Hotel Cocaine (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

We're at War

Nestor Cabal owns this town.
He He controls the whole
Miami City Council.
- He sells boats.
I control almost every key
that comes into Dade County.
Until now,
the Colombians left us alone.
They wanna take over
my operation.
Fuck. Got you.
[MAN] Headquarters was
extremely interested
in what the Colombians
were doing.
Excuse me, who's the manager here?
- I'm Roman Compte.
- Yolanda Garcia Guerra.
You just need to get out of business
with those shady crooks.
[BURTON] She said your bank is
under investigation by the IRS.
You listen to me, you get her to stop.
I want your sister off our back.
I'm gonna have to take action.
Connie! No! No!
From now on, I'll keep you out of this.
No, we're in this together.
I'm in the fight now.
Did you get any sleep at all?
Not much.
Roman, just
Just tell me, what kind
of danger are you in?
I told you
My proximity to Nestor
makes me a target.
That's why Nestor's letting us
stay here with him,
where there is protection.
Look, we're not in any danger.
This is the safest place in Miami.
[VALERIA GASPS] These look amazing.
My special pancakes
for a very special guest.
How do you like your room?
I love it, padrino.
And honestly, having my own TV
is pretty awesome.
I hope you're not up
late watching. Oh, thank you.
Well, I am. I only have
one complaint, though.
- What's that?
- Dad's eventually gonna
wanna take me back home.
- Please don't let him.
- Aw.
[ROMAN] Señoritas, buen provecho.
Buenos días.
Hermano, can I have a word?
Yeah. Excuse me.

We need to find Yolanda
and end this fast.
My guys have been after her
since she left your hotel.
I reached out
to some contacts in Colombia.
We'll find her.
Hmm, then I'll get out of your hair.
- Why?
- What?
I like having you here.
I like having your whole family
here. It's been really nice.
I have a huge house.
There's plenty of money for everybody.
Even after we find this bitch
and kill her
please just stay here.
I'm grateful to you.
But once she's dealt with,
we have to get back to our own lives.
Nestor, we have a problem.
[NESTOR] Colombian necktie.
They killed three of our men
and stole the stash.
How much product was here?
Three hundred keys, boss.
That's fucking millions.
Can I make a suggestion?
- Yeah.
- Every one of your stash houses
shuts down and moves to a new location.
on a need-to-know basis only
and offer a $100,000 reward
for information
on a Mexican woman with Colombian ties.
Yes, my brother.
We're at fucking war.
- Yeah ♪
- Hotel Cocaine ♪
- Yeah ♪
- You ready for more? ♪
- Whoo!
I got it ♪
- Erotic ♪
- Yes ♪
- Exotic, you got it ♪
- You got it ♪
- The yayo ♪
- The yayo ♪
- Perico ♪
- Perico ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
You ready for more? ♪
Curious, furious,
Sensual, chemical ♪
Mysterious, delirious ♪
Baby, why so serious? ♪
It ain't what it seems ♪
Your secret's safe with me ♪
Curious, furious ♪
Sensual, chemical ♪
Mysterious, delirious ♪
Baby, why so serious? ♪
It ain't what it seems ♪
Your secret's safe with me ♪

I got it ♪
- Erotic ♪
- Yes ♪
Exotic ♪
- You got it ♪
- You got it ♪
- The yayo ♪
- The yayo ♪
- Perico ♪
- Perico ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
You know where we at ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Might just maintain ♪
- Might just do the thing ♪
- Whoo!
You know where we at,
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Are you ready for more? ♪
Ready for more? ♪


[ROMAN] Here's your bug.
Take it back, asshole.
- Have a seat.
- No, we're done here.
Hey, I need intel on this
Yolanda Garcia Guerra.
Her name isn't on our register
of non-Colombian traffickers.
That's because she's Mexican.
How do you know that?
Her accent. [SPEAKS SPANISH]
You Americanos think
we all sound the same.
Uh, I've got a name in every department
in Latin America and Europe.
I'm trying
And what if it's a fake name,
like Alvaro Gomez?
- You guys are a fucking joke.
- Hey.
Just Please. I'm trying to help you.
I'm gonna send men to protect
you. Where are you staying?
That's none of your fucking business.
Do you understand? You've
actively made me a target.
I understand this is
a raw deal for you. I get it.
It's in my court now.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
It means I'm gonna do what I
have to do to protect my family.

[MAN] I'm gonna ask you one last time.
Where exactly were you
at 9:58 p.m. on Monday evening?
I was here at my hotel.
Okay. Where, here in your hotel?
What difference does it make?
Here in the club, at the pool,
in my goddamn suite.
I'm not the man
you should be talking to.
All right, so your whereabouts
are unknown.
Ray Dorado investigate him.
I've already spoken with Ray,
and he's got an airtight alibi.
Now, your family, including your father,
have said that you hated your sister,
and that you regularly called her
- You called her a cunt.
- We had issues
And when she tried
to bail you out financially,
you went off the deep end
into a blind, drug-fueled rage.
The truth is a many-sided cube.
You ever hear that expression?
- No.
- I loved my sister.
But I borrowed money from Ray Dorado,
and she was auditing his bank.
He had her killed.
You don't have to go
to fucking detective school
to figure that out.
She was also auditing
your hotel, Mr. Greenberg.
[SCOFFS] You think I killed her?
I wouldn't even kill a mosquito.
I am a practicing Buddhist.
I believe in karma.
But Ray Dorado's bank
is a front for drug dealers
who would kill you
for sneezing on their shoes.
Oh, so you have proof
that Ray Dorado did this?
- Yeah, I do. My intuition.
It's never been wrong, okay?
[CLEARS THROAT] Just don't
leave town, Mr. Greenberg.
Look, if you don't
investigate Ray Dorado,
I'm hiring a private detective who will.
The only person you should even
remotely consider hiring
is a damn good lawyer.
Honey, where are ya?
Oh, I hope we can take Andrew to prom.
And, you know, I was thinking,
maybe we can throw
a big after party here
for you and your friends.
- Oh, my God, that'd be great.
- Yeah.
No, no. No parties.
No, I mean I just
I just think we're not gonna
stay here too long.
What? Dad said that the plumbing
would take weeks to fix.
Right, the plumbing.
Hey! Hello! Let me out!
A phone call for Ms. Valeria.
- It's Andrew Landon.
- Go, go, go, go!
[LAUGHS] She's so adorable.
Hey, babe, how's it going?
[VALERIA] This place is awesome.
Except for the fact that Marisol
is being a total dork.
- And we have a screening room.
You can watch anything you want.
You're so lucky.
[VALERIA] Even Rocky.
You got to come over.
I'm gonna say it again.
You are so damn lucky. [LAUGHS]
You know, I bet there's
a lot of coke hanging around.
Around here?
V, your uncle is the biggest
coke dealer in Miami.
I bet he's got that shit
all over the place.
- You think?
- [ANDREW] Could you look?
I mean, it's just, you know,
I can't buy that shit at school
'cause my dad's a congressman.
Yeah, 'cause it's illegal.
Yeah, but so is driving
without a license,
but I do that all the time.
Maybe you can find some.
I bet it's good shit.
I guess I can take a look,
but no guarantees.
You're the best. I miss you.
I'll talk to you soon.
- Miss you, too.
- Bye.

You see that guy?
He was in here with Yolanda
the other night.
Yeah, with those other Colombians.
- Right.
- What are you gonna do?
Yolanda wanted a Mutiny card, right?
Well, I'm gonna give her one.
Roman, I don't like this.
Nestor's making you a target.
Go to the cops.
Oh. Half the cops in Miami are dirty.
[JANICE] And maybe Marisol's right.
You need to get out of Miami.
You think they won't
send hitmen to Jersey?
Or Timbuktu? No.
Taking care of this on my own.
What does that mean exactly?
[RAY] Hey, baby.
Hello, Ray.
Lookin' beautiful as always.
You're entitled to your opinions.
Yes, I am.
Be careful with Ray Dorado.
I can take care of myself.
You're the one I'm worried about.

How dare you come here?
You are banned from this club.
Are you forgetting I own
the loan that keeps you afloat?
Send a bottle of Dom to the table.
I know what you did, motherfucker.
I'm gonna get you arrested
if it's the last thing I do.
I had nothing to do
with the death of your sister.
I swear.
- Hmm?
- Cut the bullshit!
I know you, Ray. You had
the motivation, the means.
You even warned me you would do it.
I said I would take legal action,
not blow her fucking brains out, right?
[VOICE BREAKING] The pain you
have caused me is indescribable.
She was my only sister,
my flesh and blood.
- And now
- Please.
I am gonna hurt you.
This is for you, Connie!
- [GROANS] Fuck me.
- All right. Okay. Okay.
Okay. Now
I'm gonna need you to listen
to me very carefully. Yeah?
I'm sorry about what happened
to your sister. I am.
But I had nothing to do with that.
So let it go.
You comprende, motherfucker?
- Hmm?
- I comprendo.
Get that bottle of champagne, yeah?

[ROMAN] Hola.
Ladies, please.
[WOMAN] Sure, Roman. Let's go, ladies.
- Thank you.
- Yolanda?
- [ROMAN] Hmm.
Palm Gardens,
560 Lauderdale Court, Hialeah.
That's the address Jeronimo
Rojas gave me for Yolanda.
Send some men to scout it.
Verify it's accurate.
If it is, we capture
and interrogate her.
No, we don't have time to waste.
I want her buried more than you do.
But her own man gave up that address.
It requires verification.
We don't wanna walk into an ambush.
Okay, okay. We'll go in steps.
We sit, we stake it out.
If it checks, we go in, grab her.
I look forward to giving that whore
my own version of a necktie.
- Yeah.
Nestor and I have to run an errand.
Oh, what kind of errand?
Oh, it's nothing important.
Where's Valeria?
- She's doing her homework.
- Well, give her my love.
- I'll see you tonight.
- Okay.
[ROMAN] Mmm.

It ain't gonna get
much quieter than this.
[ROMAN] That doesn't mean anything.
Be patient.
I'm ready, patron.
You ready, bro?
Let's give it another half hour.
See if anyone comes out.
Oh, the fucking puta. Let's go.
- Hey!
- No, no, no. Don't.
- Come here.
- Check the fucking house.
- [GIRL] Mom.
- It's okay, Connie.
- Nothing.
- [MOM] It's okay.
Gave me a fake address.
Let's go! Come on!
Ah, the world is a cruel,
horrible place, Janice.
I'm just beginning to realize this.
That's not like you, Burton.
It's the grief talking.
Yeah, well, I'll never be
like me again. [CRIES]
You don't need these.
No, no, no. I don't want anyone to see
how much I've been crying.
I just wish you could have
gotten to know Constance.
Me, too.
I mean, behind her cruel,
politically misguided exterior
was a very sensitive girl
who liked to laugh.
It was her shadow self
that acted like an automaton.
You would have loved her.
Do the police have any clues
who did this?
I know who did this.
Ray fucking Dorado.
He's got the cops paid off.
Ray? Why
She was auditing his bank.
I know Ray. He's here all the time.
He's not a killer.
Oh, no? He threatened me.
He threatened her.
I have to get justice for her, Janice.
I need to. Otherwise
what kind of brother
I'm a piece of shit.
A piece of shit brother.
I'll tell you what, I'll talk to Ray.
No, no, no, you can't.
You need to be careful.
He's too dangerous.
I couldn't handle it if
something happened to you, too.
If he knows anything,
I can get it out of him.
Okay. Okay, but please be careful.
Of course.
Hi, Mrs. Landon.
- Hello, Valeria.
- Come in.
- Hello, Valeria!
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Hi.
that is a beautiful dress.
- Very, uh, groovy.
- Dad. Dad, stop.
Thank you. It's from Burdines.
Well, you have great taste.
- Good catch, huh?
- Right.
Okay. Yeah, um
- We're gonna go to my room.
- Great.
You guys behave in there.
[ANDREW] Yeah, we won't.
Dance ♪
Boogie Wonderland ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Dance ♪
Boogie Wonderland ♪
Midnight creeps
So slowly into ♪
Roman, emergency at table 12.
- What?
- Morty Klein. He's freaking out
and says he needs
to speak to you immediately.
- What about?
- [MORTY] Roman.
Thank God, we got a problem.
- Big one.
- Calm down, Morty. What is it?
I was doing a rail, being friendly.
I drop a big fat line of coke
for some guy at the martini bar,
and he threatens to arrest me.
I'm a lawyer.
My firm will drop me like
a hot potato if I get pinched.
Don't worry. I'll talk to
the gentleman. Your job's safe.
Thank you. Thank you, Roman.
I mean, who doesn't do
blow at The Mutiny? Crazy.
It's okay. Come here. Let's have a seat.
Boogie Wonderland ♪

Dance, dance, dance ♪

Boogie Wonderland ♪

You can't pinch people in my club.
I wasn't gonna do it
because of the coke.
I was doing it because the
stupid bastard wouldn't shut up.
Oh, I got something
on your friend Yolanda.
You were right. She's Mexican.
"Guerra" is her alias.
- Her real name is Yolanda Cueva.
- Where is she?
I would have wrapped her up
in a package, too.
But don't worry. I got agents
looking out for her.
I have a better idea.
Yeah, what's that?
You see that guy at the end of the bar?

His name is Jeronimo Rojas.
He was here with her the other night.
Tail him. He could lead you to her.
Yeah. You should quit your job
and come work for us.
The department could use men like you.
I like what I do.
And the idea of seeing you every day
makes me sick.
- No offense.
- None taken.
Boogie Wonderland ♪

[ANDREW] Holy shit. It's glistening.
Is Is that bad?
No. [LAUGHS] That means
it's the purest shit.
Have you done it before?
Of course. Yeah. Yeah, a couple times.
Um, do you have an ID on you?
Oh, pretty. Okay.
Like that.
Give that back to you.
Oh, whoa.
Okay. [SNIFFS]
Far out. That is radical. [LAUGHS]
Holy shit.
I bet your uncle's got kilos
of this shit lying around.
You know what? You gotta
snag us a couple keys.
Oh, my God. [SNIFFLES]
Okay, try it. Try it.
Oh! Oh, yeah. [LAUGHS]
I don't feel anything.
Just give it a second.
Hey, girls, give us a minute?

Hello, Janice.
Good to see you again.
What did you do to Burton?
- What are you talking about?
- You threatened him?
Oh, come on, please.
He was spouting a bunch
of paranoid bullshit
in the middle of the nightclub.
About his sister. You know
something about her death?
You listen to me.
That's got nothing to do with you.
Stay away from it. Do you understand?
Burton thinks you know who's behind it.
Come clean, Ray, go to the cops.
The people I work for
are killers. You understand?
Very dangerous individuals
that would kill you and me
and everybody else in this club
right here and now
if they thought for a moment
there could be a benefit from that.
Do you understand
what I'm talking about here?
So, they were behind Constance's death?
I have no idea.
Burton needs answers. Closure.
Even if it's just an anonymous tip.
Do the right thing, Ray.
And why would I do that?
Why would I get involved?
What do I gain from it?
I'm on the verge
of making the biggest deal of my career,
and I'm talking about more money
than I ever even dreamed possible.
After that's done
After that's done
I'm gonna sell my bank
and I'm getting out of here.
See, in my dream
You come with me.
Okay, keep dreaming.
The last thing I want
is something bad to happen
because I think you deserve
a little better than that.
So do me a favor, and you stay
the fuck away from this.
Yes, that's why puta loses.
Rory, Skinner,
you take the west entrance.
Fields and Koppa, you're with me.
- Let's go.
- All right.
Hold up, hold on, hold on.

FBI! Don't move!
Hands up! Get your hands up!
Arms in the air!
- Freeze! Drop your weapon!
Hands in the air!
Don't move!
Jeronimo Rojas, you are under arrest.
Puta. Puta.
[ROMAN] You look tired.
Yeah, I kind of am.
Come on. Just because you have
a TV in your room
doesn't mean it stays on.
Thanks, Dad. Great advice.
You're done with your schoolwork?
[CLICKS TONGUE] Where's padrino?
At his boat factory, I'm guessing.
Sure, right. Um
I'm off to school.
- [ROMAN] Hmm.
- Got my books.
My armed guards. See ya.
I know. I have to talk to her.
It's a tough adjustment.
Yeah, well, not for Valeria.
She loves it here.
It's hard on all of us, okay?
What are you doing?
Well, I'm seeing if you have
any weapon on you today.
I'm not carrying a gun.
Well, you did yesterday,
tucked in the back of your pants.
How did that errand with Nestor go?
Did you get what you needed?
Loaned me a gun for protection.
That's all.
Your daughter is living
in a drug dealer's house.
She's enjoying the spoils
of a man who kills people.
- Marisol
- He kills people for a living,
and she adores him.
She looks up
to her padrino like he's a
Oh, I turned the pool heat on
in case anyone wants to swim.
You look so handsome.
I haven't had to put on this
damn suit in, like, five years.
Four, when you busted the big
marijuana load in Key West.
You're right. Four.
Ah, the hell with this.
I shouldn't have
to put on a monkey suit.
What's wrong?
It's just this
This press conference is bullshit.
I mean, we bring in one load,
and it barely scratches the surface.
You killed a man yesterday.
Is that it?
- I was defending myself.
- Of course you were.
And I'm glad it was him and not you.
And I captured a key link
to the North Valley,
this Jeronimo Rojas.
There's World War III
building between the Cubans
and the Colombians.
And I've got to put on
this goddamn clown show.
- Fuck this.
- No. Hold still.
Now put on your jacket.
Claro que sí.
- Huh?
- Muy bien.
- [RAY] You knew Richard Nixon?
- [MR. LANDON] They said
the youngest member
of his administration
was Ron Ziegler, his press secretary.
Well, I worked for Ziegler,
and I was two years younger.
Wow. Is that right? That's amazing.
President Nixon's my reason
for being in politics.
He's my hero.
The magna cum laude, Harvard.
That's very impressive.
Ah, yes, those were the days.
You know, President Nixon
got accepted to Harvard
but couldn't go. Too poor.
Poverty is a terrible,
terrible thing, right?
Here's a small contribution
to your political aspirations.
[CLICKS TONGUE] Ah, gracias.
I'll be announcing
my gubernatorial candidacy
at the fundraiser
at The Mutiny on Thursday.
Your, uh, donation is much appreciated.
It's my pleasure.
Oh, please.
Why smoke anything else?
Well, in that case
You know, uh, my clients
They're counting on you
for safe passage into Miami.
I'm still working on getting
Coast Guard clearances
for the large shipment of, uh,
coffee beans your clients are arranging.
[RAY] Let's get something straight.
The people I work for
they were adamant
you get this done quickly.
The people you work for
need to cool down.
There are other players
in Miami powerful ones.
I don't want a war on my streets
while I'm running for governor.
We're fully aware you're working
with Nestor Cabal.
My guess is he's not gonna
be around very long.
So, if I were you, I'd choose
my loyalties carefully.
Thank you for the cigar.
- Hi.
- What happened?
You never came back last night.
I'm so sorry.
I was talking with Ray, and I forgot.
What did that rat bastard have to say?
Look, I think he knows who's behind it,
but he's afraid to go to the cops.
- Who are they?
- He wouldn't say,
but I think you need
to let the police handle it.
The police are fucking idiots.
I care about you
a lot.
I wouldn't wanna see you hurt.
For my sake, stay out of it for now.
Hey, good to see you.
Hope you guys are enjoying.
I hear you got me a Mutiny card.
I should kill you right now.
That wouldn't be wise.
You sent hitmen to kill my family.
Sit with me,
if only to avoid
such mistakes in the future.
I I don't bite.
I have my own problems.
For instance, Jeronimo.
He attacks Nestor's stash houses
without my permission,
and then, he gets himself arrested.
Bad news for you?
Hmm, bad for Jeronimo.
But good for Nestor.
Which is why I'm here.
Because I don't have time
to groom a Colombian I trust
to retail our cocaine.
And again, I don't find a reason why
Nestor can't be part of our
little and beautiful family.
He wants you dead more than I do.
But he's a businessman.
In this profession,
violence is best avoided.
Look, Roman
I'll meet Nestor Cabal
at Haulover Beach at 6:00 p.m.
I'll bring four men. He brings four.
Then we can discuss
the terms together, okay?
And if you get this right
I don't know, maybe
Maybe I'll let you fuck me.
You'll like that?
[YOLANDA] Talk to your brother.
[ROMAN] She wants
to meet you this evening
to distribute her product.
There's no way we can
trust that desgracia.
I've never trusted anyone
in this business, brother.
Listen to me.
Have you considered that this deal makes
your family safer?
I have a better idea.
Accept this bullshit peace deal.
You meet her at Haulover Beach,
bring four men like she asked.
Right? There's a jetty at that inlet.
It's about 200, maybe 300 yards away
You're a first class marksman,
but a shot at that distance
is impossible.
I will fucking put her down.
And the minute she drops,
it becomes a bloodbath.
And I'll have more than one
But the only way we're safe
is when she's dead.
She sent hitmen to my house
to kill my family.
But don't stop shooting
until they're all fucking dead.
Where's Valeria?
Oh, I don't know, honey. Inside?
[MR. LANDON] Miami is America's largest
port of entry for illegal narcotics.
We are the gateway for poisons
that have turned our streets
into a living nightmare.
But today, we're proud to honor
our Drug Enforcement Administration
for a major arrest and seizure.
Jeronimo Rojas,
a Colombian national,
was apprehended last night,
and is currently being held
at Miami Dade
Correctional Facility.
[MR. LANDON] From him,
we'll get information
on the criminal
organizations responsible
for the emerging battle for
control of cocaine in Miami.
Now, a few words from the man
responsible for this heroic seizure,
Agent Dominic Zulio.
- Good job.
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for being here this evening.
I wanna thank the congressman
for his kind words.
Uh, however, I do wanna
emphasize something.
We are watching
the beginning of a war
between rival cartels
hell bent on flooding
our shores with cocaine.
Innocent lives will be lost,
and mark my words,
blood will spill.
[MARISOL] Valeria!
[ZULIO] The arrest
of Jeronimo Rojas
puts all traffickers on notice.
We will come after you, your dealers,
your bankers,
and your corrupt politicians,
and we will lock you away.

[MARISOL] Valeria!

- [MAN] Put your head down.
Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me. You're okay.
- You're okay.
- No! No!
[MR. LANDON] Thank you, Agent Zulio.
- Good job.
Some of you know
I'm shortly announcing
my candidacy for governor.
When the good people
of Florida elect me,
I promise you this.
Miami will be safe again.

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