Paatal Lok (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Of fathers and sons

Here you go.
Gruel again?
I don't want to eat this.
So, should I cook a five
course meal for you?
Stop being fussy and eat up!
Come on.
I don't want to.
You swine!
I didn't remarry thinking of you.
Shut up and eat!
Hathi Ram, stop!
Hathi Ram, wait till
I get a hold of you!
Hathi Ram!
Do you want to die, kid?
Couldn't you inform me
that you're going to be late?
Even your phone is switched off.
There's something I need to tell you.
Were you at work or someplace else?
Let me explain.
What happened?
Everything alright?
Something happened at the station.
It's from the school.
Some career counseling session.
They've invited parents from different
professions to interact with the students.
You are the only cop on the list.
I need you to sign it.
But you don't really have to come.
You were saying something.
No, nothing important.
Make me a cup of tea, will you?
All done, sir. Here's the list.
-The statements of the four?
-I've given those too.
Here it is, ma'am, proof of
Delhi Police's efficiency.
If you need any more
information or help,
Ansari is your man.
One of our brightest.
He has cleared the Civil Services exams.
All the best.
Thank you, ma'am.
You see a lot of people from
his community making it these days.
It's good.
It'll only help better their image.
One tea for me.
Yes, sir.
It's unfair, sir, what they did to you.
Mind your fucking job, asshole.
Why that long face?
I am just suspended from duty.
I am not dead.
We really end up with all
the fucked up cases, don't we?
Good morning, sir!
Look, whatever happened yesterday,
this inquiry, suspension
it's all a part of the grind.
We're still friends, okay?
If you need any help,
I'm just a call away.
Motherfucker wants to help it seems.
Let's catch up in the evening?
My treat.
To celebrate what exactly?
My suspension?
Sorry, sir. I didn't mean that.
Then, what exactly did you mean?
That the poor bastard needs
a shoulder to cry on?
So, let me buy him a drink,
help him out.
Sir, you're getting me wrong.
When you'll become my boss,
I'll put up with your drama.
But till then, shove all your
sympathies up your ass.
I'm sure you have a lot
of questions regarding this briefing.
The suspects you see on screen,
I want you to sniff out their stories.
I want the answer!
So, you don't know who he is?
Excuse me, sir!
-Where is Mercedes garage?
Guys, please! Start acting fast on it.
Sir, Zakaria is on the line.
He's got a lead.
-Sir, he is Basheer.
-He was the one who had called.
-Let's go, sir.
The customer you are
calling is unavailable.
You can now leave voice message.
I want to meet Talreja.
Remember me? Delhi Police.
He's not here.
Where is he?
-Where is he?
Since when?
He left the day after your last visit.
I'm here to see Mr. Bhagat.
Inspector Hathi Ram Chaudhary
from Outer Jamuna Paar.
Jai Hind, sir.
Go right in. It's about to begin.
Jai Hind, sir.
I tried meeting you at the office.
You were busy.
Every time.
So, I tried my luck on your off day.
We were on the right track, sir.
Taariq gave us the slip
and turned up dead in a few days.
And that builder Talreja
he has fled to Dubai.
How do you know?
I went to his office today.
You're on suspension, Chaudhary.
Please hear me out, sir.
Someone is covering his tracks.
Taariq got killed. Talreja is missing.
Means we were on to something!
That's not all.
There's Tyagi and his
Chitrakoot connections.
Gwala, Master ji
We were close to investigating
their link with Sanjeev Mehra.
And that Tope Singh?
He had a girlfriend named Chanda.
We've found photos from his phone.
I mean, her face is not
clearly visible, but
the 'C' tattoo on Chaaku's hand--
Fuck ups happen, Chaudhary.
Get a hold of yourself.
You're a family man.
Do you meditate?
Not really.
You ought to. It helps.
We're having a session
downstairs, give it a shot.
Maybe some other time, sir.
We'll run some more tests on her,
but nothing to worry about.
Savitri's fine.
She's going to be a mother soon.
It's really nice of you
to be taking care of her.
I so want to adopt her.
What's the problem then?
My husband
he's allergic to dog hair.
Excuse me.
Hello ma'am,
this is Sunil Gautam from the CBI.
We've been trying to get in
touch with your husband,
but his cell is switched off.
Did you try his office number?
Wait, I'll give you the number.
Ma'am, he's not in the office.
We tried your house, too
and your maid gave me your number.
I'll try to reach him.
Not to worry, ma'am.
I just thought he might be with you.
I'll drop him a message.
Sorry to bother you.
It's okay.
All okay?
Yeah, my husband
The customer you are
calling is unavailable.
You can now leave voice message.
Yes, ma'am?
You two are with Sanjeev, right?
All okay?
Yes, ma'am. We're with him.
Why is his phone switched off?
Where are you guys?
Well, ma'am
We're in the office.
Maybe, he's in a meeting.
No! He's not in the office.
The CBI had called.
Tell me honestly, where are you?
There was something sad about her.
Your wife.
How long has it been
with all the anxiety and stuff?
A few years now.
Seems like forever.
And what was she like,
before it hit her?
Can we talk about something else?
We should do an in-depth
on those four guys.
Like on the police fuck ups?
-The botched up investigation?
-No, that's being covered enough.
A human story.
Just about those four.
Who they really are, where they come from.
What pushes them to do this kind of work.
We liberals are such a cliché.
All we need for a "Human
story" is a Muslim criminal,
or an LGBT character.
And here we have both.
Is that why you were rubbing
noses with that Kapoor?
To mutate your liberal genes?
Told you, I ran into him in the bathroom.
Had to say hello.
I'll be there, yeah.
Thank you.
They want to meet.
See you next week at Sunita's.
So, should I book one for you?
Actually, soda doesn't agree
with my husband. Gives him gas.
You know what that can be like.
-See you, Renu.
Let's go.
No sale yet, right?
Will you admit now
that your brother is a bloody fraud?
I had something at the station.
I know you've been suspended.
No matter how late it'd get,
you'd always have dinner at home.
I was worried about you. So, I called Virk
to check if everything was alright.
Shefali must be laughing at me.
Should we go somewhere?
-Look, listen!
-I can't do this.
I'm okay if you want to talk first.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
Are you alright?
Are you okay?
I'm really sorry.
So, should I just
-I'm sorry.
-No, no, that's alright.
I'm really sorry.
Don't worry, it's perfectly fine.
-Should I drop you back to the--
-No, that's alright. I'll Uber it.
You just drive safe, okay?
Fuck, dude.
What's with the car?
That's how I roll, bitch!
Want to come for a drive?
Agra, via Yamuna Expressway.
Let's hit 200. See the Taj Mahal
and be back by the evening.
No, you go ahead.
I have a test in school.
As if education ever helped anybody!
We're upgrading your
security, Mr. Sanjeev.
A Delhi Police escort vehicle with six
policemen. Round the clock with you.
The attack that was planned
on you was no regular hit job.
It was an elaborate
and a well-planned operation.
One of those four is a dreaded
terrorist of Lashkar-e-Taiba.
The plan was conceived in Nepal.
One ISI operative from
Kathmandu was involved.
The weapons were smuggled
in through Gorakhpur.
Everything worked like clockwork.
They almost had you.
But we nabbed them just in time.
But why would ISI want to kill him?
Death of a prominent journalist.
The voice of media being silenced,
freedom of speech in danger
So on and so forth.
News like this creates political unrest.
Elections are round the corner.
And the blame would have
gone to the ruling party,
given your history with them.
These guys are the media!
They know things better than us.
Is there any evidence?
We'll soon be having an official press
conference where we'll disclose the proof.
And we'll file the charge-sheet soon.
But till then
this is classified information.
We're just filling you in
since you are the case victim.
Here comes the elephant's son.
"Where are you off to, Elephant prince?"
"Where are you off to, waving your trunk?"
Catch him!
What the fuck were you doing?
This creep was making a video.
I saw you.
No! I never shot any video!
I swear, Saloni.
You lying cunt!
I'm coming right away.
Sir, I'm busy right now.
Please, ask him where
he got this thing from.
He refuses to say anything to us.
Mr. Chaudhary?
Will you please say something?
Sorry, ma'am.
This is
my service gun.
My son took it by mistake.
How can you be so careless, Mr. Chaudhary?
This is unacceptable.
We have to file a police complaint.
But ma'am, I am the police.
Are you drunk, Mr. Chaudhary?
Well, ma'am
Now, this explains your son's doings.
He is undercover, ma'am.
I mean, on an undercover mission.
He's tracking someone
the Delhi Police is after.
And his being drunk
is a part of the act.
I'd have told you more but it's
strictly "Need to know" basis.
But that's got nothing
to do with the gun.
Ma'am, I apologize on his behalf.
I assure you it won't happen again.
But I can't.
There are rules.
Ma'am, please.
Give the child a chance.
If you give up on him today, it will be
impossible for him to have a normal life.
You know how these
juvenile centers are run.
That's where he goes if
you make a formal complaint.
And the story will
be all over social media.
The damage it could do to
the school's glorious reputation
You think it's true?
The ISI story?
All I know is that it's a big story.
Then why'd they give this out
before their official press conference?
What if it leaks out?
That's exactly what they want.
They want me to run with it.
Think about it.
If the news comes from me first,
what signal does it send out?
That even though I've been a vocal
critic of the government in the past,
they're still looking out for me.
They become the heroes.
A government to vote for.
And you become the prodigal
son who came back home.
Your homecoming!
In any case, they haven't shared it
officially, or provided any proof as yet.
It'll be unethical to run
this story at this point, right?
Where did you get this gun?
Who gave it to you?
I'm asking you something.
Who gave you this gun?
Now, which school will
give you a mid-year admission?
You'll remain a bloody illiterate!
I can speak better English than you.
Stop it! What are you doing?
Do you think raising
your hand would solve it?
What are you doing
at home the whole day?
Couldn't you see what's going on?
Who would be responsible if the school
had filed an official complaint?
Then, why can't you stay at home?
You're suspended anyway!
Go to hell both of you.
And where are you going?
Who gave you this gun?
Tell me!
If not you, your friends will speak.
No, Dad. Please, don't!
Stop this now!
Keep your eyes open, son.
Keep your eyes open!
Move aside, kids.
Keep your eyes open,
just for a little while.
Your father wasn't angry with you,
but with himself.
And he'd take it out on you.
I won't let you do the same to Siddhu.
Singh Saab won't sell it to me.
Some unresolved issues.
I can fix that.
Look, Singh Saab has
been looking for a buyer.
And I've some information which,
if it comes out, will
let's just say,
put the sales prospect of
the channel in a bit of a spot.
Why are you doing this?
Full creative control of the channel,
and a ten percent equity stake
with a minimum ten-year lock in.
And what makes you
think I'll trust you?
Given our
little history.
You're a professional, Vikram.
And so am I.
You know I was only doing my job then.
You can possibly
get Singh to agree.
But he won't reduce his asking price,
which is too high.
Tell me
why should I pay a premium
for a channel that no one's watching?
I mean, when was the last time
you guys did a story that
truly broke out?
How about we speak again tomorrow?
First they tried to silence me,
but could not.
Then they tried to finish me.
But again, they could not.
For I am not one voice,
but a billion voices.
Impossible to silence,
impossible to finish.
And tonight
this voice is here to tell you
about the mortal dangers
that lie ahead
for someone
who takes upon himself
the pursuit of truth.
The dangers lie in the air we breathe,
in the words we speak,
even in the words we don't utter
for fear of getting killed.
But tonight, speak I will.
For the value of truth is far
greater than the value of one life.
Tonight, I will expose
our friendly neighbors
and their deadly conspiracy
to assassinate me.
Even if that makes me a marked man
which I guess I already am.
Dear ISI
I see you.
I look you in the eye and say,
I, Sanjeev Mehra
am not afraid of you.
You know what was our biggest mistake?
We trusted whatever those
four fuckers told us.
Someone said Taariq, we ran after him.
Someone pointed to Talreja, we chased him.
Punjab! Chitrakoot!
We just went in all the wrong directions.
I'm sure my wife is convinced
she married a loser.
And you know how my son
looks at me anyway.
But don't worry
no one will point a finger at you.
They'll say the case never could've been
solved anyway under a loser like me.
Or maybe they'll say,
with a Muslim working on it, the case
could've never been solved anyway.
I'll leave now.
The SHO had called.
The CBI is having a press
conference tomorrow.
This was a well planned
international terrorist operation
and its aim was to eliminate
some high-profile Indian civilians.
Four people were involved
in this operation.
The first name is Kabir M
a Lashkar-e-Taiba trained terrorist
from PoK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir).
He met a Nepali ISI
operative, Girija Gurung,
in a casino in Kathmandu,
who arranged weapons and facilitated
their safe entry into India.
Excuse me. You were in-charge
of this case, right?
They came to India via
the Gorakhpur route.
-Sara Matthews.
-And they met two people.
Don't worry.
I'm not pursuing this story officially.
I'm just curious.
After that, these four people
came to Delhi. From there
Careful there, ma'am.
Curiosity can get the cat killed.
-It was TV reporter, Sanjeev Mehra.
-Or suspended.
Taariq, their resource in Delhi,
arranged for a stolen car.
Taariq's body was found in
the Seelampur barrage a few days back.
We've also found his
suicide note from his house,
in which he has confessed
to his role in the operation.
In Delhi, they stayed in
a flat at Batla House for four weeks,
which was rented under
Girija Gurung's name.
Then, four days before the arrest,
they had moved into a hotel,
to be closer to the target.
But they had kept their weapons
at the flat in Batla House for safety.
On the morning of 20th February,
with the motive to terminate their target,
they left for the flat
to pick their weapons,
when the police arrested
them on an anonymous tip.
We've found their fingerprints
and some weapons from the flat,
including one AK-56 rifle,
two Glock G17 pistols
and more than hundred live rounds.
We've found a Pakistani passport
and some Jihadi literature
which carries Kabir's name.
On the basis of all this
evidence and investigation,
the CBI is filing its charge sheet
today against the four accused.
It takes a lifetime
for people like us to get here.
Excuse me, sir.
Need to attend to a call.
Ma'am, there's a concert by a Pakistani
artist scheduled for next month in Delhi.
Do you think this case will
have any impact on that show?
Art and terrorism are two separate
matters. Let's not mix them.
It's too premature to be answering
these questions right now.
Ma'am, do you have more
information about this case?
We can't disclose
information at this point.
Even you are curious, right?
How did they find Taariq's
suicide note at his house?
We had raided his house,
we even detained his uncle.
Yet he went back to his house,
to write that suicide note?
Then, someone strangulated him
and then he went and jumped
to his death in the barrage?
What a curious story!
I'm thinking about something else, sir.
The jihadi literature
they found in the flat
It had Kabir's name written on it.
It was written in Urdu, sir.
And Kabir didn't know Urdu.
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