cassoulet,
I never told them anything.
Because it would be easy enough
to leave it on the editing room floor.
But lemme tell you, I did listen
to my grandmother on one thing.
I remembered that
when I was 14,
I'd written a love letter to, uh, Ingrid,
that I obviously never dared to send.
But I'm thinking if I could
just get my hands on that letter,
and finally give it to her,
that could, uh
could be a nice way of telling her.
[Slice] Why do you have a poster
of Elton John in your room?
Uh it's my sister's.
Why doesn't she put up posters
in her own room?
Well, uh
because she doesn't have
walls for
- Her room has no walls?
- Nope.
I mean, uh, there are no,
uh, supporting walls.
But posters don't need supporting walls.
All right, where is that letter?
Gotta find it, gotta find it.
[sounds of rummaging]
- [Magalie] Do you trust me?
- [Jean-Marc] Yeah.
Good. now listen to what I'm saying.
The insurance adjuster for the film
has medical records for the entire crew.
Yeah, okay. So what?
So what? I'm telling you,
Ludivine doesn't have cancer.
She made the whole thing up.
We can't trust her!
Get it? She's doing this
so she can weasel her way back on set
and keep fucking us over!
- Faking cancer.
- Uh-huh.
That's pretty shitty.
Yeah. Well, that's not all.
Any idea who she's dating?
I saw them making out last night.
With Karim from catering,
and guess what we found in Karim's truck?
- Guess, go on.
- Um, uh
- I don't know. Some flour, a few eggs?
- No.
- Condiments?
- No.
- Tarragon?
- No, stop guessing.
- Laxatives.
- Ah?
That's right.
There you go. You finally get it.
- Get what?
- Ah. fuck.
Jean-Marc, can you not
open your eyes for two minutes?
Laxatives. He put some
in your sandwiches before that show.
- Ah, fuck me. Yeah.
- You see now?
He poisons you,
she all of a sudden doesn't have cancer.
Those two are the mole.
Ah, yeah. But you sure?
Because why would they do that?
They have no motive.
Don't know, don't care.
I'm gonna throw their asses off the set
and we'll be rid of the vermilion sweater.
Both sweaters.
- Yeah. Gotcha.
- [radio] Do you copy?
Yes, yes, I copy.
[morning birdsong]
- [Raph] Slice?
- Yeah?
Ta-d Oh.
- [Slice] Okay.
- I found it.
- Ah.
- I'm so happy.
Hang on. I wanna show you something.
Gonna show you
my grandmother's actual room.
[whispers] Come on.
I was never allowed to come in here,
but I thought it'd be great
for you to film it.
[gentle piano music playing]
Because it's full of history.
This is where she started, uh,
thinking about her role in the Resistance.
So many little trinkets.
Some photos over there
with her friends back in the day.
Yeah. I never saw that before.
Oh wow, these are fake books.
- Are they all fake? Oh no, not all
- [click, creaking]
Now this I had no idea was here.
- [gasps]
- [music swells]
Oh my God, this must be
where she hid 122 Jews during the war.
She would never show me where it was.
"Too many memories," she'd say,
but this has to be it.
[loud whisper] Let's have a look.
Come on in.
Be careful.
Holy cow.
This is unreal.
Look. That's her.
That's my grandmother when she was young.
She was pretty, huh?
Yeah. Ingrid looks a lot like her.
It's incredible.
Yeah. Forced to take pictures with Nazis.
[sharp exhalation]
Look at that, the bastards
even forced her to smile.
Holy shit, Hitler! What the fuck?
[Slice] She was sleeping with Hitler?
[panicky] He was half-naked.
Uh I'll just put this here.
Oh my God! Oh my God.
Oh my God. Okay, that's enough.
Turn it off. Don't film that.
We're done. No, no, no,
not that either! Not that either!
[shouting] Come on. Let's go.
We're not allowed to be in here. Get out!
I'm calling it A Woman of Resistance,
because she absolutely must
have resisted at some point.
You know?
[Slice] Eh, seems to me the main thing
she was resisting was the Resistance.
Hm. Yeah. That's interesting.
Could be.
Because Well, that's exactly
what I'm doing with my film, isn't it?
Uh, you You can't,
you can't label things black or white.
You can't just say you're a Nazi or you're
just in the Resistance, you can also be
[Slice] A collaborator?
Excuse me.
- [birdsong]
- [cattle mooing]
[man] Final touches, please.
[Magalie] Clear the set.
Everyone stay outside.
[woman] Camera's rolling.
[Magalie] Okay, and we are rolling.
Raph, you can call action
whenever you're ready.
Raph, whenever you're ready.
- Hm?
- Whenever you're ready.
Oh. Right. Sorry. Uh
And action.
Be careful, Guy. Nazis are coming.
[Nazi speaking German]
[correcting in German]
You're using the past tense,
not the future.
- Okay. Cut.
- [Magalie] That's a cut!
The German language has rules to it,
you can't just say anything.
Yeah, Okay. M Mamie, that's that's fine.
Hey, listen. Yeah, I
I was thinking that maybe, uh,
we lose the word "Nazi"
or "Resistance," maybe something else.
I just don't think things
were that clear cut back then.
So, uh, we need to bring
a bit more nuance to it, know what I mean?
I think the truth was more, uh, nuanced.
That's something I strongly believe in.
- So, let's go again.
- [Magalie] Okay.
All right, going again! Let's get
the soldier back to number one please.
He's a nice-looking German man,
very handsome in his uniform.
- Very nice.
- [Raph] All right. That's enough.
We don't need your commentary,
Mamie, if you please.
Ah, I'm just saying what I think.
Yeah. Well, you know what?
Maybe I don't care. Ever thought of that?
So just stay quiet. All right?
It'd be a lot better
if you stopped talking.
Don't talk to me like that,
you little shit.
I'll talk to you however I want! Okay?
For once, I'll say whatever I want!
Fuck, it's been what, 30 years
you've been ruining my life now?
That you don't support me!
And and always you're criticizing me.
And then you're telling me
what to do, making me feel like shit.
- And I'm fucking tired of it!
- Raph, calm down.
No, I will not calm down!
I'm I'm sorry, but I won't!
Because that sweet old granny
you see there
was never actually in the Resistance!
No, ladies and gentlemen, she never was!
This woman is a filthy fuckin'
Nazi collaborator is what she is!
There it is!
A scum of the earth who cost hundreds
of people their lives. That right?
[melancholy music playing]
Yeah! That's right, go on! Get out!
Yeah, get out.
- [exclamations of shock]
- [Magalie] Christ, Raph!
What's wrong? Mamie?
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, Mamie! You okay?
Somebody call an ambulance! Oh, fuck.
- Stop filming. Cut, cut.
- [British man] What a fiasco.
[rap song playing]
Get up on the scene
Let 'em play the reel ♪
Take the money shot
Make a face to pay the bills ♪
All private jets on an island ♪
- I might be a mess but I'm stylin' ♪
- It's a fiasco! ♪
If they came for the drama
Let 'em stay for the Armageddon ♪
They want a cape and some armor
High stakes, models and weapons ♪
Empty bottle prescriptions
Unscripted with lip injections ♪
They want it all but the karma
But I'mma make sure it get 'em ♪
It's a fiasco till the fame ends ♪
A fiasco! ♪
Baby, who can blame them ♪
It's a fiasco and they can't win ♪
I dare another actor
To face me out of makeup ♪
I'll put that hammer to your mirror
Watch it crack ♪
See if the man in it won't break up ♪
Snatch you at your interview ♪
Make you swallow the mic
And the camera ♪
Now you got that inner view ♪
No need to front
If you don't want trouble ♪
I'll bust your fun bubble
Slap you and your stunt double ♪
Grab your manager and slap him too
See what a clap can do ♪
To prove that I will literally
Shoot anybody just to laugh at you ♪
- [music ends]
- [British man] What a fiasco.
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