Pact of Silence (2023) s01e05 Episode Script


[suspenseful music playing]
[girls panting]
[Fer] Now what?
The ground is softer here.
[Irene] Fernanda!
- [Sofía] Irene.
- [Irene] Sofía!
[Sofía] Here!
Give me the flashlight.
[shovel scraping]
[door squeaks]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Carmen] Irene?
Hi. Why are you here this early?
I'm coming in to work.
I come in every day at this hour
to make breakfast for the school.
You're just sneaking back in, aren't you?
[Sofía] Yes. But this time,
we were out for something special.
We all went to the fair.
You won't tell on us, will you?
If the headmistress finds out,
we will be in so much trouble.
[Carmen] I can't make any promises.
I can't afford to lose my job
because you girls
can't stay out of trouble.
[woman hushes, echoes] Silence.
- [persistent knocking]
- [Martina] Who is it?
Hey? What's going on, Fer?
- Where is he? I know all about you two.
- [tense music playing]
Where are you hiding, asshole?
[Martina] What the hell is going on?
- [Fer] Where is he?
- Where is who?
- [Fer] He's not on a business trip.
- Who? What's going on?
What is this?
Tell me what's going on.
I'm freaking out. Why are you here?
You thought I wouldn't find out?
You're with my husband,
and you two thought
I wouldn't figure it out?
- What?
- All the phone calls, workouts
The flowers sent to your office.
- The late nights at the office.
- Where are you getting all this bullshit?
You know that I am incapable
of doing such a thing!
All I know is
that you've always been jealous!
Of my family,
my children, my husband, all of it.
You've been drinking.
I'm going to call you a cab and
Don't touch me!
All of this is happening
because I thought I was friends
with a whore like you!
Tell me where the hell you got
the idea that I'm with Rodrigo.
I just told you where I got it!
From all the mysterious phone calls
that you don't answer in front of me.
And all the flowers. I have the receipt!
All those flowers came from Omar!
Omar? Omar? What Omar?
All of a sudden, his name's Omar?
Omar, one of the many suitors?
You know that's just
how I refer to my dates.
If you think I won't do everything
to defend my family, you're wrong.
Do not say another thing, Fernanda.
I'm calling a cab. You're gonna leave
[Fer] Don't touch me!
You never got over the fact
that Rodrigo left you and chose me!
That's why you act like such a slut.
Because cheap sex
is the only thing you have to offer.
Get out of here.
I said leave.
And don't you dare ever set foot
in my house again!
[door slams]
[tense music continues]
[music fades]
- [lock rattling]
- [siren wailing outside]
[door opens]
My love?
- What time is it?
- [Sofía] It's late.
[Manuel] You should tell Brenda
she can't be asking you to work so late.
Camila didn't wanna go to sleep
without you. She's not used to it.
I'm sorry.
But I don't really have a say.
It's not safe for you to be out this late.
It's not worth it.
If it's just about the money,
I'll get another job. I'll work at night.
[Sofía] Sweetheart,
the only way we'll be able to afford
a place is if I finish this contract.
[takes a deep breath]
We can't let that house come between us.
[somber music playing]
I'll get Camila into bed.
All right, sweetie. Let's go.
Into your own bed.
[Alex] I haven't found anything
mentioning the gardener's disappearance.
Without his last name, we can't do shit.
He's not even in the employee records.
[suspenseful music playing]
But the professor told you
he had family, right?
Yes. His family asked Ramona to look into
his disappearance, but she was afraid
it would cause a scandal for the school.
And with Ramona sitting it out,
the police didn't do anything, as usual.
And the press didn't either.
[sighs] Basically, no one cared about
what happened to this guy at all.
- [music fades]
- [police sirens wailing]
I hope you enjoy your surprises.
- Listen to your teachers. Study hard.
- [boy 1] Thank you.
[Irene] Study hard.
You look like quite the little trickster.
Make sure you study hard
and stay out of trouble.
- [boy 2] Yes, ma'am. Thank you.
- [Irene laughs]
And now I have one for you.
I have a feeling
you're all going to get very good grades.
Remember to study hard, now.
I haven't seen Adriano. Have you?
No. I don't think he's here.
[Irene] This one's for you.
- This one's yours. Here you go.
- [girl 1] Thank you.
[Brenda] What do you think, kids?
Is this fun?
- [kids] Yes!
- Yeah? You all like your surprises?
- [all] Yes!
- [boy] No!
- [Brenda] Why'd you say no?
- [both] We wanted some toys.
Ah, but school supplies
are important, sweethearts,
because Irene Bustamante's helping build
a future that's good for all of you.
[girl 2] Can we take a photo with her?
- Photo!
- Brenda? Come here for a second.
Listen, right now,
I need to talk to our candidate for a sec.
But as soon as
I'm finished talking to her over there,
I'll see if she can come
for a photo. All right?
[indistinct chatter]
She's coming back.
Don't you worry. Brenda's coming back.
[Irene] You seemed to be very distracted
during your performance.
Like you were looking
for someone in the crowd.
I was. I expected to see Adriano.
[Brenda] Because he's my boss,
and I thought he'd be here.
No. I'm the one who hired you.
There's no reason
for you to be bothering Adriano.
Or to be abusing his trust.
If you say that
because he came to the hospital,
I understand.
I'll put more distance between us.
I've achieved the level of success I have
because I'm neither naive nor an idiot.
And I doubt you really want
to stay away from my son.
My instincts tell me that you've had
something against me from the time we met.
All I get from you is disdain.
What am I doing here?
[Irene] I brought you in to connect
with youth, but our styles are different.
Your methods are unprofessional.
And something about you tells me
you're not trustworthy.
But sometimes, that's the way it is.
Thank you for your time.
You're done, Brenda.
[tense music playing]
[footsteps fading]
[Brenda] Know what?
That hypocrite's the one
who married a politician to get ahead.
I've had to earn everything I have.
I think Mama Bear took advantage
of Adriano's absence to get rid of you.
I kind of agree with you.
Only I don't think it's protection.
I think she's afraid of Adriano.
She can't afford the conflict.
Weren't you supposed
to be gone for three days?
Aren't you even going to ask me
how well it went?
No, because what is going on is
she told you I found out about you guys,
and you're covering your ass.
Who is "she"?
And covering my ass for what?
[tense music playing]
- This receipt isn't even mine.
- Then why do you have it?
I'm not sure, Fer, but that's not a number
from one of my accounts.
Not one I know about but that you use
for hotels and gifts for that whore.
I'm not sleeping with Martina.
You need to lay off the pills.
Are you high?
No, do not blame my medication!
I'm not gonna be taken for a fool
when I found proof!
It's the only thing that explains
your ridiculous behavior.
Accusing your husband
and your best friend of bullshit
over some goddamn piece of paper!
[Rodrigo and Fernanda continue arguing]
- [somber music playing]
- [Tomás sniffles]
Sometimes I don't understand her.
How can Martina not want you?
I'm sorry, Fer.
It's just, Martina and I just had a fight.
We didn't break up.
She's never gonna respect you, Rodrigo.
[Fer] You're not the only guy
she goes out with.
[Rodrigo] That's not true.
[Fer] She doesn't want
a serious relationship.
She just likes to play with people.
I am more loyal.
[Rodrigo] What's going on?
I'm a virgin.
And I wanna make it clear
that I am willing to give you everything.
[gentle music playing]
[breathing shakily]
[birds singing]
Hi there.
Where's your brace?
I needed a break.
It gets a little suffocating.
Your call made me nervous.
- It's pretty up here.
- [Brenda] Hmm.
I like to think up here.
Disconnect from our crazy world.
Is something wrong?
[Brenda] Your mother fired me.
- What for? I'll tell her she can't.
- No. Don't do that.
- Doesn't matter.
- I think it does.
I'm relieved.
It's been kind of impossible to be
so close to you
without telling you how I feel.
[gentle music playing]
You don't have to get fired
to do that, though.
But I wanted to.
If I have to choose between working
for your mother and being with you,
then I choose you.
There's no contest.
["Never Let You Go" playing]
Wonder where you're going ♪
Wonder where you go, oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Whoa ♪
I wonder where you're going ♪
Wonder where you go, oh, oh ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
- Whoa ♪
- No, no, no ♪
[Brenda laughs]
You'll never be alone ♪
- Alone ♪
- Alone ♪
Alone ♪
No, no, no, you'll never be ♪
No, no, no, you'll never be ♪
Alone ♪
Alone ♪
Whoa ♪
I'll keep on tryin' ♪
To let you know that ♪
I'll be there for you ♪
[song ends]
[birds singing outside]
[cell phone chimes]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Adriano] Is everything all right?
[Brenda] Um, sort of,
but something just came up.
Uh, I have to go meet someone.
- [Adriano] What's wrong?
- Nothing. Really.
A screwup. I'll call you later.
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[scoffs] Fucking bastard.
Whoever sent you these definitely saw you
at the school when they killed Ramona.
Maybe they are the murderer.
[Alex] Yeah, and they'll use them
to put the police onto you.
But they haven't done it so far.
I think they just wanna scare me.
Yeah, like running you off the road.
Brenda, you need to hire security.
There's no need to take unnecessary risks.
[suspenseful music playing]
I gave you the number
they used to send the photos.
We need to find out who it came from.
[Brenda] I'll try to find some things out
on my end.
[Alex] Got it.
I'll start tracing it right now.
[suspenseful music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
[Itzel] Sister, what's up?
What's going on with you?
Did anyone come looking for me?
I don't think so.
Why are you wearing this?
I need you to focus, Itzel. Okay?
I got myself into trouble.
Are you sure no one came around?
Who would come looking here?
[Brenda] Any of these women?
[Itzel] Are these the bitches
who abandoned you?
Yes. And now I have someone following me.
They know too much,
and they put me in this neck brace.
Why are you so obsessed with finding
your mother when she didn't want you?
This whole thing is driving you bananas.
Itzel, I really need you.
Don't worry.
You can count on me like always.
But I'm telling you,
those bitches didn't come here.
[horns beeping]
[Itzel] What's with that car?
It got here same time as I did.
What if it's the person
we've been talking about?
[muffled] Hey!
Hey! Hey, you!
[tires squeal]
[Brenda panting]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [grunts]
- [cell phone vibrates]
Brenda nearly caught me.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
But it wasn't my fault.
That bitch is like a bloodhound.
I left it
in the parking garage like you said.
I'm leaving now.
[music swells]
[music fades]
Dinner's ready if you're hungry.
We can't be
at each other's throats like this.
Do you know how bad it makes me feel
when I yell at you, Fer?
But sometimes I don't get you.
When you act so crazy,
I hardly recognize you.
I know we're not doing
so well as a couple.
And I know I'm not easy to live with.
But it doesn't help
that you're always avoiding me.
[sighs] I'm not.
If I'm not around to spend time with you,
it's because I'm working my ass off.
- It's not because of Martina or anyone.
- It is because of her, though.
Because I feel like
you're bored of me, Rodrigo.
Because you always have
a good time with her.
- Because people notice these things.
- What people notice these things?
Tell me where you've been getting
these ideas. Did someone say something?
It was an awful feeling.
I did what I thought I had to do.
We're gonna be fine.
[Fer] You can't see Martina anymore.
[tense music playing]
Are you serious?
You're still suspicious?
I need you to promise me.
[Rodrigo sighs]
- [tense music fades slowly]
- [birds singing]
- ["Just Say" playing]
- I'm not good at reading minds ♪
'Cause I think that mine is lost ♪
- [speaking inaudibly]
- I'm not good at reading signs ♪
- I just run right through the stop ♪
- [singing birthday song in Spanish]
[music drowns out voices]
I just need a way ♪
So I know you know I am still here ♪
I'm not good at reading minds ♪
So just tell me what we've got ♪
My father and I were a disaster.
We were late everywhere we went.
Always missing the bus.
It's funny now, only I'm stuck with it.
I'm still always late. Not like
when I was little, but it's a curse.
I swear, the more you tell me
about your life, Brenda,
the more I'm convinced
that people will love your story.
I can't believe we're so close.
You have the first draft
ready to go, right?
[tense music playing]
Why not? [scoffs]
You're not done? The editor's expecting it
first thing tomorrow morning,
like I told you.
You didn't. I don't think so.
I think I would've written it down.
I'm sorry. I don't know what to say,
except there's no way
we can miss the deadline.
It could affect the deal.
Brenda, it would take me
all night to get it done.
If we don't get it in tomorrow,
it's gonna delay the launch.
Which would affect
when you would get your final payment.
And I really need to get this out there.
Oh. You don't actually have
other plans tonight, do you?
Well, I did. A good friend
of mine's daughter's birthday.
But it doesn't matter.
This is more important.
[Brenda] Are you already at the airport?
My mother and I are leaving in an hour.
I can come see you to say bye.
No, Adriano, it's fine.
You won't be gone long. I can wait.
My father suspects
I've started seeing someone.
[Adriano] He knows me too well.
Aw. It's so nice
that you're close to your dad.
I don't like lying to him.
Besides, you and I
don't work together anymore.
That's true. I get it.
If you want, when you get back
in town, we can tell the whole world.
And that includes your mother.
I promise. Kisses.
I'm dying to see how the congresswoman
reacts when he tells her.
Me too, but now, the important thing
is she's away on a campaign trip,
and Sofía's busy pulling an all-nighter.
Now I get it.
You wanted to avoid all four of them
together at Samantha's party.
Of course I did.
I'm pretty sure that if they realize
we all know each other,
they might think something's up.
Perfect. Security hasn't set up yet.
Yeah, but they've gotta be crawling
all over in there.
Remember, if anyone asks why you're here,
you are the makeup artist.
- And we can't be seen together.
- [chuckles]
This whole thing is insane.
- Why do I always say yes?
- [sighs]
- I've never crashed a party in my life.
- Sam's expecting you.
Just get into the room
where we're doing this,
and wait for us in there.
- [Alex sighs]
- Okay? Go.
- What happens if I get lost?
- You need to relax!
You're not going to.
I told you 1,000 times.
- Now, go.
- Fine.
- Don't forget the case.
- Yeah.
- Jeez. Tell me to relax.
- Hurry!
These cases don't look very professional.
[upbeat dance music playing]
You need to make an effort.
Hold my hand or show me some affection.
Hi! How are you?
- We're glad you could make it.
- Good to see you.
All I can say is my mom chose the dress.
Don't worry.
You have to wear it long enough
to show your parents
for them to gush all over you.
And then, you can change
into what you really wanna wear.
You know I support your decision,
but are you sure?
[Sam] You helped me see
that I have to be myself.
[Brenda] I'm just asking you
because there won't be any going back.
Going back is scarier than going forward.
If I don't do it tonight, my mother
will keep trying to change me.
[Brenda] Okay.
Good luck.
Here's to us ♪
[indistinct chatter]
Brenda! Brenda! Brenda!
- You're even prettier in person.
- Aw.
- Can we get a selfie?
- Okay, sure. But really fast.
There's something I have to do. [chuckles]
[camera shutter clicks]
- I'll see you guys later. Bye.
- [guy] Awesome.
[both exclaim]
- You know I'm a fan.
- [Brenda] Tomás, you scared me.
I follow you everywhere.
- What'd you say?
- [tense music plays]
Nothing. You just drive everyone
a little nuts.
Including me.
- You're so damn beautiful.
- What the fuck, Tomás?
I am old enough
to be your big sister, you know.
[Tomás laughs] Yeah,
but you aren't, are you?
You're high, aren't you?
[laughs] As if you give a shit about that.
Don't you give a shit
about your sister's birthday?
Poor girl.
- [Rodrigo] Irene!
- Rodri!
- How are you?
- I'm good. Look at all this!
- What are you doing here?
- What do you mean? Should I go?
That's not what I meant.
Fernanda said you'd be traveling.
I was supposed to, but I told Adriano
he could handle it himself. [chuckles]
- Fifteen is a big deal. Congratulations.
- I guess so.
Ridiculous how fast they grow up.
- Well, this looks magical.
- It does.
Is that Brenda?
What's she doing here?
[Rodrigo] She and Fer have become friends,
and she helped us put this party together.
You know each other?
- She did some consulting for us.
- Hmm?
[tense music playing]
You look so amazing.
I've always dreamed
of seeing you like this. A princess.
Are you happy?
- Come on, show me, Samantha!
- Enough, Mom.
Do you know how many girls
dream of looking this beautiful?
All of the boys out there
will be begging to go out with you.
I am delighted!
Thank you all for making her look so good.
Is she gone?
Go and lock the door.
[energetic music playing]
All righty. It's time for us
to pull off your extreme makeover.
[Alex chuckles]
[dance music playing]
Hi there! You both look gorgeous.
- [Irene] Fer.
- You made it?
Sorry to talk business,
but how do you know Brenda Rey?
[tense music playing]
You can't do anything idiotic.
Tonight is for your daughter.
And here we go.
- What are you doing here?
- My goddaughter asked me to be here.
I don't think so.
I was in charge of the guests.
Let me introduce you.
This is Omar.
He's the one who sent me all those flowers
that took over my office.
[Omar] Nice to meet you.
And also, Fernanda and I were together
that day when I refused
to answer any of your calls.
- So she thinks you don't exist.
- Okay.
She thought you were someone else.
Based on the fact
you didn't take my calls?
Mm-hmm. It appears so.
- Oh wow.
- She's always had a great imagination.
Even more so when she's drunk.
- [Fer] Mm.
- Now I need to see my goddaughter.
Excuse us.
Are you all right?
Martina only came to try to provoke me.
That's Brenda Rey.
An influencer. Have you heard of her?
- She has 10 million followers.
- [Brenda] Martina!
- Hi, Brenda.
- Hi. How are you?
- This is my date, Omar. Brenda.
- Nice to meet you.
Likewise. And thank you
for shaking my hand.
- You're much nicer than the hostess.
- You mean Fer?
[Martina] She wasn't at her best.
The stress must be getting to her.
[Brenda] That must be it.
This night's important to her.
Excuse me. I need to make a call.
[tense music playing]
Alex. Are we still on?
Okay. Okay. Good luck. Bye.
I need you a second.
How did you get to know Brenda Rey?
Uh, she's the one
who found Conny for Fernanda.
I was at her house
when she brought her over.
Did you know Brenda happens to be
the one who hired Sofía for her book?
And Sofía put me in touch with her
because she needed a political contact.
- You two know Brenda too?
- Yes!
It's suspicious that we all met her
at the same time, don't you think?
[indistinct chatter]
Yes, I do.
[waltz music playing]
[MC] Ladies and gentlemen,
let me introduce the birthday girl,
Samantha Durán!
[guests cheer and applaud]
- [music distorts]
- ["Wild One" by The EverLove playing]
Can't tie me up ♪
Can't hold me down ♪
I'm breaking loose ♪
Can't stop me now ♪
You wanted trouble? ♪
Well, you got it now ♪
You wanna rumble ♪
You're the only one
I wanna dance with, Daddy.
You got it. Come here. I love you so much.
Let's go. [chuckles]
'Cause I'm a natural ♪
I'm an animal ♪
And I'mma do what I want ♪
'Cause I'm a wild one ♪
[singer vocalizing]
I'm a wild one ♪
[singer vocalizing]
I'm a wild one ♪
- [sounds distort]
- [murmuring]
- This is ridiculous.
- What is this?
She looks awful.
[high-pitched ringing]
She looks like a boy.
What's going on?
I'm a wild one ♪
[singer vocalizing]
[Fer] What's wrong with you?
What the hell is this?
Why are you doing this to me?
Why aren't you in your dress?
- [guests gasp]
- Fernanda! Are you crazy? What the hell?
- [guests murmuring]
- [tense music playing]
[guests screaming]
[Fer] No! Sam!
[Sam] I'm sick of it, Mom!
I don't know who I am!
And I don't know what's going on,
but what I do know
is that I'm nothing like you!
This isn't my party, it's yours!
So why don't you be the princess
and put on this fucking dress yourself?
[flames crackling]
[energetic music playing]
[camera shutters clicking]
[guests murmuring]
[Rodrigo] Samantha!
Turn those off! You can't record this!
Do you think this is funny or what?
Turn those off! Let me go!
And everyone leave! Party's over!
There's nothing more to see here!
[cell phone rings]
Martina. Oh, I'm so glad you called me.
[Martina] I'm so upset about everything
that happened last night at the party.
I'm worried about Sam.
Yeah, she must need some support.
I'd like to talk to you about
what's going on with my goddaughter.
I know you two have gotten close
since you met.
Can we get together tomorrow morning?
- [suspenseful music playing]
- [birds singing]
[Brenda] Hey, Martina!
- Sorry about the dust.
- [Brenda] And the stairs?
- I know. It keeps us in shape.
- [Brenda] That's true.
But it's quiet.
So we'll be able to talk in peace.
[Martina] Yes, we will.
All four of us are hoping
to have a word with you.
[music swells]
[Irene] I don't believe in coincidence,
and I find that your meeting us all
at the same time is rather suspicious.
So now you're going to tell us
Why are you here?
And why us?
[tense music building]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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