Flash Gordon s01e05 Episode Script


you sure your mom won't suspect? why would she? i look no different than you.
i'm not worried about you looking different.
i'm worried about you acting different.
water? i have studied your behavior.
i know your ways.
this will not be a problem.
it's just for the weekend.
it'll be fine.
you know what, maybe she should stay with me.
what? flash gordon is a fool.
does he really think father will let him to get away with these things? this flash has really made an impression on you.
the only thing flash gordon has impressed me with is his audacity and his disrespect.
still,earth is intriguing.
perhaps it's time for another visit? father would have me flogged.
that will be all.
still,i would have the means to go if i chose to.
this device.
i kept it from my first journey.
does your father know you have that? no.
i told him the bounty hunter has it.
still,i would have to get that hideous creature,rankol, to open a rift for me.
i've seen the way he looks at you.
i don't think that would be a problem.
are you suggesting that's vile.
he's a deviate.
he has a flipper foot under that robe.
and how would you know what's under rankol's robe? was that meant as a joke? i'm sorry.
i may confide in you,nomi, but don't make the mistake of believing we are friends.
it diminishes us both.
vultan! i have news i think will interest you.
one of our brothers in nascent city tells us that ming has a new machine.
ming has a new machine every half moon.
yes,but they say it opens holes in the sky.
holes in the sky? yes.
it is said to be a new doorway into a new world called "earth.
" we must find this machine and go to this place.
to do so, we will need this.
you've done well,garus.
this is an unpleasant surprise.
it can get a lot worse.
what do you want? to go to earth.
i don't know what you're talking about.
don't lie to me, deviate.
open the hole in the sky.
if i do, you will be trapped there.
you will have no means of return.
we have our way to return right here.
how did you get that? now open it or die.
strange place, this earth.
not so strange.
???? ¡ ·éïà¸ç ù¡·µúò»¼¾µú7¼¯ ·­ò룺 ð£ ô£º ê±¼äö᣺êø»¤ììê¹ okay are there any weapons in there? i don't know.
i specifically said no weapons.
do you see? her attempts to control me are beginning already.
it's just a little ray gun.
it's not a big deal.
it's like a security blanket for her.
why can i not just remain here? it's just for a few days, and dale's place is really nice.
the truth is, i don't think my mom's ready to meet you yet,okay? he's right,baylin.
it is a lot to spring on her all at once.
you're home! i didn't even hear you.
mom! you're home early.
there was a surge warning so we docked in miami.
i thought i'd fly up early and surprise you.
but it looks like i'm the one who's surprised.
who's your friend? mom,this is baylin.
and,of course,you know dale.
i am an exchange student.
i am from europe.
i study at the university where i am receiving my master educational papers.
that's fascinating.
so,um you guys should be going.
yes,we've got to run.
let's go,baylin.
why don't you come for dinner tonight? and you,too,dale.
i'm sure you could all use a home-cooked meal.
actually, baylin is very busy with her anthropology.
and you've got the the story-- you're coming for dinner.
and you,too,dale.
i will not take no for an answer.
i'll see you guys later then.
we'll see you later.
let's go.
tee-j! what's in that bag? that better not be what i think it is.
tee-j,you get back here right now! tee-j! so,this baylin she's very pretty.
very exotic looking.
are you two close? uh,we've just really started hanging out.
i'm just getting to know her,really.
she seems very foreign.
what part of europe did you say she's from? small country.
luxem luxemmonastan,i think.
i've got to take this.
flash-- zarkov a rift just opened on the north side.
a rift? that's fantastic.
anything to get me out of here.
i've got to go.
i've got a friend with a emergency i've got to go take care of,okay? bye.
all right,would you please pick up a bottle of wine while you're out for dinner tonight? no problem.
luxemmonastan? okay.
the transit key.
it's stolen! what do you mean? ???? i was looking for it just now and it was gone.
my father will kill me if he finds out i've lost it.
first,he would have to find out that you actually took it.
don't get clever with me.
i must find it.
lovely,flipper foot wants a word.
could my day get any worse? two dactyls forced me to open a rift to earth.
that's horrible.
you should tell father so he can punished them as soon as they return.
normally,i would agree with you, but,you see,this is a sensitive matter.
they were in possession of a transit key-- a key that i thought was still on earth.
really? how is that possible? i think you and i know the answer to that.
i have no idea what you're talking about.
you are an excellent liar.
i'm not lying.
so why so nervous? you see,there's a slight flushing to your cheeks that betrays you.
i'll admit it.
i had the key.
but i meant no harm by it.
i didn't even think it was important.
oh,it was.
and is.
if your father were to find out, i'd hate to think what me might do.
he mustn't find out.
i can arrange it that he doesn't, but i would need to get that key back.
i'll send patriots to get it.
the last time our troops were on their sacred lands, they quartered 15 denzins in retaliation.
these dactyls are savages.
so what do you suggest i do? well,you could start by being a little more agreeable to those who might help you.
rankol,i need your help.
return the key, and this will remain our secret.
how should i get it back? you're a very intelligent girl.
i'm sure that you'll find a way.
and who's the nervous one now? it seems we both have things that would be best if father did not know.
your mother believes we are mating.
she does not! she looked at me with both disappointment and hope.
this means she believes we may bond.
i'm going to clear that up.
uh,that's bird crap.
they must have summoned the birds.
there,see their tracks.
i don't see any tracks.
they could not be more obvious.
so,what are we looking for? dactyls.
two of them.
dactyls? they are a tribe of vicious predators who follow the ways of the hawk.
hawk men? what, are you goofin' me? i do not goof.
so why would ming send hawk men to earth? they are fierce warriors.
ming often uses them as mercenaries.
if they have come, they have come to kill.
you're really feeling it today,tee-j.
what's up with you and the damn birds? it's not a bird.
it's a hawk.
check it out.
???? hawk men! dactyls,actually.
apparently,they're a tribe of bird-obsessed predators.
you've got to be kidding me.
that's what i said, but according to baylin, they got it all-- beaks,feathers, the whole deal.
i did not say they had beaks.
okay,apparently, they don't have beaks.
whatever,we still have a group of killer hawk men in kendal.
well,on the plus side, at least they won't be hard to spot.
flash? hello? this way.
you'll never guess what she just did.
shut up! be quiet.
what? it's just as birthmark.
rayel it's him.
bird men? i know this sounds wack, but they took tee-j, jumped off that ledge and flew away.
bird men took your friend? for real.
you're yankin' my chain,right? i'm not.
get out of there.
that's my personal property.
tagger? what's that got to do with it? i don't know.
you tell me.
what were you smokin' while you were defacing private property? i knew this was a bad idea.
what what makes you think i'm gonna make this up? kid,you just told me that your friend was kidnapped by flying bird men.
man,he was.
did they flap their arms or did they have little propellers on their heads? i'm out of here.
hey,you're not gonna believe this.
this kid just told me that his friend was kidnapped by flying bird men.
you've got to be kidding me? yeah.
hey,can i call you back? so these bird men what did they look like? they were here not long ago, and they had someone with them.
they had someone with them? yes.
they took someone.
they took someone? why do you do that? do what? repeat what i have just told you as a question? i clearly told you, they took someone.
they took someone.
why did they take someone? hello? i just spoke to joe.
a kid told him that a friend of his was just kidnapped by bird men.
they took a kid? they took a kid.
why would they take a kid? because they wanted him.
it looks like they are heading back towards the rift.
we've got to move.
where are you? i'm coming to meet you.
i didn't tell anyone i had it.
the only one who even knew about it was you.
i didn't take it.
of course,you didn't.
you know i would have you killed if you did.
even you're not that foolish.
but who else could have known? he's a dactyl! what? what's that mean? what are you seeing? flash? did they do this? flash! flash! over here! what? what did that mean? hey,what did that mean? please,let me go.
it's here.
open it.
hey,what is that? let him go! help me! ???? okay,where'd they go? i don't know.
i mean,they weren't that far ahead of us.
: they must have taken to the air.
: wait,you mean these guys really can fly? they're hawk men from mongo.
why should that surprise you? they do not fly.
they use their capes and glide on the wind.
fly,glide,whatever-- we've got to find them before they turn that kid into bird feed.
the dactyls' land is this way.
you might want to let me know we're leaving.
you sure about this? i'm not lying.
yeah,you keep saying that, but somehow, i don't think the captain's going to believe it.
okay,i'll ask some questions, but if you're jerkin' me around, you're gonna wish you'd been kidnapped by bird men.
do you have any idea how difficult it is to find a deviate henja beast on such short notice? ooh he's hungry, which is a good thing, because when you're the entree, the last thing you want is a picky eater.
a little lung,a little heart, some, it could take forever to die.
why are you doing this? don't ask stupid questions.
obviously, because you stole my transit key and i need it back.
i can get it back for you.
just tell me where it is.
i can't.
you just ryde a ng henja beast very happy.
vultan,our chief, has it.
he needed it to go to earth.
and why would vultan need to go to earth? i can't tell you.
too bad.
m snyum yu all right, i'll tell you everything.
this place is sacred to the dactyls.
if they find us here, they will-- let me guess.
kill us.
don't worry.
we'll get in there, we'll grab the boy and we'll get out.
who would want to live here anyway? they do not live here.
they are nomadic.
they live where they hunt.
but they will probably return to perform tribal rites.
well,somebody's here, so something's going on.
they have probably gathered here for an ascension.
what's that? it is the initiation into the tribe.
the ceremony where young warriors are tested.
like a bird-mitzvah? what exactly happens in this ceremony? they do as birds do.
please don't tell me they push them from the nest.
those shrines are for those who did not ascend.
the fallen.
we've got to get this kid.
why are you doing this to me? we must prepare you.
prepare me for what? your destiny.
this is wack.
who are you people? you know who we are,rayel.
my name's tee-j.
listen to me,boy.
do not deny what you are.
look inside and you will see the truth.
i'll be whatever you want.
please,just let me go home.
you are home.
in this sacred place, where our ancestors soared we join together for the flight of a new warrior are you crazy? what are you doing? i am showing you your destiny.
today,you become one of us.
today,you will soar.
if you trust the ancients, they will carry you.
screw that.
do not be a coward.
you will fly today.
you will fly or you will fall.
we jump together.
sorry to bust up your little party,boys.
but you got the wrong kid.
so we're just gonna take him and get out of here.
do not deny what you are,boy.
i'm so outta here.
you have taken something that is important to me, so now i have taken something that is important to you.
return my transit key to me by third moon, or you will never see your son again.
wait a minute, that kid is your son? i have searched for my son half of my life and because of you, i have lost him again! oops.
flash baylin? if you've got any ideas, now would be a good time.
???? he's not very impressive.
i can't believe vultan went all the way to earth to find you.
you're supposed to be a proud warrior and you can't even stand up straight.
can someone please tell me what's going on? your father stole something that belonged to me, so i'm keeping you until i get it back.
my father? vultan.
the one with the feathers.
he's dim,too.
that guy's not my father.
and you can't give me back to him, he was just trying to throw me off a cliff.
don't even talk to me about father issues.
honestly,you have no idea.
now,sit down and don't touch anything.
and when i get what i want from your father, maybe i'll let you go.
i knew it was a bad idea to come back here again.
no offense, but i really hate this planet.
vultan,come on,be reasonable, we were just trying to protect him.
my son does not need you to protect him.
of course not.
i wasn't saying that he does.
i'm just curious,though why is it you think he's your son? i saw a hole open in the sky.
i thought it was a sign from the ancients, and i took my son to this place, but when he reached out, he was swallowed by this hole.
i know exactly what you're talking about,vultan.
trust me,he does.
how? because i lost my father the same way you lost your son.
so you see, vultan, i know what it's like to search for someone, the pain of not knowing whether they're alive or dead.
my father is here somewhere, and i,like you, would do anything to find him.
the man-from-beyond-the-stars.
you've heard of him? many years ago, there were rumors of another such as you.
it was said that he was taken in by the verden.
is he still there? i don't know.
it was a long time ago.
if we help you get your son back, will you let us go? i don't need your help.
vultan,you do.
you see,i know aura, she's not to be trusted.
you could be walking into a trap.
if you take me with you, i guarantee you she'll do as promised and give you your son back.
why? what power do you have over her? yeah,what power do you have over her? you just have to trust me.
you will come with me.
but you cannot walk into nascent city wearing such a strange costume.
hey,wait, what about us? you two, will stay here.
if he does not return with vultan's son, you will die.
: so you dactyls dress like this all the time? come.
: not a word.
: we must travel quickly.
let the wind carry you.
hey,you know what, on second thought, i'm pretty quick on my feet, so i'm just gonna run.
i'll meet you there,okay? yeah.
do not disappoint me, flash gordon.
trust me.
things will be fine.
just let me do the talking.
finally,can you get me out of here? we're working on it,buddy.
flash gordon? as a dactyl.
this is an unexpected surprise.
i have what you want,aura.
and what would that be? oh,that.
let him go first.
thank you.
now i believe you owe me something.
if i give this to you, you're going to let us all go? yes.
you have my word.
and do i have your word that you will speak of this to no one? yes,aura.
my word is my bond.
now that everybody has what they want here.
arrest them.
give me the transit key.
your father won't find out about any of this.
i assure you, when i'm finished with them, they won't remember a thing.
i knew i never should have trusted you.
i guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
come on.
this way! which way? guys,i think we might have a problem here.
don't you realize,boy? you're a dactyl.
you can fly! give me your claw thing.
i can't! trust in your ancestors.
their spirits will carry you.
can he really fly? of course! he's a dactyl! all right,all right.
he believes in you.
i believe in you.
now it's time for you to believe in you,okay? that's the most cornballest thing i've ever heard.
all right,then, here's the deal-- either you jump, or that floating freak is going to suck your brains out.
it's up to you.
well,since your put it that way hey! what about you? no,no,i'm good.
i can take care of aura.
you guys,go.
no matter what, keep your hands rigid.
i don't think i'm strong enough.
listen to me.
i am vultan of the dactyls and you are my son! and i tell you now you can do this.
you have strength that others can only dream of! okay.
we jump together.
now! leave us.
he is really is a dactyl.
you promised you'd let them go and you didn't.
i cannot control what rankol does.
you're ming's daughter.
you can do whatever you want, and don't pretend otherwise.
you don't understand.
actually, i think i do.
i thought you were different.
i guess i was wrong.
: glad to see you made it back in one piece.
: you didn't think i'd just leave you,did you? hey,i did it! i flew! i'm a dactyl! i'm proud of you.
rayel? rayel my son you have opened your soul to the spirit of our ancestors and you have earned the right to be called a dactyl.
well,at least somebody found their father on mongo.
you'll have your chance.
now i know where to start.
all my life, i've felt like a freak, like i never fit in.
for the first time, i know who i am.
you are always welcome among us.
the thing is now that i know who i am and where i came from i think i need to go back.
rayel you have earned the right to choose your destiny, but you will always be my son.
and no matter where the winds take you, from this day forth, you will soar.
i'm ready to go home.
let's get you home.
hey,and if we hurry, we might just be in time for dinner.
i will see you again,son.
yes? joe wylee, kendal police.
i wanted to talk to you about tee-j.
has something happened? i'm not sure i don't want to alarm you, but a friend of his told you that he saw this man take your son away,and take him? take him and what? and fly away.
is this some kind of a joke? no.
no,it's not.
oh,tee-j! you mind telling me where you were? who's he? he's the police.
i was just riding around.
i'm never gonna take off again.
it won't happen again.
i don't suppose you happened to see any bird men? bird men? there's no such thing as a bird man.
come on,honey.
god i hate birds.
here we go.
okay,this is this is nice,isn't it? it sure is.
so,baylin where did you say you were from? i did not say.
i suppose you didn't.
you know what, she's from-- do not worry.
i am not mating with your son.
we are just good friends.
well,now that we've got that cleared up anyone for some wine? i sure could use a glass of wine.
uh,i forgot.
steven, is your life really so busy? who is steven? » ó­¼óèë
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