Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Children of the Royal Sun

[Tiago] Previously on
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.
We were someone else for a day.
Now that's over.
I never want to see you again, detective.
[Linda] You know, Elsa,
my husband, your friend, Dr. Craft,
he's not who he pretends to be, dear.
Beruhre mich, schatz.
You have a nice dinner on Monday
with your German friends?
[Magda] Better he's with your guy
than hustlers on the street.
This way, we protect him from himself.
[Richard] Kurt will see to that.
[Mateo] Don't touch her!
She's your sister. Kill him.
[Reilly chokes]
[slow jazz music playing on stereo]
I can't give you ♪
Anything but love ♪
Baby ♪
That's the only thing ♪
I have plenty of ♪
Baby ♪
Dream a while ♪
Scheme a while ♪
You're sure to find ♪
Yeah ♪
Happiness ♪
And I guess ♪
All the things that you pine for, baby ♪
Gee, I'd like to ♪
See you ♪
Looking ♪
Swell ♪
Baby ♪
Diamond bracelets ♪
Woolworths doesn't sell ♪
Oh, baby-buh-buh-buh ♪
Till that lucky day ♪
You know darn well, baby ♪
I can't give you ♪
Anything ♪
But love ♪
Care to cut a rug, miss?
I don't think you really want
to dance with me.
You know something I don't?
In fact, I think you want to take me home.
And I think you want to hurt me.
[foreboding music]
The sound he made
- The sound
- [Magda] Hey, hey, hey.
My warrior, my avenging angel, no.
No, you don't need regret.
If my family ever heard
Baby, I'm your family.
Fly's your family.
Every pachuco's life you saved
'cause that racist motherfucker is dead
is your family.
Okay, mi amor?
- Good.
- Okay.
Because it's time
to purge.
Goodbye to the blood of your enemy
to hiding your pride
and your power
Goodbye to your weak and worthless gods.
[chain clanks]
We are the sons and daughters
of Tenochtitlan.
We sacrificed human hearts to the sun
to quench the thirst of the sky,
unconquerable for a thousand years.
And then another world,
in floating mountains from Spain,
with thunder in their Gospels
and hot slaughter in their cannons,
arrived on our shores,
and the two worlds of the world met.
Brown and white,
Aztec and European.
Hummingbird Wizard and Jesus.
Malinche and the Virgin Mary.
And they begat the children
of the royal sun
whose manifestation is the royal pachuco,
whose coat of arms,
whose profane declaration,
whose poem to the ancestors,
are the holy drapes,
the warrior's armor.
And soon, you shall have yours
mi querido amor.
[waves crashing]
tranquil music ♪
[door bangs]
tense music ♪
Fly, no, man.
Don't blame her. It's all me
ominous music ♪
Our lowest point,
in Florida, without a penny,
we parked the Gospel car
and we pitched our little tent
near a marsh.
Little did we know September
was hurricane season in those parts.
I'll never forget my mother pounding
the tent pegs with a hammer
to keep it from flying up to God.
Then the water came from that sky like
like a Biblical reckoning.
I can still see the tent
in shreds all around us,
our clothes and sleeping bags, soaked.
And my mother, God bless her,
her fist raised to heaven,
cursing the lightning and the clouds.
Finally, a truck came by,
full of men.
They took us in.
They took care of us that night,
took us to a dry place.
And then they took care of us that night.
Good, honest people, praise them.
I know what you think of her.
The dragon mother.
But there are times like that night
when you're alone and poor,
and you're small and weak, and
and you're grateful for the dragon's roar.
You have to remember that
my mother introduced me to a mighty God
and gave my useless life a purpose.
When did you get this scar?
When I was a kid.
We were in the fields.
My father was working, and
there was a fire.
I saw my dad burning right in front of me.
somber music ♪
And I tried to save him, but, um
I couldn't.
Then I got burned.
This isn't just a burn, Tiago.
It's a blessing.
suspenseful music ♪
[background chatter]
[siren wails]
[tires squealing]
[sirens wailing]
[officers clamoring]
Ah, fuck me.
[whistles blowing]
[indistinct shouting]
Lewis, what the fuck is this?
They're on a vendetta, obviously.
For what, the Hazlett murders?
You really don't know?
- Don't know what?
- Where the hell have you been?
No one could find you.
It's personal business, Lewis.
Yeah? What's her name?
Can she corroborate?
Drop it, partner.
Your best buddy, Jimmy Reilly,
he was murdered last night.
His throat was cut from ear to ear,
butchered like a fucking pig.
Then his naked body was tossed
in front of the station
like yesterday's trash.
It was meant as humiliation
of him and the Force.
So let's call it what it is,
a declaration of war.
Which brings me back
to the reason I'm here on your street.
While the city's burning,
no one knows where the fuck Detective Vega
is hiding for 24 hours,
and you're not talking.
Leave it alone. I won't say it again.
I won't be the last person to ask you.
Look, I hated the dumb paddy.
Every day of his career,
he was an insult to the badge.
And you threatened to kill him
in front of Captain Vanderhoff,
for fuck's sake.
Jesus! You need me to say it?
I didn't do it, Lewis.
On my mother,
I did not kill Officer James Reilly,
and I did not cause him to be killed.
First, the Hazletts, now a dead white cop.
What's next?
God, I hope it wasn't Mexicans.
And if it was?
Then we do our job.
That's right.
We do our job.
I have an idea where to start. Come on.
I was walking home from the store
with my brother Mateo.
This cop stopped us.
I don't know why.
Because we're Mexicans.
[Josefina sniffles]
This big one, he started touching me.
Feeling me.
He, uh
His hands were so big.
put them under my skirt
inside me.
This man inside me.
[inhales sharply]
I didn't cry. I didn't scream.
I was ashamed.
You must understand
that this pain will go away.
The first step is being brave enough
to tell your story,
which you've done.
And you must know that others,
too many others,
have suffered in the same way,
and they've come out the other side
stronger than ever.
I was ten.
My mother and I were in Florida.
We had the misfortune of a terrible storm,
and a group of men
who said they would help us out of a jam.
We sat in the warm truck,
grateful to be out of the rain,
my mother in the front seat, laughing,
drinking, I think, and
the rest is a blur.
Rain on the windows,
tobacco smell,
my wet dress, my bare knees,
a jug of liquor passed from hand to hand.
And then suddenly I realized
where is my mother?
"Where is my mother?" I asked the men.
But what you need to know, Josefina,
is a sacred fact that God Himself
gave this brave, sturdy,
and resilient body
to only one human being on Earth.
He gave it to you.
And remember, no man on Earth
is strong enough
to take God's divine gift away.
It would be easier for a man
to steal the sunrise.
And if any man even tries
to tamper with you again, well
a swift kick in the you-know-where
I've found often ends the conversation.
My brother is a policeman.
When he was in the academy,
he taught me how to put
a suspect in a chokehold
in case any of the boys got too fresh.
Your brother is a police officer?
The first Chicano detective of the LAPD.
We're all crazy proud of Tiago.
[Adelaide] No, I said stage left!
Soon they went back
to the beach house and stayed all night.
Foolish girl.
Foolish little girl.
Want me to keep following her?
We know how this is going to end,
don't we, Randolph?
ominous music ♪
You may go,
and may the Lord bless you
for your service.
You are my good right arm.
dramatic music ♪
[car engine sputtering]
[tool clatters]
[Lewis] Hello, miss.
We need to have a chat
about your friend James Reilly.
Officer Reilly's dead,
but you probably know that.
So? He was a shit.
How did you find me?
We all know about his Sonoratown honeys.
Didn't take much asking to get to you.
When's the last time you saw him alive?
I don't remember.
What do you remember?
I was minding my own business, okay?
No one's accusing you.
Murder is a serious crime, Sofia.
I ain't telling you shit.
We can take you in right now
on suspicion alone.
I was in bed.
Jimmy was next to me.
He was a terrible lay, you should know.
Wait, I'm shocked.
The door got kicked open.
Four people. They cut him with a razor.
Who did?
Someone cut him.
So you saw who killed him?
No, I didn't see.
Fly Rico pushed me out of the room.
Tell us who else was in the room.
That spooky bitch Fly likes to fuck.
Rio? Good.
Who else?
I don't know.
Two Two young guys,
two pachucos. One I seen at the Cat.
Do you know his name?
- I don't know his name.
- The other one?
He had a bandage over his thumb
where they put the tattoo
when they're just starting, you know?
Where's Fly Rico?
I don't know!
I don't run with those fucked-up pachucos.
All right, Sofia. Thank you.
- You can go.
- We're not done.
We're done. She can go.
Go get some soup, honey.
We coulda gotten more,
taken her in to look at mug shots,
identified the other two.
[Tiago] She was done.
We need to go see my brother Raul.
We need to do what?
He might know where Rico is.
This would be the brother
you shot in the head,
the one who tried to kill me?
Yeah, that's the one.
Can't wait.
[big band music playing on radio]
[background chatter]
[Dottie] You and the numbers, huh?
Who are you?
Your guardian angel, angel face.
Lewis sent me. He couldn't make it.
How's the numbers coming?
Leave me alone.
Put that down.
So, this is the idea, huh?
Blow up the world? You and your rockets?
I do theory, not practical application.
Isn't that convenient?
Unfortunately, your Nazi friends
do a lot of practical application.
Detective Michener wants to remind you
that he will do everything he can
to protect you from those terrible men,
but you gotta do what you promised.
Stay away from those German bastards.
Do not answer their calls,
do not meet with them,
and if they try to get to you,
you contact me or Lewis right away.
Got that?
Okay, sure.
Now tell me about your crazy rocket.
It's kind of technical.
Honey, I learned how to wire explosives
with the anarchists
back in the Haymarket days.
Well, the central problem
has to do with mass displacement
versus apogee and range,
and of course, the weight of the fuel,
because if the rocket's too top-heavy,
then it won't be able to take off.
What I'm working on here is
[indistinct chatter]
tense music ♪
[phone buzzes]
[in German]
No, no.
[phone clatters]
music intensifies ♪
[rooster crows]
I don't get why we're here.
What could your brother possibly know?
Raul's connected through his union work.
He knows everyone.
Maybe you should stay in the car, yeah?
I'm only gonna be in there for a minute.
And miss a chance to see the inside
of your beloved childhood home?
It's just
It can get complicated, Lewis.
Are you telling me everything?
Because I don't think so.
Like I said, maybe you
should stay in the car.
[Raul] Yeah, it's been all over the radio.
Say that he was naked,
and they tossed him out of a car.
It's fucked, I know.
You knew him?
We all know each other, more or less.
You too?
Like your brother said.
It's a small force, considering,
you know, the city.
I'm sorry to hear it.
No one should die like that.
I'm glad you think so.
People should die with dignity
if that's how they lived.
So, what are you doing here?
Why aren't you out on the street
looking for the killer?
I need something from you.
I need to know where Fly Rico is.
Maybe I'll take a walk.
Hey, Mama, you know what Lewis would love?
For you to introduce him to Santa Muerte.
Wait, let me guess.
You're not actually Jewish.
Isn't she beautiful?
That's one word.
Those teeth
[Maria] Her magic is very powerful.
You pray to her,
and she gives you what you want.
The gold Santa Muerte,
you pray to her for your raise.
The white for purity of heart,
the green for justice,
the red for love.
Black is for protection from all evil.
Every cop needs that last one very much.
Tell it to Tiago.
None of my children believe in her,
except Raul.
Well, thank you for allowing me in here.
I feel honored, Mrs. Vega.
Tiago has talked a lot about you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Well, you did a great job with that kid.
You raised an honest man.
Ain't nothing harder to find,
especially on the
City of Angels Police Force.
I am the one to thank you.
You picked him for a partner
when no one else wanted a Chicano.
That took guts.
He probably won't tell you
how grateful he is.
He thanks me every day
by being a stand-up guy and a good cop.
[Tiago] Whenever you're ready,
Detective Michener.
We need to go. Bye, Mama.
Oh, well, thank you
for the coffee, Mrs. Vega
light music ♪
She will look out for you.
What can it hurt, right?
What can it hurt?
Take care of my boy.
[Townsend] What burns me
is her condescension.
"Point of order, Mr. Chairman."
Point of order, my ass.
[Magda] I'm relieved to see the return
of your fighting spirit.
She's a formidable adversary
and I daresay won't easily abandon
her vision of the motorway.
Don't worry about it, Alex.
She doesn't know who she's messing with.
I'm goddamn King Kong today.
As you say, sir.
Do you think this tie goes with my eyes?
I have to say, I find
this sudden preoccupation
with clothing a little remarkable.
Yeah, well, life is short.
Indeed. The blue.
- The blue?
- Royal, sir.
'Cause, you know,
life isn't all about work
and stress and strategy.
Sometimes life is surprising.
All at once, okay,
when you don't expect it,
it's like the fog lifts,
and you're face-to-face with, uh,
a vista you couldn't have dreamed,
all yours to explore
if you're brave enough.
Councilman, how long
have we known each other?
You know, I don't exactly remember
when it was you started.
It's like I've always been
there for you, sir.
and in all that time,
I've never heard you rhapsodizing
about anything,
except maybe the surf and turf
at the Derby.
What do you know about Kurt, Goss' man?
What about him, sir?
Never mind. The
You're only human, sir.
You have needs,
just like everyone else does.
I applaud your new vista.
Love is a glorious thing, isn't it?
But don't you ever ask anyone else
about Kurt again
or any boy.
Hear me?
Let's drop this.
Imagine what Beverly Beck would do.
Imagine what your father would say.
[exhales deeply]
I'll keep this one.
You can return the rest.
[background chatter]
[Lewis] Miss Romero,
a word with you, if we may.
What the hell do you want?
[Lewis] Look, we apologize
for interrupting,
but my partner and I
are on a mission of some urgency.
Yeah? So am I.
It's called getting dinner on the table.
We need to track down Fly Rico
and some of his people.
We understand you're close to him.
I'm not his mother.
His mother lives right over there.
Go ask her. Nice old lady.
Diabetic, half-blind,
don't speak a word of English.
Makes the best flan on the street.
Knock it off.
We have a dead cop and a city on the verge
of fucking exploding,
can you understand that?
Mommy! Mommy!
[Tiago] Listen, Bernadette.
It was either Fly
or one of his lieutenants.
It's okay, mi amor. No one can hurt us.
Does your little girl know you've been
living in this country illegally?
You son of a bitch.
You tell us what we need to know,
or I swear, I will make sure
you get separated from her immediately.
You understand me?
Then I will see you deported,
and once we dump your ass
in the Mexican desert,
you will never see this little girl again.
- Christ, Tiago.
- [Tiago] Do we understand each other?
[speaks Spanish]
Listen, you can get back
to putting dinner on the table, miss,
but first, we need an address.
Help me out here, huh?
Where do we find Fly Rico?
[Tiago] Third floor corner.
[Lewis] That's what she said.
You know Frederick March?
Is he on the Force?
Frederick March, the actor.
He won the coveted Academy Award
for a movie called
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
You know that one?
Yeah. Okay, I get it.
I told your mother you were a good cop.
Should I go back and revise my opinion?
Just say it.
One, I don't know
who the fuck you are today.
Two, I know you're hiding something
about last night.
Three, you've been up and down
like a fucking yo-yo,
and that makes me nervous,
because four, I don't feel like stepping
into a dangerous situation
with an unstable armed yo-yo at my side.
Look, I'm fine.
What happened with your brother?
He told me some things.
- What things, chief?
- It's private, Lewis.
It's family.
But we do this, we go in there,
we risk our necks, fine,
but we are focused.
We are by the book, or we call for backup
and hand this over to a better team.
You know there's no better team, Lewis.
"Isn't This A Lovely Day"
by Fred Astaire ♪
Isn't this a lovely day ♪
To be caught in the rain? ♪
[Peter murmuring]
Ah, sorry, Tom.
That's okay, Dad. You didn't mean it.
Dad, you have to say "sorry" really loud,
and you don't have to mean it.
How can I not mean it?
I feel bad right now for Tom.
Yell it, sarcastic.
- Sorry!
- [Tom] Sorry!
[Tom and Trevor giggle]
[Tom] You'll get used to it.
- Your turn, Mom.
- [Linda] Okay.
[Trevor] So I've got to sell
some magazine subscriptions
to raise money for my debate team's trip
to Bakersfield for the regionals.
Will you buy one?
I need to sell ten.
Then I'll buy all of them.
But if you buy them all,
isn't that like cheating?
[phone rings]
Let it go, Peter.
[phone ringing]
Uh, I will be a moment,
then the game will continue, ja.
[Tom gasps]
Hello, this is Peter Craft.
[Elsa] Peter, it's me.
You have to come.
Something terrible Mr. Branson
I don't know what to do.
I need you.
[line beeps]
[Trevor] Come on, Dad. Your turn.
somber music ♪
[retreating footsteps]
I have to go. There's, uh, an emergency.
What happened?
It's an emergency, Linda.
That's why you have office hours.
It's the hospital.
I knew this was too good to goddamn last.
[door opens]
[door closes]
ominous music ♪
I couldn't be raped one more time, Peter.
What my husband did to me,
how he hurt me
I I couldn't. I couldn't let him.
I sent Frank away.
I am thanking God he did not see.
[glass thuds]
["The Glory of Love" playing
on phonograph]
You've got to give a little
Take a little ♪
And let your poor heart break a little ♪
That's the story of
That's the glory of love ♪
You've got to laugh a little ♪
Cry a little ♪
And let the clouds roll by a little ♪
That's the story of
That's the glory of love ♪
As long as there's the two of us ♪
We've got the world and all its charms ♪
And when the world is through with us ♪
We've got each other's arms ♪
You've got to win a little
Lose a little ♪
Always have the blues a little ♪
That's the story of
That's the glory of love ♪
[doorbell rings]
Nice tie.
I brought Chinese.
[shovel rasping]
dramatic music ♪
[Peter panting]
soft music ♪
So, Mexican kids like to ride their bikes
in the middle of the night?
He's a lookout.
tense music ♪
Don't you fucking move!
Let him go.
You okay?
Let's go.
You or me?
Me, on three.
Listen, partner.
Cool as a cucumber, you hear me?
No bang-bang.
[light swing music playing]
[Lewis sighs]
[cocks gun]
dramatic music ♪
- I'll get Rico!
- [Lewis] Go!
intense music ♪
I will fucking shoot you both.
[Diego] Rio! Fucking let me in, Rio!
Hands up, son.
- [clangs]
- [grunts]
[tires screech]
Why don't you just shoot me?
Did you kill Reilly?
You good at shooting brothers, huh?
Did you kill James Reilly?
With these two hands.
He was here now, I'd do it again, ese.
[police siren wailing]
[siren wailing]
soft music ♪
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