Ghost Doctor (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Help Me Out Here!

[Jung Ji-hoon]
[Kim Bum]
[Son Na-eun]
[Ghost Doctor]
[Episode 5]
[Emergency Medical Center]
Yes, dad.
No, not yet.
It'll still take some time.
No! No! Don't!
Can Can you see me?
Yes. I can see you.
The patient's blood
pressure keeps dropping.
Dr. Go, what should we do?
Then let's get it started.
Why did they let him do it?
Is Dr. An out of his mind?
Hurry! The blood pressure is dropping!
Dr. Go, what's your instruction?
Gosh, the patient's heart will
stop beating at this rate!
Oh, no. We can't make that happen.
Go Seung Tak, please leave.
You can leave.
Lee Seon Ho, you'll be the first assistant.
What are you going to do?
You are lucky that we are
in the operating room.
Get out of my sight right now!
There's no way I'd leave
the patient to you.
Lee Seon Ho, didn't you hear me?
Hey, you
Dr. An Tae Hyeon.
Do you think you are qualified
enough to operate on the patient?
Don't you see that a life is in danger?
Get out!
What are you two doing?
Are you trying to make the patient die?
We have no time! Let's begin.
What are you waiting for?
Why don't you open the chest?
Give me the scissors.
The drill, please.
Lee Seon Ho, suction.
You should've been the one who operates.
Why are you lying here?
How much longer are you
going to stay like this?
I heard they let Go Seung Tak operate
on a patient for cardiac tamponade.
He's doing it right now.
Dr. Go?
If it's cardiac tamponade
Yes. Same as the operation
Professor Cha received.
It was right in the middle
of the operation when he
Anyway, it's not like we
don't have other surgeons.
How could they let a new doctor
conduct such a difficult operation?
What are they thinking?
What shall we do, Dr. Go?
Dr. Lee will stitch the patient back up.
As you asked, I saved the patient.
I've left the rest to the
others. Follow me out.
Hey, stop.
Go Seung Tak, come here!
Go Seung Tak.
You brat.
It's only his first year. Is that possible?
No. It's not. Absolutely not.
New doctors may be able
to perform cannulation.
[Cannulation: A technique in which
a cannula is placed inside a vein]
And they may even make mistakes doing that.
Has this ever happened before?
Oh, yes, once.
When Professor Cha was still an intern.
Yeah, that's right.
It's true. It was big news back then.
Even so, how did it?
Go Seung Tak, I know you can see me!
Why are you pretending you can't again?
You can see me, can't you?
You can see me. You can
see my hand, can't you?
Tell me! Tell me! Hey,
you can see me, right?
On the ceiling two meters away from here.
Are you crazy?
Why are you worried about the camera?
You can see me, can't you?
Do you remember this place?
The place where you
possessed my body
like in those horror-themed shows?
Since when did you
Since when did you see me?
About that
It started from that place
and that moment on that day.
So for all this time
Then why didn't you tell me?
Why did you pretend that
you couldn't see me?
"I'm a ghost now. Can you see me?"
You never asked that before.
Why would I tell for no reason?
You can only see me,
or you can see the others, too?
Can they see us today?
Gee, they ignored us again.
That's what they always do, isn't it?
What else do you expect?
Are their lives that lovely?
I don't understand why
they won't just give up.
Just let go when the time is coming.
Am I right?
Hey! Hey!
Unbelievable! He's so rude!
Come on. Be cool.
Let me go. I'll kill him.
Don't be like that.
I was almost possessed by
several spirits because of you.
When I think back on
that moment, it was so
You are isolated lately, aren't you?
You should've been nicer.
So even before that you could
You've always been able to
When did it start?
Let's put it this way. You
are the 250th spirit I've seen.
Hey, don't call me spirit.
Ghost. Call me ghost.
No. I have the right to
choose what to call you.
Why should I call you
ghost instead of spirit?
Whatever. Then since when
did you start seeing spirits?
S-Spirits, no, I mean ghosts.
I don't have to tell you my secrets.
Wait a sec.
You've been giving me short responses.
How dare you talk to a professor like that?
Is that even important at this point?
It's not. What matters
is why you confess now.
Why don't you keep pretending?
I told you, I wanted to save the patient.
After all, I'm not the type
who'd give up on others' lives.
Oh, because you are not that type.
Is that why you've been using me?
Why did you do it since you knew?
You were free and you
had nothing to do anyway.
I did it for your good.
Really? Really?
You did it because you were
worried that I'd be bored?
You are such a special
young man, aren't you?
You think I'd feel touched by that?
I know what you are up to!
So what? You think you know me well?
Hold on.
Then you went to my home because
Oh, about that.
You kept saying, "My kid, my kid."
So I wondered if you really had a kid.
Feel good?
My kid is still alone at
home without anything to eat.
Man Du, we'd better die together.
I'm not taking my kid.
I'll take you with me.
Come here, Go Seung Tak.
Come here.
I didn't want to see you depressed,
so I provoked you that day on purpose.
And then you jumped at me
and wanted to die together.
do you know Professor Cha
Yeong Min's home address?
Oh, that's why I haven't
seen him for so long.
You are his student, right?
Then please help him pack
if you need anything.
And please lock the door when you leave.
I thought a famous doctor like him would
be filthy rich and spend money like water.
His apartment is quite simple actually.
As it turns out,
the "kid" he talked about is this thing.
My kid
Is he dead?
The "kid" is a tough creature.
I didn't know that I'd become a
lifesaver for you and your kid.
That's great.
So where's my kid?
Where did you put him?
Wow, this is how it feels
when you rescue someone
from drowning, the first
thing he asks for is his bag.
How about you? Where did you put my "kid"?
Are you asking me?
You think I'd answer you?
Are we that close?
You jerk, haven't you asked
me over 100 questions?
You jerk?
Hey, brat, don't take
my patience for granted.
Then let's talk about it. I've
put up with you for a long time.
Am I your son?
Why do you keep calling me brat?
What about you?
"He got into an accident himself."
"It's his fate to end up like that."
I have got to punch you
to make you shut up.
Wow, you are shifting
the blame onto me now.
Who should be angry now?
You came into my body without my consent.
Hey, you think I wanted to do that?
I was so reluctant to
I had no choice but to pick an
ill-mannered person like you
to lodge my noble soul
Do you think I'm happy about that?
I almost beat myself!
Your bloody body is not so good.
You can't even move your fingers flexibly.
All you can do is talking glibly.
I can at least talk as I like.
You can't even open your eyes.
How could you say that to me?
I won't get into your body
again even if I have to die.
I don't need your body, you brat!
I would let any ghost
into my body except you.
Don't you dare get into my body again.
If you get into my body
again, I'll eat your soul.
You brat.
You talk to me rudely all along.
You jerk.
How could you be so rude to
your professor flagrantly?
Gosh, he just doesn't change,
even as a ghost.
He is out of danger for now.
His surgery went smoothly.
Doctor, is my husband alright?
Thank you.
Doctor, thank you so much.
- Your dad is fine, Chae Hee.
- Really?
Thank you, doctor.
Thank you.
That brat.
He fooled me like that.
And he talked back to me sputteringly.
He asked me, a professor,
to intubate for him.
Well, should I worry about
other people's lives now?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
He seems to be the patient whom
Dr. Go Seung Tak operated on.
It's said that the
operation went perfectly.
How did he manage to do that?
He is only a first-year
doctor here. It's incredible.
He performed the operation, didn't he?
Yes, he did.
- Did he?
- Well, he did.
To be honest, I knew Go Seung Tak
was talented when he was a student.
It seems that he is not just
book-smart like a professor.
Where did he work as an intern?
The blood pressure is normal
and so is the heart rate.
How about the urine output?
How much urine?
It's 200cc.
Did you get the ABGA results?
[ABGA: Arterial Blood Gas Analysis]
Did he receive private tutoring
at some other hospital?
Right! He must have studied in America.
That must be the reason.
The ABGA results, you brats.
Go check whether the ABGA results are out.
You know, in the movie
"The Bourne Identity",
Matt Damon accepts
special training secretly
to become an excellent secret agent.
The patient will be fine.
Check his conscious state every hour.
So obviously,
Go Seung Tak must have been taught
by the world's top surgeon in private
while he was studying abroad.
Then he became a highly skilled doctor.
Then why did he fail during
Professor Cha's surgery?
Hey, Surgeon Go.
Why are you pulling a long face?
You think I'm here to see you?
I am here to check on the patient.
His blood pressure, heart rate
and urine output are all good.
His ABGA results are also good.
What are you waiting for?
You have to give instructions.
You are the surgeon.
Why are you looking at me?
Wh-wh-what? Do you think I'll
tell you when you look at me?
Are we on good terms?
I have talked with his family.
[Operation Record]
You should write the Operation Record.
Oh, the Operation Record.
You don't know how to write it?
Hey, how can you expect him to know that?
He is Go Seung Tak.
I am afraid he has never seen it.
The chief ordered that
before the patient
comes round, the surgeon
must stay with him.
I guess you know why.
You should feel lucky that we're in the
operating room. Now get out of my face.
I can't trust you with the patient.
Dr. An Tae Hyeon,
do you think you are qualified
to treat the patient?
Dr. An,
are you insane?
What exactly were you thinking? How could
you let Go Seung Tak perform the operation?
Since the thing has happened,
it's useless saying more.
You'd better ensure this
surgery will succeed.
You are lucky that the
patient is still alive.
There were other doctors available
at our hospital at that time.
Do you know it'll be a
big problem if people find
out the operation was
performed by a resident?
We had already attracted criticism before
for performing operation by residents.
You think you will the only
one who will be ruined?
No. All of us will be ruined.
I got it,
about Go Seung Tak,
did you find anything strange?
What do you mean?
Well, he performed the operation
successfully, which is suspicious.
Does this suggest that
he is a genius?
It's only because he is a genius?
How could he become a genius overnight?
He was obviously not a
genius when he was an intern.
He changed suddenly.
He changed into a genius suddenly?
This is Vice President of Administration.
Has the operation in Operating
Room 7 just now been recorded?
Send me the full video immediately.
Hey, if you are still
here, save him, please.
Since when?
When did you start to see me?
it just started at that moment on that day
in that place.
I feel uncomfortable when you
are here. Could you leave?
My patient is lying here. How can I leave?
If you don't want to
be here, you can leave.
Didn't you hear they called me the surgeon?
I performed the operation.
You did it with my hands.
You even didn't dare to hold the
scalpel. How can you boast about it?
What is the use of your nimble fingers?
You can't even touch the patient.
You brat, why must you touch my sore spot?
I have to destroy your
tongue with my punches. Damn!
are you awake?
Start with obeying command.
The patient's name.
[Obey command: To determine the patient's
ability to obey a command of a doctor.]
Mr. Moon Suk Joo.
Blink for yes.
Blink if you want to say yes.
He is conscious.
Next, motor check.
[Motor check: To check if
motor function is intact.]
Start with the left hand.
Try moving your left hand.
Move your right hand.
- Very good. Next
- Your daughter.
Do you remember the name of your daughter?
If you remember, nod your head please.
Your family is fine.
Don't worry about them.
Chae Hee really looks like you.
Are you alright?
Are you awake?
Dad, are you alright?
Your dad said he was fine.
When did he ever care so
much about the patient?
Did he perform the operation?
No. I did it.
I had to do that under
the circumstance today.
I'll be careful from now on.
Yeong Min,
I heard Dr. Go performed the
operation smoothly today.
He made it all the way through
this time. He did a good job.
As a young doctor, he is
very impressive, right?
Why didn't he do so well
when he operated on you?
what is your relationship with Dr. Go?
Dr. Go said that you
two disliked each other,
but his behavior didn't seem to prove that.
He is really an odd person.
He is a total oddball.
From today onward, I will work with you.
I am a resident
and my name is Go Seung Tak.
Let's save the patient first.
Cha Yeong Min.
Since when did you start seeing spirits?
S-Spirits, no, I mean ghosts.
I don't have to tell you my secrets.
What did that guy go through?
You came back, my son.
Did you take the taxi?
What about your car?
I thought driving was too tiring,
so I left it at the
medical center parking lot.
What's the matter?
Did something happen?
Nothing, I just feel my
mom is so beautiful today.
Seung Tak.
I've heard that the patient has a daughter.
Yes, President.
He has a seven-year-old daughter.
Fortunately, the child was not
injured and is safe and sound.
Her dad regained consciousness,
thank goodness.
Seung Tak did a great job on the operation.
Right now the patient's state is good, too.
The room is not cleaned.
Well, no,
it's not like I wanted to do it yesterday,
but I had to.
The patient was in danger,
and I could not leave him to
An Tae Hyeon and that guy.
What's the matter?
Where does the mosquito come from?
What do those guys want? Really.
Nice scenery here.
What are you?
Why do you come here?
Doctor Go, what's the matter?
I received this yesterday.
Illegal parking.
In the area dedicated to
firefighting facilities.
Thanks to you, my fine is like
Oh, sorry.
It's too dark, I couldn't see clearly.
The white car and blue car
were parked neatly together.
Thanks to you, my fine is like
Wait a second, what's this?
What does that mean?
Cha Yeong Min is an
arrogant and selfish man.
He lacks empathy,
like this, and he also lacks moral concept.
It's good nothing happened.
If there's a fire, it'll be a big problem.
I know. You talk to me about it.
Let's talk alone.
It's still not late, you
should think carefully.
Does he deserve your
excellent strength, good character,
and precious time?
Then farewell.
Come here.
You uneducated
You come here.
Go Seung Tak.
What is he talking about?
Go Seung Tak.
What just happened?
This guy is so weird.
how dare you scold me behind my back
in front of my face?
How can somebody scold you
both in front of your face
and behind your back?
And, what about moral concept?
Because I became like this,
you think me, a professor,
is hilarious, right?
Professor, before you became like this,
I didn't treat you seriously, either.
It's not news.
Of course people make mistakes.
I really didn't know
that, and there's no fire.
It's fortunately to have no fire,
and you found the cars because of it.
That's great, think about it that way.
One way or another, I found your baby back.
Take my baby to me.
Two cars parked at dedicated
area for firefighting facilities.
The total fine is 1 million won.
Noted. Take my baby to me.
If you want your baby, pay first.
Wow, how can you
use my baby as hostage?
Hey, how can I pay?
Are you Doctor Go Seung Tak?
I'll call you later.
What's the matter?
I'm a journalist from the
medical column of Civilian News.
I want to know the details of
the surgery you did yesterday.
I heard that you performed the operation
alone under an impossible circumstance,
and saved the patient miraculously.
Is that true?
"The new resident physician in the
Cardiothoracic Surgery Department
of EunSang University Medical Center
performed heart surgery alone on a
patient who had a traffic accident
and attracted attention."
A single operation that even the senior
resident physician has never done before.
Go Seung Tak actually
"When the physician in charge
suffered pain from a wrist injury, the
operation could not be carried out,
in such a crisis,
like he was possessed by a divinity,
Dr. Go Seung Tak exerted his hidden power,
and saved the life of the dying patient."
Who is it?
Why did he perform the
surgery with a hurt wrist?
"We found out that at that moment,
Dr. Go Seung Tak couldn't abandon
the patient for a special reason."
Do you know anything?
No, I don't know.
"The strength and ability of the
young doctor is worthy of praise.
He's the hero of this era,
and the hero in the operating room.
It wasn't easy for me to silence
the operating room staff.
What happened?
For this situation, although
I don't know who it is,
but the finishing touches
are very well done.
Well, could it be the Chief?
Is this your work?
Good things need to be widely publicized.
I'm here to do all this stuff.
You colluded with others
against him before,
why are you making him look good now?
It is not a good thing to widely
publicize this matter, right?
Recently, many problems pop up like
unqualified doctors perform surgery
on other's behalf, don't you know it?
Those are unqualified people,
but you are qualified.
My little cousin's skill
on making people surprised
is getting better and better.
Portrait rights and infringement
of personal privacy,
where should these be reported?
Personal privacy,
you mean your personal secret.
This, we didn't explain carefully.
It's not like you can
cover a thing like this.
Sooner or later it will be made public,
I just made the first move
so that I could make you look really good.
Professor Cha is in a state like that,
and we need a new cover star.
Calm down. Three times one is
three, three times two is six.
Right? Three
I am a resident physician
in my first year.
But why did you want to do that?
I've heard that it was you who
stepped forward to do the surgery.
This guy is really
Hey, what sin does he have?
If they had transferred away the patient,
then he might have lost
his life on the way.
The situation was so urgent.
He just wanted to save the patient.
Since these are mentioned, let me ask you,
did you learn the skill somewhere else?
MBA doesn't offer medical internship.
MBA, really?
Your grandpa found out that you were
skipping school and playing around,
and then forced you to go
back. I know about all these.
Say, you really learned something nice.
These masters are so
Hello, Mom.
Hello, Chairman Go.
I'm startled.
About that?
No, I'm just letting
him be the hero for now.
I just paved the way for him.
My son,
is that report true?
Is that you who saved
the patient in crisis?
It seems to be him.
How handsome!
It seems to be right.
Gee, my son is so cool.
I've heard that you did it from
the beginning till the end.
And the patient woke up safely.
My son is a genius.
I don't think that's right.
Well, Mom.
I'm a bit busy,
can we talk later?
Why not?
My genius son,
when will you get home?
Why are you holding him so high?
The higher he is now, the more
miserable he'll be when he falls, right?
A lot of people are paying
attention. That can be deadly.
Don't worry.
That guy can never get the
specialist qualification certificate.
You came.
Thank you.
Tak is indeed a character.
He gets the attention wherever he goes.
Vice President Han is so powerful.
He just moved his fingers,
and he packed him like this.
At least he's going to do that, right?
Not to mention the younger brother who
will lead the consortium in the future.
You don't know how grateful I am
to have such a reliable big
brother for my Seung Tak.
Our old man must feel at ease.
He has two reliable grandsons
taking care of the hospital.
I'm in this state,
but your life is hard, too.
Being besieged on all sides.
Being besieged on all sides. Ah
Let's find a quiet place to talk.
We don't want to rob you,
right, my children?
Go there and don't play tricks.
Go where?
Hey, my little patient.
What's the matter? What are you doing?
I'm playing hide-and-seek.
With whom?
With my mom.
You go that way.
Do you think it's okay to hide like this?
And you cannot wander around.
Hurry and go to your ward.
Go away.
I want to hide, too.
To bury my head.
Go Seung Tak, here you come.
I want to ask you something.
About yesterday
It was not me.
What? Who would it be if it's not you?
Don't you watch the news? I was possessed.
It wouldn't happen again.
Everything will be back to normal.
How can you know if things like
that would not happen again?
I made a deal with that ghost.
Doctor, please do the
operation for my Seung Jo.
If he doesn't receive the
treatment, he will die.
Seung Jo's guardian is asking if they
have to leave the hospital tomorrow.
Do they have to leave?
What else? We don't have any
doctor who can do the surgery.
Isn't it true that the right ventricular
catheter just needs to be replaced?
Is it that hard?
Yes, it is.
Because he also needs the CABG.
[CABG: Coronary Artery
Bypass Graft Surgery]
The operation is difficult,
and this is not his patient.
What if he touches a wrong place,
and something happens to the child?
Then he will have to
take full responsibility.
Doctor, please.
We have nowhere else to go.
Are doctors always like this?
I am worried that if any other
hospital can find a qualified doctor.
The operation fee.
Originally, our hospital
wanted to reimburse her in
full for the treatment and
hospitalization expenses.
The donations from Professor
Cha's surgery on the wealthy
are in the hospital.
There really is something I
don't know about this hospital.
It exists. It's the money only
Professor Cha Yeong Min can spend.
Professor Cha seems harsh,
but sometimes he surprises people.
Especially when he ignored those
things requested by superiors
and powerful people.
Wow, he's handsome when he does that.
Well, what are your requests for me?
Nothing special.
Go to the Yeong Deung Po
underground commercial street,
and find the walnut biscuit stall.
Please, I want to taste it.
Find me a movie DVD.
I want to read a book,
but only one library has that copy.
Gee, how can I get any of those?
Don't you know?
We are in the same state.
Wow, it's the same.
Come on, Professor Cha,
you have the method.
Like, with a beep.
So what you mean is that
let me turn to that guy?
Who has the same state with whom? See?
I knew he would be like this.
Why should we expect such
an uneducated person?
Hey, who are you pointing at?
Come back! How old are you? How old is he?
Come on, Professor Cha.
You even have saved a life in that way.
Stop pretending. Think about it.
Otherwise, you'll have a hard time here.
Tell us whatever you want to eat.
Not just Seung Jo's, maybe all
the appointments of Professor Cha
will have to be canceled one by one.
Alas, what a big loss it
is to lose a professor!
The patient with cardiac
tamponade is better
and has been transferred
to the general ward.
The wound needs to be treated.
What to do? Will I take care of it, too?
Ugh, how could he order
Lee Seon Ho about at that time?
Really so muddleheaded?
Found you!
How did you find me?
Because my eyes are so big.
What do we do now?
Well, what do you want to do?
Seung Jo is not her own son.
It's said that she adopted him as a baby.
But the kid has been ill for long.
The family couldn't afford
surgery and hospitalization.
So the father wanted
to send the child back.
But the mother insisted on keeping him.
Finally, they got divorced and she's
been raising the kid alone ever since.
Do you want to play finger games?
Thank you, doctor.
Thank you, doctor.
We just knew that you were the one
who did the operation yesterday.
Really thank you for saving my husband.
Thank you, doctor.
You are welcome.
I'll never forget your
kindness. Thank you, doctor.
Hmmm, wound treatment.
Doctor, you should clean the
chest and then do the squeezing.
Sure, the squeezing.
Clean the sticky hematoma
in the chest, right?
What? Walnut biscuits?
Go get a DVD? What a bunch of savages!
How dare you ask for these things?
What is he doing?
Oh, my!
Ugh, those unreliable hands.
Is there anything you can do well?
- Oh dear!
- What to do?
- Poor man!
- Come on, doctor.
Do you expect a senior doctor
like me to do the squeezing?
Oho, he can't even do the squeezing well.
How on earth did he become a doctor?
Didn't you tell me never
to possess you again?
I did what you said.
Hey, where are you going?
Seung Tak, I have something to say to you.
Let's have a talk.
What did you come to my room?
What are you doing?
Are you
Hey, not that one.
I wore it only once.
It's the latest design.
Hey, well, about that
Well, you can't do that.
The clothes are innocent.
Put it down before I get angry.
Be a good boy. No, don't!
You brat! It's your stinky hands to blame!
How dare you mess up with me!
Okay, fine!
Calm down.
Seung Tak, I can meet all your demands.
What do you need me to do?
Just say it. How about doing
the squeezing one more time?
Didn't you just let me put it down?
I did what you said.
Are you nuts?
How childish are you to
take it out on my clothes?
I should just punch you in the neck.
Of course, revenge is puerile.
But I'm not noble anyway.
Darn it!
Dr. Go.
What's this?
Well, why?
Did someone throw it down on purpose?
My size.
Oh, my new clothes.
I bought them from a couture shop.
Darn it!
Installment by credit card for six months.
Darn, that brat!
I even grew dark circles for them.
[Cha Yeong Min]
Why would you come here?
Se Jin,
what are you looking for?
Did I hear it wrong?
What are you doing?
You want to see the president's records?
But you don't know the password.
Even if you do, it must have been blocked.
Well, please don't keep coming.
The patient should have meals on time.
You jerk, hands off!
I got it. Let me go.
Please send this inside.
It's really hard to offer meals
to the president in person.
We'll deliver it for you. Please leave.
Did he eat the sauced
crab I sent last time?
It's the president's favorite food.
Sure, the president was very happy.
He ate it in satisfaction.
Did he finish all of it by himself?
I will deliver this for you.
Please leave now.
Please don't make things difficult for us.
Thank you.
If he wants to see me,
please tell me instantly.
President, it's not that I don't
want to conceal your situation
Boy, do you have savings?
Not many.
Have you bought an apartment?
Full tax
Family members?
Are you from a single
family with sisters or what?
Only myself.
Forgive my rudeness.
Do you love my daughter?
Why can't you answer me?
Then how can I trust you and
leave my daughter in your care!
President, it must be a misunderstanding.
If you want my daughter's money,
you can give up that idea now.
She said she wouldn't take a penny from me.
Oh, is that so?
If it's okay with you,
please be responsible for her.
Se Jin knows that
I'm allergic to crustaceans.
No way I would eat sauced crab.
It's okay that my
situation is kept a secret.
But don't let her come here again.
She's tired enough for taking care of you.
I don't want to burden her any more.
I'm not a qualified father.
I didn't fulfill my duties
and gave her so much pain.
She's been beside you all the time
after you had the accident.
She makes time to do
ward rounds occasionally.
Any symptoms of dizziness or nausea?
At this point,
she won't leave me alone.
But if they find out
You know what I mean, right?
This guy never breaks
regulations. He's so honest.
That thing must be what keeps me alive.
Should I be grateful or angry?
She's tired enough for taking care of you.
I don't want to burden her any more.
I'm not a qualified father.
I'm sorry.
Are you all right? Hello?
Neither I nor the president
can be saved by you alone.
So, don't push yourself too hard.
This is Jang Se Jin, Vice
President of Administration.
I want to talk with you about
the president. Are you free now?
But if they find out
You know what I mean, right?
Se Jin, no.
Here's your iced Americano.
Five minutes. Let me use
your body for five minutes.
Go Seung Tak, is that your attitude?
What can you do if I must get in?
Seung Tak, come here. Go Seung Tak.
Go Seung Tak!
This damn shield.
Seung Tak, come here for a second
Let's talk, okay? Just a while.
Didn't I just agree to
lend you five minutes?
But you ignored it.
Ah, did you really mean that?
I thought you didn't want to let me pass.
Then don't come forever. Over.
I'm sorry, Seung Tak. It's all my fault.
Seung Tak, just this once.
I'm begging you.
Just five minutes!
Go Seung Tak, just this once!
You will be sorry if not for
this boundary. Come back.
Seung Tak!
I'm busy. What's the matter?
Why are you so down?
This is not like you.
Is it because of the news?
Am I a person who cares about that?
But why don't you ask me?
Yesterday's cardiac tamponade operation.
You saw it, didn't you?
If it's something I should know,
you will tell me yourself.
I'm your friend.
People in the ICU are confused.
They thought you were a terrible doctor,
but now you're a genius to them.
What about you? Which
one do you want me to be?
No one likes a fool,
not to mention a clumsy doctor.
But I don't want you to be too tired.
Just follow your heart.
Let's hope for the best.
Thank you for your advice.
Hello, brother. What's wrong?
Why didn't he drink the coffee at all?
If you don't mind, please drink it.
Ah, thank you.
I happen to be thirsty.
Why are things so harmonious
between you two today?
You always hit him before.
Well, it's a habit from school days.
Why is that?
Did Dr. Go do anything
wrong to our Dr. Pretty?
[Emergency Medical Center]
He owes me.
A great debt.
I get angry at the sight of him.
Enjoy your coffee.
Dr. Go indeed often says
things that piss others off.
But he's not a bad person.
As an elderly person, I'm good
at telling a person's quality.
Thank you.
But you are not very old.
What What's this?
Bed 37, neurosurgery, code blue.
Oh, that ungrateful kid!
Can't he be a little helpful?
The doctor will arrive soon.
Cardiac arrest. Do CPR
and raise code blue.
Well, am I able to treat a
patient that seriously ill?
Do what you did before.
Didn't you see it just now?
The ghost has left.
Don't put me on call anymore.
One's constitution decides his work.
To play corresponds with mine.
Was the bed changed?
Yesterday he was a surgeon and
today he's Go Seung Tak again.
Seung Jo Seung Jo is missing.
You scared me.
Hey, little patient.
Are you playing hide and seek again?
I've told you that it's not
enough to just hide your head.
Besides, your mom can't find you
if you hide in places like this.
Get up. Your mom will get worried.
What happened?
The patient is having a cardiac arrest.
One milliliter of adrenaline. Quickly!
The defibrillator is ready.
Am I dying?
Will I die?
Doctor, you made me become like this.
Now I'm going to die?
Hello, can you hear me?
Doctor, could you please help me?
It's V-fib. I'm doing a de-fib.
[V-fib: Ventricular fibrillation
De-fib: Defibrillation]
200 joules.
Stay clear.
Electric shock!
Has your grandpa change his mind yet?
I am too good to go to waste, aren't I?
It will be hard. The family's
struggle for power can be very cruel.
Your things must be urgent so
that you have to possess me.
Well, I'm a doctor.
I will die anyway, whether
I possess you or not.
Compared with an idiot
with no hands-on ability,
a genius is better.
But I can't die like this,
for I feel angry about many things.
In my heart, I also don't
want to see others die.
Let's cooperate.
Okay, deal.
[Ghost Doctor]
-=Preview of the next episode=-
When you need to possess me,
you must check the situation first.
- If I do this
- Am I a dog?
Miss, you can't do this here.
Are you the doctor who saved that boy?
Who broke the rules first?
Even the professors can't do it, can you?
Let's solve it once for all
now that we've opened it.
Oh my God!
We are walking side by side now?
Are you afraid that others
know that you can see ghosts?
Why don't you disclose the
secret you know, Dr. Go?
[Operating Room]
Where is that guy? What's he doing?
[EunSang University Medical Center]
Can you hear me,
Go Seung Tak?
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