Rematch (2024) s01e05 Episode Script
Episode 5
But I've noticed,
something is different about Garry today.
He looks a lot more focused.
He looks a lot more composed.
And I think that that explosion
is what Garry wanted.
That sort of like mobilized
everything within him.
One thing I think we have to think
about in this match is,
Garry has altered his style of play
because he's playing a computer.
How has it affected his ability to play,
his results, his comfort
Mommy, does Daddy ever smile?
He's not doing all that well score-wise.
I would have expected him,
considering his overall strength
When your father needs to be,
he is always serious!
Every game is dominated
by an attempt
to figure out what to do
against the computer
to confuse the computer. But is the
computer confused or is Garry?
What is going on?
What's Kasparov doing?
If we knew, we'd win, wouldn't we?
But he's a genius.
That's why you can't figure it out.
Hey! Hey, what is happening?
Deep Blue is so slow
Well, do we at least know
the answer to that?
Do you understand his strategy?
No. No, at first, I thought he was going
for anti-computer in a closed position,
but now I think he's switched gears
to grab the initiative. It's
What about all that pawn sacrifice
he's made?
To what end?
- We're missing something, Paul.
- Yes!
Come on, come on!
Talk to me baby,
what's wrong with you?
What can I do to
37 degrees
What the hell is going on?
E5, D takes E5, queen F4,
followed by knight E6
Holy Shit! Kasparov sacrificed the pawn
for positional compensation!
- This could screw us!
- Why?
Because her calculation power
could become useless in this position.
- Deep Blue shouldn't play her knight.
- So, what do we do?
I don't know! What can we do?
We just have to wait!
Come on, come on, come on!
Find a solution!
Well look at you!
Is this another one
of your bullshit tricks?
You made the computer crash
because you knew I was going to win!
- I'm as clueless as you
- No, no. This was unforeseen.
Please go back to your dressing room,
and my team will handle this. Thank you.
Go figure out the fucking problem right
now! And you find PC!
What the hell is going on?
The whole room is going nuts out there!
What am I doing wrong here?
Tell me baby.
- I'm pulling in the rest of the team.
- Wait!
And tell them what?
That Kasparov made Deep Blue crash?
That he outsmarted her?
The most powerful computer in the world,
in a controlled
and refrigerated environment,
and he, alone in his corner,
managed to make her overheat?
Calm down! Listen to me!
Concentrate, do something about this.
Because right now, the entire planet
is laughing at us.
I did! I rebooted her.
And screw the planet.
And screw you too!
You're just here to make the moves
you're told to.
Fuck you!
No. Fuck you.
Mrs. Brock! What's going on?
My apologies for the delay.
It is minor technical glitch.
We'll have it resolved in a few minutes.
Thank you for your patience.
This is a first for Deep Blue,
Mrs. Brock!
No further questions, thank you.
What's going on?
He is on his way.
Sir, to what do we owe the honor?
Every network is talking
about Deep Blue's crash.
Our team is handling the problem.
It should be resolved soon.
Better be. IBM's stock sank by 8 dollars
since the crash was announced.
Everything's working.
Would someone's explain to me why
our 100-million-dollar machine crashed?
- It's complicated.
- Find the words.
It could be a problem linked to corrupt
data in its AIX OS.
Or several 99-08 Jaguar fans
that may have frozen,
following a breakdown
in the NTC thermistors.
And we recently tested overclocking
on the microprocessors
in an attempt to increase the MIPS
from 135 to 139 on 120 MHz.
This may have caused the BSOD 0x0000013D
error code
seen on the blue screen of death.
Now, do you understand?
I don't need to understand.
That's why my signature is at the bottom
of your paychecks.
What matters is everything works.
You're gonna make sure
the computer's ready.
I've got you.
As soon as you play
the knight I've got you.
Come on!
Play the knight
It wasn't the move Deep Blue was going
to play before the crash.
It was playing the knight.
And you know it.
They offered their hands to one another.
He didn't just say, "I offer you a draw."
Did Daddy beat the big robot?
So now, the score is 2 to 2 and the
computer is hanging tough and Garry
He will.
The match is going to get more
and more tense
Assholes Fucking assholes.
You saw what they did, right?
- Mama, tell me you saw it.
- What?
Don't tell me you're as blind
as everybody else!
Saw what?
Deep Blue was going to play
the knight before the crash.
They changed the move
when they rebooted the computer!
- I didn't notice
- Come on!
- Garry, I'm no expert but
- Well, you're wrong!
- They're spying on me.
- Garry, come on!
Garry, you're overreacting!
Are you kidding me with this PC?
What is this gonna change?
It'll will change everything!
If Deep Blue is truly
an artificial intelligence,
she'll be able to learn by herself.
All we have to do is show her how
to review all the games
she's played against Kasparov.
She'll discover Garry's weaknesses
and then exploit them.
She'll quickly reached Kasparov's
level and then
She'll surpass him.
It will be like "Deep Learning".
So, she wouldn't need me anymore.
And she wouldn't need you either.
How long is this test gonna take?
I've no idea, hours, a day, two days
I don't know.
No. We do not have time for that.
Game 5 is right around the corner
- We need to understand her now!
- Why?
Because I feel like I'm a pawn in a game
where the rules have changed,
and no one's
told me what they are!
Garry, what are you doing?
No one is spying on us.
You think it's a coincidence
that Deep Blue crashed
at the exact moment I was
taking over the initiative?
I don't think so.
IBM rigged everything
to save this game!
Listen. Listen. We're all a little tense.
Why don't we go outside, get a little
fresh air, take a little walk
Yes, absolutely. We're leaving. I'm not
spending one more second in this hotel.
That's not what I meant!
Game 5 is tomorrow!
- Garry! Listen to me.
- Mama! We're going!
- Think about it!
- We're going!
- Think about it!
- We're going!
We're not staying here any longer.
Find us 3 rooms in another hotel.
- No.
- Why? What are you talking about?
Are you doing this on purpose?
Do what I say and find us another hotel!
No. I'm not gonna do that.
What aren't you telling me?
What are you hiding?
Now stop it! Stop it!
Don't go there!
Get out. Get some fresh air.
We'll talk about this when you return.
Hello? Hello?
It's me.
Can we see each other?
My hotel restaurant. 7pm.
I don't know who to trust anymore.
So, who is that?
It's a dinosaur who wants to eat this one.
And this one doesn't know what to do.
You tell them to find a solution.
Wait, I have to call you back.
Oh no
- He's not feeling any better?
- Not really.
Come here. Come here!
There is a movie theater
around the corner. You just go.
- You're sure?
- Yeah.
I'm sorry
It's okay It's okay
Give me a minute
You'd be less winded if you worked
on your technique
Forget about it.
I don't need technique to beat you.
- Really?
- Once around and the winner back here.
Alright. Hey, look who's here!
Hey Mr. Kasparov
do you mind giving us the count?
3 2 1 Go.
There he is
But we are not available Tuesday.
Can you do Wednesday?
Come on Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!
My card doesn't work. I can't get to my
floor. These assholes demagnetized it.
Why would they do something like that?
I'll take your card
No, no I'll take the stairs.
Come in.
We have an emergency
I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Tyler's sick. I hope I don't catch it.
Anyway, anyway, what's the problem?
We have a meeting with Mr. Silverman.
We have to come up with the right "spin"
to explain the crash to the media.
Just tell him I'll be there as soon
as Michael gets back.
Now is not the time
to let him down.
Ten minutes into that meeting,
you come find me.
You tell me the hotel manager
absolutely needs to talk to me.
Take this tonight.
It will help you sleep.
- Who are they?
- Your new security guards.
I requested them from the hotel manager.
If anyone is seen snooping
around your room, we'll know.
Thank you.
Now this, is an RF detector.
Used to find hidden mics and bugs.
I've scanned every inch I could of
the 3 rooms and I didn't find anything.
Where did you get this?
This is New York. You can find dangerous,
illegal and unregulated stuff
on just about every corner.
I didn't think you'd believe me.
Initially I didn't.
But after everything that's happened
Let's just say I'm being prudent.
Get some rest.
Thank you.
I've never actually worked on
the Evan's Gambit with her.
I think if Kasparov picks it, she may
have a hard time defending herself.
- What are we at now?
- 3 percent.
My God
No, we don't have time for this.
We need to be working on Deep Blue's
strategy. We are here to play chess.
This test is more important
than your bullshit game.
- I don't give a shit about chess!
- I give a shit about chess!
I need this!
This is not just about you!
My reputation is on the line.
I just spent a year of my life working
my ass off for one reason
and one reason only:
to beat the World Champion!
Oh yeah? I spent 12 years
creating Deep Blue! 12 years!
12 years of being invisible at IBM.
12 years of watching talentless
hacks get promoted
while I'm stuck in the basement!
12 years of working on my baby,
only to end up seeing Brock splashed all
over the magazines!
So, you can take you chess game
and shove it up your ass!
12 years and it crashes
at the first hot flush?
Kasparov is gonna go all out to win
Game 5. And we cannot let him.
We need a draw, at the very least.
Let's finish this Rematch
in full "brute force mode"
and then you can do your test later.
Hey! Where were you?
Where were you?
The CEO needed to see us.
- You know how George gets.
- I've been here a half hour.
He was sleeping.
- I made sure he was okay.
- Do you hear yourself?
- You had one thing to do.
- Just one!
All you had to do was stay with your son!
You put Tyler's life in danger!
Stop it! You were putting my carrier
in danger!
I do want you here.
But taking care of Tyler is your job.
- You agreed. You agreed!
- We have barely seen you this entire year!
Because I'm working on the biggest
project of my carrier!
This is one that
could actually change history!
- And all you had to do was telling me!
- I shouldn't have to tell you!
Isn't it obvious?
Please, just open your eyes.
- You gave him this to make him sleep.
- Give him what?
Your drugged him so you
could go to your meeting.
- Oh my God, Michael
- You're out of your mind!
I would never drug our son!
What the fuck
- Hi!
- Hello!
Sorry, the taxi driver got
the address wrong.
It's fine.
Was she watching me on TV
when she drew this?
Yes. She loves watching you play.
Well, she is a future Chagall!
It's a gift from her.
Is Sofia doing well in school?
She is just in kindergarten
but this year she will go to the school.
Of course.
You haven't aged a bit.
Not like me.
I'm getting grey hair
- Well, you see mine now?
- I do.
Go to hell!
Come see me play tomorrow.
I'll ask the organizers to send
you a pass.
I already have one.
IBM sent it to me.
But I didn't think it was
appropriate to attend.
You've been in touch with IBM?
They wanted to do an interview; you know.
"The man behind the champ".
I think for promotional reasons.
What did you tell them?
- Nothing.
- What did you tell them?
Nothing! I refused.
You're trying to pry information out
of me, I'm sure. For some exposé.
- No.
- Tell me the truth!
Stop this, Garry.
I'm here because you called me.
I'm here because you said
you weren't doing well.
And you are really not.
Attack me as much as you like.
But never use my family against me again,
you understand?
- When will this stop?
- What are you talking about?
- Are there no limits?
- I'd never use you family, Gazza.
Kolya is here. Or Karpov.
Did you bring them here?
It's obvious they've been helping
you right from the start.
- What is going on?
- We need to check every hotel
I'm sure Kolya or Karpov are in New York!
They're helping IBM!
I'm going to expose them.
You will see.
I won't let them get me.
I won't let them.
From the beginning I've felt a presence
in the hotel and
I won't let them
I don't know about Karpov
and Kolya
but what I do know for sure
IBM has come inside your head.
These are the same tactics used
on you 12 years ago.
It's working!
Good evening, George!
Excuse me
Dirty Martini for the gentleman.
You explained why you like it at last
year's Christmas party.
Drop the charm.
Someone doesn't like you.
The next two games
are crucial for IBM.
Don't worry about Deep Blue.
She'll come through.
It's not the computer
I'm worried about.
It's the weak link.
Take care of it.
Excuse me. It's too much olive brine.
Make it again.
- I'm sorry
- The way it should be.
I hate it when people
don't do their jobs right.
- Hey. Come in, come in.
- Thank you.
- Are you alright?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Oh, yeah.
I'm still working on the basics.
I see that.
Is there a name
for this particular strategy?
The Fool's Mate.
The Fool's Mate huh?
What's going on?
I'm terrified.
If IBM isn't cheating
if all this bullshit
is just manipulation
Then they got me.
And Deep Blue is playing very well.
And it could very well beat me.
Mr. Kasparov,
there is someone here to see you.
Not now!
Daddy, I came to help
you beat the big robot!
That's a nice surprise!
With this chessboard?
She insisted on seeing you.
She's as stubborn as her father.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You were right to stop the MIST test.
I'm right, you're wrong. That's the story
of our whole relationship.
It's another 5 wins
in a row for your baby.
- I'm going to stop calling her that.
- Yeah.
And if she is AI, you might have to come
up with a better name than Deep Blue.
You know it's just a little pornographic.
"Gertrude" has a nice ring to it.
In the beginning, the machine was called
"Deep Thought" in honor of Douglas Adams
and his "Hitchhiker's Guide
to The Galaxy".
Oh God! You always know how to impress
me with your nerd references!
But I think we can do better than that.
How about "Mother", like in Alien?
Or "Memory Alpha", like in Star Trek!
Or "Skynet", like in Terminator!
You shouldn't be mentioned.
I'm the heart of Deep Blue.
She's my baby She's my machine.
I've given up everything for her
You're right. And we'll give
you the recognition you deserve.
Go with Mama. Okay?
I didn't know he had a child.
I did.
Kasparov seems different,
don't you think?
Almost invincible.
You don't get it, do you?
His daughter makes him happy.
Which proves he is human.
It proves he is vulnerable.
Just like the rest of us.
Your baby is gonna demolish him.
But I've noticed,
something is different about Garry today.
He looks a lot more focused.
He looks a lot more composed.
And I think that that explosion
is what Garry wanted.
That sort of like mobilized
everything within him.
One thing I think we have to think
about in this match is,
Garry has altered his style of play
because he's playing a computer.
How has it affected his ability to play,
his results, his comfort
Mommy, does Daddy ever smile?
He's not doing all that well score-wise.
I would have expected him,
considering his overall strength
When your father needs to be,
he is always serious!
Every game is dominated
by an attempt
to figure out what to do
against the computer
to confuse the computer. But is the
computer confused or is Garry?
What is going on?
What's Kasparov doing?
If we knew, we'd win, wouldn't we?
But he's a genius.
That's why you can't figure it out.
Hey! Hey, what is happening?
Deep Blue is so slow
Well, do we at least know
the answer to that?
Do you understand his strategy?
No. No, at first, I thought he was going
for anti-computer in a closed position,
but now I think he's switched gears
to grab the initiative. It's
What about all that pawn sacrifice
he's made?
To what end?
- We're missing something, Paul.
- Yes!
Come on, come on!
Talk to me baby,
what's wrong with you?
What can I do to
37 degrees
What the hell is going on?
E5, D takes E5, queen F4,
followed by knight E6
Holy Shit! Kasparov sacrificed the pawn
for positional compensation!
- This could screw us!
- Why?
Because her calculation power
could become useless in this position.
- Deep Blue shouldn't play her knight.
- So, what do we do?
I don't know! What can we do?
We just have to wait!
Come on, come on, come on!
Find a solution!
Well look at you!
Is this another one
of your bullshit tricks?
You made the computer crash
because you knew I was going to win!
- I'm as clueless as you
- No, no. This was unforeseen.
Please go back to your dressing room,
and my team will handle this. Thank you.
Go figure out the fucking problem right
now! And you find PC!
What the hell is going on?
The whole room is going nuts out there!
What am I doing wrong here?
Tell me baby.
- I'm pulling in the rest of the team.
- Wait!
And tell them what?
That Kasparov made Deep Blue crash?
That he outsmarted her?
The most powerful computer in the world,
in a controlled
and refrigerated environment,
and he, alone in his corner,
managed to make her overheat?
Calm down! Listen to me!
Concentrate, do something about this.
Because right now, the entire planet
is laughing at us.
I did! I rebooted her.
And screw the planet.
And screw you too!
You're just here to make the moves
you're told to.
Fuck you!
No. Fuck you.
Mrs. Brock! What's going on?
My apologies for the delay.
It is minor technical glitch.
We'll have it resolved in a few minutes.
Thank you for your patience.
This is a first for Deep Blue,
Mrs. Brock!
No further questions, thank you.
What's going on?
He is on his way.
Sir, to what do we owe the honor?
Every network is talking
about Deep Blue's crash.
Our team is handling the problem.
It should be resolved soon.
Better be. IBM's stock sank by 8 dollars
since the crash was announced.
Everything's working.
Would someone's explain to me why
our 100-million-dollar machine crashed?
- It's complicated.
- Find the words.
It could be a problem linked to corrupt
data in its AIX OS.
Or several 99-08 Jaguar fans
that may have frozen,
following a breakdown
in the NTC thermistors.
And we recently tested overclocking
on the microprocessors
in an attempt to increase the MIPS
from 135 to 139 on 120 MHz.
This may have caused the BSOD 0x0000013D
error code
seen on the blue screen of death.
Now, do you understand?
I don't need to understand.
That's why my signature is at the bottom
of your paychecks.
What matters is everything works.
You're gonna make sure
the computer's ready.
I've got you.
As soon as you play
the knight I've got you.
Come on!
Play the knight
It wasn't the move Deep Blue was going
to play before the crash.
It was playing the knight.
And you know it.
They offered their hands to one another.
He didn't just say, "I offer you a draw."
Did Daddy beat the big robot?
So now, the score is 2 to 2 and the
computer is hanging tough and Garry
He will.
The match is going to get more
and more tense
Assholes Fucking assholes.
You saw what they did, right?
- Mama, tell me you saw it.
- What?
Don't tell me you're as blind
as everybody else!
Saw what?
Deep Blue was going to play
the knight before the crash.
They changed the move
when they rebooted the computer!
- I didn't notice
- Come on!
- Garry, I'm no expert but
- Well, you're wrong!
- They're spying on me.
- Garry, come on!
Garry, you're overreacting!
Are you kidding me with this PC?
What is this gonna change?
It'll will change everything!
If Deep Blue is truly
an artificial intelligence,
she'll be able to learn by herself.
All we have to do is show her how
to review all the games
she's played against Kasparov.
She'll discover Garry's weaknesses
and then exploit them.
She'll quickly reached Kasparov's
level and then
She'll surpass him.
It will be like "Deep Learning".
So, she wouldn't need me anymore.
And she wouldn't need you either.
How long is this test gonna take?
I've no idea, hours, a day, two days
I don't know.
No. We do not have time for that.
Game 5 is right around the corner
- We need to understand her now!
- Why?
Because I feel like I'm a pawn in a game
where the rules have changed,
and no one's
told me what they are!
Garry, what are you doing?
No one is spying on us.
You think it's a coincidence
that Deep Blue crashed
at the exact moment I was
taking over the initiative?
I don't think so.
IBM rigged everything
to save this game!
Listen. Listen. We're all a little tense.
Why don't we go outside, get a little
fresh air, take a little walk
Yes, absolutely. We're leaving. I'm not
spending one more second in this hotel.
That's not what I meant!
Game 5 is tomorrow!
- Garry! Listen to me.
- Mama! We're going!
- Think about it!
- We're going!
- Think about it!
- We're going!
We're not staying here any longer.
Find us 3 rooms in another hotel.
- No.
- Why? What are you talking about?
Are you doing this on purpose?
Do what I say and find us another hotel!
No. I'm not gonna do that.
What aren't you telling me?
What are you hiding?
Now stop it! Stop it!
Don't go there!
Get out. Get some fresh air.
We'll talk about this when you return.
Hello? Hello?
It's me.
Can we see each other?
My hotel restaurant. 7pm.
I don't know who to trust anymore.
So, who is that?
It's a dinosaur who wants to eat this one.
And this one doesn't know what to do.
You tell them to find a solution.
Wait, I have to call you back.
Oh no
- He's not feeling any better?
- Not really.
Come here. Come here!
There is a movie theater
around the corner. You just go.
- You're sure?
- Yeah.
I'm sorry
It's okay It's okay
Give me a minute
You'd be less winded if you worked
on your technique
Forget about it.
I don't need technique to beat you.
- Really?
- Once around and the winner back here.
Alright. Hey, look who's here!
Hey Mr. Kasparov
do you mind giving us the count?
3 2 1 Go.
There he is
But we are not available Tuesday.
Can you do Wednesday?
Come on Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!
My card doesn't work. I can't get to my
floor. These assholes demagnetized it.
Why would they do something like that?
I'll take your card
No, no I'll take the stairs.
Come in.
We have an emergency
I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Tyler's sick. I hope I don't catch it.
Anyway, anyway, what's the problem?
We have a meeting with Mr. Silverman.
We have to come up with the right "spin"
to explain the crash to the media.
Just tell him I'll be there as soon
as Michael gets back.
Now is not the time
to let him down.
Ten minutes into that meeting,
you come find me.
You tell me the hotel manager
absolutely needs to talk to me.
Take this tonight.
It will help you sleep.
- Who are they?
- Your new security guards.
I requested them from the hotel manager.
If anyone is seen snooping
around your room, we'll know.
Thank you.
Now this, is an RF detector.
Used to find hidden mics and bugs.
I've scanned every inch I could of
the 3 rooms and I didn't find anything.
Where did you get this?
This is New York. You can find dangerous,
illegal and unregulated stuff
on just about every corner.
I didn't think you'd believe me.
Initially I didn't.
But after everything that's happened
Let's just say I'm being prudent.
Get some rest.
Thank you.
I've never actually worked on
the Evan's Gambit with her.
I think if Kasparov picks it, she may
have a hard time defending herself.
- What are we at now?
- 3 percent.
My God
No, we don't have time for this.
We need to be working on Deep Blue's
strategy. We are here to play chess.
This test is more important
than your bullshit game.
- I don't give a shit about chess!
- I give a shit about chess!
I need this!
This is not just about you!
My reputation is on the line.
I just spent a year of my life working
my ass off for one reason
and one reason only:
to beat the World Champion!
Oh yeah? I spent 12 years
creating Deep Blue! 12 years!
12 years of being invisible at IBM.
12 years of watching talentless
hacks get promoted
while I'm stuck in the basement!
12 years of working on my baby,
only to end up seeing Brock splashed all
over the magazines!
So, you can take you chess game
and shove it up your ass!
12 years and it crashes
at the first hot flush?
Kasparov is gonna go all out to win
Game 5. And we cannot let him.
We need a draw, at the very least.
Let's finish this Rematch
in full "brute force mode"
and then you can do your test later.
Hey! Where were you?
Where were you?
The CEO needed to see us.
- You know how George gets.
- I've been here a half hour.
He was sleeping.
- I made sure he was okay.
- Do you hear yourself?
- You had one thing to do.
- Just one!
All you had to do was stay with your son!
You put Tyler's life in danger!
Stop it! You were putting my carrier
in danger!
I do want you here.
But taking care of Tyler is your job.
- You agreed. You agreed!
- We have barely seen you this entire year!
Because I'm working on the biggest
project of my carrier!
This is one that
could actually change history!
- And all you had to do was telling me!
- I shouldn't have to tell you!
Isn't it obvious?
Please, just open your eyes.
- You gave him this to make him sleep.
- Give him what?
Your drugged him so you
could go to your meeting.
- Oh my God, Michael
- You're out of your mind!
I would never drug our son!
What the fuck
- Hi!
- Hello!
Sorry, the taxi driver got
the address wrong.
It's fine.
Was she watching me on TV
when she drew this?
Yes. She loves watching you play.
Well, she is a future Chagall!
It's a gift from her.
Is Sofia doing well in school?
She is just in kindergarten
but this year she will go to the school.
Of course.
You haven't aged a bit.
Not like me.
I'm getting grey hair
- Well, you see mine now?
- I do.
Go to hell!
Come see me play tomorrow.
I'll ask the organizers to send
you a pass.
I already have one.
IBM sent it to me.
But I didn't think it was
appropriate to attend.
You've been in touch with IBM?
They wanted to do an interview; you know.
"The man behind the champ".
I think for promotional reasons.
What did you tell them?
- Nothing.
- What did you tell them?
Nothing! I refused.
You're trying to pry information out
of me, I'm sure. For some exposé.
- No.
- Tell me the truth!
Stop this, Garry.
I'm here because you called me.
I'm here because you said
you weren't doing well.
And you are really not.
Attack me as much as you like.
But never use my family against me again,
you understand?
- When will this stop?
- What are you talking about?
- Are there no limits?
- I'd never use you family, Gazza.
Kolya is here. Or Karpov.
Did you bring them here?
It's obvious they've been helping
you right from the start.
- What is going on?
- We need to check every hotel
I'm sure Kolya or Karpov are in New York!
They're helping IBM!
I'm going to expose them.
You will see.
I won't let them get me.
I won't let them.
From the beginning I've felt a presence
in the hotel and
I won't let them
I don't know about Karpov
and Kolya
but what I do know for sure
IBM has come inside your head.
These are the same tactics used
on you 12 years ago.
It's working!
Good evening, George!
Excuse me
Dirty Martini for the gentleman.
You explained why you like it at last
year's Christmas party.
Drop the charm.
Someone doesn't like you.
The next two games
are crucial for IBM.
Don't worry about Deep Blue.
She'll come through.
It's not the computer
I'm worried about.
It's the weak link.
Take care of it.
Excuse me. It's too much olive brine.
Make it again.
- I'm sorry
- The way it should be.
I hate it when people
don't do their jobs right.
- Hey. Come in, come in.
- Thank you.
- Are you alright?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
Oh, yeah.
I'm still working on the basics.
I see that.
Is there a name
for this particular strategy?
The Fool's Mate.
The Fool's Mate huh?
What's going on?
I'm terrified.
If IBM isn't cheating
if all this bullshit
is just manipulation
Then they got me.
And Deep Blue is playing very well.
And it could very well beat me.
Mr. Kasparov,
there is someone here to see you.
Not now!
Daddy, I came to help
you beat the big robot!
That's a nice surprise!
With this chessboard?
She insisted on seeing you.
She's as stubborn as her father.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You were right to stop the MIST test.
I'm right, you're wrong. That's the story
of our whole relationship.
It's another 5 wins
in a row for your baby.
- I'm going to stop calling her that.
- Yeah.
And if she is AI, you might have to come
up with a better name than Deep Blue.
You know it's just a little pornographic.
"Gertrude" has a nice ring to it.
In the beginning, the machine was called
"Deep Thought" in honor of Douglas Adams
and his "Hitchhiker's Guide
to The Galaxy".
Oh God! You always know how to impress
me with your nerd references!
But I think we can do better than that.
How about "Mother", like in Alien?
Or "Memory Alpha", like in Star Trek!
Or "Skynet", like in Terminator!
You shouldn't be mentioned.
I'm the heart of Deep Blue.
She's my baby She's my machine.
I've given up everything for her
You're right. And we'll give
you the recognition you deserve.
Go with Mama. Okay?
I didn't know he had a child.
I did.
Kasparov seems different,
don't you think?
Almost invincible.
You don't get it, do you?
His daughter makes him happy.
Which proves he is human.
It proves he is vulnerable.
Just like the rest of us.
Your baby is gonna demolish him.