Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e05 Episode Script

Love for Sale

I'll say this about the
Fatman: he's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me
how he can live the way
he does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.

Sally, welcome home.
How was your trip?
Not good.
Well, what's the matter?
Sir Philip wasn't a
complete gentleman?
I thought you were my friend.
Of course I'm your friend.
Please don't lie to me.
I want to talk to Peter.
Right now, I don't think
that that's such a perfect idea.
Hey, Sal, how you doing, babe?
You know those
drugs in my suitcase?
Customs missed
them, but I didn't.
Drugs? Now, what
are you talking about?
I had a long plane ride home.
I figured it out.
I know how you do it.
I just want to know why
you took advantage of me.
Listen, baby,
obviously, there's been
some kind of mix-up here.
Don't worry about it.
We'll straighten it out.
All right?
You've been using all
of us girls, haven't you,
to smuggle all your drugs
(door opens and closes)
It's not as though
you're not well-paid.
$5,000 for a weekend
in London or Paris or Rio
is not exactly tough duty.
What do you want, Sally?
Peter, I could've
gone to jail for years,
and you ask me what I want.
I'm sorry.
Look, it won't happen again.
It was a one-shot deal.
I don't believe you.
I always wondered how
you could afford all this
on just an escort service.
Oh, Sally, stop.
Now, look, there's a
real easy answer here.
Sally doesn't want to
work for us anymore, right?
That's right.
Well, I'm sorry
to lose you, but
no hard feelings, huh?
You know, if you need any help,
or you want to come back,
all you have to do is phone me.
Good luck, Sally.
I'll call you.
Tigers look tremendous
Damn! The game's
already started.
Another fast break. Two on one.
The dish-off. He
lays it up and in.
A great play! Now, the Hawks
Listen, I can turn her around.
Is that right?
Yeah. I can handle her.
Well, that's what
you're here for.
He lays it up. It's good!
Cheap foul! Cheap!
Oh, what a
sensational bank shot!
He was in very, very
hard, but still I'm worried.
Throw the ball
and get the hoop
In his face! All right!
Here come the Tigers
Get me some lunch, okay?
Another slam dunk!
Another two points.
This game is
getting more exciting
by the minute, as
they post up inside
Another basket for the Yeah!
Thank you, Mr. Boardman.
No further questions,
Your Honor.
Mr. McCabe?
Hmm? Ah. Oh, oh, yes.
Uh, just one moment,
Your Honor, please.
Where the hell did
I put that report?
Try your coat pocket. Mm.
No, I distinctly remember
putting it in my
briefcase, damn it.
Is the prosecution ready,
Mr. McCabe?
Yes, Your Honor, of course.
(quietly): Well,
to hell with it.
It is Boardman, isn't it?
Yes, sir.
You have testified
that you were with the defendant
all night, playing cards,
and that he could not have
murdered the decedent.
(clears throat): Yes, sir.
Oh, here it is!
Uh you sure about that?
What's your sleeve length?
Your Honor
Uh, this is extremely
relevant, Your Honor. Please.
What's your sleeve length, sir?
32. Are you sure?
Well, I, uh
I find that very, uh
very odd, Mr. Boardman.
Because as near as I can
tell, you have the longest arms
in this state.
If you were sitting in Detroit
while you were playing
cards with the defendant,
who was in California. (laughs)
Sir, this is a report
from the Detroit police.
Take a look at it. Go on.
It says Leo Boardman,
booked on the
afternoon of the 28th
and held for 24 hours
on a drunk driving charge.
And there's your face with
that crooked little smile on it.
(chuckles): Eh?
Now, why on earth do you suppose
the Detroit police
would say that
they had you locked up in
jail all night, when you claim
that you were playing
cards with the defendant?
(clears throat): I, uh
I-I-I don't know.
I have no further
questions, Your Honor.
Oh, um Leo.
Never drink and drive.
It can kill you.
(gallery laughing) JUDGE:
This court will stand in recess
until 2:30 this afternoon.
He's a really nice
man Don't be nervous.
Excuse me.
Mr. McCabe?
Uh, yeah excuse
me just a minute.
Yes. Yes.
Mr. McCabe, this
is Sally Rogers.
This is the woman
I told you about.
Oh, yes, yes.
You have some
information for us, I believe.
KATIE: It's about the man
she's been working for.
We've had an open
file on Peter Brock
for the last six months
at the department.
If these girls are
in a drug operation,
it's pretty big money.
You're absolutely
sure about this?
I was one of his
girls until today,
but I never knew about the drugs
until this last
weekend in London.
You willing to testify?
Peter's just a kid,
but if he knew I was
here, he'd have me killed.
Well, we'll put you
in protective custody,
starting right now.
You can't stop them
if they want to kill me.
You've got no choice.
You know they can't
afford to let you walk.
We'll do everything possible.
All right, set her up in a hotel
and stay with her.
Get a statement this afternoon.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Mr. McCabe.
Of course.
I'll check in with you later.
You just let me know
if you need anything.
I'll let you know if
I hear something.
Stand back Just
give her some air.
J.L.: Excuse me.
Excuse me, let me
through, will you, please?
Will you please let me through?
Get some help.
I'll get the paramedics.
You did what?!
But we had to get rid of her.
She was a call girl.
She has zero credibility,
even if she did talk.
Yeah. She was
talking, all right.
She was talking to the DA.
I wonder how much she told him.
sweetheart, try to understand,
it didn't mean anything
until he killed her.
Now the DA knows
there's something going on.
But I thought you
guys wanted me to
Yeah, well, do me a favor,
don't do any more
thinking, just get out!
I'm sorry, Peter.
You should be It was
your idea to hire him.
I know.
Get out the table
I need a massage.
Not just now.
Oh, come on, Gertrude!
City employees are entitled
to a 15-minute coffee
break twice a day.
I have seven minutes left.
You may have ten seconds.
What do you want?
Have you heard from Jake Styles?
You can't fire me without cause.
Why don't you go on a diet?
I'll try yours.
Mr. McCabe?
Yes? Where's Jake Styles?
I've been trying to
get him on the phone.
Well, try him again!
Yes, sir.
I'll tell you, this
city is going to hell.
There you go. Go on.
I'll try him myself!
What's his number, huh?
(sighs): Hi. Where
the hell have you been?
Relax. But since
you asked, I'll tell you.
I've been in
accounting all morning
Really. trying to get them
to pay my expense account,
which they refuse to do,
unless you sign for it, right here.
Right there.
Do you really, seriously,
expect me to sign this?
This is an outrage, Jake!
You know, we've
got a responsibility
to the taxpayers in this city.
Look at this item.
What? Look at that!
$200 for lunch. I know.
This is when I took
you to Chez Pasquale
to celebrate your
20th year as DA.
Don't you remember?
You with me?
Remember, we went
Yes, I remember, I remember.
All right, all right.
Well, leave it here
and I'll get into it.
I tried Jake again,
but he's not home.
Hi, Jake.
Of course he's not home!
He's here.
He's never where
he's supposed to be.
I hear you had some action.
Yeah, thanks to a creep
named Peter Brock.
Where do I know that name?
J.L.: He started running
dope in high school.
We nailed him once, but he
was a juvenile and got off easy.
Seems he graduated to call
girls and big-time dope running,
and now murder.
I want him, Jake.
You hear me?
I want to drive a
stake through his heart.
I've got something.
Sally mentioned the name Ed
Harper, so I checked him out.
Take a look at this rap sheet.
Charming. KATIE: Mm.
Yeah, well, look at his picture.
I saw him in the
courthouse yesterday.
What? Are you sure?
Yeah. When I was
leaning over Sally,
he was there.
Where do I find him?
Vice says he hangs
out at the Windsor Club.
(light jazz playing on piano)
But it's gonna be good.
Come on, drink up You're
gonna have nightmares.
Why not? Huh?
Excuse me, sir. Huh?
I didn't order that.
JAKE: You didn't have to.
I'll take it from
here. Thank you.
Who the hell are you?
I'm Jake Styles, Ed.
Honey, you know where
the front door is, right?
Sure. Do you?
JAKE: Oh, be nice.
I want you to be nice
and do me a favor.
Right outside is a cab.
You go give this
to the cab driver.
He'll take you anywhere
you want to go, okay?
She's not the one
who's going, pal.
You are.
Ed, I don't really
want to discuss Sally
in front of the young lady.
I think she may
find it discouraging.
I'll give you a call,
honey, all right?
Don't tell me you're a cop.
Me? (laughs)
Ed, do I look like a cop?
I'm a man of
distinction, just like you.
Oh, spare me the
comedy, my friend.
Now what do you want?
All right. Sally and I were
friends in Chicago, okay?
She was supposed
to introduce us.
A nice kid.
I'm gonna miss her.
Which makes us getting
together all that more important.
Check this out.
Daphne, Jennifer, Donna,
Ann, this one, Ann, she's
hot. She's my favorite.
So you got a big family.
Ed, be serious.
You need girls. I know that.
I can deliver.
Nice girls, Midwestern girls,
and they're ready to travel.
I don't know you, my friend.
Make an effort.
Here's my number.
Maybe I'll give you a call.
Don't wait too long.
Ed Harper's days as
an entrepreneur are over.
Yeah it's a shame, isn't it?
You get a chance to look
at the plates on the car?
No. No such luck.
Ah, poor girl.
Poor dumb girl.
It's not your fault, you know.
Thanks, Jake.
But it is my responsibility.
Here you go, McCabe.
Oh, thank you very much. Let
me see that. What's in there?
Hey, what are you doing?
Give me my bag back, will you?
You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.
It's for the dog. Come on.
For a family of four.
Oh, come on.
Well, that's what it's for.
Look at all of this.
Give me that. Hey, how are you?
I checked with the DMV.
Well, let's hope we're
getting somewhere.
We are.
Peter Brock owns a Ferrari, '87.
Fire-engine red, I hope.
Well, it doesn't exactly
say fire-engine red.
Does it say red?
Yes, sir. Red.
Good. That's close
enough. I'll be in touch.
That's fine. Drive on up.
All right. Thanks a lot.
Can I help you?
Your name, please?
(speaks Italian)
I have to see if your name
is on the list.
(with accent): Aha ah, okay.
(speaking Italian)
Is he Italian?
(speaking Italian)
Just tell me your name.
(speaking Italian)
All right, I'm gonna let
him go through. Go ahead.
(speaking Italian)
I'm gonna go tell Mr. Brock.
(dance music playing)
I don't believe we've met.
I'm sure of it.
I'm Diedre Clark.
I'm Jake Styles.
And that was Peter's glass.
Oh, you mean the birthday boy.
You're a friend of his?
No. Actually, we've never met.
Who invited you?
Ed Harper.
Matter of fact,
have you seen Ed
around here anywhere?
No, not today. No?
You're a professional
friend of Ed's?
Oh, Ed and I go back a long way.
All the way back to last night.
How old is Peter now?
He's 21.
That's nice.
Do you, uh
do you know what makes
a woman irresistible?
Why do I think you're
going to tell me?
It's character.
Men love women with character.
And you can tell a
woman with character?
By the way she carries herself,
by the way she
looks into your eyes,
proud of who she really is.
Like you.
What's your line
of business, Jake?
Women with character.
As a matter of fact, women with
character are hard to come by.
I don't believe we've met.
Hi. I'm Jake Styles.
Hi. Congratulations
on your birthday.
Listen, I
I really feel a little
embarrassed, you know.
Ed told me that
this was a party.
He didn't tell me it
was a birthday party,
so I didn't bring a gift.
I'm, I'm really sorry.
Don't worry about it.
Can I see you for a minute?
Don't mind me.
I'll just wander around.
Thank you.
What was that all about?
I'm not sure.
He's a a
businessman of sorts.
Peter! My man!
Hey, how you doing, Richard?
Good. Happy birthday.
Thank you very much.
That's great. So
you're legal now. I am.
In every state in the Union.
(both laughing)
(light jazz begins playing)
Mr. Brock, may I speak
with you for a second?
Sure. What's up?
There was a man who came
in here who only spoke Italian,
and I don't know if
he's got an invitation.
Dark hair, tan suit?
That's him.
I'll take care of it.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
You look like somebody
who's looking for somebody.
The question is
what are you looking for?
Me? I'm just looking
for a good time.
Here in the garage?
Wherever I can find it.
How about you?
I don't know what your game
is, but I think you better leave.
I just got here.
Besides, we have to
sing "Happy Birthday."
Ed Harper's not
coming to the party.
He's dead.
You just found this out?
We were calling around
for him, and we got the news.
Good. I'm glad to hear that.
Not that Ed got iced,
but that it's news to you.
You see, I had
this terrible feeling
that maybe you people
had something to do with it.
Just who are you?
Ed and I were supposed to
do some business together.
I've got a stable
of working girls
and Ed was running a little dry.
I was with him last night.
I didn't see who did it,
but I heard it was someone with
a red Ferrari.
So, I thought I'd come out here
and check it out,
see if you had one.
I'm glad to see that you don't.
Makes it a lot easier
to do business.
You got two minutes
to make me like you.
If I were you, kid, I
wouldn't be too independent.
You need girls, so you need me.
I'm a lot smarter than Ed
and a hell of a lot healthier.
My number's on here.
When you get over
your grief, you call me.
Maybe I'll still be interested.
Oh! Peter!
(sobbing): What are?
Why don't I trust you, Diedre?
Hi, Jake.
Is everyone comfortable?
You're out of diet sodas.
I'll have to remember
to buy some.
I think I'll change the
locks while I'm at it.
J.L.: Derek, get the
dog off of Jake's sofa.
Max is allergic to that
cheap, synthetic fabric.
You know that.
Is there a reason for this
visit, or am I being punished?
Jake, please, relax, will you?
You're making my dog nervous.
J.L.: How'd it go?
No Ferrari,
but I did see some glass
that could've been a tail light.
Get up a list of all the shops
that do body work on Ferraris.
I'll have it in the morning.
You'll have it tonight.
I'll have it tonight.
DEREK: Jake.
On a totally different subject,
I figured your expense
account voucher.
I can only hope that
there's no investigation,
'cause if there is, I
will deny everything.
What a guy.
Thanks, J.L.
Did you make any
progress with the kid?
Well, I don't think
he's fond of me,
but he does have a girlfriend
that's worth looking into.
Very attractive, very smart.
You like her, do you?
You know me better than that.
You got an angle?
But I think he
makes her nervous.
I'll give it some thought.
Let me give you a
hand. Thank you.
I don't know why you
always sit in this couch.
Thing's a mantrap,
is what it is.
Look, you hungry?
I'm going to make some pasta.
Uh, well, no.
As a matter of fact, we
already had something.
Why don't you have a nice,
nice salad, huh?
Because we ate all your pasta.
Good night, Jake.
This is the place.
It looks familiar.
I think I know the
guy who owns it.
Yeah, this is the same place.
I wonder if he's still here.
That looks like the red Ferrari.
2-F It's Peter
Brock's, all right.
Yes, sir?
There's something I
want to talk to you about
and it's quite important.
You want to be a first-rate
trial attorney, don't you?
Yes, sir.
Then you've got to
learn when to be tough
and when to be sweet.
Yeah charming,
affable, ingratiating, sweet.
Didn't they teach
you anything at Yale?
Now, look, the man
who owns this shop
is a two-time loser,
and he's going to be
about talking with us.
So when I give you the cue
You want me to be sweet.
With a great,
big, friendly smile.
Got it? Got it.
Got it.
(whistling a tune)
MAN: Oh, my God.
McCabe. (laughing)
Something must be
wrong with my eyes.
J.Z., is this you,
bigger than life?
J.Z., how are you?
Oh, my goodness.
You've gained weight.
Is this your shop? Yes, it is.
I hardly recognize you not in
the act of committing a crime.
McCabe, I'm legit.
Of course you are.
I see that Mr. Brock is having a
little work done on his car, huh?
Is, uh, that Brock's car?
J.Z., did he drive it in, hmm?
No, we towed it in.
I think it was at Brock's house.
Ah, I see. Okay.
Well, you're replacing
a taillight and a bumper
and some side molding, right?
What's wrong with them?
Well, just a nick
here and a nick there.
A little nick there, huh?
The kind of nicks caused
by gunshots, I suppose.
Come on, McCabe, you
know me better than that.
I never did favor guns.
That's true.
Come here.
You see the guy over
my shoulder there?
J.Z.: The kid?
J.L.: Yeah, yeah.
He's the one that works for me.
He's an assistant district
attorney with a perfect record.
he's a killer.
Him?! That's right.
He's never lost a case,
and he's on this one,
and he has serious
doubts about you.
Possible accessory to murder.
You want to know the
way that you can tell
that he's about to go to
your throat, rip your heart out?
He smiles.
And the bigger the smile
Well, even with all
my days as prosecutor,
I've got to admit that
it turns my stomach.
Derek? Yes, sir.
Come over here, will you?
I want you to meet J.Z.
J.Z., how you doing? Fine.
Oh, Derek, will you
do something for me?
Will you go sit in the
driver's seat for me?
That's a boy.
Your cue's coming up.
Thank you, Derek.
That's fine. That
does it. Just great.
This is a great
place you have here.
(clears throat)
How did you get
J.Z. to cooperate?
We played good cop, bad cop.
We did?!
Yeah, and you were great, Tiger.
J.Z. had to go out for
a couple of minutes,
but I believe I can help you.
Diedre, I don't think
you're telling me the truth.
Well, I am.
Let's try again, then, huh?
Where were you the night
that Ed Harper was killed?
I was home.
At Peter Brock's.
That's right.
Can anyone corroborate that?
I was in my room.
Diedre, the last person
to drive the sports car
was about your size.
Well, what if I told you
that you were seen driving away
from the Windsor Club
after Ed Harper was shot?
I'd say you have
enough to press charges.
Miss Clark, please don't
answer any more questions.
Who the hell are you?
Jordan Sawyer of Sawyer Long.
We've been retained
to represent Miss
Clark, and I suggest
you either book my
client or release her,
because this
interrogation is over.
J.L.: Miss Clark,
you and I will meet again.
Open up, Charlie.
Thank you.
You okay?
You sent the lawyer?
You needed one.
Hop in.
How did you know I was there?
Let's just say I have friends.
Which is more than
the Boy Wonder can say.
Thanks for the help.
It's all right.
What are you doing with him?
It's business.
He's a kid. He's
in over his head.
Look, I don't have
a lot of choice.
Yes, you do.
You and I could
run his operation.
We don't need him.
Why do you want me?
I told you, I'm a good
judge of character.
I wish I could.
You could if you wanted to.
I'll catch a cab.
Think about it.
(engine revving)

(knocking at door)
I thought about it.
Come on in.
You want a drink?
Oh, no.
I can't stay.
I had to sneak out.
I don't want Peter
to find out I left.
You don't have to
go back, you know.
I thought you wanted
to talk business.
Was that true, or
is this just a come-on?
No, it's true, it's true.
Are you a cop?
Who said I was a cop?
Are you?
I'm sorry. It's okay.
I had to ask.
No, I understand,
it's all right.
I can get you
all of Peter's records.
I kept them for him.
But there's one condition.
This has to be
strictly business.
I don't want to make
the same mistake twice.
Whatever you say.
When Peter finds
out what we're doing,
it's gonna get ugly.
Let me worry about that, okay?
Do you want a drink?
A small one, maybe?
I got to go now.
Be careful.
Good night.
Good night.
I don't want to do this.

You restless?
You're a cop.
Wait a minute. You lied to me.
Wait a minute, let me
explain it to you. Huh!
I can't believe
you did this to me!
After I told you I didn't
want to get involved!
You gonna let me explain or not?
No! You took advantage of me
even when I told you I
didn't want to get involved!
I should never have trusted you.
(door slams)
(crickets chirping)
(dog barking in distance)
You scared me.
Have a good time?
Peter, why are you up?
I couldn't sleep.
I worry about you.
I worry about
where you go
and who you see.
Like tonight.
I had you followed, Diedre.
How dare you.
How's your friend Jake?
He's the same.
Damn it, what were
you doing over there?
Answer me!
Peter, you're breaking my arm.
(whimpers): Peter,
why are you doing this?
You're sleeping
with him, aren't you?!
You've lied to me
this whole time.
You never loved me,
you were just using me.
(crying): I No, I
I want the truth!
He's a cop.
What did you say?
He he's a cop.
You found out because
you slept with him.
You wouldn't even
know, if it wasn't for me.
God, I hate you.
(phone rings)
DIEDRE (crying): Jake, it's me.
What's wrong?
He found out.
He found out what?
He knows you're a cop.
I couldn't help it.
He was so mad when
I got home, he hit me.
All right, um, can
you get out of there?
No, Jake!
Get here fast.
I'm afraid for my life.
All right, okay, I'm on my way.
Jake, the rear gate is unlocked,
and just come through
the French doors?
You did the right thing.
Whatever you say.
At least I know you're
not double-crossing me
(crickets chirping)

DIEDRE: He's not dead.
He's drugged.
Drop the gun.
Drop it!
Now over there.
You've wanted to take
over all along, didn't you?
That's why you had him hire Ed.
You thought Ed was gonna
help you move Peter out.
What is it?
New shipment of drugs?
Time to take over?
That's right.
You set me up!
I was a little restless
myself tonight,
so I went through your purse while
you went through my apartment.
These are your bullets.
Those are blanks.
Hold it a minute.
You see, I told you
we'd meet again, hmm?
(wry chuckle)
Well, you don't look
any the worse for wear.
I tell you what What?
Maybe I'll buy you a nice dinner
and a couple of drinks, huh?
Well, that sounds good.
You name the place. Okay.
The Windsor Club. Eww
Matter of fact, we'll put it
on your expense account.
You got me that time!
All right, come on, let's go.
What the hell?
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