Fish Upon the Sky (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

The characters, behaviors, places, institutions, professions, and situations in this series are fictional.
They are for entertainment purposes only.
We do not have any intention of directing or promoting any actions in the series.
Viewer discretion is highly advised.
Pi, you dipshit!
What did you do last night?
It was just a misunderstanding.
Don’t listen to them.
The professor said there’s a fifth-year student in our class.
You never told me which Faculty you’re in.
Wanna go see a movie?
Muang Nan asked him out for a movie.
What should I do?
Find a chance to be alone with him.
Pi, you're here too?
Don’t tell me you invited him too, Mork.
Our target is out.
Tell everyone to get ready.
Oh, no!
I can keep you company, Nan.
Can you take Mork home for me?
My place.
- Not them.
- No.
Is this the car?
It is!
Let’s go.
This way.
Let’s go.
I know.
I feel like I know this area.
There’re a lot of fierce dogs in this alley.
[Beware of the fierce dogs!]
What did you say?
I came here before.
Someone in that condo has 7 pitbulls.
That sounds familiar.
What are we gonna do?
Should we back off?
We’ve come this far.
There’s no turning back.
Let’s go on.
Kleau Kang!!
I have my weapon.
I was saving this for dinner.
Just give it to them.
Is this your house?
That’s right.
My family is about to have a meal together.
Do you want to introduce yourself…
and tell them about our relationship?
No meal or no introduction?
No relationship between us.
But I want us to have one.
Come on.
Stop being flirty.
I don’t want to be involved with
or know your family members.
Is that clear?
That’s not fair.
I know your brothers.
When did you know them?
They’re those guys in kurtas and turbans, trying to cause the car accident.
Do you think I couldn't tell they’re in disguise?
You think this is a prime-time drama that when you wear a fake mustache, no one remembers?
No wonder why audiences prefer K-dramas these days.
Are you complaining about me or TV shows?
Nope. Not complaining.
Hey, before you go…
Damn it, Mork.
What are you doing?
No pictures.
Give it here.
No. You can’t have it.
Why are you doing this?
Muang Nan can get the wrong idea.
Mork, no!
Stop it already.
One photo and that’s it.
Just one, right?
Happy now?
Just stop.
Give that to me.
No way.
Give that to me.
Mork, just don’t!
Damn you! Will you stop?
You have been doing this all day.
Doing what?
Stop messing with me.
You want to set me and Muang Nan apart, don’t you?
I’m not messing with you.
I did everything
because I like you.
What did you say?
I said…
I really like you.
(Does he really mean it?)
I know it.
You’re just so easy, Mork.
You’re trying to divert me by saying you like me?
Such a planner.
How stupid do you think I am?
I’m a second-year dental student with a 3.8 GPA.
You can’t deceive me.
You done talking?
Yes, I am.
Get out of my car already.
Just don't dilly-dally. Hurry!
What now?
What do you want?
If you are not ready to open up your heart,
we can start by being friends.
Drive home safe.
I care about you.
(Why is he still there?)
(Why doesn’t he get inside?)
We lost them already.
I think we should call it a day.
Take me to a doctor.
Kleau Kang!
Look at you! I think the seven of them got you.
Let’s go to a hospital.
You ride. I’ve got your back.
Can I just ride like this?
Are you sure?
1 2 3.
I really like you.
(Since when does he like me?)
Whose phone is this?
(He has me on his wallpaper.)
(What the heck is he trying to do?)
I forgot my phone in your car, didn’t I?
Can you bring it back?
Why did you just call? I’m home already.
Or do you want me to go get it at your place?
Stop talking nonsense.
What is this?
I just told you I’d come here.
Give it here.
Don’t make me force you.
What the heck?
No! Don’t!
No! No!
I didn’t think you’d have such cute stuff.
Someone gave it to me.
Your girlfriend?
I just don’t feel right.
Am I forgetting something?
Shit! I know what I forgot now. My lab gown!
Don’t make me force you.
What the heck?
No! Don’t!
No! No!
What the heck are you doing, Pi?
I was just stretching.
(Crap! I was thinking about him.)
So how did it go?
Did you get to take your cute little Muang Nan home?
Take him home, my ass!
The Kitty gang ruined it all.
It was not Mork’s car.
It’s Muang Nan’s.
Not just that, your friends even crashed his car.
Is that so?
Sorry, bro.
What happened to your head?
Damn! I shouldn’t have cared at all.
That’s how you show your concern?
Do you want more?
Easy, man.
Calm down, bro.
By the way,
I need to borrow your boxers.
Don’t huh me!
You used to borrow my clothes all the time.
I can’t even borrow yours now?
Can I take one?
That’s my last one.
There’s one more in here.
Or you can wear mine.
I hung them outside and should be dry by now.
That mustache looks good on you.
Very nice!
Who the heck is it?
I knew it was you.
(Meen: I’m sorry for yelling at you.)
That’s right, you ass
Is it too harsh?
How should I respond to him?
Duean, I’m up here.
How did you get up there?
I heard a kitten meowing. I thought it couldn’t come down.
Where is it now?
Somewhere down there.
But now I’m the one who can’t come down.
How did you get up there in the first place?
I don’t know. Please help me.
Climb back down slowly.
I’ll catch you here.
I can’t. This tree is quite tall. I’m scared.
Don’t be. I’ll be catching you right here.
Come on down.
- No.
- Just trust me.
I can’t.
Just trust me, will you?
That’s right.
Are you gonna stay here forever?
What’s up?
Duean, look.
Stop! I can’t stand drama.
Just hang in there.
It hurts.
Be strong.
Don’t be a chicken.
But it hurts.
What are you looking at?
I didn’t think you’d have such cute stuff.
Someone gave it to me.
Your girlfriend?
My mother.
She will chew me out if I don’t use it.
Thanks for riding me home.
By the way, I talked to the professor about our project plans.
All we need to do is to go to the location.
And we need to go tomorrow.
Where? Is it far?
A school in Nakhon Nayok province.
Don’t tell me you forgot our plan again.
No, I didn't forget.
You always have an excuse to blame me, you bastard!
how about you improve your language?
If you don’t, I’ll kick you out of this project.
And if you don’t graduate in 4 years, your parents will be so disappointed in you.
Roger that, Mr. Meen.
You can get inside now, sir.
That’s right.
Yes, sir.
Get home safe.
Bye now.
Ride safe.
Bye-bye, Duean.
Get home safe. Thanks for today.
Yeah, yeah!
(Oh, look at that sweet gaze you’re giving.)
That’s okay, Mr. Meen.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
Why do I have to be nice to him anyway?
(You never give in to anyone.)
It’s nothing, okay?
I just don’t want to hear him complain. It’s annoying.
And you keep getting on my nerves.
(I borrowed two, hehe.)
Save that ‘hehe’ for your dad!!
Sorry, dad.
I don’t have any boxers left.
I just don’t feel right.
Screw it.
Am I forgetting something?
Why are you walking like that?
Because I’m in a rush.
Shit! I know what I forgot now.
My lab gown!
Aren’t you going in, Pi?
You don’t want to be late.
I forgot to bring my gown.
We need it for an assessment today.
My life is over.
Why does it have to happen today?
Why are you going home?
I forgot my gown.
Just wear mine.
You’re wearing his gown. That’s sweet!
I want you two to stop doing the MorkPi fandom thing.
Because we’re not together.
Your dad is a bird or something?
No. He’s a doctor.
Your cuteness strikes me hard.
Can I have your number?
What a crappy dental student!
That can’t hurt me.
Did that hurt?
She just hit me twice.
You, hurry up!
I’m sorry.
I kind of slept in.
I got yelled at and slapped so many times before you showed up.
Next time, we don’t have to meet this early.
Alright, I’m sorry.
Why are you wearing a lab gown outside though?
People don’t actually wear it outside.
What you see in dramas isn’t real.
Now I know what I forgot.
I forgot to take it off.
Time to go.
Hold on one second.
I’m going to get some water.
No need.
I’ve prepared some drinks for you.
Thank you, Duean.
That’s my favorite, you know?
Really? I love it too. It’s so good.
I have things in common.
(No way! Why am I trembling?)
Alright. Let’s just go. We’re late.
What’s the hurry?
Are you running to me to give back my phone?
Where are you rushing to?
Don’t you have class?
I do. That’s why I have to go.
Hold on.
Your class is in that building.
I’m not headed to class. I’m going home.
Wait a minute.
Why are you going home?
Are you avoiding me or something?
No. I forgot my gown at home.
What now? Ask away, you jackass.
I’m not going anymore.
I wanted to say you don’t have to go home.
You can wear mine to your lab.
Do you hate me that much you can’t even wear my gown?
Don’t you need it for class?
By the time you come back, your class will be over.
Alright then.
That’s it.
Why on earth is he walking like that?
(Is someone taking photos?)
(Photos of me?)
Are you dating Sutthaya?
Why are you asking me that?
Because you’re wearing his gown. That’s sweet!
You must love Mork very much.
I know you guys went to a movie, ate together, and took selfies in a car.
You guys held hands like nothing could tear you apart.
I ship you guys so much.
How did you know all that?
(I must get this done fast so I can give him back his gown.)
(Stop looking at me, people.)
(You also have work to do.)
(I’m so done here.)
(I’m so done here.)
Does it hurt?
Let me see.
You just said ‘don’t.’
I just got carried away.
Just take back your gown.
I was quite gentle when I gave it to you.
Stop playing around already.
Don’t you know what people are saying about you and me?
I do.
Doesn’t it bother you?
They’re misunderstanding. I don’t think of you that way just a bit.
But I do.
Can you just stop doing this?
Do you despise me that much, Pi?
I don’t despise you.
I just don’t like you that way.
I like Muang Nan and I don’t want him to have the wrong idea about me.
What do you want me to do?
Come with me. Tell them to stop shipping us.
You do that.
I can’t do it alone.
You must come with me.
They’re chatting.
Come on.
They’re holding hands!
Where are they going?
Let’s follow them.
They’re coming this way.
Where are you guys going?
We actually came to talk to you.
I want you two to stop doing the MorkPi fandom thing.
Because we’re not together.
We don’t have feelings for each other.
Tell them.
Say it.
What you are doing is an invasion of privacy.
You two need to delete that account.
Otherwise, I’ll need to report you.
Do it now!
We’re so sorry, Pi and Mork.
Sorry about that.
That’s fine.
Damn you, Prik!
Why did you actually delete it?
We worked our asses off to get those photos.
I even sacrificed my back to the pitbulls yesterday.
Don’t you remember?
Didn’t you see they aren’t comfortable?
I think I should do as they said.
You all just left me alone here.
Pi, hold on.
Pi, wait up.
Why are you following me?
There’s something in your hair.
Not there.
Still no.
Just tell me where it is.
Stay still.
I told you
I don’t like anything unclean.
It is gone now?
Yes, it is.
It’s all gone. The staring isn’t necessary.
Are you Duean and Meen who are doing a project in our school?
We are.
You spoke with her very nicely.
Where are you going?
Your cheeks are very soft.
How come your heart is so stony?
I will open my heart for Muang Nan only.
Duean, don’t go so fast.
Duean, wait for me.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Are you Duean and Meen who are doing a project in our school?
We are.
My name is Duean. This is my friend, Meen.
Nice to meet you two.
My name is Namphueng. I’m a teacher here.
There will be some villagers coming tomorrow. They’ve been informed about the project.
Of course.
Should I show you guys your room?
How was your traveling?
Very tiring.
Then this way, please.
How did you come?
We drove here.
(A young teacher with her cute glasses. So damn lovely!)
- (It's worth traveling this far. I wish you all could see her too.)
- Excuse me, will children be coming too tomorrow?
My friend here is a dental student.
That’s right.
My dream is to be a dentist.
Okay. I will inform them of that information.
This way, please.
Seriously, dentist?
I can’t even brush my teeth properly.
Let’s just go with the flow.
The secondary student classrooms are up here on the second floor.
It’s Friday today so we turned a classroom into a sleeping place for you two.
You did?
These are their work.
- Very cute.
- Very pretty.
I’m not sure if you guys have heard the story about his school.
What story?
I guess you guys haven’t.
That sounds scary.
I better not tell then.
What is it exactly?
Nothing. I was just joking.
You’re pretty and funny. You’re just my type.
No ghosts or anything. I was just playing.
You’re so cute.
Does this look comfortable enough?
It does.
Where are you sleeping though?
A teacher’s residential area.
I don’t want to be a dentist anymore.
I want to be a teacher so I can live close to you.
Make yourself at home. I’ll let you two rest.
Be careful when you walk.
Have a good night.
Why are you giving me that look?
You spoke with her very nicely.
So what?
It’s a double standard. What are you gonna do?
- Duean.
- Meen!
What happened?
See it for yourself.
Look what?
Do not take me with you.
Leave me right here.
What is it? Calm down.
You didn’t wait for me.
What if there was a gecko again?
Geckos in the countryside are so damn scary.
They are so big.
You’re a lot bigger than them. Why be scared?
You sound like you’re mad.
Are you mad at me?
I’m tired. I’m gonna go to bed now.
Where are you going?
Going to ask the cute teacher about the wi-fi password.
(The story of a fifth-year student ep.5 endswith bittersweetness.)
Have they deleted it?
Yes! It’s deleted. Awesome!
Now I need some positive energy to study.
You’ve changed a new profile picture.
I’m so giving you a heart.
Shit! That’s Sutthaya.
He’s haunting me here too?
Let’s check out people’s comments.
(So Mork and Muang Nan are back on the same ship?)
(Is this why MorkPi fan page got deactivated?)
(Sutthaya: Muang Nan and I aren’t dating.)
(Sutthaya: We’ve been friends for so long.)
(So glad you replied to my comment, Mork!)
(You sounded a little upset though.)
(Are you feeling sad, Mork?)
(Sutthaya: A little.)
(Can you say what makes you sad?)
(Sutthaya: It’s someone I like. He’s so dumb, he doesn’t know it.)
(I really want to be that dumb person of yours.)
(Sutthaya: Nobody is dumb, actually. The dumb one is me.)
Yes, you are!
Shit! He can’t know I am Facestalking him.
I shouldn’t have liked his comment!
Why are you sending me a friend request? I don’t want to be your friend.
I’ll just cancel it.
Why did you cancel?
Don’t you want to be my friend?
I don’t want to be friends with someone who’s always with my Muang Nan.
Keep your voice down.
People are trying to read.
Why did you say that?
Well, it’s true.
Wherever he goes, you’re there.
You post photos with him all the time.
Because we’re close friends.
We’ve known each other since before we got into this university.
Are you saying Muang Nan likes you?
No, my ass!
You just went to a movie with him.
Be quiet.
What are you laughing at?
Muang Nan and I go everywhere together,
not just movies.
We go clubbing, drinking, hanging out.
He always asks me to go anywhere with him.
Are you bragging?
Are you trying to make me mad?
You just made me raise my voice again.
Nan has an issue with his family.
He doesn't like to be alone.
His life is more tragic than you can imagine.
He doesn’t like me for sure.
That’s one thing you don’t have to worry about.
That’s good then.
I’m clear now.
But I’m not.
What else do you want?
Why are you touching my cheeks?
Your cheeks are very soft.
How come your heart is so stony?
If you’re not ready to open up your heart,
we can start by being friends.
I won’t open up my heart for anyone.
I will open my heart for Muang Nan only.
You don’t like him that much.
Don’t act like you know so well.
You’re not me.
But I do know.
It’s just a matter of time.
You will surely fall for me,
soft-cheeked boy.
If you want to own those flowers,
that means you’re just obsessed with them.
But if you want to take care and let them grow,
that means you truly love them.
I want to take care of you, Pi.
You didn’t wash it all off.
No one has ever done that for me, except my mom.
Dental Student Pattawee Panichapun
I’ll just try searching by his name.
I’m an unlucky guy. I can’t get anything done in this life.
I just can’t…
I can be your vaccine, Pi.
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