Ghost Force (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Mizuo / Sharkoak

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep
Full of fear,
please make them disappear
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour
Like the night, glow forever
Ghost Force
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere
Creepy crawlies
in their lair
Out of sight,
waiting in the night
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Two tickets
for the basketball final?
Yep. My dad's playing and I can
take whoever I want, but who?
Gee, I've got no idea.
Well, you in, Andy?
Yes, yes, a million times yes!
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Yo! How come Andy
gets to go to the finals?
Uh, 'cause he's my bestie
and he's crazy about basketball?
Too bad he stinks at it.
You should take
the top player instead.
Which is totally
what he's doing.
Yeah, right! Bobby,
who won our last one-on-one?
Er, he did.
I mean you, er, crushed it.
This time we play sudden death.
First one
to miss a basket loses.
It's the law of the jungle.
The winner
goes to the finals with Mike.
- What?
- Challenge accepted.
Get ready to be destroyed.
So, let me get this straight.
You get front-row tickets to see
your ultimate fanboy dream,
- Michael Collins
- Mmm-hmm.
Only to risk it all
in a stupid dare with Drake.
Doesn't matter. I'll crush this.
There can only be
one king of the jungle.
Let's see
how awesome you are now!
So, still gonna crush this?
Let's do it!
- Woohoo!
- Nothing but net. Ha, ha!
Beat that basket, bozo!
Can't. No ball. Sorry.
- Here's one.
- ANDY: What?
You just gonna give up,
right in front of everybody?
Yo, Bobby! I'm thirsty!
Gimme some water!
Who's got water?
Anybody got water?
The MVP needs H20, ASAP!
- Huh?
- Do you think he'll do it?
So, you thirsty
or are you just chokin'?
Bobs, what's the ETA on my H20?
I need it ASAP.
Ghost coming!
(Wild cry)
- (Evil laugh)
- Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
(Wild cry)
- Hey, bucketbrains! Ugh!
- Ow!
(Wild cry)
- You gotta be kidding me!
- It's building an army!
My Boo energy won't last long!
You know the drill.
Protect and evacuate!
Hold up, Drake!
This is way too risky!
Whatever, man. Just need one try
a whole audience staring.
- What if the ghost comes back?
- It's all good.
The Ghost Force are keeping the
bucketheads busy!
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
- Everyone's here?
- Yes!
OK, take care of this tin can!
I'll get the citizens to safety!
That was so scary!
- They're too strong!
- Hey, Ms Jones, we need help!
Sorry, kids, I was watching
an animal documentary
about Amazonian wolves.
It was fascinating!
Did you know they move in pack?
No time!
Ghosts multiply in waves!
I know!
Once it chooses a territory,
its pack chases away
all the inhabitants
so they can take over!
It's the law of the jungle!
The urban jungle.
Ha, ha!
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
(Wild cry)
Stop working yourself up.
You must eliminate the first
Mizuo to stop all the others!
You mean the leader?
I got this!
Fury, wait!
You can't take it on alone!
Yo, faucet-face!
Time to close the floodgates!
- (Battle cry)
- (Wild cry)
- Aaah!
- Told ya that'd happen.
That's one heavy-duty hosing!
That gives me an idea!
Yeah! See that, Bobby?
I knew I could do it!
(Evil laugh)
(Wild cry)
Aw, man, not the green one.
Why couldn't it be Myst?
- Could you do that again?
- Do what?
Sink that basket!
Can you do it or not?
Oh, totally! I'm the real MVP!
then I'm gonna need your help!
- There's too many of them.
- And I'm low on Boo power!
It's cool.
I brought a substitute player.
- Uh Say that again?
- OK, Flake
- Drake.
- Whatever.
We need you to sink a basket
like the one just did.
But, this time,
that is your target.
- (Wild cry)
- What? No way I can do that.
You should ask Andy,
from my school.
He sounds pretty cool.
But nobody's better than you,
the real MVP, remember?
You can do this!
- You're up!
- Yoohoo! Over here!
- Your turn, Flake!
- Aaah!
Uh-oh! Aaah!
Aaah! Hey How are you doing?
(Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- Now it's my turn.
(Battle cry)
I swear,
I sunk the ultimate basket!
Just ask the Green Ghost dude.
He saw it all!
You mean Fury? He's my fave.
But how's lil ol' me supposed
to contact a big star like him?
- Hmm.
- Listen, dude, take my ticket.
I didn't see your shot with
my own eyes, but I believe you.
- You win this time.
- Did that ghost
smack you upside the head?
Let's just call it a "thank you"
for helping us beat Mizuo.
Oh, I'm proud of you, Andy.
Here, take my ticket.
You and Drake can go together!
Just don't fight
during the game, OK?
I may know how to keep my cool,
but him
What? Are you
challenging me to a cool-off?
- How about we go together?
- Cool!
Except I don't know anything
about basketball.
No worries, neither do I.
I can keep my cool
way harder than you!
Oh, yeah? Bring it!
Whoa! Cool!
What are you doing here?
We were meant to meet out back!
Out in the cold? You trusted me
to choose these flowers for you.
Now trust me when I tell you to
keep 'em warm. They're delicate.
Are you bonkers?
If I get seen with these
my rep as Cool Marlo is over.
More like "Cool Marlo" is over
if anyone finds out
who those flowers are for.
(General chatter)
You do realise
that's my locker, right?
Yeah. And what did you
just put in there, Marlo?
- These are for me?
- Uh
Uh that's super sweet
and a surprise.
My birthday was ages ago,
but flowers can be for whenever.
Anyway, thanks, Marlo.
You're a er, swell fella.
See ya 'round!
(Andy whistling casually)
Aw, man!
What is just happened
with you and Cool Marlo?
Is he, like, your boyfriend now?
What're you talking about?
No way. He's after me.
Ugh! Too bad, 'cause Liv-Lo
is catchy
as a celebrity couple name.
You know,
blushing is a nervous reaction
brought on by strong emotions,
like love.
I blushed
'cause I was embarrassed.
Marlo's just a friend.
I don't like him like that.
Why didn't you
just tell him that?
I dunno. I guess I didn't
want to hurt his feelings.
So you do have feelings for him!
(Sniffs the air)
Er, anybody smell funky fish?
Aaah! It smells!
- (Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- Ugh!
- Aaah!
Great. That's all we need!
Not another ghost with B.O.
There goes my appetite.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
- (Phone rings)
- Miss Jones? We got a problem.
I know. Upgrading Glow-Boo
is a serious pain!
- Or is it something else?
- We've a ghost on the loose
and school
stinks like a fish market.
But Liv has a new boyfriend
so I guess things are on the up!
- Drop it before I drop you!
- Ah, young love! How romantic!
Reminds me of my first date
when I was 21.
It's like it was just yesterday.
KRUSH: How about
we get back to the ghost?
Indeed. That's Sharkoak,
a level-7 glutton phantom.
I've caught one before,
but not in booster mode.
Be on guard. I'll send Glowboo
as soon he's finished updating.
(Evil laugh)
At it's current speed,
it'll soon go into booster mode.
We got to divert it
away from the crowds.
Sounds like your expertise,
(Evil laugh)
Marlo? My bouquet?
What're you waiting for,
Myst, a drumroll?
I said send it away
from the crowds, not into them!
Oh, no! What have I done?
(Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
Flexy beam!
- Aaah!
- Fractal mace!
Ha, ha, ha!
(Evil laugh)
Hurry up!
Watch out!
Nice one, Glowboo,
that was getting way too hot!
Hot? Error detected.
My upgrade confirms
the temperature
- is a cool 15 degrees Celsius.
- What were you thinking?
Times Square is the most
crowded place in the city!
I know. I'm sorry. This Marlo
thing is throwing me off.
So you admit
you two have a thing!
No way! It's just that
I saw him with the bouquet.
Why would he take it back?
We'll solve that later.
For now you've gotta get him
out of your head. We need you.
You're right. It's Boo time!
46.00. Ghost incoming.
Yeah, we're going shark fishing!
(Wild laugh)
That's it! Sharks have
a super-strong sense of smell.
The ghost
can't stand nice smells.
Glowboo, you distract the shark!
You guys go look
for some good smells.
I'll take Marlo to safety!
Myst! What happened to
our mission being top priority?
I told you she's gaga over him!
Uh, you know that "she"
can hear your whisper
over our comm system right?
(Embarrassed chuckle)
- (Growls)
- (Sounds fearful)
Move along, young man.
This area's
about to become a battle zone.
I know,
but it's my mom's birthday.
I gotta get these flowers to
her office. It's really close!
You mean those flowers
are for your mom?
Er, yeah. Why?
Is that a problem?
Uh Ahem!
Not at all. Swell fella.
Head through there
and you'll be safe.
(Sigh of relief)
Now, where am I going
to find a big bouquet?
(Evil laugh)
I can't find anything
to throw off its sense of smell.
Me neither. But I did find
some ice cream. Want some?
Seriously, not a good time!
Error detected.
(Evil laugh)
Hey! Rotten sushi!
(Wild cry)
Hey, sis, I could use
some backup right about now!
Deliveries are free
for bulk orders.
Bulk orders of what?
So, you broke into my locker
to take back your flowers?
And I'm so, so sorry.
But, well, those flowers
weren't meant for you.
I mean, I really like you,
as a friend
Oh! That's a relief.
For a second I thought
- Anyway, yeah, we're buds.
- Cool!
Am I dreaming
or was that a total
public display of affection?
In your weird dreams!
That was a friendly high-five.
It was all just
a little misunderstanding.
So, a misunderstanding
that threw you off your game
- big time, huh?
- Yeah. My bad.
Next time I'll
set things straight immediately.
Yes! I knew it!
"Next time" means there is
something between you two!
- (Sighs)
- (Laughter)
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