Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e05 Episode Script

The Reversed-Blade Sword vs. The Zanbatou: Beyond the Battle

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
At the Battle's End!
The Reversed-Blade Sword vs. The Zanbatou
Oh, Miss Kaoru, Yahiko.
It's a fine morning, that it is.
What kinda easygoing comment is that?
That fighter-for-hire might
come to fight you at any time!
You shouldn't seriously go up
against someone like that!
Got that, Kenshin?
I agree, but it seems that Zanza has
quite a reason to do this, that is
Kenshin, surely you aren't
going to go up against him?
Oh, all right!
If you have to, I'll
practice with you, Kenshin!
You don't have to do extra training!
What do you mean
extra, you ugly woman!
I'm your assistant master!
You little!
I give up!
Ow, ow, ow!
I just want to defeat
the legendary manslayer
said to be the
strongest of the Imperialists
from the bottom of my heart!
Why does he hate
the Imperialists so much?
What happened in his past?
Hey Kenshin, why
are you spaced out like that?
No time for that now.
Good morning, little Kaoru.
Dr. Gensai.
Hello, little Ayame, little Suzume.
Big brother!
Let's play!
Let's play!
There now
What shall we play, that is?
Here we are, all
worried, and Kenshin is so
Captain Sagara
Watch closely, Sanosuke.
Soon 300 years of Tokugawa rule
will end, and a new era will begin.
The time of the weak being oppressed
and crying in their sleep will end
and a time where all people are
equal, with no high or low, will begin.
We of the
Sekihoutai are taking the lead.
So we should do our best to create
a new world as soon as we can, right?
I've heard that so many times!
Hey, Captain, when everyone is
equal, can I have a last name too?
Then can I take yours,
Captain, and make my last name Sagara?
Can I, Captain?
Sanosuke Sagara, huh?
You shouldn't, that
name sounds too weird.
I take it you're the captain
of Sekihoutai troop one, Sagara.
I am Tatewaki Shindou,
staff officer for the government army!
From our main camp at Shimosuwa
I bring you orders
from the government-general!
From the government-general?
W-What are you doing, Zanza?
What about you?
What are you doing sneaking
around like a thieving cat?
L-I was only thinking about how
you were going to finish that fight
I'll tell you one thing.
Now that I've taken it
on, this fight is my fight.
I won't allow anything to get in my way.
L-I understand.
It's not that I didn't trust you.
I know it won't be a normal fight,
since you know he is the Battousai.
Considering that you
were one of the Sekihoutai
In any case, I have no complaints
if the Battousai bites it.
I don't care if you
have a complaint or not!
I, Zanza, will be
sure to defeat that guy!
Hop, jump, hop, jump!
What's wrong, Ken?
Oh, Rumors about that guy?
A patient I visited today
knew about that fighter-for-hire.
Apparently, he's a
survivor from the Sekihoutai.
Is the Sekihoutai like a
bunch of hooligans or something?
No, it was a fake government army.
A fake government army?
The Sekihoutai was a group
formed during the Revolution
from normal people
like farmers and traders.
It was the vanguard
for the government army.
However, the group lied to many farmers,
saying they would halve taxes
causing confusion among the people.
The Imperialist government
punished them for that crime.
I see.
That's why he's picking a fight
with Kenshin, an Imperialist
to get back at them.
They were the ones who did wrong!
That is unjust resentment!
And he whips around that Zanbatou, too!
So dangerous!
That's it, I'm going to
do anything to stop Kenshin!
No fair!
Little Ayame, where is Kenshin?
Kenshin went with that
spiky-haired man from yesterday.
Yup, spiky-hair!
Kenshin went with the fighter-for-hire!
Let's go!
So, shall we begin
now, mister Battousai?
Kenshin Himura, the wanderer
will fight you with this sword.
Really, where did Kenshin go?
Someone saw Kenshin and the fighter
for-hire going towards the river!
Let's go!
A reverse-blade sword
You've seen the power of
this Zanbatou once before.
And yet, you still think
something silly like
not killing will work now?
Well, you're the one
who decides if someone dies.
It has
nothing to do with me!
There they are!
Serves you right!
Even if his Zanbatou is powerful,
it's meaningless if he keeps missing!
Major victory for Kenshin!
He got up after a hit from Kenshin!
His strong point isn't raw strength,
or even the power of his Zanbatou.
He takes punishment
much better than most also!
You really are strong.
It figures that
you would become a legend
Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi Style has
put each enemy down with one blow
but that one blow
won't work against this guy!
Hey, mister Battousai
A fight, unlike a duel, isn't won
by the guy with better swordsmanship.
The guy who doesn't drop wins!
Say that if you are the one
standing in the end, that you should.
Shut up!
All right, round two!
Here we go!
I win this round!
Over here.
The Zanbatou has limited usage
due to its sheer weight and size.
Either it is swung down, or to the side.
One in two.
Extremely easy to predict.
And this will be the end, that it will!
One blow won't work against you.
Successive strikes!
The Hiten Mitsurugi Style
He's strong
I do not want to point my sword
at you any longer, that I don't.
Calmly accept your
defeat, that you should.
I'm going to lose
against an Imperialist
We Sekihoutai are
impersonating a government army?
What do you mean by that, Mr. Shindou?
You went rogue to inform
people that taxes will be halved
making people severely confused.
The Imperialist
government has lost faith in you.
Therefore, your crime
has been deemed inexcusable.
We've decided that you face execution
for impersonating a government army.
That's ridiculous!
We were spreading the word just
like the government-general told us!
I get it now
To the Imperialist government
the news of low taxes we Sekihoutai
have been spreading is problematic.
They promised to halve taxes,
getting many farmers on their side.
But the Imperialists, who are having
financial problems, cannot afford it.
Therefore, they decided to brand
us so they'd have a scapegoat
and pretend that
nothing had happened
Is that right, Mr. Shindou?
What are you going to do if it is?
We fought valiantly, believing
that the Imperialist
government was just
and that it would help the weak.
Dreaming of a new era
Such talk is idle in times of war.
The winners in war are
just, and the losers are evil.
That is all.
Even if a group itself is good, it
will lose and become evil if it is weak.
Just like you guys.
Your work is now done.
I thank you for it.
There he is!
Leave me here and run, Sanosuke.
What are you saying, Captain?
Just go.
Captain Sagara
The Imperialists blamed the Sekihoutai
for everything, and then killed them
They're filthy
Too damn filthy
I won't forgive them
Apparently he's one
of the surviving members.
That's it, I have to
kill him with my own hands
Die, Battousai!
T-This can't be!
If you take even one step,
I'll cut these guys' throats out!
Gohei Hiruma
I thought you were
apprehended by the police
So long, Battousai!
I thought I told you.
This is my fight.
And I won't let anyone to interfere!
I will not lose!
I can't let myself lose!
He really is a soul
that cannot be saved.
Shut up!
You can't defend from this distance!
Hiten Mitsurugi Style.
Sanosuke Sagara.
To think that you are a
survivor from the Sekihoutai
Let's settle this once and for all
against the one called
the strongest Imperialist!
That's enough!
Aren't you, the
Sekihoutai, the ones who are evil?
You guys are the bad guys!
You're barking up the wrong tree
if you have a grudge against Kenshin!
Such happy people
Normal society honestly believes
that the
Imperialists are a force for justice.
Those filthy guys.
They sure got us, saying we would
be in the government army if we won.
What are you saying?
It isn't like that, Miss Kaoru, Yahiko.
The Sekihoutai were used by the
Imperialists, and ruthlessly cut away.
I can see why Zanza has a grudge
against the Imperialists, that is.
However, Zanza
Don't say it!
Those Imperialists
that pretended to be just
They put the character for wicked on the
backs of Sagara and the Sekihoutai
and then killed them.
I can't ever forgive them!
And I will never lose to them!
All right.
We will settle things once and for all.
He flipped the reverse-blade sword!
Since the Sekihoutai
disbanded, I became a fighter-for-hire.
Because I forgot
everything while I fought!
It has been ten years now,
and I have become stronger!
And with that strength, now
I will defeat
the strongest Imperialist!
Such weak-spirited
strength cannot defeat me.
Hiten Mitsurugi Style.
You really are tough.
You're the first person to stay
standing after a Ryu-tsui-sen, that is.
However, it seems you are
barely able to stand, that is.
I'll call a doctor,
wait a while, that you should.
Not yet!
It's not over yet!
I haven't fallen yet!
I haven't lost yet!
For Sagara and the Sekihoutai,
I can't lose against an Imperialist!
That's right, come!
Come over here!
Don't you think you're
fighting the wrong person, that is?
Did the Sekihoutai teach
you to defeat Imperialists
or complete the Revolution?
Shut up!
That's not something for
you Imperialists to say
who created a new era full
of lies and are profiting from it!
That's not true!
Kenshin isn't an Imperialist like that!
He Just refused an offer from
a high-ranking government official!
He's just a wanderer who
protects people freely with his sword!
You only know Kenshin
as Battousai the Manslayer!
You started this fight!
Don't just state your
arguments and be done with it!
Don't group Kenshin with those others!
Kenshin is trying to
protect everyone with just his sword!
If you don't get it yet, then I, Yahiko
Myojin, will fight in place of Kenshin!
Zanza, the Revolution is not over yet.
It is true that in this Meiji era,
the Revolution's outline has been drawn.
However, many are still part of the
old world, where the weak are oppressed.
That is why I became a free wanderer
and I wield this
sword to protect those people.
Battousai the Manslayer
is trying to protect the people
I believe that doing so is
my atonement to the people
who were sacrificed for
the Meiji Revolution, that is.
Now, let's go fetch Dr. Gensai.
It's the same thing
as Captain Sagara who
fought for the dream of a new era
And he is still fighting for it
I could only feel despair, give
up, and fool myself by fighting.
I'm sorry, Captain Sagara
I really lost against this guy
I can't believe he survived.
Yes, bruises all over his
body and the blood loss
Dr. Gensai said he needs
to be in the hospital for three weeks!
He said that it was a
miracle that he didn't die!
Zanza was many times
stronger than the others
so I couldn't
really take it easy, that is.
In any case, everything is settled now.
So why don't we have
some beef hot-pot, and
Those men
It's those desperadoes for
democracy from the other day.
I don't care if you get
drunk and pick a fight with me
but do it after you
become a little stronger.
W-Weren't you hospitalized?
My strong point is my stamina.
These little scratches are nothing.
It's really nothing!
Don't play with other people's bodies!
You're not taking the
wicked character off your back?
The Sekihoutai is a
memory I can't ignore
so I can't take this
wicked character off.
Besides, I can't
change my prejudices now.
I'll follow you
and see if you're different from the
Imperialist con men with my own eyes.
And one more thing.
I'm no longer Zanza
Nor a fighter-for-hire
Now, I'm just Sanosuke Sagara.
Just like you aren't
Battousai the Manslayer anymore.
So, I won't allow you to go wandering
without my permission, Kenshin!
Oh well
It seems I have gained yet
another weird comrade, that is
I don't like how you said another
You're the weirdest of all of us!
Mr. Sanosuke!
He didn't pay again
And so, we gained another
comrade, by the name of Sanosuke Sagara.
When seeing those
eyes of yours with that gleam
my heart skipped a
beat that lazy afternoon.
My whole body felt nervous and very stiff
as if you were
testing my love for you.
Feeling the point from
the air and from you
I shivered all over
from my love for you.
A crunch on the sand,
I bite down the grit.
I aim at your will
as the day turns to night.
I am hoping soon you
will use your delicious lips
and let me have some of
that good wine that's over there.
When they are united
under the bright full moon
a man and a woman
will find true eternity.
Passionate lady, ah gimme your love.
Mysterious lady, I need your love.
The lonely eyes you show
once in a great little while
I can't tell if it's the truth or just a lie.
Honestly lady, ah gimme your love.
Now feel it coming lady,
I need your love.
I'm always thrown right around by
all the things you always do.
The fervor of passionate love
crazily dances within my heart.
The police chief that tried to apprehend
Kenshin came to our school again!
He wants Kenshin to
defeat some serial murderer.
I don't want Kenshin
to face such danger!
Please, don't go!
Next episode of Rurouni Kenshin
The Appearance of Kurogasa
Visitor From The Darkness The Kurogasa Appears
Please look forward to it!
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