Nailed It! (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Big in Japan

Welcome to Nailed It.
The baking show based
on the internet phenomenon
where ordinary people
try to recreate masterpieces
but don't always get there.
Today, three home bakers
will attempt to re-create
epic treats
over two rounds of competition
for their chance at ten thousand dollars.
Hit her with the cash!
You know what? Let's meet our bakers.
My name is Rachel Williamson
and I am from Fort Collins, Colorado.
I love to bake.
It just makes everyone happy,
especially your children.
My biggest weakness in the kitchen
is getting distracted.
You've got two hands for two kids.
But when you have a third one,
it's just chaos.
I am ready to put every distraction aside
and become the baker
that I know is inside.
I can do it.
My name's Michelle Wodynski.
I'm a lawyer from Los Angeles.
I love baking with my daughter.
I like baking for her.
I'm proud of my skills,
but all of my desserts end up
embarrassing my daughter
and my friends.
She makes this incredible
flourless chocolate cake.
Looking at it though,
it's almost like a five-year-old
maybe went out and made like a mud pie.
I want my daughter
and my friends and family
to be as confident in my baking skills
as I am.
My name is Dana Moon
and I am from Los Angeles, California.
I've always baked
since I was really young.
My desserts always taste good,
but they don't always turn out
how the picture looks like.
I know that I can bake,
but I just want it to be
like I see it in my mind,
and poof, there it is.
Rachel, Dana, Michelle.
You guys ready to get our bake on?
Today on Nailed It,
we're getting Japan-tastic,
with me as always, our head judge,
who once created
a giant chocolate Godzilla egg
that sold for ten thousand dollars.
Chef Jacques Torres.
Thank you, Nicole. It was for charity.
For the victims of Godzilla attack.
- Oh.
- Yes.
- How charitable of you.
- Yes.
And today our special guest judge,
a cake artist
and the star of the hugely popular
YouTube channel, "How To Cake It."
Yolanda Gampp.
- Are you excited to be here?
- I'm very excited.
All right.
There's a special prize
for the winner of this round.
Baker's Choice.
Behind door number one
are three expressive little fellas.
If you've ever sent a text message
or fired off a tweet,
everybody understands these.
One second they're laughing,
the next second they're crying.
Pull yourself together for these
emoji cakes!
Oh, no!
- I love it.
- That's awesome.
Emoji's were invented in Japan,
and now they're worldwide.
If there's a universal language,
this is it.
In this round, each of you
will select one of Yolanda's famous
mini emoji cakes to recreate.
The cool sunglass guy,
the flirty one, the one that's laughing
so hard that he's crying.
Maybe peeing a little bit.
It's Baker's Choice, people.
Go grab your emoji cakes.
I got the one I wanted.
I need love. I need love.
- Oh, wow, ya'll wild.
- They're babies.
Ooh, this smells good.
- Smells like icing to me.
- Can you eat this?
Kind of smells like play-doh.
- Yes.
- It's a cake.
- It's a cake.
- It looks so perfect.
They're so cute. Did you make these?
- Yolanda did.
- I did.
- Oh, wow!
- Good job!
- Thank you.
- Amazing.
- Did you get any help?
- No.
Rachel, why did you choose
that emoji cake?
I chose it because this is my favorite
emoji. I use it all the time.
Dana, why did you choose?
Which one did you choose?
- The kissing man?
- Kissy face.
'Cause you're single.
I already answered it.
And this will help me manifest love.
Oh, there you go.
All right, bakers, you have 50 minutes
to nail these emoji cakes.
- Are you ready to get your bake on?
- Yeah!
Go do it!
Oh, my God!
Oh, God, I forgot how to open this.
Two clicks?
Okay, here we go.
- Yolanda?
- Yes.
Let's pretend that you had
to make this cake again.
- Yes.
- How would you do it?
I would bake two pans.
Less batter will bake faster
and it will cool faster.
While it's baking,
dye the fondant.
And cut out facial features
while it's baking.
And then, when the cake's cool,
fill it, ice it,
roll out the yellow fondant.
One container of chocolate cake base.
What's chocolate cake base?
I'm going to win. I'm going to win. Okay!
I'm not cracking under pressure.
I don't know
if that's a good egg or not.
Um, I want to make the cake
as soon as possible
because it's 28 to 36 minutes.
I think I need to put
the two cakes into these pans.
Wait, is that the right size?
Yeah, that is the right size.
Is she really going to use
that cake pan?
I don't know.
- It's very tall, yes?
- It's very tall.
And it looks like she's going
to put all of the batter into it.
So it's going to take a long time.
Oh, no.
It looks like it's gonna be too big.
Maybe we can cut it though. Okay.
- Oh, no.
- Doesn't make any sense.
Okay, so that's going in the oven.
Yolanda, you're
You're like YouTube famous.
You have a lot of subscribers.
I mean, 2.5 million people, huh?
- It's actually three.
- It's amazing.
Actually, Jacques, it's three million.
- It's amazing.
- Yeah!
- Do you get recognized just out and about?
- Yeah, it's really weird.
It happens more and more.
Jacques, how do you deal
with all the groupies?
The women throwing their bras at you
saying, "Mr. Chocolate! Mr. Chocolate!"
I love it.
I'm feeling good. I got that in.
I'm gonna make fondant.
The cornstarch, I'm using it
just so the fondant doesn't stick.
'Cause I've never used fondant.
All right. My next step is to make
the yellow buttercream frosting.
Let's do this.
Yellow. I'm making the yellow
look exactly like this
just by estimating with my eye.
Ooh, that works better. Look at that.
Michelle. She's rolling
the fondant on a piece of paper.
Ooh, that looks nice. Okay.
Not a bad idea, no?
Most people try to touch it too much,
that's the other point,
if they've never used it.
You see their fingerprints.
It's like sugar work.
Less you touch it, better it is.
Hey, how does it feel losing already?
- Oh, yeah! Oh, uh-huh!
- Oh!
How's it feel to
That non-boyfriend you have.
- Well, he's
- To bake alone.
I'm manifesting him.
I've been single for seven years
and I feel like I maybe could
get a boyfriend from this.
My crystals are rose quartz in love.
I'm looking for love.
I think I have a lot to offer, but
one way that I can trick him
into being with me forever is
by baking for him.
So that I can nail the cookie
and I can also nail the guy.
I don't know if I'd make it
any more yellow.
Oh, no. Oh, no!
Oh, God.
I just realized
I'm doing everything wrong.
Because this is fondant and this is icing.
- Wow, Dana used buttercream
- Oh, no.
- instead of using rolling fondant.
- Uh-oh.
I think I have to frost the cake
with this, not icing.
"Mix well and add color."
I don't know what I'm doing.
She added way too much coloring
into that bowl.
It's going to throw the consistency
of the fondant.
So that's never going to be perfect.
If this is not enough fondant,
then I'm screwed.
I'm trying to get the fondant smooth.
But the consistency of it
is not smooth at all.
- She's kneading fondant.
- Yeah, she's kneading fondant.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay.
Okay, well
I think I put too much dye.
This is not gonna work out.
Seventeen minutes.
This time has gone by so fast.
Now, I'm gonna try to make
all these little cutouts.
So, I'm gonna make a teardrop.
which is your favorite emoji?
The one like that.
The face with the hand.
That's what I want to do now.
Oh, my God.
Can you do the smiley?
You don't usually smile while winking.
Am I wrong?
You focus on the wink.
- Wait, I can
- See?
Oh, that was very well done.
I can also cross one eye.
- I'm very talented in the face.
- I need to see it.
- Am I doing it?
- Yes.
Yes, queen.
This emoji cake is who I am inside.
Okay, so we gotta do sunglasses.
My daughter loves this emoji.
This is the cool kid emoji 'cause she
you know, mommy's not cool.
I'm making this cake for her
because she is cool.
Ooh, that's a good one, though.
Look at that one.
Under seven minutes, bakers.
Under seven minutes.
Definitely need to take my cake out
right now.
Oh, yay, my cake's done.
They look good. I hope that they're cooked
all the way through.
Oh, my lord.
That was too much.
I gotta get this out somehow.
Oh, no. I think Michelle's cake
is gonna be soupy.
No, oh.
Oh, my God, mine's not cooked.
I made a big mess.
Oh, no!
Michelle just realized
her cake is raw in the middle.
Gotta see what we can do with this.
It didn't bake at all.
I passed two BAR exams.
I represent high clients
all over the world.
I go to the Appellate court.
I argue in court.
I handle mutli-million dollar deals
and I can't even freakin' bake a cake.
I'm like why is it so hard?
It's so hard!
I'm so disappointed.
The whole thing did not bake.
Oh, oh, there's some fondant flipping
going on over here.
How do you drape the fondant?
They just need to pick it up
and drape it over.
But she flipped it.
Oh. Aw, sad.
So, now all the icing sugar
she rolled it in is on top of her cake.
She should've slid it off.
Right, she's leaving
the wrong side up.
Oh, boy. Oh, no.
Where else can I get a round shape?
Oh, Rice Krispies.
My emoji cake is gonna be a trendsetter.
It's gonna be unique.
A Rice Krispies cake.
I'll put the buttercream on top
of the Rice Krispies.
I'll put whatever cake pieces I have
on top of that.
I'll put my fondant over that
and I'll make my little emoji cake.
I'm creative and I'm improvising,
so I'm not giving up.
Three minutes, guys.
Cakes should be iced,
you should be decorating,
finishing touches,
going, "Ooh, this good."
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
This fondant is not working.
I need a back up plan right now.
I thought I would use this, but
I just don't really trust it.
At this point,
I need to just get anything on.
And I feel like this icing
is gonna be like
the quickest as possible.
One minute left, guys.
Oh, my God. I'm shaking.
Put a face, put a face, put a face.
- It's like melting off.
- Ten.
Nine, eight, seven,
six, five, four, three,
two, one.
- You're done!
Oh, my gosh.
Let me see those hands.
- Show us your hands.
- Oh.
Oh, they're so yellow.
Wheel me your emoji cakes.
Okay, Rachel.
Just to remind you,
this is the laughing emoji cake
you were trying to recreate.
Let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
- Hopefully it tastes good.
- Hopefully.
The color of your fondant
isn't as vibrant as the original,
but I know it's supposed to be an emoji.
I did notice you rolled out
your yellow fondant
and then chose to flip it on the cake.
I would have slid it off if possible,
because all your icing, sugar,
and cornstarch is underneath,
changing the sheen of the fondant.
So, you don't want that to be face up,
you want that to be face down.
So now we're gonna taste
your emoji cake.
- Okay.
- All right?
Your cake is very moist.
- I love this cake. Thank you.
- Thank you.
I thought the cake was really moist,
I really liked it.
- That's awesome.
- This cakethis cake's for me.
Great. We have to move on
and taste another emoji cake.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Okay, Dana.
You were trying to recreate
the flirty, kissing emoji cake.
Let's see what you did.
All right.
Nailed it!
Look on the sunnier side of things,
like you got a cake made,
your cake is done.
Jacques, what do you think?
Fifty minutes,
even for a professional, it's very short.
So, you know, you put a cake together.
- For that, congratulations.
- Thank you.
It's a little Picasso going on there.
But you did amazing. You were a rock star.
You kept going. You never gave up.
At the end of the day,
you did bring everything to the table
and get it on the cake.
All right, let's taste it.
The cake is good.
The cake is moist.
Has a good flavor. The cake is good.
Your cake was delicious.
It was chocolatey, it was light.
The texture of your cake,
I thought it tasted really good.
I'm happy that I put that in my mouth.
Thank you.
We must see another emoji cake.
Okay. Michelle, just a reminder,
this is the cool sunglass emoji cake
that you were trying to make.
Let's see what you made.
Nailed it.
Okay. I'm so glad I see something
because I saw what happened
with your cake,
and you were like hustling
to get something done.
I love that you improvised.
Like, that was very smart.
I think your sunglasses
turned out really, really great,
and I'm glad you got the shiny part
going on.
I agree with you.
The sunglasses look good.
The smilethe smile is there.
When you bake a cake, if you have
a very short time, divide the batter.
Maybe in three cakes.
So, you learn something,
you know, valuable here
during the process
of making the emoji cake.
Yes, very valuable. Very, very valuable.
All right, let's taste it.
Your cake is quite moist. Taste's good.
It's over sweet, but, you know,
you have to do something.
I get it.
Buttercream in between
would've given us a third texture
to enjoy in the cake.
I really appreciated your hustle. It made
me wanna see you in the courtroom.
You just kept going
and I really admire that.
Thank you. Thank you.
Bakers, please scooch on down.
Jacques, will you please do the deed?
I'm so happy to announce that the winner
of the Baker's Choice is
- Rachel.
- Yay!
- Yay! Congratulations, Rachel.
- Yay!
- Yolanda, tell her what she's won.
- Thank you.
Rachel, you have won
a brand-new stand mixer.
- No way.
- Yes way.
- There it is!
- Oh, my gosh. Thank you.
- Whoa! That is so cool!
- And you're in the lead.
So you get to wear the very non-tacky,
understated Nailed It baker's cap.
Thank you.
Okay, we're gonna give you more help
in round two,
which is over here behind door number two.
- Michelle, Dana, Rachel, follow me!
- Yay!
Forget about that last round
because everybody starts from scratch
in this next round.
The ten thousand dollar grand prize
goes to the winner
of this final challenge.
Yolanda, tell them
what they'll be attempting to nail.
Sure. I love to make cakes
that don't look like cakes at all.
You think you're gonna cut into a big
juicy steak or take a bite of a burger,
and surprise,
it's a sweet, delicious cake.
Get ready to dig
into sweet, moist, creamy
sushi cake!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, no!
- Wow, that's really big sushi.
- It looks like sushi.
Five maki rolls
and one salmon nigiri sushi.
Ginger and wasabi on the side.
Believe it or not, this savory-looking
sushi is really sweet cake
wrapped in painted fondant
and then topped with various goodies.
The cut rolls are actually rolled.
The cakes are baked flat and then
rolled up just like sushi rolls are.
We have to do all of that?
Oh, my gosh.
Okay, so, I know this cake
looks a little fishy
and you're like, "I don't know."
But don't worry.
We're gonna give each of you
a little extra help in this round.
Each of you has a panic button
on your workstation.
And if you hit some trouble,
- hit the button
- Achoo!
and one of our experts
will come over and help you
for three full minutes.
Okay, here we go.
One and a half hours on the clock,
ten thousand dollars on the line.
Go bake!
Go. Go.
Okay, okay, okay. "Make vanilla cake.
To mixer add one container
of the cake base."
Or empty two liner sheets.
Jacques, can you talk me through
what they should be doing?
Yes, of course.
First, you need to make your cake.
White vanilla for the salmon nigiri
and chocolate coffee cake
for the maki rolls.
Once those are done,
cover the cake with buttercream
and jelly beans to act as the rice.
And make the salmon out of fondant.
For the maki rolls,
you roll the coffee cake up,
cut it in pieces,
cover it with black fondant,
and then top it
with the various fish toppings.
Finally, form your ginger and wasabi
out of fondant.
Okay, so we're gonna do vanilla cake.
This time I'm really trying
to focus on my cakes
because I screwed it up the first round.
So, I'm trying to go slower.
But I can't go too slow
'cause of that time.
I hope that I
do everything well,
I improve a little bit,
and that maybe I can win again.
I don't know if you can win twice,
but I want to.
So I'm just gonna focus on making
this cake and putting it in the oven
so it's not super hot
when I'm decorating it.
So this is all I'm gonna focus on
right now.
Donna is doing chocolate cake
over there.
That should be vanilla.
She doesn't like following recipes, huh?
And her name is Dana.
- Did I say Donna?
- You said Donna.
Who do you know that's a Donna?
Oh, no.
I just realized
it's supposed to be vanilla.
Listen, you really don't have time
for these things.
First time using parchment paper.
So, six.
Little bit. It's gonna rise.
So I'm trying to make sure I have backup
in case I screw something up.
Better safe than sorry.
Okay, I'm moving on.
Yeah, this is no big deal.
This isthis is totally fine.
I'll tell you something.
This final challenge has me very confused.
Usually, it's like stacking a cake
and just making a cake.
But they have to make
two different types of cake.
Yes, and they need to get these last cakes
in the oven.
Farmer Dana. I actually worked on a farm
when I was little.
Brings me back to the farm days
when I was, you know,
12 years old. Dingleberry Dana.
That's what they called me.
Mix the egg yolks and half a cup of sugar
on high speed.
Mix the instant coffee to dissolve it.
All right, let's get these down.
All right, so
Bake for 15 minutes.
Okay, so, now I gotta make buttercream.
All right.
Okay, let me ask you this.
They're making cake
that tastes like sushi, right?
It doesn't taste like sushi.
It looks like sushi.
Okay, then.
So, they're making sushi
that looks like cake, right?
Ooh, those are done.
I gotta get those out.
I'm in such a panic
that I almost just thought
to take the cake out with my hand.
The parchment paper worked.
Okay, this all looks good.
Now I need to shape it
into the form of the sushi.
The goal is to get the thing
to look like that. Let's do it right.
I'm gonna cut this, I guess.
Buttercream onto the cake.
This is what my brain looks like
when I'm working on things.
It's just like the biggest mess
Gotta hurry.
Those look like jelly beans to me.
So, I'm gonna do jelly beans
for the decorating part.
- What is that, rice?
- It's supposed to be rice.
Oh, okay. Rice with sushi on top.
I'm gonna grab some fondant.
Okay, so there's my little sushi roll.
My rice.
I don't know. I think it kind of
looks like it though, right?
So, this is my salmon.
But I need to go get the airbrush.
Right now I'm trying to make the
the salmon.
I really don't know how she did the color,
so I'm gonna just spray it, I guess.
I've never used an airbrush.
And it's leaking out.
Hopefully, color will come out.
Okay, it sprayed! Sorry.
Okay, we're just gonna dye
the whole thing.
I'm just gonna be creative
on how this goes together.
So I'm gonna take this white fondant.
And then I'm gonna mesh this together
so that it all comes as one.
I'm hoping that this works.
Ooh, I'm proud of Rachel.
- Look at her.
- Yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Looks kind of like sushi.
Okay. Okay, I'm so excited.
It's hot.
Powdered sugar.
Now they're going to have to roll
their sheet cake into maki sushi rolls.
I don't like sushi.
It's not cooked.
The texture is very, very bad for me.
In Japan,
it's like the big shrimp sushi.
When you eat them,
you still feel the shrimp.
You're not selling me on this.
But it's actually good.
- To have my food wiggle in my mouth?
- The flavor is
You never have food wiggling
in your mouth? I'm just asking.
So, I'm gonna frost it.
Now I need the rolls. This is game time.
I'm gonna have to call panic. Hey.
Help me! Help me! Help me!
Help me! Help me! Help!
Oh! Panic button.
- Michelle hit the panic button.
- Oh, boy.
- Yolanda, please go help out Michelle.
- Okay.
Okay, you wanna know
how to roll the cake up?
- Spread your buttercream.
- Spread buttercream.
- And then, um, also the ginger preserves.
- Okay.
And just get in there.
Okay, that's good.
Okay, and start to pinch it into a roll.
Okay, start at this end.
Pinch it with your fingers up into a roll.
You can do it a little tighter. Tighter.
- Yes, there you go.
- Fifteen seconds.
Okay, so keep rolling it up, roll it up,
and then you wanna cut
equal portions of it.
And turn them right side up.
- Ten, nine, eight, seven, six
- So that's your sushi. Ice them.
I'm gonna ice this.
I put fondant around the outside
to make the black fondant?
- Yes.
- Yes, okay.
- Good luck, Michelle.
- Thank you.
One, two, three, four
I see how it's coming together now.
I don't think I understood
in the beginning.
Okay, I am
I'm adding the fondant
onto the sushi roll.
I just need to get this on first
so that I can decorate it.
These cakes are coming out perfect.
I'm back on track. I'm back in the game.
Baby's back.
I'm gonna take a shot of vodka.
Back in the game.
Nobody needs to know.
Dingleberry Dana.
I want it to look perfect, you know?
But I'm running out of time.
Seven minutes left in the round.
Oh, my God!
It actually does look like a sushi roll.
- Those are way too big over there.
- Very big.
Decorating is my favorite part.
Who doesn't like gummy bears?
Right? It looks like sushi. Kind of.
My hands are like Halloween.
Raw fish. Swedish fish.
This is the tuna sushi.
One minute.
What can I use for ginger?
Bubble gum?
Oh, that's too green wasabi.
You guys got this. Make that ginger.
Make that wasabi.
- Ginger blob.
- Thirty seconds left.
Oh, no.
I totally forgot the wasabi
and the ginger.
I can improvise.
Five, four, three, two, one.
You're done!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. That was so hard.
Rachel, this is the amazing sushi cake
you were trying to make.
Let's see what you did.
Here we go.
Nailed it!
Okay, I think you did a pretty good job.
I think the salmon looks pretty
pretty close.
I think your sushi looks good.
I think it's fun.
I don't like sushi, but I like this.
As you see, you have different levels.
Different height.
The salmon, you make your cake
a little bit too wide.
And the salmon is a little bit thin.
- But I think you did a pretty good job.
- Thanks.
Rachel, I really love the way
you improvised
with the ginger and wasabi.
- You did great.
- Thanks.
Let's move on and see some more sushi.
Okay, Dana.
- Let's see what you did.
- All right.
Nailed it!
It seems like you've been through
a lot in this round.
They look good. Dana.
I think you did a good job on these cakes.
The salmon kind of looks like a towel
draped over rice.
The ginger, for me,
truly looks like you cut tongues
out of people and were like,
"Great, I'll put it on my plate."
Accurate. I did do that.
The ginger could have been much thinner.
The cake was not round,
so now your sushi is oval.
But it's like sometimes you get
sushi rolls and they're really tight.
- You think so? Maybe, yeah.
- I'm just like keeping it real.
Okay, you keep it real, especially
with the color of your salmon.
You're right. It's real. You have a point.
- Wow, that was shady, Jacques.
- I mean, what can I say?
Okay, we have to see
another plate of sushi.
Okay, Michelle, let's see what you did.
Nailed it.
They're like above ground swimming
pools. They are sothey're big.
They're jumbo. They're jumbo sushi.
Yes. I love when things are bigger
than they're supposed to be.
Like a big pencil. That's funny to me.
Overall they look great.
They are oversized,
so it makes the ingredients inside
seem a little disproportionate,
but they do look great.
You did good,
and I'm sure you learned a lot today.
Between the size of the cakes
and using fondant and doing all that,
- Thank you so much. Thank you.
- Very proud.
Guys, these cakes were amazing.
I can't wait to taste them.
So, please put a perfect piece
of your sushi on a plate
and serve it to us so we can taste it.
Okay, let's start with Rachel's cake.
I think that chocolate cake is delicious.
The buttercream brings some sweetness,
and then you have that burst of ginger
that, um, is very pleasant.
Thank you.
I liked your cakes. I
I found it hard to pick up
with the chopsticks,
but that might be
because it wasn't real sushi.
I think your cakes were baked perfectly.
They were nice and moist,
and they tasted great.
Thank you.
- Okay, are you ready, Dana?
- I'm ready.
You look a little nervous.
Are you nervous?
I'm just gonna use the fork.
So, I love the roulade.
I love the ginger in it.
That gives it a little boost of flavor.
I also really liked your roulade.
Is that what it is?
- A roulade.
- A roulade.
Um, I thought it was delicious.
I noticed you chose to use chocolate cake
in your salmon nigiri sushi.
The color is off,
but the proportion and the thickness
of the salmon I think is perfect.
All right, Michelle.
- Are you excited?
- I am.
Let's do it.
Michelle, I like how much buttercream
and how much ginger you put in this cake.
It's a gooey mess.
I didn't think it was too much happening.
I really liked it.
And then, um, your vanilla cake, for me,
was a little dry.
- Okay.
- I agree with Nicole.
The vanilla was a little dry.
Maybe because it's not
that much batter in a pan
and you baked it a little too long.
You did a really good job of rolling
your black fondant nice and thin.
Because seaweed around sushi is very thin,
so kudos on that.
Thank you.
Only one of you can win
the ten thousand dollars
and the irreplaceable Nailed It trophy,
which is
Oh. How nice.
Finally, you're right there.
- Wes, thank you.
- You're welcome.
Why was it sticky at the bottom, Wes?
- Oh, hey, Yolanda!
- I'm back.
Now, the moment
we've all been waiting for.
The ten thousand dollars goes to the baker
who's cake looked the most like sushi.
Rachel, you are the winner.
- Are you serious?
- Congratulations.
- Make it rain.
- My God!
Yay! Oh, my God!
I did it. I did it.
I nailed it.
- This is yours.
- Congratulations. Congratulations.
To all you moms out there,
I am here to say
that you are totally worthy
of nailing it in the kitchen.
You can do it, too.
Everyone. Everyone.
Thank you for joining us on Nailed It.
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