Panic (2021) s01e05 Episode Script


[Heather] Legend has it
that a hundred years ago,
there was a man named
Samuel Graybill,
who was the richest man
in Texas.
He had a beautiful wife
and three happy children.
And he wanted to build
a majestic house in Carp.
But the land he chose
was believed to be cursed.
[wood creaking]
Graybill didn't believe
in curses
and built the house anyway.
After they moved in,
Graybill and his family
played a game every day.
When he came home,
he'd knock four times
and wait ten seconds
before he entered
[knocking on door]
so his perfect wife
and children
could come greet him
at the door.
Knock four times. Exactly four.
Then close your eyes
and count to ten.
What-what happens
after ten seconds?
Don't worry.
Everyone around here does it.
[dog barking in distance]
[Heather] However,
one day he came home
and didn't knock,
so he could surprise his wife.
- [Heather] He snuck
into his bedroom
- Two
and found her
in the arms of another man.
[Heather] In a fit of rage,
he killed his wife
- [woman screams]
- and his children,
and buried them
in the walls of the house.
In his grief, he hung himself
from the bell tower.
Now Graybill's ghost
curses all lovers
who enter the house, and they
will hear the bells ring
before their beloved one dies.
[bell rings]

Trying to figure
[Sarah] It's said that the first
Panic player resurrected
Graybill's ghost, and he cursed
all of those in love
so that they know real fear,
to see the one they love die.
- [girl] I knew it.
- Y'all still telling them
old ghost stories?
Used to give Ruby Anne
That's 'cause you told me
Graybill snatched little girls
who snitched on their
older sisters for sneaking out.
There ain't nothing scary about
that, if you ain't a snitch.
- [horn honking]
- [girl] Come on.
Don't get run over!
Like me again
[boy] Yeah, come on.
You're not supposed to run--
Hey, you're so slow.
Think fast.
Look at you, all dolled up.
What do you want?
Aw, I missed you, too.
[laughs softly] Okay, hey. Wait.
I was gonna go out
on my boat with my friends,
for a little cruise.
You want to join?
Look, Ray,
the other night,
I was pretty drunk,
and you were trying
to cheer me up, and we did
- something dumb.
- Mm-hmm.
End of story.
You sure about that?
thank you, anyway,
for the invite.
Just being friendly.
[Bo] Sherri, I'll be right back.
I'm going to get some beer.
See you in a bit.
- Hey, kid.
- [door closes]
- Why is it so dark in here?
- Why you think?
What do you want to bet
Lanie tried to suck the heat
out of her trailer
with the vacuum again,
blew the damn transformer?
I saw Bo outside.
What'd he want?
Came around looking
like a dog lost his tail,
saying he misses me.
You're not gonna fall
for his shit again, are you?
He's going to be
right back, so
You better hurry up
and take a shower
while we still got
water in the tank.
Your room's hot as a fry-up.
- [Bo] Daddy's home.
- [Sherri] Hey, babe.
I missed you. Come here.
- [exhales]
- [Bo speaks indistinctly]
[Sherri laughs]
[Williams] Hey, Julie,
I'm gonna check out
that disturbance
at the Graybill house.
[Julie] [over radio] Copy that.
Careful out there.
[bottles clatter]
[wood creaking]
Bill, you scared
the shit out of me.
I didn't see you.
Come on, you know
this is private property.
Ain't you got better things
to be doing?
You got to get your stuff
and get out of here
or I'm gonna have to take you in
for trespassing.
W-Why don't you go after
the real fuck-ups?
Can you just work with me, Bill?
[Little Bill] "Trespassing."
50 seconds before I see that.
I guess the law really is blind.
Dumb, too.
- 20 seconds.
- I got photos
that'll open your eyes
to this town.
The sickos, murderers.
I got proof.
Forgot y'all like your justice
with a blindfold on.
Time's up.
To our lady of the blind.
And justice for Abby Clark.
[Bishop] You're late again,
You got the money?
This is the last time.
You got it.
I mean it.
[indistinct chatter]
[Ray] Well, well, well.
If it isn't Heather Nill.
Change your mind?
Mm. Lost it.
How about some fucking music,
huh? Let's get it going.
[Ruby Anne]
- ♪
- [Tyler] Let's get
this party started.
All right, people.
[trainer] All right, buddy.
They're animals, so
You need a little slack
in that neck rope.
- You good?
- Mm-hmm.
- Great.
- [man] All right.
- He takes a lot of rein, now.
- Okay. All right.
You're not superstitious,
are you, Dodge?
Lift on that rein, buddy.
[man] Stick it on, Dodge.
Don't you look down at me.
And I didn't take half,
I took the whole thing ♪
Take to her.
Stuck in the machine ♪
The machine
[cheering, applause]
Hell of a ride!
The machine ♪
The machine ♪♪
[Natalie] Well,
that was amazing.
How'd you find me?
I saw Dayna this morning.
She told me you'd be over here.
She also said
she used to compete.
She used to win.
Yeah, best barrel racer
in the state.
Could've been in the country.
- Oh.
- Hard to picture now, huh?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Nat, I, um, know
what you're trying to do.
You don't have to do this.
- What are you talking about?
- You're trying
to get me to like you.
You don't have to do that.
I told you that I would be
your partner, you know?
- Mm.
- I don't make promises
that I can't keep.
I don't need a reason
to be your friend, Dodge.
All right, fine.
I'll admit it.
I've got a thing for cowboys.
[stifled laugh]
- I notice you ♪
- [laughter]
- When you walk
into the room ♪
- Stop.
But you kind of hang around
- You want to try?
- Ooh, I don't know.
My mom used to say
that fishing was for narcs.
You know?
Baiting and entrapment.
- [Tyler] All right.
- [Ruby Anne] See what you got.
You close with your mom?
[laughter in distance]
No, not really.
I don't know,
she's just kind of stuck.
Think she's maybe so stuck
that she doesn't even know
how to move forward anymore.
How about your old man?
My mom got pregnant
right out of high school.
[chuckles] He'd send me,
like, birthday cards.
Sometimes they would
even come on my birthday.
- Mm?
- [laughs]
She told me
that he worked overseas,
but then she got pregnant
with Lily, and
it turns out he had just been
living in Huntsville
the whole time.
- Same guy?
- Mm. Same guy.
- Same story.
- Wow.
I don't know.
People say that
love is blind, but it's not.
It's just really, really
fucking stupid.
What happened to your dad?
Dad was a rodeo champion.
He was one of the best
in the circuit, actually.
Mom would always say that,
for Dad, the rodeo was like
going to church.
They split up, when Dayna and I
were in grade school,
and, uh, you know,
he'd-he'd be around
for a few weeks or months
at a time and then gone,
and th well, we wouldn't
really know where he went
until soon he'd pop back up
at the house with a new trophy.
Mom, you know, she, um
she knew about the other women,
the trophies were with us,
so that meant
that his heart was with us.
[Heather] What about you?
What about your parents?
My mom's dead.
My dad's in Sayersville.
Has been for my entire life.
Did your dad really shoot
that ranger in the back?
Did he do all the things
they said he did?
You know, my whole life, nobody
has ever asked me that question.
He says he didn't.
But who the fuck knows?
Innocent or guilty,
he is serving
life without parole.
Luke raised me up.
Half the shit he ever did
he did for me.
[Natalie] I was
the new kid once.
- I didn't have any friends.
- [chuckles] Oh, come on.
- I don't believe it. Yeah.
- No, I'm being serious.
- I didn't have any friends.
- Mm-hmm.
In first grade,
I made up two best friends.
Lynley and Willow.
And all three of us were ghosts.
And we'd play tricks
on all the live kids.
No one would see us,
'cause we were invisible.
And then, on the first day
of second grade,
Heather told me
she liked my tattoo.
It was a sticker.
If even one person sees you,
you don't count
as invisible anymore.
- [squeals]
- [giggles]
[squeals, laughs]
- They look like
they're having a great time.
- [grunts]
Yeah, well, why should
they have all the fun?
- [grunting loudly]
- Wait.
- Stop. Stop.
- What?
Wait. Stop.
- Yes. Yes, yes, yes.
- Wait, stop. Don't!
- Hut!
- [screams]
[yelping, laughing]
Wake up ♪
5:00 a.m. ♪
Moonstruck ♪
Woman again ♪
Hey. What are you doing?
Like sugar in tea ♪
Half-life ♪
A skeleton key ♪
Going with the current.
Shut my eyes ♪
And ♪
The world ♪♪
Right. Granola bars,
- hand sanitizer [inhales]
- [groans]
Vodka. Very important.
What, you worried
about the challenge tonight?
You're still upset
with the whole
Bishop thing?
Well, you know
Leela's not gonna last.
If I tell you something,
will you promise
not to judge me?
I did something very stupid.
And I am afraid
that I'm gonna keep doing it.
[Bishop] Nat? Are you ready?
[Natalie] Upstairs!
What the fuck
[whispering] You guys
can't keep avoiding each other.
- Shh. Stop.
- [knock]
Know what I love?
The fact that we can all be
in the same room
without feeling
the need to talk.
At all.
For a week.
This should be fun.
[indistinct police transmission]
Cortez, we got a problem.
Only one?
We finally finished
going through the footage
at the granary.
Now, we figured we'd just ID
the judges
that put up the graffiti
- and be done with it.
- What do you mean?
- You couldn't ID them?
- No.
I mean we couldn't find them.
At least,
we couldn't find their car.
Hmm. Well,
maybe they came on bikes?
Well, if they did,
then they didn't take the road.
And the bike path is on
the other side of Millet Lane,
- and all that land
in between
- Belongs to the Moores.
Exactly. Now, that seems
pretty crazy to chance,
especially for some kids
that have something to hide,
even if they stayed
in the trees.
And either way,
why go through the headache?
Well, because maybe,
for these kids,
it wasn't a headache or a risk.
How old is Bishop Moore?
He graduated with Natalie.
Now you see
why we got a problem.

Just be out by dark, okay?
- Hey.
- Hey, you.
Do you think he's gonna be okay?
You know,
now that he's all by himself?
He's made it this far.
[Sarah] I told him
to get a room tonight
at the Homeaway,
before the challenge.
But, um,
he just seemed really high.
And now he's got all this money,
and it's, like
- How'd he get
that kind of money?
- [sighs]
He was working at the Moores'
last week.
He took something, and they
paid large to get it back.
- I bet the judge
has plenty to hide.
- [exhales]
His son, too.
[Myra] There's got to be
a lot of secrets in that house.
[birds singing]


Oh, shit.
Is Bishop a judge?
[door opens in distance]
[Moore] I left the office
just to come home.
[Cortez] Well, they seem
concerned about it, so
I'll be honest with you, Jim--
I'm beginning to think
you only ring up with bad news.
[Cortez] [laughs]
You and me both.
Look, I know
how busy you are, so
thanks for letting me come over
on such short notice.
Well, no point in wasting time,
if you think
Bishop knows something.
[Cortez] Well, we know that the
game is organized by two judges.
And we got reason to believe
that Bishop's one of 'em.
Well, if you don't mind,
I'd-I'd like to search his room.
And here I thought Bishop wasn't
gonna follow me to the bench.
Well, right now, we're just
following up on some leads.
You know, we really can't afford
to make the same mistakes
again this year.
Yeah, you can't, certainly.
[Cortez] We're on
the same side, George.
[Moore] Like I said
on the phone,
you're welcome
to have a look around.
- Fuck. Fuck.
- But if Bishop's
hiding something,
it's not gonna be in his room.
That boy has a streak
of the wild.
He's in those trees
rain, sleet or broil.
Does more hiding than a mole.
Yeah, well, like I said
on the phone,
Bishop's cell phone records
would be a big help.
I said I'd think about it.
[indistinct chatter]
[Natalie] Good talk.
[man] Hey, Nat.
Okay, look
[clears throat]
I'm sorry that I was
weird with Leela.
I'm sorry that I didn't, like,
throw a parade
for you or whatever,
but I don't know why you're
acting like you're mad at me.
Oh, really?
Yeah, really.
Okay, I-I'll give you a hint.
Why were you mad when you
found out about me and Leela?
No, I wasn't I wasn't mad.
I was just I was surprised.
You know, we're not supposed
to keep secrets from each other.
- [horn honks]
- [Ray] Yoo-hoo!
Dipshit! Move up!
Ignore him.
That's just how he is.
You know what?
Maybe you will win Panic.
Games come easy to you.
What are you talking
about, Bishop?
[Ray's horn honking]
- [Heather clears throat]
- Do me a favor.
Tell your boyfriend
to back the fuck up.
I'm leaving.
[Ray] Yoo-hoo!
[horn honks]
[Ray] Let's go! Come on!
[car door closes]
[Diggins] Congratulations
to all of you
for completing the challenge
at Spurlock's Ranch.
Up until now, you've been
competitors, but tonight,
you become enemies.
It is Panic tradition
to screw each other
at the Graybill House challenge.
And we all came for that reason.
[Diggins] The rules are simple.
You guys stay inside
till we come and get you.
Players' points
will be deducted when
you submit proof
of them being scared shitless.
For tonight and tonight only,
keep those cameras on.
- Sabotage is highly encouraged.
- Yes.
As a reminder,
Heather is still in the lead
- with 200 points.
- [overlapping chatter]
Dodge is closing up the gap
- with 175.
- [whoops] Not bad.
[Summer] Everyone else
is holding up at 150.
And last but not least,
there is a 50-point bonus
for whoever can solve
the riddles in the blood.
Uh, what do you what do you
mean, "in the blood"?
- [woman] What is she
talking about?
- Blood always tells.
- [indistinct chatter]
- What is she talking about?
Good luck, players.
Okay. Let's get this over with.
Where should we start?
I'm freaked out, though.
[overlapping chatter]
[door creaks]
[indistinct murmuring]
[Heather] Ooh. The Graybills.
[Dodge] There's the blood.
[Drew] Anyone else creeped out
by the random blood?
[Troy] You gonna freak out
on me, Drew?
Part of the riddle?
- [Shawna] Must be.
- [Heather] Yeah, no shit,
"Dorothy lost her ruby shoes.
The wizard lost his head.
The king was counting reasons
for clues inside the dead."
Wizard. "Jimmy Wizard"
was Jim's nickname.
When Abby started dating him,
some of us started
calling her "Dorothy."
[Dodge] "Clues inside the dead."
Guess we have
to find the bodies?
Maybe it's a-a warning.
Let's see what else we can find.
[Natalie] Why don't we go
that way?
- We should stick together.
- You want to check the kitchen?
[man] Let's go look upstairs.
[indistinct chatter]
[Heather] Let's go
the other way.
- [wooden creaking]
- [electricity hissing]
I'll just, uh wait here.
By myself I hope.
[Drew gasps]
I could report you for that.
But consider it
on the house. Maybe.
[door creaks]
- You all right?
- [Natalie] Yeah.
I'm okay.
Just freaked me out a bit.
[Dodge] Stupid
What are you doing?
[glass breaking, clanking]
[Heather] Hey, guys,
over here.
- Yeah.
- What is it?
There you are.
Check out the bloody riddle.
"One flew over a rooftop,
one flew into the moon.
Track down the clue
inside the Who
whose end Ed mirrors soon."
That sounds like
a nursery rhyme, doesn't it?
Maybe we should be
looking for books. Yeah?
Good luck, y'all.
The noose.
Mirror. If you look
at the message in a mirror,
"soon" spelled backwards
is "noose."
That's the "who"--
the noosed man.
All right.
"The Cook and five to dinner,
make six to tally late;
the final count's the winner,
behind the hands that wait."
"Cook" is capitalized.
Um, maybe the clue's
in the kitchen?
[Dodge] Let's check it out.
- Your turn.
- Cool.
- [door opens]
- [wooden creaking]
- [woman] Is this clear?
- [woman 2] Yeah.
[indistinct chatter]
[Natalie] You see any clues?
[Dodge] I don't see
anything on the walls.
[distant, indistinct chatter]
[thumping on wall]
- Hey, Nat?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
[wooden scraping]
[indistinct, distant chatter]
[wooden creaking]
[clears throat]
That's what I call
"mood lighting."
Aren't you afraid of the curse?
Only if you're afraid
of falling in love with me.
[indistinct, distant chatter]
[soft, wooden creaking]
[distant laughter]
- Boo.
- [gasps]
For the record, that did not
count as a startle or a scare.
What are you doing?
Been there, did that ♪
Broke down, I came back ♪
Now that I got heat on me,
all you do is feed on me ♪
Yeah, you sit back, react ♪
Waiting for a weak game,
attack ♪
Didn't think
I'd reign on you ♪
Put you in your place,
oh, nah, nah, nah ♪
Don't feed the vultures ♪
[Heather moans]
Don't feed the vultures ♪
Eh, voila, eh ♪
Got a lot to say, don't you? ♪
Eh, voila, eh ♪
- Put a John Cage on it ♪
- Eh ♪
Voila, eh
What do you want
Andrew Dodge Mason?
Aye, yeah ♪
Uh, uh
To win the game.
- Come on.
- Fly away, fly away, fly ♪
- Hey ♪
- Don't feed the vultures ♪
Don't feed the vultures ♪♪
[heavy breathing]
[Heather] Mmm.
[Heather sighs softly]
[Ray sighs]
Jesus. Did you at least
bring some PowerBars,
in case we get hungry?
I always keep a stash on me.
You never know when
you're gonna need one, right?
You okay?
Are you cold or something?
Mm-mm. I'm good.
This isn't your first time,
is it?
Why? Isn't everyone supposed
to lose their virginity
on the floor
of a haunted house?
I'm not a virgin, okay?
You do this all the time,
so what's the big deal?
What's the big deal?
All right.
Put your clothes on.
Are you, like, mad
at me or something?
I'm not mad.
But you fuck, like, everyone,
and you're not gonna fuck me?
Whatever you say, Heather.
No, Ray. You've had sex
with, like, a hundred girls,
and you're not gonna
have sex with me?
Yeah, well,
I'm not that good at math.
Oh, so this was just, like,
an accounting mistake?
Just a mistake.
[door creaks open]
[footsteps approaching]
What the fuck?
What the fuck were you doing?
Are you kidding me?
Do you need me to call someone?
A psychiatrist? Cops?
I don't know.
A fucking assassin
- so I don't have
to shoot you myself?!
- Wow.
I love how you always know how
to make me feel so much better.
- Were you just
hooking up with Ray Hall?
- Shh.
Can we please talk
about this later?
Absolutely not. No.
[door creaks]
Oh, dude, there's a basement.
Wow. An actual shithole.
[Tyler] Yo, Ray.
You want to smoke or what?
Shut the fucking door.
You want to smoke in a shithole?
No, I'm cool.
Well, if you change your mind
[door creaks]
[Heather] Okay.
Look, it was a mistake.
What do you mean, a mistake?
Make a wrong turn
onto his face?
I know. I know, okay? I just
I lost my mind
for a couple of days.
Guess it just felt good
to have a distraction.
Yeah, well, I bet a distraction
was exactly the point.
- What do you mean?
- Hello?
You're in the lead.
Fuck. You don't
You don't think that?
Oh, fuck. God,
I am so fucking stupid!
And I actually kind of
thought that he liked me.
[Tyler] What the fuck
is this shit?
It's a fucking junkyard
down here.
Yo, Ray, check it out.
- [loud thud]
- Shit! [gasps]
Oh! [laughs]
[clears throat]
- Fuck. My phone died.
- [Ray] Oh, no.
- [Tyler] Fuck it.
- How are you gonna
find your dick?
- Ha. Very funny.
- [Shawna] Hey.
Check it out.
[Natalie] Dead man?
Why does it have to be gendered?
[Natalie and Heather converse
Want to have a little fun?
[indistinct chatter continues]
[both laughing]
Oh, God.
Okay, someone's locked us in.
All right, well,
Dodge'll be back soon.
"Five to dinner, six late."
"Behind the hands."
Behind the hands.
Behind the hands.
See this? I think
this generator back-feeds
into that electric box.
Leave it alone, Tyler.
Did you bring your charger?
I said leave it.
"Emma Campbell, Eddie Douglas,
John Davis Hale,
Abby Clark, Jimmy Cortez."
These are the people
who've died in the game.
And God said
"Let there be light."
[engine starts]
[rhythmic whirring and rattling]
Turn it off!
Fuck! Oh!
I guess I won.
[loud electrical hiss]
Oh, fuck! Little Bill?
[loud electrical pop]
Dodge? Dodge?
[shouting] Guys, help!
Oh, shit. Ray,
I think Little Bill is
[thudding, clattering]
[Tyler] Oh, fuck!
We need to leave.
- Now!
- Right.
[Ray] Come on!
Come on!
[car door opens, closes]
[car engine starts]
[distant explosion]
[car engine retreating]
Oh, my God.
The fuck?
- [distant, loud footsteps]
- [indistinct chatter]
[woman screaming]
[Ray] Fire! Fire!
Everybody out!
- We're still in here!
- Guys? Guys?
- Guys?
- Wait.
- Hello?
- Hello. We're still in here!
- Hurry.
- [Drew] Come on, hurry.
All right, all right.
Set him down. Set him down.
[Shawna] Okay. Okay.
Watch his head. Watch his head.
- [Drew] Oh, boy.
- Okay.
[Drew] All right.
His eyes are moving.
Dodge? Buddy? Dodge?
- Hey, Dodge?
- Everyone okay?
[Tyler] What happened to him?
Where's Heather?
Nat's missing, too.
Oh, my God. Check the pantry!
[Heather] Natalie, open it.
It's stuck.
Come on. Harder,
harder, harder. Come on.
I got it! Oh, come on.
- Come on!
- [thudding]
- Are you okay?
- [Natalie] Yeah.
Natalie, hurry!
[coughs] Heather?!
[flames rumbling]
- [metallic rattling]
- Where are you?
[Heather] Natalie, get me out!
I mean, it's fucking padlocked!
Jesus Christ. Can you climb?
- Heather?!
- [grunts]
- [wooden creaking]
- [coughs, screams]
- Heather! What happened?
- [doorknob rattles]
[coughs] I'm gonna
I'm gonna get help.
[Drew] Dodge?
- Can you hear me?
- [glass breaking]
- [coughing]
- Fuck. Ray!
- [coughing]
- Ray!
[Ray] I couldn't get to them.
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna call 911.
- Shit. Gotcha. Breathe.
- [gasping for air]
- [Ray coughs]
- [glass breaking]
[bells ringing]
- [bells ringing]
- [Heather] H help.

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