Quality Assurance in Another World (2024) s01e05 Episode Script


We stumbled upon a village where
we met Amano-san, another debugger.
Amano-san spent his days
drawing manga for Lu-san, an NPC.
He was working for Play-Ing,
like Sakai and the others,
but he got sick of their behavior and left.
He'd come to this town to hide out.
But then his old boss came chasing
after us with Sakai, and Lu-san
Amano-san, where are you going?
Where else?
I'm going to kill them.
You can't!
They're all really good at using debug mode.
If you go in without a plan,
they'll destroy you.
Don't tell me what to do.
Just wait!
Don't get in my way!
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
I'll help you!
So at least hear me out!
Tesla-san asked me to get rid
of the bad debuggers.
I've got to do what I can.
I'm sure Lu-san's soul will
reach Grafa, the god of love,
and be guided to the promised land.
I guess the NPCs believe in gods,
so that's what they think.
But since we can't log out, if we die
in this game what happens to us?
Let's follow them while their
tracks are still visible.
We can talk about what to do on the way
Maybe I should leave him for a bit.
I can do some debugging until he's done.
This is the necklace Lu-san wore.
I found it in her house.
They're lovely jewels, aren't they?
I gave this to Lu.
You found it for me?
Thank you.
She can't take anything
to the promised land, so
You hang on to it for her.
Goodbye, Lu.
I'm ready to go.
We've lost a bunch of time because of me.
Now, let's get going.
It looks like they went
straight back to Bayle Castle.
Given the direction these go,
there's no doubt about it.
Okay, then. Bayle Castle, here we come.
Oh, sorry. Here's yours, Amano-san.
I'm not using that!
Y-You aren't?
How many days do you think it'd
take to get there in those?!
But we need to be cautious.
Fethers have good eyes!
We can see in the dark, too!
It'll be fine!
What's their problem?
He's a very brave man.
I'm not sure they're going
to be any help at all.
Do you have a plan?
I've got a bunch of ideas,
but I haven't settled on anything.
We need some more intel first.
How many debuggers are there?
When I left, there were nine,
including the boss.
But they're all morons. It'll be fine.
There's only three of us, though.
We're taking her, too?
It's fine! I'll do anything!
It's always the folks who can't do squat
who shout, "I'll do anything!"
I can't do squat?
Um, Tesla-san the meta AI
talks to me through her.
Oh, that's right. You mentioned she
had something like that inside her.
Okay, then bring her out.
If we know what this whatsit AI can do,
it'll make planning a lot easier.
Well, that's true, but
She only shows up when she wants to.
Here you go, Nikola-san.
If only I knew how to summon her
Does she appear when Nikola eats?
Is that possible?
Gimme more.
Oh, sure.
That's definitely Tesla-san.
Do whatever it takes.
Once you get me their
debugger stones, I'll eat them.
If you're an AI, can't you warp in
and grab them or something?
I can't directly interfere with players
or act outside of the rules.
Then what can you do?
My stomach hurts all of a sudden.
D-Don't tell me she's totally useless.
First, let's scope out the castle and
see how we're going to sneak in.
Y-Yeah, good idea.
We can get a good look at the town and
the castle from that watchtower.
Let's go there tomorrow.
I feel sick
Do you think potions work on stomachaches?
It looks
like they've really altered the place.
It wasn't like that when I left.
We can't just walk in
through the front door.
They've knocked out the bridge.
I think something's moving at
the bottom of that hole.
What is that?
Those are people!
They're feeding them to monsters.
I think those are guards.
Probably soldiers who tried
to apprehend them.
What are you talking about?
When I left, they were working on what they
called "Operation Kill All the Townspeople."
They slaughtered a whole mountain of NPCs.
No doubt guards came
to arrest them as a consequence.
They probably made this hole to get out
of dealing with them individually.
This is bad.
I was thinking of letting the castle guards
arrest us so we could get inside
But now we can't even get close.
This is an emergency. Haga, use debug mode.
No, I think
Hey, where are you going?
Give me a sec.
Let's see
This is perfect.
What are you doing?
Use your debugger stone already!
No. With this, I won't have to.
Just let me check my notes
Here goes.
Three times!
Four! Five!
Six! Seven!
Hey, what are you doing?
Amano-san, how many seconds does
your invisibility spell last?
Fifteen seconds, I think.
Roger. Now
There might be lookouts,
Hey, Haga-san!
so please cast invisibility
when we're halfway up.
Huh? What are you talking about?
We're about to fly
straight to the castle gate!
What the hell is this?!
A bug in the physics engine
with treasure chests!
When you fix an indestructible
object in place and hit it,
it builds energy in the direction you hit.
You can use it to do a super-jump!
Glitch: A helpful bug, also known as an exploit.
A glitch? I see!
Amano-san, cast invisibility!
Oh, right!
We're heading right into Bayle Castle!
Several hills surrounding Bayle Castle have towers called "Dragon Eyes"
built on top of them. Many of these towers face west, where there
is nothing but open sea. The reason for this is unknown.
Martial Artist\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h
A warrior who uses their fists as weapons.
Can break rocks by concentrating and unleashing
a powerful strike.
Okay, we're almost there!
You two okay?
Yeah, 'cause you protected us.
What about you?
I'm fine.
Sheesh, you're crazy, you know that?
I I I just flew!
This explains why you carry
so many potions around.
Anyway, looks like we made it.
Who are you? Identify yourself!
I'm one of the King's Seekers.
I'm here to see His Majesty.
Wait there.
They do these pat downs every time.
Really slows down the game.
They're buying time to load the castle map.
You may proceed!
What's wrong?
Did you just feel something weird?
King Bayle has ordered us to arrest
all Seekers, as they bring disaster.
You'll be coming with us.
Haga, I'm thinking we just
started the main quest.
It does seem that way.
And here I thought we wouldn't
trigger it until we were further in.
Don't hurt us!
We're innocent!
The guide says it kicks off
after you enter the castle.
The devs aren't going to tell you
exactly where it starts.
Be grateful they gave you anything at all.
Now follow me!
Maybe this will help us, though.
There must be some mistake!
Let me out of here!
My journal's been updated.
Main Quest "The Mad King"
Escape Castle Bayle
-Escape Your Cell
This quest isn't over
until we escape the castle.
Finally caught 'em, did you?
Not bad for an NPC!
Th-Thank you.
Now, how should I rip them apart?
Normally, all the players in the game
share the same open world.
But for the main quest,
parties are sent to different instances so as
not to interfere with each other's progress.
Right now, we should be
isolated from everyone else.
Let's have some fun, little vampire!
Meaning we're the only ones
in this dungeon, right?
In other words
we can take our time scouting!
we can take our time debugging!
Listen, now's not the time
for a thorough check.
We need to avenge Lu first.
But we don't know what may await us.
It's dangerous not to debug as we go.
For now, let's get out of here.
We can talk after.
I'm guessing there'll be
Please let me out!
Pipe down! Be quiet already.
It feels breakable right here.
We should be able to get out this way.
How expected.
Well, that's all well and good, but
This is all a big misunderstanding!
Let us out!
Hurry up and get her to chill, would you?
You can't handle it on your own?
Sorry. We're just not coming together.
It's been a while since we
went dragon hunting,
and everyone has stuff they want to do.
Use your leadership skills
to bring us all together!
Please, boss!
Thank you!
I'm sick of sucking up to him like this.
He gets annoyed when we come to him,
but he also bitches if we
do anything ourselves.
Well, I know I can't get drunk off
the booze in this world.
Getting out of that cell was a breeze,
but the tough part is yet to come.
Now's not the time for debugging!
Haga! What's our current quest objective?!
Uh, hang on a second.
Main Quest "The Mad King"
Escape Castle Bayle
-Escape Your Cell
-Defeat Head Guard
Looks like we need to defeat the head guard.
Our first midboss, huh?
He's up ahead.
What is this place?
A torture chamber.
Given the size of the room, this is
probably where the fight takes place.
Yeah, you're right.
Let's take anything we might
be able to use before the battle.
Haga-san! Haga-san!
What's this?
What do you think it is?
A weapon?
It looks like a magic rod!
Hey, don't wave that around!
Take that!
Stop it!
Is this supposed to be a torture implement?
They can't use this in the Japanese version!
Yeah, that's 18 and up.
We need to find and make a list of them all.
Haga-san, look what else I found!
There are so many.
This is a rating issue, not a bug.
Just write up that we found them here.
But if even one of them is left,
they can't sell the game.
They're already going to court
for what happened to us debuggers!
They can't sell this damn game anyway!
Ha! Hyah! Hup! Huzzah! Hwoo!
I told you to stop that!
Is that the head guard?
He's a monster!
Hey, !
Don't you wanna get banged?
And which you want me to dig?
Tell me exactly what you want me to do.
I'm going to suck your
sauteed ,
looking at your - .
Did they not record any Japanese
dialogue for this guy?
And his lines are full of
inappropriate language.
Wait, you speak English?
A little, yeah.
He's really overqualified for this job.
I'm a genius at taking all kinds of
pain and turning it into !
Gosh, this dungeon is riddled with bugs!
I'll pull aggro and keep him distracted!
You shave down his health bar, Amano-san!
Nikola-san, you get back!
Roger that.
I look forward to the moment when your
voice dies and your pleas turn to despair!
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