Fresh off the Sea (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

(Their second location)
(Yeongdeok, North Gyeongsang Province)
(I dyed my hair.)
(I dressed up.)
(The four siblings dressed up again for today.)
(They guess about their task as soon as they get to the dining table.)
(If halibut is served)
(Catching halibut at dawn tomorrow?)
(How can we catch them?)
(She tries to deny it.)
(A moment of never say never)
(Tomorrow at 3am)
(Their work in the early morning is confirmed.)
(A bolt from the blue)
(Early morning work gets assigned right away.)
(Eun Jin is picked.)
(Next, it's)
(My goodness)
(I'm sorry.)
(Congratulations, Jung Ah and Eun Jin are picked.)
(I'll just go since I'm the youngest.)
(Stop, that's even more annoying.)
(After being shocked from the early morning work assignment)
(They enjoy the beautiful view of Yeongdeok for the first time.)
(The path over here looks beautiful.)
(My goodness)
(Next to the blue East Sea is)
(a wide view of the green farm.)
(What's the first present from such beautiful Yeongdeok?)
(Sweet Yeongdeok peaches)
(Gosh, it's hot.)
(Under the scorching sun)
(The work isn't easy.)
(The four siblings are genuine about laboring in season.)
(While wiping off their sweat, )
(they work very hard.)
(The sea is like a gift to the four siblings after their hard work.)
(After sweating from laboring in season, )
(they wash it off in the sea.)
(The four siblings enjoy Yeongdeok to their hearts' content.)
(After having a good time, )
(dinnertime arrives.)
(Sweet dinner made with peaches in season)
(One of them gets quite serious as time passes.)
(Even while having a snack, )
(she's thinking about halibut.)
(I'm worried about)
(3am tomorrow.)
(Even while driving, )
(she's thinking about halibut.)
(She's still thinking about halibut.)
(I'll set my alarm for 2:50am.)
(At 9pm, she falls asleep while worrying about halibut.)
(What will happen to them?)
(Deep into the night, the wind gets stronger.)
(Jung Ah wakes up before the alarm goes off.)
(Current time is 2:30am.)
(Getting up)
(Devastated, she looks gloomier than the darkness.)
(She tries to go back to sleep.)
(Tossing and turning)
(She's too nervous to fall asleep.)
(She passes the time with her eyes open.)
(The sound of the alarm that announces their fate)
Gosh, let's get up.
(Catching shotted halibut at dawn becomes reality.)
- Get up, Jin Young. - Yes?
We have to go, don't we?
Yes, so get up.
Eun Jin, shall we take the medicine now?
How do I turn on the light?
(Supplies for Fishing 1: Medicine for seasickness)
Do I take both of them?
No, we'll take one each.
Eun Jin, Jung Ah put on motion sickness patch before going to bed.
- How about you? - It's okay.
I forgot that I put it on yesterday.
- I forgot. - I put it on for you.
(Worried Jung Ah prepared herself twice.)
(She also takes medicine for seasickness with determination.)
Jun Myun, are we leaving at 3am?
Yes, I'll get changed.
We have to wear boots.
We should get going now.
- Yes, we have to wear boots. - We should go.
We have to get going.
- Aren't you going back in? - No.
- What time is it? - What do you need from inside?
In the back of the room,
you'll see a green pouch.
Inside, you'll see lip tint. Can you bring it?
Why would you need lip tint?
I need to color my lips.
But you're going to catch fish.
Hurry up. I need it for my lips.
There are also oil blotting sheets. Bring me some.
Why would you need oil blotting sheets for fishing?
Be quiet and come out.
She's so weird.
He's so loud.
You're the only one who needs oil blotting sheets when going fishing.
I need them.
I thought that you needed something very important.
How can she need oil blotting sheets when going fishing?
Stop talking about me behind my back.
I talked about you in front of you.
Don't treat her like that when she's going to work.
Exactly. I don't like your misbehavior.
Be careful today.
You should've given her the lip tint. You nag so much.
I'm taking this bag.
All right.
(They get fully ready for the morning work.)
(At the same time at the port)
(They're getting ready to sail.)
- Let's go. - Let's go.
Let's go.
We shouldn't be late.
Or the captain will scold us.
The sun hasn't risen yet.
- Yes. - It will rise when we come back.
It feels strange
to go out to work at night.
- Right? - Yes.
(He is worried about the two that are going to work at dawn.)
Wouldn't you have felt stranger
if you didn't drive us there?
That's right. It's a 20-minute drive.
- It's a 40-minute round trip. - Yes.
Let's go.
- Jung Ah, wear your seat belt. - I did.
(The four siblings go to work together.)
I can't even remember the last time I woke up this early
to go to a filming site.
- I don't think I had any recently. - I see.
It feels rather fine to go to work at dawn.
- Really? - Yes.
Since you guys are sending us there,
I feel warmer.
Of course we should.
(The warm ambiance warmer than a heater spreads in the car.)
(The warm ambiance)
(makes her feel a bit sleepy.)
A new playlist
- to start the dawn. - Okay, an energetic one.
- Let's go with an energetic one. - I got it.
- I have a song request. - Really? I
- "Blue Whale" by YB. - Goodness.
- Let me listen to this first. - No?
My goodness.
(Eun Jin chooses a number from the musical "Les Miserables.")
(From the scene where slaves work in a sinking ship)
Jun Myun, I, Slave Ahn,
is being dragged away.
(Immersed in the role)
(It suddenly became a shotted halibut slave ship.)
This will be our future.
- We - Pull up the nets!
(The younger members are excited.)
I'll snatch it with my arm.
Withstand the waves!
(But she cannot smile.)
Eun Jin, you're so witty.
- It's amazing. - Don't mention it.
This is so funny.
Jung Ah, isn't Eun Jin very witty?
- She is. - How could she think of
playing "Look Down" here?
We slaves are feeling nervous.
I'm actually nervous, that's why.
- Let me see. - We're here, right?
- Yes. - This is the place.
- It's drizzling. - What?
- Oh, no. - Oh, dear.
The weather forecast did say it would rain today.
They'll still set sail since it's raining lightly.
(It starts raining as soon as they arrive at the port.)
(The rain gets heavier.)
Are we here?
- It's raining. - Oh, dear. It's raining.
(At the sudden rain)
- It's raining. - Yes.
I should wear a hat.
The wind feels damp.
It's raining.
(Will today's work be fine?)
- Hello. - Hello.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Hello. - That must be the ship.
- Hello. - Hello. It's raining.
- It's raining. - Exactly, it's raining.
This much of rain is fine, right?
Yes, this much is fine.
(Her reply isn't what she wanted.)
It's too bad.
Are you not joining them?
- No, it's just these two. - No.
I would love to join, but
- Only two people were allowed. - Yes.
- Do I tie it behind? - Yes.
Like that, yes.
(A life vest)
- We need to wear boots, right? - Yes.
Are you fully equipped?
Yes, the equipment
(They are ready to set sail.)
- See you. - Bye, guys.
- Bye. - Take this.
Okay, we're off.
- Bye. - See you later.
- Okay. - Goodness.
- Stay safe. - Okay.
Just trust me.
I'll earn a lot and come back.
Get going.
- Bye. - Come here.
- Get on. - Okay.
- Hello. Get on. - Hello.
Be careful.
- Jung Ah, hold my hand. - Be careful.
My gosh.
(Looking around)
- Do we stay here? - Where can we sit?
- Here. - Here?
- Let's sit here. - Stay here
- since it's raining. - Okay.
Looking at how ma'am
- is here, - Bye.
- the work shouldn't be that tough. - Yes.
Two people?
What are you saying?
Take a picture of me.
- A picture? - Did you not bring your phone?
A camera
(She wants to take a picture of this historical moment.)
I have my phone.
Look here.
(Waving at them)
(and taking pictures)
- Jun Myun, take pictures - What are you doing?
Instead of waving.
I'll wave for you.
- Done. - Done.
(The first fishing at dawn)
(Hearts pounding)
Do you always go to work this early?
- Yes. - Every day?
No, once every two days.
- We go once every 2 days. - Once every 2 days?
Once every two days if the weather is fine.
Once every three days if the weather is bad.
(A treasure of Yeongdeok)
(Shotted halibut)
(Even in Yeongdeok which is rich in shotted halibut, )
For the northern region of the East Sea,
shotted halibut is its specialty.
(the most are caught at Chuksan Port.)
Other ships are getting ready to set sail now.
(Dark dawn)
(When everyone else is asleep, they start the day.)
(The shotted halibut ship lights up the dark port.)
- Let's go. - Let's go.
Smile and square your shoulders.
(The youngest gives them strength until the very last moment.)
Be careful.
See you later.
(Jung Ah and Eun Jin are half-nervous, half-expectant.)
I feel strange.
Me too.
Have we ever split up like this?
- No. - No, right?
(The 1st time the 4 of them aren't working together)
(After watching the two leave for a very long time, )
- Okay, shall we go? - Okay.
(they go back home.)
(The shotted halibut ship sails across the darkness.)
(They are so nervous that they don't know where to look.)
I hope
- we'll catch a lot of halibut. - Me too.
- Did you already throw the net in? - Yes.
- Then - We'll go and
- Is it a fishery? - No.
- You just use a net? - Yes. It's not a fishery.
We just throw the net in the sea and go back to pull it up.
(How do you catch shotted halibut, a treasure of Yeongdeok?)
(Sail from dawn)
(until the sun rises.)
(Arrive at the work spot where the net is.)
(Pull up the net slowly.)
(Shotted halibut are pulled up stuck on the net.)
(They're slippery because of the mucus.)
(Remove them from the net one by one.)
(Put the cods that come up together on the side.)
(Throw snow crabs back into the sea since catching them now is banned.)
(See you in winter.)
(It looks simple, )
(but on a ship with heavy waves, )
(the hard work continues endlessly.)
The machine will pull it up,
- and we need to sort them. - I see.
Still, you go to work around this time
- once every 2 to 3 days. - Yes.
We go as long as the weather's fine.
- The sea is pitch black. - It really is.
Without the ship's light,
- the sea must be really dark. - Yes, it's pitch black.
It's worse today because of the weather.
(Completely dark)
There's some light if the moon can be seen.
But because of the rain
(The dawn sea is darker because of the rain.)
Doesn't it feel surreal to be on the sea
at this hour?
I totally agree.
(Sailing through the surreal dark)
(15 minutes have passed.)
(Are we almost there?)
We just need to sail for 15 to 20 more minutes.
(They're halfway to the work spot.)
The weather is pretty bad.
(The waves became rougher as if to foretell tough labor.)
It's so
(The reality of working at dawn starts to sink in.)
My goodness.
This is why people have sea sickness
Wait. I need to lie down.
You must be having sea sickness.
We took motion sickness pills before we came here.
If you have motion sickness even after that, it can't be helped.
I don't take the pill.
I got used to it.
(The sea wavers here and there.)
(Jung Ah's face becomes stiff too.)
Hold on.
(They can't even sit still.)
How can I not have sea sickness?
What should I do?
(Violent waves)
(The ship shakes terribly.)
Are you feeling sick?
(Even Jung Ah who was doing fine starts to have sea sickness.)
I'm trying not to.
Lying down will help.
- Really? Lying down? - Yes, lying down helps.
Use this as a pillow.
(She couldn't stop the sea sickness even with two medicines.)
Lie down on your side.
- On your side. - Is lying down on my side better?
It's better to lie down on your side.
(We must survive.)
I didn't expect this.
Jung Ah.
Are the waves always this bad?
Usually not, but the weather is bad today.
(The wind and the waves)
(become stronger.)
(It's hard to even move around.)
I don't think you can stand and work.
The ship shakes too much.
(Can they work on catching shotted halibut?)
(Tilting his head)
The situation's pretty bad.
Did the weather suddenly worsen?
Yes. I'll try five more minutes,
but if it doesn't work, we should go back.
(The waves get rougher.)
(They sail through the rough waves.)
- Goodness. - Goodness.
- My gosh, hold on. - Goodness.
Hold on.
(It's hard even to lie still.)
Hold on.
(The furious sea doesn't seem to calm down.)
Just zone out.
(Captain Yu Hyun was keeping an eye on the sea.)
(His face hardens.)
Just zone out.
(Captain Yu Hyun was keeping an eye on the sea.)
(His face hardens.)
It's too windy.
We can't work in this state.
- Can we not? - No, it's too dangerous.
We're going back to the port.
- Are we going back? - Yes.
The weather is worsening,
so if we go in deeper,
it will get more dangerous. We'll have to go back.
- It's a pity. - It's a pity.
It's a pity. You should feel how it is like to catch halibut.
(It's impossible to work at all.)
You should go and experience what fishing feels like.
- What a waste. - Do you always go back
when the weather's bad like today?
That's right. If the weather's bad,
we go back. We come back when the weather's fine.
- We can't work when it's dangerous. - That's right.
(Safety comes first, )
(so Captain Yu Hyun quickly made the decision.)
(Eun Jin suffering from sea sickness)
We're going back.
What? Can't we work at all?
Can't we do it
- at somewhere shallower? - The weather
This is impossible.
- No! - It's dangerous.
We're not the ones to make the decision.
That's right. It's something we don't know about.
- We can't control the sea. - No.
- We should give up quickly. - Yes.
That's the right thing to do.
This is our fate.
(They fail to work due to the worsening weather.)
(Meanwhile, Jun Myun and Dex arrive home.)
Let's go.
- Get some sleep. - Let's sleep.
(They have no idea about what is happening on the sea.)
- You worked hard today. - Good job.
The weather is too bad right now,
- so the ship is turning back. - What?
- My gosh. Then let's go together. - Now
- Let's go together. - What's happening?
Gosh, let's go.
(At the sudden news of the ship turning back, )
There are too many variables.
(they head back to the port as soon as they arrive back home.)
- This is how life is. - Yes.
(The two are left speechless at the unexpected situation.)
Jung Ah, look over there.
It's beautiful.
(At the pitch dark sky, )
(the red light starts to reveal itself bit by bit.)
It's so cool.
(It's so cool.)
(The two sides of the sea that is cold and marvelous)
The waves are gentle here, but they're really rough out there.
- What a pity. - I agree.
You can only tell how the waves are like
- when you're out there. - It seems like that.
They must be all sitting there
- because they can't go out. - Is that so?
They came and decided that they couldn't go
to work today.
(The ships that should be on the sea are still at the port.)
- All the ships are coming back. - You're right.
(The fishermen give up on work and come back one by one.)
(Jung Ah and Eun Jin arrive at the port too.)
- Captain, it's too bad. - Captain, it's a pity.
- It's a pity. - I agree.
- Next time, hopefully. - Thank you for your hard work.
- The weather is too bad. - Exactly. It's such a pity.
We shouldn't push ourselves. It can't be helped.
- There's nothing we can do. - That's right.
- Next time, hopefully. - Next time.
- I hope to see you again. - Yes. Thank you for your hard work.
- Thank you. - Safe trip back.
(Jung Ah and Eun Jin leave with regrets.)
(Captain Yu Hyun must be the most regrettable one here.)
I feel upset when I come back without getting to work.
My day's work is ruined.
The sea suddenly changes,
so I can't stay home.
You can't artificially change what nature does.
(It cannot be understood.)
(They might come back empty-handed like today.)
It can't be helped. I'll come back tomorrow.
(But that's still part of fishing.)
(They rest today looking forward to tomorrow.)
- What should we do? - We came back empty-handed.
Yes, I feel very
(Current time is 4:30am.)
What should we eat today? I'm worried about that.
I boasted so much when I left today morning.
- "You must fetch us there." - Yes.
(The situation became rather awkward.)
I'm concerned about earning money.
(What should we do today?)
- How much do we have left? - We have 70 dollars.
- No. - It's 60 dollars.
We bought stuff at a convenience store
- We have 60 dollars. - to go to work.
We bought sausages.
Not knowing what would happen, we bought sausages
- Three candies. - and candies.
(One hour ago)
Shall we buy some food for you at the convenience store?
Let's go.
(They stopped by a convenience store on the way to the port.)
- Jung Ah. - Yes?
- Shall we get one sausage each? - Sure.
Get a big one.
(They ransacked the convenience store as they liked.)
Shall we drink coffee?
(They ransacked the convenience store as they liked.)
You're back.
(Without knowing what would happen, )
We got some coffee
(Without knowing what would happen, )
and sausages.
- I'll calculate how much we spent. - It's 10.1 dollars.
(they flexed in the convenience store.)
- We even bought coffee. - Shall we eat this first?
I'm hungry. I'll peel it for you. Put this back in.
(They eat one each.)
It's delicious.
- Where's the coffee? - I gave it to them.
- Did they take it? - Yes.
(She laughs hollowly.)
What should we do?
(They look very miserable.)
There's nothing we can do.
It's delicious.
(The sausage tastes good.)
The sun fully rose.
The sun is rising.
(Today's sun is rising in front of them.)
Can you feel how it's getting brighter in an instant?
Yes, I can.
(Today's sun is rising in front of them.)
We still got to see the sunrise.
Yes. We still have each other.
Hold on. Since we couldn't work,
we can't get shotted halibut either.
- It's too expensive to buy one. - We can't.
Should I find something to barter for shotted halibut?
What do we have to offer?
We have nothing.
I have nothing to say.
- We have nothing. - Nothing.
(They are on the brink of bankruptcy.)
(What should we do?)
For goodness' sake.
I thought it was Dex.
My heart pounds whenever I hear a car.
(She's in an extremely vulnerable state.)
I said goodbye so many times. Gosh.
(It's embarrassing when she thinks about it.)
Should we be more disheartened so he can't say anything?
- What should we - He's here.
- I'm sad. - Stay still.
Don't move.
(Getting into the character, doing her real job)
- Don't laugh. - It's funny.
- It's funny. - I should laugh now.
(Trying hard not to laugh)
Are they here already? What?
(Swallowing a laugh)
Welcome back.
What's wrong with them?
- What is it? - We couldn't make money.
What? Good job. I was worried about you.
Jun Myun, we couldn't make money.
Gosh. Why? What happened?
Hey. We went out the sea, and the waves were out of control.
- Really? - Gosh.
I've never experienced such a thing before.
I was like this as if I was playing the janggu.
- My goodness. - Good job.
They apologized.
- I was actually worried. - We arrived home
and came back straight away.
- We arrived home. - Really?
And they said we had to leave.
- Let's go see the sunrise. - Where?
- Sunrise. - That way.
- I see. Here. - What?
I brought coffee.
Okay. We each had a sausage.
- Really? - Yes.
Good job.
I am ashamed to face you.
What do you mean? It was because of the weather.
Still, we couldn't work.
How are we going to make money?
- I know. I'm worried about it. - Jung Ah.
Here. This is Eun Jin's.
Money is the best.
It isn't mine. Whose is this?
- Is it yours? - It's mine.
Where's mine, then?
- It isn't there? - No.
I gave it to him after taking photos.
- I have it. - He has it.
You tried to sell my phone, didn't you?
I should have sold it as a used phone.
Then you can eat something good today.
We still have 70 dollars, though.
- It's 60 dollars. - We have 60 dollars.
We used ten dollars before.
I am feeling terrible.
Were the waves that crazy?
Yes. It's different from what we see here.
(They're off to see a pretty sunrise that'll soothe)
(the sadness of the failed fishing.)
The sea is like that, though.
You can't tell what will happen.
(The UDT knows well about the sea.)
The ships that departed with us all came back too.
It did feel dangerous.
(They experienced the hardship of fishing.)
That was a real danger.
- Yes. - It was real.
Jung Ah, after all,
the halibut meal for the guest is no longer possible.
You're right. We don't have any halibut.
(They've arrived)
I hope we can make something.
(at a famous sunrise spot while worrying.)
We should head over there.
It's amazing.
It's awesome.
Gosh. It's crazy.
My goodness.
(The sky has turned pink.)
Gosh. The sky is turning red.
It's 4:59am.
I can't believe we can see
- the sunrise at this time. - Gosh.
The wind is blowing.
- I love it. - It's cool and breezy.
- It's cool. - It's the sea breeze.
(A vintage camcorder)
My goodness.
Gosh. It's truly amazing.
(Eun Jin captures the sunrise of Yeongdeok herself.)
Gosh. It is incredibly beautiful.
Look at the ship. It's pretty, indeed.
Gosh. It's amazing.
(It's a special treasure you can have in Yeongdeok.)
Over there, it will The sun is out.
Look. It's out.
- The sun is out. - It's crazy.
(It's 5:10am.)
(Over the horizon far away, )
Do you see the red dot, Jung Ah?
(the sun sticks its head out over the sea.)
It's out.
My goodness.
Jung Ah, it's truly moving.
It's going up.
Gosh. It's incredible.
I can't believe I'm seeing the sunrise of the East Sea.
(Due to the bad weather, only a part of the sun is showing.)
It's been years since I saw a sunrise.
Jung Ah,
- it feels strange, doesn't it? - Me too.
- It's strange. - I don't think so.
(Beating the Thinking Types' brutal honesty)
I didn't know it was that red.
- It humbles you, doesn't it? - Yes.
- It looks like a red ship. - Yes.
- It's sailing. - I know.
- It's floating. - It's blocked by the clouds.
That's interesting.
Everyone, be healthy and happy.
- Be happy. - "Be happy."
Be happy.
Are you crying?
- No, my nose is runny. - Jun Myun.
What are you talking about?
- Even though I get moved easily, - If you cry for this
- I wouldn't cry for this. - Was it that touching?
What? What moved you?
- She has a runny nose. - Come on.
That was ridiculous.
(They enjoy the sunrise for a moment.)
Heya, the sun
I will swallow you in one bite
Heya, the sun
(They head back home after enjoying a special present.)
Jung Ah, we go home for now, right?
- Yes, we should. - Okay.
(It's 5:30am right now.)
(Dragging their tired body)
Should we get going?
- Yes. - Yes.
We're leaving.
(Their heart is as heavy as their body.)
We're having a nice ride early in the morning.
I know.
(Eun Jin quietly plays a song from her playlist.)
(Zoned out)
Her mood is portrayed in the song.
How Eun Jin feels
can be portrayed through her playlist.
("Don't Worry" by Lee Juck)
(You don't have to worry at all)
She's super worried.
We only have 60 dollars.
But we have to invite a guest.
Do we not have a guest today?
(She is heavy-hearted.)
(And her eyelids are getting heavy too.)
(Leave the past)
(In the past)
(It is meaningful that way)
(Dozing off)
We are tired, indeed.
Yes. Hurry in and take some rest.
We can lie down straight away.
Yes. I'll do that too.
(Leaving behind the sadness from the failed fishing, )
(She isn't worried.)
(they take a little nap.)
(Current time: 6am)
(The wind is rising.)
(Save the hat.)
(Jung Ah wakes up by the sound.)
(It's been 3 hours since they fell asleep. It's 9:30am now.)
(The house is silent as the rest are still sleeping.)
(Jung Ah's time begins.)
(Jung Ah, where are you going instead of sleeping?)
(While everyone is in a deep sleep)
(Are you sure she went out to the sea at 3am?)
(She even goes outside.)
(Brooming the platform)
(She even wipes it while she's at it.)
(She's the ultimately diligent one, a.k.a Clean Yum.)
(Jung Ah is done with a quick cleanup.)
(She seems to be worried about something.)
(Due to the canceled work, they couldn't get ingredients or money.)
(What should they do for the late breakfast?)
(Jun Myun wakes up just in time.)
Jung Ah, are you up?
You guys sleep like a baby.
It's a blessing to sleep well. Look at her.
I'm about to die because she's so cute.
How can she sleep like that?
What should we do?
We have to make breakfast.
(They start to worry as soon as they get up.)
What should we do?
We are in trouble.
We should eat first, right?
Brush your teeth and wash your face.
(They wake up first to come up with a plan.)
(Dex wakes up in worry too.)
(After waking them up, Jung Ah is thinking in full swing.)
(They don't have ingredients because they couldn't work.)
(She identifies what they have in the kitchen first.)
(They do have a variety of ingredients.)
(Capers, olives, peperoncino, )
(peach, gochujang, and dried laver)
(I have to feed them.)
(What can I make with the ingredients I have?)
(Getting up suddenly)
(Is the fridge her destination?)
(Jung Ah takes something out.)
(A mysterious ingredient appears.)
(Jung Ah takes something out.)
(A mysterious ingredient appears.)
(This ingredient is)
(anchovies, a Western jeotgal, the salted seafood.)
(On the first day in Namhae)
These are anchovies processed by the fisheries corporation.
There are anchovies.
- "Processed?" - Yes.
Their cells are fresh unlike the other frozen foods.
(To enjoy the fresh anchovies for a longer time, )
(Jung Ah made the preserved anchovies.)
(Here is the easiest way to make them.)
(It isn't easy to unwrap it.)
(Anyway, you open the package.)
(Remove moisture from the cleaned anchovies.)
I love it because they are all cleaned.
(Start to preserve them in coarse salt.)
(It's done.)
(After getting aged enough in the fridge)
Put them in the water with vinegar.
(After washing them in the vinegar water, wash them.)
(Pour a generous amount of olive oil)
("Anchovy Song" written and composed by Yum Jung Ah)
(Pour until they are submerged in the oil)
(Lots of black pepper)
(After sprinkling them with pepper, )
(the preserved anchovies are done.)
(The preserved anchovies Jung Ah made)
(will take care of a meal in Yeongdeok.)
There's nothing to do.
We can make a lot of pasta and eat it.
(Here's the emergency breakfast menu.)
(Using lots of the anchovies presented by the South Sea, )
(it's Jung Ah's anchovy pasta.)
(Leopard Yum has appeared in the kitchen to make the pasta.)
(She investigates the equipment.)
(This one?)
I don't think it will work.
(A wild beast in leopard is on a hunt for a big pot again.)
(The super-large pan that feels right in her hand)
(In the jungle of Jung Ah's kitchen, a small pan cannot survive.)
- The peaches. - Where are the peaches?
Wash and wipe them.
And put them nicely on a plate.
(Luckily, they have some peaches left from yesterday.)
(Yeongdeok's pride)
- I will pick the sesame leaves. - Yes.
Pick and wash them.
- Then chop them finely. - Okay.
(They collect what are left in the garden.)
(Leopard Yum's careful plan is to make breakfast)
(by scraping up everything they have.)
Gosh. We already picked most of the sesame leaves.
(Eun Jin is on the hunt on the garden.)
There's nothing we can eat.
(Hunting them mercilessly)
(She picks the sesame leaves that are as small as the sprouts.)
(She makes a clean sweep in just 5 seconds.)
- I brought the baby ones too. - What?
Jung Ah, we don't have sesame leaves that we can chop finely.
They are this small.
Like this.
- I got them all. - Really?
- Should I try chopping them? - Yes.
Chop them into cute slices.
- They are young greens. - Where are the sesame leaves?
- It's sad. - We enjoyed them already.
(I'll show how I can cook without many ingredients.)
(She finely chops an onion to add texture and scent.)
(She opens the aged anchovies she made in Namhae.)
(We are aged well.)
They are the preserved anchovies I made.
(She takes out the preserved anchovies she made.)
(She starts to chop them finely.)
(She adds lots of aromatic olive oil to the chopped anchovies.)
(She only needs to cook the noodles now.)
(As Generous Jung Ah, she adds all of the noodles.)
(Jun Myun is peeling the peaches following Leopard Yum's order.)
(But the precious ingredient is leaking.)
Seriously. There's still quite a bit, right?
- You can only garnish with them. - Yes.
- Can I have one? - Of course.
(The ingredients are disappearing before they make it to the table.)
This is rotten, so I should eat it.
Yes, eat that.
(Half is peeled, and half is eaten.)
(Leopard Yun has no idea.)
It's sweet.
(Leopard Yum asked the cat to guard the fish.)
(Is she peeling the peaches all right?)
It's not what you think. The peach is
The nectarine was too soft.
(Jung Ah is generous.)
Once the table is set, I can cook the pasta fast.
- Table? Okay. - We can set it right away.
Yes. I can set the table right away.
I'll add the salt first.
I should quick-freeze these.
(The peaches go in the freezer to be nice and cold.)
(Eun Jin appears at that moment.)
What are those? Are those the peaches Jun Myun peeled?
I'm quick-freezing them.
I want them cold.
(That's a cute idea.)
You can't have them.
I'm going to watch you.
(She doesn't let it slide.)
- What can't you have? - I don't know.
We are just in doubt of each other.
Gosh. He can't do that to an older sister.
I know. Exactly.
(They'll make scrambled eggs with the eggs.)
(They'll make a lot because they are hungry.)
(Adding 8 eggs)
I'll season it lightly.
Do it lightly because we'll put ketchup on top of it.
(Sprinkling it lightly as Chef Yum ordered)
(Adding the well-beaten eggs on the heated pan)
My goodness.
(The scrambled eggs will be a precious side dish.)
Make it tasty.
(Scrambling it before it's cooked too much)
(A great side dish is done.)
(Now, it's time to make the anchovy sauce.)
(Putting lots of garlic because they are Koreans)
(She adds finely chopped onion.)
- Jung Ah. - Yes.
Do you cook it over a low heat?
- Yes. - Why?
It burns easily.
(Jung Ah's pasta-making tip: Cook garlic and onion)
(over the low heat for a long time to get the aroma without burning.)
(A novice cook Eun Jin tries to learn next to Jung Ah.)
Gosh. It smells good.
(Jung Ah grabs something.)
(Is she adding the capers?)
(What are capers?)
(This spice with a kick and freshness is often used)
(for fish and pasta)
(because it reduces the fishy smell and brings out the flavors.)
I love capers.
I've never used them as an ingredient to cook.
They are served with the salmon, right?
- With the raw salmon. - Yes.
(Then lots of olive is added to bring out the flavor.)
It looks good.
I will put lots of olives.
(It's almost half olives and half onions.)
Did you put in the anchovies?
I'll put in anchovies now.
Can I smell it?
(It smells like the South Sea.)
(The anchovies embracing the South Sea enter.)
Did you finely chop them last time?
- I just chopped them. - That's cool.
(Thanks to the gifts from the South Sea, )
(they have abundant ingredients now.)
(Jun Myun and Dex wait after setting up the table.)
This is what's great about the platform.
We have no plans today.
- Me? - Us. Come on, Jun Myun.
- What? - Why were you startled?
I'm talking about us.
"Us." We'll manage.
We have no plans today.
(Our family has no plans today.)
(I don't care. I'll take some rest.)
Gosh. What's wrong with you?
(She adores the youngest who bothers her.)
- Jun Myun. - Yes.
Do you work out your lower body?
I have the legs of an elephant.
Go away. It's hot.
Come on.
I'm a hot guy.
You're so flirty. Gosh. It's ridiculous.
Gosh. It's cool.
(Chef Yum's anchovy pasta is sailing smoothly.)
It's so much.
When you cook the whole bag, you get five servings.
(There are only four of them, but she always makes more than enough.)
The sesame leaves.
I'll get you the sesame leaves.
(Adding all sesame leaves from the farm)
Add them all.
(Adding all sesame leaves from the farm)
(A large bowl for the large amount)
(Move it to the large bowl and it's ready.)
(Heavy enough to use both hands)
- Excuse me. - Yes.
(A meal made with everything they have)
It's ready.
- Oh, my. Thank you. - Nice.
(Anchovy pasta for lunch)
- It looks really nice. - That looks good.
(And Yeongdeok peaches they harvest yesterday)
- It looks good. - She made everything in no time.
(Scrambled egg made with leftover eggs in the fridge)
(Fresh kimchi with peaches made by Jun Myun)
(A collaboration of Namhae and Yeongdeok)
(without any store-bought food)
Eun Jin was very helpful in the kitchen.
- You were amazing. - I'd like to
assist you for 40 years.
- Let's enjoy the food. - Let's enjoy the food.
(Drinking first)
- Gosh. - Gosh. It feels so good.
That's so relieving.
(Let's try the anchovy pasta first.)
Thank you so much for the food, Jung Ah.
Anchovy from Namhae.
Made with Namhae anchovy.
(A big bite)
Is it good?
Let's try.
(Amazing harmony created by anchovy and pasta)
(A single olive is enough)
(to fill your mouth with flavors.)
- I like it. - This is so good.
(Jung Ah also tries the olive.)
The olive tastes good.
The black one. It's good.
(Will Dex the picky eater like it too?)
- I love it. - This is so good.
- It's not bad. - No.
- This is good. - Yes.
Oh, my gosh. This is so delicious, Jung Ah.
- Isn't it good? - This is so good.
(How can you make such a unique dish so fast?)
By yourself?
(Her siblings are just happy.)
(They can't help but exclaim.)
I like it. This is so good.
(Feeling proud)
I didn't know you could make anchovies at home.
You don't need a lot. Maybe 14 or 15?
(Wonderful anchovy pasta with only a little effort)
You should try this at home.
After removing the bones, spread the flesh,
- and oil it? - Yes, olive oil and
- Salt? - garlic and black pepper.
Garlic and black pepper.
(Anyone can make it with raw anchovies.)
- From the start - Do you
usually add caper in the anchovy pasta?
- I've never seen it before. - You're right.
Do you add it too?
- It tastes a lot better. - Yes.
- It was a good idea to add it. - I didn't know you could do that.
I only eat it
- with salmon or raw fish. - Me too.
I never thought about adding it to pasta.
(How can it taste so good with ingredients from the kitchen?)
- So good. - Good?
(Because I made it.)
- I love it. - I'm glad to hear that.
(Jung Ah's perfect anchovy pasta)
- I like the pasta. - Me too.
Let me see your feet. Are they okay?
- They're cute. - They're cute.
They're dried now.
I should take a picture of them later.
The five of us should I mean the four of us.
- That's scary. Five? - Who's the other one?
(Who's the extra person?)
That's scary.
- I don't know why I said that. - That gave me the chills.
- Next to you - That's so scary.
Oh, my goodness. Don't do that.
(Jung Ah is a scaredy-cat.)
- My goodness. - Just kidding.
What do we do after the meal?
We need more money to go to the market.
I'm going to ask them to pay us in advance.
In advance?
- In advance? - Pay us in advance.
We'll work to get paid later.
I'm saying we should get that money in advance.
If you give me 30 dollars, I'll give you 70 dollars in return.
How are you going to do that?
- Anything? - How will you make money?
Here's what I think.
- You're strong. - Yes.
Then give a massage for 1.5 dollars per 10 minutes.
That's going to take forever.
Then let's ask for 2 dollars. The price is going up these days.
Why would you do that?
- Let's just ask for money. - Let's get paid in advance.
- Get paid in advance. - And work harder next time.
- Let's work our best next time. - Sure. Okay.
It seems
we don't make much.
So you have to be careful when you ask for money in advance
because we do that, we'll continue to be in debt.
- He's right. - If the show ends like that,
we'll just ignore it.
("The Big Swindle")
You live with a loan.
Life is all about a loan.
A loan is an asset. It's also our asset.
Let's check out what we need to get in the market first.
- It was good. - Eat everything.
- It was crazy. - That was amazing.
(Celebrating the empty bowl)
Oh, gosh.
Let's have the peaches.
(Celebrating the sold out scrambled egg)
Eight. Eight eggs.
(A meal made with the ingredients from home)
I can't believe we get to have fruits for a dessert.
You should rest. We'll wash the dishes.
Why have so many people wash the dishes?
He'll do it.
(I knew it.)
- Let him do it. - You should adore the youngest.
Right. We talked on the phone before this trip,
and she said, "Let's adore the youngest this time."
"Let's support him."
But has it even been a day yet?
- Who's the nicest, Dex? - Right.
- Come on. - Who is
Who's the nicest among the three of us?
Tell me.
The oldest is the best.
(Feeling proud)
The third is the worst for sure.
(Fighting again)
- How dare you - Be nice.
Are you saying Jun Myun is neither?
She's in between.
One day, she's nice. One day, she's mean.
- My goodness. - You're so appealing.
What are you talking about?
Why are you suddenly fixing your hair?
No wonder she seduced a younger man.
(Her husband Jung Jin Young is 5 years younger than her.)
What's he saying? Cut it out.
What's wrong with him?
Why is he doing that?
That's the way he flirts.
(Finally realizing)
Is that it?
You're unbelievable, Kim Jin Young.
Okay. Let's wash the dishes now.
- Ladies. - Yes?
Get some rest under the AC. I'll clean it up.
The cookie you made
So delicious
(Now that they had lunch, what will they do for the rest of the day?)
Only if we caught the halibut. What a shame.
I know.
(Failing to catch a fish bothers Jung Ah.)
What should we do today?
I'm looking up the marketplaces.
Manse Market.
- On the 5th and 10th - See what they have.
(Meanwhile, Jung Ah counts how much money she has left.)
Oh, my gosh. Not even 60 dollars. This is 50 dollars.
Not even 60 dollars?
Six, seven. It's 57 dollars.
We can have tteokguk with dumplings for breakfast tomorrow.
We don't need to buy anything for breakfast tomorrow.
- We also have ramyeon. - And we have a lot of eggs left.
What about dinner?
We need to get something for dinner tonight.
Aside from that, we can just spend what we have.
Let's think about what to do in a cool place.
(They decide to rest in the room until they go for grocery shopping.)
I suddenly have a song I want to listen to.
Let's listen to it.
Why is she Hey, stop it.
Seriously. Stop it.
You're going to do that for three days, aren't you?
(Illegal copying)
Hey, when did I do that?
Listen to her soul.
She sounds so sexy.
(I can't stop copying her.)
(Eun Jin can't stop pulling a prank on Jun Myun.)
Jun Myun.
What's wrong with her?
(It's fun to copy you.)
Hey, when did I do that? What am I? Louis Armstrong?
(More immersed than the original singer)
(Full of soul)
(A song is enough to entertain four siblings.)
("When Time Passes" from "Life Is Beautiful")
How do I know this song?
Come here. Are you done applying?
I apply it meticulously.
Let me take a picture.
(Gathering their feet together while resting)
I'll erase the messy ones.
(Although it wasn't in their plan, it's still a precious moment.)
Show me your feet.
(Although it wasn't in their plan, it's still a precious moment.)
(Their toenails turning pink)
(Avoiding the heat under the same roof)
(Singing Jung Ah's song together)
(It'll all be an unforgettable memory of summer.)
(Followed by Eun Jin and Dex's performance)
(As if watching her niblings acting cute on a holiday)
Get into it.
(You got it.)
The drink.
(Even if we)
(They're so cute.)
(However, the youngest is very serious.)
(A spoonful of his technique)
(Good job.)
Did he just sing rhythm and blues?
(Immersed until the end)
(They're more immersed.)
We felt it too.
- Really? - The next song is
You're so funny. It's amazing.
- Let's go grocery shopping. - Let's get changed.
- Let's get changed and go. - Let's go.
- Let's go. - Get up.
- Eun Jin, let's go. - Yes.
(Don't miss cool water.)
I'm ready to go.
- Bye. - Bye.
See you later.
(Off to the marketplace)
I want to drive this time.
I want to drive.
It works for me. I drove so much this morning.
Right. You drove so much today.
Ready? Here we go.
- Yes. Let's go. - Yes.
(Let's go buy ingredients for dinner at the marketplace.)
Do we need to buy groceries with the money we have left?
(They have 57 dollars left.)
(Because we couldn't fish, we didn't get a halibut.)
(After failing to catch a fish, Jung Ah was worried about dinner.)
Let's first use what we have left.
(Does she have a plan?)
If there's anything we want to get,
we can always borrow money.
We can try making a deal.
(What the beggars need is a quick plan.)
(What's their plan on the verge of going bankrupt?)
How about foot volleyball with the production crew?
Right. We can play a game.
A sports festival over a halibut.
Sure. Let's do it.
Do your best to make a deal.
Let's sit down and make a deal.
I see.
There's a field here.
There is a foot volleyball field.
A foot volleyball field? Here? We saw it on the way.
Yes, we just passed it. It's a perfect foot volleyball field.
- Sure. - Okay.
Let's play all kinds of games.
Eun Jin and I can play
- foot volleyball 2-on-2. - Yes.
We can play dodgeball 4-on-4.
I better practice everything at home.
We have to be good at everything.
Turn left.
Where is the marketplace?
Is it over there?
It already feels entertaining.
(The halibut clique enters the marketplace with determination.)
How does the country marketplace look?
We're supposed to have gukbap here.
(This place becomes lively with customers.)
(Full of delicious foods)
It's the food zone right here.
Oh, that looks good.
(Agro-fishery products from Yeongdeok gather here.)
They have everything here.
(Agro-fishery products from Yeongdeok gather here.)
They also have kabocha.
I remember harvesting them.
(Reminding them of Namhae)
There are peaches everywhere.
(Full of peaches in season)
They are halibuts.
- Are they halibuts? - They're halibuts.
- Aren't they dried halibuts? - Yes.
I guess you can braise them.
What we had yesterday was delicious.
Yes, you make that with it.
(They become chewy and savory braised halibuts.)
Jung Ah, what we have to buy is
- the maeuntang ingredients? - Yes.
And halibut jeon.
Halibut jeon and maeuntang?
(Halibut maeuntang and halibut jeon for dinner)
- Jeon too? - Yes.
(We can always win)
(the halibut.)
(We can do it.)
(That's how it began.)
How much is a bag of water parsley?
We'll take two.
- That's five dollars. - Five dollars.
Let's get them all.
Five dollars.
(A large amount of water parsley)
(Water parsley, garlic)
- Here? - Yes.
- Did you see it? - Tofu.
- Thank you. - Thank you.
Just one basket, please.
(A basket of fresh bean sprouts)
Hi. Come here.
(Bean sprouts)
(The siblings look for the next ingredient in the marketplace.)
- There's half-dried saury. - Jung Ah.
- Yes? - Acorn muk.
(Handmade soft acorn muk)
- Is acorn muk okay? - Yes.
Have one more.
(They can never skip the marketplace donuts.)
- I'm finishing this. - Okay.
Apparently this tteokbokki is really good. Do you just want to try it?
I love this rice cake.
This is awesome.
- A radish? - They added a radish.
- They added a radish? - Yes.
I've never seen tteokbokki with a radish in it.
(The radish makes the sauce more refreshing.)
- It's good. - Yes.
This is so good.
(Trying the fritter soaked in the sauce)
This is awesome.
(The marketplace tteokbokki is the best.)
- Add condensed milk? - Sure.
That looks so good.
It's milk bingsu.
This is good.
(A big bite)
- It's sweet enough even without it. - I know.
(While enjoying the happy marketplace food tour)
We're helpless without the halibut.
We can't cook anything. That's the main ingredient.
Let's begin the deal with the production crew.
Are you confident?
Yes, I'll first suggest it.
(Strengthening his will for the halibut)
Are we having a guest today?
I guess not.
If no one's showing up until now
- It means no guests today. - It's already 1:30pm.
(While the four sibling are having bingsu, )
(a mysterious car arrives in Yeongdeok.)
- Good. - How do you know Jung Ah?
We're neighbors.
We meet up sometimes for our hobbies and have meals.
(Jung Ah's neighbor visits her in Yeongdeok?)
Go straight?
What is all this?
Oh, roses of Sharon.
I see corn too.
How often does she come here?
(A calm mid-low voice)
Is this it?
(Curious about who this man is)
Is this it?
(Who is the second guest?)
It's a nice house.
(Actor Park Hae Jin)
(Actor Park Hae Jin)
(The guest the four siblings have been waiting for finally arrives.)
(Why is it so quiet?)
Is no one home?
(The house is empty.)
(Hae Jin got changed.)
(Where did everyone go?)
They wouldn't check here.
(Why is he putting his stuff there?)
Put the bag away.
My fan.
(Returning with his fan)
I have to hide my shoes.
(He even hides his shoes.)
(Trying to hide)
Hide the shoes.
(Why is he doing that?)
(Meanwhile, the four siblings are returning from grocery shopping.)
Oh, my gosh. So pretty. It's windy.
- Guys, look at that. - I am watching.
- The moving breeze. - It's rice, isn't it?
The rice is moving
- like a wave. - It's swaying.
(The soft breeze)
(makes a picturesque scene.)
It's so beautiful.
I rarely go on my phone here. It's so nice.
(Everywhere they pass is magnificent.)
It's so pretty.
I didn't know how rice could look so pretty.
(In the waving rice)
(I smelled your shampoo)
- What's next? - That's all I know.
(They don't know the lyrics.)
(While checking out the sight, they arrived at home.)
Let's unload first.
We have to put them in the fridge.
What needs to go in the fridge goes in the fridge.
- Did you get everything? - Yes.
(Entering home with groceries)
(I'm tired.)
I'll put them in the fridge.
(Eun Jin grabs the groceries.)
- Are you taking them inside? - Yes, they go in the fridge.
(Eun Jin grabs the groceries.)
- What? - Gosh. That startled me.
What's wrong?
- Gosh. That startled me. - What's wrong?
- Jung Ah. - What?
My gosh!
(Jung Ah, I'm here!)
(Blocking her mouth)
What? My goodness.
- Hello. - Gosh.
- What? - What? It's Park Hae Jin.
(The surprise event was a success.)
- Hello. - Hello.
When did you get here?
- Just a while ago. - He's so handsome.
It's been so long since I've appeared in a variety show.
I was around Dex's age when I was in "Family Outing."
(Park Hae Jin, 26 years old, the dream boy of older women)
(Young and fresh)
I was worried inside.
"Will I even have any screentime?"
(He only thought about the variety show.)
(Old variety show star, Park Hae Jin)
(When did you get here?)
(Just a while ago)
- Gosh, the guest was here. - Hello.
- He's so handsome. - Right.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.
- It's an honor. - Nice to meet you.
- Hello. - Hello. Nice to meet you.
Hello. Nice to meet you.
I got so surprised.
A handsome man came out like this all of a sudden.
I got so surprised.
- Hae Jin! - Jung Ah!
Gosh. How did you get here?
- The KTX. - Did you
- The KTX? - I see.
We just went grocery shopping since the market was open.
What did you have? I'm hungry.
- You're hungry. - Did you not have lunch?
Nice to meet you.
- You should have some of this. - Nice to meet you.
I'm sorry, but your outfit
makes you look like an artist of this town.
- Gosh. Look at you. - Thank you.
Were you in your sleeping wear?
Why is my shirt so revealing?
(Hae Jin is in his sleeping wear just like the owner of the house.)
Come in for now. It's fascinating, isn't it?
Come in. Oh, I'm the guest here.
We'll put everything in the fridge first.
(The guest that was waited for finally came.)
You didn't even turn on the lights.
This is your room.
- There's a separate room for me? - Yes.
I got so surprised.
- He's so handsome, isn't he? - Yes.
- Where are your things? - I hid them.
Why would you do that?
- To surprise you. - Gosh.
The things are all the way back there.
- Dex, he's older than you. - I'm a fan of yours.
You're so handsome.
I did an interview on my way here.
I was asked who I wanted to see the most
and I said it was Dex.
It's an honor.
Eun Jin, you should come here and say hello too.
What? Why are you suddenly pretending to be shy?
What's wrong with you?
It's awkward.
- I enjoyed "My Dearest." - Thank you.
- Why are you feeling shy? - Because it's awkward.
- It's our first time meeting. - It could feel awkward.
But it isn't my first time seeing you. I saw you.
- Really? - As I was walking by.
- We use the same salon. - He saw you in the salon.
- Do you go there? - Yes.
- I see. - Eun Jin was wearing a mask though.
- I see. - I see.
- So you go there. - Yes.
I suddenly feel a bit of inner intimacy.
- I went there for a long time. - I see.
Jun Myun.
Why are you putting yourself in the corner?
- I wanted to lean on something. - Me?
Gosh. Just on this.
Why is your face turning red?
It's just the sunburn!
Gosh. Why are you feeling shy?
I feel shy with new people.
I'm like that too.
You know how I'm shy like that.
We were supposed to
help out with the fishing and catch halibuts.
(Fishing? Halibuts?)
We were supposed to catch them and make some money,
but we weren't able to do that.
We're trying to make a deal for the halibut
- for dinner. - With who?
(Make a deal with who?)
We're going to go against the staff with a game of dodgeball.
We want to win the halibut off of them.
I was worried since we didn't have any other male member,
but now that you're here, we've gotten a great boost.
You'll be really surprised.
I've never played any sports that involves balls.
(We're playing dodgeball right away?)
He has really big hands.
(I think he'll do well with his big hands.)
(Feeling a lot of pressure)
- Shall we move out then? - Should we talk outside?
We have to be bold about this.
(They move outside to make a deal with the staff.)
I'll give it a try.
(The four siblings and Hae Jin face against the staff outside.)
(Shall we get started?)
(Let's do this.)
The aim of our show
is to enjoy the regional specialties
of each region just like the locals.
That's important in our show, right?
What was the theme of this area?
It was the halibut.
But we weren't able to earn the halibut today.
We should be able to try the halibut somehow,
but we aren't shameless people who would go,
"You should give us a box for free."
- We're never like that! - We're not.
- That's not who we are. - Of course.
We want to do things fair and square.
We suggest a battle against the staff.
If we win through the game,
we'll get a box of halibut.
We'll set up a generous dinner table
- full of halibut dishes. - Right.
The game that we suggest
is mixed dodgeball.
(The game suggested by the four siblings, King Dodgeball)
It would be great if you could balance out the members.
- Give us some time to decide. - Okay.
Gosh, they aren't easy to go against.
(Flustered and anxious)
We'll have to make a radish soup without the halibut.
They're going to edit in the halibut with computer graphics.
I see.
(What is the staff's decision?)
- Okay. - we want to make a deal.
They're making a deal.
We will suggest the game that will be played.
We will hear what it is first.
- Group jump rope. - I see.
- Group jump rope? - But he's so tall.
It will be 5 against 5?
- Then we should - We should
Shall we go with group jump rope?
- We'll go with group jump rope. - We'll go with group jump rope.
We'll start at 3pm.
(If we don't win, )
(there won't be any halibut!)
(Halibut maeuntang)
(or spicy radish soup?)
(The first game, group jump rope)
(The second game, King Dodgeball)
(If they lose, they have to have the halibut-less radish soup!)
(To earn the halibut, )
(a cold competition takes place.)
(Let's go for the halibut!)
(The halibut sports competition begins now.)
What is this?
(Today's sports ground, Inryang Traditional Theme Village)
The leader should be at the front.
Are we being introduced?
Stand in a line like this?
This is the captain of our team.
It's Dex, the former UDT soldier.
- Dex! - We have Dex!
Victory at all costs!
(Captain Dex: Former UDT soldier, strong one of the siblings)
We have Dex!
We have Dex!
(We trust in you, Dex!)
(The staff team enters too.)
Please introduce your captain.
(Former Marine)
I'm the former Marine, Ahn Min Beom.
- Gosh. - Gosh.
Victory at all costs!
The UDT or the Marine Corp.
I'll make sure to show you which side is stronger!
(He lets out a shout.)
I won't say much.
Don't say anything then.
(A battle with the halibut and pride on the line)
Then we'll begin with the first game.
Let's start the group jump rope.
We can do this.
How many attempts do we get?
Three? We'll go with the highest record out of three?
(Round 1: Group jump rope)
Play nothing and lose. Rock, paper, scissors!
(Paper from Marine producer, rock from UDT Dex)
(Joy and sorrow)
- A man goes with rock. - Is that so?
We'll go last.
(The sibling team goes first with a disadvantage.)
This is driving me crazy.
- Just make sure to jump high. - Okay.
You have to jump high no matter what.
Like this, Jung Ah.
We can go at this beat, right?
Just go for it.
Please turn it for us.
- One, two, three. - One, two, three.
- Gosh. - What?
(This is hard.)
- Again. - We'll go again. Go.
(Ms. Yum can't seem to follow the beat.)
- You have to leave me out. - Who was it?
I can't do it.
- We're in trouble! - Jung Ah!
What do we do?
(They didn't get even 1 during the practice.)
What do I do?
I can't follow the beat.
(What if we lose because of me?)
I'll jump with you.
I have to bend my knees a lot, right?
We can have the maeuntang without the halibut.
- Don't think about it. - The radish soup will be fine.
Let's do this!
- Let's do this! - Let's do this!
(The younger ones cheer Jung Ah up.)
- I will call out, "Now!" - Okay.
(The first attempt of the sibling team)
(How many can Jung Ah do with their support?)
(It finishes with 1.)
(She still can't follow the beat with both legs moving separately.)
Gosh, this is driving me crazy.
Let's do this, Jung Ah!
- We have two more attempts. - Right.
It's okay.
Get ready.
(They fail to get a single point.)
- It's okay! - It's okay!
- It's okay! - It's okay!
It's okay. We can make it with just the vegetables.
It's okay!
It's okay!
- This is the final attempt. - Gosh, Dex.
(Just the final attempt remains.)
(Can Jung Ah do well?)
Two, three!
- What? - Go!
(Jung Ah starts increasing the numbers of jumps.)
(Plopping down)
(Ms. Yum manages to reach her best record of 3.)
We did it! Great job!
- We did it! Great job! - Nice one!
- Great job! - We got our best record!
- Our best record! - We did it!
We did it!
(A precious result achieved while cheering each other up)
- We did it! - We did it!
(It looks like they have already won.)
- I'm satisfied with this result. - We're still in the game.
- We'll win if they do zero. - Right.
We'll win if they do zero.
(However, the staff team manages to do 10.)
Stop it!
Oh, no.
(There goes my halibut.)
(The staff team takes the win by a big difference.)
The staff team wins as they managed to do ten jumps.
(The sibling team is losing by 0 to 1.)
(The sibling team is losing by 0 to 1.)
We'll start the game of dodgeball in five minutes.
- Well done. - Okay.
- We should get some rest. - Sit down and get some rest.
Right. We should rest up a bit.
(A 5-minute break before the next round of dodgeball)
I'm here for Fresh off the Sea. Why am I jumping rope?
He came all the way to Yeongdeok.
He won't be eating anything at this rate.
No. Just trust me.
(The sibling team is in a tight spot after losing the first match.)
- We're ready. - Okay.
Let's do this!
(They cheer themselves up.)
Let's go.
(The second game, King Dodgeball)
We'll begin the final game.
A king will be chosen for each opposing team.
No matter how many people are left in a team,
the game will end as soon as the king is hit.
Got it.
Each team will choose the king for each team.
We choose
Fresh off the Sea's
- Jung Ah! - Jung Ah!
- They chose Jung Ah. - Gosh.
Let's do this.
We choose the Marine from the staff team!
(The staff team's king, the former Marine)
The game will end as soon as the king gets hit.
Show us your determination.
- Go for it, Captain Dex. - Our captain should say a word.
- Show them. - Well
I won't say much. I'll show you why the Marine Corps is weak.
Gosh, that's scary. Aren't you afraid of what is to come?
(A word of determination of the staff team)
The Underdog Task Force.
The Task Force of Inryang Village.
(Fresh off the Sea roots for all UDT soldiers.)
That was amazing!
We'll keep it the same way.
- Okay. - Nothing is different.
(The Underdog Task Force gets ready to attack.)
(Falling down)
Did you just get on your knees? And you call yourself a Marine?
(The former Marine fires back right away.)
- It's okay. - I have to go back there.
- I'll protect Jung Ah. - It's better for us this way.
You make the attack. I'll defend.
(Dex's sudden attack)
(was dodged swiftly by the staff team.)
How was that dodged like that?
(Hae Jin is looking for a gap in the opposing team.)
(He finds it.)
(Moving about)
(The staff team members get caught out in a flash.)
Protect Jung Ah!
(The ones that protected the king)
- Gosh. - Nice one.
(get caught out one by one.)
We should protect Jung Ah now.
(Even Dex the ace gets caught out.)
(Eun Jin tries to protect the king until the end.)
It's coming!
(Eun Jin protects the king with amazing reflexes.)
Ahn Eun Jin is out!
- Jung Ah. You can dodge it. - It's a 1-on-1 battle now.
Only the kings of both sides are left now.
(The sibling team is in danger right away.)
(The sibling team gets the chance to attack again.)
I'll go to the middle.
(A chance that might not come back again)
(The attack must be done carefully.)
(The sibling team wins.)
- Jung Ah! - Yes!
(The sibling team who went on a high after the dramatic win)
(couldn't be stopped.)
(The final round to decide the winner with both teams tied)
You're going for Dex?
I'll protect Jung Ah.
(Eun Jin has gone mad with her desire to win.)
Wasn't that a double kill?
(The fantastic teamwork of these two intensified.)
(They took out the members of the staff team in a flash.)
Get it.
(The staff team had a chance to fight back.)
(However, they submitted to the spirit of the sibling team.)
Let's go for the halibut!
- Let's go for the halibut! - Halibut!
(Game over)
(The ones who were sincere about their love for the halibut)
(We can finally feed our guest.)
(The sibling team's dodgeball hero)
(The sibling team takes the final win.)
- Gosh. - Come on!
That was amazing!
We did it!
Why lose money after accepting a crazy deal?
We earned money like this.
(The siblings were worried after failing to work.)
The final winner.
(Presentation ceremony of the halibut sports competition)
- Thank you! - Thank you.
(They receive the grand prize with the halibut.)
That's amazing!
It's really heavy.
(Jung Ah feels relieved now.)
Shake hands with the opposing team.
- Great work. - Right.
- Great work. - Great work.
- Great work. - Great work.
- The former Marine. - Great work.
Gosh. That was amazing.
(Halibut sports competition)
Great work.
(The halibut sports competition comes to an end.)
(Let's head back home with light hearts.)
(The hot sun gets ready to get off work.)
(The four siblings and Hae Jin take a break before dinner.)
- It was fun. - We were great at dodgeball.
(They achieved victory in the sports competition.)
Everyone did a great job.
- We earned 90 dollars. - Right.
We managed to
earn 90 dollars.
- I'm getting so many freckles. - I'm worried too.
- You got a sunburn. - Me?
- Yes. - I seemed fine.
Your hair, your face, and your eyes are the same color.
You look a lot darker than yesterday.
Gosh, my body hurts. I didn't even do much.
Does it hurt this much for doing just that?
I don't even know what I did to feel this way. My whole body hurts.
You kept moving around while cheering for the team.
And you jumped around while feeling happy.
(She cheered during the competition with her whole body.)
(Yum Jung Ah, cheerleader)
(I'm the rest leader at home.)
- Beer? - Should we have some beer?
- What? - Should we have some beer?
- A beer after running will be nice. - Right? Will you have one?
Sure. I'll have one.
(Eun Jin gets the beer.)
I saw this earlier.
- This is some kind of jerky. - Jerky?
- This? - Yes.
There's this too.
(Hae Jin shakes up the protein drink.)
(Jung Ah and Eun Jin clink their beer cans.)
(Feeling refreshed)
(Is she downing it?)
(Feeling refreshed)
- Should we listen to some music? - Should we do that?
I want to turn on a playlist
that will take away Hae Jin's heart. Will I be able to do that?
Give it a try.
(The song that everyone was waiting for)
("I Love You" by Position, a song released in 2000)
(Cha Seung Won, Shin Ha Kyun, and Lee Yo Won were in the music video.)
(His memories of the past are summoned.)
The music videos back then
(The music video of those times)
I think I can show you how it was done back then.
The female lead
looks pure and innocent.
The boyfriend looks like this.
(Male lead: Ahn Eun Jin)
(It seems familiar.)
There's a guy that has a crush on the girl.
He's someone who works for him. "Goodbye, sir."
He meets her eyes while opening the door for them.
He fell in love with the woman of his boss.
- He has to get hit by the boss. - Right.
- And the woman witnesses that. - Right.
You can't hear it, but she's wailing.
(The music video of those times)
(You're right.)
That's how far it goes.
In the end, they fall in love with each other.
And the guy gets caught and gets killed.
The guy gets caught and gets killed. He gets hit like this.
There were many music videos that were like that.
He fell in love with the woman of his boss.
I watched a lot of them.
After going home after our first shoot,
- I really missed you guys. - I felt the same way.
We felt so awkward when we first met each other.
Actresses, hello.
- "Actresses?" - Actresses.
When we met for the first time,
Eun Jin said, "You'll be under my control."
You still need to get to your senses. You're under my control.
No way. You're under my control.
(They bicker whenever they can.)
Hey, the third eldest and the youngest.
Haven't I defeated her already?
Jung Ah, can you please do something about him?
- He's the one at fault. - See?
(The four siblings are getting along well today as well.)
(While the four siblings are resting, )
(the elders in the village finish their work.)
(They return home for dinner.)
(What kind of food in season do they make in Inryang?)
(Ms. Lee Kyung Hee's house)
Yeongdeok is known for halibut.
There's even a halibut festival.
(Halibut cut in two goes over the potatoes.)
Shotted halibut is savory and delicious with the bones.
(Putting spicy marinade over the shotted halibut)
I added gochujang, garlic, and a bit of starch syrup.
(Adding broth made with mushrooms and anchovies)
Then you braise it in broth.
When it starts to boil, I add the marinade again.
(Making it spicier with green onions and chili peppers)
(Steamed halibut becomes tender in the spicy and sweet marinade.)
(Dried anchovies)
(Eggplant on top of them)
(Stir-fry them with sesame oil and soy sauce.)
(Savory and salty stir-fried eggplant)
(Cucumber and chives make it refreshing and light.)
(Cold cucumber and chive soup)
(Sweet and sour seasoned cucumber)
(A meal made with ingredients grown in Yeongdeok)
(What are the four siblings having for dinner?)
(The chef in season checks the prize first.)
(The box is filled with fish.)
(She finally meets the halibut.)
(They won some cod as a bonus.)
(A pile of halibut and cod)
Hae Jin, what are you good at?
What are your cooking skills?
I brought things like olive oil so that we can cook together.
Olive oil? You know how to make pasta.
What is it called?
I can make carpaccio or pulpo if we have the ingredients.
Gosh, why you
They're very simple to make.
He must be on a different level.
She made anchovy pasta for breakfast today.
That's good too.
(To Hae Jin, such dishes are familiar.)
(This man)
He knows how to cook.
- Hae Jin knows how to cook. - You cut it with the knife.
He really is.
Shall we make him cook something even though he's our guest?
Jung Ah, tell us about what we're making for dinner.
- Aren't you going to make jeon? - Yes.
We're making halibut jeon and cod soup as I said before.
And acorn muk salad.
We also have to make acorn muk salad.
(Precious ingredients)
(from Yeongdeok Sea)
(Yeongdeok's comfort food)
(Shotted halibut)
(Drenching it in egg mixture)
(On the frying pan)
(Halibut jeon is turning golden.)
(Another present from Yeongdeok Sea)
(Cod soup showing off its red broth)
(Acorn muk bought at the market that opens every 5 days)
(A combination of gelatinous muk and vegetables in season)
(They start making dinner)
(with priceless ingredients from Yeongdeok.)
(Jung Ah takes out the halibut.)
What's that?
- It's halibut for jeon. - What?
The halibut looks similar to eel.
(Smooth shotted halibut that's in season)
- Give it to me. I'll wash it. - Okay.
(Dex volunteers to prepare the fish.)
Shall I throw away the guts?
No, they've been removed already.
- Do I just rinse it? - Just wash it.
(Cod that's chopped into big pieces)
(First, he rinses it with water.)
(Washing gently in flowing water)
(Gently like he's washing a child)
(The cod is washed.)
(Next is Yeongdeok's shotted halibut that they worked hard for)
The halibut has been prepared very clean.
(It's already pure white.)
Isn't it in the fridge?
(Dex is working hard.)
(Eun Jin goes into the living room.)
- Is work going okay? Want a drink? - What is it?
I'm sorry, but I opened it.
What is this?
(A beverage from Eun Jin)
(Humming in approval)
- It's savory. - Isn't it nice and savory?
It's delicious.
It's a light drink that's perfect when you're busy.
Besides, I was hungry.
I brought it for you, so
- What? - I did this for you.
- What? - You got it, right?
(Her kindness had an ulterior motive.)
(Clear air in Yeongdeok)
(And fertile land)
(Yeongdeok's healthy crops grown in nature)
(Washing scallions from the garden)
(Thoroughly rinsing radish bought at the market)
Shall I leave these out?
I'll do it here.
- It's too crowded over there. - Okay.
(Jung Ah is preparing dinner with seasonal ingredients.)
(Peeling with skills)
(She prepares ingredients for the cod soup.)
(Generous chef in season)
It's radish.
It's slightly bitter because it's summer radish.
Gosh, you know a lot.
All of these are for the cod soup.
Add Cheongyang chili to the soup.
(The bowls are filled with radish and mushrooms.)
(For how many people is the cod soup today?)
(A pile of bean sprouts)
Doesn't it hurt your eyes?
I need some minced garlic.
Hae Jin, can you mince some garlic?
(Sous-chef Sauce Park)
(Sous-chef's assistant, Park Hae Jin)
(Jun Myun and Hae Jin are assisting the chef in season.)
It's quite loud.
It's loud.
- You must show that you're working. - Right, I'm working.
You're doing well.
(Showing that he's working)
(Looking handsome)
(Mincing garlic while showing off his forearm muscles)
(Garlic is minced in an instant.)
(Adding to the sauce)
- Where else do I need garlic? - Once radish and scallions
- are ready, give them to me. - Okay.
Chili powder.
Shall I season the muk?
Can you cut some muk for me?
(Is he going to try making acorn muk salad?)
- Do you want to cut the muk - Shall I?
And season it?
- I can season muk. - Yes.
(A task given to the assistant's assistant)
(He grabs the soy sauce with confidence.)
(He measures it with a spoon.)
How much muk do we have?
- We have one block. - One big block?
Yes, it's quite big.
(He considers the size of the muk.)
(Sesame oil)
(Sesame seeds, chili powder, and sugar)
(He makes the sauce for muk by measuring with a spoon.)
(Without stopping)
(Giving it a mix)
(Refined snapping of the wrist)
I went on camping quite often,
so I can make simple dishes.
(Hae Jin's sweet acorn muk salad sauce)
(Is the Team Sauce doing well?)
(She spilled it.)
(A lot of salt)
(Oh, my)
(What should we do?)
Stop. I'll handle it.
Are you done already?
No, Jun Myun spilled something.
(Reporting her the details)
(He hands her a clean spoon.)
(Working perfectly as a team)
It almost turned into salty soup.
Where should I put it? I have to wash the dishes anyway.
- What? - I have to wash the dishes anyway.
You have to do them anyway?
(That's a relief.)
Did I ruin this?
There it is.
It's spicy.
It's because of the chili.
(A huge electric grill)
(The chef in season takes out a huge electric grill.)
Help Hae Jin today.
Can you wash these for me?
Thank you.
(Today's main dish, halibut jeon)
(The chef in season sat down to make halibut jeon.)
(The grill's size that's out of the ordinary)
(She removes water from the halibut.)
(She removes water from the halibut.)
(Seasoning with salt and pepper powder)
(Quick snapping of the wrist)
(She makes egg mixture to cover the halibut.)
(Pouring oil to the enormous frying pan for parties)
(She coats the halibut with pancake flour and egg mixture.)
(The whole piece?)
(She puts the whole halibut on the grill.)
(Generous and huge halibut jeon)
(Is she preparing for the holiday in advance?)
It looks delicious.
(Being cooked with the savory smell)
Shall I flip it when you tell me to?
You have to grill it for a long time over low heat.
- I see. - Otherwise, it gets burnt.
(She learns something new like this.)
(The beauty of waiting)
(Now is the time.)
(The halibut is turning golden in the oil.)
(When it's cooked, the halibut jeon turns golden.)
It's hot.
(Struggling with the hot oil)
(Making with lots of love)
(The dish takes a lot of time to make.)
(A piece that's full of sea flavor)
(Well-cooked halibut jeon)
It looks delicious.
All of you should taste some meat.
Isn't it cooked all the way inside?
Take a bite first.
(Taking a bite even though it's hot)
Is it good?
(In admiration as soon as he tastes it)
- Isn't it good, Hae Jin? - Yes.
Didn't I give you too little?
(Jun Myun also gets a bite.)
Gosh, what's this?
- Is it incredible? - Yes.
(The soft halibut meat melts.)
It's so good.
(It melts in the mouth.)
- Is it good? I'll try some too. - It's very good.
It's delicious.
It feels like a national holiday.
(It feels like eating holiday food.)
- It's Chuseok. - Jung Ah, it's so savory.
Isn't it good? Be careful of the bones.
Edge? It's the edge.
(She can't stop eating it because it's so savory.)
Jung Ah, which pot should we use for the cod soup?
A slightly big one. We have a lot of cod for the soup.
Where is it?
(Where is the pot?)
A big pot is over there.
(There's a big pot over here?)
(A slightly big pot that's invisible)
(Is it over here?)
(She can only see two pots.)
It's too big.
(Does she mean this?)
It's for 100 people.
(Do you mean this one?)
(Yum Jung Ah's slightly big pot)
Jin Young,
- we'll have to use this pot. - Sure.
It's for 100 people. How can I make that much?
(Jung Ah is used to cooking with that pot.)
(Let's put water in first.)
(Preparing the brazier for cod soup)
I'll need enough firewood to cook for 100 people.
(A 10-story wooden pagoda made with firewood)
Let's see. Where's a big piece of wood?
(Adding firewood)
(Ready to boil the soup)
(Docking the pot)
(Suddenly, there are strong winds.)
The fire will be
easy to ignite.
(Power up with the wind)
It's as strong as a fire in a blasting furnace.
It looks brutal.
(Jun Myun is adding ingredients for the soup.)
(Adding radish to make the broth refreshing)
(Mushrooms, dried shrimp, and broth bag)
Gosh, this is hard.
It's blowing.
(There's more smoke because the fire is strong.)
(It's enough to be visible from the sky.)
(Smoke rising)
(The smoke spreads in the wind.)
(She throws it in and runs away.)
Gosh, my eyes hurt.
(Attacking the eyes)
Oh, my.
(The smoke spreads over to the wooden bench.)
(There's so much smoke that it's hard to open the eyes.)
What's going on here?
This is such a mess.
(The smoke continues to attack.)
I can't get anywhere near it. What should I do?
What else do you need to add? I'll do it.
- I have to add many things. - I'll add them all.
(He grabs a ladle for Jun Myun.)
Control me like your avatar, okay?
(Adding the sauce that she made beforehand)
One scoop.
Leave two scoops and add the rest.
- Leave two scoops? - Yes.
(Breaking through the smoke)
A bit of doenjang. You have to melt it in the soup.
(Eyes closed tightly)
My eyes hurt so much.
I'll do it.
- Are your eyes okay? - They're totally okay.
(The smoke must get to Dex as well.)
(His consideration for Jun Myun)
(Become delicious.)
Next, add the fish
I'll add it all once the soup boils.
- Yes. Add it once it boils. - Something like this
(Jung Ah is sitting down again in front of the frying pan.)
(She grills the remaining halibut diligently.)
(The pan is filled with jeon.)
(The halibut jeon is getting ready.)
(It's piling up little by little.)
(There is too much.)
(Jung Ah continues to make jeon anyway.)
Eun Jin, give all the crew a bite.
(Her heart is just as generous.)
Hae Jin, are you waiting after making the sauce?
(He checks if the sauce is fermented enough.)
(Humming in approval)
I'm thinking about seasoning the muk.
Go ahead.
(First, he washes his hands.)
(Acorn muk salad made by Park Hae Jin)
(Hae Jin's handmade sauce)
(Bouncy and jelly-like)
(He adds acorn muk bought at the fifth-day market.)
(Let's mix and make it delicious.)
(A combination of gelatinous muk and spicy sauce)
(Making it fragrant with edible amaranth in season)
Edible amaranth.
(He takes a bite with some edible amaranth.)
(The muk's chewiness spreads in the mouth.)
(It's ready.)
Jung Ah, taste it and see if it's seasoned well.
(First, he gives some to Jung Ah who's suffering in the heat.)
(How will Jung Ah like it?)
- Is it all right? - Yes, it's good.
- Is it good? - Yes.
- Nice. - You're really a good cook.
- Is it good? - Yes.
Hae Jin, how are you so good at cooking?
(How good is it?)
(The taste makes you jealous as soon as you eat it.)
- What kind of reaction was that? - I give you credit for it.
- Seriously? - It's very good.
- He's good. - It goes well with edible amaranth.
- Right? - Vegetables in season are the best.
It's in season indeed.
(Greens in season with added spiciness)
(They tasted them when they taste the best.)
Is it good?
(It's insanely good.)
- It'd go well with rice. - Really?
(He puts acorn muk salad on the table first.)
(The main dish, halibut jeon)
(Meanwhile, the cod soup broth has been boiling.)
- We can add the fish now. - Okay.
(Adding the cod)
(Fresh cod splashes in.)
(A pot of cod soup looks plentiful.)
(When it starts to boil, tofu is added.)
(Fresh bean sprouts and water parsley)
This is to die for.
It's ready.
(The sight is merciless.)
Jun Hyun, it'll be amazing.
- Really? - Yes.
That has to be good.
Today, there are so many dishes that go well with rice.
(A profound flavor from light cod meat)
(Abundant water parsley and bean sprouts)
(Vegetables seasoned with spicy broth)
(Lastly, the cod soup is served on the table.)
(In awe)
(It already looks good.)
- We took exactly one hour. - Really?
- It looks amazing. - It's 7:30pm.
- Gosh. - It looks amazing.
- The meal looks great. - I agree.
- Considering the amount of time. - This is for you.
- Gosh. - First
- Enjoy your food. - Thank you for cooking.
Thank you for the food.
- Oh, my. - I'll start with the soup.
- I can't wait to try the soup. - Jun Myun.
Sauce Park.
(She tries the broth first.)
With some radish.
- Shall I try it? - You made it so well.
(How good is it?)
(A spoonful of it makes you surprised.)
It tastes like soup at a famous maeuntang restaurant.
Yes, I totally agree.
This is insane.
(The rich broth taste from boiling in the pot for a long time)
- You have higher expectations now. - What you made was incredible.
You're pretending to be weak.
- Did I make it well again? - You're impressive, Jun Myun.
You know, I used the snow crab broth.
(Her secret is Yeongdeok snow crab broth bag.)
In one of your bowls, you might find a bag of kelp.
- I couldn't take it out. - It's all right.
(Someone will get a broth bag in the soup.)
We didn't catch any, but the halibut jeon is good too.
(They finally get to taste the halibut jeon.)
(A huge piece)
(The savory taste of shotted halibut in season)
(The exquisite harmony of muk and the sauce)
(Water parsley duo)
(Hae Jin eats all the meat off of the bones.)
(Let me taste the gelatinous acorn muk.)
(A bite of nice and thick muk)
The salad sauce is really delicious.
(Edible amaranth mixed with Hae Jin's sauce)
The vegetables make it taste so good.
- Edible amaranth? - It's edible amaranth.
It's in season right now.
I might eat two bowls of rice
- because of the edible amaranth. - Seriously.
Gosh, this is
(Edible amaranth on top of warm white rice)
(A huge bite)
(He's completely in love with it.)
(A rediscovery of edible amaranth)
(Humming in approval)
(The freshness from the vegetable in season)
I'm eating in a hurry again because I got hungry.
Were we hungry?
- After working out, we got hungry. - After working out
We got close quickly from playing sports.
- Right. - With Hae Jin, right?
- We played sports suddenly. - You got close quickly as one team.
- I noticed an interesting point. - What?
I've been eating without soda since I came here.
- Do you drink soda? - Without soda
- I remember you saying that. - I can't eat without soda.
- Really? - Like Coke?
I always had to eat with 2 to 3 cans of Coke.
For every bowl of rice.
As I live alone, there's no one to stop me.
As there was no joy in eating,
- I had to drink Coke. - It was to replace food.
I ate without thinking in front of the TV.
Here, there are people who eat what I cook.
I get excited because you say that it's delicious.
So I don't think about Coke.
(The joy of sharing a meal with people you like)
- We're done. - Shall we clean up?
- Shall we? - Thank you for the food.
- Thank you for the food. - Thank you for the food.
I ate a lot.
(Now that we enjoyed the meal, shall we clean up together?)
(Surrounded by the blue sea in Namhae)
(Seasonal ingredients pour out from the sea and the land.)
(Taking place in Goseong, corn supernova)
(The girls appeared with a sickle.)
(With moves that became stronger)
(Fresh off the Sea is dominating all the corn in season.)
(No matter how much they cut, the work is endless.)
(Gosh, I feel so dizzy.)
(What's going on?)
(Jung Ah ends up passing out.)
(Who is the man who came running to save Jung Ah?)
(Did you film it in slow motion?)
(Full of mischievous charms, Actor Cha Tae Hyun)
(I don't eat food given by the staff.)
(They can already sense the smell of a variety show master.)
(As if possessed, she asks him for a lesson.)
(Cha Tae Hyun's lesson 1 on variety shows)
(Talk only in front of the camera.)
(Cha Tae Hyun's lesson 2 on variety shows)
(Always keep your microphone on.)
(Falling in love with Instructor Cha)
(In reality, is Mr. Cha a grasshopper?)
(The first guest to lie down)
(on Fresh off the Sea)
(The grasshoppers who lie down like Tae Hyun and Jung Ah?)
(Did Jung Ah lie down?)
(What would we have done without Tae Hyun?)
(Tae Hyun, please stay one more day.)
(I don't have extra underwear.)
(I have a lot of underwear.)
(He taught them about variety shows.)
(Now his pupils are clinging on him.)
(The variety show expert is in a crisis.)
(What will happen to Mr. Cha?)
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