Julie and the Phantoms (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

The Other Side of Hollywood

[mystical music plays]
[rock guitar riff plays]
[eerie music plays]
I don't know about this.
[indistinct chattering, laughter]
Well, if you get scared,
you you can always hide behind me.
I'll be hiding behind Luke.
You guys need to grow up, OK?
We're gonna get back at Bobby.
He needs to pay for what he did to us.
I'm still gonna hide behind him.
We're all good.
Oh, uh, cool. Hey, just so you know,
we have, like, an hour,
because we got a gig with Julie.
Oh yeah. No worries.
-Let's go.
Normally, I'd have my deck,
and I'd backboard this heavy 20 set,
but tonight we have company.
Hope you guys are ready for this.
[chuckles] Whoo!
[swing music plays]
[Alex] Wow!
Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?
-I think we're a little overdressed.
-[Reggie] Hmm.
[cork pops]
[woman] It is terrific.
Whoa! I thought these people
were all going to be ghosts.
These are all lifers.
Oh, uh, lifers are actually
Alive people. I was listening.
But this is a very exclusive crowd.
Everybody here has, uh, paid a lot
to get a sneak peek at the afterlife.
I always knew
rich people did weird stuff like this.
Gentlemen, I have a table for you.
Right this way.
Oh yeah. Thanks, man.
OK. So who's gonna make us visible
so we can confront our old bandmate?
Oh no, no. None of these lifers
have the power to do that.
Oh, but here comes the ghost who does.
[man] Ladies and gentlemen,
back from the dead by popular demand,
please welcome Caleb Covington!
[Willie] Woo-hoo-hoo!
Did you miss me?
[crowd] Oh yeah!
I did too!
[crowd laughs]
to the party of your dreams!
From the Egyptians to the Druids,
to the person sitting next to you,
we've all wondered,
"Where do we go
when that final light is snuffed out?"
Allow me to show you.
Let me introduce myself ♪
We got some time to kill ♪
Consider me the pearly gates ♪
To your new favorite thrills ♪
We could go make history ♪
Or you could rest in peace ♪
But here there ain't no misery ♪
'Cause on the other side
We live like kings ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
Let your body loose
Let your body loose ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
Show you a thing or two
'Cause you ain't seen nothing ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Everything has got a price
But happiness is free ♪
Just so happens you're in luck
We got a vacancy ♪
We can set the night on fire
And break out of the scene ♪
-Your soul print on the walk of fame ♪
-Hey, hey. Look.
On the boulevard
Of your wildest dreams ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do, boys? ♪
Let your body loose
Let your body loose ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do, boys? ♪
It ain't bragging if it's true
Now, you ain't seen nothing ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
The rain don't blind the rising souls
They got too much to see ♪
I got your glamour, got your gold
Got all you'll ever need ♪
Let me hear you now ♪
The rain don't blind the rising souls ♪
-They got too much to see ♪
-Yeah ♪
I got your glamour, got your gold
Got all you'll ever need ♪
Yeah, I said, watch me make a move
Watch me make a move, boys ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
I said, watch me make a move
No, I don't disappoint ♪
-What you gonna do? What you gonna do? ♪
-Amen! ♪
Watch me make a move
I'm your number one choice ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
Watch me make a move
Come on, now give me that noise ♪
A tomb with a view ♪
Ain't it something? ♪
[crowd cheers]
[man] Yeah!
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Yeah, life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Ain't it the best? ♪
Long live the dead! ♪
[both] Bye-bye!
[band starts back up]
[man] Yeah!
-[Alex whoops]
-[Willie laughs]
Yeah! Whoo!
[Marilyn giggles]
[Reggie] Hi.
This is so cool.
Man, dude, I knew I recognized him.
He's the guy that bumped into me
outside the Orpheum.
Wait. Isn't he that magician dude
that died a horrible death doing a trick?
Yeah, I wouldn't really bring that up
when we meet him.
Yeah, but you should come back
when he shows one of his movies.
I mean, for Titanic,
he literally floods the entire place.
I mean, the guy has got skills. [chuckles]
All right, but he can wave his arms
and make ghosts visible to lifers?
Told you, the guy's got skills.
So where'd he go?
Oh wow! Found him! Ha!
Hello, boys. Caleb Covington.
Welcome to the Hollywood Ghost Club.
Enjoying the show?
Yo, that was
I mean Did you Like
-I know.
This is Alex, Luke, and Reggie.
Yeah, it's really nice to meet you.
The pleasure is mine.
Nothing warms my heart more
than sharing this magic with new friends.
Please, sit. Sit.
Uh, thank you for the invite.
Of course. Of course!
Now, my friend Willie tells me
that you boys have some magic of your own.
[clears throat] Well
Willie and I?
I mean, I wouldn't really call it magic,
but, I mean
Oh no, he means your ghost abilities.
You know, like, to be seen by everybody
when you play with Julie.
No, totally.
Right. No.
'Cause when you said it, I was like,
"Is that what he said?" 'Cause
Yeah, but we can't really, uh,
wave our arms and do all this magic stuff.
Well, I've had some practice.
Our gifts are so rare, so special.
It's not often I come across other spirits
who possess similar talents.
It's no surprise we found each other.
Yeah, that definitely
If you'll forgive me, fellas,
I gotta go pay the bills,
if you know what I'm saying.
I'll be back later to chat.
My darling! Oh, look at that dress!
Where have you been?
I love that dude. Please tell me
this party's never gonna end.
Is everybody fired up
for Julie and the Phantoms?
Great! Keep that fire 'cause that's later.
We're a bit behind schedule,
but don't worry,
just enjoy these mind-blowing beats.
-[dance music plays]
Julie and the Phantoms?
I had some free time in French class.
And you'd better like it
because I registered it
on Insta, Snapchat, Twitter
No, I love it.
But I'd love it even more
if the actual Phantoms were here.
Nick! [chuckles awkwardly]
Look, Flynn, it's Nick.
Thanks for the introduction.
So you made it.
Wouldn't miss it.
The truth is
I can't wait to see you play again.
Your song has been stuck in my head
for weeks.
Well, someone should let it out.
-I don't know what that meant, either.
I like your shoes.
I just like to doodle on them sometimes.
I can't tell
if the crowd is getting restless or bored.
Never a good sign.
Oh, hi, Julie. Got a new bag?
Actually, it's my hologram projector.
Just did a little upgrade.
Oh, so simple.
You know, I was expecting something
a little more sophisticated.
It's what's on the inside that counts.
[snickers] Yeah, that's what a lot
of people have to tell themselves.
Come on, Nick.
[dance music plays]
Keep it funky, y'all!
Is there a place to put in a request?
Because I request we leave.
Come on. Flynn's great.
What is it with you and these girls?
I'm at a dance.
There's music.
Why can't you just chill?
I'm sorry, but there's something
about amateur night
that makes me a little queasy.
-Look, all I'm saying is that--
Nothing. I'm gonna get something to drink.
They made eight more Star Wars movies,
and they killed Han Solo?
[Luke sighs]
What kind of future is this?
We found out, like, two weeks ago, OK?
We just didn't have the heart to tell him.
But just please don't mention Jar Jar.
That was one crazy show.
So I'm guessing all these lifers are,
like, sworn to secrecy or something?
Or something, yeah.
Let's just say
Caleb's offered everyone here,
with their membership, the opportunity
to experience this for eternity.
And they've all happily accepted.
And all these ghosts, they just wanna,
like, party forever and never cross over?
I mean, yeah, man.
Why would you wanna cross over
when you can just
hang out and, you know
do this forever?
There's a lot to, um
like here.
Oh, you got a crush on Willie.
What? No.
No, man, no. We're just
Alex, I'm happy for you.
You guys are not gonna believe this,
but someone just told me
they added a character named Jar Jar.
What's a Jar Jar?
I take it
you boys are enjoying yourselves?
Yeah, I mean, you'd have to be insane
to have a bad time here.
Well, entertainment is our specialty.
So now, I understand
there's something I can help you with.
Yeah, we hope so.
There's an old buddy of ours
who ripped us off big time,
-and we wanna make things right.
-[Luke] Yeah.
We wanna look him in the eyes
and make him admit what he did to us.
So if you could make us visible,
that would be perfect.
Well, sure, I could do that,
but we're at a party.
Why focus on those who have wronged us
when we're among friends?
Now, I understand that the three of you
are talented musicians. I doubt
your dream is to settle a score.
No, your dreams are bigger than that!
You're like me,
born to perform your music
in front of sold-out crowds.
[snaps fingers]
Please sit.
What if I were to tell you
that with a wave of my hand,
you could share the spotlight with me
and join my house band?
[chuckles lightly]
We We already have a band.
Yes. Yes.
But when you're done performing,
you disappear.
You cease to exist.
No bows.
No no soaking up the applause.
No real connection with the audience.
Here the audience knows what you are,
and more importantly,
they know how special you are.
Well, it could be cool to play here.
Oh, it it's not just here.
We party like this all over the world.
Tonight, Hollywood. Tomorrow, Paris.
Oh là là!
It is
all of your dreams come true
I'm gonna give you some time
to think about it.
Oh, by the way,
make sure you try the sliders.
They're to die for.
W-W-We can eat?
Here you can. [snaps fingers]
-Oh, yea--
I want the one without cheese.
-I just want a little bit.
-Are these good too?
-Try one of these.
-This is a meatball sub!
-Oh, pizza.
Oh my God!
Get your hands up
Everybody, hands up ♪
If you're sitting down
Then everybody stand up ♪
What you waiting on?
Please don't you take too long ♪
Why'd you think I made this song?
Get up, get your swagger on ♪
Get your hands up
Everybody, hands up ♪
If you're sitting down
Then everybody stand up ♪
What you waiting on?
Please don't you take too long ♪
I can only stall for so long.
It's eleven o'clock.
I think you should just play by yourself.
I mean, holograms or no holograms,
you'll be amazing.
You saw me the other day.
I can't play without them.
They'll be here.
They have to.
[Flynn] Lookin' good, Bobcats!
My machine won't work.
You don't have to.
Here's the problem.
That is unless
you didn't want it plugged in.
Hey, don't let this crowd freak you out.
What I saw last time you played
was insane.
You got this.
I knew you had it in you.
Wait. What?
[girl] Yeah!
[Nick] Hey, everybody!
We fixed the hologram thing.
Who wants to see a show?
-Come on.
Now give it up
for Julie and the Phantoms!
[boy] Let's do it!
Come on! Come on.
Here you go.
Uh [chuckles]
[scattered laughter]
So here's the thing [chuckles]
even though we got the machine fixed,
thanks to Nick
[boy 2] Way to go, Nick!
I can't seem to link up with the guys.
Wi-Fi, am I right?
I'm sorry, but
I'm gonna have to cancel.
[students] What?
[girl 2] Are you serious?
[girl 3] I'm leaving!
[Carrie] Um
Anybody know the Heimlich?
Julie's choking.
[students laugh]
Only one way to save this dance.
Who wants to see Dirty Candy?
[Flynn] Oh!
Knob's broken.
-[girl 4] Did she just do that?
Two can play at this game.
Party at my house!
[cheering, laughter]
Oh! [huffs]
[wistful music plays]
Well, that kind of backfired.
Oh, I mean, the whole night wasn't a bust.
The new guy found someone.
Little man has game!
-Oh, pizza! Man, I missed you!
Reg, are you kissing that meatball sub?
It's what you do with the things you love.
I take it you're all enjoying the feast?
[crowd] Yeah!
So many delicious sights,
so many tantalizing sounds.
your eyes still hunger for more.
-Something sweet.
-[crowd] Yeah!
Something savory.
[crowd laughs]
How many newcomers
do we have in the club tonight?
let's show our guests how we do dessert.
-[cheering, applause]
-[Caleb] A one, two, three, four!
[swing music plays]
[Willie laughs] Hey!
Shoo bada papa roo bada bada ♪
Hey, um bum bum bum bum baram, hey! ♪
Shoo bada papa roo bada bada ♪
Hey, um bum bum bum bum baram, hey! ♪
-Arum bum, arum bum ♪
-Hey! Hey! ♪
-Scoo bi doo bap bap ♪
-Hey! ♪
-Bap bap ♪
-Hey! ♪
Watch me make a move
Watch me make a move, yeah ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
I say, watch me make a move
Watch me make a move, oh ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
I say, watch me make a move
Watch me make a move, yeah ♪
What you gonna do?
Watch you gonna do? ♪
Watch me make a move
Best you ever knew ♪
Hey, yeah! ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
[Willie] Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
[groans lightly]
Whoa, catch him!
You good?
Oh? Whoa!
Come now. You can't be the only one
at the party not dancing.
No, I I know.
I'm just I'm looking for Willie.
Dante, Fuego
meet Alex.
You're welcome.
Whoa! [Alex chuckles]
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Life is good ♪
-On the other side of Hollywood ♪
-Come over!
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Of Hollywood ♪
Of Hollywood ♪
Ain't it something? ♪
[performers] Yeah!
[crowd cheers]
-[clock chimes]
The haunting hour is upon us.
[all] Oo-ooh!
[band strikes up]
How How'd that happen?
I'm sorry. Dude!
[Luke] Dude!
-Dude, we lost track of time
-Not right now, man.
-Hey, what the
We were supposed to be
at Julie's school at 9:00.
Oh shoot. That's right.
Maybe we can still make it.
-Where's Alex? Alex, we forgot
-[Alex] Up here.
Julie. I know.
This place is One sec.
This place is some kind of time warp.
Poof down here, bro. We gotta get going.
[Reggie] Yeah, ah I can't
Gentlemen, what's the rush?
The party's just getting started,
and you have an eternity, after all.
You know that girl that can see us?
We sort of bailed on her.
There's this dance at her school,
and her friend Flynn
is a super cool DJ, like--
I don't think he has an eternity
to hear the story.
Basically, we're late for a gig.
But what about my offer?
It's very cool of you, Mr. Covington,
but, like I said, we already have a--
A band of your own.
I understand.
-Oh, boys if you ever wanna come back
and fix that little problem
with your friend,
the Hollywood Ghost Club is always open.
Yeah, man, we'd love to come back.
Ah! Music to my ears.
-[ominous music plays]
Oh, it's just a little club stamp.
Until next time.
-[Luke] Peace.
See you around.
[chuckles smarmily]
What? That's what he just did.
[chuckles] Um
Uh, if Willie asks,
uh, not that he would, but if he does,
will you let him know
that I was looking for him?
[chuckles] Thanks.
Um Caleb?
You never said
you were gonna use your stamp.
You know what that'll do to them.
Of course I do, William,
but they're too powerful.
I need them working for me.
Now they'll have no option
but to accept my invitation.
I can never show my face
at this school again.
[sighs] That's what we get
for depending on boys.
[sighs] I don't know
if I should be mad or worried.
They're ghosts. I don't know
what kind of trouble they can get into.
I'mma get us some ice cream
from the cafeteria.
Fools gave me the keys.
We can crash at my place
and forget about this whole nightmare.
Get me two of everything.
Julie, we are ready to rock this dance,
which is clearly over.
[exhales sharply]
we are so,
so sorry that we bailed on you.
Yeah, I mean,
the night really got away from us.
And the twins.
Just please tell me it had nothing to do
with you getting back at Carrie's dad.
-Oh, of course not.
-No! We wouldn't do that.
-Us? No.
You're lying to me?
OK, look,
it was something we needed to do.
[wistful music plays]
B-But we'll do whatever it takes.
-We'll play the next school--
Another dance where you can bail on me
and make me look like a fool?
Save it.
You know what really sucks?
Our songs were good.
And all three of you knew
what I've been through,
and how tough it's been for me to play,
and then you do this?
Bands don't do that to each other.
Friends don't do that to each other.
This was a mistake.
You mean the school dance, right?
I mean joining a band with you guys.
Well, if
if Julie's not in the band, then
There is no band.
-[all groan]
[groaning, gasping]
What was that?
It felt like we were dying all over again.
How can we die if we're already dead?
[breathes shakily]
["The Other Side of Hollywood" plays]
Let me introduce myself
We got some time to kill ♪
Consider me the pearly gates
To your new favorite thrills ♪
We could go make history
Or you could rest in peace ♪
But here there ain't no misery ♪
'Cause on the other side
We live like kings ♪
Watch me make a move
Watch me make a move, boys ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
I said, watch me make a move
No, I don't disappoint ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
Amen! Watch me make a move
I'm your number one choice ♪
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do? ♪
Watch me make a move
Come on and give me that noise ♪
A tomb with a view ♪
Ain't it something? ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Yeah, life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
So welcome to the brotherhood
Where you won't be misunderstood ♪
Life is good
On the other side of Hollywood ♪
Ain't it the best? ♪
Long live the dead! ♪
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