Follow Kar Lo Yaar (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Let's get it
Let's get it
I am the queen
All eyes on me
Yes, come out quickly.
Don't ask why.
Just come out quickly.
I'll tell you.
Uorfi called me this morning
and told me to come outside.
And that princess is
waiting there on a scooter,
just like in the old days
when we used to attend school,
go to tuitions,
park the scooter, and skip classes.
You are going to mess us up!
Be careful!
Could you not do that?
Look at her, guys!
She is making me so nervous.
Don't do that.
Stop doing that!
Riding a scooter in such high heels.
We've been doing this since tenth grade.
No, don't do that.
Don't use just one hand.
I'll end up with a broken arm.
Why can't you be a little patient?
If we fall, you'll get hurt, too.
Oh, God! Stop it, bitch!
It was a little bit nostalgic,
but that nostalgia was lost momentarily
because of Uorfi's precarious riding.
As you can see, I've lost the plot.
I've turned pale.
Obviously, I was sad
and gloomy about what happened.
All our crying and fighting.
But this ride made me happy.
I think I did pretty good today,
considering I rode a scooter
after such a long time.
You were overreacting.
-I think
-What overreacting?
Who would have come
to our rescue if we had fallen?
What rescue?
We would have stood up ourselves.
How will a person learn
without falling? Fear
I don't think my family
members can understand
that my intention is to
make them financially independent.
Not just independent,
but to thrive financially.
That is what I want.
I want to know what's on her mind.
Why does she think
they should or shouldn't move?
I agree with you, and you're right.
Change is necessary.
It's important for her. She is single.
-Things are that way.
But we cannot do it so abruptly.
She needs to be given some space.
We need to ask without
putting any pressure on her.
Like, "It's okay if Dolly is moving out,
but what are your plans?"
"Do you want to make frequent
trips in the beginning,
or do you want to shift permanently?"
And I feel the four of us
shouldn't single out Sameer
-and his wishes.
-Sameer is an introvert.
I think he needs to learn to go out
and experience the world.
-He is no longer an introvert.
-Mumbai will be good for him
-He does go out.
-No, I think he needs to see the world.
Sameer making sacrifices
for Dolly's career isn't right.
Dolly making sacrifices
for Sameer's career is also not right.
We can come up with a solution.
But for now, let's tell
everyone to come over for Eid.
We'll celebrate Eid together.
So, let's increase the frequency first.
I'll tell them to fly down
in a few days for now.
All good?
You arrived at the right time.
I made some amazing chicken.
-Pallavi, get some plates and salad.
Look at what happened at home.
What happened?
Good God, what happened?
At half past one at night
in our Lucknow home,
the dustbin suddenly caught fire.
All of a sudden.
That was a close call.
All of this is adding up
to the thing I was saying,
that Mom and the others
should move here.
And if Mom moves here, we can all
be with her. Wouldn't that be better?
I will get a spacious 3BHK for them.
Even a car. Whatever they want.
A driver. House help.
Finalize the house.
It'll be done in two weeks.
My family can't stay with me because
I've been living alone for a long time.
I need some alone time to function.
I feel even when I get married, my husband
and I will live in separate homes.
I can't share. I can't.
And how is work?
Isn't it your job to tell me that?
It's doing really great, by God's grace.
I don't feel that way.
I feel you have to
be a little more involved.
Sahel is a rather intelligent boy.
But I think what is lacking is hard work.
He's a bit lazy, a bit carefree,
like, "I'll get it done,
this will happen, we'll see."
I think he has a
slight attitude problem.
What's going on with Asfi?
It's been difficult to
meet often these days.
She is messaging me saying
that I'm introducing you to girls,
which is not true.
Am I Shah Rukh Khan?
What will happen if I meet girls?
That's exactly what I want to tell her.
Why doesn't she focus on her work
instead of concentrating on you?
We don't prioritize each other these days.
We hardly talk,
and that leads to fights.
Half the time, I want to play cricket.
My point is you are Asfi's priority,
Asfi is not yours.
No, you're wrong about this.
-That's not true.
-Well, is she?
Asfi is also my priority,
-But I
-but my first priority is my work.
Get ready, we need to work hard.
I am doing it anyway.
-You should as well.
-You have to work harder
so I can work harder.
I've never said no to hard work.
Whatever shoot I've done,
I've given my 110%.
And that's why I can say this confidently.
How do you like my management?
I like it.
Liking it, aren't you?
Stop here, please.
-We are here.
-What's this? In a rickshaw?
My car broke down.
I'm not getting a
boob job now to be excited.
Finally, you are having the meeting.
The meeting was inevitable.
It's not a big deal.
Excuse me, ma'am. Come in.
Should I? Is he ready?
Should I come in?
Why will you come in?
-What do you
-Only to ensure that he's the right person
-and everything is smooth sailing.
-Why do you care whether
-everything is smooth sailing or not?
-Business point of view.
This is not your business!
-This is my business
-Your appearance is important to me.
-Stop concentrating on my boobs so much.
-I am not!
We can't take a risk with her appearance.
If anything goes wrong.
Or whatever it is.
My boobs are my boobs,
-none of your boobs.
-Yeah, it's
So, I was waiting down
to know what was going to happen.
-Hello, doctor.
-Hello. Hi.
-Very good morning. How are you?
-I am good.
-Come, please take a seat.
Alright. So, I was informed that
you are interested in getting
-a breast augmentation operation, right?
Now, it's very important for me
to know why you want to get it done.
Because I want to do it.
Nobody has asked you to do it?
-Do you think
you can achieve more professionally?
So, these are my boobs.
I want to make them bigger.
It's my decision.
End of discussion.
No one's told me whether this
will help with my profession or not.
I want to see myself
in a particular shape.
This is the way I see myself.
-And that is it.
-What I want to tell you is that
this is proper serious surgery.
We are going to be changing your body.
I am going to draw
some diagrams so that you
understand fully what is
going to happen with your body.
This is your lungs.
-Above this are the ribs. Okay?
Between the ribs is where
the intercostal muscles are situated.
And the breasts are over it.
Between these is a thing called
clavipectoral fascia.
It's an enveloping structure.
So, the implants
The silicone implants
can either be put behind the breast
and over this fascia,
or we can put them below this muscle
so that they're partially covered
by the muscle and the fascia,
and partially covered by the breast.
So that it looks more
aesthetically appealing,
and no one will be able
to tell you've had implants done.
I don't want Porn Hub boobs.
I want to fix my proportions, that's it.
Aesthetically, I even match my face
with fillers and Botox.
So, even the body. I am okay.
These are breast implants.
This is what
is actually put into your body.
To help you decide what size you need,
-we have what are called sizers. Okay?
-Oh, wow.
So, what we do is,
we ask you to wear a tight shirt,
and we ask you to put it in.
There's a mirror right here.
If you want to take a look,
-it's right there.
-Yeah. Wow.
Oh, nice!
Yeah, this is small, and this is big.
Yeah, you can put different sizes in
and figure out what works for you.
When I tried the sample,
I realized that I really
do have very small boobs.
I wanted to keep that sample.
I had no intention
of returning the samples to him.
-Yeah, this is nice.
But, Uorfi, you have to understand
one more thing.
The higher we go,
the more the weight.
That weight is going to be balanced
by your trapezius muscles, right?
Because usually, when people come to us,
they feel like this is child's play.
Sorry, it's not. It's proper surgery.
You need to understand that.
The third thing is incision.
Where are we going to make the cut?
One is around your nipple-areolar complex.
We can make an incision here,
open it up.
Go through the breast
and put it under the breasts.
So, if we do it over here,
-the scar is barely visible.
But I would not want to do it for you
-because you are an unmarried lady.
Tomorrow, you might get married
and have kids.
You'd want to breastfeed your children.
So, in case you want to do that,
it's better not to cut
the breast unnecessarily.
So, what we do is, usually we make
a small incision on the side over here.
Because it's covered by your bra strap.
So, in the future, even when you
are with your partner,
nobody really needs to know
that you got this done.
Usually, we stitch it up
very meticulously and close it up,
so that the scar is barely visible
after six months or a year.
If I don't want to go for silicone,
then what else?
If you don't want silicone,
then we can also use fat.
Usually, wherever we see fat in the body,
we make a small incision
-and extract the fat using liposuction.
-Extract it.
-So, you'll be using my fat.
-Yes, your fat.
-We cannot use anyone else's fat.
-But there is not much fat in my body.
But my sister is full of it.
She is fat.
You can use my sister's fat, right?
No, that can't be done.
We have to use yours for your body.
Breast implants also have
some side effects.
Bacteria are always present around us.
If there is an infection,
then it is a disaster.
Disaster means what?
In some cases,
we have to take the implant out.
Has anyone ever died
because of a boob job?
I've been in practice now for 23 years,
and no one's died by my hand,
that I can guarantee.
So, what timeline are you thinking?
I've made up my mind.
I want bigger boobs in two months.
-Okay, fine. We can do it.
-In short.
So, next time, whenever you are free,
let me know,
-and we'll do that.
-I will.
-Let's go, guys.
-Are we done?
-Your car is here.
Is the car is here?
Do you want to consult
-some other doctor?
-No, he was good.
He explained everything pretty well.
-Or maybe abroad in LA.
-Are you paying for it?
-You are spending so much money. But
-But I don't have the money to go to LA!
Uorfi should travel abroad, to LA.
Half of Bollywood goes there
for surgery or other things.
And Uorfi can afford it, so why not?
You know,
spending the right money at the right
places, rather than on Indian doctors.
-What's up?
-How are you?
-Hi, how are you?
-What's up?
-Oh, please.
-I love your earrings.
-Oh, thank you.
-Really beautiful.
-Aakanksha handles my PR.
Events, award functions,
and anything media-related to me
is handled by PR.
Uorfi has always had a shocking image.
But endorsements are approaching her.
She is doing movies.
She is reaching a very different audience.
And we have to captivate that audience
and elevate that. To be very honest,
I think now is the time for her
to be seen more for her work.
So, currently, we are in talks
with a couple of magazines
to see what they'd like to feature
and how they'd like to interview.
But feature I only want cover.
Below that
We are speaking to them
for the covers right now.
But the common question is,
what are you doing next?
So look, there hasn't been
any controversy for a long time.
-That's not such a bad thing.
-No, it is.
Honestly, the main reason
for calling that meeting was
that it's been such a long time,
and there hasn't been any controversy,
neither good or bad.
Uorfi Javed means controversy.
So I told Aakanksha,
let's do something controversial.
-So, I was
-Something's cooking in your mind, right?
I am getting a boob job.
So I think we can play around it.
I am also getting a few costumes done
with fake boobs on it.
We have to take your
positioning higher, right?
Wearing a dress,
sticking a boob,
I don't want to do it like that.
-Let's do a poll.
-Let's do it on your Instagram channel.
What do your followers want?
What do young girls want?
-Let's make a story on that first.
My approach has always been
controversy, skin-show.
Say random things and do random actions.
And I've almost gone to jail
because of that.
So, I think I need to have that trust in
Aakanksha so that a balance is maintained.
And what is the update on that?
The event I told you about.
They say they are directly
in talks with you.
-I am talking to them, guys.
-I am very excited, by the way,
because we haven't done
any red carpets for a long time.
-And my outfit is crazy.
-We have used 450 meters of fabric in it.
450 meters?
Fifteen workers are working on it
right now, day and night.
One cannot travel anywhere wearing it.
I think this is a groundbreaking thing.
I mean, no one's done it before.
This is going to be huge,
and I am also doing a red carpet after
so long.
-So, let's just
-Kill it.
-Very excited about it as well.
Just make this the biggest news of the
Also, we've had a few
Sorry, but this is getting
a little personal.
But we've had a few queries on
Is there anyone in your life?
Is there a conversation
we want to have around
Oh, God!
I was like, why is she up for this?
Is something on her mind?
You are actually trying to
attack me right now, Aakanksha,
because you know I don't have
anyone. I've been single for so long.
I just wanted to reconfirm,
then we'll shut those rumors
-or whatever doubts
-You can call a guy.
Get someone.
We will increase the rumors.
Get someone.
-But he should be as bold as you are.
-Not at all.
I am looking for someone simple.
-He shouldn't be as bold as me.
-Not needed.
-If he's also roaming the streets naked,
-Opposites attract.
two naked people are not a good match.
No, he should wear clothes.
-Can we do a story on this?
-We can do a story on
-who Uorfi wants to date.
-What do you think?
-A guy with clothes.
No, really!
It's a very beautiful thing to say.
She's a very proud woman to say,
"I want a homely guy."
So, why not?
Telling people about this conversation
shows another facet of her personality.
-Done. Done for today. Great.
-See you soon next week.
-Come in, please. How are you?
What's up?
Why are you dressed like this?
Where are you coming from?
-From a date.
-What the hell! Who?!
I'm kidding.
But what have you put on your face?
-It's a pimple.
-Do you know
-what getting a pimple on your nose means?
-There's too much body heat.
No, somebody is crushing on you.
Crushing, balls. I'll tell you why.
Because I took the wrong meds.
I am the bride?
Oh, God.
I'm manifesting being a bride next year.
I've decided
I'm getting married next year.
-Who are you marrying?
-I don't know, and I don't care.
I'll find one for you.
I'll pick someone from the streets
to be my groom!
We're not picking
anyone from the streets.
Remember the last time we spoke about
blind dating?
I've found someone for you,
and he's very good.
-I would
-Very good at what?
Have you tested him?
That's for you to find out,
but he's a very good guy.
For a change, you might
date a good-looking guy.
What the hell?!
What if I wear this in front of him?
Oh, my God!
-He'll get scared, right?
-There are dos and don'ts.
-I can't wear this in front of him?
-No, you cannot.
He'll get the hint
that I want to get married.
-Be serious
-You look so hot strutting
down the street, won't you look hot
for the worthy boy I found you?
Let's not meet a guy
for the first time in an
"I am the bride" t-shirt.
We're not trying to push him away.
You're very intimidating to the boys,
but when I mentioned it's Uorfi
He's said, "Uorfi?"
He was very interested,
and he's very good-looking.
You are overselling him, okay?
You said he's very good-looking.
I'm going in with high expectations.
But what if he doesn't seem
good-looking to me?
But he's intelligent.
I am not exaggerating.
-I swear.
-Who goes on a blind date these days?
I mean, you do see the face.
She didn't even tell me the name.
That bitch.
After five years,
I am going out with a guy alone.
Now I am nervous.
I wasn't getting nervous until now.
It's a good sign.
-I am glad!
-No, it's not a good sign.
You're never nervous.
Yeah, I'm never nervous.
I want you to have
this blind date experience.
-Otherwise, if I
-Yeah, I've never done that.
-It's a fun thing to do.
I really hope you like him.
If the date goes smoothly,
will he marry me the same day?
Will he take the wedding vows with me?
If he says yes,
you'll be the first one to run.
-I won't run. Let's make a wager.
I won't run.
I'll marry him on the same day.
-I am the bride!
-I am the bride!
-Okay, done.
-I am getting married
I am not in a hurry.
There is still much to do.
By the time I check things off my list
one by one, I'll find someone on the side.
And if I don't,
then I'll buy a toy boy or something.
So, I'll buy him. Let's see.
-I get in?
-Yeah, you have to step in.
We can try hands down.
Can you try crossing
your hands like this?
Like this.
-Uorfi, the paps have almost arrived.
They are expecting you
to be there sharp at one.
I'm leaving. Bye.
Guys, I have to leave.
Help me up.
-Be careful.
-Yeah, like this.
This works.
As soon as this comes off,
-you have to tie it.
-Yes, ma'am.
-We need to distribute sweets to the paps.
-Take the sweets out immediately.
Open the door.
Wow, madam. You're looking like a doll.
-Madam, slow down.
-Be careful.
-Be careful.
-You guys
You're wearing a unique dress today,
ma'am. What's the occasion?
You are looking like a baby doll.
-Oh, thank you.
-Thank you, ma'am.
Give the sweets, Pallavi.
Give the sweets to everyone.
What's up? Hi!
I love it!
-Hi, I can't bend.
She's hosting a podcast.
Before that, she's done a
fabulous spotting,
so Uorfi is equally excited.
There's going to be an
interesting conversation today.
First, take this off
and give me the pink dress.
I decided I should do a podcast.
It was not my decision. This decision
was taken jointly by the agency and us.
Everyone thinks that I speak well.
I have my own point of view.
So, we thought, okay.
This can be something where
people can see a different side of Uorfi.
-My name is Kavita Rajvade.
I am the co-founder of IVM Podcast
and also the co-producer
of Uorfi's new podcast
called Uncancellable with Uorfi Javed
Season One.
How is the podcast?
It was good. I mean, I learned a lot.
The first three episodes,
I feel, just whizzed by,
so I was not comfortable.
Comfortable, as in
I didn't know what to talk about.
-It's that out-of-syllabus feeling.
In the last three, I got a bit
-Got the hang of it.
But I think the first
seasons are always like this.
We couldn't achieve what we had
envisioned with the podcast very clearly.
And before the shoot,
Kavita wanted to do a
briefing/feedback session with Uorfi.
-I have some observations in general.
If you are someone
who is good at role-playing,
then role-paying becomes very important.
Like this is me. I am excited.
I am trying something new.
These new people are supporting me.
I think, somewhere, it got a little
disappointing because I was like,
how is this going to happen?
Can she take it on or not?
Because honestly,
every time we were walking in,
you were getting tired from the
getting ready and the paps.
All of this, when actually
you needed to do some homework.
If you want any viewer's time,
it's important to respect that viewer.
Only then
Are you done with your phone?
I was getting mad
at Kavita at that moment.
I am not doing the podcast properly.
Why didn't you tell me this in episodes
one, two, three, four, five, and six?
Why? Because you
are an attention seeker.
People get hyped up
when they see the camera.
Why should we give
you 20 minutes of our life?
No, that's not how it works.
-You don't want it,
-I am just here
-but we The place we are working
-I am just here
I need this to be like a
million, two million,
five million plus listens kind of show.
And, Uorfi, you need to work hard.
We did six episodes.
Why did you always write four questions
on a queue card before every show?
This is my first podcast.
You have done it dozens of times.
This is your professional job.
And you are blaming it on me.
Someone who is doing
it for the first time.
Why did you not push it on social media?
I did. I posted as
many reels as possible.
A girl like you, who has 4.6 million
followers on Instagram,
doesn't need marketing.
-Those 4.6 are not interested in podcasts.
-Why do you think so?
I don't have a fan base.
I don't have an army.
You guys need to realize that.
There are people who also hate me.
I feel like if you're not going to be able
-to try and pull an audience
-No, but that's what I am saying.
-I cannot force anyone. I can
It also depends on the guest.
How can I get views?
If I had a machine to get views,
I would have created a channel
on YouTube and earned in crores.
Let's take the feedback
and put it into effect to see
if there's any change
or if that sort of works.
So, let's see that once.
After that, we can reconnect
and say,
"This worked and this didn't work."
I don't think Uorfi is convinced.
I am okay.
Uorfi, I've got to have you very excited.
-If you are not excited, then
-My excitement is this only.
I am not someone who goes
-No, I am not saying shriek and yell
-This is my excitement.
and whatever, but I'm just saying
the body language
Because if you're going to sit like this,
then I am going to be like
Are you going to take feedback?
If you cannot take feedback,
I don't think you can
achieve anything in podcasting.
I understand what she's saying.
-She's saying that
-It has to be projected!
When you are there,
the excitement has to be portrayed,
-a little exaggerated.
We'll try doing one episode this way.
Come on, Uorfi!
It's also time to go see Sanya.
No, actually, I'll get the producer.
She will brief her.
I think all her stuff is ready.
Her cue cards are ready.
New day. New podcast.
New strategy. New episode.
Let's do that.
Why is she taunting me?
Why is she saying all that negative stuff?
I am extremely disappointed.
She was being extremely negative.
I am not going to do it like this.
I came in a good mood.
Why would you say something so negative
right before I'm about to go in?
I don't care if she hears, honestly.
This was rude.
-I don't care.
-I know.
Come on, they are calling me.
-Right now, you know
-How am I supposed to go in like this?
Take a deep breath and just block her out.
-And let's go right today.
-This was not required.
-I know.
-I am sorry, Shraddha.
Right before I was about to go
in for a podcast, this was not required.
-I know.
-I didn't like the way she spoke to me.
-I know.
-This was not feedback.
Let's get done with this today.
I have a problem.
When anyone tries to disrespect me.
"You can't do this."
I don't know, it makes me mad.
I get so angry, then I have
to prove it to the other person
that "Wait and watch."
"Your face will be more red
than your lipstick
after watching my podcast."
Hi, what's up?
Oh, my God. You look stunning.
You too.
If you sit upright, then it will be fine.
Should I sit like this?
-No, I want to sit like this.
-Can the mic be seen?
This is okay. This much is okay.
-No, my silicones are popping. It's okay.
I am so ashamed right now.
This area here is lacking.
-I went for a boob job consultation.
-You don't need it.
-This is also natural,
and mine are natural, too. So it's
God didn't have to make them so small.
I hardly have any. No, no, I like
Trust me, you don't.
-Uorfi, ready?
-I am ready.
Starting in three, two, one.
Hi, guys. This is Uorfi Javed, and today
we have on Uncancellable with Uorfi,
the most uncancellable guest
we've ever had.
So please, guys, give a huge
round of applause from your couch
for Sanya. What's up?
Hi. Hello, everyone.
Sanya, you've had
a career of eight years.
I never heard you had a fight.
-Nothing about a relationship either.
-Thank God.
Either you are very smart.
It's all there,
but you don't let anything leak,
or you are honestly just a timid cow.
I am not a cow, but I am into guys.
Did you check out Abhay Deol's Instagram?
-I haven't.
-He posted a thirst trap.
You can see his ass a little bit.
He's lying like this,
and the picture's like this.
And you can see his
He posted that. I loved it.
I followed Abhay Deol after that picture.
After I saw his ass.
On Instagram.
-I swear.
-You've seen it too many times.
-I can see that.
-I did.
Guys, you can show your ass and boobs.
I mean, whatever.
And we will follow. I will.
I will.
This was much better.
-No, I can see that you've had fun.
You are the real in reality.
There is not even a single aspect
of my life that I've kept hidden.
-You don't keep anything inside.
I can't keep things to myself.
-That is the right way.
-Zero filter.
-I can't keep anything inside.
Everyone's in a good mood.
-We got what we wanted.
Most of the time, when Uorfi gets angry,
she not only gets inspired
by the feeling and proves you wrong,
but she also goes
beyond your expectations.
Thank you so much, Sanya.
I am a mother of five,
and I have to think about everyone.
Uorfi cannot take a joke
but makes many jokes.
Have they ever praised me?
-Ever said thank you to me?
What the hell do you mean
that you missed it?
How could you say that you missed it?
Ruslaan, are you out of your brain?
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