Finding Ola (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Finding the stage.

Hi! We have a 50% discount
on our products today.
Hope to see you!
-You know, Ola? I think you're lucky.
We come here to escape
from all the stresses of marriage
and everyday life,
while you're making
tons of money out of it,
having fun with no stress at all.
I swear you're gonna
jinx me, Rasha. I swear.
My dear Rasha,
I pray you never lose it
Oh, wait. I don't mean the stress.
I mean your marriage.
Your beloved husband.
Stability is also important.
And I'm not making
as much money as you think.
Like today, everything's half price
for single ladies.
Yeah. But you won't get a discount,
because you're not a single lady.
No offer for you today. Hi, Soha!
Glad you came. You worked very hard
and you need to pamper yourself a little.
-How are you doing?
-Oh, Ola.
I could really use some pampering.
Especially when it's half price.
I don't believe you've ever met Nesrine
here, my friend and business partner.
-Soha, she's Hisham's cousin.
Hey, I've heard so much about you.
You're the strong, independent crazy
-That's me.
-Nice to meet you.
Can you do me a favor and get a loan
from my bank to expand this business?
I'm sure you can open up more branches.
I think it's too early
for adding branches.
Too early? Of course it's not.
Anyone in your place would've gotten a
capital injection from an investment fund
to open up branches
all over the Arab World.
Don't mind her. I'm on board.
You just find someone with money to spend
and leave the rest to us.
-A more important question.
How do you want to be pampered today?
-Yes, pamper me, please.
-Your skin looks dry,
and you have blue circles under your eyes.
-Blue circles?
-Dark blue.
You know his favorite color,
favorite food and where he cuts his hair.
You're still weird. It's like
you're some kind of Yassin-pedia.
Is your dad picking you up in the morning
or are you staying at his place?
He'll pick me up in the morning. We'll
go straight to camp from here. And you?
Hey, Hisham. How are you?
What do you mean,
you're not taking them to the camp?
What happened?
Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but I mean
Are you that sick?
Anyway I hope you get better soon.
I hop you feel much better.
-You just blend these together.
-You tell them. I'm not telling them.
You're the one bailing out. Why should
I be the one to break their hearts?
Yes. Call Nadia and tell her.
See you.
Get better. Bye.
What does he want?
He's just being dramatic.
He got a little flu and won't take them
to that camp they've been dreaming about.
Okay, stay calm.
-You're so damn lucky, Ola.
I'm speaking with an investor I know.
Big name, super wealthy.
I told him about your brand
and he's very interested.
Yes. Yeah, she's in front of me.
When? When are you available?
It has to be this week.
-Slow down. It doesn't.
-Shut up! Shh!
-We have plenty
-Saturday okay?
-This Saturday?
That's great, that's great, that's great.
She'll see you then. Bye-bye.
I've always believed in you.
-I know.
-But listen.
If this deal goes through,
-all transactions go through me.
-Of course.
-You got it.
-Take this off!
-I have to get to work.
-We're not done pampering you.
-Let's get it over with
-You'll look much better after that mask.
Mommy, did you hear?
Oh, how much i hate men.
Hey, you think we can lose
the long faces and maybe smile a little?
We made it! We're finally at the camp.
Waleed El Torky
and Mariam Waleed El Torky!
-Yes, sir.
Amr Ramez, and Adam and Ahmed Amr Ramez!
-Over here!
Ehab Ibrahim Youssef, and Adam and Haneen!
Hisham Amer,
and Nadia and Selim Hisham Amer!
Salim Hisham Amer. We're right here.
The name is correct,
but where's Hisham Amer?
Unfortunately, something came up,
so I'm here instead of him.
-I'm the kids' mother.
-I'm afraid it won't work.
Why? Why wouldn't it work?
I'm sure it will work.
-No, it won't.
-No problem here, it will.
-What do you mean, it'll work?
This is a fathers' camp.
So it's only men.
Excuse me, sir, but I don't understand
-who gets to determine this?
-The rules.
The rules that you signed
before coming here.
Actually, I, as Ola,
-haven't signed anything at all.
-Hisham Amer,
the kids' father and your husband,
he signed and agreed.
So you can call him, or you can go
over there to the camp for moms.
This is called discrimination. I would
like to report it with everyone present.
As a parent, I have the right to be with
my kids anywhere and any time I wish.
Plus, it's not like I'll need anything
extra. I'll sleep with my kids.
Does anyone here have a problem?
-Personally, I don't have a problem.
Thank you, Doctor.
Ma'am, I'm Hassan Abdel Hai.
I'm the founder of this camp here.
And I have a problem with that.
But what is it, sir? If there's a problem,
-we can solve it in a friendly manner.
-It's fine, Dad. It's not a big deal!
-Shut up.
-We can vote.
It would be a good chance
to teach our kids about democracy.
If you have any objection
about this woman staying, raise your hand.
-I think it's clear this settles it, then.
But this is not a democracy.
I'm gonna let her.
Just for you, Yassin. Okay?
Shall we get moving?
The sun is getting very hot.
Yeah, let's go.
Oh, Daddy, can I sleep
with Nadia and her mom in their tent?
And leave me alone?
-Let's go.
Then Selim will sleep with me.
-It's Salim!
-Right. Salim?
Let's just stick together, us men,
so Captain Hassan doesn't get angry.
-Do you snore?
Isn't there anyone to carry our bags?
No one?
Great. Captain Hassan
is gonna bully us till the very last day.
Weren't you the one who said, "I wanna
go to camp! Go to camp! Go to camp!"
There's no winning with you.
Just cheer up, Nadia.
I, for one, am excited.
It's been a long time since we had
a little bit of girls' time together,
chatting and gossiping all night.
Don't you agree, Zeina?
Okay, I'll finish up later. Horrible
Hassoun wants to meet the parents.
That man is gonna give me hell.
And I don't have the patience.
So, Yassin's father is Horrible Hassoun.
So good luck with that, girl.
This is to confirm
our appointment tomorrow at four
at the Mina Angels headquarters
in Zamalek.
So, she was actually serious.
You're so annoying, Soha,
even when you're helping me.
I founded this camp
after a certain incident that made me
realize how distant I'd grown from Yassin.
Oh, am I late?
Sorry. Hi.
Hey! No sitting!
The reason why I founded this camp
was a certain incident that made me
realize how distant I'd grown from Yassin.
That's why, as fathers,
we need to get closer to our kids,
get to know them better
and enjoy the time we spend with them.
Otherwise, they'll grow needy
and obsessed with their moms.
Hassoun is really asking for it.
Before coming to the camp,
we asked all the kids
to take time to write down for us
what they expect from their fathers.
I'm going to read what they wrote,
but I'm not going to say who wrote what.
Naturally, your kids expressed
their expectations about their father,
-not about you.
Is that clear to you, Miss
-Doctor. Dr. Sabour.
You can call me Dr. Amer,
if that happens to make you feel better.
-Welcome, Doctor. Yes, welcome.
-Thank you. Thank you.
-Hi, Nadia.
Your mom seems pretty cool.
I bet she's tough, though.
But how Wasn't your dad able to make it?
No. He got a very bad flu,
so he couldn't come.
Sorry to hear. I'm glad you're here.
So, your dad's the one who made up
all those crazy, stupid rules?
He's the one. That's his way
of showing me that he loves me,
and at the same time, he gets to do
his favorite thing,
and that's controlling everyone.
I'm worried
he'd butt heads with my mom.
-You don't wanna mess with her.
I know I'll have fun watching.
Uh, Nadia, we should go get ready.
Oh. Okay. I'll see you later.
-Okay. Bye.
Hey. Didn't we agree
that you'd forget about him?
Are you really jealous, Zanzoun?
Zeina, no one will ever take your place.
I'm hungry.
When are they gonna serve the food?
We'll wait and see.
Someone wrote, "I wish my dad
would finally stop telling me what to do."
Clearly, this kid has really had it.
Another one wrote,
"I wish things could go back
the way they were when Mom was alive."
"When Dad used to talk.
Now he's just quiet all the time."
"I also wish he would cook me moussaka
again. Something he used to make a lot."
A dad who cooks moussaka? Hmm.
"Nobody makes it like he does."
Of course! Who cooks better than a dad?
Another kid wrote,
"I wish my dad could come back from work
before my bedtime."
Another one wrote, "I wish Dad and I
could become close again."
"When he said
he was going to book this camp,
I was so happy that
he wanted to spend time with me."
"Especially because he hasn't been
living with us for some time now."
But there's actually one thing
in common between all the kids.
They all said, "I wish Daddy
let go of his phone a little
"and gave me some attention."
-So we've decided to take all your phones.
We'll keep them with us and
give them back to you before you leave.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No way! No way, guys. I
I haven't agreed to this. No way.
But listen, ma'am. You can ask Hisham
about this. He agreed and signed.
Well, you're not talking to Hisham, sir.
No. Plus, I can assure you that my kids
would never write that about me.
So basically, this doesn't concern me.
Plus, I'm a working woman,
I need to check on my business.
-So please
-Ma'am. Look at all these men around you.
Do they look like housewives to you, huh?
-I don't understand.
-No. No way. I'm not giving up my phone.
You see that?
Fine. But the law states
I can at least make one last phone call.
Why are you acting
as if you're under arrest, huh?
I tell you what.
Just go ahead and make that call.
-Thanks. Thanks.
-Go ahead.
-Hello? Hey, Nesrine.
-We must seriously
-Yes, I'm here at the stupid camp!
-pay attention to these
A good time?
This place is a prison for parents.
Horrible Hassoun
is taking away our phones now.
Who was the one?
The one who suggested that?
The one who said she could stay and
-He did!
-It was you, Marwan. You!
You'll have to go with Montasser.
Yeah, fill in for me.
Why are you asking me?
Just figure it out, Nesrine,
I'll send you Soha's number.
-And Dr. Ola Sabour! Come on!
-Yes, fine! I'm coming!
Yes! Yes!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, honey.
Okay, bye-bye. Thanks, thanks.
Just a second.
No! Someone else was collecting these.
Where's he?
-Hussein, get the basket.
-Yes, that's the law.
-Mm-hm. Yep.
-The law.
So where will you be keeping these?
-In the main tent.
-I have to make sure they're safe.
-The main tent.
-The main tent.
And now, I believe
we can start our activities.
What? I can't hear you. Ready?
-Just a second. Doctor?
-Are we ready?
-For the love of God, don't be lazy.
-Me? I'm your best bet. Who's lazy?
-We can do this.
-We're winning!
-Let's go.
All right, let's do this.
Come on! Pull! Come on!
Pull! Pull, Doctor!
I am pulling! Pull, Nadia!
Stay in bounds.
Come on!
-Come on, come on!
-Pull, Doctor!
-Why are you yelling at me?
I am pulling!
-We did this!
-I knew it.
-Well done!
-This is what we get!
-You wanted it!
-Good job, guys.
-Oh, Ola!
Are you just gonna leave
your son on the ground like that?
Do you want more? Okay.
Mom, did you bring my soothing cream?
Of course, I brought
a whole pharmacy with me, baby.
I knew that none of the fathers would
really think about these little details.
Clearly this food
was also cooked by fathers.
Definitely not by mothers. Ugh.
Oh, so, Doctor? You don't like the food?
-Oh, sounds harsh.
-But us men can eat rocks, if we have to.
Not really, Hassan.
Personally, I'm a big fan of cooking.
I mean, you have to try my moussaka.
-Tell them, Zeina.
I miss it.
I do too.
So, you're the moussaka man?
-Anyway, Doctor.
This whole camp, all of it, is manly.
I mean, your son Salim has no complaints.
Not only does he like the food,
he's practically devouring it.
I'm going to get more pasta
before it's gone.
Come on, Yassin! Harder!
That's my girl, Zeina. Come on!
Zeina! Zeina!
Zeina! Zeina!
Bravo, Zanzoun! Bravo, Zanzoun!
That's it. That's my girl!
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Mind if I get some of your cream
for my daughter?
Sure, of course!
I have enough for everybody.
-There you go.
-I'm Mahmoud El Leithy, an engineer.
-I'm Hassan's friend.
-You're Hassan's friend.
-And you're saying it just like that?
Make sure to put on some sunscreen
in the morning.
-If you haven't got any, I have some.
-Okay. Thanks.
-Go on, Lougy.
By the way,
is this cream just for children only?
You're so funny!
So old-fashioned!
Uh-oh- Okay, excuse me.
-Lougy! Wait up, Lougy!
-What's up, baby?
-Why don't we try this?
Hell, no! I'm scared of heights.
I didn't come here to torture myself.
-Where did Salim go?
-I don't know. Maybe he's taking a nap.
I can't see him. Salim! Leemo!
-Is something wrong?
No, it's just that
I don't see Salim anywhere.
Maybe he went to your room.
I'm sure he left.
-Where else could he be?
-Okay, I'll go down to look for him.
No, no, no, no, no. Stay here. I'll go.
Stay here in case he comes back.
I'm over here!
-What are you doing here?
-I don't like these games.
So I decided to come here.
Just to stay by myself.
Okay, then can I come sit with you?
Mmm Okay.
Now show me, what are you doing?
It's a trick that I do with a pen.
I learned it from the internet.
That's so cool.
Listen, I have an idea.
How about we go back?
Your mom is looking for you.
I can't go. I'm too tired.
This reminds me of Zeina.
I carried her the exact same way.
My dad, too. Daddy used to carry me
when I was too tired to walk.
But now, I don't see him that often,
so don't get carried as much.
Well, you're being carried now.
Who does Zeina look more like?
-You or her mom, may she rest in peace?
Her mom. Why?
I'm sure her mom was very pretty.
Guys! These hikes are the most
essential part of our camp's spirit.
It's a perfect way to create a strong bond
for both parents and children.
Not to mention that it allows you
to enjoy nature's beauty
and to breathe in
the clean air.
How are we supposed to breathe
when we're out of breath, damn it?
Come on! Follow me!
Inhale! Exhale!
Inhale! Exhale!
That's it.
So, you must think I'm a terrible mother.
-Deep breaths.
-Losing my son,
picking up my kids at a police station.
-I don't know what to say.
-Like I'm so in control.
-We're all a mess, and we're all trying.
-You're right. It's okay.
Did things get better afterwards
between you and Hisham?
Yeah. They did.
-Hisham is a good man.
-Of course, of course.
By the way, your, um
your kids are lucky to have you both.
-Even if you're not together.
Our relationships are strong.
-Uh, and Selim, I think Selim is good
-I'm sorry.
I think he was affected by what happened,
more than Nadia.
-Inhale Very good.
Well, Nadia is very sensitive too.
-She just doesn't show it.
Did he say something?
-I mean
-He did!
Guys, we need to hurry and get back
before it gets dark up here.
The mountain is not safe at night.
-Let's go! He says it's not safe!
-It's not safe, everybody!
I missed you, so I thought I'd come over
for a cup of tea and a little chat.
Can I come inside?
Hey, Ola!
-What are you doing?
I'm taking a walk.
The weather's just lovely.
I'm sure you're wondering
why I came here.
And I know that you can't stand my guts.
Don't bother. You don't see how
your face changes every time you see me.
And I know you think I'm a threat
to Ola's ability to have a stable life.
Tell me why.
Is it because
I'm not married to someone yet?
Or because I'm loud,
stubborn and self-assured?
Because I take what's mine?
That's why you were scared of me,
just like Hisham.
That's why I wasn't surprised
when Ola cut ties with me.
I know.
I suppose it's a good thing
that you two are back in touch.
But when she pushes back,
and when she decides to be herself,
to be Ola
not someone's daughter,
or someone's mother, or wife,
you practically shut her out.
That's what brought me here today.
Let me just say that what happened
with you two was not right.
Okay, let's do this now.
-You cover me, huh?
Shouldn't you make sure
there are no cameras?
Huh? Cameras? It's a tent!
Where's the
Hah! Found it.
Huh? What did you find?
Okay. There it is. There it is.
-Oh, do you want your phone?
-No, leave it there. I'm happy without it.
As you wish.
Well, that's good.
I guess first impressions do last.
First impressions?
Maybe the tenth!
No, really, though. I keep seeing
versions of you
that are so different from what
you were like over the past few years.
Yeah, I did change.
Okay, so which version is better?
Now or before?
Honestly, the one in front of me now
seems to be much more authentic.
If anyone else thinks you changed
for the worst, that's their problem.
Hmm! Good answer. I'll take it.
Seriously, though, I I can't believe
that I actually made it in here,
the camp for men only!
-I can't believe it.
You're pretty crafty.
No, really.
Not everyone can do what you pulled off.
You fought for what was right.
-That's not easy.
And by the way, this place here is perfect
for finding what you were looking for.
Better than the damn supermarket.
I'll kill you, Nesrine!
Actually, I'm not looking anymore.
Not at all.
-Can I tell you something?
You're one of the strangest people
I've ever met in my life.
Well, I'm sorry to be saying this,
but what I mean is
Even though your daughter
practically lives with us,
I can never tell whether that
makes you happy, unhappy or sad?
I mean, sure, you seem calm and serious,
I can't tell whether you're boring or not.
I'm really sorry that I'm saying this,
but you're strange. You're strange.
So you like to place everybody
in their own little box?
-Does that make things easier for you?
So, to answer your question,
I let my daughter do whatever she wants
because I will never be able to offer her
the things she misses from her mother.
Rest in peace.
But one more thing. I'm not boring.
-I'm not.
-Okay, good.
I'm really sorry for saying that part.
I've become too impulsive lately.
I apologize.
-Anyway, I got up to steal my phone.
What about you? Why did you get up?
Salim does snore, I know that!
-Salim does snore.
But I couldn't sleep anyway.
We're supposed to write that letter
to read out loud to our kids.
It's stressing me out,
because I'm not really good with emotions.
Well, I was wondering
where Zeina got that from.
Maybe I can help you. Tell me.
I don't think you can.
I don't think anyone can help me.
How can you begin to help a father
tell his 12-year-old daughter
that he feels guilty every day
because he couldn't save her mother,
when he's this big-shot doctor?
that he's afraid he could never give her
the tenderness her mom gave her,
so sometimes, he wishes
he was gone instead of her.
And that's why he's unable to cope,
so he's drowning himself in work,
and abandoning her at your house.
Well, why don't you just tell her that?
Just write it like that.
Isn't it a bit hard?
Oh, by the way
I never told you how grateful I am to you,
for taking Zeina in,
without ever judging either of us.
That has made a huge difference.
You don't need to.
All right
I was starting miss
listening to Salim snoring.
Good night, Ola.
Good night. Marwan.
-Yeah You see this one?
We were on our way to pick up Nehmedo,
who was coming from Hajj.
And I had to make sure
that Ola looked her best.
So I dressed her up
in her most beautiful dress.
But the poor thing,
the minute she put it on,
she started spinning and wiggling,
scratching herself all over.
The dress was very pretty, but its fabric
was so itchy and rough, it was horrible.
Still, I didn't give a damn.
I insisted that she kept wearing it.
I did, I swear!
I'm sure you didn't let that slide.
So what dd you do?
Nothing, I just told Ola to stick it out.
Huh. Hmm
Just like my mother used to tell me.
When I would reach out
to my mother about anything at all,
she would never sit and listen to me
and let me vent, or anything like that.
No, no, never.
She would tell me one thing.
"Stick it out."
And I did just that.
I stuck it out.
I got used to it.
I never speak up.
Ola told me she loved me the other day.
I know she does.
Hmm. And I love her very much.
She's my daughter.
Why else would I do all this?
It's because I love her so much.
They'll be coming back soon.
Please answer the phone
when she calls you, Soheir. Enough.
I wanted to apologize.
I didn't see you with a clear eye.
I misjudged you.
Okay, I'll, uh
I'd better leave now. I'm not really
into overwhelming emotions and all that.
Am I growing old or what?
-Goodbye, Soheir.
-Goodbye, Reda.
Why? I mean, why?
Have you heard about Second Chance?
It's my mom's brand.
It's all organic, absolutely no chemicals.
This here is aloe vera soothing cream
and this is our sunblock.
You can try them now, if you want.
-Hey, Nadia.
I heard that you're vegan, so I got you
a carrot spinach smoothie. With ginger.
-Wow! Thank you.
-Any time.
Hey, what's this one?
Oh, where were we? Oh.
This one is aloe vera
soothing cream for sunburns
-Why don't you put that there?
The first game we're playing
is called How Well Do You Know Me?
We're going to ask you
questions about your kids.
And your answers will determine
how well you really know them.
we'll do the same with the kids.
Oh God.
Hey! What are you looking at me for?
I gave you my phone, didn't I?
I gave it to that guy over there myself.
God, give me patience!
The first question is for our doctor.
-What does Nadia want to be
when she grows up?
An ambassador
or an animal rights activist.
Hmm. What's the last thing
Selim does before
-Excuse me.
What's the very last thing Salim does
before bedtime?
What's the last thing you do?
He brushes his teeth.
-What do you mean, it's wrong, sweetie?
The last thing you do is brush your teeth,
-before I tuck you in
I always call Daddy to say goodnight.
That's the last thing I do before bed.
This question is for Nadia.
What's your mother's favorite hobby?
Mommy has no hobbies.
It's just us and her work.
We're in a fathers' camp, after all.
I'm sure everyone else has time
-to practice their hobbies.
Okay, now. What does your mother like
the most about you, Salim?
Don't know.
She never really told me before.
What do you mean, I never told you?
-You never did.
-But I did
Okay. Okay.
-Good evening.
-Tamer Mansour.
-Nesrine. Montasser.
-Hello. Hadi Mansour.
-Tamer Mansour.
-Uh Nesrine. Montasser.
-Nice to meet you.
So, how's it going?
Soha said that Ola couldn't make it
due to an emergency.
-Let's go, then..
Okay, let's go.
-Let's go!
-Um Hmm?
-Hmm. Yeah.
Okay, all right. We are Second Chance.
Um, I'm sure you know that
we are an organic cosmetics brand.
Uh Um I'm Montasser El Zayyat.
I'm a partner,
and I'm in charge of the financials.
Uh, as you may have already figured,
my français is a bit more elevated
more advanced than my English is
with my Arabic kind of
meeting them in the middle.
So in case you get confused
I mean, all languages
complement each other. Right?
-Make sense?
-Oui. Oui.
-Oui. Yeah.
-Oui. Oui.
Now, you, Marwan,
how many followers
does Zeina have on Instagram?
Hey! That's a trick question.
How am I supposed to know that?
-A hundred and fifty?
-A hun hundred fifty?
No, Daddy,
that's wrong, of course. 782!
Oh, wow!
Now, what's Zeina's favorite
television show?
I know this one!
Stranger Things!
Dora the Explorer?
That's wrong!
Stranger Things.
-Wait, when did that change?
-This question's for Zeina.
What's the thing
that your father enjoys doing the most?
It's work.
Of course not, Zeina.
Anyway, it's been a very long time since
I've seen him actually happy.
-Hey, Ola.
Hey, Montasser. Tell me, tell me quick,
did the meeting go well?
Well, I don't know. I think it was good.
I mean, it was fine.
What do you mean, you think?
Did they seem pleased? Disappointed?
Did they like the presentation?
Any comments?
So, the thing is, they weren't really
pleased and they weren't disappointed.
They were kind of in the middle.
They listened to the présentation
and asked for another meeting.
-You're really unbelievable, Doctor!
Come on!
You've got to be kidding!
Hey, you. How'd it go with the investors?
Did the meeting go well?
I'm not really sure.
I have no idea.
But it seems like my whole life
is all over the place these days.
Why would the meeting be any different?
Besides, I've got bigger problems.
Okay But, you know,
I'm a good listener. Try me.
I'm trying to write that letter
we're supposed to read to our kids.
You were right.
It's definitely not an easy task.
All the time, I'm trying to prove
to everybody that I know what I'm doing,
that I'm strong, in control,
that I can juggle both my career
and my personal life, but
when it comes to the kids
I wish I could tell the truth.
And admit I don't have all the answers.
That I don't know everything.
That I'm scared, lost that I'm tired.
It weighs on me.
But turns out, when you're a parent,
you can't have weaknesses.
You can't be afraid.
I'm sorry. Forgive me.
I mean, I know that your problems
are bigger than mine.
Well, it's not a competition, you know?
Besides, right now, I'm just listening,
I'm not looking for a solution.
But you wanna know something?
You make me forget about my problems.
Every time I talk to you.
I mean, you're entertaining.
What do you mean?
I mean that I got used
to living with death.
At work, and in my life.
But you
You're life, Ola.
You're life.
-Stay here, I'll get her.
-Zeina! Zeina, wait!
What do you think you're doing?
Have you lost your mind, sweetie?
We were actually talking about you.
Why does everyone think I'm dumb?
Even Dad thinks I'm dumb.
Who are you calling dumb?
I mean, don't you know
you can outsmart anyone?
Then why does everyone I love
end up leaving?
What's up? Some drama?
And where have you been this whole time?
Well, tell her!
Yes, tell me.
Aah! You were with Yassin!
The one who's made
this camp our personal wonderland.
Don't grin like that.
I know I'm a cool mom, but don't push it,
Nadia. There are limits.
If your dad were here, he'd freak out.
Is that how I taught you to behave?
Are you seriously mad?
Yes, I am!
We came here to have fun, and so that
my dads could get to know your dad.
Instead, you're with Yassin,
and my dad is with your mom!
I don't usually do this kind of thing.
I don't.
Am I too hard on you?
I am, aren't I?
That's because I want you
to become a real man.
But you are a man.
I guess I just wanted you to be like me.
I couldn't see you, Yassin.
I couldn't see that
I'm me, you're someone else.
And I have to love you whether
I like it or not, just the way you are.
I don't know if I am being confusing,
or if you'll understand.
I don't talk about my feelings.
But I want to tell you
something I don't say enough to you.
I love you so much, Yassin.
I really do.
You big goof!
Toughen up, huh!?
Some things never change.
I know that you're mad at me.
I know that I seem very distant
all the time.
And I know that sometimes, you wish it
was me who had died instead of your mom.
I know you don't understand
how come I'm such a good doctor,
yet I couldn't save her.
I know you're always running away from me
because I've let you down.
I'm always running away from you too,
because I feel
I have nothing good to give you.
But there's something that you don't know.
You think the person I miss the most
right now is your mother, rest in peace.
You don't realize
that the person I miss the most is you.
I've missed you, Zeina.
You said something very true.
That I'm terrified of my mother.
I grew up with fear, you know?
That's why, ever since you were born,
I made a vow to myself
never to make you fear me, never.
Maybe I did things
that weren't quite right.
Sometimes, I've shown you how vulnerable
I am, sometimes I've complained
Sometimes, I've cried on your shoulder.
So when you grew up, I realized
that I had raised a strong young woman.
Stronger than me.
But that made you think
you were the mother,
and you felt responsible,
and that's my fault.
Just because I don't want you to fear me
doesn't mean
I can't be your mother, Nadia.
Just because sometimes I let you see
my weaknesses doesn't mean I'm weak. No.
Or that I can't protect you. No.
You're my little girl.
And I can protect you.
Now you, my crazy boy!
So do you really think
that I could possibly not know
what I like most about you?
You're yawning, aren't you?
That's exactly it!
That's the thing
I like the most about you.
You're not trying to please anyone.
You are who you are.
You don't want to be someone else.
No one can teach me how to be at
peace with myself like you do, Salim.
You teach me not to take things
so personally all the time.
Wise, Salim! You're wise, Leemo.
Other people might not can see that, but
but you're the one
holding this family together.
Even though you're the youngest one.
You're just not very good
at hiding them. It's not my fault.
I'll come as fast as I can.
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