Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 5]
What are you doing?
My tribe
is known for its snake legends.
So it's not wrong for people
to call me a snake demon.
So I prayed.
I prayed sincerely to God.
No matter what it takes,
I want to be with him forever.
I've cut ties with my family
and swore that I would never mention the tribe.
But I didn't expect
the price I had to pay
to be his life.
It was just an accident.
I forced God to give me
something that didn't belong to me.
My husband is being punished for that.
General loves you.
He has a strong will to survive.
He will wake up for sure.
The general is awake.
I told you.
Thank you.
No need to thank me.
Go see him.
They bribed me with these.
I didn't touch them at all.
The Zornia crisis
is rising in several
prefectures recently.
The root of the cause
is in Heman.
I once thought
you colluded with them
and helped them
import the Zornia.
I came to Heman this time
to find evidence
and arrest you.
But that day,
you almost died.
It didn't seem like a trick.
That was when I suspected
there might be more to it.
When did you find out
about my identity?
I once had the fate of
meeting a great detective,
Xi Zhaoming.
You called yourself Xi
and you came from Yazhou.
Let me ask you.
Who do you think
attacked me previously?
and Moqi.
I underestimated them.
Maybe they already had
their eyes on me when I was
surveying the city a few days ago.
But I didn't expect them
to bribe my lieutenant.
They did to me
what I did to them.
I was careless.
What do you mean?
I once sent five of my trusted
subordinates to their territories
as my eyes and ears.
But they came back to me
as five cold bodies.
No wonder when Dr. Yan
wanted to treat you
with the Zornia,
you strongly refused.
They wanted to poison and
control me with the Zornia.
If my wife hadn't saved me,
I would have been ruined.
Why didn't you take the initiative to attack?
Were you scared?
After I recovered,
I pretended
to be drunk and turned away guests.
Only this way
could I
investigate the clues
and collect evidence in peace.
If what you said is true
and the three big families call the shots here,
where were you planning
to submit your evidence?
If I hadn’t come to Heman,
how would the capital have known about this?
Nan Jifeng.
You've been a general for years.
You should be brave.
But now you allow the Zornia crisis to spread.
Do you know why
you've become like this?
you have attachments.
You're worried that
your wife will be killed.
you were once harmed by the Zornia.
Although you've recovered now,
they have something on you.
Once that is exposed,
your reputation
will be gone.
In the end,
you only care about your reputation.
I deserve
Get up.
Let me ask you.
Have you seen the master of the Moqi family in person?
and no.
What do you mean?
I once met
and Tumen alone.
But Moqi didn't come.
When they showed me
the five bodies,
Moqi was there.
But he was sitting
behind the curtain
and didn't say a thing.
That means
Moqi is the master of the three major families.
Nan Jifeng.
Even if I believe
you are not their accomplice,
when you go to His Majesty,
you won't be able to explain yourself.
I hope you can
leave Heman as soon as possible.
If you can take my wife
with you,
I will do my best to
The only way for you
to turn the tide now
is to make a strong statement.
Nan Jifeng.
You must show the people of Heman that
you are the God of War sent by His Majesty
to protect this land.
are fearless.
Those who make a profit from Zornia
will receive caning and be sentenced to physical labor
according to the law of Daqi.
If you know but don't report it,
according to the Law of Daqi,
you will be sentenced to ten days of labor
and a fine of 300 taels of silver.
Let go of me!
Bravo! Bravo!
Amazing! Amazing!
[Sun, Moon, Mountains, and Rivers]
Dr. Yan.
Mr. Xi.
These are Heman
specialty dishes.
Have a taste.
The shrimp is very good.
Try the shrimp.
I think Dr. Yan
would like the meatballs.
Who said I like meatballs?
You want it yourself.
I do.
I think you
want to eat these pork slices.
Look at you.
You usually drink so much.
Look at you now.
You should
take this chance to recuperate
and nurse your health.
Have some, Madam.
Madam, please eat.
General. Madam.
County magistrate Tumen
ordered someone to send an invitation.
The Tumen family will hold a banquet tonight.
They have invited us to the mansion.
How polite of them.
They mentioned me specifically.
Let's meet them.
We're already eating.
They should have invited you earlier.
Don't go.
I really want to introduce
two friends to Mr. Xi.
We'll be back soon.
Are you really going?
They're so welcoming.
I have no reason to refuse.
Carry this knife with you.
For self-defense.
I'm afraid this visit
is not that simple.
Sounds like you'd be in more danger.
Keep it.
I can protect myself.
With your
little tricks,
I'm afraid
you won't be able to fend off danger.
If you keep it with you,
I'll feel more at ease.
My lord,
after thinking about it,
I think it's better
to be safe than sorry.
How about
General Nan will be with me.
There's no need for now.
you must stay strictly
by Madam's side.
Keep Yan Nanxing safe too.
I'm not afraid of a confrontation.
But I'm afraid it might be a trick to lure us away.
Got it.
[Tu Mansion]
Welcome, distinguished guests.
My master has been waiting for you.
[Glory Forever]
How could a small county magistrate's private mansion
look so grand?
It looks more prestigious
than your General's Residence.
I can't compare to him.
Please come in.
Be careful.
They won't kill me easily.
As for you
Are you worried that
I'll be like your five men
and die in front of you tonight?
We don't know what
the situation is like ahead.
After this meal,
Heman's future will be brighter.
[Heman County Magistrate, Tumen]
[Heman County Lieutenant, Gongye]
-Are you scared?
-Are you scared?
Only Gongye and Tumen are here tonight.
Moqi isn't around.
He will be here.
none of them
can escape.
I must seize their leader first.
Tumen's position is above Gongye.
I must identify who Tumen is.
The man in red
follows after the man in black.
He should be Gongye.
-General Nan.
-General Nan.
-Have you been well?
-Have you been well?
I dare not be unwell.
My lords, long time no see.
How is
your health?
Good, good.
You must be the guest from Yazhou.
Mr. Xi, right?
You must be the county lieutenant,
Lord Gongye.
You are
the county magistrate, Tumen.
Mr. Xi, you have a good eye.
I'm a little older than Tumen.
Whenever we meet someone new,
most people would mistake me for the county magistrate.
I do business in Yazhou
and often come into contact with officials.
As such, I learned a trick or two
about observing and reading people.
It's nothing much.
Mr. Xi, you spoke your judgment
without hesitation.
Your thoughts and certainty
are different from ordinary people.
If I weren't brave enough,
I would not have come all the way
to do business in Heman.
Don't you agree?
She said she would
never mention the tribe again.
But isn't she always mentioning it?
Is it over?
What did you do today?
This is a toxic oath.
A toxic oath?
I've vowed to live and die with my husband.
So I set up the altar to make the oath tonight.
Mr. Xi, so you're
General Nan's distant cousin.
You're here to do tea business?
Yazhou is a place for the demoted.
Those old ex-officials
can't get used to a downgrade in lifestyle.
Good wine and tea
are essential to them.
All the flower tea businesses in the county
are under the Gongye family.
I'll let you in on the business.
Then I'll drink tea instead of wine
to thank you, Lord Gongye.
On the 13th of last month,
two people died accidentally in the city.
It seems to have implicated you.
What happened?
About that
That was my first day in Heman.
I met two people
who claimed to be tea merchants.
They said they wanted to show me some tea leaves.
In the end,
they showed me Zornia.
There was a miscommunication between us
which resulted in a misunderstanding.
those two
mysteriously died.
It made me
really helpless.
I see.
I was scared,
so I left the city to hide for a few days.
But I didn't know the way
and accidentally entered a village.
Somehow, I ended up
burning their field.
After that, I found out
that it was a Zornia field.
Don't you think
it's funny?
Is it that funny?
Dr. Yan,
what are you doing?
I'm setting up a trap.
Don't touch this powder.
It's poisonous.
Do you know what is
happening tonight?
I know.
They want to take us hostage
and use us to threaten Mr. Xi
and General Nan.
Madam, don't worry.
I won't let them succeed.
What a beautiful night
for murder.
Dr. Yan.
What’s going on outside?
Don't be afraid, Madam.
It'll be fine.
Everything will be fine.
I'll stay here.
You go in first.
Jiang Xinbai.
You must come back safely.
Why did the music stop?
Keep playing.
Why are you serving tea for General Nan?
Where's the wine?
To be honest,
an assassin attacked me a few days ago.
I almost died.
Luckily, my cousin risked his life
to save me.
The wound has recovered recently.
I can't drink these days.
That happened?
Haven't you
heard about it?
I did not know.
Did you catch the assassin?
He committed suicide to escape punishment.
Did you
offend someone?
Do you remember?
One year ago,
I sent
five trusted subordinates
into the heart of danger.
They were all brutally killed.
It was thanks to you two
that my men's bodies were recovered.
This year,
I dreamed of them every night.
They asked me to avenge them.
The Zornia crisis is severe in Heman.
Who is the biggest force driving it?
Who is the mastermind behind it?
My lords,
don't you
want to know the truth?
General Nan.
You're drunk before you drink.
Today's party is for us old friends to meet.
The people of the past are gone.
General, please look ahead
and cherish the people around you.
Don't make things difficult for them.
Lord Gongye and Lord Tumen
are also at their superior's disposal.
There are many things
they have no power to decide.
If we have important questions,
why don't we ask the real master?
Mr. Moqi?
Or should I call you
Ms. Moqi?
You were very careful.
But you forgot to disguise your hands.
It's an important occasion,
but a woman managed to disguise
herself as a male musician and mix into the venue.
Apart from Ms. Moqi,
I can't think of anyone else.
Plus, my cousin once said
he had never seen the master of the Moqi family in person.
I wondered
if that was because
the master of the Moqi family
was a lady.
Mr. Xi.
You have sharp eyes.
It's been a few days.
You look better than before.
Who is she?
When did she see me?
You know each other?
Not only does Mr. Xi
know Ms. Moqi,
they go way back.
What's wrong, Mr. Xi?
Don't you recognize me?
Who was she?
So you're the
female doctor giving free treatment.
It's her.
Mr. Xi, I've checked.
There's no ambush outside.
Whose side are you on?
Right back at you.
Nan Jifeng.
Aren't all the water transport in Heman
under your control?
Why was the pleasure boat I rented
under the Moqi family's control?
Whose side are you on?
What do you mean?
Are you pretending or are you actually stupid?
Ms. Moqi
owns the pleasure boat I rented.
I think
all the pleasure boat businesses in Heman
should be under her name.
Just now,
you were silent for so long
because you were thinking about that?
What else?
since my first day
in Heman,
Ms. Moqi
has had her eyes on me.
You're exaggerating.
A new guest is here in Heman.
As the host, I must do my part.
I just didn't expect
you to be so rude.
You killed two of my men
at the first sign of conflict
and burned my fields.
Sorry about that.
The ignorant is innocent.
From today onwards, as long as
General Nan
and Mr. Xi
are on the same side as us,
everything shall be forgotten.
Judging from the current situation,
it's hard
for us to choose otherwise.
Mr. Xi, you're a smart man.
Smart people should be sincere
when making friends.
I sent someone to watch your pleasure boat.
They said
your attendant
called you 'my lord'.
My lord.
What kind of lord are you?
If you don't reveal your identity,
things might look bad for you.
Those young people from Lanna Village
who were forced away by you.
Those poor children who died
and the elderly who have no one to rely on.
Do you dare to reveal your identity to them?
A bunch of low-life profiteers like you
have no right to ask me.
Since we're not friends,
you'll die here!
My lords,
do you think
you can leave Heman?
We don't have to leave.
We just need to arrest you.
How dare you try to
assassinate an imperial official?
You set me up!
Didn't you do the same before?
The Moqi family profited off Zornia.
I'll investigate according to the law.
In order to protect herself,
Moqi confessed that the Heman county magistrate,
Tumen family, and
the county lieutenant, Gongye family,
received bribes
and had been secretly supporting the Moqi family.
Tumen and Gongye
refused to plead guilty.
Furious, Moqi personally
killed Tumen.
Under the order of the Emperor,
I've detained Moqi and Gongye.
The trial will be held on another day!
Bravo! Bravo!
They called the shots for so many years.
They must have never thought that
they would suffer defeat
in their own territory.
How was the General's Residence?
As you expected,
I've handled things there.
Madam and Miss Yan
are safe and sound.
My lord,
your plan of capturing the leader first
is really amazing.
Unfortunately, this leader
is not the true leader.
This stall's tea
is very fragrant.
Try it.
Don't call me Madam anymore.
Just call me Gaya.
We finally got out of the General's Residence
to get some fresh air.
Cheer up.
General asked me to go to the capital
with Mr. Xi.
Dr. Yan,
what is Mr. Xi's
real identity?
How can General be at ease
leaving me with him?
I don't know.
But he must be someone
who can protect you.
You don't know?
Don't you love each other?
It's a brief thing.
I was just
passing by
without real attachment.
I'm different.
I swore to God
to never be apart from my husband.
Speaking of leaving,
I have a request.
Please go ahead.
We're friends.
I'll complete
your request.
I want to see your magical medicine.
Our tribe is known for its snake legends.
The magical medicine
is used to cure snake venom.
To cure snake venom only?
This medicine can cure all poisons,
but only for snake venom.
Dr. Yan.
Are you alright?
I'm fine.
What a special tune.
I can't tell if it's a flute
or a vertical flute.
Li flute.
It's a Li flute.
Jiang Xinbai's pleasure boat is right there.
Go ahead.
You came uninvited.
It's not a lady's doing.
You are not a gentleman to me
Why are you here?
Why am I here?
I took Lady Gaya out
for a stroll.
Aren’t you
leaving Heman soon?
She's not happy with the thought of
parting with her husband.
What about you?
When are you leaving?
After the full moon.
You haven't entered
the general's study yet.
You're leaving so soon?
I'm not going there anymore.
Aren't you looking for your item anymore?
Then why did you come back to Heman?
Why did I come back here?
Forget it.
At least I witnessed a good show
without dying.
By the way,
I'm giving this back to you.
You promised me
you'd tell me your real identity
before you leave
Wait till when I'm sure
I can leave Heman safely.
Take it.
Don't leave without saying goodbye
and break your promise.
If I do,
you can come to the capital to find me.
I mean,
you're ever in trouble in the future
or need help with anything.
Don't make a promise so easily.
Be careful.
I might actually look for you in the capital.
This is the address.
[No. 4 Taiping Alley, Nanhua District]
Why is there only the district number
and no location name?
You'll know when you get there.
♫I'll fetch you the moon in my heart♫
♫I dream of the courtyard♫
where will you go?
♫It knows my heart♫
♫I want to return triumphantly with you♫
I may go to my mother.
♫We can listen to the rain♫
♫And watch the snowfall in the west hills♫
I'll go somewhere new.
♫On the streets, the alleys, and the palace♫
Maybe I'll really run into trouble.
♫We shall always meet♫
Then I'll go to the capital to find you.
♫I only hope you fall into my heart♫
♫The fire warms winter days♫
♫Spring can take its time♫
♫Everything is as you wish♫
This batch of goods
must leave Heman within ten days.
The general has sealed all the water ports.
He's also investigating the remnants of the three families.
Within this month,
no ship is allowed to go in or out.
Within ten days
is impossible.
I'm just informing you,
not discussing it with you.
Don't push me too far.
This batch of cargo ships must leave
Heman within this month.
Do what you must.
If you can't deliver it,
you and your general
will both die.
That man named Xi
and that female traveling doctor named Yan
must both die as well.
Yan Nanxing has nothing
to do with this.
She has a special relationship with Xi.
Xi's identity is unknown.
Maybe Yan Nanxing also
approached you with ulterior motives.
We can't risk it.
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