Rafuchakkar (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Con the Conman

Well, the presentation is fine. But
Sir, I am telling you
renewable energy is the future.
But in terms of capacity,
Sun and wind is of no use to us as of now.
And hydro energy is not being used
enough to its ultimate capacity, sir.
I am a politician.
But that doesn't mean I am not educated.
I have read this at school.
Come on. Come to the exciting part.
Yes, sir. The exciting part.
My exciting part is actually waste.
Human waste.
Sir, the amount of garbage collected
from more than 70 percent of the
cities of India is a tonne every day.
Delhi alone holds 10,000
metric tonnes of waste.
What I am suggesting is
we should not dump this waste.
But instead use them as fuel.
Using state of the
art Danish technology, sir.
I have a proposal to build
a waste to energy power plant.
A single power plant can
process up to 50 percent waste.
And can provide electricity
to more than 30 percent homes.
Sounds good.
How can I help you in this?
There's an entire ministry for it. Go.
But I need your specialty.
For the last six months,
the meeting with the ministry
has been getting postponed.
That's the exciting part for me.
Yes, sir.
I'll ensure that the next
meeting doesn't get postponed.
What are you going to ensure?
100 million in cash.
How sweet.
Equity. 40 percent.
40 percent, sir?
100 million is of no use to me.
I'll be just another corrupt
politician or a corrupt criminal.
Not my style.
I am a businessman.
Let's keep it professional.
And if I have stakes in the company,
I'll ensure success as well.
- Understood?
- Yes, sir.
Good. I love young entrepreneurs.
Thank you.
You see, Harpreet,
we will have to revise
our business deal.
What do you mean, sir?
I mean in return of getting
your proposal sanctioned,
I don't want money from you.
Nor equity in your business.
So what do you want, sir? Tell me.
Can you act?
What she means is you have
to be a fake witness for us in case.
That's it?
Fake witness? What do you
The plan is fool proof.
In fact, this is all about.
So she would be able
to explain it better.
You do not have to be afraid.
You just say have to say
what I tell you in the court.
Ma'am, but what do you want me to say?
All you have to say is that your
marriage with Preeti was called off
because of Manjeet Walia.
Just repeat my words in court.
Is this the only way left?
Convicting Prince the wrong way?
This is wrong. I am not convinced.
I can understand.
But you know him.
These are the tricks
he resorts to in the court.
So only to tackle him..
And she is good at it.
At the end of the day, what do we want?
To put him behind bars. Right?
Mr. Harpreet Singh,
tell the court what exactly
happened on the day of your wedding.
Arrangements all okay?
Excuse me.
I'm sorry?
Very, very happy.
Thank you so much, brother.
I'll go keep the bags in the car.
I'll pay the fees in advance.
Come on, man. You call me your
brother and then you embarrass me.
Just get married.
The commission is not going anywhere.
This is the thing. You just
keep giving your younger brother.
But do not take anything in return.
It is not fees. It is my token of love.
From one brother to another brother.
Thank you so much, brother.
- Thank you.
- Have a great married life.
- Go on.
- Come on now.
Quiet. Quiet, everyone.
Aunt, quiet please.
Papa, will you please keep quiet?
I am talking.
What do you mean there is no booking?
It should be in some other sheet.
Check right now.
Harpreet Singh weds Preeti Gogia.
- Give me the phone.
- I am sorry, sir.
But we have already checked.
There has been no booking
under that name for today.
Yes, there is a booking for sure.
But it's for tomorrow.
All the pre wedding
functions took place here.
Now you are saying there
is no booking for the wedding.
Check again.
There should be a booking
under the name Manjeet Walia.
That's what I am telling you, madam.
You had a booking.
But it was until yesterday.
You have no booking for today.
Where is Manjeet?
Where is Manjeet Walia?
Try Manjeet's number. Where is he?
I saw him at the park.
A short while ago.
It's switched off. The runt.
Manjeet's website
says 404 error not found.
Look. Instagram. Facebook.
The ID is erased everywhere.
He is no planner. It's all a scam.
Tell him. We're coming for him.
Get the swords out.
Get the sword out of the car.
Get it out.
- Call his assistant.
- I am trying.
It's switched off.
Baby, relax. Don't worry. I am calling.
It's nothing but a misunderstanding.
Why won't we get married?
There is nothing we can do.
It's quite a tragic story, Mr. Harpreet.
Your story is comparable
to Shakespeare's story.
Your Honour, defence is
trying to mock my witness again.
I am not mocking him.
I am just asking a question.
What do you have any
proof to validate his story?
Yes, I do.
Pawan Kumar Bawaria has
no alibi for 14th December.
There is no proof either
that he was in Udaipur.
We do. Polygraph test, Your Honour.
Pawan Kumar Bawaria claims
that he doesn't know Harpreet Singh.
- But the test results say he is lying.
- Polygraph test.
Mr. Jaidev,
what sort of behaviour is this?
Sorry, Mylord.
I am warning you.
Your Honour,
I have another witness to prove
that Mr. Pawan Kumar Bawaria is a liar.
- He is a scammer. He is a fraud
- Ms, Ritu, as always you are
Excuse me. Sir, please maintain decorum.
I am not Ms. Ritu. To you here,
I am an honourable public prosecutor.
Mr. Jaydev,
be mindful of the protocol at least.
Sorry, Mylord.
My apologies.
But Mylord,
the honourable public prosecutor
is hell bent on proving that
my client is a dishonest man.
I request you to hear my witness,
your honour.
And we will know if I'm trying
to prove his client a liar
or if he is trying to hide the truth.
I want your permission to call my
next witness in the witness box please.
Mr. Pawan Kumar Bawaria's
mother Sudha Bawaria.
Permission granted.
Don't be nervous. Here. Have some water.
I don't want.
Are you scared?
You have summoned me here
and you ask if I am scared.
We have just summoned you here.
We are not putting you behind bars.
You may leave any time.
I am sure you must not
have called me to say that.
To give you a chance
to reduce your son's punishment.
But hold on a minute.
Have you eaten anything?
Let's order something. Brijesh.
Yes. What would you like to have?
You get really good bread fritters here.
Should I order some?
- I don't want.
- No, no. I insist.
Look, a diabetic patient
should have meals on time.
How do you know I have diabetes?
Your nails.
Everyone in my family has it.
It hasn't spared anyone.
Mummy. Papa.
I feel I am next.
No. In that case,
you should get yourself
checked up regularly.
This is a hereditary disease.
Correct. Hereditary disease.
There are numerous other
hereditary disease. Do you know?
Your family history.
You should know.
What your ancestors were into?
Robbery. Theft. Pillaging. All of that.
My son is not like that at all.
even Ravana's mother
thought he was right.
My son is not like that at all.
He doesn't care
about himself.
He always talks of doing good to others.
- I see.
- Believe me.
To whom has your great son done good?
Please tell me.
Mother. Mother.
Hello. Ambulance. Ambulance.
Hello. Mother..
Hurry up. Come on.
Mother. Mother. Careful. Careful. Easy.
Mother. Mother. Lay down.
- I am fine.
- Don't worry.
The insulin level fluctuated a little.
So the blood pressure dropped.
It is stable now.
I'm glad you got her here quickly.
I'll prescribe some tests.
Get them done.
Okay. Wait.
You are absolutely fine, aunt.
You may go home.
I am fine.
I didn't have water. So I felt dizzy.
- I am fine.
- Mother, you are not the doctor.
He is the doctor. Let's get
the tests he has prescribed done.
Hold on.
These tests are going
to cost us 10 to 12 thousand.
Why spend so much?
And how are you going
to arrange so much money?
- You just have water on time regularly.
- Son, give me some more time.
Don't move him out of the ICU.
Uncle, this is the hospital's decision.
Not mine.
Pleading won't help.
The ICU beds are in high demand.
I can't help it.
Now where do I move him?
Please leave.
Uncle. He is my uncle.
What's the pending
amount he has to pay off?
For every mother, her son is a hero.
But in reality, what happened
here was an insurance fraud.
He scammed his own
cashless insurance policy.
With the help of the billing executive,
he registered the old
man under his father's name.
And then he claimed double
the amount of the actual bill.
He gave half the money to the patient.
And Pawan Kumar and that
cashier shared the remaining amount.
Everyone was happy.
I know the defence
will demand a proof now.
Your honour, we would like
to submit the confession
of the billing officer in the court.
someone's life and health
was at stake in the hospital.
My client helped the
old man no gave a damn about.
I agree that it is a crime
as it is against the law.
But that doesn't prove
my client a conman.
He has everyone in an illusion.
His mother. Hs childhood friend.
And even his wife.
Your Honour,
please give me the permission
to call my next witness
in the witness box.
Mr. Pawan Kumar Bawaria's
wife Nupur Bawaria.
The business was not doing well.
You had no money for
the daily expenditure.
In that situation, your husband
gives a stranger 30,000 rupees.
Didn't you find it strange?
Why would I find it strange?
Madam, you are a cop.
It is your job to look
at people with suspicion.
But have you ever looked
at a family member that way?
No. I know my husband really well.
My husband is a gentleman.
His intention can never
be to make someone suffer losses.
He might suffer a loss himself.
But he can never even think
of making someone else suffer a loss.
your husband's intentions have been
evident to us since the very first day.
This is why their
business doesn't do well.
His client is in urgent need.
But he has no money to pay urgently.
So her husband gives
people tyres on credit.
But he doesn't get paid for it.
This is a strategy to gain by sympathy
by making yourself look like a loser.
It's bullshit.
There is a lot more
that you don't know, madam.
Like what?
Pawan donated all the money.
he had saved up for his
wedding to the orphanage.
So that they get educated.
And lead a better life like us.
Who does that in this day and age?
Prince in the only one who thinks
like that and puts it into action.
How are weddings normally?
It is grand. People like to show off.
But Prince did nothing of that sort.
Our wedding was a simple affair.
We got married at the nearby temple,
in the presence of few relatives.
This looks more like the story
of some Bollywood hero from the 90s.
The messiah of the poor.
Someone who donated the money.
he saved up for his
wedding to an orphanage.
Or committed a fraud under
the pretext of that donation.
Your Honour, we have submitted
enough evidences in the court to prove
that Mr. Pawan Kumar Bawaria
played a dirty game under
the pretext of charity.
He donated the money he saved
up for his wedding to the orphanage
and gained their trust.
And he cut a deal for
the property of that orphanage.
The orphanage was moved
to some other building.
And that property was
sold to Makwana realtors.
And for this job,
Pawan Kumar Bawaria even received
a brokerage of 2 lakh rupees.
Yes, Mylord.
Please go through these
documents once again.
It clearly states that
a meditation centre
now stands on the property
of the orphanage.
For people who seek mental peace.
And the orphanage hasn't been
closed down. It has just been moved.
I don't think anyone has suffered
any loss in this transaction.
My client used this
opportunity for a larger cause.
I'm sure your client has pulled off
all the cons so far for a noble cause.
Why don't you ask him
to accept everything
and then we'll recommend
his name for the noble peace prize.
Mylord, this is utter nonsense.
Ms. Ritu, don't get carried away.
This is a court room. Not a comedy show.
Use your words judicially.
I'm sorry, Your Honour.
Mr. Jaidev, you carry on.
Mylord, someone else
will have to say sorry now.
What do you mean?
I mean I would like to call Mr.
Harpreet to the witness box again.
Permission granted.
Your soon to be wife went into shock
when you found out that
Manjeet Walia is a conman.
Yes, sir.
Was the shock so big that
she called off the wedding?
Sir, our feelings,
money, pride was reduced to a joke.
There was nothing left in that wedding.
You would have understood
had you been there.
For now, you are here in the courtroom.
Lying here is contempt of the court.
And a crime as well.
Speak up.
I am not lying, sir.
This is the reason
our wedding was called off.
That's a lie.
Sister, see.
Call him. Call him.
Try again. Try him again. Bloody hell.
Mother fucker.
- What is this?
- What? Hold on a minute.
What is this?
So, this is what you were up to?
Preeti, I know none of this.
Oh my god.
Bloody leech.
You actually think you can explain this.
To hell with this wedding.
Mylord, it has the screenshots of Mr.
Harpreet Singh's chats as well.
The respected Mr.
Harpreet would use girls
by making believe
that he would marry them.
He even impregnated one of them.
And then they had
to get the child aborted.
And their wedding was called off
when Preeti got these chats and photos.
I object, Your Honour.
It is very easy to doctor
fake images these days.
So now are you going to
question their authenticity too?
If you can question the authenticity
of the polygraph test
but I can't question it.
What are you trying to say?
What is Mr. Harpreet going to
gain by testifying falsely in the court?
The same thing Mr. Pawan
Kumar was getting in your stories
a little while ago.
Insurance money.
these files contain
insurance documents too.
Mr. Harpreet was always fearful
that some girl would show up
and tell Preeti the entire truth.
So he got his wedding insured.
People do this today.
If for some unexpected reason,
someone's wedding doesn't happen
then he can claim this money.
But Mr. Harpreet's wedding was
called off because of his disloyalty.
You can't claim any insurance
money in that situation.
So he made up a fake story or a con.
So that he had an explanation
for the wedding being called off.
Am I right?
Wow. So this is just a theory as of now.
Your theory.
All circumstantial evidences, right?
All your evidences have been
circumstantial since the first day.
But still, the court gave the
permission to keep my client in custody.
But today, I request the court
to grant my client the bail
until all the evidences
against my client are gathered.
Bail on what basis, Your Honour?
If his theory was correct,
he would have produced
Preeti in the court today.
I will do that as well.
I have just received these evidences.
Or Preeti would have
been in the court today.
But till then,
I request for my client's bail, sir.
I object.
The defence has not presented
any solid proof to dismiss our claims.
Neither have you to keep
my client in custody for so long.
- Mr. Jaidev you cannot
- Show some respect. - Please.
Maintain the decorum of the court.
I won't repeat myself.
Sorry, Your Honour.
And you will get to
the root of this matter.
The both of you.
Apart from the polygraph tests,
all you have is the fact that
Pawan Kumar was in Udaipur
and not at home or anywhere else
on the night of the
14th of December, right?
Get the evidence to prove that
Pawan Kumar Bawaria was in Udaipur
on the night of the 14th of December.
Or you get the evidence
that he was somewhere else.
On top of that, you are accusing Mr.
Harpreet of being a fake witness.
Prove it.
Present Preet or any
member of her family
in the court in the next hearing.
Yes, Your Honour.
Until then the court
grants Pawan Kumar Bawaria bail
for 30 days.
The court is adjourned.
We are not in the court room. Chill.
We have a won small battle
today in the form of your bail.
I assure you I will get
the entire case dismissed.
To be honest, more than bailing
out my friend, I am happier
recalling the defeated
face of Ritu Arora in the court.
She has nothing.
Just because a result during
the lie detector test was negative
she is all charged up.
You bet.
I'll find Preeti and produce
her in the court for the next hearing.
And then the face of my
honourable public prosecutor
will be worth watching.
Preeti will not come to the court.
Neither her nor her family.
Ritu Arora has played us.
Jaidev, you haven't won.
She has only let you
have a sense of victory.
How did she play us?
Did you notice she was
angry in the courtroom today?
Ms. Ritu.
That is what you called her, right?
But you have addressed her as 'Ms.
Ritu' previously as well.
Why didn't she get angry then?
Did you notice?
That is because
she wants to convince you
that what you are doing is right.
There have been never been
so many loopholes in her arguments.
How come there were so many today?
Have you given it a thought?
But why would she dig her own grave?
Magician's trick.
What trick?
Remember we would
go to the circus as kid.
- Yes.
- The Magician's show.
- Yes.
- What does the magician do?
He has just a small thing.
We know that Prince was in
Udaipur on 14th of December. Right?
And he masks that thing with illusion.
And Harpreet Singh's wedding
was called off in
Udaipur on 14th December.
We just have to
connected these two dots.
And make a story.
Fake story of a wedding con.
Fake story?
We know how Pawan Kumar looks.
We know how he can disguise himself.
We know what he likes.
We also know how he
reacts when he is nervous.
We know about his Asthma.
In short,
we know everything about Pawan Kumar.
We just have to weave
this information into a story.
Fake story.
So the entire Manjeet
Walia story is fake?
And she will prove it to
be a true story in the court.
How can she do that?
Just like how a magician can.
Through illusion.
Illusion distracts people
from the actual trick.
Pawan Kumar was in
Udaipur on 14th December.
We'll have to buy time till
we find concrete evidence for the same.
And we need to distract defence for it.
You mean the photos,
videos, chats, insurance documents
I received on my phone
today were planted by Ritu.
So that you waste your
time in finding Preeti.
And in the meanwhile she
would gather evidence against me.
To validate her lie.
Hold on.
No conman named Manjeet Walia exists.
Harpreet was cheating on Preeti.
His photographs were all fake.
So why was their wedding got called off?
It was the other way round.
Harpreet wasn't cheating on Preeti.
Preeti was cheating on Harpreet.
Once Harpreet found out he
called off this wedding privately.
Preeti and her family
will never accept it publicly.
Neither can you make them.
Because Preeti and her family
have been missing since the wedding.
And they will never be found.
No. I am not liking this.
It's okay.
But Jaidev is going to like this.
Because I am going to give
him that one thing he really wants.
The sense of winning.
You were in custody
all this while, right?
Without any phone or computer.
So how do you know all this?
Jaidev, the result of the
lie detector test wasn't wrong.
I have met Harpreet before.
I love young entrepreneurs.
Speaking of which meet Mr. Ajay Chauhan.
Another young entrepreneur
and my soon to be son-in-law.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
And I took 40 percent
equity from him too.
Yes, I am not the conman
Manjeet Walia, they created.
But I am everything
else they want to prove.
Ajay Chauhan.
Kirtan Gada.
And what Shaurya and Ritu can ever imagine.
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