Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Round Five: Ambition Ain't Free

You taking me away from my family! Huh?
- You go to hell.
- After you, hoodlum.
WILLIE: My uncle used to
take me to this titty bar.
But there was this one dancer.
She went by the name of Sweets.
'Cause if you asked her nicely,
she'd lick you like candy.
- Told us his name was Silky.
- Hmm.
He invited us to the party.
HUDSON: This ain't your
run-of-the-mill robbery.
The aggrieved are high-level gangsters,
and they're not gonna
stop till they make sure
they get everybody that was involved.
Huddie, I am expecting
you to keep this contained.
MAN ON RADIO: Two bodies
were found at the scene
of the now robbery-homicide.
McKINLEY: Everybody, be normal,
go back to your normal lives.
We ain't gonna make no waves,
we ain't gonna talk to nobody,
and we ain't gonna say
shit about this robbery.
- Get the hell up off my property.
- It's two to one.
Count again, nigga.
FRANK: If he ain't at his house,
Chicken Man could be anywhere.
Flood the streets with money.
Somebody'll drop a
dime on that sumbitch.
Perhaps you heard about
last night's robbery.
Anyone sold you any stolen items?
Now that'd be mighty dumb so soon
after a heist, now wouldn't it?
CHICKEN MAN: If you wanna hate
me right now, then so be it.
But, you know, just like I
know that we're better together.
Let me get things square.
Can't just sit back and do nothin'.
If I do that, I'mma look guilty as hell.
- This place ain't that bad, right?
- This where we live now?
We are supposed to be the
baddest niggas in America.
And we got robbed in
front of a bunch of bitches
and we didn't do nothin'!
SLIM: Open up. It's the big bad wolf.
Chicken, Frank is gonna fucking kill us.
Lady luck and a four leaf clovers ♪
MAN 1: Hell we supposed to catch
anything with all that racket?
MAN 2: The Temps ain't no racket.
The music send vibrations
through the water
drawing the fish to the surface.
What dime-store novel
you read that bullshit in?
Damn it!
- I gots a big one!
- Told you.
You probably caught a
Goodyear tire. (CHUCKLES)
It's heavy as shit.
How big is it?
MAN 2: That ain't no fish.
Am I a good man? ♪
Am I a fool? ♪
Am I weak? ♪
CHICKEN MAN: It's only
gonna be temporary.
You hear me?
We gonna be back home before
you know it, I promise you.
I just need you to trust
me on this one, Faye.
I got a plan.
If your husband brought his mistress
to your family home,
would you trust you?
Come on, Faye, it ain't like that.
Don't play me for no fool.
Look, Faye, you knew who I
was before you married me.
Am I a good man? ♪
Told myself, "He just
He just being a man.
He loves me.
He love me so much,
he keep that shit away."
I'm sorry, Faye.
The only thing I'm
worried about right now
is protecting my family, that's it.
Then tell me what
happened at that party.
And leave no stone unturned.
HUDSON: Hello, uh, Ms. Hayes?
This is Detective J.D.
Hudson with the Atlanta PD.
Forgive me for calling
you at this early hour.
I picked up Tommy yesterday
on suspicion of robbery.
Yes, ma'am, that that was me.
(STUTTERS) Uh, but that's not
why I'm calling you right now.
Oh, Jesus Christ!
(SIGHS) There's no easy way to say this.
Your son, uh, was found dead earlier
in the interrogation room.
He, uh, apparently hung himself.
I want to assure you, ma'am, there's
gonna be a full investigation.
Ms. Hayes, are you there?
Ma'am, my sincerest apologies.
I can only imagine how
devastated you must be,
losing a child in this way.
But please know that the department
Ms. Hayes? Hello?
- FAYE: Sis, we're fine.
I'm telling you the truth.
Yes, I promise.
No, we don't need to come to your place.
It's not that bad.
It's really not.
It's just temporary
till Gordon figures some things out.
Look, I gotta go and
get these kids ready.
Was that your sister
doin' a bunch of squawkin'?
She's just worried.
Yeah, I bet she is.
REPORTER ON TV: A fisherman hoping
to make a handsome catch of catfish,
instead made a gruesome
discovery this morning,
when he came upon a dead body in the
Chattahoochee River near Bankhead.
The victim, who appears
to have been asphyxiated,
has been identified as
33-year-old Raymond Armstrong.
No suspects have been
identified at this time.
The bridge will be closed while the APD
- looks into this matter.
- Is that Silky?
No, I-I don't know.
Now, Faye, look, there ain't
no need for us to panic, okay?
FAYE: Okay, so what
else am I 'posed to do?
They just pulled a body out of the
river with the same Christian name
- and age as your oldest known friend.
- Faye
The same friend that helped you
plan the damn party that got robbed.
First, lower your voice.
Okay, now,
I want you to go and take these
kids down there to that motel office.
Let 'em get it sorted right now.
Y'all, come on, y'all, get
up. Go get your shoes on.
- JOY: Okay.
- Come on, Daddy's got some work to do.
Hurry up.
JOY: Yes, yes, sir.
- Come on. Good job.
- FAYE: All right, come on.
We found these IDs in the
basement at the party house.
- You know, you've gotta turn around.
Uh, we got Missouri
Slim outta Kansas City.
Uh, Mushmouth Rowe outta Detroit,
and Bunker Willis comin' from Chicago.
A few witnesses mentioned there
were heavy hitters present.
Gentlemen, they don't
get no heavier than this.
Detective Hudson? You've
got a call on line two.
He says he's got info on the man
they found in the Chattahoochee.
- Yeah, hang on to this, Romel.
- Yeah.
- Hey, it's Chicken Man.
- Goodbye.
Hold it now, wait a
minute now. Wait. Wait.
You see that body
that the State Troopers
pulled out of the Chattahoochee?
Well, that's my friend,
Raymond Armstrong.
What you tryin' to tell me, Chicken?
He hired me to throw the fight party.
And now he dead.
Look here, I can't believe I'm
about to say what I'm about to say,
but, um, I need your help.
Armstrong. Pretty common name.
How are you so sure it's your friend?
- 'Cause I ain't seen him since the goddamn party.
- Right.
And now he's dead.
So what you sayin'?
I'm saying you got the Black
Mafia at your party, right?
Maybe your friend got greedy
Figures he's got some of the
richest men in the country
in one room,
he'll take 'em down and
then set you up for the fall.
I told you we got robbed.
I was face down on the goddamn ground,
worried about if I was gonna
get a bullet in my back,
and not see my goddamn family again.
Chicken, what am I doin' down here, man?
I think there's a different play.
I think if you and I
were to work together
Come on.
Okay, come on now.
Look, I'm being serious.
- Uh, okay.
- I'm here to say Hear me out.
- Y'all go ahead, go ahead. All right.
- Just hear me out.
I know Atlanta like the back of my hand.
And when it come to these pushers
and players, I know one thing.
They ain't gonna talk to no goddamn cop.
Don't matter about
the color of your skin.
Now, you can use my help if you want
to figure out who these robbers are.
I can be your eyes and
ears on this whole thing.
I ain't worried about
your eyes and ears.
I'm worried about your mouth.
Everything that come out of it is a lie.
- Oh, come on.
- It's just hustle and game.
Come on, man. Why should I trust you?
'Cause I ain't robbed no
goddamn body, that's why.
You said it yourself. You said that
You said that somebody set
me up. Did you not say that?
Have you seen what they did to Silky?
What the fuck you think
they gonna do to me?
Hang on. Silky?
That's Raymond Armstrong's, what,
his street name or somethin'?
Yes. Why?
- Hudson, come on now. Look
- Get in.
- Wh
Told you
Hey, so this mean that we good or what?
Thank y'all so much for coming.
I appreciate your time.
My secretary will be
in touch, all right?
Thank you. Oh, see, I like that jacket.
Senator Johnson!
- I thought that was you.
- Hey, Mr. Moten.
Now, you in residence in
this fine establishment?
Ah, yeah, presidential suite.
You know, kind of on par with the Plaza.
Please, please, join me.
Really glad I ran into you.
You know, I'm having a bit of a issue,
and I'm hoping you could
give me some assistance.
What's your issue?
Well, I got my eye on a piece
of property in College Park.
- Made a bid. Everything was everything.
- Hmm.
Then, the Department of
Zoning and Development pops in,
and next thing I know
my deal tits up.
Now, what I understand,
you're the HNIC around here.
So, you think you could
help a brother out?
I'd be glad to incentivize you.
- You wanna incentivize me?
- Well, not you, personally,
but I'm sure your constituents
have projects and things
that could use a little
financial fertilizer.
Frank, why are you so
interested in that area?
I see potential.
I'm sure a man with your
keen business sense would.
I mean, the airport. Ooh.
It's right there, Frank.
Yeah, and Atlanta's growing.
The airport will have
to eventually catch up.
And a new airport, now
correct me if I'm wrong,
that's big business,
because you have
construction, you have leisure,
you have hospitality.
Venture like that will turn our
little city into a major one.
Any businessman with
a claim to that land,
boy, they gonna make quite a penny.
I'm not looking at it
as a business venture.
I see it more as a investment
in Atlanta's bright future.
There's no reason why you
shouldn't be that businessman.
I mean, look at you.
You're self-made, Frank.
Mm-hmm. You Black, you Georgia boy.
You know, I can see the headlines now.
"The Prodigal Son Returns
To Stake His Claim."
Boy, that shit write
itself, don't it, Frank?
I don't remember mentioning
being from Georgia.
Well, you didn't have to.
See, Frank, I wouldn't be good at my job
if I didn't do my due diligence.
You know, when I ran into you
and that two-bit hustler
and my beloved Sully
Well, I made some phone calls.
And, uh, Frank, you can parade
around Atlanta in your $1,000 suits,
and your $500 loafers,
and your high-minded
New York sensibilities.
But you and I both know
what you really are,
and we know why you
can't have that land.
You see, we can't be seen to
do business with no criminals.
You understand that, right?
Speaking of due diligence
What do you call those crooked crackers
your Black ass is seen
to be doing business with?
You enjoy the rest of your stay.
I certainly will.
ANDRE: Unc, what's happening, baby?
- I here now.
- Whatchu doin' here?
This here is a train ticket
to Houston, all right?
Now you gettin' out of Dodge tonight.
Hey, you know I'mma split
in a few days, right?
I gotta get with my
man first, get my cut,
then head over to the bowling
alley to pick my check up.
You don't understand.
These gangster niggas
put a bounty on your head.
They paid me a visit.
They're the real deal.
Like I ain't.
Now you got one move, son,
and that's run and don't look back.
Now I tell you,
if your little narrow ass
is around here tomorrow
I'm gonna shoot you myself.
All right.
All right?
I said all right. Thank you.
- Tonight.
- All right.
- Tonight now.
- All right.
(SIGHS) Well?
You know I can come with you, right?
You know how I feel for you, Andre.
Yeah? Come here.
I got somethin' for you, all right?
Close your eyes.
- For me?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Don't peek now.
- Mm-hmm.
ANDRE: Keep 'em closed.
All right, turn around.
Told you to keep your eyes closed.
A'ight, you done seen it. Now,
come here, give me your arm.
I want you to hold on to this
for me till I get back, all right?
So, wait, I ain't going with you?
Look, it ain't safe out
here for you, all right?
I gotta protect you. I
want you to stay here.
Nigga, don't try to
play me like no fool.
You think I don't know I'm a side dish?
Hmm? Who you taking with you?
That little bony bitch
from College Park?
You know what this is, a'ight?
I ain't got time for all this shit
- you doing right now.
- Andre!
You done lost your mind. Get
your funky ass off my lawn.
Fuck you, Andre!
ANDRE: Get on!
WILLIE: Stay low.
- Son of a
- Get in here.
WILLIE: We told your ass to
stay away from the new spot.
You make sure nobody follow you?
I look stupid?
What's going on?
It's only been two
days. We gotta lay low.
I need somewhere to stay.
My mom lost her job again.
- What's that on your eye?
- It's nothing.
- Hey, hey. Let me see it now.
- WILLIE: Oh, no.
Getting whacked upside your
head don't look like nothing.
Was it the landlord again?
The landlord? The
The landlord beating your ass to live?
Where the fuck y'all at, y'all
niggas in Alcatraz or some shit?
- Look, it ain't funny, nigga.
- Black.
All right.
I'mma get by there and
talk to him, all right?
Just give me a couple days. I'll
buy your mom some time, all right?
No. Fuck that.
We gonna do this shit right now.
Supposed to be laying low.
The rent ain't gonna pay itself.
Come on.
HUDSON: Good morning, ma'am.
Uh, I'm Detective J.D. Hudson
with the Atlanta Police Department.
This is my colleague, Gordon Williams.
- He's consulting on the case.
- How you doin'?
We just wondering if
Debra might be home.
Uh, I spoke with her couple of days ago,
and I just had some follow-up questions.
Shame on you.
Talking to a underage girl
without her parents'
permission is against the law.
I saw that on Dragnet.
Ma'am, I had no idea
that she was a minor.
Well, given the adult nature
of the affair, the alcohol
HUDSON: No, no, no. Uh
Debra's not in any kind
of trouble in any way,
I assure you.
Mm-hmm. That's just
how y'all trick people.
CHICKEN MAN: Oh, my Lord.
Now, I hate to cut you guys
off, but I got a question.
Is that Mother Heni right there?
You knew Mother Heni?
Henrietta. That's her
That's her real name.
Had one of the sharpest
tongues I've been around.
This woman will love you one minute,
then turn on you like
the wind in the next.
That was Granny.
- Passed a year ago.
- Say what now?
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, my Lord.
Well, my condolences.
Oh, I remember she used to
make some of the best sweet tea.
I still got the recipe.
Ain't as good as hers, though.
Hold on now.
I sure would love to
trouble you for a glass
as me and my partner
are a little parched.
You know, if I may, I just want
to take the time to apologize
on my colleague's behalf.
He can, um
He can be a little uncouth.
- MARGARET: Mm-hmm.
- Right?
Uh, words can come off a little sharp.
Not lying to you, ma'am.
We just here for some information.
Hopefully, that information can help us
with the case that we dealing with.
Now, Debra, you remember
us talking after the party
that followed the Ali fight, right?
Party? The one that got robbed?
You were supposed to be
at your friend's house.
So what you're saying to me is that
my Debra was at that lowlife function?
Well, I don't think we should
I don't think we should
call it "lowlife."
I'm hearing it was quite refined.
People of Atlanta, they're
referring to it as the Black Vegas.
Hey, so, let's just try to stay focused.
Well, yeah, but I think
she should have context
Okay, let's just
Ms. Margaret, that's what they sayin'.
- They sayin' "Black Vegas."
- Okay.
- Um
Can you tell me any more
details about this Silky guy?
Uh, he was a big guy with a silk press.
His Christian name, God-given
name, is Raymond Armstrong.
Wait a minute.
Ain't that the man they pulled
out the river this morning?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Yeah.
That's all over Channel 2.
It is, ma'am.
Um, well, on the night
tell me about Silky's behavior.
Was he calm? Was he nervous?
Did he seem distracted?
I don't know.
He just seemed like a guy
who was ready to party.
Did you notice him
interacting with anybody?
I mean, did he appear to signal
somebody, or somethin' like that?
(SIGHS) To be honest
when we was outside, I
wasn't paying no mind,
'cause there was this really cute fella
- that we spoke to down the road.
- Debra.
No, no, just tell me something
else about this cute fella.
Oh, he had a gold tooth like you.
Don't make me blush.
- What you blushing for?
- Well
Clearly saying that he looks like me.
Oh, no, he didn't
look anything like you.
He was real tall
light-complected, with good hair.
He was fine, just like Billy Dee.
- Got it.
- Mm-hmm.
I don't think you need
to write all that down.
I was just writing down opposite of you.
- Got it.
- "Not Chicken Man."
So, did Billy Dee and Silky
appear to know each other?
No, they didn't know each other.
We asked for directions
'cause we heard that
this was going to be the
foxiest party of the year.
People calling it the Black Vegas.
And then, when we all
found out where it was,
he still wasn't too keen on going.
It's like he was fine
just lounging on his car.
His car?
Okay, well, you remember
what kinda car it was?
It was a Chevelle. It was yellow and
It had custom racing tires.
Custom? Okay.
Well, um, I think that's enough for now.
- I appreciate you, ma'am. Thank you for allowing us
- CHICKEN MAN: Thank you.
to come into your home, and
we'll get out of your hair.
Hey, that Mother Heni
thing, that was good.
Let me tell you a little
somethin' about Mother Heni.
She was one of my best customers
- back in the day.
- Hmm.
Every week, she'd bring me
a glass of that sweet tea,
then she'd place a bet.
I thought you just
bullshittin' in there.
Oh, J.D., I told you ol'
Atlanta's my playground.
You'll be hard-pressed to find somebody
that ain't run into ol' Chicken.
Mm-hmm. How was the tea?
God awful.
- Taste like somebody put a bunch of sugar in piss.
(SIGHS) Where we off to now?
Well, this pretty boy,
driving the Chevelle,
what's he doing just
hanging out by himself
when the foxiest party of the year
is happening just up the street?
Could be the getaway car.
There's only about three
shops on the south side
that can do that kind of custom work.
- Mm-hmm.
- Let's check 'em out.
All right.
Didn't I tell your ass to leave town?
Kept my eyes on the party house
just in case the Chicken
came back to the coop.
Honestly, I'm surprised
anybody came back.
But, uh
just what in the hell
am I gonna do with you?
Sweets, is it? (SIGHS)
Only if you're tipping big, sugar.
(FRANK SIGHS) What your mama name you?
FRANK: When a man does
what Chicken Man did
for you down in that basement,
willing to take a bullet
or a beating to protect
the dignity of his woman
that's love, no?
He don't love nobody
but hisself. (SCOFFS)
But I guess you don't know
him like you think you do.
Fair enough, but you do.
Twenty-four hours after the robbery,
and you're back at the
scene of the crime. (SCOFFS)
Ooh, you're bold, all right?
I don't know where Chicken is, okay?
He ain't dumb.
He ain't coming back.
Not unless we give him a reason to.
Now, if you don't love
him like you say
there ain't no sense
in you protecting him.
Chicken didn't rob you, all right?
He He didn't want nothing
more than just to work for you.
That's all he wanted.
And I don't want nothin' more
than for you to call that motherfucker.
But I ain't gonna ask but once.
Hey, I don't know, Mr. Policeman.
This place here look like a dead end.
- And it's further out than them other two shops.
- Stay in the car.
- Come on.
- HUDSON: Sir. Excuse me?
ED: Hey, now.
I'm looking for the owner
of this establishment.
Hey, guilty as charged.
You're looking at him, man.
All right, great.
I'm wondering if you have any customers
who drive a yellow Chevy Chevelle?
Some customs, maybe?
Racing tires, chrome, like that?
Ain't nobody I know that
rode around in a car like that, man.
Uh, apologies, I
didn't introduce myself.
I'm Detective J.D. Hudson.
- ED: Ah.
- Yeah.
- I'm investigating the Collier Heights robbery.
- ED: Okay.
Yellow Chevelle. Custom. Chrome?
Now, listen, I
I ain't miss a day in 23 years, man.
I think I know my customers.
I'm not staying in no goddamn car.
I'm not questioning
your business acumen.
I just, uh
wondering if you might be
withholding some information.
And why the hell would I do that?
Maybe you're protecting somebody.
Okay, I'm not the bad guy here.
- You do not want them
- Hey.
Hey, J.D. Brother over here
look just like goddamn Billy Dee.
- I said
- Whatchu Motherfucker!
Now how in the hell
you gonna come in here
and sift around through my shit?
- I apologize.
- Ain't nobody siftin' through
No, you sifted through my shit!
If you could please just help me
Both of you take your asses
out of my shop right now.
All right, we got to go. Come on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, hold on now, J.D.
- He didn't answer your question.
- We got to go.
I'm not answering the goddamn question.
- All right, all right. We got to go.
- Are you the police, man?
Get back in the car.
CHICKEN MAN: That's good. Okay.
Goddamn it! I almost had
him till you butted in.
Come on now.
You need to say thank you. I'm
the one who found Billy Dee.
Listen, your ashy ass had no
business searching the man's place.
We ain't got a warrant.
And newsflash, you ain't a cop.
I ain't say I was.
And how do we even know that's our guy?
Tell you what, he sure was
good-looking, wasn't he?
And wasn't that a Chevelle?
It ain't seem like the owner
had something to hide to you?
- I'mma tell you this one time.
- He didn't seem like
- he had something to hide?
- I'mma tell you this one time, Chicken Man.
You leave the investigating
to the professionals.
We doing this my way.
That means you keep your mouth
shut and you don't say shit
unless I tell you to.
And that's it. You hear me?
Go on. Yeah.
You the man.
That's what you wanna hear? You the man.
Go on.
So what now, Mr. Man? How
long we gotta sit out here?
Not long.
How you doing?
Saw you, uh
rubbernecking back there
at the shop pretty good.
It's a law against that?
No, no. Just
get the sense you know who
it is we're looking for.
Look here, man, I ain't no snitch.
Well, I might have to
conduct a field interview.
I got a lot of questions.
And seeing as it's about quitting time,
it's a one-way street,
your boss probably gonna
be coming by any minute.
Whether you answer these questions
or not, I'm gonna be writing.
Hmm, I'mma be nodding.
And that's gonna be you snitching.
I never liked the pretty
motherfucker anyway.
- He stole my girl, Wanda.
- Mm.
These light-skinned
niggas are the worst.
(SCOFFS) Ain't that the truth?
This light-skin got a name?
The fuck you want, li'l nigga? Hmm?
Oh, you want another ass whooping?
(CHUCKLES) This time,
your little ass is gonna pick a switch.
Hmm? The hell you lookin' at him for?
Oh, you got your little boyfriend?
He ain't my type.
What about you, Ray?
This old mudmouth
motherfucker float your boat?
I don't get no complaints from his mama.
I'm his mama's favorite dish.
Go on, little pussy.
WILLIE: Yo, my man.
What was you sayin' about
that li'l nigga mama again?
I said his mama is a ratface hoe.
(GRUNTS) Fuck!
You done lost your damn
- MAN: Come on, man.
All right. (EXHALES)
Your turn.
I I think he had enough.
WILLIE: Enough?
Ray, this nigga is fucking your mama.
He done beat your ass.
Go over there, kick this nigga.
Give him what the fuck he deserves.
You hear me?
MAN: Come on, man. He had enough.
Where you goin'?
You think these niggas
gonna do somethin'?
Y'all gonna do somethin'?
That nigga ain't gonna
do nothing. Come on.
Yeah, he should be good.
Want a burger or some
shit? We got some time.
FRANK: Lamar's on a mission for me.
So why don't you and yours
bag the Chicken Man
when she lures him in?
Sound like a good plan, Frank.
Is there somethin' else?
How about "Thank you for
bagging the yardbird's bitch"?
That'll suffice.
How about next time I
ask you to do something
you get the wax out your
fucking ears and just do it?
Yes, boss.
ANDRE: It's time to go,
Mac. I need my 20 grand. Now.
McKINLEY: Now, hold on now.
Now, look, New York's
coming to split up the money.
We gotta hold until then, all right?
You stick around, you're
just waiting for a toe tag.
And these gangster motherfuckers
got a bounty on our heads.
The fuck you talking about a bounty?
Dead or alive, jack.
Now if you think I'm jiving,
you gonna find out the hard way.
But I'll tell you what, I
will not be here with you.
Look, you're the smartest
nigga I know, Mac.
It's time to get a clue. We gotta split.
- Man, move
- Hey.
Okay, you know what?
Dig this.
I'm leaving town tonight,
with or without you.
And the way I see it,
I'm gonna be broke and desperate.
I may have to get back to robbing.
And let's just hope I don't
get pinched, because if I do,
and them pigs start
asking some questions
WANDA: His name is Andre Muse.
He did a big stick-up job,
and he kept some of
the jewelry for hisself.
And, um
he's planning on skipping town.
How do I know you ain't jivin' me?
'Cause he tried to pawn this off on me.
He got it from the haul.
The haul?
What do you know about that?
Look, I just helped him buy some rope
to tie some people up with it.
But I swear I ain't
know who he was robbing.
LAMAR: Address.
This is your money.
You earned that shit.
- Look, he ain't know who he was robbing neither
- HUDSON: Hey, Andre.
- Mm-hmm?
Hold on.
Okay, Detective J.D. Hudson, Atlanta PD.
We just wanna ask you
a couple questions.
The fuck is your country ass doing here?
Hold on now, Andre. Easy now.
Who sent you? How you find me?
And you gonna bring this
pig to my house, nigga?
- You begging for a bullet, ain't you?
- Andre, listen, listen.
We the only two brothers in the city
that don't want you dead, all right?
- Just hear us out, okay?
- Drop your pistols.
- Look, man
- I said, throw down your goddamn pistols.
- Look, look, look.
- Okay, okay, okay.
I ain't got nothin'.
All right, go on,
talk. Speak your piece.
A'ight, look here, look here.
Andre, we know you robbed
that party, all right?
Okay, but there's some
dangerous cats out here looking,
and they're trying to hunt you
down right now, you hear me?
Enough of that shit, all
right? Now you shut the fuck up.
You keep flapping your black ass lips,
- I'mma blow 'em off your face, you understand me?
- Okay, all right.
Andre, listen, listen, man.
Now, don't make this worse on
yourself than it already is, all right?
Let me help you out.
- Shit!
Goddamn it. Oh, no.
- Fuck.
- Shit!
Shit. Fuck.
HUDSON: Atlanta PD, drop your weapon.
Look here, Andre, I'm
on your side, all right?
- I'm trying to help you.
- We gotta go.
- We gotta go.
- Come on, come on.
There he go. Look. Come on.
CHICKEN MAN: Oh, what the fuck?
Head west, find a road.
- Get out of here, Chicken.
I gotta call this in.
Hey. Go.
- You sure?
- Go on, now.
All right, okay. (GROANS)
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
More carnage.
What the hell happened, Hudson?
I received a credible tip
that one of the robbery suspects
was residing in the trailer
about a quarter-mile east of here.
And then, during questioning,
some shooters creeped
up on us in the woods.
They opened fire, lit the place up.
JENKINS: Good Lord.
Suspect returned fire.
He killed one of the men.
I engaged, I dropped one of 'em, too.
There was another
exchange of of fire,
and it culminated
right here in this spot.
(SIGHS) Well, is your suspect talking?
That's him right there.
You gave your word that you
would keep this contained.
Chief, the last thing I
wanted was more bloodshed.
What's this man doing,
nosing around my case?
Well, it looks like you could
use all the help you can get.
Not from him, I don't.
No shame in admitting.
Getting in over your head.
Ain't nobody talking to you, Mason.
All right, gentlemen,
this ain't the time.
You know what your problem is, Hudson?
- Oh, what's my problem?
- MASON: You're too close to this.
You're more worried about
saving all these niggas
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Your wife hits harder than that!
- Get him out!
Shut your cracker ass!
- Get the hell out of here
- Get your black ass outta here, boy.
- right now!
- Let him go.
I'll hang you from a tree, boy.
- Fuck you, Mason.
- You're over the line, Huddie.
I'm over the line?
Man calls me a nigga
and I'm over the line?
You took it too far.
Goddamn it.
All right.
Your gun and your badge.
You're suspended, Hudson.
You hit a fellow officer in front of me.
You're suspended. Badge and gun.
That's an order, Detective.
here's some breaking news
with Lo Jelks out in the field.
JELKS: Shocking violence tonight
in the southwest Atlanta woods,
leaving three people dead in its wake.
Suspicions abound that
this may be connected to the
Black Mafia robbery that occurred
after the Muhammad
Ali, James Quarry fight.
Details are still incoming. We
will make sure to keep you updated.
Gordon, get up. Help
me with your sisters.
All right, y'all. Let's play
hide-and-seek, okay? Quietly.
- Come on, help me.
- All right, come on.
Wake up.
FAYE: All right, honey.
MAN: Hey, over here. Come on.
Hey. Right here.
- Hello?
- Hey, Faye.
Hey, the kids okay?
Oh, Gordon. Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Look, Gordon, they saying somebody
else done died on the news, okay?
(SIGHS) I thought it was you.
No, no, baby. I had nothin'
to do with no goddamn shootin'.
FAYE: Look, Gordon, I'm terrified, okay?
I can't do this no more.
no, listen to me. Listen.
All right, I understand, baby,
but you gotta you just
gotta sit tight for me, okay?
Right now, all I'm worried
about is just clearing my name.
Look, Gordon, you ain't hearing me.
Okay? We need to leave town tonight.
We can go to my sister's
house in Birmingham.
No, baby. We're not going
to no goddamn Birmingham.
You hear me? We're not runnin'.
This our home.
Look, I
I know a woman that told me one time
She told me that doubt
is the devil's drug.
Faye, are you there?
- Faye?
- Yeah.
I'm here.
Then finish the sermon for me.
And faith is the elixir.
That's my girl.
Now, look, I gotta make one more stop,
and after that, I'm
coming straight to you.
Just sit tight.
I love you.
I make stops in goddamn town,
I hear from one in three people
that you out here looking for me.
(SIGHS) Chicken
Ain't no Chicken, Viv, hush!
- I'm sorry.
- Sorry?
- What are you sorry about?
(EXHALES) If it ain't
the infamous Chicken Man.
You're dead now, motherfucker.
Chicken Man.
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