Geek Girl (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[uptempo music]
Welcome to the ooh!
Are you not embarrassed?
No, for real,
why are you dressed like a yeti?
- Huh?
- It's a look, come on.
Thank you.
[Richard] Admittedly, I may have
misjudged the weather.
but that's a forte of yours, isn't it?
Hang on, hang on.
This is fashion's newest star.
I'm sure Yuji Lee has some
"hauty" couture that we can borrow.
Mm, it's "haute" couture, Dad.
It's French.
And I'm pretty sure that's not
how all of this works anyway.
Travel all good, kids?
Rhetorical question,
we've got no time for answers,
but uh, actually, the event
should start here, and voilà.
Uh, thanks, but I have a phone.
Okay. And now you have an upgrade.
Courtesy of your future favourite agent,
Wilbur Evans.
[Harriet] I now have two phones.
Am I a spy?
- Hats?
- Uh, Wilbur?
I-I checked the itinerary
and I know that I have
37 minutes before my fitting,
so I was just wondering if I could
take maybe six or seven of those
to just chill in the room beforehand?
Good idea. Yeah.
I could do with a little catnap, you know.
Well, for you, mon petit croissant, sure.
We already checked you in.
For you, Harriet, mais non.
You have a meeting with Yuji right now.
Uh, now, now?
This is why you're here in Canada.
Oh, this won't do at all, will it?
Garçon! Garçon!
Come on, thank you, darling.
My star needs energizing.
- But
- Drink.
Yeah, I really wouldn't give her caffeine.
Oh, that's gonna be interesting.
[Harriet] Caffeine speeds up your central
nervous system and it works fast.
Right. Now, fitting.
Tomorrow catwalk,
which is a big deal. Huge. Massive!
[Harriet] This might be why
I'm not usually allowed to drink it.
I'm permanently anxious enough as it is.
Got it.
- That's my girl.
- Right. Richard!
Room 207. Second floor.
Take the left, look out
for the elegant palm tree. Can't miss it.
- Oh.
- Come, come!
As Granny always said,
"Fashion waits for no man,
lady or doctor bird."
- Um
- Um, yep.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Okay.
- Okay. Bye!
- Love you.
Good luck.
[theme music]
Elle est arrivée!
Hi. Hello!
Bonjour! Um, I'm Harriet.
Thank you so much for having me.
It's honestly such an honour
to be here.
Did you know that caffeine
is the most popular
psychoactive substance in the world
and that we consume
about 10 billion kilos over a year?
And that I just had
about half of that all by myself.
I can see that
- You're at number 10.
- [Harriet chuckles]
Right. Like the Prime Minister.
Just say hello and let's go.
[Harriet] Okay, no more caffeine for me.
Let's get her ready for the fitting.
Who didn't update the model cards?
Do you have the styling details
that Philippe sent over?
Yes, of course. I'm on it.
Is this is for me?
[Harriet] I think
I may have fallen in love.
With a dress!
It's gorgeous.
It's beyond gorgeous. It's art.
You're starting to feel it. Hmm!
Let's get you started.
Just get in there.
There's a robe in there for you.
Thank you. I mean merci.
Mr. Park. Punctual, as always.
Well, you know Betty's itineraries.
Everything's scheduled to the second.
I do declare I trained my Bettina well.
Oh. Noppy beckons.
Go, go.
There's my Nicky.
What do you really think
about this dress?
Yeah, you, uh
You look great.
But they've literally dressed me
like a wallflower now.
[camera shutters clicking]
Anyway, I just came off the phone
with Jude,
and it's really important to them
that we catch golden hour for our first
- Canada Post
- Poppy, no. I mean
Great. I can't wait.
Hi. Straight back at ya.
You must be the new girl.
Didn't see you over there.
So nice to meet you. I'm
Poppy Hepple-Cartwright! Uh
Whoa, sorry. I just I know
who you are already, from
[Harriet] Relentless online stalking.
From the Internet.
You're a fan.
- Adorable.
- Okay, you're done!
Head on over for the fitting photos.
Nick, Harriet, if you just wait there,
I'll be right back.
[camera shutters clicking]
[Harriet] So this is awkward.
Mustn't fill the silence
with pointless facts.
- [Nick blows raspberry]
- No facts, Harriet. No facts.
- You liking Canada so far?
- So, have you been out here before?
[Nick chuckles]
Yes, I have.
- You turn.
- I-I think we may have
misjudged the weather calculations.
My dad and I packed
for a polar bear Arctic cruise.
Oh, yeah, there really aren't
many polar bears in Ottawa.
Mm-mm. Which is a shame, really!
'Cause I think they'd quite like it here.
It's nice. I mean,
from what I saw on the drive in, anyway.
But they do have their own museum:
the Canadian Museum of Nature.
They have a Albertosaurus' skull.
It's the first dinosaur skull
found in Canada. It's pretty cool.
Oh, you think his name was Albert?
Or or Albertina if it was a girl!
What do they look like anyway?
Well, they they're kinda like
tyrannosaurus rex, but half the size.
So like a pet t-rex?
Well, only if you like your pets nine feet
long and quite keen on eating you.
- [camera shutters clicking]
- No
We do actually have
an atom of dinosaur in each of us.
I find it quite comforting, actually.
Knowing that there's a little bit
of me that's t-rex.
- Nicky, baby! I'm all done now.
- Okay.
I'll see you after, yeah?
I'll grab your stuff.
- You know, I'd love to go and check out
- Millie.
Where is my coffee?
[Harriet] Yuji!
Did she just apparate?
[soft smooch]
[soft smooch]
I guess I missed the kissing memo.
[speaking Korean]
Hey, Auntie Yuji.
[Harriet] Sorry, did he just say
Auntie Yuji?
Hello, Harriet. Thank you for coming.
Thank you so much for having me.
I'm beyond excited to be here.
I mean, granted, I didn't really know
anything about you until yesterday,
- but I'm
- [clears throat]
I mean, I-I knew lots about you, actually.
I'd heard a lot about you from
from my friend Nat, actually.
My best friend.
She talks about you relentlessly.
I can't ever get her to shut up about you
if I'm honest, but I'm
I never really listened
because I wasn't really that interested.
[Wilbur laughs nervously]
Uh Now, you said you wanted fresh
[breathing heavily]
So I gave you fresh.
Straight out of the packet, so to speak.
Let's get acquainted, shall we?
[soft classical music]
- [phone keys clicking]
- [Wilbur sighs]
[Harriet] Pretty sure I slept
through that with my eyes open.
The caffeine crash is real.
It was pleasant.
- Pleasant?
- I know.
- Wow!
- [Wilbur giggles]
She hates me, doesn't she?
She really, really hates me.
She's gonna send me home,
and I've only just got here.
I mean, she's your aunt,
why didn't you say something?
- Oh, this is a total
- Do not catastrophize, peanut.
"Pleasant" is practically
an epic love letter coming from Yuji.
Really, man.
[Wilbur chuckles]
- Um time to go, boo.
- Fantastic!
Where are we off to?
I found some great places.
- Oh, no, Dad. We're not
- You should come.
Amazing! Oh, Harriet!
We should've brought our wheels!
Don't worry. I'm sure we can find
something suitable for you two.
[Harriet] Time to hang out
with a fashion agent,
two supermodels, and my dad!
["Reach Out For The Sky"
by LIBERATI plays]
I need to change.
Just let her spread her wings
and fly ♪
[Harriet] Pretty sure Poppy
did this on purpose.
Brand-new world, same old me.
Gotta reach out for the
Reach out, grab it ♪
Everything alright back there,
- my little co-pilot?
- [rings bike bell]
Dad, stop trying to pretend this is cool.
Even I know this isn't cool.
Bonsoir, mes amis.
Harriet's dad
I asked for bikes for two,
but I guess it got lost in translation.
Okay! You both look really retro.
Come on, Nicky. We should do a post.
She's a little ray of sunshine, isn't she?
- Dad!
- [chuckling]
[phone chimes]
Everything okay?
It's Nat.
Was she upset when you told her?
You haven't told her.
I mean, I told her something, just
not exactly the truth.
Hats I think it's probably
the best thing
Well, you haven't told Annabelle, so
Touché. Touché
But we will tell Annabelle.
Why would we want to interrupt her trip?
It's just it's just rude, Harriet.
And inconsiderate, and
we are gonna be back
before she is anyway.
It's just that lying makes me
feel nauseous, Dad. Like
physically ill.
We haven't outright lied.
Okay? Technically, we're more
withholding the truth.
- Yeah
- Mm!
Fully lying to Nat, though.
Okay. I'll tell you what.
This isn't exactly out of
the good parenting playbook, but
[voicemail message]
You've reached Annabelle,
please leave a message after the tone.
- [phone beeps]
- Hey! It's me!
A-And and it's Harriet.
Yeah, just a really normal
sunny weekend in London, yeah.
We're not gonna burn
the house down or
- [both chuckle nervously]
- have ice cream for dinner,
anything like that, you know.
It's just a very
- Normal
- Normal chill.
- Regular.
- R-Regular
- Weekend in London.
- Lon London.
- Alright, so Miss you.
- Miss you!
Yeah, don't work too hard, okay?
Love you.
There you go. Now we're both lying.
Now we're both gonna get in trouble,
but honestly,
I'll tell ya, it's gonna be
absolutely fine.
- You know, just
- [phone ringing]
Aw just, um
I'm gonna catch up with you.
Alright? I've got to take this.
Go and see your new friends.
[phone ringing]
Well, go on. They don't bite.
One of them might.
[phone ringing]
[phone chimes]
Hey, Dino!
Richard! Katie said you were off sick
but working from home.
Yeah, yeah. I'm still feeling
a bit ropey, actually.
Where are you?
Where am I? Um I'm at home.
Just got this great new
Zoom background app.
I Facetimed you.
It's just a general app. It's very good.
There's a sign written
in French behind you.
Yeah, my neighbourhood's very exotic.
You're wearing a hat with
a Canadian maple leaf on it.
Love Canadian culture. Eh?
Alanis Morissette, Nickelback,
Michael Booble.
You're in Canada, aren't you, Richard?
- I might be.
- Richard
You're fired.
[phone beeps]
[soft music]
[Richard] Yes, a really normal
sunny weekend in London, yeah.
We're not gonna burn the house down or
- [Harriet chuckles nervously]
- have ice cream for dinner,
anything like that, it's just a very
- Normal
- Normal
- Chill.
- Chill.
- Regular.
- R-Regular
- Weekend in London.
- Lon London.
[phone beeps]
- [phone chimes]
- So, let me show you around
the amazing sights of Ottawa.
And always drinking our Boba Match
to stay hydrated, aren't we, babe?
Oh yes, we are indeed, Poppy.
If only Boba Match didn't taste
like 300-year-old cat food.
- Nick!
- [Nick chuckles]
That's our best take yet,
and you just ruined it.
Sorry, it's just
It's so stupid, though.
Not everyone's a top
fashion designer's relative.
Some of us have actually got to hustle.
[Nick] Okay, I'm sorry. You're right.
And honestly, Pops, I am impressed
of your shrewd business acumen.
As you should be.
- And don't call me Pops.
- Okay.
Look, I'll try harder, okay?
And the next spot should be
really good for new content.
So uh where is next
on the itinerary?
I want to see everything, so
A mom.
[Nick and Harriet] A Louise Bourgeois.
[Harriet chuckles]
[Poppy] This a pregnant spider.
This is where you wanted to get
our amazing content.
Babes! No!
Did you know that the original
"Maman" was created
for the opening of the Tate Modern
in London?
London has all the best spiders.
[Harriet] Wait
Is Nick flirting with me?
Oh, my gosh, he is! He's flirting!
And his terrifying girlfriend
is right there!
Alright, people! Can't double park
and I don't do bikes!
[Poppy] Perfect timing.
Maybe they can drive home.
Come on, you two! I won't have myself
anything less
than excellently rested
for the show tomorrow.
Oh Uh, you've got it, Dad. Yeah.
- Yeah, don't worry.
- [bicycle bell ringing]
[Wilbur] Now, Richard.
If you think you're bringing that bike up
in this car, you better think again.
["I Think We're Perfect" by C. Mitchell,
A. Caplan, G. Small & L. Licks]
'Cause it was perfect ♪
When it comes to you and me ♪
And as far as I can see ♪
It were perfect ♪
It were perfect ♪♪
[Richard] Hey.
Don't you worry about it.
While you've been here,
pampering all evening,
your old dad's returned the bike,
got horribly, horribly lost,
and had to walk all the way
back to the hotel.
Eh? Movie snacks!
- Thanks, Dad. You're the best.
- Yeah.
[TV plays indistinctly]
- It's in French.
- Huh?
[woman speaking French on TV]
- Oh, I didn't even notice.
- Hmm.
- Um Dad?
- Hmm?
Completely hypothetical question
But um
how do you know
if someone is flirting with you
or just being friendly?
- Hypothetical question?
- Yeah, no.
It's completely unrelated to real life.
Yeah, well
you're really asking
the wrong person here.
Annabelle had to ask me out
three times
before I knew what was going on.
Anyway, look, I wouldn't worry about it.
Friendship is the best start
to a relationship.
[TV continues indistinctly]
Do you have any idea
what they're saying?
Not at all.
["High Ground" by Simon Steadman plays]
Le grill. I got that.
Rise like a river ♪
Shine like the sun ♪
Promise yourself
that you'll be someone ♪
No more induced anxiety for you.
Remember: you can stop this
anytime you like.
Not entirely sure that's true, Dad.
I mean, I can't exactly stop
in the middle of the runway, can I?
Anytime you like.
You two are still eating?
Are you a Labrador?
Come on, let's go, Joe.
Let's go. Come on!
- But we
- Come on.
Time is money and you're broke.
Come on!
[soft classical music]
[Wilbur mutterring indistinctly]
- Father.
- Thank you.
Oh, don't worry about him. He's got
far more important places to be.
- I do?
- Of course, you do.
You do have something
a little less dad? Less casual?
- Yes, I do, actually.
- Of course you do,
because you're a VIP guest, cherry cake.
Now go transform. Less pumpkin.
You got this, Hats?
Um, yeah. I got this.
She's got this.
- [door opens]
- [Wilbur] Mademoiselle!
Hey! I'll be back.
[elevator dings]
["Outrageous" by THE K! X plays]
Woohoooo ♪
Wanna savour this ♪
Think I was made for this ♪
Oh yeah it's always been my favourite
Taking things too far ♪
[Harriet] Blimey, this is all
starting to feel very real.
Ooh deep breaths.
Keep breathing.
You know, in most cultures,
breathing is considered a good thing.
You've got this.
Go fly, little dove. Can you just?
I'll be back in a moment.
- Right over here.
- Thank you.
- Take your photo.
- Oh, okay.
And watch your step going down.
[soft music playing over speakers]
[animals calling gently over speakers]
There is a volcanic rock water
right under the seat.
Please do take the time
to really absorb the haiku.
It will really elevate
the visual experience.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I don't drink mineral water.
- Oh, right. I can
- I'm kidding.
Kidding, it's a joke.
I'm sure it's delicious.
Tough crowd.
Okay. Miss Lee wants you in these.
- Those?
- Yes, these!
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
Thank you.
[soft pulsing music]
[birds calling over speakers]
[whispering] Sorry. Excuse me, sorry.
I'm just
Sit there. Thank you.
[camera shutters clicking]
[crowd clamouring]
Oh, just a big-name star arriving.
It's certainly not Nickelback, you know?
And you are?
Oh, um Richard Madison.
Father of the biggest star in the room.
You watch, you'll see.
[crowd cheering]
[impressed whispering]
[camera clicking]
Oh, um Poppy? Just a quick question.
We walk on the left, right?
Or-or is it the right?
You walk on the left.
Right, okay. Always on the left.
No, wait, was
Sorry, was that left o-or right?
- It's time.
- Uh
- You're on!
- Okay
Is The left
I just uh
I just need one minute.
[Harriet] Or like a million of them!
["One Of Them" by Holly Walker plays]
I left before the end
And I hate it when ♪
You look such a mess ♪
Is it fancy dress ♪
I don't care if it's me or you ♪
I just want this whole thing
To be through ♪
Be honest, are you stalking me?
What are you doing here?
This is my dressing room.
Um what am I doing here?
Well, that's the
that's the big question.
I've just I'm
I'm not sure that I can do this.
There's just gonna be
lots of eyes on me, judging me.
So, let them.
i just I don't
I don't think that I'm quite
strong enough.
Oh, that's ridiculous.
You're part t-rex! Remember?
Come on, show me your inner t-rex.
[weakly] Roar
- That was barely a velociraptor.
- [chuckles]
Come on, bigger!
Bigger how?
[both roar loudly]
There you are!
Harriet, we need you! Like now!
And you, Nicholas.
- Okay! Alright.
- You can do this.
- Let's do this!
- T-rex!
[both roar loudly]
["Smooth Sailing"
by Queens of the Stone Age plays]
It's all in motion,
No stoppin' it now ♪
I got nothing to lose
And only one way up ♪
[camera shutters clicking]
I'm burning bridges,
I destroy the mirage ♪
All visions of collisions, bon voyage ♪
It's all smooth sailing ♪
From here on out, yeah ♪
[Harriet] This is it.
This is my big moment.
I've been walking since I was two.
That's 14 years of walking experience
under my belt.
So, let's go.
Except left or right?
Left or right? Definitely right!
She's in the middle!
Nobody said anything
about being in the middle!
She's coming straight for you, Harriet!
Go left! Go left!
Go left! Go l Ooh!
[crowd gasps]
I haven't changed my life at all.
I've just given myself a bigger stage.
[muffled soundscape]
So what am I going to do?
I'm going to run away.
is that really who I want to be?
Be brave, Harriet.
I'm risking it all-ways,
No second chance ♪
You are brave!
You're part t-rex!
I'm gon' do the damage
'Til the damage is done ♪
[camera shutters clicking]
Wow adrenaline and fear
are so much stronger than caffeine.
Every hook is designed ♪
Hell is at the temple
of the closed mind ♪♪
[indistinct chatter]
[distant muffled music]
I really wasn't expecting my collection
to be presented
quite so horizontally.
Oh, let's just
get this back to the nice lady, shall we?
Why did you decide
to become a model?
I wanted my life to be different.
Wilbur, walk with me.
- [reporter 1] Yuji! Yuji! One second!
- [camera shutters clicking]
- [reporter 2] Yuji!
- [reporter 1] Harriet, over here!
- [reporter 3] Yuji, Yuji!
- [reporter 2] Harriet, Harriet!
- Over here!
- [Harriet] Oh, look.
My life returning to exactly
how it was right before my eyes.
[indistinct whispering]
Goodbye, fashion world.
It's been brief.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
I'm fired, aren't I?
Not quite, my little spider web.
Yuji wants you
for the Frenzy editorial tomorrow.
As punishment?
It's a multi-page spread
for Yuji's new collection.
The most prestigious
fashion publication in North America.
Fancy magazine!
So no, flutter bee,
you are not being punished.
You are very much being promoted.
Being you worked.
Not in suburbia anymore,
Harriet Manners.
Wipe your little tear, there, hmm?
[uptempo music]
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