Gone for Good (2021) s01e05 Episode Script


[door opens]
[Guillaume] Nora?
[door closes]
[breathing heavily]
[tense music playing]
This can't be happening.
Fucking shit!
Goddamn it!
[breathes deeply]
[Daco on phone]
Guillaume, it's Daco. Pick up.
Where the hell are you, man?
I'm starting to worry. Call me back.
Do whatever you want,
but just let me know what's going on.
[plane engine roaring]
[door unlocks, opens]
[door closes]
[keys jingling]
[sinister music playing]
[inhales sharply]
Hey, brother.
NICE, MAY 1995
[breathes deeply]
[Guillaume] Come on, Fred!
- Out!
- [spectators applauding]
If you'd finished him in the first set,
this wouldn't have happened.
You need to assert yourself, Frédéric!
You're not here to give out freebies.
If I gave it all in the first set,
how do you expect me
to last the whole game?
You think your opponent cares
about that crap?
Don't give them a single opening!
It's not pretty, son, but it's life.
Next time, instead of trying
to earn points for style,
go in for the kill.
[foreboding music playing]
Stop it! What the hell are you doing?
- Guillaume, give it to me.
- [thuds on the floor]
Shit. How the hell
am I gonna explain it to him?
What's happening in here?
What is this shit?
Guillaume, you did this? Huh?
[Fred] I did it.
You have no respect, boy.
Not for a goddamn thing!
You think you can get away with anything
you want after all I've done for you?
You piece of trash!
You think you're so important?
What are you planning to do
with your life, wise guy?
You're nothing without me.
[school bell ringing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Fred] Go on, get out.
[door closes]
- [unzipping bag]
- [objects clattering]
We said weed, Kesler.
Look, forget about weed. It's boring.
Plus, the guy I got this from,
his parents are pharmacists,
not gardeners.
- Ritalin, Theralene, Neo-cod
- [door closes]
It's okay. Just Ostertag.
Jo, take watch.
Come on, Jo! Take watch.
You'll get your share.
Hey, leave him alone.
He got beat up last night
by some guys from school.
They took all the money he'd saved up.
Is he slow or what?
He's worried about his old man
stealing it for booze.
Well, take a leak, then watch the door.
[door opens]
Who were those pricks?
- [door closes]
- Ostertag is one of us.
They fuck with him,
they're fucking with all of us.
We're gonna help him with this.
Do you know who it was?
[Fred] Hey, is he coming or not?
Fuck, what is that asshole doing?
He's here.
Hey, I know you.
Your parents are fucking loaded.
They own that luxury car dealership,
[Kesler] I gotta tell you something.
What, are you gonna ask me out?
It's about Ostertag.
Oster-who? I don't know him.
Well, we know him! He's our brother.
Shit, he's getting away! Hurry!
Run, Jo! Run! Get out of here!
Now you're fucking dead, you little bitch!
[Ostertag grunts]
Now, who's the bitch, princess?
[birds cawing]
Hey, Dad?
We've got a problem.
[dogs barking]
Stay here. I'll handle this.
Where were you when this happened?
Sit down.
Our kids get assaulted,
and you're busy getting wasted?
After something like this, it's clear
these kids could end up in juvie
or perhaps foster care.
It'd mess up their whole lives.
I don't think there's any point
in all three of them going down.
And let's not pretend your kid
is exactly headed for a great career.
You're on parole, aren't you?
Where were you
while your kid was getting into trouble?
Were you nearby?
Or maybe you were there.
You could be held responsible.
Look, we'll find a solution
where everybody wins.
All right?
But it doesn't look like you can manage
your kid's future on your own.
What might work is
if there was professional support
to help him out
and if you could be compensated.
I would be compensated?
[solemn music playing]
[vehicle approaching]
[brakes squeal]
- [footsteps treading]
- [car doors closing]
[tense music continues]
[music intensifies]
[Lucchesi] Okay, Fred, let's go.
If we're gonna get our 10 miles in,
we need to leave now.
I have a big client meeting at 9:00.
Come on, let's eat up.
[gentle music playing]
So this is your place.
Not a bad view.
All right. Seriously, stop it.
Fred, I'm losing my mind over here.
I thought you were dead. You were shot.
Your wife was killed,
and my girlfriend went missing.
Tell me what's going on.
Tell me the truth, please.
You still play guitar?
Stop. Fucking stop.
I mean, fuck, seriously!
Fred, it's been ten years,
and the whole family, we were devastated.
Mom even Mom died of a broken heart.
You better give me an explanation
right now.
How can you just show up at my place
like it's no big deal
- I know.
- like nothing happened? Tell me.
I apologize. I know.
I know Nora's being held hostage
right now.
That's my fault.
I'll explain it all to you on the way.
You're saying you know where she is?
I'll explain, okay?
But we gotta move. We're not safe here.
[birds chirping]
[door closes]
Look who's finally free!
- What, you thought we forgot about you?
- [cork pops]
I'm so sorry we weren't able to visit.
Don't worry.
We got big plans for you, my friend.
[Ostertag] So what have you been up to
all this time?
Well, in fact, my dad sent me
to business school, but
As for Fred, he's still figuring it out.
Come on, get in.
We've got the whole night planned out.
I hope you got some rest too because
- Come on, get in!
- Join you a little later. Okay?
[solemn music playing]
[music continues]
[snoring softly]
[foreboding music playing]
[muffled screaming]
[muffled screaming continues]
[grunting stops]
[sinister music playing]
[birds chirping]
[Fred] I've had this hideout
for a while now.
Kesler and Ostertag won't be able
to find us.
We'll be safe here.
[doors squeaking]
[Fred] Welcome to the palace.
[birds fluttering, cooing]
Perfect family, huh?
Not so much.
Nora told me a little about
Well, she didn't tell me everything.
But she told me
how she met you and Judith.
- Alice?
- [Fred] Hmm.
Yeah, she's my daughter.
I told her about you.
She calls you Uncle Guillaume.
One day you'll meet her.
Where is she?
Somewhere safe.
The less you know, the better.
You know I'm not a kid anymore.
I think I deserve an explanation. Don't I?
I should know
what kinda danger you put us in.
Because all your shit fucked up my life.
You get that?
You're right. I know.
I messed up.
It seems to be my thing.
I was just a kid.
I was stupid. I didn't know better.
Kesler, Ostertag. One's a thud.
The other's a fucking psychopath.
What can I say?
Actually, Dad was right.
I'm a fucking loser.
Who cares what Dad said?
So why are those two still after you?
Because of what I know.
After all that time together,
I know too much about them.
They'll never let me be.
- Why did they take Nora?
- [lighter clicks]
They're trying to draw me out.
They know I won't let her die
like I did with Sonia or Judith.
Where is she? Where is she?
We should go save her.
- [Fred] Hey, calm down.
- Where is she?
We'll go. We're just waiting
for the right time, okay?
Hey, look at me. Calm down.
We just have to wait.
- What's up, man? Hey.
- [Fred] Hey, how's it going, bro?
That drive just kicked my ass.
- Whose car's parked out front?
- That's mine.
- You mean that Playmobil is yours?
- Yeah!
[Fred laughing] Oh, shit. No way!
What are you doing here?
Don't you have training?
No. I told you.
I have a break this weekend.
They like to let us go
to see what we're missing out on.
- Don't tell me you bought it.
- Yeah, I did. Cut it out. My car is great.
Why didn't you come to me?
I could've asked Kesler.
It's fine. It's red. It drives.
I don't need anything else.
You're probably right. Bet it's a big hit
with the grade-schoolers.
I graduated. I don't care
about grade-school girls anymore, man.
I think I've got a few Hello Kitty
stickers you can put on it.
- Hey, who's that? Is that Sonia?
- Yeah.
- She's gotten kinda pretty, huh?
- Can you not for a minute?
Oh, okay.
- [Florence] Oh, there's my boy.
- Hey, baby.
- [Fred] How are you?
- So how's the training?
Oh well, I broke out. I was sick of it.
But, shh, police are after me now.
- How are you, Sonia?
- All right.
Oh, don't be so excited to see me.
So is he being good to you, huh?
- Yeah, he is.
- All right, enough of that, Freddie.
You staying? We're having a drink.
Do you want one?
- I'd love one.
- No drinks for the athlete.
- Oh.
- Oh, it's fine. We're on a weekend break.
And by the way, speaking of that,
let's get right to the point.
Oh, we should take a spin
in Guillaume's Lego car tonight.
[Lucchesi] No, now is not the time
to mess around.
Hey, we've agreed you're joining
the French national team, got it?
Look, can you get off my back
for five minutes, huh?
I'll get off your back when the season
is over. Then you can relax.
You owe me that, don't you?
[laughing] Hang on.
What exactly do I owe you?
[Florence] All right. Shall we eat?
[techno music playing]
[crowd cheering]
[laughing] Yeah! What about you?
Hey there.
You good?
How's it goin', Guillaume?
- Bulked up a lot.
- [Kesler] He looks like a real army man.
- Look at these.
- [laughs]
Huh? How about this view?
- What have you got?
- [Kesler] Vodka and Red Bull.
You sure you don't want anything to drink?
Who are you looking at like that?
Oh, my brother's girl? Easy.
Hey, guys, I brought you back
a little something.
- [dance music playing]
- [snorting]
- [Fred] Wow, where'd you get this?
- You get it in Barcelona.
[Fred] Are you shitting me?
So that's what your internship in Spain
was about.
Hey, I've been setting up
a small business. Okay?
We're going to find our place in the sun.
If we sell this per gram
to all those little bougie kids,
we're gonna make a ton of cash.
And you can hook us up
with the tennis players.
No, forget about that.
- You didn't make the national team?
- I got kicked out.
[Kesler] Such a moron.
For excessive drug abuse
and allowing foreign agents
into the Federation. So there.
Basically, I brought back hookers.
You idiot.
Your brother's nice.
But he's a bit much, isn't he?
Yeah. He is.
- Yeah?
- No, it's just
Since we were kids,
he and my dad have always
Just have been at each other's throats,
you know?
- It's a tradition in our family.
- Oh yeah? Family tradition?
And do you partake?
- No, I'm banned from it.
- Why?
It's a macho thing, you know?
Your dick's gotta be this big.
- Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
- [chuckles]
- You an idiot or what?
- I'm sorry. Really.
- [Sonia] Hey, take it easy, buddy.
- I'm not your buddy.
- Are you serious? You think it's funny?
- No, it's not funny.
Take my shirt. I'll take yours
to the dry cleaner first thing tomorrow
and bring it back.
That'd be great.
And how about ruining my evening?
- What about that?
- I'm sorry. It's cool.
Because I'll keep on my shirt and I'll
- What the hell's your problem?
- Who the hell are you?
[crowd groaning]
- [women scream]
- Fred.
[punch landing]
[Fred grunting]
[crowd screaming]
[breathes deeply]
[birds chirping]
You smoke now?
Can I?
I didn't, but after all this
[Fred exhales]
How's Dad been?
Not too good.
But he's getting by.
Must be hard on you.
Yeah, it has been.
[Fred] I'm sure.
[breathes deeply]
I haven't been sleeping.
Come on, tell me, Fred.
Okay, listen
Nora and I, we
We have a pact.
There's a problem,
we know how to be in touch.
When we got back with Judith,
when those guys appeared in Ivry,
I convinced her to leave.
It was only a matter of time
before the cops traced things back to her.
Kesler and Ostertag too.
You know it broke her heart to leave.
I had asked her to marry me, actually.
You always were a romantic.
- How do you know where she is?
- I tracked her mobile phone.
She's at Kesler's lot.
So we gotta be quick now
before she's moved.
[horn honking]
[spectators cheering on TV]
[car door opens, closes]
[tennis match continues playing on TV]
- Hey.
- Where are you going?
You're not leaving.
You have physical therapy in an hour.
But I'm still healing this.
Listen to me. You have to go to therapy
if you wanna give your tendon a chance
to recover
Goddamn it!
Enough about my fucking tendon!
Look, we're not going over this again.
You'll be back on the court in six months.
It's just a matter of work and will power.
- [grunting]
- Frédéric! Frédéric, what are you doing?
There! Are you happy?
- [breathes deeply]
- [car doors close]
Yeah, I'm done with him.
I mean it. I'm out.
[Kesler] Yeah, well,
we got other problems.
Demand is through the roof.
It's forcing us to take too many risks.
You know I was tailed on the highway
for at least 15 miles?
I was sure it was the police.
Anyway, they ended up passing me.
It was these two guys, gym rats.
I almost pissed myself.
So we need to find mules to move the dope.
Needs to be somebody discrete,
someone ordinary.
[Kesler] Shit, guys,
we're gonna flood the market.
[metal clicking]
[solemn music playing]
[engine starts]
- [dance music playing]
- You know that, you know that ♪
You look at me, I look at you ♪
Don't take it slow, let's make a rule ♪
All of tonight, yeah
All of tonight, that's all we need ♪
What do you want to drink? Vodka?
- Champagne!
- Whoo!
Hola, señorita.
Oh, shit!
What are you doing here?
Working. How about you?
I'm over there with friends,
having a couple of drinks.
- What do you want? It's on me.
- Hey, come on, stop.
Put that down.
We wanna have a drink with you.
- I'm sorry, but I can't.
- Don't move. I'll be right back.
But, boy, it's nice ♪
Let me breathe you in ♪
'Cause I am yours, and you are mine ♪
Here, this is Judith. She's my girlfriend.
She'll fill in for you.
Sonia, Judith.
Are you his little brother's girlfriend?
I'll cover for you.
Come on. Let's have some drinks.
What are you doing here?
You know that, you know that ♪
["The Glory" playing]
[all laughing]
[crowd cheering]
[music continues]
My associates like to party,
but we work hard too.
It's good cash. It's cool.
[clears throat]
How's school going?
- Eh. It's fine.
- [Fred laughing] Yeah, seems like it!
No, I mean, it's just
my dad's company went under,
and he's deep in debt.
No one knew about it.
My mother had to go back to work at 45,
and he's depressed.
- Oh well, damn.
- I've been dealing with it all alone.
Plus, I don't wanna go back.
Hmm. Who wants to go back home?
So I picked up a part-time job
to help with rent and school,
but still class is way harder
after working at the Apollo.
My brother, does he know?
- Well, we
- [both laugh]
drifted apart, so
Maybe I could help you out
with a better job.
Is it legal?
You got a license?
[Fred] On the first run,
Joachim will go with you.
But after that, you'll travel alone.
So keep your eyes and ears open.
Take small back roads,
main roads if you have to,
but never the highway.
You may need to improvise
if there's a problem,
but the itinerary
is always set ahead of time.
Stay calm.
You're a student driving home,
and you're doing some sightseeing
because you have the time.
You have absolutely nothing
to feel guilty about, okay?
Can you tell me where it's being stashed?
Below the gearbox.
Wheel rims.
Rear bumper.
Elbow rest, over there. [chuckles]
[siren wailing]
Shit! It's the cops.
Let me handle it, okay?
[pulls parking brake]
[speaking Spanish] Hello. Papers, please?
I'm an Erasmus student in Barcelona.
My boyfriend came to visit for a few days,
and we're heading to my mom's.
Why are you taking these back roads?
We're not in a hurry.
- Thank you. Enjoy the drive.
- [Ostertag and Sonia] Thank you.
[both exhale]
[sweeping orchestral music playing]
[car doors close]
[Kesler speaking Spanish]
Hello, friends! [laughs]
All good?
[in English] So? How'd it go?
Ah, she was a natural.
- [Fred] Yeah?
- She was.
[Fred] Good job, gorgeous.
You up for another one in two weeks?
Here. This is for you.
A little gift.
[Fred] From now on,
you'll need to carefully memorize
every new itinerary we give you.
It'll be different every time.
You'll need to stay focused.
Because you will be the only one
making these trips.
You scope out the roads, and you recruit.
And above all, don't raise any suspicion.
We might be watched.
We're expanding.
The business is diversifying.
[car pulling away]
[Fred] You don't need to know
any more than that.
It's better for everyone if you don't.
How was it?
Hey, wait. This is for you.
[tires squealing]
What were you doing at Sonia's that night?
[tires squealing]
She knew too much.
They wanted her gone.
I got there too late.
[tires squealing]
Stay put. I'll go in alone.
- That's out of the question. I'm going.
- No.
I'm not negotiating, Fred.
Look, I'm not a baby.
- Give me a gun.
- [sighs]
- You ever use one of these?
- No.
- Shit.
- [gun clicks]
You aim,
wait a second, and fire.
Like in the movies.
- It's loaded?
- Yeah. Careful.
Nice and easy. You do what I say, okay?
[suspenseful music playing]
- [Kesler] Guillaume?
- [gasps]
[Guillaume] Back up!
Back the fuck up!
Let her go! Right now!
[Kesler] Don't worry about her.
She's fine!
Hey, look, we aren't after Nora or you.
Don't worry.
You wanna kill me? Is that it?
What, you a thug now, Guillaume?
You know what?
You've always been a romantic.
There's nothing wrong with being one.
But you're an idiot too.
Goodbye, Guillaume.
- [gun fires]
- [body hits the floor]
[high-pitched ringing]
Hey. Hey!
[breathing heavily]
- [gun firing]
- [gasps]
- [gun firing]
- You okay?
[groans, pants]
[gun firing]
- [Fred grunts]
- [gun fires]
Don't move!
Just drop it! Put the gun down slowly.
[Ostertag breathing heavily]
[drops gun]
Not bad. Courageous.
Go on. Do it.
Why did you kill her?
Kill Sonia, you mean?
He's just playing with you.
Kill the bastard!
You'd like that.
I've always been your scapegoat.
Shut up, huh?
You shut the fuck up.
I fucking saw you there!
I was there! I saw everything!
But did you see me do it?
You should ask Fred what happened to her.
What does he mean by that?
Can't you see he's fucking with you?
Shoot him!
[brakes screeching]
- [cop 1] Police! On the ground!
- [cop 2] On the ground!
Down, now! Down!
On your face right now!
Frédéric Lucchesi, you're under arrest.
- Come on, let's go.
- Let's go.
[music playing faintly on TV]
[indistinct chatter on TV]
[Sonia] Fred! What are you doing here?
- Are you alone?
- No, my sister's here.
- Come outside. It's important.
- [Sonia] What?
Why are you here, Fred?
I told you I'm out.
- We're in deep shit.
- [Sonia] What do you mean?
I was ambushed by the cops today.
- [Sonia] What?
- The police questioned me.
[inhales deeply]
Oh, fuck.
I had to make a deal with them.
I gave up Kesler and Ostertag.
But why? You're like family.
It doesn't matter anymore.
We need to save our own asses, all right?
And now you're a part of this.
You're gonna call both of them,
and you're gonna make them talk.
They won't suspect you.
The police will get what they want,
and we'll have immunity. Okay?
That's all you have to do, Sonia.
Plus, I have the cash.
I'll pay you. No problem.
I'll disappear. You'll never see me again.
Why me? Couldn't you do it with Judith?
Judith is fucking pregnant!
Don't talk about Judith.
I won't involve her!
[breathes deeply]
All you have to do now
is put a mic in your cleavage
- Stop it! Are you high?
- and do as the cops say! Okay?
Okay? Oh, please, come on.
Stop being stupid. There's no time.
Why do you even care about these assholes?
What is it to you?
Is it Kesler? Is that it?
I mean, it can't be.
- [laughs]
- What are you talking about?
[breathing heavily]
You're in love, huh?
No [laughs]
- Don't tell me it's Ostertag. No way!
- Stop it!
- My sister's awake. I have to go.
- Fuck me. Beauty and the Beast, huh?
Hey! What are you doing?
- What are you doing? Stop!
- Who the fuck are you calling?
- Give me that!
- My parents are on their way. Get out!
That's it. You played. You lost.
You fucking kidding me?
- [Sonia] Stop it.
- [Fred] You fucking kidding me?
- [Sonia] You need to leave.
- [Fred] That's it! You played! You lost!
Fred, stop it. You're fucking crazy!
Leave me alone!
[Ostertag] Sonia?
Are you there? What's going on?
- [Fred] Get back here.
- [Ostertag] Sonia!
- Go away. What the fuck is wrong with you?
- [Fred] Hey!
- Ahh! Stop it! Let go of me!
- Come here.
- Get the fuck off of me!
- Hey! Cut it out!
Stop fucking screaming, damn it!
Stop screaming!
- [Sonia screaming]
- [Fred] Shut the fuck up!
I said shut the fuck up!
Stop it! I said stop it!
- [Sonia] Let go!
- Stop it!
Stop fucking screaming!
[somber music playing]
[music continues]
[breathing heavily]
What the hell are you doing here? Huh?
Where's Sonia?
She went crazy, man.
She said she'd go to the police.
[pants, grunts]
Hey, Jo, wait.
She went completely nuts on me.
- You
- What the fuck, man?
She was hysterical, okay?
Jo, it's me. Come on, man.
[gun fires]
[somber music playing]
[gun firing]
[music continues]
[gun firing]
[music continues]
[Fred panting]
It's over, Ostertag.
That's it. You played. You lost.
What did you say?
What did you just say?
"That's it. You played. You lost." Right?
What? Who the fuck cares what I just said?
Fucking shit!
Who the fuck cares?
"That's it. You played. You lost."
Isn't that what you just said?
That's what you said
the night Sonia was killed.
"That's it. You played. You lost."
Inès heard you, Fred!
You killed her! Tell me the fucking truth!
She was ratting us out to the police.
You want me in jail? Is that it?
Now you know the truth.
I'm a monster.
And you're a saint.
You couldn't even hurt a fly, could you?
But you could sit back
and watch it happen.
It's easier to run away
and close your eyes. It was, huh?
It was easier for you.
Don't pretend you don't know what
I'm talking about. You remember it all!
[breathing heavily]
[solemn music playing]
[breathing heavily]
I would've liked
to be the younger brother,
so innocent and absolutely blind,
so I could be invisible!
And yet you wanted him to see you.
But tough luck. That's life.
It's not.
- Someone's gotta be the bad guy.
- Stop!
- Wait!
- [gun fires]
[breathing heavily]
[siren sounding]
[indistinct chatter on police radio]
[gurney rattling]
[sighs, sniffles]
It's gonna be okay.
[car engine starts]
[car pulling away]
[solemn music playing]
This is your Uncle Guillaume.
I asked him to be here.
You know about Uncle Guillaume?
You remember? Dad told you about him.
Where's my dad?
Your dad
Well, your dad is with your mom.
Now, they're both together.
[solemn music playing]
[music continues]
[music continues]
Previous Episode