Paris Police 1900 (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Intriguing music
Soft music
Panting breaths
- Lord.
Mme Steinheil,
you are wanton.
- I'm at your service, Colonel.
She laughs.
As long as our reports
remain confidential.
Deep breaths
- What are you going to say to Puybaraud?
- But how I seduced you, come on!
To laugh
I sleep with Gabriel Sabran
de Pontevès, commissioner.
I'm a good agent,
I deserve a bonus.
Gabriel chuckles.
What do you want
me to tell her?
- Puybaraud asked
you to come closer to me?
- Not.
- Are you sure ?
- No, he never mentioned you.
- A coincidence, then
She nods.
- I know what I won't say
to M. Puybaraud.
I won't tell him
that Gabriel Sabran is different,
that he is intelligent
and sad,
that he despises the Guérins, that he
hates Drumont.
I would bet
you are your father's enemy.
- You're going to get killed,
talking without thinking.
- Not right away, I hope.
Calm music
The phone is ringing.
What's going on ?
- The phone
is for consumers.
We know clients like you.
We don't consume anything,
we stay warm and we phone.
- Nobody answered.
- It's your problem.
What can I serve you ?
- A lemonade.
- A lemonade for sir!
- A call for Maisons-Laffitte,
area of ​​Pontevès.
Disturbing music
- What is the phone for
if we don't answer?
What are you doing ?
- We have to go. Are you ready ?
- I need your help.
Who just called you?
- Nobody.
I shouldn't have brought you here.
- Usually, we regret later.
- I wasn't talking about you.
I'm the one who shouldn't be here.
- I can trust you ?
- Why ?
Do you have something to sell me?
- Take me home
and you'll see.
A door opens.
The door closes.
Dark music
- Come on, hop!
Hop !
Metallic ringing
Dramatic music
A door slams.
Door slam
Footsteps are approaching.
- Good evening.
- Are you there?
- I am at home.
- I introduce you…
- Adolphe Steinheil.
I am madam's husband. You are ?
- Gabriel Sabran de Pontevès. Nice to meet you.
- Marguerite has a weakness
for the uniform.
- She wanted to show me
your work as a portrait painter.
I am considering ordering.
- Ah…
I'm sorry, my notebook is full.
- Success ? I understand.
- Here.
Sorry, sir,
you won't be Aunt Nelly.
This is the name we give to visits
that my wife receives.
Our 7 year old daughter is waiting
to meet this famous aunt.
- Mom !
- I'm coming, my dear.
Mom will come later.
Soft music
Meg walks away.
- I'm sorry.
I didn't know he would be there.
- Tell Puybaraud that I unmasked you.
If you don't serve anymore,
he will get tired of you.
- I have something for you.
You will not regret.
- You have a daughter, a family.
Stay away from the Guérins, from my father.
Of me.
- You!
You feel the
- You can smell the paint.
To each his own work.
Mom is home, darling.
You can sleep.
Peaceful music
- If you have
good grades at school,
boys, you can
become a police officer, like your daddy.
You arrest criminals
and protect people.
You, my pretty, you will find a good husband.
You will make him good meals,
like mom!
So, has everyone been very good?
Exclamation interrogative
He's laughing.
(- Julien got into a fight.)
- Is that true, Julien?
Be careful ! We start
by fighting and we end up in prison.
- Did you hear?
- He bickered a bit, that's all.
- Mrs. Fiersi, this jam
How do you do ?
- Come on, children!
Papa and M. Puybaraud have work.
- How do you feel ?
- Good.
- My boy,
I would like you to be honest.
You broke a man yesterday.
It's not nothing.
- He confessed.
It's all that matters.
- Are you sure ?
Fiersi acquiesce.
- You were right, I was wrong.
I am used to it.
- I may have some advancement
in the next few days.
I will reward you.
- The Berger case is closed.
We have a culprit,
Jean Dornet, the neighbor.
Fiersi got his confession.
- The neighbor is innocent, you know that.
- It doesn't matter.
What we can prove interests me.
- I was at the scene of the crime.
I opened the door.
I saw the attic
where it was cut, at Sabran's,
at 31 rue de Nevers.
- Every morning I get
a report on the fires.
A real scourge.
Last night
4 for a total of 7 victims.
Rue de la Folie Méricourt, rue d'Alésia,
rue des Francs Bourgeois
- And rue de Nevers.
- I forbid you
to attack Fiersi.
The prefect will announce
the resolution of the case.
We're not going to contradict him, get it
- They're going to kill a man
to cover up the case.
- Yes I know.
I know. But…
As they are in a hurry,
they make mistakes.
The Joséphine Berger case is closed.
the investigation into Terrail's death
remains open.
We find the chimney sweep…
He will tell us who hired him.
Tell me about your evening, Inspector,
in great detail.
What did you see ? What did you hear?
When I make my report to the préfet,
I want it to be convincing.
- Gentlemen,
I am pleased to announce
that the case of the bloody suitcase
is now resolved.
Following a
careful police investigation ,
the so-called Dornet Jean was arrested
by Inspector Fiersi.
The accused wanted to ease his conscience
and admitted his crime.
That's it.
Mixed voices
- The Prefect will not answer
any other question today!
- Your husband was sleeping with her.
He confessed to his crime.
- It's not possible.
- I'm sorry, Mrs Dornet.
You are not an accomplice,
you are a victim.
You won't be worried.
- I have to find someone
to babysit.
If I have to work in the evening, I
must be able to go out.
- You can organize yourself.
Your rent is paid for 6 months.
For your business, women
sell their bodies legally.
We can recommend you.
We can pay you
as an informant.
- Moucharde?
I want well,
but I don't know anyone.
- You know me.
A deposit.
- Do I have to sleep with you?
- There will necessarily be a withdrawal.
I heard
it would be difficult.
- It already is.
But it is a necessary evil.
- Your friends
from the National Women's Congress
worried about your absence.
I didn't know you were a feminist.
- I have good reasons
of being.
It's time to help each other out,
Yesterday, I fell into a trap
intended for you.
He sighs.
Intriguing music
- Who handed it to you?
Footsteps are approaching.
Creaking door
- I have a client for you.
Prefect Lépine
would like to order a portrait from you.
you may not have time.
"Prefect Lepine?"
I was worried about your relationships,
but nice blow!
- One does what one can.
- Yes, I insist!
Talent and discernment.
- Do you have work, are you happy?
- To develop.
One print.
I'm hungry ! But I'm hungry !
Are you coming, darling?
I'll take you to town for lunch.
- I'm looking for an address.
This is a priority investigation.
Chauvin Jeanne.
That's what I'm asking you,
the address!
There is someone ?
You hear me ?
He hangs up and sighs.
- This, inspector,
is a telephone directory.
We also say bottin, named after Bottin
who invented it in 1798.
- Did they have the phone?
- He created a trade almanac,
and the name stuck.
There is a telephone book.
It seems that
they will launch a social directory.
You do not have any ?
It would be useful for your inquiries.
Subscribers are ranked
in alphabetical order.
Intriguing music
Laughter and mixed voices
- I raise my glass
to the brightest of all our elements:
the inspector
Or rather should I say:
the future Commissioner Fiersi.
- The buttocks behind your desk,
you'll be bored!
- No, he will come back with us to
break some skulls!
There is silence.
- Congratulations.
- Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
While we drink,
the sedition progresses.
Work doesn't wait!
We received an order
from the Ministry of the Interior.
Here is a list of people
dedicated to surveillance
with a view to imminent arrest.
We have :
League of Patriots,
Messrs Déroulède, Barilier, Baillère.
Leaders of La Villette:
Messrs Dumay, Sarrazin
and Violet brothers.
Anti-Semitic youth: Dubuc and Cailly.
Anti-Semitic League:
Jules Guérin.
The rest is made up
of the followers of these gentlemen.
In all, 32 people.
The Prefect has
a word to add?
- You heard the commissioner.
Gentlemen, get to work!
Dismal music
You gave the order
to sweep the leagues!
Over my head!
You gave the order.
- The union of leagues
will be announced tomorrow.
Drumont will present a motion
of censure and it will pass.
- If we don't knock, we're done.
- You have no serious motive.
- Conspiracy against state security.
- I hate the Guérins as much as you do,
Leagues can take the majority,
to bring down the government.
We will not win like this.
- Dreyfus is in Rennes.
His trial begins.
The army is just waiting for a pretext.
- Are you going to offer them?
- Enough.
You have to hold Paris,
you don't even hold your wife!
Do what you are asked,
otherwise someone else will.
Intriguing music
The pig whines.
- No, my friends.
Today I will not kill a pig.
Disappointed exclamations
Today, what this blade demands,
it is not the blood of the animal.
It is the blood of traitors!
France is angry.
infamy begins.
in a court,
it is our army
which is on the dock.
And who accuses him?
It's the Jew!
Today, in France,
traitors and rabbis
rule us.
Today, in France,
the police are plotting to arrest you.
But today,
it's not just the day of infamy.
It is also…
the day of hope!
Because today
we celebrate
the union of leagues!
Today, all united for France!
Anti-Semitic !
Long live France !
- Death to the Jews!
- Death to the Jews!
- You go-y!
Go ahead, move, to see!
Go ahead!
Open the door.
He's coughing.
- Antoine, Sébastien, stop!
He's a policeman.
He moans.
Lapping water
He sighs for a long time.
He sniffs.
He sighs.
He sniffs.
- What are you doing standing?
- I was waiting for you.
- You wanted to talk to me ?
- I don't want to go to jail.
Mr. Puybaraud said
- Let him say what he wants.
You'll never go to jail.
You haven't done anything wrong.
You hear me ?
You haven't done anything wrong.
Disturbing music
He moans.
Moaning of pain
Crash away
Cracking stairs
- There is some coffee left.
Ringing dishes
Last night…
My comrades protected Mlle Chauvin.
The Weidmann cabinet had to close.
There have been threats against her.
- I don't blame them.
Where is Mlle Chauvin?
- She'll be here before noon.
She would like you to wait for her.
The spoons are in the 2nd drawer.
He puts down his cup.
He opens the drawer.
He closes it.
- Do you come often?
- Sometimes.
- Miss Chauvin
will no longer need protection.
- You've been a policeman for…
- Four years.
- Do you like the job?
- Great.
Every awakening is a delight.
I like to smash anarchist's head.
- See you soon then.
Intriguing music
- I don't serve any more.
- Back to unemployment.
She laughs.
I am going to tell Puybaraud that the Guérins
are convinced that you are an agent.
- Goods.
- You have to give me back the photograph
of Mme Lépine.
- I destroyed it.
Soft music
- Aren't you stupid enough
to sell it?
but not crazy.
- I destroyed it.
- I'll pretend to believe you.
- Sir.
This infamous shot was taken
in my studio. Who is it ?
I want to know who it is.
- Mrs. Lépine.
The original, at the bank.
Do you still have your safe?
I don't have access to it.
- What are you going to do with it?
- The inspector you saw
is called Fiersi. Parisian security.
If anything should happen to me,
if I had to be away,
do not come back,
warn him.
and nobody else.
Intriguing music
- I have to go, sir.
Finally, for Rennes! Dreyfus, the trial.
But not long.
- When are you testifying?
- Tuesday.
In my absence,
the anthropometry department
- Will be functional, I'm sure.
No one is irreplaceable.
- Imagine that Dreyfus is acquitted
I was however certain
that graphology
Finally, I…
I would be disowned,
- Your head, Professor,
is not on the block.
When you return, you will still have
a post at the prefecture.
If I'm still a prefect.
I can't guarantee you anything.
- Ah…
Thank you sir.
Little relieved laugh
How is Madame Lépine?
- Good.
And Madame Bertillon?
- Oh !
He stutters.
She is fine.
She is fine.
Playful classical music
- It would be appropriate
for Madame to invite some friends,
to reassure them
about your state of health.
- And silence the bad tongues.
You don't like me, Hector.
I don't know how to behave,
I create problems.
How much you care about my husband
- The Prefect has authorized me,
if necessary,
to give you laudanum.
Mrs ?
- No thanks.
You are a good administrator,
but you are not a police officer.
Surveillance, search
It is an art.
Do me a favor.
Find me the address
of the Countess of Vaudois.
Gramophone bearings
A door opens.
- You slept
with this anarchist?
- Me no.
Miss Chauvin, I don't know.
She has a weakness for stray cats.
- Who is it ?
- Mrs. Berger.
His daughter was called Joséphine.
The Weidmann firm
offers to assist Ms. Berger
in its efforts to recover
custody of her grandson, Matthias.
- Is she already in Paris?
A mail takes a week.
- I sent a telegram.
- You didn't warn me.
- You spoke to the prefect about the check.
- You did well,
but you should have warned.
Ringing dishes
- This morning, I woke up…
- In my room.
- I mean, I was…
- Undressed.
- I can't remember. We have
- No.
But you've told me all your life.
Your childhood,
why did you become a police officer
It's wrong.
You as sleep.
- You slept with that anarchist?
- Do I look like a virgin?
- Drag!
- Sorry ?
- Nothing.
- You thought so hard
that I heard.
- You start again, I defend myself.
- Get out of here !
- I have to question him.
- I know.
When we come to the prefecture,
you can question him
in my presence.
- I have to question him now.
- Let him do it.
He's in a hurry.
- Mrs Berger,
I am an inspector
in the research brigade.
She speaks German.
He slams the door.
- Yes, APX 38,
it is one of our shirts, indeed.
The laundry belongs
to my father-in-law, Gérard Barthet, GB.
As I do all the work
- You sign AP.
- Anatole Poitraud, to serve you.
This is a
nice quality uniform shirt .
I would say a officer,
a colonel or a captain.
- Can you tell
who owns it?
- To any of our customers
who make a 38.
Such a waste !
- You treat the laundry
officers residing in Fontenoy?
- Yes, I have that honor.
- Gabriel Sabran de Pontevès, for
- Yes, he's one of our clients.
- He's a 38?
- I think so.
- Left! Left! Left!
- Gabriel Sabran de Pontevès,
born in Bischoffsheim, Alsace,
in April 1867,
only son
of Count Henri Sabran de Pontevès.
then the War School, graduated in 93,
ranked 9th in his promotion.
In 94, left the cavalry
for information.
Two years in the field,
then joined the Ministry of War.
Nice party.
- The enemy of his father,
Gabriel Sabran.
He did not deny?
"That's what Jouin heard."
An hour after he came out,
the apartment was on fire.
- The one with Sabran, do you have a name?
- Steinheil.
A snitch from Puybaraud.
Should we question him?
- Never.
I will take care
of Mrs Steinheil personally.
- If this cliché comes out, the prefect is finished.
3, 4 copies well placed
Waldeck, two MPs,
a newspaper boss…
They speak. Everyone knows.
- No prefect can be ridiculous.
- Sell them to my father.
He will make you a rich woman.
You will belong to him.
The Guérins will be barons,
the Drumonts will be ministers,
and you, courtesan,
you will be at their service.
- Do I have another choice?
- Who pays so much?
Soft music
Don't try to see me again.
- I want anthropometry to
be flawless.
If mistakes are made,
I would know. Including ?
The management of the laboratory
is entrusted to
Do you take me for a jerk?
Do you think Bertillon is finished?
- No.
- Yes ! I can see it well.
Dreyfus innocent, Bertillon ridicule…
Make way for young people,
is that what you think?
But graphology doesn't lie,
it's a science,
like Bertillonage.
I'm going to Rennes
to convict
this dirty spy again!
Let me pass !
I have a train to take!
- It's not true !
A hen cackles.
- Come here, casserole!
- Wait for me !
- The countess of "Vau-quoi"?
The old goat from the 3rd
that takes everyone down?
3rd door, right.
Knocking on the door
- It is open !
Are you the driver?
I have 2 trunks,
no question of paying extra.
I don't think I invited you.
- Are you leaving us?
Where are you going ?
- Montecarlo.
You know ? Summer is divine.
- Montecarlo ?
With what money? You don't have enough
to buy yourself a dress.
You still have the same rags.
- Get out of my house.
- At your house…
Ah yes of course !
At your house.
It's amazing what you discover
when you lift a stone.
These creatures that crawl in the dark.
You trapped me
by attracting me to this painter.
On whose behalf?
"Mrs. Steinheil asked me."
I did it.
You noticed that she fired me.
- Before I take drugs?
- Nobody drugs you, my dear.
You do it on your own.
- Ah!
Another expensive hobby:
Little cry
- No one buys my syringes from
Now get out of my house!
Or count on me to ruin
- You believe
that I'm afraid of scandal?
I left the door open.
Who gave you the order?
- Nobody.
- Speak, old whore!
- Nobody !
Stop her!
- Mrs !
The countess sniffs.
- Do you think you have nothing more
to lose?
Do you think you've hit rock bottom?
When I'm done,
you'll be arrested.
My husband will find a mobile
or he will invent one.
I will take care personally
that the guardians of Saint-Lazare
take good care of you.
There is no background.
You can always go
a little lower.
Who gave you the order?
- Puybaraud.
Madame Lépine is breathing hard.
Intriguing music
- Have you ever seen Aunt Nelly?
- When she comes to visit Mom,
I am not allowed to enter. Neither dad.
Not on the floor
- Is
she hiding because she has a leek on her nose?
Maybe it's me,
in fact, your aunt Nelly.
Maybe there are several.
You have a lot of aunts Nelly
because your mom
has a large family.
And lots of little secrets.
Is not it
that your mom is a dungeon?
(- Not !)
- Chut!
I'm joking.
I love your mom too.
I want him well.
Will you lend it to me for a party?
- She doesn't want to go with you.
- Oh…
But she knows
that she has to do it.
She's an adult.
Adults understand
that we don't always have a choice.
- I want her to stay.
- You want to come ?
- Not !
(My darling…)
(Tonight, it's daddy
who's going to tell you a story.)
(Tomorrow it will be me.)
(I promise you. Come on, come on.)
Disturbing music
Mixed voices
- Well-established ?
- We brought in reinforcements.
There is a lack of offices.
The boss said take yours.
He's in the ministry.
There is advancement in the air.
He's laughing.
- Talk for you.
- Hey, do you know why we're attacking
Usually, we are understanding
with these people.
- You checked
the addresses of the butchers?
Two don't fit.
The Violet brothers.
- I checked, though.
- If you say so.
- Goods!
Intriguing music
I forgot to tell you…
A message for you,
a certain Steinheil.
He would like you to go to his place.
Impasse Ronsin.
- Do you know who it is?
He's Pompe Funèbre's husband.
They laugh.
The door opens.
It closes.
Not on the stairs
Footsteps are approaching.
I'm not here to fight.
The snitches
I've seen so many.
They are easy to find.
In the stations,
at the exit of Saint-Lazare
They are hungry. We pay for the meal.
We are doing a service.
"I know someone looking for
a maid. I can get you hired.
"Do his housework, empty his pockets,
do his trash.
"Sleep with him.
Josephine, I must have seen her
3 times.
When I recruited her,
when I presented it to M. Puybaraud,
and when they arrested her.
Rotten meats, does that cause you?
- Yes.
- We were interested in the Guérins.
2 good for nothing
who get the fortune, why?
Behind, there are the Sabran.
At home, Josephine. Domesticated,
pretty one,
sassy, ​​lively.
It was introduced to me by a butcher.
- Émile Terrail.
Fiersi rigole.
- That ox!
He was in love with her.
I recruit the little one,
I present her to M. Puybaraud.
He was the one who came up with the nickname.
The Swallow.
"Because she flies fast,
she will go far."
- He treated her in person.
- As it does
with the most promising.
There is a golden rule.
We protect our snitches.
Otherwise, will convince others.
- But no one protected Josephine.
He sighs.
- M. Puybaraud has a file
on the Hirondelle.
I opened it.
I stole this letter.
- "I, the undersigned Gabriel Sabran,
"to be the father of Matthias Berger,
"born in Saint-Lazare prison
on July 12, 1896."
Recognition of paternity.
- The kid is the heir
to the Sabran fortune.
Bloody mobile for a murder.
Puybaraud knew it.
Scary music
Thunder rumbles.
- "Your name, child?
"Je me nomme Alice,
"please your majesty,
Alice said very politely.
"But she added to herself:
"These people are, after all,
"than a pack of cards.
"Why should I be afraid of it?"
"The queen turned purple with anger.
"After considering her
"a moment with blazing eyes,
"like those of a wild beast,
"she began to shout:
"Cut off his head !"
- We have not yet been introduced,
Mrs Steinheil,
but you know my son,
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