Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e05 Episode Script

Three months for the counter

He's great.
Incredible! That counterpunch
is impossible to survive!
Three months.
I do this, and this, and that!
Guess not.
-Oh, Kimura-san!
-What's up?
I'm practicing shadowing.
Could you give me pointers?
We have roadwork now. Maybe later.
It won't take long!
It goes like this, and then this, right?
Then if I do this, this happens.
At which point I try this,
but it comes back at me like this.
But in the end
This doesn't work, and that doesn't work.
I'm at an impasse.
Kimura-san, if you were me
Now that's pulling a punch!
I thought you were looking more decent,
but I guess you have a long way to go.
-That's mean, out of the blue!
-You should have dodged it!
Hey! How long do you plan
on sitting on me?
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry.
-I'll be on the road too.
Chief, if I chase him too far,
Miyata-kun's counter comes back at me.
How should I deal with it?
What do you think you should do?
I've been thinking, but
I see. There's only one thing
you can do right now.
-Get into the ring!
-Uh, right!
Pretend you're Miyata and watch me!
Oh, I get it! Now I understand!
Well? Were you able
to throw a counterpunch?
A counterpunch takes advantage
of your opponent's power,
so if I don't jump in,
he won't be able to counter!
That's right. Irritate him
by making him wait,
and when Miyata can't wait any longer
and comes a-punching, you're in luck!
Use all your power
and finish him with an uppercut!
With an uppercut?
-Yes. We'll call it
Operation Tease!
Operation Tease?!
That's kind of tacky.
Oh, shut up!
It's because this is the only thing
you can do right now, idiot!
I want to plan a more stylish operation
too, you know!
-Make the punches more compact!
That's it. Good.
You're getting much better.
Let's take a little break.
Yes, sir. Thank you very much.
I wonder who this is?
Uh, what?
-You're already here.
Going well, Ichiro?
Yeah. Everything's fine, Dad.
Kid, how long are you going to rest?!
-Let's get to it!
So, that's his dad.
Operation Tease, huh?
There isn't much else I can do.
Miyata-kun has been boxing forever.
I can't catch up with him right away.
-Ippo, could you set the table?
-Use your feet!
Come on, more! What's wrong with you?!
If you stop your punches
after stepping in, you'll get countered!
All right. Next, hit the sandbag.
When you're done,
we'll do more mitt-punching!
He's improved a lot, don't you think?
Yeah. He's so obedient,
he absorbs information quickly.
He's got potential.
The kid.
He certainly has potential,
but he has a long way to go.
By the way,
how's Ichiro-kun getting along?
He started to practice a lot more lately.
He seems abnormally motivated.
Is that so?
Did you use him to motivate my son?
What are you talking about?
Oh, nothing. Your ideas
are normally good ones.
I just want them both
to mature into good boxers.
Thank you.
-All right, kid! Time for mitt-punching!
-Uh, right!
Can't you make them more compact?!
All right, that's it for today!
You may go.
Thank you very much!
The Chief is so tough!
It's exhausting being that kid's partner.
Ugh. I can't raise my arms.
Hey, Ippo!
That old man really worked you hard,
didn't he! Are you all right?
What's that you got around your waist?
Uh, it's a towel.
Doh, I know that.
I want to know why you're wearing it.
Listen. When you take a shower,
let it all hang out, got it?
That's what being a man
is all about. Right, guys?
What are you doing?!
I'm taking it off, of course.
Embarrassed you're tiny?
Don't worry. Size doesn't make a man!
That was cruel! That was so cruel!
Aw, get over it! I meant no harm.
How can you say that?
I'll never shower with you again.
I'll treat you to a bowl of ramen
sometime, so let's forgive and forget!
Anyway, setting that aside
Don't change the subject!
This is serious. You need
to buy a pair of boxing shoes.
The soles of your shoes are worn out,
they're dangerous.
Um, I need a pair of boxing shoes.
What brand are you looking for?
Huh? What brand? Uh
How do you like this pair?
They're best sellers right now.
Everyone buys these!
Whoa. They're expensive!
The more expensive, the better they are.
-See? Aren't they unbelievably light?
-Hey, you're right.
-But they're very sturdy as well.
-Oh, really?
Plus, there are many colors
to choose from. See? Look at them all!
Everyone buys them.
They're a little pricey,
but they pay for themselves.
That's true.
If they're best sellers,
I guess I can't go wrong.
-I'll take them.
-Wise choice!
-Hold on.
You're an in-fighter, aren't you?!
Why are you buying leather-sole shoes
for out-boxers?
A rubber sole with traction
is better for an in-fighter.
-What's your size?
-Seven and a half.
Okay, how about these?
They're light and easier on the wallet.
Wow. Yeah! I'll take these!
I've changed my mind! I'll take these!
Uh, thanks for your business.
Miyata-kun, thanks! Huh?
Miyata-kun, wait up!
Miyata-kun, to thank you for helping
with my shoes, can I treat you to a juice?
Come on, stop, Miyata-kun! Please wait!
All right, I'll take your juice!
Stop shouting out my name.
It's embarrassing!
I'm sorry.
Your father is teaching you boxing, right?
I envy you.
Is that sarcasm?
Not at all! I'm jealous
because I don't have a father.
Huh. He's just strict.
Did you hear about my father
from Takamura-san and the others?
Yeah! They said he used to be
an amazing boxer.
So, how long have you
been taking lessons from your dad?
Do you have any tips for defense?
What kind of training is good
for improving footwork?
What's it like taking lessons
from your own dad? Is it fun?!
You're a weird guy.
Lots of people have teased me
about my relationship with my father,
but you're the first one
who's been envious.
But he was strong, wasn't he?
Yeah. He made up for what he lacked
in power with agile and brilliant moves.
He used to evade his opponent's
attacks just like a bullfighter.
I'm going to be strong just like you, Dad!
He must have been
strong just like you, Miyata-kun.
He was so strong, he could beat me
with one hand tied behind his back.
Wow! I wish I could have seen him fight.
However, during the final round
of the Eastern Pacific Title Match
his opponent's one lucky punch
crushed his chin.
His chin got crushed?
Ultimately, power dominates skill.
Without powerful punches,
a boxer can't become a champion.
He could have gone back
to boxing after the injury healed.
But he never climbed back into the ring.
His conviction had been crushed.
No, you're wrong. Dad, you're awesome!
There's nothing wrong with
your style of boxing!
I'll prove it.
I'll prove that your style
of boxing is not wrong!
My father's boxing was not wrong.
I just needed to compensate
for the lack of power.
I practiced every single day
until I felt like a rag doll,
until I finally achieved it.
My counterpunch.
No matter who my opponent is,
I'll face him fair and square,
and I will rise to the top!
I will overcome the wall that my father
couldn't overcome, not just for his sake,
but for my own sake!
If you're going to rely on power,
I'll face you head-on.
I'll be ready to knock you down
in the first round.
I had no idea that kind of sentiment
was behind Miyata-kun's counterpunch.
What?! You want to
step forward and fight?!
Kid, do you knowingly want to
fall victim to that counterpunch?!
I don't want to run
from Miyata-kun's counterpunch!
I want to face him head-on!
I'll practice even harder,
so please let me do it!
-Are you serious?
-Of course, sir!
Please, Chief!
Very well. If you insist,
I'll give you a killer crash course!
We need to improve your dart-and-dash.
Get ready for roadwork.
I don't want to hear any whining!
Yes, sir!
So, he wants to face him
head-on without running away, eh?
Damn, the kid makes me happy!
Let's do it!
Run! Improve the speed
of your dart-and-dash!
This is faster than usual!
Ram into Miyata's counter!
Jump forward before he extends
his arm completely!
That'll halve the destructive power!
That's why you need a powerful dart!
Yes, sir!
-We're doing five sets!
Next, we dart uphill!
-Five sets of this too!
Time for mitt-punching!
Come on, give me short punches!
Don't rest!
Don't give your opponent enough time
to punch back!
Yes, sir!
You idiot! You should withstand
at least this much!
You're the one who wanted
to fight him head-on, remember?!
But I never imagined
it would be this gruesome!
-Thought I'd lend a hand.
-You're in the way.
Really, Takamura-san?
I'm at my limit. I feel
like I'm going to die at this rate.
The old man is really
putting him through the wringer.
Don't sigh. Cheer up.
All right! Let's go have that ramen
I told you about the other day!
A full stomach will perk you up!
Oh ramen?
Welcome! What's this? You're all together?
Hey, it's Aoki-san!
Aoki works here part-time.
Even a pro boxer can't make a living
off six-round level boxing.
It's a mystery to me how a sloppy palooka
like you can make such delicious noodles!
Don't be so mean.
My dream is to make enough money
off boxing to have my own restaurant.
Hey! Come on, let me finish it all!
Oh, no! You have to start dieting soon!
All the more reason to eat now!
You can't eat anything during a diet?
Yeah. I'm tall,
so it takes a while to lose weight.
Anything liquid puts weight on me.
I need to watch out on a routine basis.
That means I can't shower, either.
Parched skin absorbs water.
You can't even shower?
You won't be subjected to
shower room hijinks for a while.
Once the fight is won,
all the hardships seem like child's play!
You'll understand once you beat Miyata.
That's if you win.
Well, I have to get going.
Okay! I'll make it my treat this time.
Oh, thanks!
I wasn't talking about you.
Thank you. It was very delicious!
Bye! We'll hang out here a little longer.
-See you!
Everyone has their own story
behind boxing.
They all have their own hardships,
but they don't show it at all.
I need to follow their example!
I realize I'm the one who started it,
but I can't keep up this pace.
I practiced every single day
until I felt like a rag doll.
When in close proximity,
you can't use long punches.
Use only short punches!
Make them short, frequent, and quick!
-Keep focused!
Hey, Ippo! How's the training
coming along?
-Huh? What?
Damn it!
Welcome home! Dinner is ready.
Uh, bless this food! Huh?
Mom, I'm home! Uh, no! Dinner was great!
You silly boy.
Okay, take a break!
I've been using padded mitts,
and look at me.
It's been almost three months.
I'm impressed
he's hung in there this long.
Ippo is putting in a lot of spirit.
Yeah, because he's sparring
with Miyata tomorrow.
So, the time has finally come.
Tomorrow! Head-on, fair and square!
Unless you get to your feet,
the match is over.
An unbelievable knock-down.
An incredibly forceful knock-down.
A spirit-breaking knock-down!
If I don't want it to end, I must get up.
If I want it to continue, I must get up!
And once I'm up,
I must find out how much I've matured!
Next time, "The Opening Bell
of the Rematch."
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