Gokusen (2002) s01e05 Episode Script

To fight is different from violence

What are you doing?
I'll treat you all to a meal!
Good afternoon.
Mr Shinohara?
I asked him to come.
Mr Shinohara
WaitI'll go with you.
Mr Shinohara, look this way.
Whose is this?
Hello, Missy? It's Tetsu.
Hello, Missy?
Hello, Missy? It's Tetsu.
It's so good
Sorry for calling you so suddenly.
It's okay. I enjoy having a drink
with you, you can ask me anytime.
Really? Glad to hear that.
We'll wait for your call.
- Oh, I haven't told you my number.
- Oh, right.
- Mr Shinohara.
- Yes?
You haven't given me
your cell phone number.
- Would you give me your number?
- Oh, yes, of course.
All right!
Why, don't you know his number?
- We've met so many times.
- Yeah.
When did you two ask him anyway?
This is my cell number.
- I'll give you mine too.
- What?
Hang on
- I've written mine.
- Oh?
What's the matter?
My cell phone is gone!
Why do I have to deliver it?
It's here?
Hello? Sorry to make you
come all the way here.
Well, I'm at the entrance
of your house
- I think it's engaged.
- Engaged?
I'm coming in
(Oedo Family)
Oedo Family?
Oh, thank you for coming.
- Big Bro, he's Missy's student.
- What?
You idiot!
Don't worry, someone must have
taken it to the police station.
You'll find it soon enough.
- Let's order more drinks.
- Yes, let's do that.
I have a bad feeling
about this somehow.
Thank you very much for coming
so far to bring the phone here.
It's okay.
This is really bad
Young Boss, will this do?
Yes. Excellent.
This is nothing much,
but we would like to thank you.
No, thank you.
I'm still a minor.
You idiot!
- How can we give him this?
- I'm sorry.
- So
- Yes
The photo sticker on the phone
The phone actually belongs to
an acquaintance's second cousin.
Yeah, that's right.
He stuck the photo of
a beauty on it.
We have never seen her before.
But you said just now, that I was
"Missy's student", didn't you?
I think you must've heard it wrong.
Hey, guys. Just stop it.
It's pathetic to make any more
stupid excuses.
He's seen through everything.
Yes, Boss
I see you that you're a man,
so I would like to ask you a favor.
I lost my cell phone today
How unlucky!
And I didn't get to talk to
Mr Shinohara much either.
Welcome home
I'm home.
My cell phone! It's here
Where did you find it?
A nice person brought it here
after you lost it.
I have to thank the person properly.
Who was it?
Well, we have thanked him
in a proper way.
Really? You weren't rude
to him, were you?
No, not at all
I see.
That's all right, then.
It's no use running away from us.
Hey, beat him up!
Where are you going?
Oh, the girls from Momoyuri
are gorgeous!
What? Momo Girls'?
They all pretend to be dutiful
and they're so boring.
They ran off after seeing me!
Darn you, arrogant Momo Girls'!
I am not interested in you!
But there was one pretty girl.
Right, Shin?
Not interested.
I've been wondering.
Are you normal?
Good morning, boys! You'll be late
for school if you don't hurry.
Why are you staring at me, Sawada?
Oh! Do you have a crush on me?
- Don't
- You idiot.
Wait, Yankumi, don't you have to
attend the staff meeting today?
I forgot! Boys, don't be late!
She is as jumpy as usual.
Hey, fatty, get poisoned by food?
Cases of mob violence have occurred
these past few weeks.
There have been four already.
Right, Mr. Ando?
I heard that it's happened
somewhere in this district too.
A group of seven or eight young men
are randomly assaulting pedestrians.
What the heck? This is creepy.
Are any of our students involved?
We don't know yet whether
the assailants are students or not.
However! I hope you won't think
that that's fortunate.
Why did you come over to me?
This is a good chance to put what
we've planned into practice.
- Mr Iwamoto.
- Okay. Look.
From today, we'll take turns
Please pass this around.
We will go on patrols
in the shopping district.
To prevent our students from
turning into criminals,
I hope you will all
help do this. Okay?
- That's all.
- Okay.
Whose stupid idea is this?
Goodness me!
I'm teamed with Mr Sawatari?
- What the heck did you say?
- Are you trying to pick a fight?
Your breath always stinks!
You're so annoying! Shut up!
What did you say, jerk?
They're fighting!
Guys Someone go to the corridor
and watch out for the teachers.
- ButUcchi
- What? You got a problem?
No, I don't, but she's down there
Stand up! Are you going to
give up so quickly?
Do your best! Stand! Stand up!
Stand up, Oda!
Go! Yes! That's it! Good!
What? You're done?
Why didn't you stop them?
Well, they were fighting one-to-one
and they weren't using shivs.
What's that?
I mean they weren't using anything
sharp. You don't know that?
- Of course we don't!
- What?
Is that so?
- Hey! What's going on in here?
- Oh, no!
Your class can't even have
a proper homeroom period?
Where is Miss Yamaguchi?
Where is she?
Kumai, what are you hiding
behind you?
Turn around!
(Episode Five)
Miss Yamaguchi, where are you going?
You know that we have to go on
crime prevention patrol, right?
Yes, of course.
- Let's give it our best.
- Okay!
Yankumi is so weird, though.
Teachers normally stop us
if we fight, right?
She must be the type who watches
K-1 tournaments at home.
I'm sure about it.
- Come on, Kuma.
- Let's go, Minoru.
- Sure.
- Yes, Big Bro.
I see you that you're a man,
so I would like to ask you a favor.
Kumiko makes desperate efforts
every day
to be your class's teacher.
However, if anyone finds out about
her family,
the school will fire her.
I won't ask you to keep quiet
for Kumiko's sake,
but if you feel that
you can regard her
as your teacher,
I sincerely hope
that you will keep
this matter to yourself.
Guys, go on without me.
What? Why?
I have something to do.
What's he doing?
I am starving!
- Food
- Guys, it's the Momo Girls'.
Sorry I'm late.
- I'm thirsty.
- What would you like?
What do you say?
- The parfait here is awesome.
- Really?
What do you want to know?
Is Miss Yamaguchi
going to quit the school someday
to take over her family business?
We don't know about that.
It's always been Missy's dream
to be a teacher.
Of course, every one of us thinks of
Missy as our fourth generation boss.
I have the same opinion as Boss now.
We want Missy to walk
the path she wants.
we all care about Missy.
Well, please take care of her.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I'll pay for
the cleaning bill.
No, it's okay. My pants
don't matter.
- But
- It's okay.
Hey, Kuma!
Well, now that you've done this,
will you give us your cell number?
You're from Momo Girls', right?
Do not tell them. I think
they'll keep calling you.
These guys are from Shirokin.
You don't know what they'll do.
- Ouch!
- Ow You two just hurt my heart.
Ami has a boyfriend.
We didn't ask that.
She got our friend's pants all
dirty. Don't give us that attitude.
Guys! Stop it.
Really, it's okay.
Don't worry about it.
I'm sorry.
Come on, let's go.
Hey Butterfaces, we don't want
your numbers,
even if you ask us to take them!
Darn! I'm so offended!
Mr Sawatari, the guys' usual
habitat, where they breed,
is either the amusement arcades
or the karaoke boxes.
"Breed", Mr Oyama? You say it like
our students are mitochondria
- Miss Yamaguchi.
- What?
Mitochondria do not breed.
What a nasty guy!
- Miss Yamaguchi.
- What?
Please give this your all.
It's fair to say we're doing this
for your class's sake.
Activities outside the school, like
this, are important too, right?
- Mr Sawatari.
- You're right.
- As an educator, I
- Oh, dear Goro?
Aren't you coming today?
"Dear Goro"?
- Your friend?
- Mr Sawatari!
Is she your friend, Mr Washio?
She's gorgeous.
Good evening.
- Let's go to the karaoke club.
- Goro
Come on, let's go!
What did you say about education?
Hey, guys! I'm back!
He guessed right.
- You guys!
- Hey!
- Get out!
- Hey! Get out!
Get outside. Now.
Stop right there! Hey!
Stop running!
Hurry up
Don't run!
If they do this, the boys in my
class will get caught every time.
Boys, get out of here.
Thank you
Don't run!
Where have they gone?
What? I just chased them
down this way.
That's strange. Does that mean
They've vanished?
- Really?
- How can people just vanish?
You let them go, didn't you?
You'll be held responsible for this
as their class teacher.
I won't tell the Board of Education,
"Dear Goro".
Will you go there on your way home?
- People sometimes vanish, right?
- Yes.
- Let's try the next one.
- Wait for us
(Shirokin Gakuin)
Hey, Kuma!
KumaI just asked.
That girl from Momo Girls' yesterday
is called Ami Morisaki.
Well done, Noda!
What are you talking about?
She spilled her parfait
on Kuma yesterday.
It was an encounter that began
with a handkerchief.
Perhaps she is interested
in you too.
Impossible! I mean,
she already has a boyfriend.
- Steal her away, Kuma!
- Do it
But I
The one who strikes first wins
in romance, Kuma.
How did you get there so suddenly?
Lovely Spring is
the season of love.
Spring is over.
Kuma, no need to worry.
Just give it your all.
Just tell her what your heart
really feels.
Then you just go
- Hey.
- Yes?
Don't talk irresponsibly
Irresponsibly? I'm giving him
some good advice about love
But do you actually have enough
experience to give others advice?
Let's begin our lesson.
Which girl is she?
What are you doing?
You'll be more excited
if there is an audience.
- So, who is she?
- She's not here yet.
Just so you know, I'm going after
I give her back the handkerchief.
- There she is.
- See you.
It's that girl, huh?
She's quite cute, isn't she?
Listen, Kuma, when you give her
the handkerchief,
ask her for a date.
- I can't do it!
- Hey! Don't run away!
Oh, here's the hanky
I borrowed the other day
You didn't have to give it back,
but thank you.
Well, actually
- Would you
- Mukai!
- Sorry, did I make you wait?
- No.
Who's he?
What's the matter?
Tell me at once if a strange guy
bothers you. Let's go.
That's the uniform of
Jinguji High School
Well, I guess Kuma is
no match for him.
Kuma! Cheer up, Kuma!
Not everything goes the way
you want in life.
And you are quite adorable
if I look carefully.
Shut up.
Kuma! You should take a
straightforward approach in romance!
If you're a man, stop whining
and strike directly in front!
Good luck!
I see. Take a straightforward
approach in romance, huh?
- Mr Shinohara.
- Yes?
Well Will you
No, I can't say it.
Are you on your way home?
No, frightening crimes have occurred
one after the other,
so I'm on my way to work.
Frightening crimes? Oh, you mean
the mob violence?
Yeah. You should be careful too.
Please avoid going out alone
at night if possible.
See you.
This "crime prevention patrol"
is stupid. Don't you think?
Yes, true. Can't the school nurse
be excused from this?
Ladies, you shouldn't say that.
We are collectively responsible
for everything.
This place is busy.
Well, I don't think we'll find
any students from my class.
How do you know?
Oh! You leaked the information
beforehand, didn't you?
Leak information?
I don't think you should say that.
What? Want to fight?
- What is it, old man?
- I'm sorry.
Mr Iwamoto, let's go.
What are you talking about?
- Wait, the other two
- Oh?
- Yes!
- Darn!
You are all bark and no bite.
Not yet. I said we were playing
three rounds.
I will win, no matter
how many rounds we play.
- Here I go!
- Excuse me, teachers,
what are you
- Shut up
- Okay
I went to my part-time job.
I didn't do that.
Anyway, you're okay today, right?
What? I'm not doing anything.
No one is there, right?
Why not? Why?
Please, say yes.
You have been too noisy.
Good lord! Ridiculous crimes
keep happening.
- Right, Tetsu.
- Yeah.
What's the matter?
Well, a university student
was assaulted,
but the assailants were
high school students.
The victim was unarmed, but they
used weapons to beat him up.
Young people nowadays
don't even have the guts
to fight with their fists.
This is unforgivable.
(Shirokin Gakuin)
Good morning
What are you guys doing? Hey!
Get away! Stop it, guys!
Hey, are you okay?
You're in 3A, right?
Return to your classroom.
What was that about?
Didn't you hear me?
I'm asking you to explain this!
That idiot snitched on us!
We were smoking at the amusement
arcade and he told Washio.
And that's why so many of you
beat him up together?
What a strong reason.
You were shouting excitedly with us
the other day,
why do you keep changing
your attitude?
What the heck? You are against
fighting after all.
That's not the reason
I'm angry!
Don't you guys know
why you made me angry?
What you did wasn't fighting.
It was just violence!
I hate it when people do
something so mean!
You can't fight properly and you
beat a person up together.
What you did was the same as
the dirty guys that caused the fuss!
You guys are just as guilty
because you didn't stop them!
What's the difference between
fighting and violence?
Are you serious when you ask that?
How do I know?
Guys, let's go.
- Shut up!
- Minami!
Let's go.
What the heck?
You guys are disgusting!
What the heck? They are from
Jinguji High School.
They think they're smart
and put on airs.
What, are you studying here?
Darn! Stupid Yankumi only
does the fancy talk.
What "fighting and violence
are different"?
It's pointless if we don't win!
Hey, Shin. Over here.
Kuma told me. You guys had a fight
with Yankumi?
I can't accept what she said at all!
We only beat someone up, but people
do that all the time, right?
Shin, you agree with us, right?
Sorry, but I agree with Yankumi
this time.
What's the matter?
Did something happen at school?
I was just thinking that
it's not going smoothly.
In the past, if there's
a one-to-ten match,
it means one person fighting
against ten people, right?
But kids nowadays don't do that.
Many people beat a person up,
and they are not ashamed of
themselves at all.
That's because they have not really
had a real fight with other people.
I thought they knew the difference
between the two, but
I think the way you handled it
was correct.
I mean, maybe they are still young,
but those who watch you
do pay attention.
Your students are not half bad.
My guess is there's at least
one person
who understands what you do.
Is that so? I do hope so.
- I'm going home now.
- You are?
- See you.
- Bye.
I'm serious.
I've just found my next prey.
I'll call you later. Okay.
Hey, what happened, Akira?
I got beaten up yesterday.
- Who did it?
- Who beat you up?
I think they were the guys we saw
in the restaurant.
It's the Jinguji High School
What the heck? Jinguji?
It's the guys from that
rich boys' high school?
They're committing the mob violence
cases reported on the news.
This is unforgivable.
Hey, have you told the police?
No, I haven't.
Good. Let's go
settle this ourselves.
Our friend was beaten up
and we can't keep quiet!
They did this to us, so we are all
going to make them pay for it.
- Okay?
- Yeah
We'll go where they're likely to be
and bring them down!
You're having more?
Well, I was going to stop,
but somehow I think I can eat more.
- Where are you going?
- The bathroom. Shut up and eat.
We did a fine job yesterday though.
He was so scared I thought
he was going to wet himself!
He goes to Shirokin, right?
Serves him right.
Yeah, he's so stupid.
Class A's Mukai was walking outside
with a girl from Momo Girls'.
Mukai, huh?
I've been thinking about
teaching him a lesson.
The timing is perfect.
It'll be fun, let's humiliate him
in front of his woman.
- Let's do it.
- Let's go.
- Mukai!
- Did I keep you waiting?
Hey, what are you doing?
- Shin, I'm going to help that girl.
- What?
The Jinguji guys are going to
beat them up.
Miss Yamaguchi, what is this about?
Where have they gone?
I'm not surprised since it's
Miss Yamaguchi's lesson,
but they have never boycotted
Miss Fujiyama's lesson before.
This is bad
I just hope nothing has happened.
Hey, Miss Yamaguchi! Where are you
going? Mr Washio, go after her now!
- Mr Sawatari.
- What?
If something happens, it means
I see.
Including Miss Yamaguchi, the whole
of Class 3D will be expelled.
What? It's over now?
Aren't you too sloppy, lady-killer?
- Mukai!
- Hey
He's pathetic.
He's quick at running away though!
What should we do now?
What else?
Don't touch the girl!
Where have the boys gone?
Hello? Sawada?
What? Kuma
- You know where they are?
- It's Warehouse 13.
Guys, let's go!
Don't touch the girl!
Who the heck are you?
He's from Shirokin.
As you'd expect, the idiot didn't
think about the consequences.
Do you think that you can win
on your own?
Run away now!
Don't try to be a hero
in front of the woman!
Don't be ridiculous!
Run! While they're occupied!
Go now!
Hey, Yankumi!
This is bad, I think the whole of 3D
went to seek revenge on them.
What? The boys
Stand up, you jerk!
You can stand, right?
I'll now throw the forkball.
Ready, go!
He's last night's
You jerks!
How dare you jerks
beat our friend up, huh!
Darn you!
Don't think we'll
let you off easily!
Guys, wait!
Kuma. Hey!
Guys, what are you doing here?
Don't get in our way.
These are the guys who've been
assaulting civilians recently.
Both Yagyu and Kuma were beaten up
by these jerks!
Okay, but don't do anything!
Are you telling us to let them go?
Don't you get it?
If you do anything now, you will be
as corrupted as them.
If you seek revenge on them, they
will seek revenge on you next time.
When will it end?
It will never end!
It seems that you have tormented
my lovely students quite a lot.
A teacher?
- Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?
- What?
You don't even have the guts
to fight as individuals.
Is it fun to beat people up
to amuse yourselves?
Shut up!
They are useless
to society anyway!
Nobody cares even if we hurt them.
Don't get carried away!
I really pity you guys.
Don't you even know
the proper way to fight?
Shut up!
She's strong!
It hurts, right?
Of course it hurts when
you punch someone with your fist.
It's not just your hand
that hurts, right?
But various other things
hit you like a ton of bricks, right?
This is what punching
a real person is about.
If you don't know something
that simple,
then stop wielding that stupid toy!
Hey, Kuma. Are you okay, Kuma?
You're a real man.
You fought to protect the girl,
didn't you?
That is what a real fight is.
Listen carefully, everyone.
If you are a man,
there will be a time when you have
to fight to protect something.
When the time comes, how determined
you are and how much you can do
will decide how much you are worth.
The basics of a fight is a
one-to-one match with your fists.
Don't compare it to any
form of dirty violence.
Fighting is
something you do to
protect what you care for,
and it is done with passion.
Are you okay, Kuma?
Are you okay?
You are as heavy as always.
Let's go.
What should we do with them?
Are we not taking them
to the police?
I guess they are not so stupid
that they don't understand after
listening to what I said.
You guys will take the
responsibility for what you did.
Hang in there
Thank you, Kuma.
It's okay.
See you.
- You handsome fatty!
- Loverboy fatty!
We were so stunned
by Yankumi, though!
Where did you learn
how to fight like that?
I read Bruce Lee's textbook
Will you guys keep what happened
today a secret from the school?
I mean, I shouldn't fight, right?
- We won't tell them.
- Of course.
And the bear says
- Little girl, run away
- Hey, guys
Hey, stop singing that!
Come on, stop it!
Why did you make up that excuse?
What do you mean?
You can't let anyone know that you
are the Oedo Family's successor?
Yes, of course. You
How do you know that?
The person who returned
your cell phone
- was me.
- What?
I won't tell anyone.
If you get fired because of that,
going to school will be boring.
That idiot
You guys are the best!
Okay, guys. I'll race you and run
toward the huge sun there!
Let's go!
I knew she was an idiot.
But she is interesting!
Come after me!
Make a dash toward the sun!
- Ball game tournament?
- There're 27 students in 3D.
Who is he?
If you win, I'll give you a kiss!
The world is not so kind as to help
someone who keeps running away!
Go and get rid of those
nasty bullies in 3C!
Go, guys!
You can win!
Let's do our best
- You're so cool!
- You're sweating
Not good enough.
Will you keep what I'm going to
tell you to yourself?
Let's settle the matter!
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