Flames (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Meri Soni Meri Tamanna

Boyle's Law states that
pressure is inversely proportional to volume.
Which means the higher the volume,
the lower the pressure.
But kids, in life,
the two are proportional to each other.
The higher the volume of problems,
the higher the pressure.
Here I am, closing up the tuition center,
and here you are, sitting alone like a noble gas.
Mr. Pandey doesn't seem to be around.
He scored more than you once, so you stopped being his friend?
Is this the effect of my chiding?
Is it, Rajat?
No, Sir, actually
I was going through some important IUPAC examples.
But your book is open at the P-Block chapter.
Sir, actually, I was revising the previous one too.
What's the matter, son?
It's nothing, Sir.
My boy
Come on, now.
I can't make sense of anything, Sir.
See that? That's pressure.
Kids, this is the last chapter of this term.
So listen with open ears and open hearts.
Take out your notebooks,
put down today's date,
and write - Chapter 5
'O meri soni, meri tamanna'
Calm down.
Everything is ruined, Sir.
Everything's fine, son. I'm here for you.
Everything's ruined, Sir.
I'm here for you, my boy.
Calm down.
Calm down, my boy.
Sir, I can't go home.
I can't show my mother this test.
Sir, I had studied for the test,
I don't know what happened.
Ishita, Anusha, Pandu - that's all I could think of during the test.
Your mother hasn't been called.
She hasn't.
I was about to, but now I won't.
There, one problem's solved.
Now, tell me.
Did you fight with Mr. Pandey?
Or Anusha? Or Ishika?
Ishita, Sir.
Ah, with Ishita.
By the way, who's this Ishita?
Friendshe's a friend.
My boy, I was once your age too,
I had friends too.
My better half
we had a love marriage.
Last year.
It's true love.
That's why, son,
you should think of me your friend.
And tell me, what's the problem between you and your friend?
Tell me.
Sir, actually,
Ishita is from the Maths class.
She's in Walia Sir's class.
Speak freely, mate.
We're friends, yeah?
Don't be tense. Just tell me.
You're listening to Radio City 91.1 FM.
And I'm your love guru,
who's here, once again,
to solve the problems ailing your heart.
Like every night
So, my man,
are we celebrating you getting a 9.5?
That's it. Come on.
Finally, Pappu has passed.
Mr. Hari?
Set out two plates of chicken, please.
You come here.
Listen, you moron.
It's Vishank.
Alright, Vishank,
when I told you about Rajjo's kiss,
I was lying.
You fucker, I knew it!
She's out of that imbecile's league.
That was my mistake. I'm sorry.
But who told the whole tuition center?
So who made the bigger mistake?
Now you're going to tell everyone at the tuition
that it was a lie.
And all of this was your stupidity.
And listen, son,
you'll also have to apologize to to Ishita.
You little Pikachu,
do you see 'idiot' written on my head?
I'm supposed to spoil my image at Sunshine?
You mean you won't apologize?
Do whatever you can.
Hello, mister?
We asked for a plate of chicken momos. Where is it?
Nearly ready, sorry.
Sir, then Pandu and I had a fight too,
and Ishita is also not talking to me.
There's just Anusha now.
You bunked class?
Yes, Sir.
Get up.
Get out.
Get out, go get your mother. Go!
I'm sorry, Sir. It won't happen next time, I promise.
I'm just kidding, mate.
I told you we're friends, didn't I?
You've become too gloomy. Cheer up!
I'll try, Sir.
Don't just try, do it.
Lots of pressure doesn't lighten your heart,
just your stomach.
Tell me,
didn't you take a gift to Ishita?
What happened? Didn't she like it?
Sir, she just got up and left.
Sir, the problem is
she thinks I'm lying, Sir.
She refuses to believe what I say.
But Sir, I'm genuinely telling the truth.
Swear on my mother, I'm telling the truth.
I haven't done anything.
Swearing and all is fine, son.
Tell me something.
Imagine this.
You go home,
only to find out that your mother knows everything.
About your momos, your bunking,
even about you getting a five on the test in class.
I'm just asking you to imagine, mate.
What would you go through?
Sir, it'll be a huge problem.
I'll be in big trouble, Sir.
And who will you think told your mother?
You, Sir.
What will you imagine about me then?
That you turned out to be a cunning bastard, Sir.
No need to speak this freely.
Sorry, Sir.
When you were talking to me earlier,
telling me your life's story,
did you think then that I'm a cunning
that I'm cunning?
No, Sir.
And the next day, if I told you,
that I haven't told anyone anything,
that this is not my fault,
would you believe me?
No, Sir.
Why not?
Because Sir, my faith in you would be
Exactly, my boy!
Son, when something bad happens,
our minds are taken over by the blame game.
Why did it happen?
How did it happen?
Who did it?
It's not Ishita's fault that she's not listening to you.
Nor yours that you're not listening to Mr. Pandey.
Both you kids are just troubled.
But Sir, what should I do now?
The first thing to do is to stop blaming,
and the second,
with a clear mind and an open heart,
tell Ishita your side of the story.
In my time, we'd explain everything in handwritten letters.
You kids these days,
don't even want to take notes, who the hell will write a letter?
What I mean to say is that you
I mean,
I mean, make her understand.
But make sure you give her the time to understand.
Don't expect her to
trust you again in a jiffy, like magic!
That's not how it works.
Expecto Patronum.
I always thought that
the bond between you and Mr. Pandey is like carbon and carbon.
Supremely strong, like a diamond.
A little bit of strain and you fall apart?
Is it a hydrogen bond on the inside?
No, Sir, it's nothing like that.
So listen to Mr. Pandey.
What he did was wrong,
but he had your best interests at heart.
Now get up,
it's quite late, yeah?
I have a bond waiting at home too.
My wife, man.
You want to get me killed, mate?
Let's go.
And leave this with me.
Next time you have to get a twenty on twenty.
For sure, Sir. 200%.
Let's go.
Thank you, Sir.
No need to thank me, man,
but we have to go for momos, yeah?
You have to pay.
Okay, fine, I'll pay.
Let's go.
Uh, Sir, Rajjo?
Sit, sit. Something's about to happen.
What, Sir?
He's a dickhead of the highest order, man.
You ignoramus, have you gone mad?
We've been calling forever. We were so worried!
Pandu, mate.
Rajjo, my bro.
I've to say something.
Me too.
First, you listen.
I'll go first.
It's my fault, I've to go first.
No bro, it's my fault too.
You idiots!
Enough! Now apologize to each other.
Sorry, Rajjo, it's
Pandu, sorry bro, it's
Man, you two are my Carbon, you guys.
I'm doing Commerce.
I'm doing Science and I still didn't understand, man.
Uh, hi.
Sorry to disturb you again.
I realized something today.
Trust is a really tricky thing.
You never know when it's built, or when it shatters.
But one must establish it.
I know you've been hurt.
Everyone has been gossiping.
You're scared your father might hear of it.
I get it, mate.
I get why you blame me, too. You're right, Ishita.
But just listen
If it was in my hands,
I swear to God, I'd never have broken your trust.
the day we bunked class,
that was my best day ever.
I've never felt that great before.
thank you.
That's all I wanted to say.
And yeah, I know it's Prisoner of Azkaban,
not Afghanistan.
I was just making a joke
to make you laugh, so we wouldn't get bored.
okay, then.
That's all. I'm done. Bye. Bye!
Oi, hello! Hi!
He throws a new tantrum everyday, man.
He made us get late again.
Now that you're friends with Kaushal Sir,
you should really stop being scared.
Let's sit here for a while, bro.
Don't fuck around. Let's go.
Just sit, man, let's have a chat. What's up?
What's going on?
Are we waiting for someone?
No man, it's just
Guys, what I told you about Rajat and Ishita,
nothing like that happened, it was all a lie.
I'm really sorry, but please don't tell anyone about this.
What's going on over there?
Are you sure you won't apologize?
Not a chance, bozo.
You've picked a great time to say no.
You have really good luck.
My man Jaanu just got here.
How are you, bud?
I'm good, buddy.
Is he the twerp?
Yeah. Vishank.
Dude, do me a favor.
Call up the person whose clout is giving you this courage.
Listen up, dude, I know Sameer Saini, okay?
Oh, so you're going to call Sameer?
Go ahead, ring him. And put the phone on speaker mode.
Speaker mode.
Just you wait.
Sameer, my man?
Go on.
I'm at DDA Market.
Shit's going down.
Put him on. I'll get him beaten up.
It's me, son.
Who is it?
Your Daddy.
Jaanu, my man?
How are you, bro? It's been so long!
Don't waste my time. Just tell me,
how many times did I hit you with my slipper that day at Ujala Tikki?
Why are you reopening old wounds, bro?
Let it go. Come to Snooker Point sometime.
Just tell me what I asked.
How many times?
About ten or eleven.
I often forget to count, dude.
Because when I hit,
I don't count.
Here, speak to your minion.
Hello, bro?
You moron, if you ever ring this number again,
I'll beat you up in your own home.
Buzz off.
Listen, son, anywhere between Bhera Enclave and Vikas Puri,
ask anyone, they'll know of Jaanu Shokeen.
Got it?
And this guy is my bud, my buddy.
You'd better do what he says.
Alright, bro.
Sorry, bro.
II'll tell everyone tomorrow.
Spreading rumors about girls.
Mr. Jaanu respects women.
If I hear any more complaints about you,
I'll kick the stuffing out of you.
Yes, Sir.
Off you go!
Oi, wait up!
Better pay Mr. Hari before you leave.
Mr. Pandu, didn't you and Mr. Rajjo owe me Rs.190?
Better pay him that too.
Alright bud, I'll take your leave.
Don't eat so much. You've grown fat.
Sit down, bro. Why are you so worried?
Chick's cute.
You worthless twit!
Your mate is Carbon.
I've sorted everything out.
Hey, credit thief!
I made him see that it was his fault.
He was caught up in his ego.
Sis, actually
I'm the one who
Pandu told me about you and Rajat,
I'm really sorry.
I'm not going to talk about you at all.
It's all my fault.
I'm really quite sorry.
I listened to your voice note yesterday.
I wanted to say it at the time, but
Afghanistan and Azkaban are fine.
But maglu and Muggles is still pending.
So, yeah, it's Muggles.
I don't get it.
I'm sorry.
Pandu, didn't you want to say something to Ishita?
I'm sorry, dude, actually, that rumor about the
between you two,
I started it.
Vishank just told me.
Sorry, dude. He was actually asking for your number.
He was into you.
That's why I had to say it.
One shouldn't say such things about a girl.
So, I apologize.
It's okay.
But what do you mean, you had to say it?
Why did you have to?
I mean,
some rando asks for the number of the girl my mate likes.
Oh, shit!
Pandu, didn't you want my notes?
Come, I'll give them to you.
But you're a Commerce student, and I'm doing Science.
You coming or not?
You know Pandu
Anusha was saying you got me a gift.
What was it?
Yeah, I got one.
I mean, I have one.
Hold on.
Expecto Patronum!
Expecto Patronum.
Well, Rajjo,
you think if they'll teach something important today?
I mean, could we give it a miss?
I don't know.
Why do you want to skip it, though?
Can we go now?
What about Kaushal?
To hell with Kaushal!
Kids, life is not quite like Chemistry.
In life, some unbalanced equations balance themselves.
Irreversible reactions suddenly turn reversible.
And a lower volume of problems can lower the pressure.
All you need is an open system,
a catalyst,
and a strong bond.
Well, kids, this was the last chapter in the first term of this story.
See you after the vacation!
Keep practising.
There'll be a test.
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