P.I. Meena (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Hidden Hazard

-Oh, shit!
Meenakshi, are you in there?
Where are you?
In this weather?
We had a near-death experience
just six hours ago, and you--
Exercising keeps my courage up.
You should also step out of the house.
Don't be scared.
Well… I have a meeting too.
Then go for the meeting.
Yeah, I will.
You can go home
once Dr. Rakhaw examines you.
Where is he?
He never comes in so late.
He's not here yet.
What the hell…
The number you are calling
is out of network cov--
-Doctor, Adi from Sundial--
-Yeah. Sit down.
He told me you're looking into
animals and viruses.
Take him away.
I have some questions.
Do animals carry the viruses
that affect human beings?
Birds and animals carry
several types of viruses.
Some viruses cannot handle
the human immune system.
bats can get infected.
What about pigs?
Yes, pigs too.
And how do they get infected?
The shit they live in!
If you go to a pig farm, you'll see.
There's a raging virus
in Barasat right now.
I visited the farm
some five to six days ago.
A lot of pigs have been dying there.
Tapish Projects.
Gobindo Saha runs it.
-He himself is hospitalized now.
-Got it.
Thank you.
Hello, Annie?
Strange! The lawyer
is calling the reporter!
Where is Meenakshi?
Her phone is unreachable.
Do you know what happened?
We were shot at last night.
The number you are calling
is out of network coverage area.
Stop right here.
-How much?
-Sixty rupees.
There you go, sir.
The number you are calling
is out of network coverage area.
Fuck, Meenakshi!
"When the forest burns, the sparks fly."
Rakhaw had said this.
Do you remember?
I am scared, Joy.
Are the sparks flying all over already?
Excuse me, sir.
Is this the Tapish Projects pig farm?
Yes, madam.
How far is the nearest
government hospital from here?
It's not very far.
Are you alright?
It's only two kilometers away.
The shuttle van will be here soon.
You can get on it.
Have you got red tea?
No. Would you like some milk tea?
The number you are calling
is out of network cov--
Fuck, Meenakshi!
Okay, how long has he been here?
Is today his fourth day here?
I twisted my ankle, and it's really bad.
-Okay. Nurse!
-Yes, sir?
Please have her lie down.
I'll check it out. Okay?
Be careful.
-What happened?
-It's right here.
Here, right?
It's okay.
Point and flex.
Yeah, good.
It's nothing serious.
I think you need not take any medicine.
Let's avoid unnecessary paperwork.
Do one thing.
Just take a 500 mg Paracetamol.
Alright then.
I actually came here to meet Gobindo Saha,
who works at the pig farm.
He was running a high fever,
so he has been admitted here.
I twisted my ankle
at the hospital's entrance.
I don't know much about Gobindo Saha.
-Thank you, Doctor.
Take care.
Excuse me, ma'am!
-Where do you want to go?
Please go that way.
-Move. Go that way.
-You are not allowed inside.
-Go that way!
-Got it!
Is the doctor here?
That's strange!
Where the hell is he?
I don't know. His phone's switched off.
I'm going home!
You cannot leave
until the doctor examines you.
Bloody hell!
Hello, madam.
Dr. Rakhaw hasn't shown up yet.
And his phone is switched off.
Should I send someone over
to his house to check on him?
Dr. Rakhaw is out of town
for some work for a few days.
I've called another doctor.
He'll be there later this evening.
It's getting really difficult
to handle the patients here.
I said to wait until evening.
Okay, madam.
Be right there!
Subho will get you killed one day,
I'm telling you!
What the fuck have you
got yourself into, Meenakshi?
I'll go and change.
What's going on?
-I need to know!
-I'm digging that boy's death.
What about it?
There's some huge shit going on.
I know you think someone
killed him, but what else?
Of course, someone killed him.
But it's not just about his murder.
It goes further.
It's interlinked with some virus.
The Littnong virus?
Well, the virus is now in Kolkata.
Meenakshi, what the fuck is going on?
Anything else to report?
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, Mr. Mitra?
-There's a report from Barasat--
-Come on, Mr. Mitra!
It's nothing, ma'am.
You see, it's just a minor--
I have been doing this
for the last 38 years.
I know when it's trouble.
-Mr. Mitra…
Let him speak.
Please continue.
Ma'am, a pig farm in Barasat…
collapsed overnight
on account of a virus attack.
Four employees of the farm
are in critical condition, and…
no medication is working on them.
It's just an ordinary virus.
The employees are malnourished,
and they have a weakened immune system.
They are bound to fall sick.
Mr. Mitra, what do you suggest?
A very close monitoring
of the system, madam.
Please do that and report directly to me.
-Sure, ma'am.
-That's it for now.
Mr. Mitra, you're unbelievable!
What nonsense!
Where is Dr. Rakhaw?
I'm sure you know!
I don't know.
Perhaps this will be of some help to you.
Do you just want to sit
on the fence all your lives?
This way.
It's time to win the election.
Come up with strategies.
Rope in women in the campaign.
Show them that our party
is women-oriented.
Hey, Subhu! Welcome.
Sir, it's Subho.
Sir, I need to show you something.
Sir, it's very important.
What are you mumbling about?
Be louder. They are my trusted allies.
Alright, sir.
All the news agencies claim that…
the Minister was attacked by rebels, but…
But what?
Sir, the Minister himself
was accompanied by the rebels.
-How do you know?
-I was there when it happened.
-I've got this video--
-What were you doing there?
-Sir, you told me--
-Listen, Subhu.
Subho, sir.
Yeah, whatever.
-Do you want to get into politics?
-Yes, sir.
-Do you want to contest the election?
-Yes, sir.
Well, then learn something.
What you see isn't always true.
And truth often goes unseen.
But what is currently happening…
I mean, if the Minister really
is in cahoots with the rebels,
-it spells disaster for our state--
Politics is not your cup of tea.
You may leave.
Go on. Out.
Sir, my name is Subho!
Get lost!
Help yourselves.
So, as I was saying…
Hey, Subho!
Wanna play a round?
Ask your dad to play with you.
So, our timeline actually
really starts from…
day minus 15…
which was when
the Littnong outbreak started.
Then we have day minus five…
when it killed 13 people, but it was
never reported in the mainstream media.
we start with day zero when Partho
came back to Kolkata from Berlin.
On the same night…
Partho got a visitor with a red sling bag.
That's all we know of it.
And going ahead…
Partho dies, and his death
is made to look like an accident.
Day four, Partho was supposed
to go to Littnong, but--
But obviously, he was dead.
So, instead, on day five…
I went to Littnong.
Met Dr. Rakhaw…
and the hospital lab was burnt down.
-All on the same day?
-All on the same day.
Day six…
Rakhaw gave me the slide.
What slide?
-So, I brought it here.
-Let's see.
I don't know what it is.
I had covered a virologist's story.
He owns a private lab.
Let me see if I can find his number.
I can also take Dr. Basu's help.
He seems like a nice guy.
But don't you think we should stay away
from the people Partho was close to?
One second.
Day seven…
was also when I spotted
the burnt pig farm.
Day eight was the Barasat pig farm.
Then the patients were spotted
in Southern General Hospital.
Sir, can I help you?
I know where he is.
Do you think we should
put down the people in play?
The primary would be…
And secondary…
would be Rini…
and Chandana.
Okay, we'll talk later.
-Sir, I'll just take this.
-Let it be. You may leave.
Tridib Malhotra!
We last met four years ago
at the Cairo conference.
What a…
No sugar.
I think we should go to the cops.
Why are you investigating
Parthopratim Dey's case?
Parthopratim Dey?
-Who's he?
The boy who got killed
in an accident seven days ago.
Meenakshi has been incessantly
following up on the case.
No, I just-- I mean, I have no idea.
So, your employees keep secrets
from you, just like your wife.
Below the belt.
The action's always below the belt, Sen.
What do you want me to do for you?
You're getting a call.
Meenakshi, I want you to come
to the office right now.
Meenakshi, now!
Come right now, okay?
Tell him you're unwell.
I'll just go and see him.
I think something's wrong.
Alright. I'll meet you
outside your office in an hour.
We'll go to the hospital then.
She's on her way.
So, it will take some time.
Yeah. Sure.
So, the opposition leader
screwed you up!
Let's go over there.
Kallol, what's going on, man?
Well, the Minister…
Yes, I mean…
you must have heard something
at the party meeting.
Party meeting?
Is there even a point in
conducting party meetings?
But you must have
got something out of it.
There's something strange going on, Subho.
What do you mean?
I don't know.
The opposition leader has been quiet too.
There's something fishy going on.
Come in.
Meenakshi, meet Tridib Malhotra.
He's with the Intelligence.
What's happening?
Have you been pursuing
Parthopratim Dey's…
accident case?
It's a yes-no question.
That's nice.
Now do one thing.
Let go of the case.
I asked why.
It's an order, that's why!
You understand?
This is beyond your ken.
You let it be, and let us do our job.
She won't meddle anymore, Tridib.
Take my word for it.
Should I believe a man who sends dogs
to other people's bedrooms?
Meenakshi, it's alright. You can…
Who put their files on my desk?
Whose files are these?
Meenakshi, Mr. Sen is calling you.
Take these away from here!
What is this Partho shit?
Why are you asking me?
You should ask your friend.
Tridib Malhotra's involvement
means that it's messed up.
Just stop it.
It's messed up indeed!
That's exactly why I can't stop.
Don't be stupid.
Just do as I say,
and stop fooling around!
Fooling around?
You think I am fooling around?!
And how about meddling
in people's private affairs?
Isn't that fooling around?
I am working on a real case for a change!
Damn it!
We have to get photos.
Yeah, that's why we're here.
Is there a problem?
What could be the problem?
This is not the visiting hour.
What visiting hour?
It's a general hospital.
Just because you break a rule
doesn't mean that the rule never existed.
I'm here to visit my uncle.
Come tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.
What about the patients' pictures?
Let's see if we can find the house staff
I met in the morning.
You go, I'll join you.
The pain was pretty bad
when I came here this morning.
And now it has gotten worse.
The doctor I met this morning, he…
You must have the prescription
with his name on it.
Oh, shit!
I left the prescription at home.
You don't have the prescription on you,
and yet you are here at the hospital!
Dr. Biswas was here in the first half--
Dr. Biswas!
Can I please meet him?
The doctors are busy
having an urgent meeting.
Please sit. I'll examine you.
No, it's okay.
I'll come back tomorrow morning.
I can be a better doctor
than a house staff.
It's okay, nurse. Thank you.
Dr. Biswas.
The doctors are busy in a meeting.
That's the Health Secretary.
What is she doing here?
She's probably here for the meeting.
Shall we wait outside?
Scared to catch the Littnong virus?
-This file has all the details, ma'am.
-Please come in, ma'am.
Please have a seat, ma'am.
How bad is it?
One death.
I know that.
How many active cases?
Ma'am, nine so far.
-Are they all farm employees?
-No, ma'am.
Two people were already
admitted to the ward.
I see.
-Ward sealed?
-Yes, ma'am.
I'll be right back.
Please ensure that the cell is made,
and keep me updated.
how are you?
What are you doing here?
How bad is the outbreak?
I'll talk to you when I'm ready.
Are you a journalist?
Kind of.
Don't quote me, please.
How bad is it?
I can't tell you that.
I should give you my number.
One second.
There you are!
What's wrong?
What was the hurry?
Look at this.
The opposition leader has become
the chairman of the Water Commission.
This deal…
The opposition leader and
the ruling party have come together…
This happened because
of the pictures, right?
So, what about you?
Fuck knows!
The opposition ticket
has slipped through my fingers.
You need to stop thinking
about the ticket!
Find a different purpose in life, but…
just don't die.
Thank you.
who is tigerone?
It's the darknet. People are anonymous.
Wow. Anonymous.
Give me some rum.
Make it yourself.
Hi, Annie.
Sir, I've been meaning
to discuss something with you.
Call for some coffee, please.
Hello? Send two. Black.
Tell me.
There's a serious virus outbreak.
-In Kolkata?
The virus came from
a pig farm in Barasat.
The affected people
are in Southern General…
and the ward is sealed.
Thank you.
This is your friend Meenakshi, right?
She gave me the lead.
-Tell me more.
Thank you.
Meenakshi says that it is the virus
that was found in Littnong.
What an incredible tale!
We should run a story
on Southern General today itself.
we don't have enough as yet.
But be at it.
Sounds like a big one.
I think we should let the story break,
then we follow up with the details.
We have Meenakshi.
No one else has her.
Let's put the whole picture together.
First, try to talk
to the Health Secretary.
If she responds, only then
run the Barasat story.
But not before that.
And confine it to the story.
No boy dying, no Littnong.
Okay, I understand.
How is Joy?
The same.
Don't let him take your edge away.
What do you mean?
You know what I mean, Annie.
The number you are calling
is switched off.
Please call again later.
This is beyond your ken.
You let it be, and let us do our job.
I knew it.
What's up?
I'm fucked.
Looks like it.
Come in.
They've agreed upon a deal, Meena.
Save face, save Minister.
In return, they get
the chairmanship of the Water Commission.
And the Minister who was gobbling
tandoori chicken with the rebels…
apparently, he's under attack from them!
And how does all of this concern you?
I lost my election ticket.
-Election ticket?
-I need some water.
It took me a lot of effort to get here.
I wanted to contest
the election next year.
Subho, you're not telling me everything.
They'll hang me out to dry, Meena.
I'm the only person who knows
what exactly happened.
What now?
I'll fuck them both.
Let me show you how.
Who is that?
Don't know.
-People are anonymous.
-No one is.
Are you gonna say something?
Of course, I am.
It's a very risky game you're playing.
Aren't you playing one too?
we need to talk.
Shall we talk once we are
done playing our risky games?
Well, I don't think mine will ever finish.
Someone might take
a shot at me once again.
You know, those bullets
weren't for you.
-I mean, how--
-One second.
What's this?
Meenakshi, what the fuck!
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