Paradise City (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

A Couple of Shirley Temples

-Hang on to yourself
-Well, there he is,
the man of the hour.
-The kid needs a home.
But I think we should
negotiate with these people.
It's a fucking lot of money.
-I think that what
we're asking is fair.
-She's got
an itchy trigger finger.
She's ready to go right
to the tabloids.
I don't trust her.
-I want Vivian
to be taken care of,
and if that means
it's expensive, then so be it.
-Any A-level producer we want
is gonna be another
half a mil to a mil.
-I'm the only asshole
that's ever gave
a shit about this band.
All you care about
is booze and broads.
-What is up with Elias
making a complete fool
out of Fritz?
You're gonna have to bring
every label and every manager
you know.
-There is one producer
who refuses to take money
up front.
-Levi Svengali?
-Oh, did I hurt your feelings?
-When you leave the club,
cracked out at five AM,
and the first thing you see
is a new photo that your ex
posted with his new girl,
a little younger,
a little tighter.
I bet you she's got a fucking
happy song to sing.
-Why don't I bring in her,
start tracking her?
-Play the fucking song.
-Johnny's favorite singer
committed suicide after--
-After making one
of the most influential
albums in a long time.
-This band is
fucking important to me,
and now Johnny hates me
all over again.
-One more thing?
Lily's out.

Got coffee, oatmeal.
Want some?
-Yeah, sure, thanks.
-All right.
-Hey, Tiger. Hi.
-[dog barks]
-Wanna go for a walk?
Can I take him for a walk?
-He pulls hard.
-Faith asleep?
-I just can't stand
how beautiful she is.
I just wanna eat her up.
She's like a little piece
of heaven.
-I think Tiger's got a little
irritation on his tummy.
I thought that was going away.
-Looks like a skin infection.
There's a really
good medication that I can use
to treat it if you want.
-I'll pick it up.
You can just write it down.
-No. Don't worry about it.
I got it.
-That's great. Thank you.
-You've been such
a great host.
-Oh. We change our mind
about giving up
our little angel?
Like your heart?
-Now, now,
it's too early to start.
To close my eyes
In between the memories
choking me and
I don't know which way to go
But I'm okay to never know
And she
Will see
Will see
but I'm ok to never know.
-Cool, right? [chuckles]
-That was good. Nice.
-Nice one.
-Ready for another one?
Yeah? Go again?
Run it back? Yeah?
-Hey. Um
Sorry, guys. I gotta figure out
this menu situation.
-Well, we still gotta practice
for, like, so couple more hours
at least.
-No, I know, but if I don't
figure this out, Maya's never
gonna talk to me again.
I just don't wanna risk it,
you know?
-All right, man.
-Sorry, guys.
I'll be back soon, all right?
-Okay, man.
-Hey. So, um--
literally every single club
either won't call me back,
um, has all their dates booked,
or is 21 plus.
-Yeah. We don't stand
a chance in hell
unless these shows are all ages.
It's, like, our whole fan base.
-You know, I'm not vouching
for this place,
but Spotlight is all ages.
-Oh, yeah, that's
the country place
on Jefferson Davis Highway?
-Yeah. My mom goes there
all the time
with her piece-of-shit boyfriend
and day drinks.
-Oh, really? Nice.
-Yeah. Super fun.
-I can relate.
-Yeah, the drinking,
not the boyfriend.
-Got you.
-Yeah. She's single.
-I'm sure. Yeah.
Do they-- Hmm.
-I also had another idea.
-I was just researching
some stuff online.
-And you know that little
blues bar down closer
to the city?
-They just lost
their liquor license,
so they won't be able to survive
being 21 and up anymore.
-Yeah, I mean, it's not really
in our wheelhouse,
but there are plenty
of teenagers willing
to pay 10 bucks
-so it could work.
-All right.
Can we scout it now?
-Yeah. Yeah, totally.
-Let's do it.
-Hey, Johnny,
you don't wanna be selfish
and stupid about this.
I mean, Lily is a huge part
of the culture of this band.
Really huge.
And firing the only woman
in the band
with the Me Too movement?
You know you're gonna catch it
up the ass.
God, if you're gonna go there,
she-- she seduced me.
-Look, let me--
Can I just add that,
you know, like he said,
it's not only about you.
Those three guys on the other
side of the glass there,
it's just as much about them.
You gotta put this stuff
behind you.
Look, these things happen.
-Look at Lindsey Buckingham
and Stevie Nicks.
-Oh, yeah.
I mean, they fucked
every which way,
and they still managed
to get out on stage.
You gotta stop living
in the past is what I'm saying.
I gotta stop living
in a fucking dreamland.
Sound familiar?
Look, you guys want me sober
and healthy and making records
and fulfilling my destiny,
whatever the fuck
you wanna call it--
-Of course.
-There's only one way
that that happens,
and that's if things with me
and Gretchen stay the way
that they are.
And the only way that happens
is if she doesn't fuckin'
second guess her decision
to be with me,
because of Lily and Faith.
I know that this is selfish,
and I know that Gretchen
could have any guy she wants,
but I also know
that I'm a fucking disaster.
-Come on. If she's gonna
second guess you over that,
it's not destined to be.
We gotta be very careful
with him .
He'll walk right off the ledge.
[blues playing]
-Nice place.
-You guys got ID?
-Doesn't matter no more, boss.
-Oh, shit.
All right, come on in.
-Look, I know it's probably
a little edgier than you might
be used to,
but you guys know this
as well as anybody,
the blues gave birth
to rock and roll.
Listen, let us help you keep
this place open.
You guys serve
really good food here.
-Is that--
-Yeah, and these kids love
to eat.
-They'll eat anything.
-Like, literally anything.
Who was the Rolling Stones'
biggest influence when they
got started?
-Um, uh, Muddy Waters.
They covered him actually,
And, um, they liked
Howlin' Wolf too.
-And, uh, Chuck Berry.
-Chuck Berry.
-Let's see what he can do.
-All right, kid.
You got yourself a deal.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you so much.
-Appreciate it, you guys.
-You will not regret it.
-Hey, um, just putting this
out there.
Are you guys cool
with the kids moshing?
-Moshing? What's moshing?
-Moshing, it's kind of like--
-It's like a dance.
-Yeah, it's a dance.
-People get kind of, you know,
-Bump into each other.
-Like in a circle.
-Kind of like hanging out.
-You mean mosh pit?
-Yeah, yeah.
-In the Macambo Lounge?
I tell you what,
they tear any shit up,
comes outta your cut.
-Oh, absolutely.
-Of course.
-All right.
-No doubt.
-[slaps table]
-All right.
-Let's do it.
-All right.
-What gives you
the fucking right?
-Hey, it's just a bad move,
all right?
-We finally come back,
and now it's like
we're asking for our fans
just to turn on us.
-It's literally the dumbest
thing we could do right now.
I mean, how do you think this
could be good for us, really?
-Tell him, Johnny.
Have you two already rehearsed
this entire thing?
-Of course they
fucking rehearsed it.
This is the Johnny show.
It's always fucking scripted,
isn't it?
-Dylan, how many other bands
do you have?
Why don't you calm down
and listen?
Or do you wanna sit on your ass
for another year?
-You guys do this, and it's
the last thing I'm gonna ask.
From here on out,
you call all the shots.
Give me a fucking break, Johnny.
-You call that a response?
I mean, really, take a breath.
What would it look like
with you guys running point?
-This is a fucking joke.
Yeah. Never did like
-All right.
To start, we announce
the Hit-Parader Fest
as Lily's farewell,
her final performance
with The Relentless.
-No. She's gone now.
-No. No, she's not, Johnny.
It'll make the fest bigger,
and it's-- God, it's--
it's the righteous way
to do this.
And between now and then,
full time, studio focus
on the album.
No exceptions, man.
Fine. What else?
-The new bass player
has to be another girl.
-That is a great idea.
-And, um
we do the new album
with Svengali.
-Svengali? What the fuck
is wrong with you, Vic?
-What the fuck's wrong with me?
Dude, how long have you
been sitting in here?
What do we have to show for it?
Don't turn your back on me, man.
Now, we're going to Louisiana.
All right? You're sober now.
We'll be there with you.
You'll be fine, man.
-Okay, fine.
-Oh, no, we're not done.
We're gonna continue
to offer Lily more money
until she agrees to announce
that she's left the band,
not that we've booted her out.
And you're gonna tell her,
this was your decision.
And for the grand finale,
you're gonna tell me
right fucking now.
Are there any other secrets
I don't know about?
-You know, this Mr. Elias,
he really seems to like you
and Faith.
-Yeah, he seems like it.
Very sweet man.
-No, I mean I think he might
just be falling in love
with you and little
Faith Sara Faust.
I bet you he would just love
to be the original grandpa.
Gets to watch her grow up,
puts you through school.
-Come on, Mom.
-Come on, Mom, what?
You are in Hollywood, girl.
This is where this kind
of thing happens.
Remember what your grandma said.
You gotta shoot for the stars,
not the losers and bars.
Did he say you can smoke
up here?
Girl, please.
Say I don't stalk you
Say how I tried to
Where you front
From creations round
-So congrats on the engagement.
-Yeah, thanks.
Um, how are you and Jade?
-Good. Good. Yeah, just,
uh, enjoying the sober life.
You know?
-Yeah, I hear you.
-What are you doing
to replace it?
I can't seem to find my vice.
-Lots of sex and cigarettes
and sugar.
-How are you two? Can I start
you off with something to drink?
-Shirley Temple, please.
-Yeah, uh, me too.
So I wanted to say thank you
for you brining me in
for this talk face-to-face.
-What do you mean?
-[chuckles] Come on, Johnny,
I know why I'm here.
And I get it, I do.
I'm so grateful
that we even have all these
great memories together
and you even letting me
in this band in the first place.
And I
don't resent you
for wanting me gone
at all.
I don't.
Yes, of course, and--
Besides, you know,
I'm in my twenties.
I have my health.
I'm young.
I'll just pick up a new project
and maybe even pick up
on my own guitar.
Um, I-- I want you to know
that I'm-- I'm really grateful
for you too,
and for everything you've done
for The Relentless.
And I'm not oblivious to how
much you've done for our career
and our music and, I mean,
-You don't have to say that.
-Here you go.
-Do you guys wanna
order some food?
-I'm good.
-Uh, no, no, I'm good.
There's no easy way
to ask you this,
but we want you
to say that you quit
rather than being kicked out.
Well, that's a big fucking
change to the narrative.
-Yeah, we know.
-And is this what you want?
-What I want is to make music
and to start a family
with Gretchen.
-I get it but just, please,
can you just
hold back all
the goody-goody shit.
-I am very aware
of what it does for the
perception of The Relentless
by saying you quit rather
than getting kicked out.
-So am I.
-Okay, so what do we do?
-Send an offer to my attorney
and my manager.
-You have a manager
and an attorney now?
-I will
after this Shirley Temple.
-Hey. Hey.
I heard The Relentless
are in the house tonight.
You guys seen them?
-What the hell are we
waiting for? You guys!
Come on! I hear they
take pics with their fans.
Yeah, no shit. I mean,
can you imagine how
many likes you get
from a great group selfie?
Like, instantaneous
improvement of self-worth
from just, boop, a little tap
on the screen, right?
Are you fucking kidding me?
What are we waiting for?
Come on, you troglodytes!
-I used to think this day
would never come.
Do you ever miss it?
-What, the dope?
-Well, I guess
that's my cue to leave.
Be good, Johnny.
Always have love for you.
I like this jacket.
[crowd clamoring]
-[camera shutter snaps]
-WOMAN: I love you!

-Are you guys adopting
some kitties?
-Not exactly.
But I am placing them
in some nice homes.
-Oh, that's sweet. How so?
-You know, some people only
want to buy their pets.
[computer beeps, cat mews]
Are you selling cats?
-Okay, let's say some wealthy
family wants to pay 250 bucks
-for a exotic longhair.
-I am just helping to fulfill
their wishes.
-So you get free kittens and
sell them to bougie families.
-That's fuckin' amazing.
-Well, I mean, the deposits
on these shows you booked
aren't exactly gonna pay
for themselves, am I right?
[computer beeps, cat mews]
What are you guys hustling?
-All right, baby.
-Hey, baby.
Fuckin' Mediterranean
So sick.
How you feel about this one,
-I feel great. I'm gonna
play a concert tonight.
Go find a shitter real quick.
-Yeah. How you doin'?
-Maya, we still have
to talk about the ad budget.
For your show tonight.
-Come on, man. The show sold
out in 90 seconds from one post.
Don't act like
you spent money on ads.
-Do we really need
all this extra security
and stagehands?
-Yeah, and you do too.
-Maya, I wanna keep it real,
But keeping it real sometimes
goes very wrong,
you know
what I'm talking about?
-Dude, I'm going
into a garage, man.
Hold on. Can you hear me?
-Can you hear me?
-[phone beeps]
-Yes, look at this.
Some of this
some of this.
This is on point, man.
This is the way we need
to be treated all the time.
-The only reason why we're
getting this hospitality
is because this place
is trying to impress Maya.
-Guys, doors are opening.
Let's load the gear onstage.
-Have at it.
-Thanks, Dom. Always a pleasure.
-I'm gonna talk a walk
before I kick your teeth
down your throat,
you delusional piece of shit.
-Sounds like someone's having
a bad day.
-Cut the fog!
Jesus! Cut the God-fuckin' fog!

-Listen, Oliver,
I got Maya fully committed
to Fritz, okay?
So are you still in
on this thing?
will open for him,
and if the show goes okay,
we'll sign 'em.
Okay. Okay, that's huge.
That is--
Holy huge!
[crowd clamoring]
-So there's this thing that
happens in society these days
that little kids get taught,
and big kids get taught it too,
is that if we're not perfect,
we're not beautiful.
And if we got lumps and bumps,
we gotta suck 'em in,
if we got scars,
we gotta cover them up,
because if we're not perfect,
we're not beautiful, man.
But you know what?
We think fuck that, man.
[crowd cheering]
We kind of like
the fucking thing.
That is, people's imperfections
that makes them beautiful.
And if you got scars, man,
you got stories to tell.
And that is
what's beautiful, man,
not being flawless and perfect.
So we wanna dedicate
this next song
to every single one of you
who's imperfect, man.
-MAN: Yeah!
-Because beautiful is boring.

-With Pantheon Music?
That is--
That is a game-changer, okay?
That is a game-changer.
-OLIVER: Yeah,
it'll be great, Ross.
-Uh, it's late. I'm gonna go.
-Yeah, it is.
-Too far
They said they did not want
my face ♪
In their magazine
'Cause I'm not beautiful
And not the most
fucking fantastic thing you've
ever seen. ♪
Did I make you scream?
-The two of you and I
back together,
Oliver, we're gonna do
some big things, you are.
-OLIVER: Yeah, I'm excited
to work with Maya.

- Do we make you sick?
Do our imperfections make your
blue breath run thick? ♪
Give me scars and stripes
-I mean, we got some big stuff
happening here, right?
Oliver. Oliver?
Ross is back!
Beautiful is boring
Beautiful is boring
Beautiful is boring
Beautiful is boring
-Fritz, are you good?
Can I get you anything?
-Yeah, where the hell is Maya?
-Maya's not here yet.
-I need my agent now!
-I can--
Whatever you need, I got you.
-I need some hot lemon tea.
-With honey.
-Okay. I got you.
-Manuka honey.
-And a fresh banana.

I hope this is their last song.
My stomach's bugging.
-Where is she?
-There you go.
Here's your hot tea, Fritz.
-Beautiful is boring
-And your banana.
-Peel that shit.
Open it up.
-And just so you know,
Maya's about to pull up.
Here you go.
You all good?
-Mmm. [muttering]
-All right.
Beautiful is boring
We're Bones UK! Stick around
for Fritz coming up next!
Thank you so much!
-I really appreciate
you giving Vic and Leo
the reins for awhile.
It says a lot.
-My main focus is on you
and me, Gretchen.
I wanna make the best music
I can with the band.
But my life away from that?
This is what matters.
Now and forever.
-I know but I just--
I feel bad about Lily.
I just hope it doesn't hurt
you guys.
I know that the fans
are really bummed,
and I can't help
but feel guilty.
Hey, are you gonna be good
when I'm outta town?
-Me? Uh, yeah.
My track record is clean.
-I always behave.
-No, I-- I know.
I mean here.
The Relentless' fan base isn't
exactly the nicest kids in town,
and I just worry about you.
-I'll be fine.
Now, go out there,
make some number-one hits.
If my soccer team is finishing
first in state,
then you guys at least
have to at try to keep up.
And if you're not finishing
first, Johnny Faust,
you are last.
I just washed my hair,
you asshole!
-Fuck! Hey, you know what?
We got plenty of towels, babe.
-Oh, fuck!
That's what I'd like
to call karma, Johnny Faust.
-How does it feel?
-Damn it.

-Fritz, we gotta go.
Every A&R in town is here.
They're getting restless, man.
-I need more time.
I still feel it in my throat,
you know what I mean?
Maya, what's this guy doing?
-He's waiting
for the air to clear.
-What the fuck is that,
It's been like two hours
since Bones UK's set ended.
I took the AC off for him.
It's, like, a hundred degrees
in here.
-I see you, Mr. Promoter.
It's the mucus going up
through my trachea.
You get that cold-ass AC
up in here.
It dries everything out.
I mean, if you can't fix
the humidity in the air,
I don't know if I can go on.
-Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much
for coming out Chattanooga.
It's gonna be our last song.
It's called "Rescue Me."
Kevin, hit the fog.
Hit the fuckin' fog!

I fade to black
As I search for the lack
Can you bring me back?
And the sun catches my eye
Can you show me the way?
-Maya, this is a serious
liability issue.
First heat stroke we have,
show's canceled.
-Can you unbreak my heart
So I can breathe
Before I suffocate
Before it's all too late
Before I die this way
I need to breathe
Before I slip away
-You're going on now.
-Not yet. Not yet.
-What's going on, man?
Are you nervous?
Is it because of Bones UK?
You don't want to follow 'em up?
What's up?
-Shit. Don't you work for me?
I'll let you know
when I'm ready.
Can you hear me?
-You're gonna walk your ass
down those stairs
right now and get on stage,
or I am going down there,
and I'm gonna cancel the show.
-FRITZ: Yeah?
-MAYA: Yeah.
-I need you
I fade to black
As I search for the light
Can you bring me back?
-I'm not putting a bunch
of fans in jeopardy down there
because you wanna be
a prima donna.
So you get your fuckin' ass
on that stage now.
-Okay, okay.
Before I slip away
While there's something
to say ♪
Can you help me?
I need to breathe
Can you rescue me?
I need to breathe
[cheering and applause]
-All right, all right,
all right.
Who wants to get lit
with Fritz?
We're under,
you and me ♪
For it, come hit,
me and you ♪
Know what I mean,
what I'm sayin' ♪
That I'm mean, huh
-Fifty-seven paid here
Poor guy lost his ass tonight.
-Yeah, Maya needs
to pay attention
to what she's doing
with us a lot more.
I'm gonna give her
a call right now.
-Do not call her.
-This motherfuckin' garage
we use for the industry
is cash-only.
I can't use my card.
-ROSS: Look, get those cars
out of that garage now!
-I have 10 dollars on me, Ross.
By the time I get
to an ATM and back,
these people will be fucking
flipping out.
-ROSS: Figure out
a different solution!
[horns honking]
-Hey, man, I gotta get
these cars outta here right now.
Tell me how much I owe you.
I'll leave you my license
and my car,
and I will just go get the cash
and bring it back to you.
-It's not a flat rate per car.
We charge every 15 minutes.
I would have to
check everyone's ticket
individually and calculate.
-Oh, man, I'll pay the max
on every car.
I gotta get them
outta here now.
-I'm sorry.
That's against company policy.
Can't let them exit
until cash is in your hand.
[horn blares]
-Maya! You're the best agent
in the business,
but what the fuck is this?
My dog's gonna piss
all over my fuckin' house!
-Fuck you, Gil.
-And I better get
fuckin' Fritz.
-It doesn't say Maya on
the marquee or on the ticket.
It says Over It All.
Don't bother her.
-Thank you for your opinion,
Now, if you don't mind,
I'm going to call my agent.
-If you call her to complain,
I'm gonna quit
this shit show right now.
-Yeah, like you got
anything better to do.
-I'd rather be
a fucking stagehand
and load gear for someone else
than have to carry you
on my back for another day.
-Well, maybe you can go
work for that band
with your little
buddy Simon.
-My little buddy?
My little buddy?
Why, because a bunch
of fuckin' teenagers
blew your
miserable ass offstage?
My fuckin' little buddy?
Hold the fuck on!
-That's why
he's my little buddy?
-Whatever. Whatever.
-You fuckin' hater!
Don't call her, man!
[line ringing]
-[horn blaring]
-Oh, Jesus Christ.
Dom, I can't talk
right now, okay?
-Maya, tonight was terrible.
Why in the fuck did you
book us in this place?
It's a dump.
What is this all about?
-Because the guy
that books shows there
was the only sucker in town
willing to pay you what you
think you're worth, all right?
-Oh, so it's my fault
he lost money now?
Maybe if you spent a little bit
more time on the strategy--
-Maybe you should think
about the strategy
of hiring that kid
in Virginia
to be your new booking agent,
because he seems to be
the only asshole
across America who could pull
a crowd for you, okay?
-We are done here.
-No, Maya
-I think things need--
-[phone beeps]
Maya? Maya.
-Is this all worth it?
The guy you brought these
people here to see tonight?
The guy you're
on the phone with?
Honestly, is this how
you imagined your life?
-You know what?
-MAN: It's not
that difficult, dude!
Press the button
and the arm guess up!
Let's go!
-Yes! Yes! Yes!
-ATTENDANT: It's all about you
most days, huh?
Just do what you want
'cause you work in Hollywood.
-Something like that.
-[phone buzzing]
-[raps car]
-Maya, don't be late
in the morning.
We have a big day. I'm bringing
a new strategic partner
that you have to meet tomorrow.
-The entertainment business
is not above the law in my book.
I'm off-duty,
but you are under arrest
for vandalism and destruction
of property.
-Give me a break, pal.
You are a parking attendant.
-Yeah, something like that.
Come here.
-[cuffs ratcheting]

Hey, I wanna go with you
to Louisiana.
-You know we can't do that.
None of the other guys
are bringing their girlfriends,
and the whole point of us going
all the way out there
is to so we completely isolate
with Svengali.
-Well, what about the festival?
-I still don't know yet.
You expect me just to sit
in this fucking purple house,
rotting away, while you're out
gallivanting all over the world?
-No, Jackie, I don't.
Come on.
-Well, that's what
it seems like.
Look, I don't want
to feel guilty
for having to ask
to be included.
-You shouldn't
ever feel guilty.
-I just don't want to feel
like the bitchy girlfriend.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
I don't want to make you feel
like that.
You know how much I love you.
-Well, good luck on the record.
-Maybe I'll write a song
about you.
[jet engine powering up]

[knocking on door]
-Leo Donovan.
-How's it going, mate?
-Vic Lakota.
-Nice to meet you.
Pleasure, gentleman.
Thanks for coming down here.
Before you all get
too comfortable,
let's just
take a moment, please.
-As you boys know,
most producers demand
a big chunk of cash
just to walk into the building.
I think that's
fuckin' bullshit.
I don't take a penny
to make a record upfront.
Only points,
though it is a lot of points.
But that's the only way
I'll do it.
If I don't deliver you hits,
I don't deserve shit.
I will only conduct business
So you can tell your agents,
managers, labels,
all them types that think
they may need to interfere,
that if they're
gonna wanna do that,
they're gonna have to
come down here.
As for your own interference,
once we begin
our sessions together,
there will not be
any cell phones allowed inside.
Now, here's
the most important part.
Feelings aren't facts
and facts are not feelings.
I will hold nothing back
when we make music together.
I will not compromise
my approach within these walls.
You boys understand that?
-That's why we're here.
-Well, that's great then.
If you could please sign
this paper.
-Is this a contract?
-No, it's a waiver.
Says that I have
no liability whatsoever
for anything that happens
to you during,
or after,
our sessions together--
psychological damage,
things of that nature.
I know it's a little weird,
but you all know my history.
This is the only way
I work with artists.
[pen scribbling]
Close the curtains,
cash me in ♪
Gather photographs
of the devil you let in ♪
-Very good. Thank you.
-I hope Johnny's good
with that.
-Oh, he real good with it.
He already signed.
He didn't tell you all that?
-Uh, no, actually.
-Well, now it's your turn.
This is the part where
you tell me everything
I'm not supposed to know
about Johnny Faust.
And then watch what magic
we create with that information.
Welcome to Louisiana.
-Do I run
Or lay down and die?
Is it time
To close my eyes?
My eyes
Keep me numb,
I'll follow direction ♪
A pawn to pass around
And be bled until I'm dry
It's hard to see
what's underneath ♪
Is it me?
Is it me?
Where do I turn?
Everywhere I look
These vultures burn
The life right out of me
Do I run
Or lay down and die?
Is it time
To close my eyes?
Where do I turn ?
Everywhere I look
These vultures burn
The life right out of me
Do I run
Or lay down and die?
Is it time
To close my eyes?
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