Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Hi, Dad! Hi, Mom!
I bought a magnifying glass.
Not because I can't see.
Because Charlie loaned me
these awesome Sherlock Holmes books.
I've become a great detective.
I see this banana peel and dare to say
without fear of being wrong,
a monkey has been through here.
I've decided. I'll be a detective!
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
TOKYO 2020
Noa, did you see the test announcement?
You can win a trip to Tokyo!
Wow. I'd spend all day on a bullet train,
calculating its coefficient of friction.
Hey. Maybe I should stop lending you
the detective books.
Have you seen the test announcement?
Minerva! Get off that skateboard now!
This isn't a skate park.
The world is my skate park, Matías.
Great motto, to be honest.
Get down! You'll hurt yourself
or someone else!
-Relax, it's under control.
-No, no--
-I'm sorry.
-You're really going to be sorry.
You'll see why they call me
Matías "Vigilante" Smith!
Your last name's Smith?
Well, it's a long story. A long--
If I grab you, I'll show you! Come here!
Matías is furious, isn't he?
He's getting a tummy like a buoy.
He should eat more fruit.
Grand Prize Tokyo
Congratulations, Raquel San.
Great, let's give Raquel a hand.
Come on, kids. Time for practice.
Hey, has anyone seen Minerva?
We haven't seen her since yesterday.
Strange that she didn't show up
for the test.
I think she could have won.
That's her choice.
Julius is right.
Don't you think it's weird
that Minerva didn't show up?
It's so weird.
Something smells fishy. Right?
I'm just a little nervous.
Please, Noa,
don't start with your detective stories.
I'm not starting.
But who would benefit
from Minerva not showing up?
Hey, she's Raquel, she's not Maleficent!
I'm sure.
Raquel got rid of Minerva to win,
and I'm going to prove it.
And how will you do that?
Where were you between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.?
-And Minerva, where was Minerva?
-How should I know?
-What have you done to her?
You got rid of her to win the test,
didn't you?
When have I ever hid the fact
that I cheat to win?
I would admit it with pride.
Well, maybe it wasn't Raquel,
but something happened to Minerva.
Sebas, it's your best friend.
No. Your other best friend.
No, Matías, the janitor.
Hey, I need your help with something
that's gotten out of hand.
I have to get rid of--
I must get rid of something
without getting caught.
Yeah, come. I'll wait here. Yeah.
Yesterday, Matías was mad at Minerva.
And now that call.
Maybe you weren't so wrong.
But what could Matías have done
to Minerva?
Suppose you're right,
shouldn't we tell Julius?
Every detective needs proof, dear Charlie.
And ours is Minerva's skateboard.
Let's go.
Look at this!
You were actually right!
Matías got rid of Minerva.
Let's get out of here, before we're next!
Calm down.
We have time.
Right now Matías is probably sleeping
in the guardhouse.
-We have more than enough time.
Yeah? Are you going to be long?
I'm going to get caught.
How will I explain what happened?
Geez. It's so dusty under here.
At least we don't have allergies.
I sure do. A lot.
The other day it was your little friend,
and today, it's your turn.
I'll kill all of you!
Darn insects, all of you!
How will we know if Minerva's inside?
Minerva, are you in there?
Did you hear that? He probably gagged her.
Initiate Operation Rescue!
This will be easy-peasy.
You've been trying to open the door
with a lock pick for 30 minutes.
Why not just grab the key?
All detectives open doors with lock picks.
Besides, we don't want Matías
to find out about this.
I won't find out about what?
Please don't strangle me. I have asthma.
You're running like someone's chasing you!
-Hurry, to the girls' restroom!
-Matías would never go in there.
Don't look at me like that.
Matías disappointed me, too.
Let's go.
Wait a second. What's going on here?
Nothing serious, Julius.
The typical case of someone
who's kidnapped someone else.
In a few minutes, I can explain
how my esteemed colleague, Charlie,
and I have solved the case.
It all began on a foggy morning.
-Yesterday wasn't a foggy day.
-It's my story. Okay?
Minerva crashed into Matías,
and Matías told her he'd show her.
Minerva didn't show up for the test,
and we suspected it was because of Raquel,
but all the clues pointed to Matías.
Besides, you left the tray in the room
and we could prove
that you were hiding Minerva there.
Kids, that would have made a great movie.
Too bad none of it was real,
because Minerva was not in there.
No? So, where is she, huh?
Awesome. She's here.
Now I understand everything.
There are two Minervas!
What do you mean? No, I hit my head
on a fire extinguisher while skating.
I should have listened to Matías's advice.
And thanks for watching my skateboard.
So, who did you bring the food
to the room for?
I smell something fishy.
I want you to meet Stan.
He was a stray, and I was caring for him.
I asked animal services to come get him.
you know we can't have animals here.
But I get it. How could you leave him?
Poor thing! Look at this cutie!
-Oh, just look at his face!
-What a silly mess, huh?
I'm sorry, Matías.
I got carried away with detective stories.
Just one question, Vigilante Smith.
You told Minerva that you would show her,
as vengeance.
Well, on her skateboard, I painted
a pink unicorn
with a rainbow coming out of its mouth.
I know she hates them.
Here, Minerva.
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