Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Writers of Destiny

[uplifting music]
Our little guy's still asleep.
Totally exhausted.
[metal squeaking]
Saving a kingdom
of magical mud-eating
rock monsters will do that.
So you're telling me this dragon, like,
"sparks" or something,
then Sora can use
her Elemental Power?
[sighs] If I even have a power.
It might be all Riyu.
You saw how he powered up that mud field.
We've gone over this.
You have a power.
Riyu just soups it up.
"Souping up"
isn't how dragons work, is it?
That's weird, right?
Everything's been weird
since the Merge happened.
As far as I know,
no one's ever taught themselves
Spinjitzu before,
but then the Merge hits and suddenly
Wa wait.
You learned Spinjitzu by yourself?
No Master Wu morning breath?
Well, it's kind of a shaky,
basic Spinjitzu.
But still better than any of us could do
when we started out.
I was just trying to figure out
all the moves I'd seen you do.
I'm kind of a Ninja fan.
"Kind of"? [chuckles]
He once asked a barber
to give him "the Zane."
It did not go well.
Of course not.
He should've gotten "the Kai."
You shouldn't even get "the Kai."
And you think all this is tied
to these Mergequake things?
Mergequakes are like aftershocks
of the original Merge,
where two realms
try to occupy the same space.
Elemental powers shut them down,
but they're happening more often.
That's why I went
searching for help.
If we don't stop the Mergequakes,
they could destroy everything.
So we've really got our work
cut out for us
when we get back to Ninjago City.
Speaking of cities.
[epic music]
-[both] Whoa.
The Cloud Kingdom.
Why wasn't this here
on our way out?
It's a floating kingdom.
Maybe it drifted into our path?
[sighs] Looks relaxing here.
I could really get used to this.
Anyone else feels that?
Relaxation is cancelled!
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[Arin grunts]
[woman] Help!
[man grunting]
Don't worry, we got
[all screaming]
Way impressive, Arin.
Very Ninja.
And Kai rarely admits
to being impressed.
What's happening here?
The beast is smashing everything!
How was this unforeseen?
Beast? What beast?
[Kai grunts]
Oh, that one.
[all whimpering]
Wanted to know more
about Mergequakes, Nya?
Today's your lucky day.
This monster's realm
must be merging here.
[dragons roaring]
There are dragons here?
They came from one of the lands
we crossed over
and thought this would be
a safe place to live.
Everyone, save the people.
I'll try to close the Mergequake.
Let's see if this thing still works
the old-fashioned way,
with no Elemental Powers.
A fireproof monster?
I hate fireproof monsters!
[Arin] Prepare to be impressed again, Kai!
[straining] Never mind.
[Sora grunts]
This thing is slimier than it looks.
It's like fighting a tongue.
I misjudged that!
What are you doing?
Get to safety!
Can you not hear me? I said [screams]
This just went from bad to super bad.
Lloyd! Don't close the Mergequake!
Have you lost your mind?
I need to close it!
Not yet.
We can't hurt this thing,
but we can force it back
into the Mergequake, right?
I hope their plan works.
We won't
be around
if it doesn't!
It's working!
If the creature's near
the merge when I close it,
I think it'll get pulled back
into its realm!
[both screams]
I've lost power.
Don't worry, I got this!
Help! Anyone!
What's happening?
Are you doing this?
Yeah, with the new flying power
I don't have?
That wasn't normal, right?
She's the Elemental Master of Wind?
Let's kick this thing back
to wherever it came from.
[action music]
Yeah! Way to go, us!
[dragons roaring]
This is pretty far out
from the original Merge
for a Mergequake.
So they're getting worse
and happening in more places.
Just like you were afraid they would.
Master Wu was studying the Merge
before it happened.
He called it the "coalescence"
or something.
He had a ton of scrolls about it.
Great! Then we just use them
to figure out how to stop these things.
Not great.
Most of the scrolls, and his notes,
were lost in the Merge.
Listen, King and Queen Buzzkill,
I'm gonna go talk
to these Cloud Monks.
I'm sure they're dying to tell us
how awesome we just were.
Hello, fabled Ninja.
I am Suetonius,
the current Master Writer
of the Cloud Kingdom.
And you're welcome.
Is this backwards day?
Who's thanking who?
Yeah, the Ninja saved everyone
while you all stood here, writing.
Of course, because here
in the Cloud Kingdom,
we are the Writers of Destiny.
Oh, right. I forgot.
In the Cloud Kingdom,
they believe everything
they write in their scrolls
is immediately what happens
in real life.
Not belief.
I instructed my scribes
to write that you would be victorious,
and you were.
Why doesn't that sound quite right?
Because it isn't.
The Cloud Kingdom claims
they're responsible for fate,
but when something they write
doesn't happen,
they ignore it.
I admit that, on occasion,
events somehow manage
to defy destiny.
But that is exceedingly rare.
Can you write that my parents come back?
They were lost in the Merge.
Sadly, no, my son,
-[Lloyd] Let me guess.
The Merge "defied destiny."
The Merge did catch
the Cloud Kingdom by surprise,
like it did everyone else.
But I've instructed the scribes to write
that a Mergequake
like we just experienced
will never come again.
So, problem solved.
You write down everything
that's happened everywhere, right?
Everything that has happened
and everything that will happen.
So if there's any info
about how to stop Mergequakes,
it could be in your archives?
Smart thinking, Nya.
Did you not just hear me say
"problem solved"?
Still, we do encourage all truth seekers
to study our learned writings.
Show the Ninja
to the library, Marcus.
This way, please.
We'll check this out.
You three stay here and keep watch.
You want us to just wait?
We're in unfamiliar territory.
Anything could go wrong.
Call us the second you need us.
Will do!
-[Riyu screeching]
-[Sora groans]
It was bad when this thing
fell to pieces.
Now it's completely crushed.
I can't even begin to repair it.
They really should have
let you go with them.
You deserve to be there.
What's that supposed to mean?
You taught yourself
some Spinjitzu, Arin.
You should become a Ninja
more than anyone.
Way more than me.
But you have an Elemental Power.
That I keep messing up with.
I could have gotten Nya killed
in that dragon Cragling fight
we were in before we got here.
I do know it would be better
for everyone
if I never use them again.
I can't control them.
[Sora chuckles]
You're a good friend.
Sora, look!
It's the girl
with the Elemental Wind powers.
And that's how storm clouds
can wash ink stains
out of white togas.
Okay, we're here.
[grandiose music]
Okay. This might take a while.
Input search request?
The library is vast.
But that's why we have these.
Worm, bring me information
on Lloyd Garmadon.
The worm will pass
the request along,
and soon you have a team
searching for your information.
Wow. These things are great.
Information obtained.
Garmadon, Lloyd:
Legendary Green Ninja.
-Picks his nose and eats it.
-Stop! These things are terrible!
[Marcus] Apologies.
The Cloud Kingdom archives
are very detailed.
All right, let's give this a shot.
Input search request?
Search for info
on how to prevent Mergequakes.
Oh, looks like someone
has a new nickname.
Master of Green Boogers.
Nice weather you've got up here,
even if it is a little windy.
I have no idea what you mean.
She means how you're
the new Elemental Master of Wind.
I don't know what you think you saw,
but I'm from Cloud Kingdom,
so I can't be an Elemental Master.
Uh, you can, 'cause you are.
Elemental Masters use actions
to impact the world.
Cloud Monks use words only.
Writing destiny is our power.
Anything else, especially actions,
violates who we are.
Trust me.
I know this stuff can be scary.
But the Ninja can train you.
Having a power would get me exiled
from the Cloud Kingdom.
I would lose my family, my friends,
my whole way of life.
So, I don't have a power!
I'd give anything to have
an Elemental Power.
How could she turn her back on it?
[Rapton] Oh, so cute.
Wrapped up in their own drama.
They'll never even see us coming.
[evil laugh]
Information obtained.
Mergequakes can be permanently
prevented via usage of the
Curious. I've never seen that before.
Ugh, gross! Huh.
What part of the worm
is that string coming from?
Remember how Lloyd said to call him
'cause anything could go wrong?
I think this counts as "anything."
Lloyd! Kai! Nya! Come in!
Hello? Come in!
[monster roaring]
Master Suetonius, you said
this couldn't happen again!
Destiny is clearly testing
our resolve, Euphrasia.
Keep writing!
Write that this Mergequake ends.
The Ninja aren't answering.
I've gotta go find them.
Lloyd? Kai? Are you
[muffled shout]
Behind you!
Keep writing!
[Suetonius] Only the words
of destiny can save us now!
[monster roaring]
Useless hunk of junk.
I know what you're thinking, Riyu.
But I can't control the powers.
I'll just make this all worse.
[squeaks, purrs]
Time to make our own destiny!
Is that Euphrasia?
She's abandoned her scrolls!
This is not our way.
What is she doing?
I think she is saving us.
[Euphrasia] Thank you.
So much for turning our backs
on our Elemental Powers.
Let's do this.
[Sora] We've got to shut down
that Mergequake
before more of these things come through!
[Lloyd] We can help with that.
[Arin] Whoa!
Did you
It was kinda necessary.
-Where've you been?
-I released the Ninja
from the evil worm cocoons
in the cloud basement.
Yeah, that's a nonsense
jumble of words and you know it.
-[Sora grunts]
Thank you for writing
that the Ninja would save us.
But Master Suetonius,
none of us were writing anything.
[monster roaring]
So, you're the new
Elemental Master of Wind, huh?
That's what it looks like, I guess.
I knew the last one.
I already like you more.
Master, I know what I did goes against
everything we believe in.
But after the Merge, I
discovered I was
an Elemental Master.
I tried to deny it,
but when I saw I could help
save our kingdom,
I just couldn't hide
who I was any longer.
I realize this means
I will be exiled
from the Cloud Kingdom.
Perhaps it's time for us to admit
that the Merge has changed a few things.
You mean, I can stay?
I'll require someone's assistance
updating how we do things around here.
Maybe that could be you.
So, uh, what happened
to the world being better
if you never use
those powers again?
I'm still not sure
I'm meant to be a Ninja.
But someone inspired me
not to sit on the sidelines
when I have the chance
to help people.
Was it me? Oh, it was me, right?
You should have seen me kicking
those evil worms!
Very inspiring.
-[worm screeches]
-[Arin screams]
So, you have no idea
why the scroll-worms acted like that?
But I suppose it's possible
the worms were cursed
to become defensive when certain
information was requested from them.
Forbidden information.
Cursed by who?
I don't know who would do such a thing.
Or how they could.
You sure about this, Nya?
If there are answers in the archives
about the Mergequakes,
someone needs
to keep searching for them.
It won't be easy
without the scroll-worms, but
Ninja never quit.
You know where to find us
when you have something, sis.
Let's get back
to the monastery, boogers.
Stop it.
[epic music playing]
It worked perfectly, Lord Ras,
just like you and the Empress planned.
There was so much chaos,
no one even noticed us.
Imperium continues
to gain the upper hand,
and the Ninja are entirely in the dark.
[closing theme music playing]
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