GG Precinct (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Bring it back tomorrow after copying it.
Well, well.
Using Great Idioms Supplement
to make money?
The board assistant
hasn't cleaned the board properly.
I'll have to report this to the teacher.
There's so much.
Do you want a hand?
Hey. You want Great Idioms Supplement?
Just 800 dollars.
I don't have that much money.
Why didn't you say so sooner?
What a waste of our time.
-Let's go.
What if I give you 100?
Let me take a quick look.
I have a good memory.
Five hundred.
You said a quick look.
-You've had a look.
-Don't you have a good memory?
"Neither riches nor honors can corrupt."
"Nor poverty and humbleness divert."
"Threats nor forces can subdue."
"This is what it means
to be a great man."
-Bye, sir.
-We'll get going.
That was a quote from TengWenGongII
of The Works of Mencius.
It means
when we have wealth and privilege,
we must be self-disciplined.
We mustn't squander it.
When we're poor,
we must be strong-willed.
When facing great power
How much will you sell it for?
Do you want to learn?
I'll teach you.
For free.
Jen-shan. Was I wrong?
Sir, you weren't wrong.
You were just too angry.
I'm asking
if I set up the scene wrong.
Why has no one guessed
what I was trying to say?
I don't think
they will guess it.
Did you guess it then?
Sir, you cut flesh
from Lin Yi-chien's leg,
cooked it and made her eat it.
I think
you wanted to say
that she wrote "eat one's leg out"
instead of "eat one's heart out."
You really are my best student.
You're my Yan Hui.
Will you speak?
Although I studied Chinese,
I do have some legal expertise.
As per Article 95 of the Criminal Code,
I have the right to remain silent
and don't have to give a statement.
And you, stop yelling!
As per Article 156 of the Criminal Code,
no violence, threat, inducement,
or other improper means
may be used to extract a confession.
Once I've called my lawyer,
you'll all be on traffic duty!
Your stuff's been confiscated.
Where will you get a phone from?
You must lend me your phone, right?
Or it's a violation of my rights.
Phone's gone.
Fuck you!
-No. That was mine!
-I'll buy you another one.
It's fine. We can take our time.
You have to release me when the time's up.
You know Huang Hsien, right?
I saw a photo of you together.
Don't lie to me!
It was so cringe.
He wrote his "gratitude" to you.
If Huang Hsien wasn't dating
a female student,
I'd think he's fucking gay!
I'm sorry, hubby.
Tell me!
Are you saying Huang Hsien
was dating a female student?
And not just one. He's a married man.
He was with a female student half his age.
Then another crazy woman turned up.
What a complex mess.
I'm guessing his relationship
with Mogi Yumi
wasn't that simple either.
Huang Hsien killed her out of fear
of getting exposed, right?
So why strip her naked
and make it about idioms?
You Chinese language teachers
are all perverts!
Are you sure the one you caught
is Huang Hsien?
Take me to see him.
As per Article 150 of the Criminal Code
What are you doing here?
Why did they bring you here?
See? My instincts were right.
Told you they knew each other.
Sir. I'm sorry.
Okay. I'm sorry.
I just wanted to help you
get Shui-yuan involved
and scare this bastard.
You can take over when you get back.
After all
After all
After all, you're the captain.
But, of course
Of course,
I'm doing this for the boss too.
Don't steal our boss's credit
like that old witch.
You brought him in,
you can interrogate him.
Don't cause me any trouble.
Do you hear me?
Got it.
Jen-shan, raise your head.
Raise your head and look at me.
What are you afraid of?
Sit down.
Sit down and speak.
A gentleman is open and honest,
and need not be afraid.
What's the matter?
I did something to my students.
It's really you.
Sir, I'm sorry. I couldn't control myself.
I knew it was bad. I regretted it.
But once this kind of thing starts,
you just can't stop.
I understand.
I understand.
I understand.
You do?
I did the same to my students
and I couldn't stop either.
Is that why you killed them both?
Sir, you're
I never knew you were bi.
I'm bile?
Sir, you misunderstand.
I'd never call you bile.
What I mean is bisexual.
It means liking men and women. Bi
Oh. I forgot, as a Chinese teacher,
your English can't be good.
So you
You had relationships with students?
When did I say I had relationships
with my students?
-Didn't you say you understand?
-I understand why you killed them.
When did I kill anyone?
If you didn't,
why did you do her like that?
Do who?
I didn't do her.
Just students in my class.
-You slept with your students?
-I already told you that.
Do you know what that word means
in the dictionary?
I don't know what it means
in the dictionary, but I mean
What are you doing?
You little brat!
You had no money growing up!
I taught you for free!
I even gave you your name, Jen-shan!
I hoped you'd become
someone who would honor that name!
I never dreamed
that after you became a teacher,
you'd live the life of Riley
and sleep around with your students!
I once thought you were my Yan Hui,
because you guessed
"eat one's heart out!"
Yan Hui died poor!
And it wasn't me who guessed the idiom!
-What the hell is going on?
What's going on?
What the hell is this?
Someone was killed! What are you doing?
Get them off me!
Boss, you okay?
-Stand up.
-Get up.
-Boss. Who did you say was killed?
-Huang Hsien's student.
Liu Mu-ting.
Shao-nien. Take a break.
It's really you.
Listen to me.
You must listen to me. Please hear me out.
They caught you too?
I heard your name.
Didn't think it was really you.
Did they beat you?
You joking? First thing they did!
You're sure you didn't
tell them anything, right?
Don't you know me? I'd never tell them.
I'd sooner die than tell.
Me too.
Hey, we're on the same side.
I've got some chewing gum. Here.
Hang on.
Why're you wearing that police jacket?
I stole it.
To sneak out of here, right?
You've got an ID card.
It's from the photo booth next door.
I used a police filter.
I knew it!
You were always the smartest
in the gang.
-I'm not as smart as you, right?
-In gangland,
-you must have brains!
-You must have brains!
I know the way out of here.
-Come on.
-Let's go.
How can she be dead?
How did Huang Hsien do it?
Never thought we'd end up
providing Huang Hsien with an alibi.
-Maybe he has a twin?
The doc's report says,
"Time of death
was between 10 p.m. and 12 a.m."
"Blunt trauma to the back of the head.
Heart cut out, half in each hand."
"Awaiting DNA comparison
to confirm if the heart is hers."
PS. The saying
might be "being half-hearted."
-It's "kill one to warn a hundred."
-"Kill one to warn a hundred?"
By the way, Captain,
Hsieh Cheng-ta took the exam in 2001,
so he probably read
Great Idioms Supplement.
-Did you check? What's the next idiom?
-"Kill one to warn a hundred."
I can't believe I'm going to be
the shortest-serving
precinct chief in police history.
Yes, okay.
There's also some important CCTV footage.
Come. I'll AirDrop it.
Miss Liu's parents work overseas a lot,
so they installed a hidden CCTV camera.
This is the footage from last night.
-Hsieh Cheng-ta?
-Hsieh Cheng-ta?
Isn't Shu-fen following
How do you use AirDrop?
Hello? Captain.
-Are you following Hsieh Cheng-ta?
-Why are you talking so quietly?
-I'm following him.
Where is he?
He He He's
Captain, he's gone.
The seventh floor
I'll catch him now.
We suspect he killed Liu Mu-ting.
He's dangerous. Don't get too close.
What? But I think he's got a wrench
and looks like he's about to kill someone.
-Then go and stop him!
-Didn't you say not to get too close?
-Don't you have a gun?
-I do have a gun.
Officers are permitted to use firearms
according to the
Motherfucker, you've got a wrench.
Threatening me?
Why did you give me a one-star rating?
Making deliveries is tough.
Please. My order took so long.
Can't you get anything right?
I told you. I had an accident on the way!
Oh, please. Don't give me that crap.
Half my drink was missing.
And my food had fucking stones in it!
I thought it was stone stew!
I don't care!
Explain it to my company!
I will not!
Hey, stay away from me!
Stay away from me! Stop!
Stay away from me!
Hsieh Cheng-ta, don't move!
Hands behind your back!
Turn over! Turn over!
I'm arresting you
for intent to cause harm using a weapon.
You have the right to remain silent
or submit
a written statement.
See how efficient the police are!
I didn't even call and she's here.
Unlike you. I ordered for 9:30.
You got here at 10:30.
Fuck you. Motherfucker!
Who do you think you are?
-Go to hell!
When did Miss Liu's
delivery driver arrive?
It was 10:32.
This was taken at 10:15.
Hsieh Cheng-ta was there at 10:15.
At 10:30,
he went to deliver a delayed order.
He couldn't have gotten
to Miss Liu's place by 10:30.
Huang Hsien was being interrogated
when she died.
Lin Pai-sheng
is still in the holding cell.
Hey. So we're back to square one.
Why are you so excited?
At least we know
the suspect might be a delivery driver.
Or pretending to be one.
Hey, Chief. Chief!
Is one person behind all four cases?
How many leads
do the police have on these cases?
Media are reporting that these murders
are like the Idiom Murders 20 years ago.
Will the police be issuing
a formal response?
-Is this a copycat killer?
-Chief, where are your glasses?
-Chief, any response?
-Chief! Chief, can you answer us?
Any response? Any response?
Chief, tell us!
Thanks for your efforts.
Thank you for your concern and scrutiny.
Elements of these cases
are similar to the Idiom Murders
20 years ago.
Our investigation
is not ruling out
the possibility of a copycat killer.
-Then what are the idioms?
-Cheng was "phoenix feathers"?
-What about "hair tied to beam"?
-Miswriting idioms equals death?
This is an ongoing investigation,
so we're unable to reveal
certain details about the case.
However, as soon as we have
more information,
we will keep you informed.
Here, I would also like
to formally announce
that I'm Chang Yung-kang,
49 years old,
an Aquarius,
and chief of Gia Gun Precinct.
I am not afraid to make sacrifices
and I have the courage to fight criminals.
I often miswrite idioms too.
Chief, you miswrote "warn."
Don't you have a wife and kid?
Aren't you worried about them?
-Chief, don't you have a family?
-Don't you have a wife and kid?
Killer, listen up.
I officially declare war on you.
You think you're so special. Right?
You kill to correct perceived wrongs.
Take me on one-on-one.
I swear you'll not find me wanting.
If you don't accept my challenge,
then you're nothing but a coward
hiding in the dark
and a scaredy-cat who changes
the rules of his own game at will.
Don't think that killing people
makes you a hero.
If you accept,
I'll kill one to warn a hundred.
So we're back to square one.
Why are you so excited?
Fuck! Hi, Deputy!
-Hi, Deputy!
How amusing.
Without a cat, we can't catch the mouse?
Deputy, you mean
If the mouse won't come out to play,
you can bait it out.
The bait's arrived at the safe house.
Chief, we've set up security in the area.
Have a look out the window.
Are you stupid?
Why are you standing there?
I can see you
even without my glasses on, okay?
Find a vantage point.
Pull back 100 meters.
I'm worried something will happen to you
if I go too far.
Are you kidding? You were still sperm
when I won the jiu-jitsu nationals.
But, that that was a long time ago.
Go and find your position! Hurry up!
Do you want the killer to see you?
Wait. Where's Shao-nien?
Did he go with Tzu-ching to see Shui-yuan?
I I think he went to Chang Po-lun's
to work undercover.
Undercover? At a time like this
Never mind.
Find your positions quickly, okay?
Be careful.
How can it be "being half-hearted"?
In the 2001 Great Idioms Supplement,
"kill one to warn a hundred"
is clearly the next idiom.
Most strange.
Based on your philosophy,
only someone
who miswrites idioms is killed.
"Being half-hearted"?
Only a fool like Ming-han would
-It's not that I don't believe in you.
Liu Mu-ting
was the top student in the school.
Would she make such a dumb error?
Take me to Liu Mu-ting's house.
You must have missed something.
I'm the only one
who can help you solve this case.
Chief. Hey, say something.
-You're so quiet. Thought you'd died.
-Alright. I'm still here.
Have you seen any delivery drivers?
Hey, honey. At your mom's yet?
You haven't gotten your annual bonus.
Quit playing the hero.
-I'm not playing the hero.
-You do anything the Deputy tells you.
-Something's going on!
-She she's a colleague.
Are you alone?
Let me show you.
See? I'm the only one here.
-You're acting so guilty.
-See. Okay?
-You'd better be careful.
-Alright. I'll be careful. Okay.
Liu Mu-ting was found
with her heart cut in two.
Half a heart in each hand.
Surely the saying
is "being half-hearted"?
Then why can't it be
"a change of heart,"
"wear your heart on your sleeve,"
or "one's heart isn't in it"?
Or maybe it could be
"two hearts beating as one"?
What? Are you done?
Please just leave it at the door.
Thank you.
Chief, are you alright?
It's not this one.
Have you thought of something?
The mouse has arrived.
A podium.
I think I can smell it.
What do you smell?
The smell
of freedom.
What are you doing?
Open the door!
Shui-yuan, open the door!
Damn it. Open the door!
Tzu-ching! Hey!
Open the door!
Tzu-ching. Are you okay?
I'm in the lobby now.
I'm going to go out the main door.
Copy that. We see you.
Chief, don't leave this area.
We won't be able to see you.
I don't see anyone now.
What do you want? We're on duty.
Things are critical here.
I've got major news from Chang Po-lun.
Are you still with Chang Po-lun?
The night Cheng Pai-hsiang died,
he was at the crime scene.
What the hell are you two doing?
"One step forward is dusk."
"One step back is life."
-"But can an island lock a person away?"
-Are you on drugs again?
I didn't want to! You're all the same!
I'm going to be a straight-up cop
from now on.
I really want to quit! You know? To quit!
I really want to quit!
Quit Quit, my ass!
If you want to quit,
then tell me that tomorrow.
One more minute.
One more minute?
In five seconds the Chief could be dead.
The Chief's about to die!
Chang Po-lun said
he took so many drugs that day
that he couldn't get out of the car.
He said he was very high,
but his mind was clear.
Just like me now.
He said he saw someone coming out
of the security guard's lounge.
A delivery driver in a blue helmet.
Everyone knows it's a delivery driver.
The point is
it was a woman.
I'll show you the power
of a jiu-jitsu champion!
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