Little Voice (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Quick, Quick Slow

["Little Voice" playing]
-[guitar strums]
-Ohh ♪
Won't you give me ♪
Won't you give me that cheese? ♪
Won't you give me that cheese My darling? ♪
Squeezy, cheesy, squeezy, cheesy ♪
Won't you give me ♪
I'm in need of that cheese ♪
Won't you give me that squeezy,
cheesy Cheesy, squeezy cheese? ♪
You nailed it. Come on in.
[Bess on speakers] Ohh ♪
Won't you give me ♪
Won't you give me that cheese? ♪
That was awesome.
-Squeezy cheese never sounded so
[chuckles] I was gonna say "smooth."
-Is that cheesy?
-Yeah, but I'll take it.
And this will be heard by
synthetic cheese lovers in 50 states.
I can't believe that this is a national spot.
It'll be a good chunk of change.
It's not enough to buy a
house or anything, but
you could get a new case for your keyboard.
Unless you can't part with your blankie.
Or you could shoot a music video.
So, who should I have them write
the check out to? Your manager or--
Oh, I'm not her manager.
I'm-I'm just helping out.
[Jeremy] Got it.
Real human money directly into your hands, Bess.
Ohh ♪
Won't you give me ♪
This isn't real.
I've got rent, Louie's Medicaid co-pay.
I've never had extra money before.
I know, I know.
I mean, maybe we could use it for a music video.
-Good. You're beautiful.
And don't be afraid to show a
little leg. You know, strut your stuff.
Ah. [chuckles] That's not really me.
This is gonna make you a household name.
Well, I'm already a household name.
You know, I'm the voice of cheese in a can.
But what do I even do in a video? Do I dance?
I hate when nondancers dance.
But then if you stand too
still, you look too static.
And should I go vintage?
Because everybody's wearing tube
tops, but I'm not a tube top kind of gal.
[Samuel chuckles]
Sorry. Just my mind won't turn off sometimes.
Yeah, I noticed.
Look, it's not gonna matter
what you wear or what you do,
'cause when you sing, your
soul is all over your face.
That's all people are gonna see.
Thank you.
I love your song.
I've been listening to it on
repeat since you sent it to me.
I can't get it out of my head.
I'm glad I get you to sing on one of my songs.
Then we can rehearse for the video.
Here we go.
[plays ballad intro]
[clears throat]
Last week I was-- ♪
-Sorry. Can we go back?
-[music stops]
That's no problem.
[plays ballad intro]
-Last week I was a-- ♪
-[music stops]
Shit. What is the matter with me?
[scoffs, groans] Sorry. Okay. Let's do it again.
[plays ballad intro]
Last week I-- ♪
What? Am I a fucking idiot? Jeez.
Hey. Hey. Hey, we're just finding it.
Mind if I
[Bess] Cool.
[Samuel] It's gotta be 5:00 somewhere.
You know, maybe it's not
the right time for a music video.
What? Why?
I don't know. It's like a
commercial for myself.
Like a glorified selfie.
I mean, who am I to-- [scoffs]
Do what your father couldn't do?
-[slaps glass down]
I mean-- [sighs] It's none of my business.
But this second-guessing yourself
and watching you in the studio with him--
You know, you playing small
isn't gonna make him bigger.
That's not what I was doing.
Then I'm wrong. That's not what you're doing.
Unless I was.
Are you scared of eclipsing your dad,
or are you scared of putting yourself out there?
I think I'm just scared.
Everybody's scared.
[chair squeaks]
[plays ballad intro]
Wait, where's one?
[chuckles] Okay. So, it's, uh
[whispers beat]
One. [vocalizes melody]
-[stops vocalizing]
-[plays ballad intro]
Last week I was a bull ♪
The king built up a maze So I couldn't escape ♪
You got it.
-[computer playing rhythm track]
-Last month I was a fool ♪
I made the same mistakes ♪
Again I stayed up late ♪
[Bess and Samuel] Tuesday I was a hammer ♪
I hit my head against the wall ♪
A portrait of my grief ♪
Today I was an answer ♪
I found a friend that I could call ♪
And I discovered keys ♪
Bring to me your flowers ♪
And your hours ♪
In the center of the storm ♪
Sing to me with new belief In second lives ♪
'Cause I'll survive the morning ♪
Can you see me? ♪
I made it to the other side ♪
Thank God ♪
Do believe me ♪
I've been so good at wasting time ♪
[together] But thank God for July ♪
[music continues]
I'm looking for a director to
shoot a music video next week.
[sighs] I may know someone.
Will he work for a price?
-He'd do it for free.
-No, I'm paying him.
Well, that's a deal-breaker.
-[Bess] Last week I was a bull ♪
Come on, Iris. Come on. [exhales]
The king built up a maze ♪
Good job.
So I couldn't escape ♪
Last month I was a fool ♪
I made the same mistakes ♪
Again I stayed up late ♪
Tuesday I was a hammer ♪
I hit my head against the wall ♪
A portrait of my grief ♪
Today I was an answer ♪
I found a friend that I could call ♪
And I discovered keys ♪
Bring to me your flowers And your hours ♪
In the center of the storm ♪
Sing to me with new belief ♪
Now, that
That's a great shirt. You should wear it more.
You're in a good mood.
I am, Al. I am in a good mood.
Take it down to the other end of the
bar and refill that customer's water.
With pleasure, sir.
[Al] You're freaking me out.
Sing to me with new belief In second lives ♪
'Cause I'll survive the morning ♪
Can you see me? ♪
I made it to the other side ♪
Thank God for July ♪
I can't believe I'm at BroadwayCon.
Wonder of wonders.
I wish I could stay, but I'm
shooting my video today.
-Do you have everything you need?
-[people chuckling]
Excuse me, which performances
are they from, and are they signed?
Do you have your phone charger?
I put snacks in your bag.
[man] Oh, thanks, man.
[softly] Okay.
[low whine]
[piano: ballad intro plays]
[Bess] Can you see me? ♪
I made it to the other side ♪
Thank God for July ♪
-Thank God for July ♪
-[music stops]
Did you make all this?
Uh, yeah. I haven't been
getting much work lately.
So-- [chuckles] I think I
went a little overboard.
No, no, no. I-It looks delicious.
I mean, I didn't know that you were a chef.
Well, more caterer than chef
since we've been in New York.
[sighs] I know it can be
hard to get things going here.
Seems impossible.
Yeah. I-I know the feeling.
I just hope Ethan gets it out
of his system sooner than later.
Gets what out?
This city.
Today's the big day.
Hi! [kisses]
-I'm Prisha. Nice to meet you.
Prisha, this is Laila.
Laila is Ethan's girlfriend,
and Ethan is the director of the video.
Laila made all this.
-Can I try one?
[Prisha] I'm starving.
-Holy crap! It's good.
-Thank you.
-Hi. I'm Prisha.
-Hi. Ethan.
Uh, Ethan is the director.
Right. And Laila's boyfriend,
right? Nice to meet you.
-Yeah, you too.
-[Samuel] Hey.
Samuel, hi!
Everybody, this is Samuel.
-Hey, man. We met at the storage.
-Oh, right. That's-- Yeah.
-And this is Laila.
-[Bess] Yeah.
-[Samuel] Oh, hey.
[Ethan] Yeah.
Okay. Uh, Bess, we have a lot of ground to cover,
so we should probably get started.
-Yes. Right. I'll be right there.
-[Ethan] Okay.
Hey. You okay?
I'm-- I'm fine. I'm just a
little nervous about the shoot.
Ethan played me the song. It's beautiful.
He-- [stammers]
Thank you.
You'll be grand. You're glowing actually.
Thank you.
How sweet is she?
Yeah, she's really-- Yeah.
You know, she's right. You are glowing.
Uh, do you need anything?
Just catch me if I fall.
Don't worry. I got you.
[Ethan] Okay, everyone.
You ready?
[clapboard clicks]
[Ethan] Action.
Open up my eyes ♪
To daylight ♪
In my new city ♪
Where maybe I will wander ♪
Too far away from where I started ♪
Beautiful, Bess. Really.
Let's go again. A little faster this time.
Open up my heart and break her ♪
No gentle waters, no anchor ♪
I'm barely brave enough To keep breathing ♪
But I believe in love ♪
[Samuel and Bess] There
is enough, so ask for more ♪
To fill you up ♪
Nobody's keeping score ♪
[Bess] Do you know what you fight for? ♪
What you fight for? ♪
I want more ♪
That was great, Bess.
[Laila] Hey.
[no audible dialogue]
Okay, we'll go for another take.
This time, I'm gonna get a lot closer,
and we're gonna start on your
eye, lying back on the grass, yeah?
Open up my eyes to daylight ♪
[Benny] Yo. Gotta go. We gotta go. Come on.
Move it.
Where maybe I will wander ♪
-[bell dinging]
-[Benny laughing]
[Prisha] Oh, we're falling off this--
Open up my heart ♪
Yeah, that's great.
And break her ♪
No gentle waters, no anchor ♪
I'm barely ♪
Brave enough to keep breathing ♪
But I believe in love ♪
There is enough So ask for more ♪
To fill you up ♪
Nobody's keeping score ♪
Do you know what you fight for? ♪
What you fight for? ♪
I want more ♪
[door opens]
-Mmm. Mmm.
-You're the best. Thank you.
Thanks, Benny-Benjamin-Ben.
-All right.
-Wait. Where are you going?
You just sat down.
I gotta get everyone else on
this ferry to sign a release form.
Dude, you're a machine.
[door opens]
You look happy.
I am.
Suits you, you know?
Being in front of a camera.
Why does that sound like an
insult wrapped in a compliment?
It's very cool.
So, I'm cool now?
You're always cool.
I wouldn't have been able to
do any of this if it weren't for you.
From that very first night, you've been there.
-I met 347 Evan Hansens!
And Noah Galvin, the first replacement
Evan Hansen, signed my cast.
That's amazing, Louie.
Hey, Louie.
Your phone was off, Bess. Did
you know your phone was off?
I know. It's been a really
busy day. I'm so sorry, buddy.
Hey, Louie. You're old enough now
that you know that she can't
pick up every time you call, right?
It's a big day for your sister.
Today was a big day for me too. I got
to meet several of my Broadway heroes.
I know.
I couldn't find you. I thought you left.
I'm never gonna leave.
I saw Prisha on Find My Friends
and figured out where you were.
See? No matter what, we
always find each other, right?
Hey, everybody.
This is my brother, Louie.
Hi, man. Samuel.
Hi. I'm Ethan.
Don't worry. My arm isn't
really broken. It's just a costume.
Oh, yeah. It's Evan Hansen, right?
Yeah. I was just at BroadwayCon,
a very important event in the theater community.
But I told them I would be leaving early
to come help Bess make her musical video debut.
[Samuel] Hey, that's great. You made it to both.
We actually need your help.
Could you stay for a while?
[Bess] The hard times All broken branches ♪
And lifelines ♪
Remember it's all a game ♪
A grand design that you can't tame ♪
Open up your eyes and cry then ♪
Okay. What should I do?
Just try dancing a little bit. Have fun.
Just dance like we do to our records, Bess.
Yeah, Bess.
Playground ♪
And come with ♪
There is enough So ask for more ♪
To fill you up ♪
Nobody's keeping score ♪
-Do you know ♪
What you fight for? ♪
-What you fight for? ♪
-I want more ♪
There is enough So ask for more ♪
To fill you up ♪
Nobody's keeping score ♪
Do you know what you fight for? ♪
Okay, cut. Let's, uh
Let's try for something else. Yeah.
Oh. You leaving?
It's time for The Good Fight
with the great Audra McDonald
crossing over from stage to screen to
play powerhouse lawyer Liz Reddick.
She's won six Tony Awards,
including one for her 2012
portrayal of Bess in Porgy and Bess.
Not my sister Bess, the one in the musical.
Thank you so much for all your help.
We couldn't have done it without you.
You're very welcome.
Bye, Louie.
[tango music plays]
[female instructor] Slow. Quick, quick, slow.
Quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow.
Quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow.
Sam, can you take a couple of steps back, please?
Couple more.
Dude, if I go any more, I fall in the water.
Okay, well, that's-- Just
stop there then. That's cool.
[music continues]
[Ethan] Okay, here we go, superstar.
Let's go ahead and kill the tango
music. Everyone just keep on dancing.
I want more of me ♪
More of you ♪
More wandering into night skies ♪
From the sunrise side view ♪
More deep breaths ♪
More exhales ♪
More wandering off the road ♪
Towards my story to tell ♪
My story to tell ♪
My story to tell ♪
[clears throat] And cut. That is, uh
Uh, that is a wrap.
-[Prisha] Yeah!
[light applause]
[tango music playing]
You're blushing.
No, I'm not.
[scoffs] Yeah, you are.
-I've never seen you like this before.
-What are you talking about?
It's nothing.
Bessie, I've had front row seats to
this all day long, and it's not nothing.
I watched you sort of push away
one dude who seems to really like you
and sort of not push away this other dude
who's living with his
girlfriend, the cookie baker.
We're shooting a fucking video together, okay?
Yeah, I've shot a fucking
music video before, okay?
And you're supposed to be eye-humping the camera,
-not the director, the whole time.
-[Bess groans]
I just don't understand why you
didn't tell me something was up.
Says the girl who hid her sexual
identity from her best friend, so
I keep wanting not to want him, but
I'm gone.
I get it.
[Bess whines]
I'm gone girl two here.
-And those cookies she brought.
-[groans] Bitch can bake.
You were amazing.
You were amazing all day,
and you had everything covered.
-You killed it, Benny.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's my job.
But it's not your job. And you worked so hard.
Um, maybe it should be my job. [chuckles]
Maybe it should.
[chuckles] So-- So I'm your manager?
[shouts, chuckles]
-Drinks on me!
-Oh, amen.
You guys get started. I'll be right there.
-[Prisha, Benny cackle]
-[Prisha] Whoo!
Well, you made someone's night.
What are you? Who even carries cash anymore?
-And grandpas.
-Just take the money.
-Okay, grandpa.
Let's go to the bar and celebrate.
Yes. I just need to get some receipts from Ethan.
Uh, cool.
See you over there.
Make sure that you send me
those receipts. And here's this.
I told you that was a deal-breaker.
-Just let me pay you.
-Just let me finish it first.
[mouths word] Okay.
It was a good day.
It was, wasn't it?
[tango music continues]
[Bess] They're so graceful.
You'd think they'd known
each other their entire lives.
Most of them are just strangers
who hardly know each other,
but somehow fall into step.
I can't do this to Laila.
-I understand.
-I've known her since I was 17.
You know, we've been there for
each other for so long, you know?
-You don't have to explain.
-She's my best friend.
And I'm her only friend in this
city, and she came here for me.
And I would do anything for her.
I thought that was love.
Look, I can't do this.
I can't keep just hearing you through a wall.
No, I want more.
I want you.
And I will I will end it with
Laila, and I will come to you clean.
[man] May I have the honor, miss?
[man] I remember a summer's day ♪
I remember walking up to you ♪
[man, woman] And I remember
Pretending I wasn't lookin' ♪
I remember your old guitar ♪
I remember "I Can't Explain" ♪
I remember a song you sang ♪
I remember the way you look tonight ♪
We try and try ♪
Even if it lasts an hour ♪
With all our might ♪
We're on our way to fall in love ♪
We're on our way to fall in love ♪
Yeah, we're on our way to fall in love ♪
I remember your old guitar ♪
I remember "I Can't Explain" ♪
I remember the way it looked Around your neck ♪
I remember the day it broke ♪
I remember a song you sang ♪
I remember the way you look tonight ♪
I remember the way it made me feel ♪
Try and try ♪
Even if it lasts an hour ♪
With all our might ♪
We try and make it ours ♪
'Cause we're on our way ♪
We're on our way to fall in love ♪
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