Pauline (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[soft gentle music playing]
[Jason] Okay, and another one over here.
That looks beautiful.
One more of these.
[young Pauline]
First pink and then yellow.
[soft knocking]
[woman whispers]
Jason, I have the supplies.
Let's prepare her for another injection.
[woman] Alright.
[sinister sound gradually intensifies]
[young Pauline screams]
[Pauline gasps]
[Pauline sobs]
[crickets chirping]
[floorboards creaking]
[Pauline gasps]
[Pauline breathes nervously]
[door shuts gently]
[soft ethereal music playing]
[floorboards creaking]
[door slams]
[man] I want no part in this nonsense.
It's against my principles.
Angels and demons aren't supposed
to work together.
Th-- Th- Th- The last time they did,
the entire Roman Empire collapsed.
It cost us thousands of years of progress.
Those assholes have no damn place here,
and that's exactly what I'll tell her!
[woman] You should mind your words, Caius!
[Caius] You know I've got strong
arguments. Where are they, anyway?
[woman] In the common room.
[Caius] If I find one of those douchebags
sitting in my favorite spot, I'll lose it!
[woman] Take it down a notch.
[Eira] In order to change things,
one must sometimes take unlikely measures,
however daunting they may appear.
We all share a common goal.
If we want to get that thing
out of Pauline once and for all,
without hurting her in any way,
we must find a way to trust each other.
[door slams]
Eira, wake up!
They are not to be trusted.
That's the son of the devil,
and his-- I- I don't know who that is.
Tammo Pest. [sighs] Head of Mythology
and a bit of clergy work. Hello.
I can't believe you let them
into our house. They're the bad guys.
Yeah, um, actually, historically speaking,
this whole good/bad, angel/devil framing
is your doing.
I personally prefer non-judgmental terms
like chaos and control.
Positive and negative energy also works.
Although there's a hint of prejudice--
[muted mouthing]
[Peri] In principle, Caius is right.
You're aware
that the entire universe
[Lukas] I don't give a shit.
Give him his voice back.
Or what?
[muted mouthing]
Do you realize what'll happen
if you don't sit back down?
If you don't,
none of you will get out of here alive.
[both groan]
[Pauline gasps]
[Caius] You have no say in this.
What happens at Sunnyside
is our decision and ours alone.
[magical tinkling sound]
[Eira] Release him.
[floorboards creaks]
[Lukas groans] Hey.
[clears his throat]
[Tammo] Thank you.
Before anyone decides anything,
I have a couple of questions.
[intro song playing]
[Eira] I understand
that this can be a little overwhelming.
But we don't want to keep any secrets
from you. The thing is
- your--
- May I explain it to her?
Okay, so
We need to talk about your dad.
It's all a bit more complicated
than we thought.
Far more uh complicated.
Yes. Far more complicated.
Your dad w- was
Your father was an angel.
[whispering] By the way,
they're all angels. So be careful.
I but I mean uhm
My fath-- Why was--
As far as I know,
angels don't just die in the basement.
[sighs] My
My brother killed your dad, Pauline.
[menacing whispers and growls]
[stammers] I- I only found out yesterday,
when I was here.
And when I got back,
you were already talking to Lilith.
I really didn't know!
Hey, I'm risking my life for you!
[in a whimpering voice] Not just yours.
Let me handle this.
[thunder rumbles]
[door opens and closes]
[Eira] Hm
That was a lot to take in, wasn't it?
Normally, I'd be the last person
to defend a demon.
But Lukas wasn't lying.
He really didn't know.
I don't know if you noticed, he's not
a particularly well-informed demon.
Your dad, on the other hand, knew
pretty much everything about the universe.
Especially about the fragile equilibrium
that we've all been striving to maintain
for a very long time now.
He used to protect the interdimensional
portal under your house for us,
until Lukas' brother
decided to stop following the rules.
Please sit down.
When you were born,
we were all quite taken aback.
The idea of a half-angel
was absolutely unthinkable.
I don't think Jason ever forgave me
for what I did to you when you were a kid.
The tests.
[sinister ambient music playing]
[Eira] I know, that was all very scary
to you back then. I'm sorry.
But we had to make sure, we had to check.
You were supposed to grow up like a normal
human being, your father insisted.
We had to make sure that you
had no powers that
were dangerous to this world.
That's why it's so crucial that we stop
that thing in your womb.
I don't know
if it's any consolation to you,
but what your father did three years ago
was a great service to us all.
There's always an equal number
of demons and angels on earth.
But Lukas' brother Samuel
wanted to use the portal
to bring more demons
into this dimension.
so that he could create
an unstoppable army.
[otherworldly scream]
[Eira] Jason prevented this from happening
and made sure
the equilibrium was maintained.
Jason was a hero.
And I'll be forever grateful to him.
Now you know the truth.
And if you still want our help,
we'll be here.
We won't force you to do anything.
This is your decision to make.
[wind rustling]
[young Pauline] Do you know how many stars
there are in the universe?
A septillion.
That's a one and 42 zeros.
- Hm Yep.
- Crazy, right?
And that's without factoring in
the multiverse.
The multiverse was only invented so that
Marvel actors could be replaced easily.
Tomorrow we're getting
a clear, starry night sky.
We'll be able to get a good look
at the Pleiades.
You know I got work, kiddo.
Can't you just call
a repairman or something?
[Jason grunts]
It's not that simple.
You're a janitor.
Can't be that complicated.
[crickets chirping]
[fire crackling]
Can you promise me something?
As soon as you finish school, you pack
your things and leave this town. Okay?
Are you trying to get rid of me?
You could study abroad, right?
That would be awesome.
But I don't want to leave.
I want to be with you and Mom.
Hey, honey. You'll always be
a part of our lives, I promise.
But if you stay here,
your life will be decided for you.
If you go somewhere else,
you can make your own choices.
Okay. Then why don't we move as a family?
Let me guess, it's not that simple?
Well, I think you should give
the multiverse another chance.
I mean, three Spider-Men in one movie,
pretty cool, isn't it?
To be honest, I believe
there's only one true Spider-Man.
- Toby Magui--
- Tom Holland.
- Wow.
- [laughs]
Oh c'mon you know I'm right.
You're just old.
Oh man, poor Andrew Garfield.
But I still don't believe
in the multiverse.
I think you'd be surprised
if you knew what else is out there.
[wind rustling]
[Tammo] If I got this right,
your exorcism method is based
on the writings of Adso de Montier-en-Der.
- I've prepared a sketch, so to speak.
[Caius] Uh, nice
It's from one of our books. [chuckles]
That's a bit um I thought I'd go
for something more polished.
But um well, it's the same idea.
- Uhm We'll use
[Tammo] Uhm A bit much, but
of one of our rituals
and a special potion.
A- A very special brew. Well,
it's basically a-- a poison.
- [Tammo] Okay, but did you have to uh--
- And how safe is this?
Oh, it's fucking dangerous.
That's why the ritual.
And it works better
if there are no stupid demons around.
[Eira] Caius is right.
The ritual is dangerous, very much so.
I think it might be better if you left.
[Lukas scoffs]
We should avoid putting Pauline
under any undue emotional stress.
No, no, no, no. We don't even know
Pauline's decision yet.
I know we're supposed to trust
one another.
but I'm not leaving you alone
with Pauline.
[door opens]
- I'm in.
- And you're certain?
I am.
[footsteps approaching]
Sometimes I feel like it's a shame
I can't read your mind anymore.
Thanks again for bringing me here.
I know how dangerous this is for you.
Sure. I mean, I'm the worst demon ever.
And I don't think I would've been
a very good
um father. I mean, there were times
when I didn't think that we are
that you would ever get rid of that thing.
I think you should probably leave now.
They'll take care of me, and
I really should focus right now.
My presence could make you feel nervous.
I'll just take that as a compliment.
But maybe I could pick you up tomorrow?
I know it's not your fault.
Really, I do know that.
But your brother murdered my dad.
And that's not exactly a great setup
for a love story.
[sad melancholic tune playing]
- [Tammo] Where are you?
- Tammo? We uhm
We're not staying after all.
Yes, I know. But it's for the best.
We just have to find
another safe place away from Lilith.
Could you meet me outside?
[melancholic ethereal music playing]
[cogs clanking]
[worker 1] Why can't we work outdoors
[worker 2] Well, you know,
one hell of a job, huh?
[worker 1] Yep,
I've heard that one before.
[phone unlocks]
[worker 1] Do you have your helmet?
[worker 2] Of course.
[phone camera clicks]
[worker 1] Okay, let's go
Safety first. German demons, jeez.
[worker 2] nice shoes you got here.
[worker 1] Do you have to say it?
[worker 2] C'mon, we've got to focus.
[alternative rock song playing]
[wind whirling mysteriously]
[car doors closing]
[Tony breathing frantically]
[woman] I have no idea how we're supposed
to get him down in one piece.
Do you have a rope?
[kidnapped man whimpering]
[metal rattling]
Why did he suddenly wake up?
[frantic struggle sounds]
[kidnapped man whimpering]
[loud thud and car alarm blaring]
[Malorie laughs]
[Malorie] Oh, you poor idiot!
We've got fences!
Be careful, there's a hole!
Stop! Don't fall in!
[kidnapped man screams]
[Tony breathes nervously]
[screams] Nooo!
I can't believe this!
That was such a top-quality body!
Great BMI, wonderful hair, great teeth!
God damn it!
Why are you just standing here?
Go find another body!
Or Lilith will kill--
[soft snoring]
[Tony whispers] Mike!
[in a sleepy voice] Tony?
Wait, weren't you staying
at Pauli's place tonight?
Is she doing alright?
How is she feeling after the abortion?
[Tony sighs]
I need your advice.
[Mike groans and sighs]
The guy who got Pauli pregnant
His- His mother I mean, he's
He runs a cult.
It's, like, a doomsday cult.
The thing is, they don't just try
to foresee--
The doomsday, they actually--
want to bring it about.
- And And they kill people--
- And you believe that shit?
Ever since we met, your life's mission
is to stop the end of the world.
I'm used to it, more or less. [kiss]
But do me a favor, yeah?
Try and save the world before the weekend.
We have tickets
to the Dolly Parton's farewell tour.
If I have to go on my own
I'm breaking up with you.
[Mike sighs]
Doomsday cult
[rumbling sound]
[Tammo] So
Cheer up! Consider yourself lucky,
because your friend is well-prepared
for a situation like this.
I have more than 200 hours
of classic rock mixtapes,
and more than enough food, so
Huh! I've had a feeling
that this wasn't gonna end well.
I knew from the moment Lilith
chose Samuel as her successor Nope!
He had no respect for the equilibrium
of things, no respect for the rules.
Nope, not that one either!
Mmm Although
Huh? Huh? Oh.
This helps against heartache.
I think I should start labeling these.
Back in my vicarage, I've got a nice
[Tammo sighs] Label maker.
Oh, yes. Hm
And if she does send her minions
These things aren't gonna save us,
but at least they can buy us some time.
As long as your dreams are coming true ♪
You'd better believe it ♪
But I'll never stop dreaming of you ♪
Every night of my life, no way ♪
- And I would do anything for love
- Anything for love ♪
- And I would do anything for love
- Anything for love ♪
- I would do anything for love
- Anything for love ♪
But I won't do that ♪
Oh, I won't do that ♪
[sentimental music fades out]
[loud thud]
[sinister sounds]
[Jason] You have no idea what's out there.
How can you make the right decision?
[Tony] You didn't tell me where you were!
You only think of yourself!
[Eira] Your father died for us.
Are you ready?
[Antichrist] Come!
Give it to me!
[Lukas] Pauline?
[sinister growl]
[faint gasp]
Well? Were you dreaming?
I was reading The Hammer of Witches,
and I know for sure
you're up to something here.
So don't think that I'll buy any bullshit
you come up with.
[Pauline] You're right.
Today is Walpurgis Night.
There you go.
And when will you be done?
[Pauline] Um, tonight?
Tomorrow morning tops.
[Britta] Fine,
you do your stupid witch stuff,
but if you touch my things,
I'm gonna kill you. I'm being serious.
Wait a minute.
[Pauline clears her throat]
Uhm About what happened between us
over the last few weeks I'm sorry.
It was nothing personal.
I just have a really, really big problem,
and Eira is helping me fix everything.
Tomorrow my life will be back to normal
and I'll be out of yours.
Can I just use your phone real quick?
Are you serious?
You broke my phone,
I'm using an old one, did you forget?
Yeah can I? Just for a minute,
I wanna let Tony know I'm okay.
He doesn't know where I am,
and he goes crazy
when he worries about someone
- I don't have Tony's number.
- I know it by heart.
Nobody knows phone numbers by heart.
Other than their own.
[phone keyboard clicking fast]
- Oh, Britta?
[Britta] Eira.
Where are you going?
I just wanted to let Pauline know
that from now on
she'll have the room to herself.
- Hm
- I'll stay at a friend's place.
[Eira] Good idea.
[Britta] And Pauline told her best friend
to come over, so I'd be in the way.
[Eira] Hm
Hm Great. [chuckles]
A guest.
[Pauline laughs]
[Tony] Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.
Crazy. And then everything
will be back to normal?
Like No more superpowers and
- Hm-mhm.
- [sighs] And and when?
Tonight. I'll finally get rid
of this thing for good. [laughs]
Who would have thought that angels
would help me get an abortion?
And what do we do about this?
They're digging a deep hole down there.
You went down there on your own?
Are you insane?
Pauli, they murdered a person.
I saw it with my own eyes.
We can't just do nothing.
Are you for real?
Lilith and her demons are doing
some crazy shit under your house.
You get superpowers.
It's not a coincidence.
I don't care if it is!
I just want everything
to go back to normal!
I'm not saying you should keep it!
- So what are you saying?
- Put it off for a bit.
They're trying to open a gateway to hell
right on our doorstep!
Just think how dangerous that could be
for our friends, our families!
We can't just run away from it.
We have a responsibility.
We? No one told me you were pregnant.
It was stupid of me to think that
I could count on you even for a minute.
I'll do it on myself then.
- No, you won't, Tony!
- Sure, I will. Because I care!
When I was eight years old,
I tried to walk across a frozen lake.
A few other kids were there, and
I wanted them to think that I was brave.
But the ice suddenly broke under me.
[ice cracking sound]
Then there was a hand. It grabbed me.
He saved my life, and then he died.
[water splashing]
Of hypothermia. Of hypothermia.
Of hypothermia. Of hypothermia.
[high pitch white noise]
Tony I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to do that. Ton Please
[Tony breathes shakily]
[loud noise]
[Lukas] What was that?
[Tammo] Huh? I didn't hear anything.
Well, that was a pretty shitty barricade,
[Lukas] Hello? Tammo!
[flapping noise]
[Tammo shrieks]
Goddamn it!
[Tammo] Ahh!
[whimpers] Ahh!
And now push! Push the button!
That's it, keep holding it down.
While you push, he can't recover.
I call it the "Infinite Loop of Pain."
Isn't it sick?
[Lukas] Hey! [Tammo shouts and groans]
[heroic sacred music playing]
[demon] Ahh! Ouch!
[struggle noises]
[Tammo groans]
[magical swooshing sound]
[music stops]
[Lilith] You're both here. How convenient.
I think I can take it from here, thanks.
[Tammo whimpers]
Oh, that was close! [sighs] Oh!
- I think I should do the talking.
- 'Kay, great.
[Tammo groans]
Either you're too stupid to fathom
this opportunity, or perhaps you've
fallen in love.
I don't even know
which is more disappointing.
Where did you take your girlfriend?
- You're doing the talking, right?
- She's with Eira.
Eira's helping her.
There's nothing you can do about it.
This being will give her infinite power.
And you really think
she'll give up this opportunity?
Pauline isn't safe.
Eira's probably cutting that thing out
of her belly as we speak.
Let me go.
Or what?
I still have the ring.
You mean this one?
This piece of junk only exists
because I've learned
that men need
a silly little token of power.
Well, we must regain control
over that creature,
so I guess I'll have to deal
with this myself.
In any case,
you'll never see Pauline alive again.
You're pretty damn stupid, aren't you?
Did you really think you could
protect your little girlfriend? Hm?
[Antichrist growls]
Wha No, no, no, no! Lukas!
[Eira] Are you all right?
Yes, it just felt weird.
Like something
I don't know,
something just doesn't feel right.
It's perfectly normal to feel uncertain
in your situation. Hm?
May I do something for you?
Don't worry, it won't hurt. Come here.
[Eira inhales]
Okay, so please close your eyes
for a second.
and think about something positive.
Think of a place
where you feel at peace.
I don't know what a peaceful place
means anymore,
I don't think this is gonna work.
[birds chirping]
[Jason] There's no need for uncertainty.
I wish I could have lived to see
how wise and strong you've become.
I'm so proud of you, little one.
[Eira] Close your eyes.
So? Are you still feeling uncertain?
I feel like I just took a hot bath.
[Eira chuckles]
If you want another hot tub session,
let me know. Hm?
[Eira] Yes?
[angel] Hi. They are here now.
We can get started.
[angel 1] Eira! It's so good to see you!
[Eira] It's great to see you.
[leaves rustling]
[distant clapping]
[angelic solemn music playing]
[faint murmuring]
[rhythmic tumbling sound]
Oh, I forgot about that. Uh
[faint murmuring]
There's no way to stop it
once the wash cycle starts
- Is it super annoying?
- Hm-mhm.
- [angel 3] A stupid washing machine!
- It is.
- I can go and take a quick look.
- Don't go.
[Eira] It doesn't taste that bad.
You can trust me.
[Otherworldly whispers]
[otherworldly growling]
I don't feel it anymore.
[Pauline gasps]
[door creaks]
[sinister music playing]
You want me to drink more?
Just one more glass.
We'll take care of the rest.
Everything will be all right.
Just like taking a hot bath.
[otherworldly whispering and growling]
[Eira] It's starting.
[Antichrist growls loudly]
[Pauline grunts]
[rhythmic feet stomping]
[Pauline screams and sobs]
[Pauline breathes heavily]
Soon it'll all be over.
[Pauline screams]
What did you do to me?
[bus rumbles]
[passenger coughing]
[passenger keeps coughing]
[Pauline groans]
[indistinct whispering]
Your existence used
to be a mystery to me.
[Pauline whimpers]
But now I finally understand.
The universe has bestowed a gift upon us.
[angel 6] It has!
[angel's indistinct excited chattering]
[Pauline whimpering]
[angel 7] Yes!
[stomping and whirring intensify]
You are going to help us break
the eternal cycle.
We will finally prevail.
[excited commotion and laughing]
[sinister music playing]
[metal swishing]
Oh my God, Dude! He lives!
- How long has it been?
- Uh a little while.
Listen. It's too late for Pauline.
But we could still
- Shit!
- manage to escape if
- So? Are you coming?
- Uh Oh Okay. Okay.
[tires screech]
[rhythmic stomping]
[angles laughing excitedly]
[excited chatter]
[Antichrist growls]
[Pauline pants and whimpers]
You will sacrifice yourself for us.
Just like your father.
Jason would be so proud of you,
little one.
What about keeping the balance?
There is no balance. There is a battle
being waged for the soul of your world
And the good guys are losing!
Half of mankind is ignorant,
and the other half depressed.
And why?
[angels stomping and chanting]
Free will.
[Eira] Chaos has held the world
in its grip for far too long now.
However, the tide of battle is turning
here and now. Because of you!
There's a fruit growing inside your womb
and we just need to harvest it.
[Eira] We'll finally regain control
over the portal.
And then we can finally
banish all evil from this world.
[angels] Hoo. Ha.
No discontent. No selfishness.
[angels] Hoo. Ha.
All of mankind under control.
[angels] Hoo, ha, hoo, ha, hoo, ha
Hoo, ha, hoo, ha, hoo, ha
[Eira] Pauline, are you prepared
to die for a good cause?
[angels] Hoo, ha, hoo, ha, hoo.
[Jason] What do you want to do?
It's your decision.
[Pauline breathes deeply]
[Eira] Mh
[heart beating]
[Eira] Hm [sighs]
[washing machine beeps]
[Eira screams]
[angels] What is she doing?
[Eira screams]
[concerned commotion]
[violent explosion]
[angels scream and whale]
[Pauline pants]
[engine roaring]
[upbeat music]
[Lukas] Tammo, I see something.
Pull over! There's someone there!
- What?
- Pull over!
[breathing heavily]
[Pauline breathes shakily]
It It didn't work.
I figured.
[engine sound approaching]
[indistinct radio chatter]
"For not even walls
and stone can limit love.
Love attempts what love can do.
So where did we leave things off
last time?
[opera music playing]
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