Karamora (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Yusupov Palace
I must admit that I don't really trust monks and warlocks.
It may well be that he is a simple fraud.
For starters Runevsky will test his gift.
Well, suppose there is a gift.
What then?
We will cure everyone.
Everyone who wishes to?
No, Prince, all of us.
I thought the main problem was that
some of us started giving birth to monsters.
The main problem is that this is the 20th century.
And we will inevitably be exposed.
Recently one of us was killed in Moscow.
A full-blown Austrelitz was set up in Sanduny.
Sandunоvskie Baths
Nobody liked Melnikov. They got him by accident.
And what if they don't?
If they find out about one, we're all dead.
And what if l am against it?
- Will you make me?
- I will, Prince, trust me.
If there is a threat that I will be exposed,
I would prefer to just hide more carefully.
It's a pity it's not me whom the Retinue listens to.
Your Highness, a letter from Vladimir Chertkov of Yasnaya Polyana.
With this letter I inform Your Highness that Alexander Runevsky and the unknown vampire girl, while being in Yasnaya Polyana
kidnapped earl Tolstoy and took him away to an unknown destination.
Please excuse me.
First Minister!
"The Great Tolstoy - a mirror of our revolution."
Death of L.N. Tolstoy
Yeah, now we're in for seven years of misery.
No, that won't do, Bogrov. What's wrong with your eyesight?
To hell with it! If I have to hit the target, I'll shoot at point-blank range.
For objective reasons, we can no longer question Melnikov.
But we need to identify the rest of the vampires.
It is quite obvious that they are at the very top of high society.
Aristocracy and bourgeoisie.
However, Mr. Nobel was no less rich than Melnikov, but he is not a vampire.
Colonel Simonov is the head of the police department, and he's no vampire either!
Why figure it out? Let's just kill all the rich people.
No, we're not Dracula, we can't afford for innocent people to get hurt.
- I have a plan.
- Comrade Nobel, go ahead.
We figure them out by adding to liquid, say, champagne,
a silver fluoride. It is used to disinfect water. It's well soluble,
inconspicuous, and harmless to humans.
But for a vampire it should logically cause something like heartburn.
So we have to go to a nobleman's banquet, or something like that.
There is silver fluoride in small quantities in explosives. I can isolate it.
We don't have any more bombs, we have to go to Razin again.
How about an easier way? Put a silver ring on your finger.
And shake hands with the nobility. The vampires will get burned.
Yeah, and which of the counts would shake your hand?
Look, Nobel's plan is very good, but there are five of us.
There are stronger factions - hundreds of people.
Why don't we join them?
Other terrorists are at war with puppets, not with the true evil.
That's why nothing changes, nobody believes us. That's why there aren't many of us.
But, you know, Leo Tolstoy used to say:
"Victory is the mass of an army multiplied by the fighting spirit.
And even smaller forces, fighting for the right cause, can fight back against larger ones".
Yes, there are five of us now, but if we continue, people will join us.
And there will be more of us, much more.
St.Petersburg. Runevsky's Mansion
- This is not Peterhof.
- This is my house.
- Will you rest from the road?
- I'm not tired.
Let's go to the emperor or to Stolypin of yours.
Let's see what you can do, for a start.
Well then, I'll show you. Wait for it.
- I must see it.
- This is a great mystery.
- Where'd you go?
- Hait, hait, move! I said, move! Wait.
Move, come on!
Do you know the prayer of Saint Nicholas of Myra? Read it by yourself.
Wait, I don't know the prayers.
Count to a hundred in reverse order.
Wait, excuse me. Am I going to be human right away?
I need to think.
- I see what you did there.
- No.
Sasha, Sasha! Count Dashkov and his men are on their way to you, I barely outrun them.
Take her and go through the back door, she is in the bedroom with Rasputin.
Dashkov probably already knows everything. I will keep him busy.
- To what do I owe the pleasure, gentlemen?
- Oh, Runevsky!
- Where is he? I mean, her.
- Who?
A vampire turned by you without permission.
It seems I have been slandered by evil tongues.
Don't play the fool with me.
We received a letter from Chertkov.
He saw her.
Well, find her then.
Would you be so kind as to resist me?
Alina Sergeyevna! Alina Sergeyevna!
Tell me, my dear man, who is the Empress' lady-in-waiting these days?
- Vyrubova.
- Still?
- Yes.
- That old hag! Thank you.
Alina Sergeyevna, no time to sleep.
Clandestine Laboratory
Where is he?
Open up.
Damn it, I knew you'd come back! It was either you or them.
I'm sorry, I had no choice.
You will regret now that it is I who came back and not "The Riders".
Karamora, it was Franz the Psycho! She tortured me!
I need explosives.
"The Riders" took all the materials last time.
And there are no new ones, because Stolypin shut it all down.
That's it, then. Goodbye.
Wait, wait, wait! I know who I can get it from. Not from our people.
- Speak.
- Warsawians.
They always have some explosives for safes.
Tsarskoye Selo
House of lady-in-waiting Vyrubova
Anna Alexandrovna, there's a stranger here. I told him
that Lady-in-waiting Vyrubova is not giving alms, but he won't go away.
Moscow. Khitrovka
Khitrov marketplace is a square in the centre of Moscow that existed from the 1820 to 1930s and was restored in the 2010s. In the second half of the 19th century Khitrovka became a bawdy place of Moscow, a den for thousands of unemployed and criminals.
- Where can I find the Warshawians?
- Do you have any money??
Let's go.
- Okay, you sit tight and cover me if anything happens.
- Yeah.
Do you know who is definitely a vampire? The philosopher Fyodorov.
A Russian Orthodox Christian philosopher, who was part of the Russian cosmism movement and a precursor of transhumanism. Fyodorov advocated radical life extension, physical immortality and even resurrection of the dead, using scientific methods.
"The dead," he says, "must be brought back to life".
Have you ever heard such a thing? And he's not even ashamed of it.
I suppose the one who is definitely a vampire is Minister Stolypin.
Remember when a bomb was thrown at his feet in Saratov a couple of years ago?
Everybody got blown up, and not a single scratch on him.
I saw his photo. He evn looks like vampire!
It's hard to have these conversations sober,
I'll order something.
I'm saying again: all those who were sentenced
to death were destroyed by me that night.
Yusupov Palace
Mr. Runievski, we aren't determining
whether you did or didn't do it. We know it happened.
You have violated the statutes of the Sacred Retinue,
and you have no extenuating circumstances.
She's not your wife, she's not your relative.
It's not like she filed an official Form No. 43 request for the turning.
Are you kidding me? Who makes these requests anyway?
Mr. Runievski, this is very serious.
If the case was limited only to Radkevich family, who disappeared,
and whom you apparently killed without permission
But there are two flagrant violations of the statute here.
It's the death penalty for you.
Find Radkevich's corpses then.
And find the one I supposedly turned. Then we'll talk.
Don't you worry.
I'll find her, and I'll have two less bastards to deal with!
Prince Scherbatov, you are more reasonable.
You and I have known each other for a long time, how about a deal?
Are you out of your mind? What kind of number is that anyway?
Peter and Paul Fortress
Gentlemen, let's bargain, I'm open to discussion.
The tsar is a crum
How much?
Let's start with two silvers.
- Who's the clown?
- You scared?
That's it? I have twenty.
Twenty and a half. Kidding, it's twenty-one.
- What is your friend's name?
- Paul.
Pavlusha, come now, get us something to drink.
- More.
- A four.
Are you petty, or what?
Pavlusha, what are you standing there for?
Come on, bring us some vodka to cheer us up.
- Poor people, look what the government has driven them to!
- No one has driven them to it, they prefer such live.
What's that you ordered?
Baltic tea and vodka with cocaine. Wonderful thing!
What if it's "The Riders" show up again, and we're out of shape?
First of all, we'll be in shape, and in what shape will it be!
Secondly, have you considered how much easier
it would be if "The Riders" were on our side?
They are beasts.
Who cares? They have so many people, so many resources!
With their strength, we can wipe out all the vampires in a month.
Have you discussed this with Karamora?
Of course. He said "We'll never stoop so low".
Go on, drink, drink.
Twenty one.
So, what have I got here?
Recoup. You bastard, let me recoup my losses!
Guys, it's getting late.
- And I have a watch.
- This one is gold.
But they show the same time.
What do you want?
Give me all of this.
And this.
In exchange for explosives.
- Why do you need dynamite?
- If you don't want it, suit yourself.
Wait. You're a fishy fellow.
Your hands are not thieves', they're white. A revolutionary?
Well, if so, after the revolution, everyone will be happy.
No, you'll kill all the rich people. Who should we rob then?
Twenty one.
They play twenty-one, the equivalent of blackjack. The games are similar, but the names of the combinations are different. Karamora says Point instead of Twenty-One, and at the end he hits the combination Golden Point, and as I understand it in blackjack it is called jackpot.
Come on, come on bounce, like Chaplin in the movies!
Otherwise you'll end up like your sister!
What are you doing here, huh? I told you to be quiet!
How did you go crazy so fast? What's wrong with your pupils, huh?
You take Golovin, I'll take Nobel. We have to catch the train to St. Petersburg.
Excuse me, gentlemen, excuse me!
I have a bomb!
Aptekarsky Island
Stolypin's Dacha
Is she awake?
Show us your fangs. Our daddy is a vampire, too.
- And we don't.
- Is that possible?
Sometimes you can't guess how it's going to turn out.
And some children are locked up in basements.
Girls! She just opened her eyes. Get up!
Alina Sergeyevna, don't pay any attention to them. They're some hooligans!
This is Olya and Sasha. And my name is Natalya.
Here's the dress. Would you like to try it on? It's not very fancy, but it's just right for home.
Our friend, Prince Svechnikov, brought you here.
He said there were people looking for you on the manor, that you were in danger.
And they certainly won't be looking for you here, because Papa is a big man after all.
Don't worry, the Prince promised to settle everything quickly.
In the meantime, why don't you join us for lunch?
Alina Sergeyevna, nice to meet you. Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin.
You have already met my daughters.
Please. No need to feel shy.
Papa, can Alina stay for my birthday?
Of course she can. What if I went to a birthday party like this, girls? Would a bowtie be appropriate?
I thought you preferred ties.
Stolypin's ties are the common name for the gallows noose. Stolypin was the author of the "law of military field courts,"
which made the investigation and sentencing procedures for members of the revolutionary movement as simple as
possible. In accordance with this law, more than 3,740 revolutionaries and persons labeled as such were hanged.
Yes, I don't believe in katorga. People either escape from it
or they find like-minded allies there.
The most timid of them return embittered.
It's not about punishment, it's about the fact that the forces are not equal.
The power of the state machine against a bunch of revolutionaries.
I recall one of my predecessors, Minister Sipyagin, was shot by a young man
who said he was bringing mail.
That, you know, doesn't sound like a fair duel either.
And what is a desperate man supposed to do when the police are beating up ordinary protesters?
When are officials ripping people off with impunity?
When all the wealth, all the national wealth, is in the hands of a handful of people?
Reforms. Give the peasant land, where he is his own master.
And no one on this piece of land will be more important than himself.
You sound almost like an anarchist.
Bakunin and Kropotkin are not stupid people, but with a sense of ownership.
The major ideologists of anarchism in the Russian Empire.
Real property that no one can take away or seize.
A sense of responsibility will come as well.
Wouldn't you agree?
Good day, sir.
Sasha is in school, but she'll be back soon.
You can wait here for now.
Wow, she usually doesn't let me pet her! Let me change.
Yes, a good dog, very good.
And how do you know Sasha?
"I'm sitting by bars in the damp blackened cell"
Aleksandr Pushkin, "Prisoner"
- Where's Alina?
- Under Stolypin's care.
- And the old man?
- I haven't seen him.
Let's focus on making sure you won't be incinerated after all.
- I don't have so much.
- No one has this much.
No, absolutely not, not Yusupov!
That' s a lot of smells, Mr. Svetschnikov!
And almost all of them are disgusting!
Open it up.
I executed everyone I was entrusted with.
Well, except for you.
You were pardoned in honor of the victory over Napoleon.
And this itch I have endured for almost 100 years.
How vindictive you are, Dashkov! Any heartburn bothering you?
Do you think the First Minister will stop me?
Well, the hell with it! Yusupov that is.
But hurry, before Dashkov finds her.
Revolution is terribly out of fashion now. Patriotism is in vogue.
Do you know what Austria did?
I suppose he means Balkan Wars 1912-1913, although Leo Tolstoy died in 1910. But here is an alternate history or perhaps he is referring to some of the preconditions of those wars.
If we don't go there, they will go there.
From the middle of the XVIII century and until the revolution, Constantinople was the main foreign policy goal of the Russian Empire
to seize its straits, thus gaining access to the Mediterranean Sea. The cultural and ideological reason was that Constantinople was the capital
and symbol of Byzantium, the cradle of Orthodoxy. Russia, as the main Orthodox power in the world back then,
positioned itself as the "protector of all the brothers in faith around the world".
Constantinople is ours.
Tell me one thing in confidence, you're her brother, you should know that.
Was Sasha seeing someone?
Before me?
No. There was no one but me.
Good. Good.
Misha, I'm home.
Papa, Papa!
- Hurry up, I'll show you out.
- Yes, I understand, I'll see myself out.
Count Dashkov, to what do I owe the honor?
I'm not going to report back.
Internal Affairs doesn't report to you.
That doesn't give you the right to break into the First Minister's house like that.
Oh, sorry!
Wine, too many smells.
Sorry, Papa, I won't do it again.
Natasha, you'd think you were forbidden something. Why do it under such secrecy?
You want to have a glass or two of wine at lunch? You're welcome.
And you have a great sense of smell.
Beaujolais-Villages from 1953. Would you like a taste?
Just because you're a First Minister won't save you
from being punished for harboring.
You threaten me or my family, and I'll forget that I'm a Minister.
Who was that?
The one who turned you is either completely desperate or very much in love.
If that gentleman had found you
Well, you did a noble thing.
I need help.
- I see you've already healed.
- Help of another kind.
Your aunt is often seen in high society. I have to go to a noblemen's party,
where Stolypin will be present.
- Screw you, Petya!
- Fair enough.
Sasha, I left back then to keep you safe.
Petya, please continue to keep me safe at a distance. Disappear.
I'm 1,000 times guilty before you.
I fell in love with Alina then, like a boy.
But you've always been my biggest support.
You are my true and dear comrade.
Please understand, I must have my revenge, or else I will not rest.
Help me. For the very last time.
I wonder if you would take revenge for me.
To anyone.
I must admit that Stolypin and I have different views on the future of vampires.
But I believe in this.
This is the greatest invention that mankind has given us.
It's as fresh as it gets.
We needed power, fear and servants to keep us from starving to death.
And with this we will step into the future.
Into a peaceful future among people.
I can stockpile blood for ages and live in the shadows.
Why do I need this cure of yours?
To become human?
God forbid! It's a suicide, just a very slow.
Will you give me the money or not?
And you will support me on the Privat Committee.
You will help me take Stolypin's place.
I will settle the matter with Runevsky and this Alina of his.
You can tell he is military man.
- Can he play the piano?
- I was the best player in the squadron.
Let him play, just not a march.
Now, the lunger step aside!
Well, that's all right, I suppose.
- At least I have a talent for something.
- Why are they all bruised?
We were in Moscow and visited the fist fights on Okhotny Ryad.
We need to powder him up. I'll see if I can get my aunt to take him in, she's in charge of the servants.
We'll put Tanya in the kitchen. That's the easiest part.
- Sasha!
- Petya, shut up.
All right, I have to go.
Tomorrow, all of St. Petersburg's high society
will gather at Olga Stolypina's birthday party.
Tanya will discreetly sprinkle silver fluoride in the kitchen.
Bogrov and I will carry the glasses around the room.
Golovin, you need to remember those who reacted.
At the end of the ball we leave in peace and quiet.
But later we'll kill everyone we identify.
A messenger came by and asked me to deliver it personally.
Waiting for you at the Vienna restaurant at 13 Gogol street at 7:00 P.M.
May I just sit here? I don't know the etiquette.
I'll show you how to bow, the rest is unimportant. Let's go.
Come now.
Watch. One, two. One, two.
No, I'm sorry, I look silly in all this.
And I said such things to your father!
Trust me, in the State Duma my father has heard worse things about himself.
There will be a bunch of kids there with their pompous parents.
I don't even have anyone to chat with in the corner.
I promise you won't feel uncomfortable, I'll be with you all evening.
Thank you.
All is cancelled, I have to meet "The Riders" right away.
How? And what about our cause?
When else are we going to get a chance to test everyone?
Circumstances have changed. They have a close friend of mine.When else are we going to get a chance to test everyone?
Wait, but we can go to the ball without you. We're all set.
Then I'll be waiter for the two of us. We'll be fine.
Exceptionally, you have already been "fine" in Khitrovka.
You couldn't even sat quietly there.
You said yourself that you wanted to trust us. So trust us, we won't let you down.
- Give us a chance to prove ourselves.
- No.
Isn't that the close friend that left you in Amsterdam?
Is he worth dying for?
Bogrov said He talks a lot of nonsense,
of course, but he also said some sensible things.
What if we had joined these "Riders"?
These "Riders" are the spawns of Devil.
And their king is a lunatic who thinks he is God!
He loves power and will do anything for it.
But what if we pretended?
And use them like you used the police?
You know what, comrade Nobel?
Come with me. You can help me to pretend.
Lets' be modest.
Some champagne, maestro?
Stolypin doesn't drink
and testing him is the most important thing.
Then circle the room approach him again!
Don't stick together. What did Petya even taught you?
- You didn't put anything in the champagne? - It's harmless to you.
Here we go, Prince Meschersky.
The Governor.
Take it away.
I had a feeling about the Countess.
Oh, look at that, he's clean!
Karamora, you shouldn't have come, you're much more important than me.
Thank me later.
Where's your leader? Karl?
I am his right hand.
- You mean you're jerking him off?
- Karamora
How lucky I am to be the one executing you!
You even dressed for the occasion. All in white.
Everyone knows about St. Bartholomew's Day massacre.
But no one remembers how St. Bartholomew himself died.
According to the pagans, the strange priest was impersonating someone else.
He was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
So he was nailed upside down to the cross.
And skinned alive.
You got me, I'm not going anywhere. You won.
But let me have a word with Karl.
The last request of a defeated enemy.
Karamora, you're like a cat on a hot tin roof
It's all over now, and you're still squirming.
All right. I think he'll be glad to hear your voice. Put us through.
A heart of wreak in thee, that wilt revenge
Thine own particular wrongs and stop those maims
Of shame seen through thy country, speed thee straight,
And make my misery serve thy turn: so use it
Have you decided to read a poem before you die?
You've won.
I am completely at your mercy.
And it is in your power to get a strong and loyal ally.
There is no better friend than a former enemy, you know that.
I have always hated you so much that it bordered on admiration!
All this torture, executions, explosions of yours Oh!
Only a man confident in his own strength and will could do that.
Show me your generosity, and I will help you in your fight.
You are the god of the underworld. I am only Satan, who has challenged you.
So be merciful to your enemies.
Embrace your fallen angel.
Fucking Bayun the Cat!
A character in Russian fairy tales, a huge ogre cat with a magical voice. He talks and puts to sleep with his talk and singing
the travelers who approach him, and those of them who are not strong enough to resist his magic
and have not prepared for a fight with him, the witch cat kills with his iron claws
Yusupov Palace
- Greetings.
- Thank you.
Gross! I burned my throat.
- Sorry, I don't dance. Thank you. Thank you.
What? What?
The man is almost 200 years old, but he still longs to dance.
How does he not get tired of it?
I'll go ask them to play something more entertaining.
- That's Runevsky! I'm begging you, give him a hint.
- About what?
Well, so he would ask me to dance!
- I don't know how to do it with etiquette.
- Well, give him a hint in the way you can.
- Are you all right?
- Oh, yes, I'm fine.
All right, she seems to like you, so go ahead.
Well? Do it. Good luck. Good luck.
Would you mind?
I feel dizzy, I need to compose myself and wash my face.
Of course.
Don't embarrass me more, I beg you.
It's a waltz, it's simple. Don't think about your feet and it will be easier.
It is customary to look your partner in the eye.
- We'll continue tomorrow.
- Dancing?
If you like, but I meant the treatment.
Yes, while we're at it.
Did he lie to me?
Is she alive or does she just look like her?
You have your way with words, comrade Karamora.
You're lucky that Karl likes to get his ass licked!
But he'll see through you anyway.
What do you hope for, anyway?
A revolutionary should have a big bundle with a key for everyone.
Your key is Stolypin. Many times you tried to kill him, but you always failed.
I'm going to get it over with.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, we all come together on a momentous occasion.
Our beautiful Olenka has a birthday today. And I by no means want
to take away the attention she deserves, but I can no longer contain my feelings.
Will you accept my hand and my heart?
Are you ready to be with me forever and die on the same day?
Hello to your house.
I have to disappoint you, but Stolypin is already dead.
We blew him up tonight at the ball.
Bang! The whole mansion.
My people were there
Well, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
Why are you frowning like a pug?
You're that Satan of the underground!
That's all right, Karl will arrange new devils for you, better than the old ones!
Union and peace is a good thing.
- Now, are we going to go or are we going to stand?
- Hey, your lunger's about to die!
There were people there, my fucking people!
- That's enough! Enough, that's it!
My God those animals, bastards!
- Tkachev, I can't do it anymore
- All right, all right.
Sashenka, my girl, does it hurt anywhere? Have you seen Olya?
Olenka, my girls! Natasha!
- Where's Natasha? Natasha!
- Stay with them.
Natasha! Where is Natasha?
Natasha, Natasha, Natasha!
We need to send for doctors as soon as possible!
We'll get to them quicker. Go get the carriage!
A carriage! Hurry up with the carriage!
- Where's Bogrov?
- In the hospital, but he's okay.
And Sasha?
I hate to tell you this, but the shrapnel shattered her legs.
We will have to amputate them.
You can visit her before the surgery.
After some time.
After some time
I' m going to see the waiter that saved me.
She gets her legs amputated - Natasha.
I've come to thank you, sir.
You shielded me with yourself, as Komissarov once shielded the sovereign with his body.
I'm I'm not really a waiter, Mr. Minister.
I'm a police agent.
It's confidential. I'm in the service of Colonel Simonov.
You are doing a great job with Simonov! You will serve with me.
I once wanted to kill him myself - Stolypin.
He is the main goal for any revolutionary. Petya taught us that.
It's not like that, it's not anything like what he said.
What a fool I was!
I wanted to fight evil so badly! And it was explained to me like a child:
"Here is evil, and here is good."
It's not like that, Runevski, it's not what it appears to be!
Not only that, it's the opposite. No monsters are worse than people.
The fear of death is more painful than a single moment of it.
But the fear must be directional.
When terror threatens everyone, it is no more scary than street crime.
And when a bullet or a bomb kills the strongest ones,
the empire signs up for its worthlessness.
You were right.
I wish to join your Sacred Retinue.
We will defeat terror. For the sake of justice.
We will defeat the vampires.
For the sake of justice.
Translation done by kapyushonchan. Special thanks to KTP.
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