Friday Night Lights s01e05 Episode Script

Git 'Er Done

' Sports Illustrated has this as the number-one high school football team in Texas.
Got yourself a heck of a quarterback.
Is it true, Mr.
Street? That I love Lyla Garrity? Street, the only one to able to get to him.
That's a gigantic hit on Street.
Jason's paralyzed.
' This is not just some game.
You realize that.
After what's happened with Jason, it's about this town.
It's about the spirit and keeping this town alive.
You think little Matt Saracen can get it done? You got a job to do.
This is all yours for the taking.
You know, Jason's been asking about you.
If you wait too long he might start taking it personal, Tim.
You wanna help? Then stop pretending that everything's okay! He's never gonna walk again.
' What happened with us came from all those feelings about Jason.
' They're trying to bring in this Katrina refugee.
' We got ourselves a quarterback, coach.
You could tell me who you're thinking about starting at quarterback Sarecen, if you want it to be you, you're gonna have to show me more than what you've been showing me on the field this week.
I can't stop thinking about you, Lyla.
No hospital today? No, I'm going for a run.
I think this is Hey.
I think it's really great you're doing something for yourself.
Thanks, Mom.
Have a good day, sweetie.
You hungry? Yeah.
Well, it's not much, but Is your brother here? No.
' Hey, Sammy, it's Wednesday.
When are we gonna get the decision from Coach Taylor? Is it gonna be Voodoo or is it gonna be Saracen? SAMMY.
' Well, we're on the same page there, friend.
We're all waiting for that answer.
Voodoo's a star, man.
We gotta see that kid play.
A team does not function with a quarterback controversy.
He's just gotta go out and pick one.
Well, my friend, as I said, I don't think you're alone there.
The whole town I found this national website listing of all these open high school coaching jobs.
You did not.
There's one in Miami, there's another school in New York.
There's even a head-coaching job in Seattle and it comes with a house on Pudget Sound.
Puget Sound.
Puget Sound.
You know what I heard once? I heard that a daughter is supposed to be a comfort and a blessing to her father.
Texas isn't even a state.
Technically, it's a republic.
It'd be nice to live somewhere that's actually a part of this planet.
Do y'all think that they actually have football in Seattle? Not the same thing.
Let's go.
Come on.
On the hop, guys.
Let's get out there.
Mike, get Voodoo out of the weight room.
Tell him I wanna see him.
In your office? Yeah, in my office.
All right.
We'll send him in.
Voodoo! You wanted to see me? Yeah, sit down.
How you doing? Listen, we haven't had much time to talk.
And It's been pretty busy around here.
I just thought that Well, you know I'm gonna be making the decision soon about Friday.
This is where you might want to chime in about how you relish the opportunity or, you know, you're not gonna let me down.
Might wanna add something about the insight you've gained in the game of football in the short time you've been lucky enough to be a Dillon Panther.
I'm not here to make friends.
This ain't my home.
This ain't my school.
It never will be.
I don't like the food here, the music, the weather.
And I can definitely do without everybody going on and on about the great state of Texas.
I'm here to get noticed, get recruited and get my ass to LSU.
And you, you're just trying to scrape by.
Trying to win some games, keep your job.
You and me are an arranged marriage.
Nothing more.
Now you've seen what I can do.
You wanna start Saracen, you go right ahead.
You can leave that door open.
Hey, look.
You doin' pretty good out there.
Blowin' it out at practice.
Yeah? You think so? Yeah, man.
You and me? State and Main.
For real.
I hope.
Hey, hey, where you going, there, girl? Hey, baby, come on back here and bless me.
You guys seen Lyla? Lyla? What about the Smash, baby? Hey, don't forget about my boy here, Matty Saracen.
Hey, Matt.
Are you starting on Friday? I'm I might be.
I might.
TAMl: Oh, boy.
You're drawing up plays.
Thank you.
We're having dinner.
You can forage for them later.
This looks good.
Here you go.
One Triple Chocolate Meltdown.
You're not my waitress.
Shift change.
Lucky me.
I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I mean, it's kind of abrupt.
I had a thing going with this other lady.
She was bringing me napkins and mints.
We kind of See, you know, that's rough.
But at her age, Carlene can only handle the day shift.
Plus, there's a Murder, She Wrote marathon on this weekend, so I'm stuck with you.
What's going on out there? It's a bunch of over-heated jocks too dumb to know they have no future fighting over a game that has no meaning in a town from which there is no escape.
That's Wow.
My name is Tyra, and I'll be at your service for the next six hours.
McGILL: All right, good.
Let's go! Let's go! Get him over there! Looking good! Yeah! Stay low when you drive.
Aim for the B.
into the upfield number.
There it is.
All right.
Good! Not too bad! Bring it down.
Yeah! What's going on, Coach? Guys look good, Coach.
How come Saracen isn't rotating in with the first team? I thought last week we said we were starting Tatum.
No, I think you said that, and I said, "Thanks for the opinion, Coach.
" Saracen, put your lid on.
Strap up, son, get your ass in there.
We'll rotate him with the first team till I say otherwise.
Yes, sir.
Get in there, son.
Hut! Hey! You know, there is more than one restaurant in this town.
I'm just saying.
Well, I just came by to give you something, but now maybe I'm not feeling like it anymore.
What is it? You remind me of him.
I remind you of an old, wrinkled black man wearing a weird hat? Yeah, something like that.
Well That's it.
Hey, you want to come for a ride? With me? A ride? Yeah, I work for an investment bank.
And we're looking to see if the oil fields are worth reopening around here, and I gotta go out to the fields and do an evaluation, you know, financial feasibility analysis, and I'm just boring you to death.
Anyway, look, I gotta go out to the fields, meet some geologists.
I was wondering if you wanna go for a ride? I'm not gonna sleep with you.
What? I wasn't I'm not I'd just like your company.
What's up? Hey.
What are you doing here? I have two parents who work here and I can't get either one of them to sign my stupid Driver's Ed.
Are you gonna come to the game on Friday? Yeah.
My dad's the coach.
He'll have a heart attack if I don't show up.
So do you think you're gonna start? I don't know.
That's the coach's decision, and, you know, whatever he decides, I'm there for.
But I've been working hard, so I'm ready.
I feel good about it.
I just You know, whatever he feels is best for the team, that's what I'm ready to do.
So Dude, you need to chill out.
I'm not ESPN.
No, it's cool.
All right, I'll see you around, then.
So stupid.
There you go.
Now try throwing it back to Ramis.
You're doing great.
There you go.
There you go.
Try to throw it back.
Use your biceps.
You got 'em.
All right.
Here's the plan.
Go about 15 yards, run a post pattern.
I'll hit you by the water cooler.
Phil, get QB in a van this afternoon.
Get him downtown to the center.
Man, you know I can't authorize that.
Authorize this, Phil.
I want to show this boy his future.
What's happening this afternoon, Phil? Come on, you guys! Hey, Miss Lyla Garrity.
Come in here and sit down.
Well, it's not true what they say about cheerleaders that you're all just a bunch of T and A and nothing between the ears.
Excuse me, Mrs.
Taylor? Well, I mean, you got straight A's, girl.
Good going, man.
That's awesome.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
So what are you thinking? You thinking about colleges? Well, I always figured I'd wait to see which school Jason was going to play for.
Probably Notre Dame, so I'd probably end up taking classes at Saint Mary's.
You know, and enroll full-time once Jason was settled in.
Well, college football is so much more demanding than high school.
I'd want to be there for him.
I understand that.
But, you know, I was actually thinking, separate from that, what you might wanna do.
I guess, with Jason's recovery and all, I really haven't had the time to give that much thought.
I know.
I know.
But That's why I thought maybe it'd be a good idea for you to come in here.
Maybe it's time to start thinking about it.
What do you think? What the hell you doing? Copying the playbook.
What do you think I'm doing? Tatum's been borrowing mine, so I thought it was about time he got one of his own.
You got a problem with that now? No, I just like to know what's going on in my office.
Like I like to know what's going on with my offense.
You know, I really don't really care for what you're insinuating there.
Mac, I'm not insinuating anything.
But since we're broaching the subject, I can tell you one thing that I don't like.
I don't like my offensive coordinator chatting up Buddy Garrity like he's on a date.
I don't care for that too much.
Look, who I have a drink with is none of your damn business.
You think I want your job, right? Well, you're damn right I do.
'Cause the way I see it, you're sitting in my chair.
But I'll never do anything to hurt these kids.
I wanna win, just like you do.
Now, these are my boys, too.
So you pull it together.
Got me? See, so this isn't what I'm clear about.
We've got mass producing in Wharton County, and then mass producing in Howard County And I suggest, like, you could buy Just to do it right over there.
You guys know better than I do.
I don't know.
I guess I just have to laugh.
All these people so caught up in their tiny little lives.
It's ridiculous, don't you think? What? Nothing.
You're opinionated.
I like that.
You know what else I hate? Just for the record.
What? Oil.
Why? I know it's a widely held belief, but any particular reason? I hate what it did to my father.
This whole town, really.
My father, he lost his job as a rigger in the last bust.
I mean, it's worse than crack.
These dealers come in promising good times that last forever, and just as fast, it's gone.
And all the money's gone with it.
You wanna know a secret? Hmm? I'm not a big fan of oil, either.
Oh, really? Back home, I drive a Hybrid.
You like it out there in Los Angeles? Yeah.
Yeah, I do.
You know, you'd do all right out there.
So How long you gonna be here for? I don't know, as long as my boss wants me to be here.
Another week at least.
So what would you say to dinner tomorrow night? Real dinner, I mean.
I'd like that.
Hey, QB.
When was that? That was a while back.
Oh, you're getting good at that.
Look at you.
Very nice.
Herc What's your injury? Same as you.
Got our fingers.
We're the lucky ones around here.
Oh, yeah.
Real lucky.
It's all relative, QB.
How long before you started playing Quad Rugby? About a year.
Of course, I wasted a good six months drowning in a sea of self pity.
Six months? Six months.
How's that calculus going? What calculus? You know, you were talking about it the other day.
I don't know.
Advanced placement trig? Yeah.
How's that going? It's going fine.
Good, 'cause I know you were worried about it.
The other day you had some big test coming up.
Tim, just don't do this, okay? Do what? Pretend that you're interested in my schoolwork.
It's obvious that you're not That you're just trying to Have a conversation, Lyla? Yeah, I thought we may wanna try and do that sometime.
What do you want to talk about, Tim? The fact that you're sleeping with your paralyzed best friend's girlfriend? Is that what you want to talk about, Tim? No.
I don't think we're gonna be doing a lot of talking.
I just wanted to see if you might be coming home for dinner tonight.
No, I don't think I'm gonna be home for dinner tonight.
Your daughter was asking for a picture of you.
And so I just thought you might like to weigh in on what you Don't do that.
That's not funny.
Don't do that.
We sure would love to see you.
How was your day today? All right.
Yeah? How was yours? If you listen to TV or the radio, I'm the coach that can't get the decision made.
Can't make a decision.
Can I help you make the decision? Sure.
Go ahead.
Make the decision, hon.
What's your decision? You make the call.
Start Saracen.
Start Saracen? I cannot start Matt Saracen.
Then start Voodoo.
I don't wanna start Voodoo.
Then start me.
I would love to start you.
I'd love to start you.
Well, you know, it seems to me here that at this point there's just not gonna be a decision that's gonna feel good.
So the good news is you can make the decision and come on home and have dinner with your family.
See your kid.
Problem is I've just got a little slight problem being that Matt Saracen, one, is good for the team.
The team will play for Matt Saracen.
There's no doubt about that.
He's done everything I've asked him to do.
He's left it all on the field.
No problem.
I trust the kid.
He trusts me.
This kid Voodoo.
I don't like the kid, one.
Two, I don't trust the kid.
But three, I believe he can get it done for us.
I believe he can win this game for us.
That's it.
That's it right there.
That sounds to me like you made your decision, Coach.
Yeah, they said something about bedrock.
The crude's made up of the stuff.
Hey, could you put Angela on the phone anyway? Thank you.
Hey, it's Connor.
I'm gonna need a flight back to LA.
Tomorrow morning's perfect.
Thank you.
All right.
How you doing? Hi.
I was waiting for you.
That was my boss.
My boss needs me back in LA, so I'm gotta cut the trip short.
But I would really like to go out tonight still.
I'll see you later.
Yeah? You wanna talk to me, Coach? Right.
Come on in.
Sit down.
Well, you gave a hell of a week of practice.
I couldn't have asked for anything more.
Well, thank you, sir.
You know I just wanna let you know that I really appreciate all the encouragement you've been giving me and I feel ready for this.
I know, I I feel readier for this than anything in my whole life.
I'm gonna start Voodoo.
I want you to be ready.
I want to stay on the playbook.
Be prepared.
Thank you.
Thanks for letting me know.
If we do our best, we will have success.
And then we own the fourth quarter! The fourth quarter is ours! The fourth quarter is ours.
Hey, hey, hey! It's going down tonight! The Panthers ain't even begin to fight! Think they wanna trash our locker room? We fittin' to hit 'em with a sonic boom! The Panthers gonna have the last laugh! 'Cause we breaking off Love you, Daddy.
How you feeling today, Mr.
Street? Well, hello, Miss Garrity.
You look pretty tonight.
What are you doing here? You're gonna be late for the game.
I know.
You have a visitor.
I do? Mmm-hmm.
Hey, Coach.
Thought I'd bring up a little something.
Decorate the room a bit.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
God bless, Coach.
Good luck.
Clear eyes.
Full hearts.
Can't lose.
What up, Street? What's up, fellas? Man, look, we just came by to say we love you.
We gonna win for you.
I know you are gonna win.
Yo, Reyes.
Get them balls, all right? Miss you, man.
How you doing, man? Play well, all right? Thanks.
Get better.
Thanks, Coach.
It's good to see you all.
How you doing? Get outta there.
Say, yeah.
Thank you for coming, y'all.
I miss you, Street.
Where the hell you been? You know.
See you later, okay? I love you.
I love you.
I love you, too.
I thought I was picking you up.
You're Can I come in? Yeah.
Of course.
' It is Friday night, and Voodoo Madness has put its spell on the Lone Star State.
And 16,000 people have gathered together to witness the debut of superstar phenom Ray "Voodoo" Tatum.
And for Coach Taylor, he better hope Voodoo can get it done tonight.
I can't remember when there was so much riding on a game this early in the season.
This is a bitter rivalry, and no one is about to back down.
Set, hut! Riggins gets leveled, and Tatum goes down! COMMENTATOR.
' That's another offensive-line breakdown.
You know what? Ray Tatum is not happy.
Frustration is starting to mount here as this game plan by Coach Taylor is not going the way he had hoped.
Halfway through the second quarter here as the Panthers are down by a touchdown.
Roll right.
27 China.
It's a screen pass to Riggins.
We've worked on this play all night.
We're setting them up.
We can get 'em with this.
Now, let's go! Looks like Smash is gonna shuttle in the play.
I hope Coach Taylor's found a key to this Tiger defense.
Roll right.
27 China.
Hell no, man.
Forget that.
Hey, you can't change the play.
We gonna win, we gonna play my way.
Let's go, Voodoo! Come on! Break! Tatum's over the ball.
Set! Set hut! He takes the snap.
Hit him! Riggins wide open in the flat! He's open! Hit him! Go, Voodoo! He's on his way! Ray "Voodoo" Tatum! He's gonna get it! That's a touchdown Dillon Panthers! I tell you what! That is the Voodoo Tatum we've been waiting for, Sammy! And Dillon is right back in this thing! Come here.
Come here.
You run the plays I call.
You understand? I give you that one.
That's it.
That one.
Look at the scoreboard, Coach.
That one! And Voodoo has fired up this team after that stunning touchdown.
You can feel the momentum shift.
Oh, what a shot! And the defense is really bringing on the pain now.
They're playing with purpose.
Trying to get that ball back in Tatum's hands, and try and get a lead before the half.
Listen to me.
Come here.
Hey! Tatum! Tatum! Tatum, get over here! Seems like a little confusion over on the sidelines, Sammy.
Get over here! What's he doing? Roll right.
Triple nine ranger.
On one.
Ready? Break! Coach Taylor seems a bit perplexed out there.
I don't know what's going on.
Oh! Oh! Blue 35! Set, hut! Tatum drops back.
Quick three steps.
On the right side Oh, no! Oh! And it's picked off! The ball is picked off by the safety, Fowler.
He's at the left side! And it don't look like he's gonna be touched! And that is a touchdown! Dillon is gonna go into the locker room down by a touchdown.
Hey! You pull another stunt like that again and you are off this team! Do you understand me? Move off.
You understand me? Move off of me right now.
You get out of my sight! Move.
You get out of my sight! What? You're done! Done with what? You are done! Get out of my sight! Done with what? You are done! You are done here! I don't need this! That make you feel big? Go ahead! You're done! So if you're gonna pull that crap on me out there! No one does! Fade to black.
Do what you was born to do! Saracen! Yes, sir.
Go warm it up, son.
' It all comes down to this, folks.
A minute eighteen.
Panthers down by seven.
This is our time.
The fourth quarter is ours.
We have worked for this.
We have earned it.
Let's go! Matt Saracen continues as the quarterback and still no sign of Voodoo Tatum.
Fourth! Fourth! Fourth! Fourth! Bold move by Coach Taylor.
Now we'll see how this is gonna turn out.
Basically, we're gonna run this team ragged.
You can lead this team.
Lead them now.
Bring it home.
It is a tough row to hoe for Saracen.
Eighty-four yards to go.
All right.
We're going wing right.
28 rocket pitch.
Let's do this.
On one.
Ready? Break! Set! Dillon's setting up with three wide to the right.
And with so little time, they probably have only three or four plays left.
Hut! Oh, he goes to the short man, Dolia.
And he's out of bounds at the 32 yard line! Hut! There's the pitch out to Williams on the right.
He picks up a block! He's out at the sideline.
He gets to the 46 yard line! Another first down! And that'll stop the clock.
Let's go, Matt! Keep it rolling! Here's Williams on the left side now! He's running him left! And Williams has got a little bit of room! And he is pushed out of bounds! That'll stop the clock while they move the chains.
Seven seconds.
This is the last play of the game for the Dillon offense.
Huddle up! Huddle up! Get in here! And let's see if Matt Saracen can pull this one off.
All right.
We're doing the same play, just with a little twist.
Blue eight! Blue eight! Hut! Saracen with another pitch to Smash Williams on the left side COMMENTATOR.
' Reverse! Reverse! It's a reverse! Riggins is on the right side! Look at that block by Saracen! Touchdown! Touchdown Dillon Panthers! I cannot believe what I have just seen! Oh, folks! We have seen something truly special here tonight! And now we got an opportunity to tie this ballgame with just one extra point.
Dillon's gonna be thrilled to get out of here with a tie.
Saracen! Get in here! Turn around, son.
What do you see out there? We got 'em right where we want 'em.
We're gonna go for two.
What do you think? Get it to Smash.
He's been doing it all game, Coach.
Coach, we need a play.
Eighteen Option, Matt.
Eighteen option.
Do you understand that play? Yes, sir.
You got the play and you understand? Yes, sir.
Get 'er done.
I don't know if I like this, but Coach Taylor has Saracen back in the game.
It looks like they're gonna be going for the two-point conversion and the win.
Break! You are looking at a man who is betting his entire career on this one play.
Green 20! Hut! Williams takes the pitch.
Heads up the right side.
He gets airborne! He takes a look at the goal line.
Did he make it? It's good! It's good! Smash Williams has scored on a two-point conversion, and the Dillon Panthers have taken this game! Damn fine game, Coach.
Just doing my job.
I can't believe Coach T went and put the whole season on the line, but boy, that was a beautiful call! I'll tell you what.
Coach Taylor rolled the dice and he came up a big winner this time! Coach, good luck with the season.
That was a fine game.
Thank you, sir.
Connor? Connor? Hey.
Someone should enlighten this town about room service.
Looks like it's just for one person.
Yeah, well, I gotta catch my plane.
You knew I was Yeah.
Yeah, I did.
You know, Tyra, you're really a great girl.
And Please.
Just Don't.
Look, I have to be honest with you, Tyra.
I'm involved.
You know, in LA.
I'm in a pretty serious Relationship? Yeah.
Yeah, well.
This was just a one-time thing.
And I have a boyfriend, so Right.
Okay, well, I really have to Right.
So, I'll see you soon? Yeah.
I wanna get those chocolate covered blackberries.
That sounds good.
Hey, you know what I like about me? That you're married to somebody as fantastic as me? That is what I like about me.
Good morning, cheerful.
Thank you for doing that.
You're welcome.
Tonight, what do you say we go grab some dinner? Uh-huh.
I like that.
Then we'll go catch a movie.
And then we'll do a little dance.
Oh, really? Okay, okay.
Wait, wait, wait! It's down tonight! Inappropriate.
Inappropriate I'm eating breakfast! We're gonna get down tonight! Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
I'll see you after the meeting this afternoon.
All right.
I love you.
All right.
Tell Buddy Garrity he can shove it! SAMMY.
' I tell you what.
Eric Taylor coached a hell of a game last night.
Those Arnett Mead boys had a tremendous Size advantage over our Panthers, and he just ran those Tigers flat into the ground.
You're a hero, man! COMMENTATOR.
' Well, my hat's off to Coach Taylor.
And young Matt Saracen has really emerged as a force to be reckoned with.
That was a hell of a performance.
Good game, Coach.
Coach Taylor, can I get a picture? Hey, how you doing there? I appreciate that.
Thank you.
That man right there.
Coach Taylor, a couple of gentlemen I'd like for you to meet here.
It's I'm sorry.
What was your name again? Lance Jennings.
Ryan Johnson.
Nice to meet you.
We're from the district executive committee.
Some questions have arisen about Ray Tatum's eligibility.
I thought we had this all squared away, Coach.
I thought we did, too.
Well, we're here to inform you that there's gonna be a formal investigation.
And we'll notify you of our findings.
Your findings.
And if he is deemed ineligible, Ray Tatum won't be playing football here anymore and Dillon will be stripped of last night's victory.
Well, you have a good day.
Buddy, I'll talk to you later.
Yeah, I'll talk to you later, Coach.

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