Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Risk of Infection

(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the novel "A City, Waiting for You" by Jiuyuexi)
(Episode 5)
What's going on?
How did you get that large wound?
Dr Xu, did you give him a tetanus shot?
I did.
Remember to come and change your dressing as instructed.
Put on your clothes in case you get a cold.
Stand still.
This hand.
Look at you.
Does it hurt?
Do you need painkiller?
Take it. This isn't the time to play the hero.
Isn't that right, Dr Xu?
That depends on the patient.
Your shoes got wet.
Let me get you the clean slippers in my car.
It's cold today.
Never mind.
Wait here.
Is she your girlfriend?
Does this have anything to do with you?
If you have a girlfriend,
just say so when you reject my confession.
Instead of beating around the bush.
It's our problem.
So keep it between us.
Why get the others involved?
It was my bad
for leaving you.
But don't you know how young we were back then?
We couldn't even make ends meet.
Under such circumstances,
I didn't see why I had to choose you over my parents.
You're right.
I didn't make you choose.
But you didn't even make things clear.
You dumped me
like I was a dog.
Now tell me.
If you were in my shoes,
why should we get back together?
It's really pointless saying all this now.
All you care about is yourself.
Even if we could turn the clock back,
nothing would change.
If we were to go over this again,
I'd still make that same choice.
You're telling me this
just to make me understand your difficulties.
All right.
I do understand.
But that doesn't lead to our reconciliation.
Even if we reconcile,
when something like this happens again,
you'll still make the same decision.
Am I right?
Getting back a lost candy
won't make it taste special.
No point wasting your love just to make up for regrets.
Xu Qin.
At this age,
I may not be old,
but neither am I young.
I might be able
to endure the pain when I was young.
It'd heal.
But at this age,
I can't afford
to suffer from it again.
Do you still hate me?
I don't hate you.
But I want nothing to do with you.
Why did you come out?
Wear this.
It's alright.
Your ex?
She asked about you.
I have great intuition.
Since it's over between you,
why won't you give me a chance?
if you have a chance to get back together,
I'll give up.
Whether it's her or you,
there's not a chance.
She's obviously in your heart.
But you're denying it.
Let's not start anything that won't end well.
It's for the best.
Dr. Xu, this is bad.
What is it?
The blood test results of the driver came back.
Did you get hurt in the river?
You're injured.
Hold me.
One, two, three.
I'm fine.
Do you have any wounds? Check thoroughly.
Dr Xu, I'm still single.
Everyone is.
Dr Xu,
he was bleeding heavily when you entered the water.
I'm fine.
Our skin is the best barrier.
As long as we don't have a wound
or come in direct contact with the blood or fluid,
there's no risk of infection.
It's the firefighters that are in danger.
Tell the supply room
to disinfect his surgical instruments separately.
The scrubs and medical wastes must be packed separately.
And only reopen the OR at least half an hour after disinfection.
All right. Let's go.
Fall in.
The rescue team this afternoon,
step out.
Those who came in contact with the sports car's driver,
step out.
are we going to be rewarded?
What for, captain?
I'm not a money-grubber like Jiang Yi.
More meat will do.
Come with me.
To the hospital.
It's okay.
I got some scratches, but there's no need to see the doctor.
Yeah. Forget about it.
Go to the hospital
and do a blood test.
(Emergency Department)
Why are you taking my son to the isolation ward?
He can't stay at that shabby place.
Listen to me.
I already talked to your administrator, Gao.
Take my son to a private ward right now. At once.
And send two nurses.
I'll pay for your OT and bonuses.
Do you know your son's condition?
His blood test results.
My son's been taking medication.
So you knew his health condition.
Why didn't you mention it before the surgery?
That's his privacy.
We're here to get his injuries treated.
Not the disease.
It was an invasive surgery.
What if he infects others?
You're exaggerating.
Don't you sterilise yourselves before a surgery?
I get it now.
You refuse to save him, aren't you?
Your son's life is precious,
but the medical staff's isn't?
And the firefighters who rescued him,
their lives don't matter?
Look at you.
Is this how you talk to the patient's family?
What's going on? Aren't you too rude to the doctor?
I'm talking to the doctor.
It's none of your business.
Mind your own business.
Get lost.
This is the ER.
Please leave.
Who's he?
Who's he to speak here?
Get me the ward already.
risked their lives
to save your son from the river. The firefighters.
(Emergency Department)
(Emergency Medicine Laboratory) Thanks, Doctor.
No problem.
Song Yan.
Why're they taking so much of our blood?
Are we infected?
We're not sure.
This is just the protocol.
We need to know your physical condition when dealing with exposure risk.
You may come to the observation room after blood drawing.
This way.
This is scary.
Done. Put pressure on it.
Song Yan.
PEP to prevent the virus from spreading.
More effective if you take it sooner.
This is a single dose enough for three.
We're not a designated hospital.
The dispensary runs out of stock.
We need to get the rest from CDC.
Three medicines
for four of us?
You're wounded and a close contact.
Take it first. You're at the highest risk of infection.
You'll give it to them, right?
How is it going?
Depend on God's will.
Did the doctor give you PEP?
Only those.
We'll get the rest tomorrow.
You three take it first, Captain.
Given my size, I'm sure I'll be fine.
your condition is the worst.
You take it first.
I only helped carry him.
I'm fit enough to skip the medicine.
Yang Chi.
Jiang Yi.
Liu Jun Ping.
Yes, sir.
Take it.
This is an order.
What about you, Captain?
I'll get mine tomorrow.
-There's enough time. -It'll be pointless by then.
I've checked. The medicine's most effective if taken within two hours.
24 hours is less ideal.
The longer you wait,
the less effective it is.
Let's listen to the doctors.
Come on.
Cheer up.
If anyone's infected,
you must get treated at the best hospital
with advanced medical technology.
This disease will definitely be cured.
As soon as we put on the uniform, we're prepared for it.
I believe
even sacrificing your lives won't make you flinch.
If anything happens,
I'm there for you.
All right, take the medicine.
Go on.
Song Yan,
a reminder to those taking the medicine.
You might have an upset stomach, diarrhoea, a headache and insomnia.
Get enough rest.
Don't exhaust yourselves.
Thank you.
You may go home after taking the medicine.
Song Yan,
you should stay for observation as you didn't take the medicine.
Our hospital runs out of PEP.
If you may, please ask CDC
to send it to us as soon as possible.
All right. Thank you.
(Emergency Department)
Dr Xu.
Thank you.
Here, the medicine.
That's my line.
You saved me.
Don't feel burdened.
This is my responsibility.
I'm mature enough
to respect your decision
after you said that you
wanted nothing to do with me.
(China Fire and Rescue)
What's you plan for the future?
Continue to stay at Shili Tai?
I haven't given it a thought.
I just want to focus on what I'm doing now.
And you?
Well, I can't only think about myself.
My parents have aged
with health issues.
I haven't been able to spend time with them.
My fiancee and I aren't officially married.
Yet she has to handle all sorts of things in the family.
For five years straight.
I need to give it back to them.
So you're going to quit?
I haven't decided.
That crossed your mind?
Listen. Don't even think about it.
Why? You can't bear to see me go?
It's troublesome to get a new guy.
Do you know what your biggest problem is?
Not admitting your true feelings.
Be honest about your feelings.
Isn't being stubborn tired?
Admit that you're reluctant to let me go.
I'm pleading you.
Don't go.
The newbies aren't ready yet.
Don't dump the responsibility on me.
I can let you take the credits, rewards and allowances
before me after this.
You sure are generous.
Of course.
We're close, aren't we?
Let's go somewhere.
Another full-day training tomorrow.
I'm regretting this already.
If I'm allowed to quit now,
I'll get a flight ticket home right away.
Lower your voice.
Luckily, the squad leader isn't here.
If he hears you
This is where
you get to know what they're thinking.
A close friend of mine passed the aviation test
and is flying trainers aircraft
at the aviation school every day.
But look at us.
All we do is water the plants.
Until we're dog-tired.
Why did you join the brigade?
To save lives.
I want to be like Captain Song.
Why are you laughing?
Ge's girlfriend likes heroes.
She admires him.
Hero? One who's never even been into a burning building?
Where does the admiration come from?
You're used to eavesdropping here?
Trying to figure out what they're thinking
is also part of the instructor's job.
You and your excuses.
The captain just went by.
The instructor too.
Get your equipment and fall in.
Squad leaders, take command.
Squad One.
Running march. March.
Squad Two.
Running march. March.
One, two, one.
Hi, Chi.
Vice Captain.
Hi, Chi.
The hospital called.
All tested negative.
The follow-up appointment is in four weeks.
Thank goodness.
Let me tell you.
Be it negative or not,
I can't stand it anymore.
How many times did you throw up?
Jun Ping.
-Where're you going? -Sorry.
I just vomited,
but you make me want to vomit again.
What? We make you want to vomit?
(Application for Relocation)
You're supposed to rest.
Why aren't you in bed?
What's this for?
To become a deserter?
You've applied for a transfer.
Why bother asking for my opinion the other day?
Who was it that suggested to carry the burden together?
Who was it
that wanted to train the newbies into great firefighters?
And who promised
to make sure the Yancheng's Guardian Cup trophy
remain in Shili Tai forever?
Listen, Song Yan.
Just tell me your plan!
Suo Jun.
You were writing the application behind my back.
What did I do
to deserve being neglected by you?
You didn't even discuss it with me.
Even if you're not up for discussion,
at least let me know about it.
We eat and sleep under one roof.
Why keep me in the dark?
I wanted to ask for your opinion.
But I thought you'd get too worked up
Yet you secretly wrote the application.
What, you planned to tell me only after you've left?
Or you never planned to?
"See you, Song Yan."
"Bye, Song Yan."
"Never see each other again."
Is that your plan?
Remember the oath we took when we formed a team?
You don't.
You forgot all of it,
abandoning your responsibilities and duties.
You're a deserter!
Song Yan,
I remember the oath we took.
And I'm not becoming a deserter.
But I have things to take care of.
You know,
I'm relocating
to a position that pays an extra 1,200 yuan.
I can
So it's for money?
If you believe so.
Why push yourself to this extent, Song Yan?
The Guardian Cup trophy can be kept by fire stations other than ours.
We're all firefighters protecting the same city,
as well as its citizen.
Why must it stay here?
Suo Jun,
so you can see the bigger picture.
You're right.
I can't claim all credits.
The trophy is the whole brigade's honour.
But we're the warriors of Shili Tai, mind you.
You're leaving.
The honour doesn't matter to you.
You'd leave your teammates,
turn your back to the newbies,
and apply for a transfer
for the 1,200 pay.
All right.
I won't stop you.
If you refuse
to carry Shili Tai's flag,
I'll do it myself.
I'm getting days off after this week.
What about you, Dr Xu?
Me too.
Want to hang out?
I'd rather sleep.
We can do that together too.
Hi, this is the ER.
Got it.
Dr Xu.
A patient is arriving.
Weak pulse, unconscious, unstable vital signs.
-Get the resuscitation room ready. -Okay.
Administer 1mg IV adrenaline.
1mg IV adrenaline.
-Let me do it. -Okay.
Check the venous access.
First shock, 200 joules.
Back off.
300 joules.
300 joules, confirmed.
Don't relax yet.
Stay focused.
Is that it?
Isn't this too easy?
Pi Pi,
while the seniors are busy putting out fires,
all we do is watering plants.
What's the point?
This is so different.
We're repeating the same drill over and over.
How boring. They're not the real deal.
How long is this going to continue?
As if I know the answer.
I do.
You can't even do the basic trainings properly.
You have the audacity to complain?
Suit up.
Fall in.
Let's go.
All of you.
Suit up.
Let's do it.
What's wrong with you?
You're eager to work on the front line
and put out fire, aren't you?
Yet you can't even hold the fire hose.
You want to be a laughing stock or what?
You train every day.
And this is what you've got?
Look at every single one of you.
You're just going to
embarrass Shili Tai in the competition!
Five detachments.
Hundreds of participants.
Nine events.
How're you going to compete?
What're you capable of?
Practise makes perfect.
They need time to adapt.
You're giving them time?
What about my time?
Our time?
Pack all the things up
and take a hot shower.
In case you catch a cold.
What's wrong with Captain?
He never treated the instructor like that.
He's scary.
Captain must be very disappointed.
Forget about it. Let's go.
how did it go?
Don't worry.
His heartbeat has resumed.
It was heart attack.
He'll be taken to do angiography.
He might need a stent.
You should discuss among yourselves.
Great. This is great.
Thank you very much.
The patient is coming out.
Please don't mind this.
Thank you.
What do I do if you can't bring him back?
Come have a meal at our place.
Thank you.
Please wait here.
Thank you.
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you.
See you.
He's coming out.
-How are you feeling? -Brother.
-Are you all right? -How are you feeling?
Anything else?
Dig in.
Are you three feeling better?
Much better.
All the vomiting is killing me.
We're great,
but don't mention that word.
It weakens my legs.
Your legs are weak anyway.
I envy Captain Song for having that body.
He isn't experiencing any side effects.
That mean look of his can even scare unlucky vibe away.
Looks like Captain is still angry.
That's for sure.
They won't be reconciling anytime soon.
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