Finding Alice (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

What would Harry do,
take Tanvi's deal or take the risk?
You're smart, Alice.
You don't need him.
Yeah, I do.
And I always will.
And don't ever say that.
Hiya. Erm, can I stay, please?
It's all too much!
Come back, Harry,
or I'll throw myself down
these fucking stairs!
She's jammed it.
Al, let us in!
We need to use the toilet!
I'm hopeless without you.
Ah, here we go.
What's all this?
We were worried. Sorry.
I heard you were having a meltdown.
Which sounded fun.
Aw families.
Er, keep it clean, Tanvi,
my family are listening.
I've decided Harry would have wanted
me to keep his business going
and develop the land.
'No, he'd rather
you secured your future
'and got on with your life.'
Well, I think his life's work
is worth more than that.
And I think you'll make money
from this deal,
lots of it, and it should be ours.
Yeah, well, I wanted
you all to hear that.
As you all seem to be here.
And, of course, I've realised
I need help.
You know nothing about developing.
Neither did Harry.
This is how people
have nervous breakdowns.
But fortune favours the brave.
Oh, thanks, Dad.
Though I agree, you have
no idea what you're doing.
Look, Harry belonged to all of us.
Look, he was your son-in-law,
your brother-in-law, your brother.
He was.
And your mad dad.
Harry didn't build to make money.
He built to make the world
a better place.
And together, we can do this.
Dad, with your legal Skills?
And, Gerry and Minnie
aren't talking to me at the moment,
but when they do,
Gerry knows the building trade
like the back of his hand.
And I'll be auntie/babysitter
when you have Harry's kid.
Oh, he left some frozen jizz for Alice.
Some what?
Erm, OK.
Harry wanted another
baby, and I didn't.
So he had the snip and froze, er
..a deposit.
In case I changed my mind.
- You can't use it.
- Yes, I can.
- It'd be insane to have a dead man's baby.
- It's not a dead man.
It's Harry!
Look, I haven't decided, but
but I might do it.
And who knows?
It might not even work.
Who doesn't love a baby?
For God's sake, Roger!
Well thank you all
for understanding.
Well, I don't understand.
And why am I the only
one daring to be honest?
You're all thinking it.
Well, thanks, most of you,
for understanding.
Sorry about the whole jizz thing.
Oh, it's a bit late now.
And can we not call it that?
I just get carried away.
It's like Dad says,
I could blurt for England.
You've gotta do it.
This is a life-saver.
Me, staying here.
Anything I can do to
thank you, Al, anything.
Hi, George. Er, can you talk?
Hey, yeah, I can.
Mum and Dad - Frank Dad - are at work.
I just wanted to remind you about tea
with the new grandparents tomorrow.
Sure. Sure, cool.
Shall I bring, like, a cake?
Or a bottle of Baileys?
I don't know, you're the grown-up.
Yeah, kind of.
No, I am.
I am.
And it's happened.
Mum's planning to have Dad's baby.
Well, that's the inheritance
down the toilet.
What inheritance?
I know. I know.
So, what do you reckon?
Maybe it's OK.
But I'm a bit scared.
Mum's already kind of frenzied.
It's what Dad wanted, so
And, like, if Dad once wanted a
nose job, we'd have to get one now.
Yeah! Except that would be
Gosh these building
projects are so beautiful.
Why didn't I get involved before?
Because it nearly killed
Gramps. And Dad.
And you hate mud. Yeah,
but this could be me,
building something out of the ground.
Cos I'm in the stars tonight
So I'ma light it up
Like dynamite ♪
She has a very warm heart.
And nowhere else to go.
She was always too full-on
for Minnie and Gerry.
They had her really late
and never got over the shock.
She's Storm Nicola,
hitting a wobbly fishing village.
Guys, how do you open the curtains?
Say, "Open, curtains!"
Close, curtains.
So, you're going to do this
- ..try to have Dad's baby?
- Yeah.
And you know it doesn't mean
I'll love you any less.
Your husband's
missed a couple of payments.
Yeah, but we've moved
house, and, you know,
I brought cash, very retro,
to sort that out.
So, erm, we'd like to use the, er
Well, I suppose
you don't call it sperm, do you?
But we want to use it now.
And these eggs
ain't getting any fresher!
Er, I'm afraid he has to come in
and sign the paperwork himself.
- That's tricky.
- Er, he's working away.
So, can you email him the form?
We used to be able to, but
the system was abused, so no.
He's dead.
God I am so sorry.
No, I
No, it's hard to say, so I
And people are always
so kind, and they say,
"Oh, I'm so sorry," and
they do the sad face, but
Of course.
We do still need authorisation.
Well, obviously, he can't give it.
Unfortunately, he's the
only named recipient.
We can't release the deposit
to anyone else.
You can. To me.
Er, I mean, I was his
Well his lady.
That deposit has been lying there
for ten years for me, doing nothing.
I'm so sorry.
I understand why Harry
didn't give me permission, right?
As I've said, knowing Dad,
he would've signed what
was put in front of him.
He didn't think it'd be an issue.
Ed could pretend to be Harry.
No, he's too young. And daft.
Anyway, I've told them Harry's dead.
Well, Ed's brilliant, actually.
He's like the captain of Team Me.
We could steal it.
A sperm heist.
Mum, I'm sorry,
but there's nothing you can do.
You weren't sure before.
It's not so bad.
I'll ask my dad.
There must be a
like, a legal way, a loophole.
Mum, please, you do have me.
Yes, and you are lovely, but
Well, your dad must have felt the same.
Er, that came out wrong.
You know I didn't
Look, I'm sorry, I'm just
trying to keep Harry's memory alive.
Let's go, Alice!
Your future starts now.
We're going for a run!
Harry won't have died in vain
if it makes me turn my life around.
Look great in that wedding dress.
Nail Ed down.
Get Mum and Dad to take me seriously.
We've got to keep fit
if we're having a baby.
Are you having a baby?
I hope so. One day.
So help me, God.
Well done.
Come for a run with me and Nicola.
The future starts now, apparently.
No, I'm OK.
What, Auntie Nicola runs?
Well, we'll find out.
I am so sorry about last night.
If it's any consolation,
I feel all kinds of terrible.
Did you go running with Harry?
No. We kept fit by fucking a lot.
Well, you need a new
activity, then, madam.
Right, let's switch to speed walking.
Slow down, Al
Let's sit down now.
Are you all right?
You've gone from red to green.
It's like walking next to
a traffic light.
I just need
Day one.
We should have just strolled.
And not got pissed last night.
'Caution, patient
tail lift in operation.'
She collapsed.
They're keeping her in for tests,
but they think it was just a panic
attacked triggered by exertion.
'What were you doing,
Well, she
WE wanted some exercise.
And that's a good thing, obviously.
'We've lost Harry.
'Are you trying
to kill our daughter, as well?'
Look, I know you hate me
for stopping you selling my home,
but don't take it out on Nicola.
I mean, you could even visit her.
'We'll see. Minnie's not
feeling good, either.
'I can't be everywhere.'
If Minnie's feeling better,
maybe we'll see you later.
A tea with your new grandson.
I'm just gonna pop downstairs.
Look, we need more houses.
How can a bit of contamination
stop a development?
There must be millions in it, or
she wouldn't want to buy the land.
Shazam! Seen right through her.
You know, it's it's growing
homes and gathering life.
It's the perfect antidote
to my head full of death.
Are you used to it by now?
The idea of being dead.
Hm I'm getting used to it.
The dead often look surprised.
I like the ones who seem intrigued.
Just rolling with this new experience.
Harry looked like he was
considering his options.
I'm surprised
..after your daughter, that
you don't want another baby.
Well there is some
debate with my wife.
What's happening
about your sperm thing?
Well, I want to use it,
my mother thinks I'm insane,
and the fertility centre say
I'm not authorised anyway.
There's a balance between honouring
a loved one and looking forward.
I'm doing it for me, mainly.
But wouldn't it be too soon,
even if you could use it?
Well, I'll probably never know,
because the law is a frigging ass.
Do you fancy some fun?
The bereavement group's going out
for the night.
Oooh, where are you all going?
A minibus to The Museum Of Sadness?
I'm a bit on edge. Have fun.
I'm off to my lawyer.
Ugh, good luck.
Thursday at 8pm.
Balls Of Fury. See you there.
It's very deep, suddenly,
this need to make something.
Work, baby, it's all the same.
I thought I was all about the moment.
But that's not enough now.
Sounds like it's started.
What has?
Discovering who you are, on your own.
Fertility law really isn't my area.
Well, surely, it's all the same.
Fair play, balance of reasonableness.
You weren't married.
He didn't leave permission.
And he's deceased.
It's pretty open and shut.
Oh, no! It's a runny one.
Oh! Oh, Dudley!
Just get out of the way, would you?
Oh Ah, God!
Have you got any wet wipes?
No, they're bad. They make fatbergs.
God. I'll see what I can do.
But don't tell your mother.
She's adamant that
you're ruining your life.
I've got to get back.
Not yet.
What, you can't go back
to your own home
because your wife is in bed
Dad, what's the matter with you?
You know, Mum might respect you more
and not shag Keith
if you stood up to her.
Don't lecture me.
Your partner died
leaving secret after secret.
A son, a mystery stash of
something apparently called "jizz",
endless money nonsense.
For all you know, he was,
well, cheating on you, too.
At least she does it
in an orderly fashion,
and the dog gets a good, long walk.
- Yes?
- 'I've got all the gear.'
What gear?
This plot is amazing.
Well, er, let's just, erm
Yeah, see how we get on.
Well, it looks clean
enough on the surface.
I am gonna pay you for your work.
When I can.
I know.
It's got to happen.
I mean, look at it.
It's great to be learning new skills.
I hope you're still saying that
if we get seeping sewage.
I was gonna ask my dad to look
into the planning appeals process,
but then we had a row.
So maybe we should do it.
Your dad?
A row? Nice Roger?
It was good to see him
show some fight, actually.
Mind you, I could do
without any more surprises
from the men in my life.
'Stupid bloody thing!'
Point it at your face.
Where's Mum?
'In bed, having a breakdown.'
Sorry, Dad.
Anyway, I just wanted to
let you know that I'm OK.
It's nothing serious.
'Well, serious enough
to be in hospital.
'I'm sure your tests will be negative.
'Hey, you are as strong as a bear.'
It should have been me.
Not Harry.
'What? No!'
I think that.
So I know you must.
'Stop it!'
The only consolation from him dying
..was that I get more
love and attention.
I'm sorry.
But now there's George.
And sperm baby, and I'm glad, but
Do you know how I know
I'm the loser of the family?
'You are not the loser.'
How you always reacted
when Harry came into the
room compared to me.
It's the difference between
when your food arrives
in a restaurant and you love it,
or you think, "Yeah."
"That'll do."
"I can live with that."
"But I wish I'd had the fish."
I'm sorry if now I sound
like a miserable twat,
because I work really hard to be fun.
'You are just a bit
'You'll be all right.
'We'll come and see you soon.'
Thanks again for the lift.
Best way to make sure you turn up,
with your history of running off.
And you've made an effort.
Well, new grandparents
deserve a posh shirt.
I thought they weren't talking to you.
Yeah. They love you, though.
They'll just hiss at me.
How is everything else?
Ah, you know, endless battles.
Do you want to list them?
I may be able to help.
Well, you could start by signing
your inheritance waiver.
My parents want more legal advice.
I will sign when they've calmed down.
Next battle.
Well, the council's burial
squad, or whatever they are,
turned up to test Harry's
grave and intimidate me.
- Did you record the conversation?
- No.
- How would I do that?
- On your phone.
I record anything contentious.
- Why?
- I was caught out once.
- Good cake.
- Mm.
Good cake.
Moist, you know?
So, it looks like my new
grandparents aren't coming.
I'm sure they just forgot.
So, we can't work out
what you do for a job.
I'm sort of a fixer.
I'm good at finding targeted solutions.
Does that actually mean anything?
Well, jobs are harder
to classify these days.
And I'm the first to admit that
I'm a work in progress, but
..knowing Harry was my dad
has made it all clearer.
And I know it sounds like
..I don't know, but
I can feel his blood in my veins.
I feel new.
Good speech.
Is it like that
American high school thing,
- you're a cheerleader or something?
- No, definitely not!
- Hi, Alice.
- Oh, hey, Nicola.
- Are you healthy?
- Feels like it, so I just left.
Anyway, it was job done.
I told Dad how I felt
and how he was being an arse about you.
It was good.
- Maybe everything's for a reason.
- Mm.
What was the reason Harry died?
Anyway, your mum and dad didn't
turn up to meet grandson George,
our Mr Charming.
I'll go in and flirt with him
in a minute.
I was thinking,
it's really shit of them to
not let you use Harry's jizz.
Er, deposit.
Well thank you.
I spoke to my dad.
He said I could go to court,
but it might take years.
And, well, I'm not getting any younger.
But they'd release it to the family
..if they needed it for something.
- Hey?
- Like a DNA test.
Me, as Harry's sister,
needing to find out if
George really is his son.
But we've done one, you
know that. Well, not really.
We haven't done one.
No, I have done
I see what you mean!
'First new message.'
'Hi, it's Emily here.
'Erm, there is something
I need to tell you about George.
'Could we meet up?'
Well, they said they'd consider
the request, as it's Harry's family.
Well, that's good.
I was hoping they'd agree
to Nicola there and then, but, yeah.
What you really need is
specialised legal advice.
I can't afford it.
We're living off the five
grand for the kitchen.
Is that all you got for it?
I thought it was handcrafted
by elves in Finland.
It was. Graham owes us 15 more.
What, Graham who was at the funeral?
Oh, he's sweet.
When he's not being needy.
I'm sorry we can't help you out.
That's another reason
your mum's fed up.
I never earned enough.
Oh, you did all right.
And you have other qualities.
You've kept trim.
Yeah, I have, haven't I?
But she married
an ambitious law student
and ended up with a
small-town solicitor.
Well, you married a model and
ended up with a tetchy pensioner.
Right, that's enough legal guff.
Roger, can I have a word with Alice?
I know you don't think so,
but I really only want
what's best for you.
So, can I Look at me.
I am!
Please, I beg of you not attempt to have Harry's baby.
You're a young-ish woman, and
it's hard and painful to imagine
..but you will fall in love with
another man, have his baby.
Mum, me having Harry's baby won't
put off another man from loving me.
Yeah, but he won't love you,
because you'll be exhausted
from tending another
man's child until you're 60.
Well, thank you. I will give
that some serious thought.
So long as you do the same for me.
Dad is really unhappy with you.
We've been married forever.
- He must expect peaks and troughs.
- He knows you're cheating on him.
He loves you.
And you might not love him,
but shouldn't you try
to make the marriage work?
How was school?
A boy in Year Nine's dog got run over,
so I've lost my status
as the special grieving child.
Oh, happy about that?
Mixed feelings.
What have you been up to?
Oh, spending too much
time with my parents.
It's a funny old business, being old.
But it's sad when
you don't get to be it.
I'm sorry I'm so up and down.
Mum begged me
not to have your dad's baby.
Maybe she's right.
They probably won't let me, anyway.
Hiya! Food?
Oh, fantastic.
Your curry awaits.
Not bad for two rings
and a toaster, hey?
Thanks, Auntie Nicola.
That curried
Right. Homework.
Oh, Alice
What the fuck?
Er, soil samples.
From our plot.
Oh, that's a relief.
Hey, erm, I'm between jobs,
and I thought I could help
you with Harry's business.
That's really kind
I've temped, so I'm good at paperwork -
piling, filing, sorting,
shredding, laminating.
I'm better at things than people.
Harry always encouraged me
to make more friends, but
"Bereavement group night out."
"Death and bowling."
It's a sign, Al.
New mates.
And I'm bereaved, too, so
Come on!
Are you sure you don't want to come?
I literally could not be more sure.
But you both look amazing.
Well, Nicola is very persuasive.
And she hid my jeans.
The night-time is the right time.
I kid you not.
We've been here before, I know it
Ooh, hoo-hoo, hoo
My feet still feel the same
Ooh, hoo-hoo, hoo
Walking down a lonely road
Oh, my, that's never gonna change
Ooh, hoo-hoo, hoo ♪
I love bowling.
It's busy.
Oh, there they are.
Oh, God, they've dressed for camping.
Oh, shit
Er, this is Nicola, Harry's sister.
Wow. Have you got any
more like that back at home?
Well, you could try
talking to this one.
It's nice when folk make an effort.
Sorry we've gone a bit major.
Alice wanted to make a good impression.
Alice, this is my wife, Sally.
You're the one who buried
her partner in the garden.
Yep. That'll be me. Didn't want
to let Harry out of my sight.
Is if fair to say that he left you
with a few interesting dilemmas?
Yeah. That is fair to say.
My wife hated bowling.
She always blamed the shoes
for her verrucas.
Wanna stay
With you
Have fantasies again
You wanna see me higher
You wanna feed the flame ♪
How's your throwing arm, Alice?
I actually love bowling.
I had no idea it was so complicated.
If only she took as much care
over her life choices.
Or is that mean?
A strike!
Come on, Alice.
Well, I said I love bowling,
not I'm any good at it!
Your go! Come on!
Move like that.
Take it to the back.
Go! On you go!
You seem to be enjoying yourself.
I am.
I've been a bit short on fun lately.
Is it not your thing?
No, I hate to make a fool of myself.
We need three to win.
Stay away from my husband.
You heard.
Are you all right?
- Not really.
- You can tell me, if it helps.
Yo, bereaved one house rule.
Eat, drink and be merry,
for tomorrow, we die.
That's if you go for the shellfish.
The pasta should be OK.
Without death, living
would be unbearable.
And with it, life can be
unbearable, too, as we all know.
But I hope that us gathering
to talk about it
makes it a little bit easier.
To our missing loved ones and to us.
Missing loved ones, and to us.
How is my gorgeous kitchen?
I thought you were gonna say,
"How is my gorgeous Graham?"
I've, erm
I've had a few, so I'm gonna be blunt.
I really need it.
The, er The 15 grand.
How about some of it
comes as financial
management and advice?
I am an awesome accountant.
Well, I can't spend financial advice.
You can't do without it.
You're up shit creek.
Let me be your paddle.
Your big, hunky money paddle!
We're off.
Well, thank you so much
for inviting me.
I Enormously nice to
to meet
Would you like us to drop
you home or call you a taxi?
No. no, no. No, I'm fine.
I really think you should go home.
Oh, I will.
But not in your vehicle.
Sally wouldn't like it.
Oh, God, it's freezing!
Oh, thank you. That's better.
Where's our, er, bowling queen?
Oh, no
Come on, you! Home time.
Night, Gray-Gray!
Yay! Back on the bike!
Good girl.
Please, don't speak.
Nathan's still your future
squeeze, though, isn't he?
I'm I'm gonna go and be sick.
Oh, Christ, Harry
Oh, God, I miss you so much.
Hey, darling!
Auntie Nicola's vomiting very noisily.
Oh, she's very good at bowling, though.
How was it?
It was It was bad.
And then OK. And then bad.
You're drunk again.
I am.
But it's a social event.
I mean, you have to.
You see why having a baby now might
not be fair on yourself? Or me?
Well it's official.
For the purpose of DNA testing,
they've agreed to release
Harry's sperm to us.
Just making a start.
I was born to file.
And thanks for being with me
last night.
- It was fun.
- Yeah.
- Too much alcohol.
- No shit!
So, Harry's sperm's coming home.
Yeah. Yeah, it is good.
No, it'll arrive in a special
frozen canister, apparently.
And don't tell Mum.
All right, well,
scrape her off the ceiling
and slip her another diazepam.
Dad, I've got to go.
OK, bye.
Shall we make this quick?
I've got frozen sperm to collect.
Well, erm, I just wanted to say George is in your lives now,
that, well, he hasn't been easy.
Even with your know-how as a
therapist and general control freak?
Well, I love him,
but he is in huge debt.
He invested money he didn't have.
That's why he's at home,
we had to bail him out.
Now we're in debt, too.
Hence you wanting to hold on
to any inheritance from Harry.
No, that's always been up to him.
You know, we never said that.
How dodgy is George?
I mean,
he said he records conversations
to be on the safe side.
That's not sane, is it?
I don't know, but it's very him.
He seems to live in a parallel universe
that's slightly different to ours,
made inside his own head.
Look, I know I fought it,
but George meeting you
and his whole other family
may help straighten him out.
Well, I
I adored Harry, but
he had his moments.
And his secrets, obviously.
To be honest, I can
hardly remember him.
Could you
Do say no, but could you
email me a photo of Harry?
Hello, William.
I took the house you're living in
off the market
because you promised me the sale
of your Vale Apartments development.
I've had other things on my mind.
Like the gift of life itself.
'I did tell you you weren't
the only estate agent.'
Well, yes, but before I've
even listed the property,
I find Heptons have
already sold most of them.
Oh, well.
"Oh, well"?
So, I'm
'Well, I'm putting your in-laws'
house back on the market.'
You know,
I thought you were better than that.
I'm being buzzed. Sorry. Bye.
- Hey, Yasmina.
- 'Hi.
'So, my soil nerd says
it's good and clean.
'As far as he can tell,
without sinking great boreholes.'
I don't deserve you.
Now, email me his findings
and hit me with jargon.
'I'm on it.'
Hi, can I help?
Me again.
Permission to build on this plot
was granted and then withdrawn.
I'm guessing by
one of your planning officers
who was bribed to sabotage
my husband's development.
I think I know who made the bribe,
so I'm gonna leave
this evidence here with you
and expect the planning permission
will be reinstated tomorrow.
Right, Harry
A photo for your old girlfriend.
George's mummy.
Nicola? Nicola!
Where are you?
I can hear you breathing.
Open the door!
- What have you done with Harry's photos?
- Nothing.
And the videos are all gone.
I didn't touch the computer.
You did, Nicola, I saw you.
I was helping.
Well, it's not help if
it doesn't help, is it?
- Why do you always muck things up?
- Mum!
I cannot lose those memories,
because they are all I've got.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
Oh, God!
Here it is. Apparently, it
has to go straight in the freezer.
What's happened, Mum?
Nicola has deleted
all our family photos.
You didn't back them up?
Nobody actually does that.
Well, they do.
I did say Nicola wasn't the
easiest person to live with.
So, you actively helped your
daughter perpetuate this pipe dream
made out of the sperm
of a dead builder,
who we never actually liked much?
Yes, I did. She wanted
a letter from a solicitor,
and I did what any good parent
would do.
I helped my child.
- We agreed that you shouldn't.
- No.
You agreed and, as usual, you wanted
me running along behind you
like your bloody Alsatian.
Alsatian, you wish!
God, Alice is right.
You treat me better
and stop fucking Keith,
otherwise we're getting a divorce.
And I'll show you what a
good solicitor I am, in fact,
by making sure
that I stay in this house
and you end up in a
shitty flat in Reading!
Why didn't we print everything out?
You can't print a video, Mum.
We used to go to Boots
and pick up the prints.
It was so exciting.
Everything was better then.
Your father has presented me
with an ultimatum.
Was it your idea?
But I told him to stand up for himself.
- I do love him.
- Funny way of showing it!
Perhaps you'd rather I'd had my
affair at a more traditional age.
20 years ago, like your father.
I don't want a divorce, but it
wouldn't be the end of the world.
Oh, Mum, don't.
Look, I can't stand the idea
of anything else falling apart.
I just want you
to like each other more.
Whatever we do, we're at
the thin end of the wedge,
queuing up for new knees.
You're not. You're beautiful.
And alive.
Having Charlotte nearly killed you.
Well, I'm made of stronger stuff now.
That's what a death does to you.
Well, you'll have to throw this away.
Well, I'm not going to, obviously.
Put it back, please.
No, no, Mum! What are you doing?
Help me!
Help me find Daddy's sperm!
It mustn't defrost!
How many are there?
Oh, I don't know.
God, what does it look like?
Here, here, here!
There! There!
Get the thing.
Oh, God
Get out!
Please, I'm so sorry.
Get out of my life!
Get out!
You don't have to take it
everywhere with you.
Oh, I know. I just like it here.
Harry's last will and testament.
I'll put it back in the freezer
in a minute.
I texted George.
He said he knows about data
and he'll dig the photos out of
the deep memory or whatever.
Well, don't get your hopes up.
He's as much of a fantasist a Nicola.
But more dangerous, because he
tells you what you want to hear.
So, you think he's a gold-digger?
Sadly, yeah.
But I'd love to be wrong.
I mean, he's still your brother.
We just have to handle him.
You know you said he records stuff?
I was looking at the CCTV
of when Dad fell and
..George has his phone in his hand.
So he probably recorded
his conversation with Dad.
Dad's last words.
I can't help thinking
it would explain a lot.
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