Generation Z (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Got to say I'm feeling
a little bit.
Yeah, I thought I'd be more upset
that you slept with Kelly
last night in the woods.
Fucking hell.
You don't know what you're doing.
And I don't care.
It would have to be someone on
the inside.
Someone close.
But who?
Billy! Billy, don't make this hard!
Fuck you. Come here.
I think you need to step up
and sign the authorisation for
the bombing of Dambury.
You've got to be back within 12
hours for your injections
otherwise you'll relapse.
Yes, Doc.
Feed me.
Do you think it's safe to move yet?
But we can't stay here forever.
I think the inhibitor is
wearing off.
So back to Morgan's
to eat more of his guts?
Well, he fixed me before.
What he's using his weed growing
skills to cook up
a biological weapon antidote in
a dank basement of a nursing home.
That sounds plausible.
S'pose I could just curl up
and die.
Dry your eyes, Steff.
Charlie, let's get Finn up.
Get out of here.
Let's fuck this pig.
You need to calm down.
He'll be back soon.
I know he will, I know he will.
Jesus Christ,
has he lost his keys now, what?
Erm, what's going on?
We want some food. You could've come
in and asked me,
we'd have given you food.
We want all of it.
What's going to happen now, eh?
You just,
you just going to rob us is that
what this is, big
What is it?
Argh I need to eat.
How long's it been?
Ten hours.
No, I just need something now,
so I can go on.
Well, it's not far to
the my house. Charlie, get her.
All right.
Come on you, you all right.
Here, give us that knife.
Yeah. Hurry up,
I don't want to wait all day,
I'm fucking starving.
Get some more, don't sit on your
arse, go and get some.
All we've got is beans.
What are you looking
so mopey about?
This is great. Like what,
what orders are we following?
We wait.
Is that what they told you at
the checkpoint Shut up, Billy.
..when they took your weapons?
What if we get attacked?
Are we just going to repel them with
harsh words? Or just run away?
I don't know, why don't we ask your
dad. He's not my dad.
Oh, and you two looked so close.
After he sold you out,
for how much was it, Keith?
75 quid.
It's a very specific amount,
int' it.
Just enough for a night out.
But not quite enough
for a taxi home.
He must really love you, eh
You got a plan?
I don't want to get bitten
by one of those things.
Rearm how?
I know somewhere.
The skin is hardening at
an accelerated rate.
In 24 hours, the subject
will become immobilised.
It's incredible how they transform
into statues.
Infection to pupa in seven days.
You always talked
to me like I wasn't there.
Good morning, Cecily.
This is a very unwelcome turn
of events.
Well, you came to me.
Where else could I go?
I knew you'd be lurking around
here somewhere.
Well, you know what,
it's really nice to see you.
I can't feel my legs.
I know. I know, you had
a very bad injury
but you're recovering quickly and
HE EXHALES HEAVILY's incredible.
What we're infected with's from the Kafferton Labs,
isn't it?
Mm-hm, yep.
It's Salvepurian.
How ironic that it should find
its way back to you. Mm.
I just want to make sure you do
the right thing.
Yeah, of course. Of course.
I am not the man you knew.
I've changed.
Mum? Dad?
Oh, my God.
SteffSteff, hey.
Oh, no. Oh, crap.
Oh, f-
Everything's been looted.
Where are they?
Oh, no.
I'm not getting it
Oh, oh, slow down a moment, please.
Urgh! I'm not going to make it.
I'm sorry.
Come on, Joe. You can do it.
I'm going stiff, I can't
You said, you were looking forward
to seeing your son, Tony.
I know. You might still catch him.
No, no.
II need
I need a little sleep.
Wake up. Joe?
We haven't long.
What's new?
We can't just leave him like this.
I can't believe he's gone.
JoeJoe. Joe
Joe. JoeJoe.
Joe. JoeJoe
Joe. JoeJoe
They've got grenades. You just
stood there and let them take Billy.
Oh, well, he's dead.
What? Why is this my fault?
Why didn't you
Just give up now,
I'm winning.
I don't understand why
you didn't follow them.
Are they always like this?
Of course they don't tell me.
God you're so
Mum says adults scream at each other
because they love each other
too much.
Oh, really? Yeah,
I don't think that's true.
Sometimes I wish they'd
just be quiet.
Just for a bit.
How did they know to come?
Ever heard of Hansel and Gretel?
Oh, it's bad luck?
Like those two fucking maniacs that
turned up at our house?
What's in this house to eat,
do you reckon?
Maybe some Weetabix in the garage.
Any soya milk?
No. Have them dry?
I'm not an animal.
Do you think they're dead?
But is he going to be OK?
Yeah, what, Steff?
We both need to keep
a close eye on him.
This is enough to tip him over
the edge, you know.
After what happened.
Well, it happened.
Look, I didn't fuck him.
It was a mistake.
It happened in the moment.
Why'd you keep bringing it up?
I keep bringing it up because my ex
had sex with my best friend.
I think I'm allowed to process it.
I'm just going to change out of
these piss stained trousers.
Michael? What?
I can't find the kids.
Well, they were in the woods,
they'll be up a tree.
Kids love trees.
You worry too much.
Worry, too much?
In the middle of the woods,
in a presumably stolen camper van.
Why's everything always my fault?
It's your psycho daughter
who stole that. Oh, right,
so it's Billy's fault that
we're involved in this
drug trafficking ring?
Watched a documentary.
County lines and Oh, God, no.
Yeah, it looked like a good business
opportunity. NoNo. No.
In retrospect, I admit it's
a lot more dangerous
than they made it out in the
documentary, y'know what I mean.
It's not that bad, you know.
When'd your dog die?
Two years ago.
You lot are the only family
I have left right now.
Well, there's no bodies here.
So it's probably fine.
Well Finn, let's go.
What if they ate them? What and
steal all your tinned veg?
Are you, you ready, yeah?
Are you really hurrying me
through this?
Finn is fucked. So, yeah kind of.
Don't manage me, Charlie.
You always do that.
It's not always a joke.
There's blood all over the kitchen.
What's happened here?
We can't stop to think.
We have to keep moving.
How long has it been now?
About 12 hours.
Oh, sure. I'm the delicate one,
aren't I?
You're the only one that
can keep it together.
I'm not saying that, man.
I mean,
I thought we had something,
but I guess it was a "mistake".
Oh, Steff.
No, that's fine.
I think I'm going to pass out.
I mean on the face of it,
pity sex in the woods
is always going to be a mistake.
Pity sex?
I never thought that.
What is that?
Jesus! Finn?
Get off.
Wake up. Wake up. Come on.
Argh. We've got to go!
Keep going. Fuck!
You. Ha!
I could smell them.
Arrrrrgh! You little fucker.
Not again.
Come here.
Nan. I love you, Kelly.
Move away. Come on.
Come on, you fuckers.
Kill him!
Here we go.
The town museum?
Yeah. There's plenty
of stuff in here.
What we going to arm ourselves
with, toby jugs and ration books?
Hey, I didn't say release her.
Well, she's no good tied up, is she?
How long did it take us to find her?
What do you want me to do?
All right.
Come with me. Go on.
Kick it in, kick it in.
Really subtle.
Oh, man.
Yes, Billy.
Amazing, isn't it?
He spent his whole life
shooting stuff
and sending it back here.
Didn't realise how useful all this
junk was going to be.
Yes! What you going to do with that?
What'd you mean?
We're going to war.
Jesus Christ. Grab everything you
can guys, yeah?
Don't leave anything behind.
We need enough for everyone.
Yeah, man.
Right, got to saw the ends
off this.
Get us some shells.
You ready?
Wait there, I'll see if Jim's in.
What's happened?
What's happened to you?
We got home invaded.
They were after food.
They came through the window,
they beat the shit out of me.
He has diabetes.
I saw some off earlier on.
Ranting and raving.
I guess they have the bug.
I should have stood up
for myself, but I didn't.
And this stings. I'm ashamed.
You came at the right time.
We're going over to a meeting.
Got to discuss what we're going
to do next.
He's asking us about a meeting.
What, uh, meeting for what?
After they started rounding
people up,
we decided to get organised.
It's through the
Neighbourhood Watch.
You're all right.
Thanks, mate. All right.
Thanks, Jim.
Yep. Get the kettle on.
So, how did it all go?
The exams?
Was pretty hard to concentrate but,
think my Geography went well.
Look at this, I'm at the critical
part of my research.
Who is that?
Cecily this is, Finn and Charlie
and this is Kelly.
And this is Cecily, everyone.
Are you sure we can trust her?
Well, if I'd met you all
a few days ago,
I would have definitely have ripped
you all to shreds.
But I've had a change of heart.
And I've decided to donate
my body to science.
I'm Finn.
Hello, Finn.
How you doing?
Hmm, just dying, I think.
I'm not staying.
I need to go find Steff.
Hold that for me, will you?
You're going back out there?
I've got a good idea where he'd go.
I'll come with you. No.
It might antagonise him more.
So you're just going to run
off and leave me here,
with that creepy old fucker?
I don't understand you.
I don't want to leave you here.
But I don't have a choice.
Steff's out there somewhere.
He's probably dead.
Don't say that.
Like all the others.
If that's true
then I got him killed.
Y'know. He was trying to show me,
wasn't he?
He wanted to prove himself
by saving us.
And the last time we talked,
it would be me being mean
to him and he doesn't deserve that.
Hello, everyone.
Most of you know me, Jim Baff.
And we're part of the,
Dambury West neighbourhood watch.
We just want to say,
there's no point trying
to sneak out the woods.
The army will have
thermo-imaging scanners,
they'll see us coming a mile off.
Our best bet is charging
the barrier.
Whole bunch of us.
That's mad, Jim.
Our son is out there.
We need to get through
that checkpoint.
Now, I don't think they'll shoot.
But in case they do,
we need protection.
We need shields.
Well, let's gather some
supplies, yeah?
We'll bring 'em back in here.
I've got the tools.
We'll sort something out, yeah?
We're Dambury. Come on people,
let's focus.
Yeah. Let's do it. Let's move.
Hey, Jim. Yeah? Can I talk to you
about the paint spillage?
Yeah, paint spillage.
It's like, it is like really toxic.
And it was right outside the can.
Right. Connected, innit?
What'd you mean? Everyone's talking
about the paint spillage.
Well, I mean, I don't know - what do
you propose that we do, mate?
I mean, maybe we can drive up there
and have a look,
cos I don't know what you're
talking about.
Yeah, and take white
..white sprit and stuff.
White sprit? OK.
It's messing with peoples brains,
like the 5G.
5G? Yeah, the 5G.
We haven't got 5G, mate.
We've got 4G.
I don't understand.
My mum has bronchitis.
She needs a new boiler.
That's why I did it.
We are rich.
KOFI?! Hey.
Maisy? Hey, hey, you all right?
Karen, you OK?
NoNo, I'm not Wendy, cos my
little girl's gone missing.
Bloody hell. Maisy and, and,
and her friend, Kofi.
Look we'll, we'll see if we can
help, yeah.
They'rethey're 12 and he13
They went to play in the woods.
Well, they could be at
the playground on Silvers Green.
All right, yeah.
That's a great shout.
Yeah. Listen, let's start there,
yeah. We'll start there. OK.
All right. Thanks, guys. All right.
What do you want?
Came to get you, come on.
Leave me alone. I've had enough.
Steff, I'm not leaving you,
come on.
I resign.
I heard you with Kelly.
Can't deal with it.
Isn't responsible enough or,
he's so scared all the time.
You thought all this time,
you were looking after me.
Like I was hopeless.
It's you, mate.
You're the one that's
a lost little boy,
who has no clue what he's
doing any more.
And I'm looking after you.
And the one thing I want in life,
just the one thing,
was to be with Kelly and you're
just so in your feelings
that you can't let me have
one thing,
one thing for fucking me.
You should talk to Kelly about that
cos she ain't anyone's, all right?
One thing that I would want.
Ah, come on stop messing about,
we're going.
Whatever. I'm staying put.
Steff, I'm not leaving you.
Well, you know why Kelly
went with me?
She said she couldn't wait
for you to wake up.
That you were in a dream.
Fucking dream.
Please, Steff.
Oh, is that them?
Have they found us?
Why are you doing this?
I gave you a chance.
Take it.
Steff. GO!
I'm here. Come and get me!
What is it?
Oh, that's brilliant.
You don't want me either?
I'm sorry about the crossbow
and the garden fork.
You were protecting Kelly.
I was, yeah.
You love her?
Well, she told me how she feels
there's no future there.
It's hard.
I know what I was like when
I was your age.
Well, I'm all right with it.
So you're choosing death instead?
Well, I think so.
Erm well, I, I, I don't know.
I'm back and forth on it.
There's someone else but,
well, well, it's early days.
I just want this feeling to stop.
It is, isn't it?
I never imagined it felt like this.
We're wasting time.
I like him.
I think we should turn him.
He's barely a meal.
If you want him, Janine,
You look after him.
Yeah? But I don't think he's going
to last long.
I'll show you a place
beyond heartbreak.
THEY CHANT: Join us. Join us.
Join us. Join us. Join us.
Right, grab as much ammo as
possible. Go on.
Hey, stop right there.
Fucking hell.
Too slow.
Billy, you murdered him.
That fucker deserved it.
He's dead. We've got to go.
I know he's fucking dead.
Get outside.
Get the gun before you go.
Get the ammo.
MAISY? Kofi?
Small world.
It's going to be all right
innit, Karen?
I don't know. Please, say it's going
to be all right.
I don't know.
It's got to be all right, babes.
Karen. What?
Look, I'm not good with emotions.
All right. Yeah, but if them two
kids are OK, I'm going to be good.
Two days in some container.
Feels like two weeks, where
Where are we even going anyway?
Oh, shit, look who it is.
I'm going to be so good now.
Jesus, whoever it is.
Are you, You praying?
Listening. YesYes, I'm praying.
Unfucking believable.
Our father who art in heaven,
hallow be thy name,
thy kingdom come.
Thanks, babe.
You all right, man?
Oh, shit.
Listen mate, let's just
have a day off, yeah?
Your kid's gone missing?
Yeah. Listen man, I've got a son,
all right.
Me too. Right?
He's 15.
Right? And this is good, man,
this is like,
everyone's helping out, you know.
How often do you see that?
We just saw two coppers
kick a shop window in
and redistribute all the food.
I mean
Wow. That's brilliant, y'know.
That is,
that is cats and dogs holding hands.
That is a proper,
that's a fucking community moment.
We just want to help out.
It's just a shame it's taken
a collapse of civilisation
for it to happen. Come on.
OK, OK? Thanks, man.
We'll find 'em
Charlie! Run. Come on. No-one
look. That way. Keep moving.
Wait, wait, wait. What? Wait, stop.
No, that'sthat's the van
I left my mum in.
Go, get Get out the
Get out the
Wait, wait, wait.
Michael? Michael?
Fucking hell.
Stay back. Stay back.
She's got this. Leave her to it.
Fucking hell.
Leave it.
Oh, Billy, don't look, no.
Come on, let's go.
Come on. Wait
Get back, everyone.
She's mine. Get your own.
Mum! Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.
Oh, damn.
What is that smell?
I'm going to need another scanner.
I know where one is. Um, upstairs.
OK. I'll do it.
All right, go on, hold it up,
yeah, a bit more.
All right, where's mine?
You don't need your helmets now.
Come on.
Hey. Is this what I think it is?
Are my drugs in that bag?
It's nothing personal, man.
Nothing Nothing personal.
It's for my mum.
Cos I thought we were getting on.
Thought we were friends.
I like you OK, Mike.
But this is business.
Touch me and I'll scream.
You are a slippery one, Kofi,
you know that.
ANNOUNCEMENT: This is a restricted
If we stay here, the army will
eventually hunt us down.
Well, let's go get them.
What happened to Joe
will happen to us all.
CROWD: NoNo. No!
We need to get out of this town.
Grow our numbers. And fight.
CROWD: Fight Fight.
Let's attack at dawn.
How are you doing, boy?
Hanging in there.
It's pretty intense.
You've just got to focus on
what you want. That's what I found.
Positive mental attitude.
Goal-orientated thought.
Don't listen to "no".
Now you're getting it!
Fuck everyone else!
Fuck them all!
Right, come on.
To Neil. To Neil.
To Neil, fucking idiot.
Go on, pal.
Oi, we should be doing something.
Like what?
I'm not going out there stopping
people looting. Fair play to 'em
I've been planning for a while.
I wrote a list of all the people in
the town who deserve punishment.
Christ, you fell out with
a lot of people here. Oh, fuck.
Every town has them.
We all knew they were wrong 'uns.
The police never touched them
for some reason.
Now is our chance to bring them
to justice.
What, and you're going to kill 'em,
are you?
People's justice.
The government abandoned this town.
Just like they abandoned us at
the checkpoint.
And that's a good enough reason
for anarchy, is it?
Don't look at me like that.
Like what?
This guy's a peado.
Everyone knows that.
Right, that's it. You're going
back in the cuffs, you are.
Like fuck I am!
Come here, you fuckin'
Argh! No. Argh.
Argh. Fucking hell.
Stay down!
Billy, Billy. Hey, hey.
Stay back or we will shoot.
You have left us with no other
options. We're coming out.
Stay back!
Get me someone in charge.
Move away from the checkpoint!
They're not listening.
So we have to make them hear us,
don't walk, they're not going to
shoot civilians.
We got this. We got shields.
We are tooled up.
Dambury, are we together, or not?
Go! Let's Go!
Let's fucking have 'em
Come on. Let's go!
Come on.
Get back!
OK, fall back, fall back, fall back.
Come on. We can do this! Just
Fucking hell!
Back up. Back up.
Here, let me take that bag
for you there.
What are you doing?
No, I'm just going to help take
the bag off you
for a second. Give me the bag.
Kofi, you little shit. Get back here
now. Back off, man.
Give me the bag!
Come here. Gimme that bag.
Gimme the fucking bag!
Come here, you little shit. No!
Gimme the fucking bag. No.
Give me the bag. Get off!
Give me the Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Come on, baby. Let's go.
Fuck! Look. Take it with us.
No, no, no, no.
I'm not carrying
a fucking pink bag around, here.
Ah, you found it? Hold up.
I found these as well.
Wait, what are they?
Do you like hanging around
with kids?
Yeah, why?
Cos we're gullible?
No, no, not at all.
I think you're youthful.
And you're full of the joys of life.
You think we're stupid?
You caused all of this, didn't you?
Doctor Swift?
No, no, no. But how could he have?
He couldn't make a truck crash.
I wouldn't rule it out.
Yeah, you didn't cause the leak,
but there would have been no
salvepuerian gas without you.
Technically, it's not a gas.
No, but you're wrong.
He was trying to bring to justice
the people who created
the weapon.
That's why he's here.
Monitoring Kafferton.
He knew about it
because he broke
into the labs in the '80s.
I found these IDs when
I was searching upstairs.
Yeah, used for infiltrating
Kafferton. No!
What have you been saying, Morgan?
He worked at Kafferton.
I'm sorry, Finn.
All that was a lie?
He worked for them back then.
That's how we met.
Tell her, Morgan.
He was at Kafferton.
I was at the gate protesting.
They don't want to hear about
it, it's I do!
It's ancient history, OK?
He's always talking over me.
That's why we split.
It's all in the past.
Tell us what you've done!
Hey! What is going on here?
Preparing the thermobaric bomb,
Who ordered this?
You did.
You have to understand.
I'm helping.
I am a force for good.
If I wasn't prepared,
if I hadn't dedicated my life
to this situation,
things could've been much,
much worse.
But I, I've waited 40 years
for a moment like this.
And I'm ready for it.
You are a fantasist.
There's no way you can control it.
You're ready because you made it
in the first place?
Yes, that's true.
But now, I'm the only person
who can save us
..I think.
You think?!
Not much of a saviour if you can't
control your own plague.
I didn't do this to show
how clever I was.
Didn't you?
No, when I was fired, huh
..I knew this wasn't the end of it.
I knew the people there,
they would soon lose respect for
what we'd been developing.
And they forced you to work on it?
They didn't force you at all,
did they?
No. He designed it.
It was his idea.
Why would you make such a thing?
Why, why would you do that?
Because I thought, if I could design
something so apocalyptic,
I could destroy
the very idea of fighting.
I trusted you.
I engineered an epitope
that can be easily targeted
to neutralise the virus.
I'd have to be a madman
to create something so dangerous
and not have a way of stopping it.
And that's what
the inhibitor serum is.
It's actually an antidote.
The cure.
Just happens not to be working.
Because it's mutating?
Mm, no. It's just being stubborn.
How far off are you?
Oh, I'm getting close.
99%. That's good. It's working.
You have a cure?!
You were just playing with us
the whole time.
No. You helped. You both helped.
Without you, I wouldn't be able
to beat the new variant.
You manipulated us.
You were just experimenting on us.
Why is it going down?
It's all right, I'm getting close.
No, it, it,
it's dropping like a stone.
Please, just have faith.
Well, that's it fucked.
Give it time, give it time, please.
Come on, come on, come on.
Yes Yes, yes, yes
You cunt!
You signed my signature.
It wasn't difficult.
It's just a squiggle.
We need to get an OK from
Westminster for this.
Yes. Correct.
But you're out of control.
You took the initiative.
I tried to stop you.
OK. Well, I'm relieving you
of your command.
I will not let you burn down
this town.
I'm not going to. You are.
And that's what people are
going to believe.
Because, you see, you stopped us
securely locking down Dambury
for political reasons.
And then you put the country at risk
with your venal Westminster schemes,
and then, at the last minute,
you panicked.
And who came and saved the day?
The Armed Forces.
The very people that you've been
shitting on for decades.
Hey, we need to get the cure
out of town now
so you are going to give Finn
and Cecily the serum
and then we're going to
an army checkpoint
and you are telling them
everything you told us.
I don't know what your part in all
this is.
Whether you're caught in
the middle through circumstance.
But I do know you either do
what we say
or I am going to beat you
to death with this pipe.
All right.
Hey, hey, hey.
All right, Finn.
Sh, sh, sh.
Hey, so, how are you feeling?
SOBS: Fucking hell.
Fucking hell.
I think we need to take a little
walk to one of those checkpoints.
So, this is what all
of this is about?
Yes, I'm part of the mechanism.
And so are you.
No No, I'm not part of this.
Oh, yes, you are.
See, it was Clacy's plan.
He's seen in you
someone who is arrogant
and ambitious enough
to think that they could handle it.
It's in your psych report.
Goes all the way back
to your college days.
That was a terrible first year
you had at university, wasn't it?
What with the
cry-for-help suicide attempt.
But then you pulled yourself up
by your bootstraps.
And you got a double first.
That has got nothing to do with
any of this.
That was expunged.
Mm. But that's not what
people are going to say.
I'm calling command.
No No, you're not.
Get someone in here right away!
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