Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e05 Episode Script

The Holy Warrior

Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
In the afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Touching the grass under the sunlight
streaming through the leaves
I'll talk with you
See, on the lunch bench
A dream blossoms
Carry the sound of
the waves in your heart
Sink your blues
Stretch a bridge to tomorrow
Don't worry about tsunami
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
A magnificent mushroom
cloud in the sky
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon of birds
pecking at food in an alley
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The dream I nurtured
on the lunch bench
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
The afternoon, born on the day of the
sunlight streaming through the leaves
Yes, that's right.
Really, it's so scary, isn't it?
So, they caught him, right?
Shonen Bat.
I'm so glad.
We were so worried that
we've been taking our kids
to and from the school
every day these days.
So was it really like they said?
A grade school kid?
Oh, you know, apparently it wasn't.
It turns out that Shonen bat is
So, let's hear you confess everything
Makoto Kozuka, second year student
at Minami Junior High School.
It was my fault.
Oh, you sound so sanctimonious.
I'd never thought
it would turn out to be
Don't tell me that you,
a junior high student, didn't know
what would happen if you
hit someone with a bat, huh?
If I'd realized it sooner, things
wouldn't have turned out this way.
Your regretting your actions now
won't help the victims.
There are still so many people left
who are waiting to be saved
That's right, there are so many people
waiting to be saved eh?
I must go fight.
I'm chosen to defeat Gohma
A warrior.
I am the Holy Warrior!
I think he's the attacker.
Back then, Gohma's level was still low,
and it was easy to defeat him.
Oh, then you admit you did it?
We have a witness's account that
you were near the scene of crime
that evening when
Ushiyama was attacked.
I received a prophecy.
A prophecy?
Please, look at this.
"Character Descriptions"?
"Don't miss the prophecies given
by Keytrue, the Ancient Master!
There are many hints hidden
in his enigmatic words!"
You're the enigma!
Don't think you can get away with
such an excuse that
you couldn't tell the difference
between a dream and reality, you brat!
Following the Ancient Master's
prophecy, I headed north.
To defeat Gohma?
Keep your mouth shut!
Yes, sir.
I could feel the evil presence of
Gohma in that dark cave.
You were stalking Ushiyama.
You were planning to attack him
from the beginning, weren't you?
Why did you target him?
The light
The red light leads me.
Those who are possessed by Gohma
glow red because of the pain.
That light can only be seen
by the Holy Warriors.
Are you telling me the victims
were all glowing red, huh?
The light.
Don't worry, yours is yellow.
Stop messing around!
You stalked him wearing the inline
skates you called "Golden Shoes"
while holding a metal bat in your hand,
and then attacked Gohma!
That's right.
No! Not Gohma!
You attacked Ushiyama!
I raised the Golden Sword.
No! It was a metal bat!
You raised the metal bat
you'd brought with you!
Charging the Golden Shoes
with power
You mean the inline skates!
I released my energy full-blast.
The Golden Sword was filled with power!
Raising the metal bat,
you sneaked up from behind!
And accelerated even more!
Right, you dashed closer!
When I came out of the cave
When you turned the corner
under the overpass
you saw Ushiyama with his friend Taira
on the way home from school
It was trying to attack the villagers!
There's no doubt about it.
He's the red-glowing, gigantic Gohma!
Oh, right here.
It says, "The Movootoo is
intensely powerful.
But it has no agility,
swift attacks are effective.
Finish it off before
it attacks the villagers."
The victim glowed red and
you defeated Gohma?
Do you think you can deceive adults
with a bullshit story like that?!
A Holy Warrior does not lie.
You brat
But Chief, his statement mostly
corroborates the incident
Get me some S-H.
Is there a character like that?
Short Hope Cigarettes!
What else could I mean?!
Yes. That's him.
He's the attacker.
But if you think I killed Gohma
just like that, you're wildly mistaken.
It moved into the villager
that was next to him.
So, you're saying that monster is
Yuichi Taira.
He's a stronger enemy
than the first one.
Here, see?
You get the Star Ruby
if you defeat the Sky Ice!
I don't care about ice or a ruby!
The only thing I want to get is
a statement from him.
Damn you
Way to go! That's the White Cube!
Are you all right? Villager!
Thanks, you saved me
Who are you calling a "villager"?!
You moron!
Don't give me that "para-pa-pa-paa".
That was close.
Maniston the Wandering Minstrel:
He travels through many countries and
spreads the stories of
the Holy Warriors' heroics.
You idiot!
I shall pass on to the people the story of
your battles, Master Holy Warrior.
You are the renowned Master Maniston.
However, Gohma has yet
to reveal its true form.
A sign from the Ancient Master!
Could it be that he has
a clue about Gohma?
Indeed, the tower is marked
A sign from the Ancient Master, my ass.
To begin with
what are you doing helping
Kozuka with his ridiculous story?
Hey! Answer me, Maniwa!
Damn Maniwa.
I understand you require
the Moon Sapphire as well?
That is yet to be obtained, sir.
Hey! Wait, wait!
Wait, wait, wait!
The legend has it that when the
Moon Sapphire and Star Ruby
align with each other
rays of light in the colors
of the rainbow radiate
and the closed gate
of space-time opens.
Yes, indeed.
It reads thus: "Obtain both the
Star Ruby and Moon Sapphire
and go to the next stage.
Gohma's evil designs will be
found in unexpected places."
I shall always be on guard.
Maniwa, listen to me!
What's our job?!
To find the facts.
Right, facts.
But this, this definitely
isn't about facts at all!
It's just a farce!
But Chief, you said the facts
always appear strange
Don't talk to me like
you know what's what!
Ancient Master.
Ancient Master, please tell us,
where is Gohma's true form?
A green frog goes "boom"
Yes! Following your guidance,
Master, I have already rescued him.
Thanks to the White Cube you had
given me, I was able to rescue him.
We're wasting time
listening to this nonsense.
A good whack will do good
to a little brat like him.
But it is beginning to make sense, Chief.
Oh yeah, "Master Wandering Minstrel"?
I believe the Ancient Master is
referring to the victims.
Cry and melt, burn and melt,
melt and flow.
A butterfly.
Could it be so?
Gohma is planning to posses
the Princess?!
So a princess next, huh?
It must be Harumi Chono.
He's making a statement
about her now.
See, look.
Princess Flier
Just like I said, isn't it, Chief!
You're enjoying this, aren't you?
That's the Moon Sapphire!
You're a sophomoric Holy Warrior!
Hand over the Star Ruby that
you have obtained!
Filthy Gohma!
Return the Princess!
If you want the Princess,
bring me the Star Ruby!
Yes, I think he's the attacker.
Were you ever in contact with him
prior to the incident?
No I don't think so.
Please think carefully.
Maybe somewhere in the city,
for instance, well
Well, for instance,
maybe you provoked him
Provoked? Me?
Oh, no.
Um, do you like butterflies?
The ones that fly.
Like fluttering like this
This is too stupid to be
an interrogation!
Is it gone?
The phantom castle the Princess
stays in, moves around.
There was a clue
in the book of maps, but
How dare they have the nerve
to talk this nonsense to me!
How can you do this to me, ribbit?
No doubt about it.
That's Shonen Bat.
Come on, detective,
I helped with your investigation
how about helping me
with my story now?
Let's see, about the fourth victim,
Harumi Chono.
I thought you'd be telling me about her.
Wha? Why?
Why do I have to suffer
such cruel treatment, ribbit?
You're the one who was once
possessed by Gohma
I just came to thank you
for rescuing me, rabbit!
So the one who rescued Kawazu
I mean this frog from Gohma is
Gather around, gather around,
the bird in the cage
Maniwa, what are we?
We're detectives.
Don't detectives fight against crimes?
Only the Holy Warriors are capable
of fighting against Gohma!
To solve crimes and protect citizens,
that's what we detectives do!
Master Holy Warrior, please rescue
Princess Flier!
I wish to do so without
a moment's delay.
However, her location
is unknown to me.
We shouldn't be wasting time
in this never-never land!
The Princess is
currently in the Eastern
The Eastern Grassland!
This is enough!
We should take a different approach!
You're right, we were wrong!
I'm getting sick.
Chief! He's finally going to talk about
the attack on Harumi Chono!
It's no time to be smoking!
You have to pay attention and listen!
You know, don't tell me
you really are enjoying this.
Well Chief, let's go, quickly!
Welcome, cute boy.
Princess, please come to your senses!
Come on, come closer to me.
Don't fool with me, filthy Gohma!
I know what you really are!
Hmm, that's a shame.
Hey, since when did this world
become the children's place?
Are you all right?
It seems your attack was futile.
What's so funny?
It can't be?!
How pathetic.
Without weapons,
you're nothing but an ordinary human!
Holy Warrior!
I will never submit to Gohma's power!
"An encounter of the Star Ruby and
Moon Sapphire will cut your way
during the struggle!
Don't hesitate!"
Relinquish the Star Ruby to me!
What do I do?
Do or die!
As you wish, take it!
In the gates of the other-world lurk new,
powerful enemies! Stay alert!
Did he do it?
Yeah, he did it.
A stupid kid who got carried away
and attacked people
indiscriminately with a bat.
I'd say that is what
this was all about.
Holy Warrior, you're unhurt.
It's the end of the world.
Not yet.
It's not finished yet.
The attack on Mr. Hirukawa.
The story's going into the key stage!
Even though the world has become
a rotten and unjust place
we still have to live in it.
We have to believe that justice exists,
if we want to go on living. Right?
What are you talking gibberish for?
I'm surrounded by idiots!
I was so close to moving
to the next world
What's in the next one?
A village of the Mi Jot tribe.
They say an old woman lives there
who knows what Gohma really is.
What Gohma really is?
They say Gohma is not of this world.
If you find out where it came from,
you can figure out a way to kill it.
And an old woman of the Mi Jot tribe
knows where it came from?
The Mi Jot Tribe:
Creatures with short stature that live
by recycling city wastes. Their words
are littered with lies, but some
fragments of the truth are also hidden
in them. Be cunning and retrieve only
the important information.
Damn I have to do it all over again
from where I'd saved it before.
You'll have no chance for a replay.
Chief! Let's go!
Hey! Wait for me!
What did that brat say
that I didn't get?!
He didn't say anything.
I just hit upon an idea.
About what?
The one who knows
what Gohma really is.
Give me a break.
To begin with
The main point of concern is moving
northward in the Izu Peninsula.
The moonlight disappears like a dewdrop.
A shadow of a shadow.
Being called here and there,
where will the shoes of gold go?
May tomorrow's weather be good.
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