Get Even (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Get What You Want

No redemption for a weak heart ♪
When it break,
you take it real hard ♪
Won't pretend to be
what I'm not ♪
Coach Creed couldn't
have killed Ronny.
He was with Cam that night.
So gross.
And illegal.
But not murder.
And the police are hunting for DGM.
For us.
So we do nothing?
And Creed gets away with it.
Look, the police already
called me in.
I was the last person to
see Ronny alive.
We can't take any chances.
We won't. It's not just about Creed.
If he didn't kill Ronny,
then someone else did.
Framed us.
And they're still out there.
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Your secrets and lies. ♪
Anyone home?
For your big game tomorrow.
We can't wait to see you as captain.
You have to tell them -
that you're not the captain.
They'll understand.
They'll know I lied to them.
Yeahcos you lied to them.
Neither me
or your dad feel like cooking,
so I have two words for you -
I approve this message.
Come on, Kitty,
your dad's already in the car.
Wait, Mum, I
..I just need to
talk to you for a sec.
It's about the captaincy thing.
And I just want to say that
I think I already know.
You're worried being captain makes
it harder to keep your grades up.
That's totally it.
Yeah, it'll be fine, you know,
as long as I stay in tonight
and stick to my study schedule.
You don't need to
push yourself so hard.
The de Havilland scholarship
is yours.
No, it's fine, I'll be fine.
Just bring me a slice, OK?
You enter as if everything's OK ♪
So many eyes looking your way ♪
You take your time
as if there's nothing to do ♪
I wish I was
a little more like you ♪
Bree Deringer, Mr Harrington's
office immediately, please.
You know a lot,
think lessons are lame ♪
I ask myself do you know my name? ♪
You said you don't know the truth ♪
I said I can learn it too ♪
You said no-one knows the truth ♪
But I know that I do like you ♪
Ronny's never been more popular.
Student council meeting at lunch
about a tribute to him.
See you there?
Oh! Virgin Mary! Perfect!
I need a miracle.
What do you want, Cam?
Well, Mika won't play tomorrow and Coach
Creed has dumped it on me to sort out.
She's your friend. Talk to her.
Sorry, it's your problemcaptain.
I saw you talking to Coach Creed.
And, erm
..I was wondering if you were back
on the football team.
I haven't found my team spirit yet.
Get that.
But then, why were you talking to him?
He just wanted to see if I was OK.
He was actually being quite nice about it.
Guys like Creed aren't
suddenly nice for no reason.
Rex said he's a good guy
and he knows him better
than that DGM video.
In your seats, please, everyone.
We'll start with your test papers.
Bree Deringer, please come to
Mr Harrington's office during lunch.
Toilet's out of order.
Why are they calling you
to Harrington's office?
-Are you sure no-one saw you at Ronny's?
He's just trying to give me
more detentions for missing PE.
Then how about you go to the office
instead of letting them
blast your name all around school?
You're meant to be lying low.
I am lying low.
Creed's moving in on Mika.
She has a terrible taste in men,
so that's a perfect fit.
Her last crush was murdered.
Even better!
They should definitely get together.
Not funny.
Oh, come on, it's a little bit funny.
And it's a little bit I'm-not-even-joking.
Rex may be an idiot,
but he's an idiot who really
cares about his sister.
She throws upon a man a look so sweet
that it were to raise him to a galliard.
I'm learning my part.
Although I, erm,
have no idea what a galliard is.
It's a dance.
Of course you know that.
Yeah, fun fact about me -
I always do the homework.
I thought a galliard
..was a fancy name for one of these.
Poniard. OK.
In the play, they call it a poniard.
I really wish I knew as much as you.
I don't know what
I'm saying half the time.
Logan, dude, time to pay the piper.
If you guys were in the middle
of something, I can come back.
Oh, no, we were just talking
about poniards and galliards.
I bet £10 that I wouldn't get Antonio.
That way, if I lost, I still won.
But you wonso you lost.
Pleasure taking your money.
-OK, I'll, er I'll leave you to it.
If you need more poniards,
I'm your guy.
What do you mean?
I'm not feeling debate club
any more, so I joined drama club.
I'm the props master.
Ah, Logan, Christopher wants us
to run our scenes.
Help Ed find a place for props
so we're not tripping over them.
Right. Acting. Let's do this.
I will not die! I must not!
What do you think?
Crying on demand is hard!
You amateurs don't understand
how brilliant I am!
You never called me.
Girls always call me.
Not this girl.
Is it cos I drank all your milk?
I had to. Calcium's
a really important food vitamin.
Bree Deringer,
Mr Harrington's office now!
I keep hearing your name.
Must be a sign.
Yeah, a sign that I need to go
and see Mr Harrington.
No, it's not that.
It's deeper.
Maybe I will call you.
I'm not making any promises.
Thank you. Thanks for coming.
Everyone's still upset about Ronny,
so it's important we do something
as a school and as a family,
cos that's what we are.
We're retiring his rugby shirt.
But Ronny Kent also liked to party.
He was a party.
So that's what
the tribute concert will be.
A celebration of life.
It's what he would have wanted.
Good speech.
Slightly unexpected.
Well, this morning you weren't
so into celebrating Ronny.
I know, but in there,
I'm student council Donte.
Make a speech
and give everyone what they want.
And out here,
which Donte am I talking to?
The real one.
The one who wishes he wasn't always
running from basketball
to student council.
Football to fencing.
Worrying about college prep courses.
Grade averages, Hav scholarships.
Why don't we get out of here?
And just
..skip class?
Do something dumb that won't
look good on our uni applications?
Donte! Team practice now.
Duty calls.
See you later.
Well, I fixed the Mika problem.
Jemima's subbing in.
You'll drop back to midfield.
I play upfront.
Well, Evans has already approved it.
And, like you said,
I'm captain, so it's my problem.
And it's my decision.
Sure you won't get bored?
Hey, don't disrespect
the role of props master.
Good production hinges on the right props.
OK, well, I'll
Hey! Can't wait to see the
the werewolf transformation.
Who's-who's doing
the special effects?
You know there's no actual werewolf,
right? That's a metaphor.
Bet you the tenner I won off Logan.
It wouldn't be fair. I know I'm right.
What if I bet you dinner?
Loser buys burgers?
Yeah! Sure. Sorry, one sec.
It is a metaphor. You win.
Burgers on me.
I can't tonight,
but we'll definitely do it.
I figured out
what we're going to do.
You got the texts from Cam's phone?
They're backed up on my laptop.
Can you attach them to an e-mail
that can't be traced back to us?
Good. We can send them
to the whole school.
Whoa! I thought
we were supposed to be lying low.
Guys, it's time to fight back.
We went too easy on Creed last time.
Now we finish him.
How do we protect Cam?
Hide her name or something?
If we take her name off, there'll be no
proof that Creed was dating a student.
We could phone
an anonymous tip to Harrington.
He'll dismiss it as a prank.
The only way is releasing those texts.
And Cam just takes one for a team
she's not even on?
Do nothing, then
Creed will abuse another girl.
We'll have to live knowing
that we could have stopped this.
"I want you. I need you.
I can't stop thinking"
Stop, please.
I want to hang onto the little lunch
that I did have, thank you.
Hang on, am I the only one who's
a bit worried about the police?
I mean, this is way bigger than
just re-cutting a video.
No, I was on the fence about this.
We have to do it.
Ronny's killer framed DGM.
They want to scare us off?
But we're not going anywhere.
They should be afraid of us.
I'm Kitty Wei and I don't get mad.
I am Bree Deringer and I don't get mad.
I'm Olivia Hayes and I don't get mad.
I am Margot Rivers and I don't get mad.
We are DGM. We don't get mad.
We get even.
I'll set it to go out tomorrow morning.
Maximum exposure.
How do we know that the school isn't just
going to bury this to avoid a scandal?
Well, I've programmed it
so that every time it's opened,
it replicates and sends
itself to the next contact.
Parents, teachers Everyone.
It's set for 9am, in assembly.
After that, there's no way
the genie goes back in the bottle.
I hope we know what we're doing.
We had no choice.
Margot. Hey, wait up.
-I just wanted to talk about
-I know, we have to.
You go.
I just wanted to check that
you're OK with all this.
I know Kitty's right.
Creed's a predator, but
..Cam's going to have everyone
looking at her, judging her.
I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
But it gets better, right?
They say that.
I think it does.
Like, today at drama club, I saw
two guys who are obviously into you.
Come on! What's the story there?
No story!
I meanEd's fun. And weird.
-In a good way?
Like, today he made a bet about
werewolves in The Duchess of Malfi.
Loser buys burgers.
He lost, obviously.
Of course he did.
He wanted to.
That's not a bet, that's a date.
I didn't know that was a thing.
I mean, I like Ed.
But Logan is hot.
Logan is more than hot.
Ooh, I'm officially intrigued!
Uh Erm, well, thanks. I'll
..I'll see you at drama club.
Play stuff. New rehearsal schedule.
Thought I'd give you a ride.
Killer on the loose and you live
in a sketchy neighbourhood.
Hey, Miks.
I just spoke to Cam.
Are you sure no more football?
I might try a different sport.
I was actually thinking fencing.
Really? How come?
Well, Coach Creed said
I should try some new things.
Wait, what?
Just cos I saw you talking to him earlier.
No, I saw him again after French.
He said he sees real potential in me.
-Hey, darling.
-Here she is.
It's important to eat well
before your big game.
And you're totally ready?
By making sacrifices.
This can't be real ♪
All these visions of violence ♪
There's a ghost on the horizon ♪
Deep, deep down inside ♪
Where the fever burns like fire ♪
And your soul
springs back to life. ♪
Come on, move it.
Hey, coach, do you know
it's National Find a Nerd Day?
Found one!
[students gasp and laugh[
Phones on silent, please.
What are you laughing at?
What's so funny?! Show me that phone!
Give me the phone!
Coach, this
..this isn't you, right?
This is this is fake?
This is a lie!
This is a prank by DGM.
It's all right.
We can get through this.
I don't care what they say about us.
There's no "us".
This is your fault.
She's obsessed with me!
She's been stalking me!
You need to come with us, coach.
The blood is thick ♪
Thicker than my thoughts are quick ♪
Quicker than these thoughts
turn sick, sick, sicker than ♪
My temperature rising ♪
Sicker than the whites
of their eyes despising me ♪
And all my lovers that I can't disguise
and I'll never know why ♪
Ooh, the air is clear ♪
Clearer than the taste of tears ♪
Clearer than the smell of fear ♪
And I'm fearful
for a long cold year with you ♪
Don't you know what you do? ♪
You give me the horrors
and I give you the goo that oozes ♪
Separate the scabs
from the bruises ♪
Cam's not playing, obviously,
so you're captain.
Today, anyway.
You tried to warn me
about Creed, didn't you?
-Cam, I
I don't want your sympathy.
I just came to give you this.
Captain's armband.
Thought you wanted it, right?
I'm really sorry about what happened
-and I hope you can come back
-I won't.
I can't. It's all over everyone's stories.
Him shouting at me
And, you know, the stupid part is
I actually thought he loved me.
Good luck, captain.
Come on, Kitty!
Bree. You're a hard woman to track down.
We've been calling for you all day.
Cool origami.
I have one just like it.
Guess where I found it?
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye ♪
You should've got out of the red ♪
In the red, you're better off dead ♪
Deader than the red, dead sea ♪
Promise it to me ♪
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people with
big bellies banging bigger drums ♪
They beat down on you ♪
They beat the pulse into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed ♪
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye. ♪
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