Pablo Escobar: El Patron del Mal (2012) s01e05 Episode Script

Pablo y Gonzalo inauguran la hacienda 'Napoles'

Who is it? What's with all this ringing?
What happened?
What happened?
What happened? Tell me!
- Pablo! Pablo!
- What happened?
What happened, Mom?
My God!
May God grant thee eternal rest.
May God grant thee eternal rest.
May God grant thee eternal rest.
May God grant thee eternal rest.
May God grant thee eternal rest.
May God grant thee eternal rest.
May God grant thee eternal rest.
Our Father,
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
May I see your vehicles' papers?
Gerson went for a ride
with the Jeep you gave him.
He found the man
you hired to take care of mom.
Turns out the man is a cop, Pablo.
He started a fight with him.
It's that's bastard's fault.
Calm down.
The worst part is that he's alive.
May I have the vehicle's papers?
We don't have any.
Then, give me your ID, please.
We don't have any.
I suppose you have a license for that gun.
We don't have that either.
Why don't you have any kind of documents?
Because we're criminals.
I see.
Go on, please.
This is cheating.
It's just caltrops.
It's not funny. We came to have fun,
- not to mess with someone else.
- Our aunt says,
It's important to win, not to participate.
But there could be an accident.
- Don't jinx it.
- I'm not!
Do it, Gonzalo!
This guy won't back down.
He won't. Get the caltrops!
Go, go.
Come, give them to me.
Help me.
Come on, Peluche, help me.
Spread them.
Yes, that's great. Come!
Go, cousin! Go!
Shut up!
Pablo! Pablo!
Pablo! Pablo
Pablo! Pablo
Pablo! Pablo
- Won't you thank your pit crew?
- Of course, you rock.
You guys really rock.
Thank you.
Thank you, Peluche,
for coming and helping me.
You know I'd come more often
to Medellin if I could.
But the factory is in Manizales.
Well, you could come with us.
Stop selling the damn bikes
and come work with us!
- Really?
- Of course!
Well, I'm here.
Give it to me,
or you'll sell it to a pawn shop.
I have an interview with
a journalist from the radio.
- A journalist?
- Yes.
You'll have to keep waiting.
He didn't come.
The winner of the amateur race
was Pablo Escobar Gaviria.
A merchant and businessman
who always has bodyguards.
He's widely known
for being generous and a party man.
The bodyguards part is true.
They are like flies.
Hey, Gonzalo.
All that sucking up
to Pablo didn't work out.
The newspapers don't even mention you.
They don't mention Peluche either.
Shut up, Fabio.
Shut up.
Or you want Pablo to know
you've been snorting
the whole lab?
Do you?
- Will you tell him?
- Fuck off, man.
What's up, Chili? What's up, dude?
What happened with what I told you?
It's fine for me.
We just have to ask Pablo.
He's coming. Ask him.
Listen, dude
- I didn't think I'll see you again, sir.
- Don't call me sir.
- It's respectful, Pablo.
- Call me boss.
That's what you're looking for.
You know Sheriff went
to Cartagena on business so
I need to get a job.
What makes you think I have work for you?
I know you're doing great
and that you could use me.
What can you do?
- Whatever you need.
- Really?
Scramble eggs with boiled eggs and rice.
I'm joking.
How can you know you'll be loyal
to me and not to Sheriff?
I'm loyal to the one who pays me.
What happens the day
I don't have money to pay you?
I've always admired you.
Can you ride a bike?
Of course!
- Great.
- Great.
Come for a ride with me.
Let's try something.
Boss, it's ready. We're leaving.
I need a personal favor.
Can you stay and watch Patricia?
Stay with her, keep her company,
and help her.
Of course, boss.
- Will you?
- Yeah, sure.
Thank you very much.
Peluche, get ready. We're leaving.
What's up?
What are you up to?
What happened?
Why didn't you go with them?
The boss told me to stay
at the last minute.
That's so Pablo.
Always changing things suddenly.
Yes, ma'am.
I was about to leave, boss.
Do me a favor.
Don't call me that.
"Boss" sounds awful.
Call me Pati.
Okay, Pati.
- What's your name?
- Call me Chili.
I didn't see you before.
Have you been working for a long time?
Not too long.
I know him through my sister.
He's very close to her.
Your sister?
- What's her name?
- Mireya.
Don't be a pussy. We've got to feed it.
- What? It doesn't work?
- It works.
Listen to him.
Listen to him.
I'm sorry for being late.
Were you sleeping?
What's up, man?
How are you?
I'm sorry or being late. You were fast!
Where should we go?
I'm sick of being sitting there.
We've got to get to a terrain
about 125 miles from here.
125 Miles? We should have
come in a chopper.
- No.
- It's beyond the highway to Medellin.
We should have used a chopper.
- Come on, man.
- Or not come at all.
- Where's that road?
- Over there.
I'll set the rhythm and you follow me.
We'll be there in about six hours.
You'll set what?
- I'll go ahead.
- What an idiot.
We're an hour away.
- Frenillo, offer him something.
- No, don't do it.
Let's take a picture.
- I'll take a picture.
- A photo.
That's it.
Look at this idiot.
What are you doing?
Take his stroller.
What's going on?
What's wrong?
What do you mean?
There's nothing wrong.
Come on,
I've known you for a long time.
- What's wrong?
- It's nothing.
What's bugging you? Maybe I can help.
I think I feel
that Pablo is seeing someone else.
Is that what bothers you?
- Why are you laughing?
- Because all of them,
all of them are unfaithful.
What do you mean?
Then, what am I supposed to do?
You do nothing.
I'm telling you because I love you.
That's the worst drug out there.
It will consume you.
We work on this,
but we give it to the Americans.
- Not us, we're healthy people.
- Pablo.
I'll tell you something.
I love you, too.
I respect you, I admire you
and I appreciate
everything you've given me.
But, please, leave me alone.
I'm a grown man.
- I don't know.
- I'm fine, really.
- But it's just
- Please, don't.
- Please, don't.
- But it's that
Come on.
Okay, let's go. It's getting late.
Come on, easy.
Let's go!
Don't go too fast
because it can be dangerous.
I was looking for you.
Good thing you're here.
- What's up?
- Nothing.
I had a doubt after our talk.
- Yes?
- What does she do for a living?
- She's a hairdresser.
- Oh, I see.
So she's doing Pablo's hair?
Well, yes, she did a few times.
You're lying.
No, Patricia, why would you think that?
I'll ask you a favor.
Set up an appointment for me
as soon as possible.
I need to get my hair done.
Thank you.
- Hey, Patricia.
- Yes?
Patricia, the boss won't like
that I take you to that ugly neighborhood.
Well, I think the boss won't like
that you told me about your sister.
Do me a favor.
We won't tell him anything.
But you will get me
an appointment with her.
But quickly.
May the Virgin be with you.
Go, go, go!
Move aside!
You're so stupid.
How can you hit the poor animal?
- It wasn't my fault.
- "It wasn't my fault."
Jesus Christ, poor donkey.
Oh, this is such a shame.
This guy tells us that we take it slow,
that we drive carefully
and he hits the donkey.
Excuse me.
How much is the donkey worth.
What? Dolores?
I don't know.
Maybe 25 grand.
But that doesn't matter now.
I've had it for almost eight years!
Did you hear? He had it for eight years!
I'm really sorry, man,
we didn't mean this to happen.
You, give 50 grand to this man, please.
Give me the gun.
Come on.
What do you mean?
Can't you see
the poor animal is in agony?
- Come on.
- Don't joke around.
I won't, forget it!
- Peluche.
- What?
I'm ready, Chili. It's so hot!
Patricia, this isn't a good idea.
If the boss finds out
that I took you there
Come on. What did you tell her?
That I got her a job interview.
Great, you're a talented liar. Let's go.
Look at this coward.
Come on, Pablo.
You know he's not a thug.
Give it to Frenillo, he'll make it quick.
Shut up.
Do it.
Don't push me.
If you want it done, do it yourself.
I won't.
Do it.
I'm telling you to do it.
Take it.
Come on.
Okay, ready.
That's right.
It's important to be relaxed.
Calm down. Be cool.
Aim a little bit higher.
Look at the sight, not the donkey.
Here, or you'll miss.
Aim the sight.
And do it softly.
Ready? One
two three.
- Mireya?
- Pleased to meet you.
How are you?
- Good. Take a sit.
- Thank you.
- Do you want something to drink?
- No, I'm a bit hurried.
- Do you have a job for me?
- Yes, I do.
But I don't know very well what you do.
- My brother didn't tell you?
- No.
I'm a prostitute.
Not all of us have the same luck.
Do you know who I am?
You're a refined woman.
I can see it pretty easily.
I'm Pablo Escobar's wife.
My brother's boss. I know him.
Are you his mistress?
Oh, Jesus.
I'm sure you're buying Chili's lies.
That's your problem.
Do you think
a wealthy man like your husband
would want a whore like me?
You're completely wrong.
Wait a moment.
Did he sleep with you?
You're his wife, right? Yes or no?
Ask him.
I'm in a hurry.
I've got a lot of things to do.
I want to do something nice
for my family, so I was looking
for a land like this one, or this land.
Will you sell it?
It'd be an honor, but no.
Unfortunately, it's not for sale.
We both know that everything
has its price in this life.
Tell me how much and we can negotiate.
I'll say it again.
This estate is not for sale.
Let's assume it were for sale.
More or less,
- how much would it cost?
- Maybe about
- 35 million.
- 35 million pesos?
I'll give you 70 million.
I appreciate your offer, but, again,
not a single yard
of this land is for sale.
Let's do this, Samuel,
Let's close the deal in 100 million pesos.
I'll come back in a few days
and you'll tell me what you think.
A piece of advice though,
think it through very well
because next time I won't be so generous.
Okay, I'll think about it.
Thank you, Samuel.
You're welcome, Mr. Escobar.
How was it, man?
Did you puke?
What am I to do with you now?
If this is turning into a problem,
you have to tell me.
If this is going to be like that forever,
it'll be best that you ride bicycles.
It's the first time
It's not the first or second time.
It was a donkey.
Please don't make things hard on me.
Please, do that for me.
Relax, man.
Don't take it on him.
Why, Gonzalo? Why relax?
I'm trying to move forward,
to do things right
Yes, we get it, really.
Talk to him. Maybe he'll listen to you.
- I'll talk to him.
- Tell him I don't like his attitude.
How much is this going to cost?
- I closed in 100 million.
- 100 million?
What's the problem.
We'll split it in half.
- That's what I mean.
- Come on, man!
It's time to go. Come on, Frenillo.
Let's go, let's get out of here.
Come on, move it!
Which one of you
is lying?
You or your sister?
Why do you say that?
What did my sister say?
Well that she wasn't a hairdresser.
Well, she is a hairdresser.
She used to have her saloon.
- I haven't talked to her in a long time.
- Liar!
You know what? Don't worry, just go.
Go do your work. I'll ask Pablo.
If he finds out I took you there
I don't know what will happen to me.
Do you understand?
Then, go.
- You like playing like that.
- Of course I do!
Going in blind scares me, you know?
Don't be scared, keep going.
- What's the surprise?
- Just wait and you'll see.
- Ready? I'll show you.
- Done? I'm ready!
One, two, three!
Holy Child of Atocha!
When did you buy this mosquito, Pablo?
You didn't say anything!
I got it a few days ago,
but I wanted to surprise you.
Another achievement of yours!
- Congratulations!
- Thanks, Dad.
Let's get in, Mom,
we are off to the estate.
To the estate? In this?
Is it big enough?
Come on. It'll be faster.
- Take a seat.
- Beautiful.
- Beautiful machine!
- Go, hurry.
That was beautiful.
There's another surprise for you.
- For me?
- Yeah. Come with me.
Do you know what Gonzalo
and I are working on?
I don't.
- A dance club?
- Not a dance club!
We'll build a zoo.
- You're crazy.
- At the estate, for real.
Hey, listen to me. A big zoo.
We'll have giraffes, and elephants,
hippos, rhinos and everything you want.
- You are insane!
- Just a bit.
- Let's go.
- Wait, Pablo. Come here.
- Are you for real?
- What? Of course!
Hey, little shits! Bunch of assholes!
We've hired engineers for that!
What are you doing?
Careful with the tires!
Relax, man.
Don't start, Gonzalo. I'm not in the mood.
Is it because of the donkey?
Relax, buddy, relax!
You won't be the first mobster
to be remembered for killing a donkey.
- Cut it, Gonzalo.
- Relax, man.
Hey, wait! Don't back off with that thing
or you'll drop the plain!
You get down here
and remove the scaffolds.
Oh, man. You got the thing all dirty now.
Hey, man
Congratulations, Peluche,
it's a fine piece of art.
Really beautiful.
So, you liked it.
Why aren't you dancing?
Enjoy the estate, I got it for you.
Go on.
May the Virgin Mary protect you.
It's your reward
- How are you doing, Chili?
- Hi, boss.
- How's everything in the hood?
- All is well, boss.
All is great.
And your sister?
She's fine, sir.
Working on her thing, you know.
- Send my regards.
- Will do, sir.
- Enjoy, my friend.
- Yes, sir.
Go and make the rounds there.
So, Chili. Were you two talking
about your sister?
Ma'am, why would you think that?
He just said I shouldn't
get drunk, that's all
- Patricia!
- What?
- What is it?
- What's going on here?
What do you mean?
- You know what I mean.
- We are just talking.
Talking about what?
Nothing, really. We're just talking.
- About what?
- Do you like gossip or what?
Why don't you go and take a walk?
- Leave us alone!
- I won't go.
Do you know why?
Because you are Pablo's wife
and he's just an employee.
There's nothing for you two to talk about.
Is that a reason not to talk to him?
Do what he says, ma'am.
Where do you think you are going?
- Fabio, let him go.
- Shut up!
I'm not talking to you!
Tell me what you said to her.
- Tell me if you are so tough.
- You're delusional, man.
- I'm delusional?
- Yeah.
- Delusional, huh?
- God, what's the matter with you!
Are you going to shoot me?
Then shoot, asshole!
Enough! What's going on?
Nothing, brother. I'm stepping up
for you, my sister and your home.
Are you taking his side now?
I'm who's wrong here, then?
Keep playing, gentlemen.
Everything is fine here.
Everyone, calm down.
What? Do I owe you money or what?
Keep playing, I said!
And go clean up your nose, is dripping
from all the shit you're using. Go!
- What is it with you?
- Keep your hands away!
- What happened?
- With what?
What were you talking about with Chili?
Just small talk.
Be more specific.
Nothing important, Pablo!
He was telling me about where he lives
and how dangerous it is there.
- He told me where
- Listen, Patricia.
Let's get something straight,
once and for all.
You have nothing to talk about
with any of my men.
From now on, I want you away from them.
I can't believe it. Listen to yourself!
Are you going to pay attention
to all that crap Fabio says?
That kid, Chili, is a good man.
He's always respectful!
He wasn't flirting or anything like that!
I don't care.
I don't want you talking to him!
All right. I won't talk to him anymore.
I'll talk to you instead.
Tell me something.
Who are all those skanks
you hang around with?
You are the only woman for me,
my wife. And that will be
till the day I die.
I promised you the world and that is
what I'm giving you.
But stay away from my business.
You want happiness?
Then do that, and you shall have it.
- I'll tell you one more thing.
- What?
Instead of worrying about this bullshit,
worry about your brother!
Don't you care that he is a junkie?
A drug addict?
What are you talking about, Pablo?
He lost it, Patricia.
He spend his day snorting that shit.
I don't need to tell you
how that will end.
No, no Pablo, come here!
Pablo, come back!
You can't leave me like this!
Thank you.
I wanted to apologize, boss.
- Boss, I
- Listen, Chili.
Two things.
Don't you ever tell anything to my wife
about what I do or what I say.
Of course, boss.
I would never do something like that.
I know.
And the other thing.
If you threaten another member
of my family ever again,
I'll kill your sister, your parents,
your grandparents, your cousins
and your friends. Are we clear?
Yes, sir.
Yes, boss!
Go and enjoy the party now.
This is also for you.
Thank you, boss.
No, this has to be the main story.
This is important for the country.
It needs to cover the entire page.
As you say, sir.
I'm coming! Just a moment!
Sorry to bother you, ma'am,
but I need to speak to the boss.
No, you can't right now.
He's asleep, come back later.
You'll need to wake him up. He needs
to read this immediately, ma'am.
I'll show it to him later,
when he wakes up. Hand it to me.
Morning, boss. Sorry to bother you.
I'm really worried about this
extradition thing, Gonzalo.
What's bothering you about it?
You are getting your money
and I'm working. We are doing good.
Isn't that right?
We are leaving no trace behind us.
All the people we hire,
is people we know, Pablo.
People we know are loyal to us.
It's not that.
It's something deeper,
far more complicated than that.
Do you think that,
for the U.S. government,
the base of our business
is a matter of public safety?
If that were the case, tobacco
and alcohol would be banned as well.
This is an economic and political problem.
There is no business in Colombia
that draws more money from them than us.
What are you proposing then?
Call all of our main employees
within the organization.
Tell them that
Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria is
summoning them to an urgent meeting.
Is he going to land or not?
So tired!
Did I scare you, buddy?
I was just saying hi!
Yes, Marcos, I know.
Don't call me Marcos. Call me Herber.
We are all the same in this land, even
when some have more money than others.
Now, tell me.
You came all the way from Medellin,
so it must be important.
Ms. Graciela!
Stop yelling, this isn't a football match!
You'll wake the kid up!
Pablo Escobar is calling for you.
Pablo Escobar wants his associates
to attend to a meeting.
It isn't certain where
it will take place,
but an important matter
will be discussed.
Do you know what is so important, then?
I know only what I've told you, boss.
You come here and you don't know why?
I'll need to call him, then.
You don't sound so
so well. What's going on?
What did they say, huh?
It's about a meeting with Pablo Escobar.
He wants his associates there.
He said it's about
some important business.
Meeting? You don't say!
We have meetings now?
So when will it take place?
Go on, tell me!
Bye, Patricia.
- Are you leaving?
- Yeah.
I have a meeting.
- Go on, then.
- I love you!
Me too.
- How are you, Frenillo?
- Good morning, boss.
Two men are here to see you.
I was waiting for you, sir.
To see me? Who are they?
A pleasure to meet you, Pablo!
I'm Leonel, the Commander of
the MR-20, at your service.
Wow, the guerrilla in our house.
- I'm Norberto.
- Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria.
Let's talk, Commander.
How are you doing, boys?
Thank you, Pablo.
We heard so much about you.
People respect you, and follow you.
You are someone who worked his way up,
but you never forgot where you came from.
You never forgot your people.
I appreciate that.
I agree with the lines of thought
of men like Lenin or Marx.
The battle of the social classes,
social inequality and above all,
the struggle for human rights
for all people.
Those are important matters for me, too.
It's great to know you share
our beliefs and ideologies.
We wanted to take some time
and ask you for a small favor.
Anything you want, except money
or using the pool.
Listen, let's do this. I'll help you,
because I feel it's important that you
understand that,
even when I'm extremely rich,
I'm also a left-wing person.
And I'll never, ever be
a traitor to my people.
Thank you, Pablo, but is not only that,
- we also have an idea
- How much do you need?
- It's a proposal
- Frenillo, come here.
Bring 5000 dollars for my friends
to support their fight,
which is an important one.
Thank you.
- Colombia needs to change.
- Yeah.
Every citizen is asking for a change.
A deep and profound change. Thank you.
- Excuse me, Commander.
- Thank you, Pablo.
Who should I transfer the money to?
This series is freely adapted from
La Parábola de Pablo by Alonso Salazar.
Based on news articles and real events,
the historical facts are surrounded
by fictional characters and dialogues
that recreate undocumented situations.
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