Frikjent (2015) s01e05 Episode Script


2 million That is the price for Karine.
-Tonje saw him somewhere else.
-That alibi's a joke! AngelineTim.
You're here? I want them to resume the case.
This your high school sweetheart? She should put those pictures down! She was your girlfriend, right? The girl in the photo.
Scanbrazil, huh? People must be shitting themselves all over the planet.
-Do you downhill? -Do you? -Can't believe you two are brothers.
-Well he's the one who's been in prison.
Someone beat her to death.
Someone must've done it! They arrested me the following morning.
It's not over until they know who you are.
See the pretty blonde over there? Tonje.
If it hadn't been for her, he'd still be inside.
Who are you, Aksel? -What the hell are you doing? -Did you say something to Angelina? No! No, take it easy.
I just told her what everybody knows.
Stay away from my family! Get it? Calm down.
-It's the truth, waht are you afraid of? -What did you say? -What are you afraid of? -What did you say? What did you say! Stay away! -No more secretsthat's what you said.
-Cut the crap.
Why would he say that? -Because he's an idiot.
You told they had nothing on you.
-It was all circumstantial.
-What circumstantial evidence, Aksel? We had a fight.
It was midsummer's day, and there was a party in the evening.
I wanted to break up with her.
She lost it, completely.
So I left her.
And she came after me - screaming and shouting.
I tried to calm her down, and that's when she ran off.
And did you follow her? I was worried about her.
-And then what happened? -Nothing.
I lost her.
I went home.
They turned my place upside down looking for her.
Someone at the party said they heard me threatening her.
Did you? No.
I was acquitted.
Tonje Sandvik saw me.
There's no way I could've done it.
I need to hear someone else say it.
I want to talk to your lawyer.
Hello! Hi, what can I help you with? My assistant must've made a mistake.
Where can I find the best hotel in town? This is the best hotel in town.
It's the only hotel in townso.
Is that some kind of joke? I'm sorry, do you have a reservation? Yeah.
He was intoxicated - drunk.
Very drunk.
-This witness, Sandvik -Tonje, yes? -How come she didn't come forward until the appeal hearing? She was in a very difficult situation.
-When exactly did she come forward? -Just before the appeal.
Three days.
-Yes, it might seem strange, but - -It's not that strange? She was scared.
She was in bed with a married man.
What's so fucking strange about that? What was your relationship back then? Did the two of you know each other? Everybody knows everybody around here.
Is it you? Helene's sad thre won't be anyone at Sunday dinner.
And She is welcome anytime, she knows it.
You can't keep punishing everyone.
-Is that what you think? -You seem to be against everything and everyone.
It is sad that he has managed to divide us.
I took the job because I believe it is right.
I wish you respected that.
-I expected too much.
-Karine is dead - we're here! You could think of us a bit instead! You think I did it - Jesus Christ! Look at me.
I'm sorry if I made you look bad in there but I'm a lawyer.
I ask questions.
You know me for 17 years.
All that crap about Tonje - what the fuck was that?! She went through hell for that testimony.
Why would she lie? I never said she did.
I'm just trying to see the whole picture.
We need to talk to her.
I'm not leaving this place until you believe me.
I was really nervous! There's a Chinese man in reception.
Kadangor Kadong.
I can't do much about that, can I? 'Cos I'm in the middle of nowhere.
Just for goodness sake - just get it done! Hello, my name is Lars Hansteen.
Can I help you? Where's Mr.
Borgen? He's coming.
He's on his way.
Can I help you with something? No.
Finally! Have I missed something? No, no.
Degang's a specialist in creating synergies.
So this is just a routine call.
You should've given me your flight number, you know.
Could've sent a helicopter.
You know how much I like to go by car.
And the roads in this country are completely insane.
Maybe if you want, I can show you around.
-Aksel and I have some catching up to do.
We should go to my office.
-What are you doing here? -Leong is worried Is he? This sudden decision to buy out - what are you up to? I know how to do my job.
The only thing that's worth anything to us in this place is the research department.
So what puzzles me.
why you're even bothering with all this small town crap.
I mean we're the bad guys, remember? Right.
Listen, where're you going with this? I'm getting a bit bored.
-This is your hometown, isn't it? -Yes.
And this is my case.
So what I want to know is, what the fuck are you doing here? Relax, Leong and I just thought you might need a hand securing our investment.
Leong and you? Really? This coffee is really excellent.
Who do I have to fuck to get one of these in my office? -Hi.
Refill? -I can't have anymore.
-Sorry, you had to wait.
-Don't worry.
I've checked in.
Is it too chilly up there? This place has potential.
In the 70s, it was fully booked every summer.
Eva and I, we Americans would come in August.
There was an orchestra in the dining room.
People have been coming here for hundreds of years.
Why? Not for dreary conferences and Powerpoint presentations.
They come for the mountains, the rivers, the fjords and the view.
Then the Hurtigruten cruises went to another fjord.
Hurtigruten? You have to stand on your feet.
-Have you heard of niche tourism? -Yes.
I did some researchplaces like Lifjord won't survive in industry in the long run.
We need to use what we have.
-That's my area.
-Tourism? To generate attention.
What if I bought the hotelI have nothing to lose.
Do we agree? -Why is Degang up my arse? -To stop you from shitting your pants.
I've seen tougher nuts than you going all sentimental about their hometown.
There will be cuts.
I sent Degang to sort out the dirty side of the deal.
It's your job to back him up.
Is that clear? Sure, thanks.
-She needs to hear it from you.
-Why? She doesn't believe the testimony.
You really take the cakeI'm accountable to your wife? You waited a year before you came forward.
-I explained why.
-She thinks you're lying.
-She doesn't believe me.
-I don't care about what she thinks! -What did you see, Tonje? -What do you mean? You saw me, right? Can't you just say it? It's important to me.
Is is your wife or you that I have to convince? I'll roast a wild salmon on Friday.
It'd be nice if you came, you and your wife.
Yes, I remember that.
Erik's friend.
We couldn't use it.
Erik tells you that Aksel punched him drunk, without notice.
-Isn't that relevant? -Erik never confirmed it.
Of course not! He was scared! -What does it prove? -That he's violent.
It's not enough to resume the case.
I know that Erik's hiding something.
I felt it all the time.
Remember when he came to me after the funeral? He cried and cried.
He tried to tell something to me.
You were there - you saw for yourself.
He was completely destroyed! We've been through this so many times.
Stop tormenting yourself.
Why did Erik change about the night of the murder? Evaone could speculate until you're ill.
He is free! It makes me sick.
You're Aksel's son? My name is Erik and I'm your uncle.
-Are you Erik? -Yesthat's me.
Wait! The girl down there with the dark hair and ponytail she was in the sports shop.
-Do you know who she is? -Yeah, that's Helene.
-Helen Hansteen.
-What are you laughting at? Nothing.
Hey! It is Eva Hansteen.
-You -Can we meet? -Yeahwhy? I was about to say.
It concerns your brother.
I've come across something I want to talk to you about.
What then? Come by, we'll take a cup of tea.
Yeah, okay.
Then we say goodbye.
Excuse medo you mind if I ask? What is this place? This is where my daughter was killed.
I come here every week.
I don't like the dead flowers.
I'm sorry.
So you're Aksel Nilsen's wife? Doesn't she have a grave? Of course, she has a grave.
You know I used to care about him.
He was a very fragile boy.
You know Maj-Britt? Did you meet her? She had a difficult life.
Aksel used to come and go at our place as he pleased like a son.
But then he and Karine started dating and everything changed overnight.
And at one point, she started to come home with bruises.
Excuse me? She blamed handball.
At first I thought it was that.
It's a rough sport.
-Then I realized -I don't want to hear this -Why do you think he stopped drinking? -His father was a drunk.
I knew his father.
Same story.
Very charming, he lost control completely I know my husband.
He's not a violent man.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter, I really am, but your'e wrong.
Sorry I'm late.
They sent Degang to check up on me so I had to I met her mother.
Did you do it? Did you kill her? That woman has been obsessed with me for 20 years.
She'd rather kill herself than admit she was wrong.
Please don't do this.
I really need you to believe me.
I want to.
-Did you bring her? -Please.
It's just the truth.
I always knew he was innocent.
Never thought he would be convicted.
Guess that was naive.
But even when he was convicted, you still didn't come forward to defend him.
Why not? it was Yeah, I know.
- You were in a bed you weren't supposed to -Angie! Please.
I can't think of any reason to allow a friend to spend the rest of his life in jail.
I was 16 and he was 35.
It wasn't like he raped meI felt like I owed him something.
He had children.
In a place like this, you're.
What is it called? Invisible.
Like you don't exist.
I couldn't bring myself to do it earlier.
I'm sorry.
I saw him.
I was with this guy.
Askel walked past.
And I saw him.
Erik So good! Hi.
Come in.
I'm a bit short on time.
Well How are you? It must be nice that he's home again? And so suddenly.
What is it that you want? I have got hold of some documents from the case.
It says that Aksel hit you drunk.
What? Who said that? You.
OkayI said that, I must've been smashed.
-That's a serious thing to lie about.
-Well, I was angry.
Yes, if it's not true.
-What do you really want? -I'm trying to find out what happened.
Erik, I I always had a feeling that you have been carrying something.
Whatever it is, I'll never use it against you.
You were 14 years old - he was your brother! You protected him and stood up for him I understand that.
How has he helped you? Eric, wait! Tell me what to do! There is a lot to ask for.
Of course you should have something.
Your snowboard project Can I help you? -Are you trying to buy me? -No, Erik! Please Think about this.
Please! Holy shit! Hey Rafting.
-Going on a course? -No, I'm just dreaming.
Anything to eat? William has booked into the hotel.
Maybe just as well that he wont be staying up there alone.
He talked about investing in the hotel.
My God.
It's not so stupid.
Yes! He wants to declare war against mother.
-She declared the war.
-Neither really wants a divorce.
He seems quite happy.
Maybe it's nice to get away from Eva a bit.
I'm not discussing this now.
Can't you see it as an opportunity? The hotel was our dream.
If the family invests, it may become what we dreamed of.
A joint project.
-So it was your idea? -No.
You shouldn't manipulate him.
Manipulate? The family's money should not go into the hotel.
Geezare you here today, too? Cord should be inside.
Looks silly outside.
You're a beginner, huh? Don't give up on this hill.
There is a jump at the bottom.
You'll be beaten half to death.
There are some karting tracks up there.
I'm going there now, you can tag along.
Much better.
Baby steps.
You coming? No, no, no! What were you thinking? I saw that you were here.
-What are you talking about? -It doesn't concern you.
Look at me, not my girl! -Come on, give me a chance.
-What are you talking about? -Watch out! -Take it easy! Did it go well? -Motherfucker! -Get back, Kjetil.
Stand over there.
He's there.
Your father's a killer.
Fuck him.
-I can take you home.
-I'll be fine.
-Hey! -Nice to meet you.
-Have you been to Kadang? -There's a whirlpool there.
Interview the production peoplewhat does that have to do with synergies? -Can I give you a hand? -No, thank you.
We're all set.
-That's a nice bag.
-Thank you.
We all used to have a crush on him.
-He was very handsome! -Still is handsome.
But Tonje won the prize, didn't she? They were together all through high school.
Tonje and Aksel.
But then Karine came along and stole him away.
She was that kind of girl.
-So Tonje was really crushed.
-She was devastated.
Do you remember? She got so skinny.
Excuse me one moment.
Angie Hey Angie She was your girlfriend.
-Why didn't you tell me? -That was years ago.
We were just kids.
Why's that so important.
-Because it makes her testimony pretty useless! -Why? -Because she was in love with you! -She still is! She's never stopped loving you.
-This is absurd.
We were just kids for fuck's sake! It was completely innocent.
It finished.
I don't believe you.
Look me in the eye and tell me there's nothing going on between you.
Oh my God.
You're fucking her! Look here.
You must see this, Erik.
See how similar you are.
Look at the noses.
They're identical.
-See the -I'm watching tv! Get me a beer.
I haven't fucking drunk more than the others.
You've had enough - it's time to go.
I'm not drunk.
You know me.
We're not finished here.
I am the manager of the place, I tell you when you're finished.
I never would've believed it butthe service is as crap as everything else in this dump.
This man's had too much to drink, so I'm calling him a cab.
And if our humble hotel isn't good enough for you, Mr.
Degang, I'll have to lend you a tent.
Fucking bitch! -Tim! Are you OK? What happened? -I need to talk to Dad! Get in the car.
We'll get you cleaned up.
Tim! Angie? Why do they call you murderer? Tell me! I wasI was a suspect I was sentenced in a case many years ago.
I was just a little older than you are now.
I was acquitted.
Why have you never said anything? When you're accused of something like that It is It sticks.
It stuck fast.
It still does.
So when I met your mother It was like getting another chance.
She knew nothing.
She saw me for who I was.
Or who I wanted to be.
And then you cameand it was a whole new life.
I never meant to lie to either of you.
But the lies kept adding up.
Then they grew bigger until it become a giant knot I couldn't get out of.
But you haven't murdered anyone? Aksel? I remember arguing.
Karine could be I got pissed.
Really pissed.
Oh God.
Did you do it or not? I don't remember.
I don't know.

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