Rescue Me s01e05 Episode Script


Are you sure he hasn't sent anything? Mm-hmm.
Flowers? Nope.
Did you ask out front? I asked.
He hasn't called? It doesn't even make any sense.
Honey, he's a Murphy.
All the Murphys are like that.
I knew his father growing up.
Family's a bunch of mutts.
How could he be such a jerk? You plant carrots Honey, you, uh-- You want a ginger ale? Sure.
Another one.
Just delivered.
This is the fourth one he's sent.
They're getting bigger.
Psychiatric unit again? Yeah.
No candy this time? Oh, we already sent it down to the cancer kids.
Thank you.
Hey, Garrity.
What are you doing tonight, baby? Nothing.
Why you say it like that? I didn't say it like anything.
I said-- I said "nothing," like nothing.
I got a friend that can get us into the Soho House.
Thought we'd go down there and check out the talent.
Oh, wait.
You know what? I think I got plans tonight.
Yeah, I do.
Sorry, bro.
What are you doing? I'm doing something, uh with a friend.
Hey, who put this up here? What is it? It's a poem.
- A poem? - Yeah.
Whose name's on it? It says "anonymous.
" Listen to this: "Down came the towers For all the world to see "I didn't think God Would ever spare me "There's little love in life, For I have seen the grave Just give me the knife So I can end it all today.
" Holy shit.
Yeah, powerfully bad.
It sucks.
I don't know.
It's not that bad.
- It rhymes.
- Well, so what? My 10-year-old can make stuff rhyme.
Doesn't mean he's the next, uh - name a poet.
- Angie Dickinson.
Angie Dickinson? From Police Woman? Nah.
I think you mean Emily Dickinson.
The Belle of Amherst.
- Right.
- You know poetry? No.
I jacked off to a picture of her once, when I was 11.
Hair was all tied back.
She's kind of hot, if you like that type.
This needs to be wrapped, okay? Cover it with this.
Okay? Do that outside.
How horny is Franco, by the way? So, Tommy, you didn't like this? I mean, I don't think it's such a bad poem.
You know, it's short enough.
Got some, you know, some good imagery here-- The grave and the knife.
Oh, yeah, the knife.
I know you wrote it.
I didn't write this.
- You wrote it - What the hell am I gonna be doing writing poetry? - Aw, shit.
- You wrote it.
How'd you find out? Heard a rumor.
Anybody else know? Franco.
Aw, shit.
By the way, in the future, if you have something that you wrote that you want me to read, just bring it to me.
I'll sit down, I'll read it, I'll digest it, and I'll give you the most honest assessment I can.
You'd do that? For you? Yeah.
Look at you, huh? The life of the party.
Let's get out of here, baby.
Okay, where are we gonna go? I say we go back to your place.
Okay, but no candles, all right? No new burns until the old ones heal.
Did you touch my boyfriend's ass? You got a problem with that, whore? Who you calling a whore? Well, you're the only whore here, so it must be you, bitch.
Hey, hey.
Guys, take it easy.
Jesus Christ.
Get her off! Hey, hey, hey! Come on, come on, come on! Hey, break it up! Come on, let's go.
That's enough.
Break it up.
Puta! Come on, bitch! - Bring it on! - Okay! I'm okay! I didn't do nothing.
Nez? Hey, Nez? Nez? Can You hear me? Hey, Nez? Wake up, sweetie.
Call 911 right now.
Right now! Everybody get back! Yo, get back.
Come on, Nez.
Wake up.
ORPHANS And that was it.
She was dead.
I guess it was the coke.
The emergency room doctor said that her heart just, like, exploded.
Fun night, huh? Well No sex, but at least you didn't have to drive her home.
What, Franco? You are such an asshole.
I already told you I was sorry.
Cut me a little slack.
I'm still in shock.
You don't even care that she's dead? No.
I knew Nez wouldn't make it past 35 the first time I met her.
What I care about is you banging her behind my back.
Hey, who says I was banging her? We went out for a drink.
Bullshit, Sean.
You were screwing her.
Look, we went out for a couple of drinks.
We were just-- All right, we fooled around a little bit.
But the woman is dead, Franco, okay? Get your priorities straight.
What about your priorities, huh? You don't do that, Sean.
You don't bang a guy's girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, wife, ex-wife or his sister without his permission.
And I mean crystal-goddamn-clear permission.
You haven't even spoken to her in, like, five years.
Guys? You broke the rules.
Big time.
Wh--? Ho-- How? Explain to me-- - Hup.
- Let me finish my-- - Hup.
- Can I finish-- Look, you can run into a guy's ex-girlfriend at a bar - and feel her up.
- Yes.
You can run into a guy's ex-wife in a bar and - Titty action.
- A bit of titty action, okay? You can even grab a guy's sister's ass in a bar that the guy actually happens to be in.
Yes, you could.
And it's all explainable under the giant umbrella of the huge sorry-I-was-drunk rule-- Like Visa and MasterCard, accepted the world over and never argued.
Never argued.
Which was why the rule was created, by the way, by the Romans.
Ah, even earlier than that, my friend-- The Druids.
Listen, Franco didn't want to have anything to do with her.
He just doesn't get it.
Look, girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, wife, ex-wife, sister, half-sister, no pussy.
Next time, do the right thing.
The right thing, is that it, Frank? What about you, bro? What are you gonna do about Keela? - Who? - Nez's daughter.
What about her? She left her with Lazara, man.
Is that where you want her to end up? It's not my problem.
Frank Nez told me about the DNA test, okay? I know you're Keela's father.
I really don't see how that's any of your business, Sean.
What are you gonna do, Frank? You talk about me doing the right thing, but you're just gonna walk away? Or does doing the right thing, that doesn't apply to you? Looks that way, buddy.
You know what? You don't give a shit about anybody but yourself, Franc.
You walk away from this kid, that's some dark shit, man, you know? Maybe you can handle it.
I just don't think that I could.
Mind your own goddamn business, Sean! Easy.
You don't know me.
Struck a nerve, huh, Frankie? Hey, Franco.
What's up with him? Is he okay? Like I give a shit.
I leave for two days, and the whole joint goes into the crapper.
- Hey.
- Hey! What are you doing here? What? You're suspended.
It means get your ass home.
What, are you telling me I can't even stop by? Somebody from division stops by, and it's my butt out on the flagpole.
Get going.
Let me get a cup of coffee.
Don't push me, Jerry.
I'll call division myself.
I mean it.
Always looking to cover your own ass, huh, Perolli? Shoo-fly.
Tell the boys I said hello.
Is Lazara here? She's sleeping.
Oh yeah? You know, you're not supposed to open the door for strangers, right? Is my mommy with you? Uh, nah, kiddo, she's not.
Lazara? Jesus.
Lazara, it's Franco.
Are you here? Hello? She doesn't like it when you wake her up.
Uh, yeah, kid.
Don't-- Don't look at that.
Here, back out.
Um, come here, sweetheart.
I got to tell you something, okay? What? Oh Well, um Listen.
Your mother.
Um you know, she was no good, and, um, well, you know, she had a lot of problems.
So, you know, in some ways, maybe it's better that she, um I mean, you know, it was gonna happen sooner or later.
She's dead.
That's the thing.
So, um, you know, you take a couple of minutes, you know, cry, do whatever you gotta do.
And then we'll We'll get the hell out of here, okay? Right.
Come on.
I'm going up to my room.
All right, sweetheart.
And get plenty of rest.
You heard what the doctor said.
Okay, Daddy.
Thanks for Well, thanks.
You're welcome, sweetheart.
Are you hungry? Can I get you anything? Um, no.
Maybe just some bread with butter and some orange juice.
Okay, coming right up.
Janie, how are the kids? Did they behave? Well, Connor put a booger on Katy.
But other than that Right.
Would you take care of her? - Yeah.
How much is it? - 25.
For two hours? Jeez, there're families in third world countries that don't make that much in a month.
Yeah, well, thank God I live here.
- Yeah.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Hey, say hi to your mom, okay? Okay.
That's it.
She's not watching my kids anymore.
But she's a sweetheart.
She's too sarcastic.
- And that's unusual in this house? - Ha, ha.
Look, I-- we've had a rough couple of weeks.
I don't want to come down too hard on you, but I really-- Seriously, you gotta start spending less time on your love life and more time watching the kids.
You know what I mean? I'm serious.
Did you even know she was going into the city with the Murphy kid that night, let alone joyriding around Manhattan with him? And I'll bet my left nut that that kid's on drugs.
Did you hear what I said? I said my left nut, which just happens to be my favorite nut.
We're putting the clamps down on Colleen.
She's not going anywhere anymore.
So you're just gonna ignore me, huh? Fine.
That's fine.
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna sit down.
I'm gonna come up with a whole, you know, detailed schedule about when it's okay for you to go out with Roger and when it's not okay for you to go out with Roger, all right? And when it's okay to have the wiseass baby-sitter instead of me watch the kids.
Where you going? Janet.
I'm serious.
Did you hear what I said? I'm on the job No great shakes.
Survived a couple of building collapses.
Been burnt like a piece of bacon.
One gay shithead takes a swing at me and I got to turn my badge in.
If you'd have accepted the punishment from the commissioner-- That wasn't gonna happen.
So here we are.
Now your hearing's in a week.
That should give us enough time to find the bartender who witnessed the incident.
And what happens if we can't find him? Well, that would be a problem.
What you really need is a gay friend or coworker to testify on your defense.
Someone who'll say you're not a crazed homophobe.
A what? A person who hates gay people.
Do you have any gay friends? I don't know any fags.
End of discussion.
You know, Chief Reilly, as a gay man, I find the word "fag" offensive.
Oh, Christ.
Hey, do you have a second? No.
This is important.
Yeah, yeah.
How's it going? Sorry I let myself in, but this is important.
Look, the, uh-- The reason I'm here is, well, I'd like you to respect what Janet and I have.
She's moved on and I think you should do the same.
Look, I don't know what your plan is, if you're trying to come between us.
You had her send me away from the hospital the other night, which I really didn't appreciate.
Look just back off a little.
Let us live our lives, okay? Okay? Oh, and just for the record, I know it was you.
The virus in my computers, canceling my credit cards.
I know you're not smart enough to do all that stuff by yourself.
Who'd you have help you? How'd you pull it off? What, you're not gonna talk to me? That's really mature.
I think you owe me some reimbursements too.
Go ahead.
Take a swing.
Come on.
What's your problem? What is your pro-- Let me tell you something, okay? She might be sucking your dick for the time being, but her ass belongs to me.
You got that? Get up! Get up.
Jesus, man, what the hell are you doing? What are you, insane? Who's smart now, asshole? Huh? Dad? What are you, crazy? I think I left my Gameboy here.
So here's the thing.
You don't understand right now 'cause you're just a little boy.
But when you grow up to be a man, you're gonna realize certain things.
All right? One of those things is that sometimes you, uh, have to fight other men.
Especially when you're defending yourself.
When somebody else throws the first punch.
And that's what Roger did today.
He threw the first punch.
So you can't tell your mother about any of this stuff that you saw here today, okay? Because otherwise, she's gonna get very, very mad at Roger.
Won't she get mad at you too? Well, if she gets mad at me, just imagine how mad she's gonna be at you for eating ice cream for breakfast.
Eat up.
What's this? Those are eggs, sweetheart.
How come they're not yellow? Oh, they're egg whites.
They're better for you.
What's this? That's a protein shake.
Help you grow up big and strong.
Are you gonna be my daddy? Eat your eggs.
We won't have to have eggs every day, right, daddy? Well, what would you like for breakfast? Candy-Os.
Nah, that shit's all sugar.
You said a bad word! Oh, yeah.
I'm sorry.
Uh, I don't know.
You can have Candy-Os maybe once a week, okay? Okay, Daddy.
Oh, yeah, we're gonna have to move to a new apartment too.
What? I want my own room, a princess bed, and lots of toys and a TV.
Anything else? I want to go to the zoo.
Well, that we can definitely do.
I love the zoo.
Could we go to the zoo today? Um I don't know, sweetheart.
We'll see.
Maybe if you eat your eggs.
What time could we go to the zoo? Jesus, I don't know.
Eat your eggs.
I hate them! They're not the right color! Hey, Keela! Keela, get back here and clean this mess up.
Bad news.
Jennifer Aniston's a dyke.
Dad's missing.
What? He got into a fight with Ma on Monday.
About what? I don't know.
Over some new dishes that she bought.
- New dishes? - Yeah.
He said he was going over to Uncle Teddy's house.
He never came back.
Listen, Tommy, you're gonna have to go over to Ted's and find out what the real story is.
Why me? Because Ma says you're the only person Dad really opens up to.
Oh, yeah, right.
People are always confusing me and Oprah.
I'll see you.
I'm making pork chops for dinner.
You want pork chops? Mm.
Don't grunt.
Talk to me like a human being.
If I make pork chops, you'll want applesauce, which is fine.
I like making applesauce.
Makes the house smell so nice.
And apples are good for you.
Fights the cancer.
Or maybe that's tomatoes.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to go back to the store.
Maybe I shouldn't make the applesauce.
Maybe I'll just buy a jar.
Or maybe I'll make it from scratch.
Or the jar.
Yeah? Y-yeah, P-Peter.
It's your dad.
Is Mom okay? Yeah, yeah, she's fine.
I got to ask you to help me with something.
I fill this out, and then what? They're gonna place her somewhere? How long does that typically take? 'Cause, I mean, she's a little bit too much for me to handle.
You know what I mean? I can't take care of her, so It's Baker 170.
We just showed up on scene.
What do we got? Bathtub crashed through a ceiling.
Neighbors said a kid might have been left alone in 6-B.
We got it.
Bathtub situation.
Hey, how's it going with Keela? Is that working out? I wouldn't know.
I dropped her off at family services.
What is that, like, a day care thing? Nah, it's, like, an adoption thing.
I'm sorry.
Did you want her? I knew you'd bail on her, man.
I knew you couldn't do it.
Yeah, I knew I couldn't do it either.
I know who I am, Sean.
I can barely take care of myself.
How am I supposed to take care of a 5-year-old girl? You didn't even try.
You know what? I'm not discussing it.
Orphanages could ruin a kid for life.
She's not going to a goddamn orphanage.
They're gonna find her a family.
- A mother or father, maybe-- - You are such a coward.
What was that? You want me to repeat it? - Yeah, please do.
- Hey! Hey.
Drop it.
Now! It's all about you, huh, Franco? Yeah, looks that way.
Let me ask you something.
Did you walk her into the place, or did you just slow down the car and push her out? Selfish prick.
You don't know when to shut up, do you? Hey! Hey, hey, hey.
Knock it off.
We got a grab to make here.
- Pick up your helmet.
- Jerk-offs.
Take him with you.
We'll head upstairs.
Hey, for what it's worth, a lot of adopted kids turn out all right.
Yeah, tell me about it.
I mean, you know look at Courtney Love.
Holy shit.
Perolli said people heard crying.
Don't hear nothing now.
Wait, wait.
You hear something? No, I don't hear anything.
I hear something, man.
Nah, it's the water.
I got one.
- You got something? - Yeah.
Alive? I don't know yet.
Hang on.
Yeah, yeah, she's alive, Franco.
All right.
Get a board up here, quick.
How are you doing? It hurts.
Yeah? Am I gonna die? No, no, no.
We're gonna take you out of here, and then the doctor's gonna fix you up, And you'll be good as new.
Okay? Okay.
What's your name? Maura.
What's your favorite ice cream? Moose tracks.
Moose tracks.
That's the one with the, uh it's like chocolate chunks and-- Is there marshmallows in it? Hey, guys.
We got you, Tommy.
She's all right, guys.
Give us a minute, all right? - Give us a minute, - Tommy, we're just about there.
You like Snickers bars? I like Chunkies.
Chunkies? I didn't even know they made Chunkies anymore.
Didn't they stop making 'em? They did, but they came back.
Oh, they did? Well, we're gonna have to get ourselves a nice Chunky bar too when you get out of here.
Okay? Okay.
- Inside.
- On three.
Okay, Maura.
Now when they lift that couch up, I'm gonna pull you towards me, okay? Okay.
Two, three.
Here we come.
Okay, sweetheart.
She's out.
She's out.
- She's out? - Yeah.
Easy, easy, easy.
Here we go.
All right? Here we go.
You got her? Yeah.
Okay, I got her head.
Here you go, Maura.
Okay? Doctor's here.
All right? She's dead.
What? Her neck is broken.
She died instantly.
Maura? Sweetheart? No.
Maura? Maura, sweetheart? Maura? What the hell was that? Yeah, it's always tough with kids.
No, forget the kid.
I'm talking about Tommy.
Jesus, he was talking to her the whole time? Maybe he was trying to revive her or something.
I hear him mention Chunkies? Yeah, I got to admit, I heard that too.
Look, man, Tommy's the man, all right? I don't like to see cracks showing in that foundation.
Yeah, well, you never know.
No kidding.
You don't look so good yourself.
Hey, uh, Lou.
Do you know if Courtney Love was adopted? No, but it would certainly explain her last appearance on Letterman.
I'm telling you, she was talking to me for, like, I don't know, a couple of minutes.
I mean, she even-- She told me her favorite ice cream.
Her neck was crushed, Gavin.
Take the rest of the tour off.
I'm telling you, chief.
I'm all right.
You're talking to dead little girls.
If that counts as okay, they changed the meaning of the word.
You're done.
Here's the 2-1 delivery.
He smacks it into right field.
He's 3-for-3.
He's got a hot bat today.
I just want to say thanks for Colleen, and, uh I got one more favor to ask.
Okay? Thanks.
Hello? Hi, Daddy.
It's me.
Hey, baby, what's going on? You'll never guess who showed up here this afternoon, finally.
Let me guess.
The Murphy kid? You know what he told me? He said he sent all these flowers and notes and candy and a Vermont teddy bear to the hospital while I was there.
Well, I-- I-- I mean, come on.
You can-- if they sent teddy bears, we would've seen teddy bears.
Can you believe what a jerk he is? What did I tell you? God, you were so right.
He's a complete liar.
Remember what you said about that tool you can use to get rid of a tattoo? Yes.
Is there really such a thing? Honey, I'm sure I can find something.
Don't worry about it.
Okay? I love you.
I love you too.
Hey! Uncle Teddy! Boyyy! Hey, Tommy what are you doing? I was on the porch for, like, half an hour, knocking on the window.
Where's my old man? Nice to see you too.
Oh, sorry.
How you doing, Uncle Ted? Never better.
What's with the tiny bottle? Mm.
Try one.
Makes you feel like a giant.
Where's, uh, Auntie Peg? - Dead.
- She died? She's dead to me.
Moved out three months ago.
We had an argument over a rug.
Next thing you know, bam! I'm living a whole new life.
- A rug? - What? Look.
What? You don't like my moves? Okay, I'm just here to see my dad.
Is he here or not? Teddy.
We're almost out of champagne, Ted.
- Hey, baby.
- Hi.
Mm! Hey, hey! - Dad? - That's one of my kids.
That's Tommy.
He's a fireman, you know.
Hey, Tom, grab a babe, but not this one, and-- And join the party.
Uh, son, say hello to, uh, um I forgot your name again.
- Sara.
- Sara.
Say hello to Sara.
Okay, I need to see you and you in the other room right now.
- Aww.
- Aww.
I think we're in trouble.
No shit, Sherlock.
What the hell's going on? What are you guys doing? What is this? What's this? Why is there a mini-refrigerator in the living room? For shooters! What's your pleasure? Right now, nothing.
Okay the two women in the other room-- Are they hookers? - Yes.
- No.
- No.
- Yes.
Well mine's bought and paid for, but his just took a liking to him.
It's true.
Very funny.
What's with the pills? They're gold, kid.
Pure gold.
They are pretty good.
Really pretty good.
This blue one-- Viagra.
Works great for the quick fix.
This one-- This is the one Mike Ditka talks about on the TV.
Lasts a long time and makes your cock, I don't know thicker! This is insane.
This is really insane.
I like the Mike Ditka one.
You know, of course, I was always a Bear fan too.
I-- I-- That's the one I like too.
Dad, Dad.
You're taking this stuff? Hell, yes.
Son, I'm telling you, it is great stuff.
Here, take some.
Uncle Teddy, I need to talk to my father alone for a minute.
Hey, this is my house, punk! Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's okay.
For the ladies.
You want a shooter? No, I do not want a shooter.
Tom, we only have the girls for another two hours, so maybe you could come back after that, okay? Dad, what are you guys doing? Oh.
Are you gonna judge me? Is that it? Aw, n-- I am not judging you.
I am just trying to figure out-- Your mother drove me nuts for 47 goddamn years.
Judge that! Ah You know We had six kids together.
You know how many times we had sex in all the years we've been together? Six times to procreate.
The other three Now one was in 1966.
That was my big gift for the year.
The other two times Ah.
Never mind.
You know, me and your uncle, we fought fires all our lives.
We busted our balls up in the Bronx back in the day.
We got out of it, you know, free and clear.
And you know what, Tom? After all of that I deserve to spend the rest of my time on this planet banging my brains out and listening to Tony Bennett sing, live and in person.
Can't you see, Tommy? I'm happy finally.
Well how are you gonna explain all this to Ma? Well I was hoping you could handle that.
She always said you were the only one in the family she could really open up to.
Tom, it's late.
Yeah, I know, I know.
How you doing? Fine.
Um, look I was thinking about everything.
And, um you know what? If you want to take the kids, you want to move 'em someplace, even if it's someplace, you know, a long way away from here, I mean, I'll miss them, it'll be hard, but you should be happy.
Thank you.
All right.
Have you been drinking? No.
No, no.
Sober as a judge.
I just-- I was thinking about the situation.
And I think maybe I've been a little too harsh about it and, uh, a little too hard on you.
And life's just too short, you know.
It's late.
Do you mean sorry about tonight or sorry for saying it too late? A little bit of both.
This is, uh Wow.
For a minute there, I saw you like you were a million years ago, before everything.
Back when I was a dinosaur.
All right.
I'll see you.
See you.
Thank you.
Don't worry about it.
That new girl Maura? Yeah.
She, uh it's weird.
She just disappeared.
When? About 40 minutes after you left.
What do you think happened? I don't know.
How was the train? It's fast.
Hey, let me give you some dough to cover-- No, no, that's fine.
I got it.
- You sure? - Yeah.
So Mom's good? Yeah.
She's good.
Maybe after the hearing, I can stop by, say hello before I head back.
Your mother doesn't know you're here.
Jerry, good news.
It's down to the wire, but we found the bartender.
He's on his way and he's gonna testify.
That's great.
Excuse me for a second.
Now does this mean that my son won't have to testify? I don't see the downside.
Well, he's gotta get back to Boston, you know.
I feel like I've taken up too much of his time already.
Jerry this is your job we're talking about here.
I think we should use everything we got right? So you saw the entire incident? Yes, I did.
It happened not three feet in front of me.
All right, well, we've heard Mr.
Teff say that Chief Reilly threw the first punch.
Is that what happened? Yeah, that's pretty much it.
This guy comes in, gets in Teff's face.
He's being verbally abusive.
Whoa, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
You heard this? You heard him being abusive? Yeah, he was making all kinds of homophobic remarks.
You could tell he was itching for a fight, this guy.
But the bar was crowded.
You were busy.
Isn't it possible that Bobby Teff and not Chief Reilly threw the first punch? Remember that you're under oath here.
Honestly? Okay, I don't remember.
All I know is that there was a fight, and that guy provoked it.
Thank you.
No more questions.
I'd like to call Peter Reilly to the stand, please.
Do you agree with the prosecutor's portrait of your father? No, I do not.
What didn't sound right about it to you? My father doesn't have any hatred toward gay people.
Are you sure of that? Totally.
How do you know? Because I'm gay.
And your father accepts your choice and your lifestyle? He does.
Thank you.
Congratulations, Jerry.
I'll file the papers to get your suspension reversed.
You were the slam dunk.
Glad I could help.
I'll be in touch.
So, uh Thanks.
You're welcome.
Can I give you a ride to Grand Central? Penn Station.
I'm okay.
That's your crew? Yeah.
You gonna introduce me? Next time you beat up a gay man call somebody else.
Hey, uh, congratulations, man.
See? Told you it was gonna be all right.
Yeah, it's all good.
Come on, I need a goddamn drink.
Hey, chief, I didn't know you had a son.
How many kids do you have? Well, I know he's got a daughter.
Really? Yeah, she plays in the NHL.
- Now your son lives in Boston, right? - Yeah.
You know it's legal for gay guys to get married up there now.
- Come on.
- Now I got a question.
When two gay guys get engaged, where do they register? Victoria's Secret? Or how about Betsey Johnson maybe? No, no, no.
The Dildo Hut.
All right, enough, huh? For crying out loud! Everything's always a joke with you guys when it happens to somebody else.
Although Betsey Johnson does have some nice stuff.
I'm done.
That deserves a clink of the glasses.
To Betsey.
Where're you going? Home.
Get some sleep.
Listen, Frank, if I've been an asshole-- Yeah, you have.
I'm sorry.
All right? It's your life.
I got no business telling you what's right and wrong.
You make your own decisions.
You got to live with them.
Yeah, you do.
So we're all right? Yeah, you prick.
All right.
I'll see you tomorrow.
All right.
You're welcome.
All right, Blondie, come to papa.
You Tommy Gavin? Who wants to know? We're Roger's friends.
That's your problem, not mine.
What? What are you guys gonna do, audit me?
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