Savage Rhythm (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

The Chosen One

- What are you doing here?
- [party music playing]
I got bored at the apartment,
so I came over.
I felt stupid sitting there like an idiot.
What the fuck are you doing in my house?
I didn't come here to fight, man.
Just relax, okay?
We're leaving, all right? It's fine.
- Don't worry, Mateo.
- No, we don't have to go.
- [Antonia] We're leaving.
- Don't go.
It's chill. It's not a party
unless someone crashes it, right?
But that's no reason for us
to ruin the night for our newest star.
[uneasy music playing]
Come on.
I want to introduce
the new lead actor in our show.
Karina Rojas.
[uneasy music rising]
Why didn't you say anything?
Well because I didn't
accept the part yet.
Looks like your friend's
a little two-faced.
I'm two-faced?
What the fuck are you talking about?
- Karina, don't
- Stop, this is fucked up!
God, Karina. Just chill, okay?
All of you can just stay
in your palace of shit.
Karina Karina, wait.
- Tell me the truth.
- What truth, huh?
What do you want?
You know what I think?
I think you broke up your group
so you could stay in the Royal.
You got me into this.
I'm here because of you!
- No one lied to you.
- [Chama] Karina.
It's Álex. Answer, it's urgent.
Is Grandma okay?
Uh, yeah, Grandma's all right.
Um It's, uh
I kinda need a favor, okay?
Can you come pick me up?
What happened?
I don't get it. Where are you?
Yeah, I was at Vincent's house,
and the police came looking for Checho,
and I got arrested.
- Oh, motherfucker!
- What's wrong?
The cops went to Vincent's house
and arrested my brother.
Wait, what?
- They're looking for Checho.
- What?
[uneasy music continues]
Yes, it's Mateo again.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, I know.
No, he's not there
because he's here at my house.
[Checho wincing, grunting softly]
Ah, man.
This shit hurts.
[door handle rattling]
What the
Hey, I'm locked in here!
[intriguing music playing]
- [pounding on door]
- [Checho] Dude, come on, open the door!
- Let me find the key. Hold on.
- [Checho] Fuck, man!
- [sirens wailing]
- Hang on. Don't break my door.
- What are you doing, Mateo?
- [Mateo grunting]
- [Checho] What's up?
- [Antonia] I'm coming. Just chill.
- Let's go. Come on.
- [Checho] Okay, this way.
- [Antonia] Okay, let's go.
- [Mateo groans loudly] Motherfucker!
- [door crashes open]
- [police 1] Police. Hey, it's over, guys.
- It's over, move.
- [police 2] That's it! Party's over!
[police officers] Come on!
Stay where you are!
[police 2] You two. Don't move.
- Who is Sergio Parra?
- [Mateo groans]
[police 1] Let's go, let's go!
- What happened?
- [Mateo] Where is he?
- [María] Where's who?
- [Mateo] The asshole.
[police 2] IDs out!
In your hands, everybody. IDs!
- [police 3] Dammit.
- [police 1] They're not here!
[Antonia] Karina said they went
to look for you at Vince's.
- How'd those fuckers know I'd be there?
- I don't know.
Those assholes have a snitch.
[Mateo] He's not here.
None of these is him.
He has an orange shirt on. Must've left.
[police 1] All right, you heard him.
Orange shirt. Let's go!
[Álex] Karina's gonna kill me, man.
Why, dude?
She doesn't know you do this?
[scoffs] No, she has no idea.
And why do you do it, Álex?
You need to knock it off with that shit.
You can find
you know, something that you like
that would pay the bills eventually.
What do you like?
A jail cell with a shrink included.
[both chuckle]
- Ridiculous.
- [scoffs] You are.
You gonna say it?
I really love to dance.
[warm music playing]
But that shit's useless.
Look at my sister.
Why don't you try?
Hey, I'll help you.
I mean
Some of us don't have the luxury
of doing what we like, right?
[guard] Which one of you is Vincent?
- Why?
- [guard] They're here for you.
- Come on.
- And him?
No, he stays here. No one came for him.
[cell door opens]
Just chill. Relax, I'll get you out.
All right.
[intriguing music playing]
Hey. Could you do me a favor?
I need to stay for a few days.
No, sweetie. I don't want any trouble.
Come on, honey. Just a couple of days.
I don't have the money right now,
but I'll pay you later.
No, I can't do any more favors, Checho.
No, wait, it's not a favor.
My boyfriend and I want a room.
Here, wait. With these,
it has to be enough, right?
They're from my First Communion.
They're quality.
No, wait a minute. Manolita,
just do me a favor. I'll pay you.
- Please.
- [Antonia] Please take them.
- Wait
- Thanks.
It's all good.
[sighs] Man, I'm so pissed at Checho.
- Yo, he had nothing to do with this.
- Oh really? So he's not involved?
Then why were you at Vincent's?
So, you're delivering drugs now?
Motherfucker. I begged him
not to get you involved in this.
I'm saying it wasn't his fault.
I asked him to get me into it.
- Dude, I'm over not having a fucking peso.
- And what about me?
What, you can't talk to me now?
What for? Where are you getting
that money from anyway? For real.
Yo, at that shitty job you had?
And you're fired now.
I don't get it.
Did you forget
what happened to Mom or what?
That whole shitty mess?
I didn't forget.
But now I understand
where she's coming from.
She did the only thing that would solve
her family's financial problems.
The only thing.
Ah, right.
So that's what you'll say
when Grandma asks about it, huh?
I do what I do for you guys.
No, no, no. Don't put that shit on us.
Money can be made in many ways.
That's bullshit.
No, it's not bull.
Do you think you can solve
your life's problems by being a waiter?
Now that's some bull.
Don't fuck with me, Karina, for real.
You know we don't have
a lot of opportunities in our lives.
You know that.
Well, let me come pick you up, then.
[Checho] No, Liliana.
You stay there and be good, okay?
I'd rather stay here.
And I'm fine.
[Checho] Take care.
I love you.
I love you too.
You know that you're
the best thing in my life, right?
I know.
All right. Later.
You two will get along well.
[Antonia chuckles]
I mean, Liliana still has some stuff
to learn, but she's a badass chick.
You'll see.
If you say so.
Has it always been just you two?
Well, not always,
but it's been a while, so
And your parents?
[chuckles softly] Long story.
[Antonia chuckles]
I'll keep it short, though.
I don't have a dad.
I've never even met the asshole.
And later, when I met my baby sister,
I found out my dad
had left her on the coast.
And when she became an orphan,
she found me.
And that is the end of the story.
[both chuckle]
What about you?
- Me?
- Any siblings?
[Antonia sighs]
That's also a long story.
[warm music playing]
But I'll keep it short.
Let's say my mom is my family.
But, we're
not great at the moment.
- And that is the end of the story.
- [both chuckling]
[warm music continues]
[Checho] You know what?
We've got one life,
and we have to keep evolving.
We can't get stuck on stupid things.
And the people we love,
we have to tell them that we love them.
I mean, you have to
while they're here now, right?
Make today count.
They could be gone tomorrow.
So I think it's better
that we say those things
instead of keeping quiet
and having regrets.
You feel me?
[Antonia] Mm-hmm.
I love you.
[chill pop song playing in Spanish]
[Antonia breathing heavily]
[pop song continues]
[cell phone ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
- Hello.
- What's up? It's Karina.
So I know that everyone's
gonna hate me for this, but
I have to think about stuff like
my future, my family, and
If you think I can do this
then I'm gonna give it my all.
[song continues on radio]
Why do you keep going to that prison
that stresses you out?
[chuckling] It's not a prison.
It's the Royal. [scoffs]
Who cares?
It's the best company there is
for what I do.
And you're happy there?
In my own way,
Okay. So you like to dance, right?
Well, if it's your passion, shouldn't you
have fun and not be such a drag?
Well, yeah.
But a passion without effort
gets you nowhere.
Well, I just feel like this company
is giving you a lot of frustrations.
I grew up at that place.
this way, I can make a living
doing what I love.
[knocking on door]
[suspenseful music playing]
Who is it?
[Mario] Checho.
- [Antonia] What's up? Who is it?
- Shh.
- [Antonia] What? What's wrong?
- No talking.
Checho, who is it?
- What's up? Who is it?
- Just chill.
If you wanna get out of here alive,
you gotta do exactly what I say.
Got it?
[suspenseful music continues]
[knocking continues]
What's up?
- You good?
- Yeah, all good.
So you got stuck at this shithole, huh?
They told us you had some nice company.
Nope, you guys are too late.
She left, dude.
- But hey, I'll introduce you guys later.
- What's up?
- Nah, man, take a shit at home, not here.
- I'm gonna take a piss.
[Mario] So, Checho
How are you? You good?
- [Checho] I'm fine.
- [Mario] You sure?
- [Checho] Yeah, I'm good.
- [Mario] What you been up to?
The boss is really worried about you.
He didn't like that mess
that went down in your hood and shit.
Okay, tell him I'll keep selling,
but when things cool down, yeah?
Yeah, but when?
When is that, man? We got a lot to do.
And you have a very important assignment.
It's juicy.
[Mario] Tasty.
Let me give you some advice, Checho.
You should obey and act right.
Don't be stupid.
Sure, man. Okay.
Then we're all right.
So I don't lose you again.
Hey, what's the hold-up?
What are you doing, taking pictures of it?
Come on.
- [suspenseful music stops]
- [footsteps receding]
[door closes]
[exhales in relief]
[engine turns over, revs]
- [Mario] Keep your eye on him, okay?
- [man] Yes, sir.
[Antonia] Checho, who were those guys?
Tell me, dude.
I almost had a heart attack in there!
Who were they? What do they want?
Nothing. Don't worry, okay?
Those guys don't matter. It's all good.
What do you mean
they don't matter, Checho?
Will you tell me what's happening already?
Tell me, please.
- Tell me.
- What's up is I'm screwed.
Thanks to your fucking ex,
those guys have got me by the balls.
That's what's up.
[tense music playing]
[Jacob] María José,
unfortunately, despite your best efforts,
I don't think we'll have enough time
to get you to the level we need
for this show to work.
Come on, Jacob, why don't you just say it?
We all know
who you offered the lead role to.
And she won't accept it.
She did, though accept it.
[Jacob] Karina will be our new lead.
[dancers whispering in astonishment]
That's totally not fair.
This girl's going to learn everything
we've been rehearsing for months
in two weeks?
[Karina] There wasn't
much of a future there.
All right, guys, guys.
I'm not here to screw you over.
I'm here to help you recover the place
you lost in the Iberoamericano.
We have to present
something unique and fresh.
So, please.
I want you to put your egos aside and
begin to work as a team toward this goal.
And there's a lot of work ahead.
Mateo and
All right, everyone. Stand up.
I want you to start from
"'Tis but thy name."
[speaking rapidly] 'Tis but thy name is
my enemy. Thou is there, not a Montague.
[in normal voice]
Sorry, hold on a sec. How's it go again?
[Antonia exhales]
[uncertainly] 'Tis but thy name
that is my enemy?
- That I don't know, sorry. I'm sorry
- [Jacob] Look, from here.
"Thou art thyself, though not a Montague."
- Okay.
- May I?
[tense music playing]
So at least she knows how to start.
Go ahead, Antonia.
[melodic synth music playing]
[emotionally] 'Tis but thy name
that is my enemy.
Thou art thyself,
though not a Montague.
What's Montague?
It is not hand, nor foot,
nor arm, nor face,
nor any other part belonging to a man.
O, be some other name!
That which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet.
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,
retain that dear perfection
that he owns without that title.
Doff thy name, which is no part of thee.
So, you still think that your rising star
can get there? Hmm?
[distant traffic sounds]
And here I was thinking Juliet
would wake up in a cell
after she helped a criminal to escape.
You owe me, you know.
- [Antonia] Mm.
- An apology.
And two and a half million pesos.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
You're gonna have to keep waiting.
[Mateo] Mm-hmm?
I'll get you the money when I have it,
which I still don't.
Uh, when?
[uneasy music playing]
I don't know, Mateo, as soon as I have it.
Owing you money is the last thing I want.
Hey, what will your mama say
when she hears you're with this guy?
I wonder.
- I don't know.
- Hmm?
No, but she never said anything
about us dating.
And you almost killed me.
- You his girlfriend?
- Let me by.
- Mateo, enough. What are you doing?
- So soon?
- Such a hurry?
- [Karina] Hey!
Let go of her, man.
Stay out of it.
That's trouble you don't want.
[Karina] Antonia.
- [Antonia] What do you want?
- [Karina] What would you have done?
Well, obviously, I would say yes.
This is my dream, Karina, not yours.
I'm also a dancer.
For years, I've busted my ass
and looked for an opportunity like this.
Tell me, what was the chance
of landing this?
What can I say?
Go for it while you can.
You're the savior of the Royal.
No way.
- Didn't you see me back there?
- Yeah.
And it was not good.
I honestly don't know
what you did to get that part.
Yeah, well, you keep thinking
what you want.
I really wanted to be cool with you,
- but it looks like we can't.
- Okay, I have an idea.
How about you call me,
we'll do acting lessons,
which you clearly need,
and the moment you relax,
I'll do to you what you did to me.
[door closes]
[cell phone ringing]
- Hello?
- [Jacob] If I was in your shoes,
I'd rehearse every minute.
Well, I've got work now, but, uh
when I get time,
I'm gonna make sure I study.
This is a full-time job, Karina.
And this play requires all of your effort.
I need you here.
Present. All-in.
- Otherwise this will never work.
- Bernardo, this is Jacob.
- The new artistic director of the Royal.
- A pleasure.
Jacob, this is Bernardo,
one of the Royal's sponsors.
- Ah, great.
- Possibly.
Well, I think that after you see
everything we're doing here,
you'll be very impressed.
- [Bernardo chuckles]
- This way.
[unsettling music playing]
[whispers] Oh fuck.
[man] The most important thing is
you memorize everything on that passport.
When do you go?
I have a friend who needs a package
brought to the US.
He'll pay for your ticket.
- And he'll pay you well to do the job.
- [cell phone ringing]
Any interest at all?
How much are we talking about?
Five thousand dollars.
[dark music playing]
[Antonia] 'Tis but thy name
that is my enemy.
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called
[cell phone ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
What's up, sweetie?
If I asked you to do
something important for me, would you?
Like what?
It's something important for my life, my
My career.
Would you do it?
Why, what's happening?
Why are you asking me that?
I just need your help with something.
[Ximena] Honestly,
I don't know why we came here.
[Liliana] Well, the thing is,
Checho wanted me to get us all together.
[Ximena] Checho?
[Liliana] Yeah, he told me
he needed to ask us something.
Wow, you really think I want
to do your brother a favor?
- He can eat shit and die.
- Well, we're already here.
- Let's see what he says.
- I guess we'll see.
[Antonia] Checho's not coming.
You're here because I asked him
to get you together.
[Liliana] Yeah? What for?
I wanna bring back Pure Street.
[mid-tempo pop song playing in Spanish]
[song continues]
[song fades]
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