SEAL Team (2017) s01e05 Episode Script


Previously on SEAL Team BRIAN: Come on, man, you got to shake this off.
CLAY: Look, most of the guys in our selection class just put my name on a list of guys that they think don't belong here.
The guys only listed you 'cause of the way you've been acting - since the second we got here.
- CLAY: You were just trying to help, and I was kind of being a dick, - the other night, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, too.
Get out of here, man.
Nate was hiding a burner phone from his wife.
You think because Nate had a phone, he was cheating on Molly? All the calls are to and from one number.
JASON: As far as Nate's burner phone is concerned, there's no good way to access the location history, so that's a dead end.
(LIVELY LATIN MUSIC PLAYING) WOMAN: Thanks for the offer, but I think we're gonna head out.
There's a party at the German consulate.
I promised I'd stop by, so Oh, come on, Hannah, what do the Germans have that we don't? Biergartens, nationalized health care, a true appreciation for the many talents of David Hasselhoff.
You know what your problem is? You're not drunk enough.
- Stay-stay right here.
- No, Richard, - really, I'm - No, no.
Two G and Ts.
- Top shelf? - Yeah, the good stuff.
- Mr.
- Thought you might care to comment on the story I'm about to file.
It seems that election monitors up north - are reporting widespread fraud.
- Mr.
Bol, we just pulled off this country's first presidential election.
I'm gonna call that a victory.
And by "we," you mean? I will leave that up to your interpretation.
Here you are, sir.
Ah, yes.
Thank you.
(QUIETLY): Off the record.
Off the record? I am about two seconds away from bagging the hottest NGO worker in all of South Sudan.
So, if you don't mind I find that very hard to believe.
HANNAH: Thanks for the ride.
DRIVER: Oh, Hannah.
I'd love to have seen Crowley's face - when he found you gone.
- Oh, don't be cruel.
I'm sorry, my friend, but the ambassador brings it out in me.
Acting ambassador.
(BOTH LAUGH) DRIVER: It's only only a tollbooth.
Do you have a ten-pound note? The toll is ten pounds? That's the price for your white face.
Get out of the truck.
DRIVER: We have papers, brother.
We are not to be detained.
This is for your trouble.
Out! I said, out of the car.
We are on the same side.
Get out.
What's up, man? What's up is another healthy dish of chicken.
Thought maybe you'd want to take a look at these.
Nate's old pics.
Finally get around to cleaning out Nate's cage, huh? Oh, no.
I was helping Alana clean out Nate and Molly's house before it goes on the market.
Little trip down memory lane there.
Nate and our interpreter Marjan.
Feels like it's kind of bad luck to be in a photo with two dead guys.
What about the woman there? Okay.
Two dead guys and a dead woman.
Thanks for that.
What makes you think she's dead? Well, the Taliban went after our interpreter.
You know, don't you think they'd go after his wife, too? Huh? I mean, you know how they do.
That is Marjan's wife? I mean, "was.
" Speaking of Nate's cage It is about time that you got around to cleaning it out.
- Yeah.
- Deal with his burn box.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
The man's gone.
And he has every right for his secrets to be gone with him, too.
- Yeah.
- Okay? Right.
You know, I'm-I'm gonna get to it, right? Hey.
It's not gonna get any easier.
You've got to rip that Band-Aid off.
- What are you doing? - Hmm? I mean, you're-you're eating in order right now.
You're going you're going meat, rice, green beans, meat, rice, green beans, meat, rice, green beans.
It's efficient.
And strangely satisfying.
Yeah, if you have violent OCD.
(LAUGHS) You know how many CEOs have OCD? A lot.
(LAUGHS) ADAM: Spenser.
Gate security says you have a visitor.
When's it turn into stalking? Well, I was in the neighborhood.
You know you're violating my safe space.
Sounds dirty.
(CHUCKLES) It's a good thing one of us is having fun.
That's actually why I'm here.
We're throwing a party this weekend, me and my roommates.
And you're inviting me to this party? No, I'm just keeping you up to date.
Can I bring a guest? Uh As long as they have a Y chromosome, yeah, you should It's, uh, it's my buddy Brian.
You've seen him at the bar.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the cute one.
Bring-bring Brian.
Actually, you know what? On second thought (LAUGHS) Is this, uh So is this where the magic happens? Uh, I mean, it's not quite Hogwarts, but, yeah.
It's nice to see you in your element.
See you at the party.
(SIGHS) Huh, "Jason Hayes.
" What the hell were you doing, Nate? We've been talking all week about what might happen if the violence in South Sudan continues to escalate after the elections.
As discussed, the election was marked by widespread fraud.
A lot of people in the opposition are blaming us.
What did we do? - What, in Africa? - Yeah.
MANDY: So far, the violence has been confined to the rural areas up north, but it's spreading.
Hannah Parsons was an American NGO worker in South Sudan.
She and her driver were murdered last night by an anti-government tribal militia.
Just outside of Juba.
Six miles from the American embassy.
So you want us to evacuate the embassy? So far, just of nonessential personnel.
There's 35 Americans still in that embassy.
We're going in to keep them safe while they try to hold the place together.
Then we get them out, things go the other way.
RAY: Or, so after it goes Benghazi, the DoD can say they had a Tier One team on the ground.
Why not just bring in a couple hundred Marines, Expeditionary Unit? Problem is, so far, the ruling party's rejected our offer to send in a MEU.
They feel it gives the appearance they've lost control.
Well, we wouldn't want to give that appearance.
DAVIS: Your vehicles got armor everywhere except for the windows, 'cause you say they needed to roll down.
Oh, look, if you can't put the windows down, people are gonna know it's an armored car.
Anyway, the body should stop an AK round.
Your precious roll-down windows are liable to shatter if one of the local kids hits it with a baseball.
- We're diverting.
- What do you mean "we're diverting"? Airport's not secure.
Command wants us to land at an old military airfield southeast of the city.
Wants me to stay there, coordinate with the Marine C.
, make sure that the runways stay operational in case we all need to get out of this country in a hurry.
I'll find out what assets we have down there.
All right.
What's the local security like? MANDY: Not good.
But the State Department RSO on the other hand's got a good rep.
His name's Doyle.
Bunch of people I know worked with him in Tunis.
What about the ambo? Crowley.
Technically, he's not the ambo, he's acting ambassador until a new one gets appointed.
BLACKBURN: All right.
What can you tell us about Crowley? Well, our analysts think he should've ordered the evac already.
Shutter the embassy, stay away until things stabilize.
The good news is, so far, the anger hasn't been focused on the embassy.
Bad news is, that's the kind of thing can change real quick.
S01E05 Collapse RADIO HOST: This is the American-Sudanese Radio Network.
South Sudanese rebel leaders say recent presidential election results are fraudulent, and blame the U.
for meddling.
They are calling for nationwide protests and an ouster of President Salva Kiir.
DOYLE: Lawrence Doyle, RSO.
Welcome to the U.
Roadblocks in the rural areas have started to disrupt distribution networks.
We're already looking at food shortages.
- JASON: How long? - DOYLE: Till it all falls apart? It depends who you ask.
This country's only existed a few years.
Been at civil war most of that time.
Plus, the nut-bars in charge up north are just looking for a chance to take it all back, reunify the Sudanese nation.
"And, one day, inshallah, the entire nation of Nubia.
" Somebody follows the news.
Might even say it's my job.
This place is going south fast.
I got a team of three, including myself.
"Regional security officer" for a region the size of Texas, and I have two deputies.
Still got 157 Americans scattered across this godforsaken country.
This will be a miracle, we get 'em all out.
All right.
So how can we help your team? Get Crowley to make the evacuation order mandatory.
No one's gonna take it seriously till he does.
All right.
So he's not gonna make the evac - till the bitter end? - Shutting down the embassy is a failure of diplomatic mission.
And in this case, it'll be his failure.
Weigh that against a little thing like 157 lives.
PROTESTERS (CHANTING): Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! (CHANTING CONTINUES OUTSIDE) We've got protesters gathering outside the embassy.
We're setting up an observation post to keep an eye on 'em.
MANDY: Copy.
Keep me posted.
Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! DOYLE: Here's Crowley.
Welcome, Lieutenant.
Uh, I'm sure Mr.
Doyle Master Chief.
Excuse me? I'm in E-9.
Uh, you're not an officer? Sorry to disappoint.
Uh, as I was saying, uh, Mr.
Doyle here can find work for you.
The regional security officer is, after all, responsible for our security matters.
Right, Mr.
Ambassador, but you are the man in charge here.
That makes you responsible for everything.
Don't I know it? Shall we? Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! MAN: If this was Beirut, we would have been out two days ago.
Why we get danger pay.
We can't just pack up and leave every time there's a protest.
We leave, we send a message that democracy's failed.
I'm not ready to pull down the flag just yet.
Well, you wait long enough, they'll come here and pull it down for you.
Dan, how many times have we seen this stuff bubble up and die back down? Why don't you just restrict self-driving till things die back down again, like you mentioned? Well, Lieutenant, uh Sorry.
Uh, here in Juba, we don't like to send a message that it's dangerous to move freely in the streets.
So, your security protocol is, pretend everything's okay? Our security protocol, at the moment, is to bring in a team of special operators to ensure that things remain okay.
Well, just so we're clear, we have five shooters, including myself, and we're really good, but we can't stop a civil war.
I know we're supposed to admire a man for admitting his limitations, but I'd always rather see someone transcend them.
Thank you, Chief.
Now, uh, as I was saying Appreciate the effort.
Well, you can't shame a guy who's got no shame.
(PHONE CHIMES)legitimate concern is that we not be seen as overreacting.
Panic's never a tool, so Some teachers stuck at the American School.
Need some help? - Won't say no.
- Let's go.
I'm sorry.
Uh, where exactly are you gentlemen going? We have some business at the American School.
- I didn't authorize that.
- But you're okay with us saving three American teachers? Yeah, I thought so.
What? Nice shirt.
What's wrong with this shirt? Did I say it was a costume party? I happen to love this shirt.
This is my good-luck shirt.
Good luck with what? My mom got it for me when we went to Montana to bury my papaw, so now don't you feel like a jerk? Your "papaw"? Do not talk about Papaw.
No, indeed.
(SIGHS) You know anything about Stella's friends? Not really.
Figure they're probably all grad students, too.
I'd stand to reason.
This is a mistake.
(BRIAN LAUGHS) Go home, go home, go home! Go home, go home, go home! Go home, go home! Go home, go home! (CHANTING CONTINUES FAINTLY) Stefan Bol.
You mind if I ask you some questions? - Oh, you're a reporter? - What gave it away? Can't do it.
Nothing personal.
I'm also, uh, willing to go off the clock a while.
Just big guy lying low while the brothers outside blow off some steam.
Those your brothers, huh? Yours, too.
You know there's people out there that will slit our throats just because of the color of our passports, right? Never bothers you? Show up in a place like this, alongside all them big white boys - Watch your mouth.
- Anybody else looks like you is on the other side of your guns.
Time for you to go.
Trust me, I am not the one.
(CHANTING CONTINUES FAINTLY) And those big white boys you're talking about? They're my brothers, too.
Only colors that matter are the, um, red, white and blue? Kumbaya.
Did we rig it? The election.
"We"? Um, I honestly don't know.
People outside seem to think so.
Yeah, well, someone here was gonna end up accusing us no matter what we did.
Just because they didn't like the way the vote turned out, looking for someone to blame.
We're two minutes out from the American School.
Any resistance? Not so far.
Anything I need to know? MANDY: Hearing anti-government propaganda on the radio.
Seems the rebels have taken over the station.
No change in the evac status? Crowley still won't give the order.
(INDISTINCT SHOUTING) What's the rules of engagement? We don't speak unless spoken to.
Guy wants to raise up, kill him.
I didn't get to say hello.
Set a perimeter.
(FAINT SHOUTING IN DISTANCE) - Don't shoot, don't shoot! - We're U.
military, ma'am.
We got everybody out, - but we were trapped inside.
- Okay.
We got you.
We're gonna get you out of here.
Let's go.
We'll take it from here, make sure they get to the airport.
You want us on your six? No, so far, the airport road is still clear.
Crowley's got a job he wants you on.
He wants you to evac two American aid workers.
He figured he'd send the pipe hitters to bring 'em home.
Might be the first good decision he's made.
The, uh, the American snipers? - Wow.
- STELLA: Hey.
Hi, Brian.
Clay, this is Evan.
Evan, stop it.
- Everybody behave, please.
- No, you worry too much.
No, no.
My new friends and I, we don't start fights at parties.
We're evolved.
Isn't that right, friends? Ah, this is your show, man.
You tell us.
These are my guests.
If you can't behave like a human being All right, they're your guests, but if they weren't, they could always just knock down the door and take whatever they want.
What they're trained for.
Actually, most of our training is just about balancing beach balls on our noses, so Is this, uh, really what you want? After everything I've heard you say about American militarism, this regressive, cartoon masculinity? Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm really against American militarism and regressive, cartoon masculinity.
Me, too.
Oh, good.
Bullet dodged.
We're approaching the checkpoint.
MANDY: Copy.
Be advised, rebels have been taking over checkpoints, but even the officers in the National Army tend to switch side when the weather changes.
Copy that.
Thanks for the warning.
I thought the army was on our side.
JASON: Heads on a swivel, boys.
Don't know how friendly these guys are gonna be.
SONNY: That DShK right there is gonna rip this thing to shreds.
- I'll frag it.
- All right, guys.
Let's just try and look friendly.
I'm always friendly.
Everyone out.
I'm sorry.
That's not gonna happen, boss.
Inspection! Sorry, we can't do that.
Are you insane, sir? Do you want to die here? Can you lean in? I want to show you something.
Come on, I know I can't do anything.
That machine gunner there is gonna turn me into pink mist.
Come on, take a look in.
I want to show you something.
Look down.
That's a full mag from an MP7 pointed straight at your waist.
Now, I know as soon as the shooting starts, that DShK is gonna tear us to pieces.
But what I want you to know, whatever else happens, you'll die.
Maybe you'll last a couple hours with your balls blown off and your guts hanging out of your stomach.
Personally, I'd rather be vaporized by the DShk.
Nobody wins.
So, what do you say we give peace a chance? Stand back, boys.
Lower your weapons.
(SPEAKS FOREIGN LANGUAGE) John Lennon, yes? Erik Wilkenson.
What can I do for you gentlemen? Here to take you and your wife out of the country.
Take us out? Where? Out of the country.
I see.
I'm sorry? This country is our home.
This is my wife, Samiyya.
She designed the irrigation system we're installing.
Your-your father sent them? No, the American embassy sent us.
Acting on the orders of my father-in-law.
Selfish of him, but he's a selfish man.
Your father gives orders to the State Department? And they follow them.
ERIK: I'm truly sorry.
You wasted your time coming here.
Crowley should've told you.
- Told us what? - No reason to come here, - that we wouldn't leave.
- You talked to him? Just a few hours ago.
- He talked to - So you told Crowley that you weren't gonna be evacuated and Crowley ends up sending us out here anyways.
Are you kid? All right, that's a whole nother problem, but right now, now you can make a choice.
- You should come with us.
- No, we're not leaving.
Ma'am, it is not safe here.
Do you quit your job any time it gets dangerous? People here are used to Western aid workers taking off when things get ugly.
We're trying to change that.
Yeah, I respect that commitment, I really do, but it's open season on Americans.
You do understand that, right? I mean, you must have seen the the photo of the American aid worker who was murdered a few days ago? - Hannah.
- Yeah, Hannah.
She was a dear friend.
We've lost a lot of friends over the years.
- Excuse me.
- I'm sure you have as well.
- (CLEARS THROAT) Listen, boss - Yeah? Tell you what, I got a a bag full of zip ties and two shoulders.
You want them to come with us, they're coming.
How you doing, little buddy? Here.
Take that to your buddy over there.
Sharing's caring.
(SHORT CHUCKLE) Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! MAN (OVER P.
): Opposition forces are now taking over government agencies.
Immediately destroy all classified documents.
Repeat immediately destroy all classified documents.
What do you mean, he already knows? Okay, look, what I mean is that the guy we came here to get talked to the acting ambassador Crowley today, right? He told him that he wasn't gonna leave.
(SCOFFS) Son of a Yeah.
All right, also, did he send us here to kidnap him? Because I'm telling you right now that's not gonna happen, all right? These people, they know the risks.
They're willing to take it, and they're not going anywhere.
They say they don't want to go, we can't take them.
Problem is, now you're a couple hours deeper in the bush and it's a couple hours closer to nightfall.
Protests are turning violent nationwide.
Well, don't worry about us.
We're heading back to you now.
Okay, drive fast.
Things are only getting worse.
Yeah, I'm holding for the assistant secretary.
Uh uh, yes, I'll-I'll keep holding.
I I can't really, uh yes? What? Order the evac.
Excuse me? You have the authority.
Acting ambassador reports You don't need to tell me my authority, thank you.
You're gambling with people's lives.
I'm entrusted with advancing the national interests of the United States and I don't believe it's within that interest to send a message that we cut and run - at the first sign of trouble.
- Is it in the national interest to send the only Tier One asset currently in this country to rescue a guy you knew didn't want to be rescued? Guy who happens to be the son of a major campaign donor? I think it's in your best interest to be able to tell Erik's daddy that you sent the best men you had.
That way, whichever way it works out for Erik, you get to look like you did everything you could.
"The ambassador is responsible for the safety "of every American citizen inside the borders of his or her host country.
" We have men outside the wire and if anything happens to them because you decided to risk their lives They joined up to risk their lives! They certainly did.
And if you don't order the evac now, I swear to God, I will find a way to burn you.
Uh, yes, sir.
(LAUGHS): Thank you, Mr.
Assistant Secretary.
Sir, I I need to inform you the situation here has become untenable.
I'm ordering a complete evacuation of the mission here in Juba.
SONNY: This doesn't look good.
JASON: Yeah, these definitely aren't the guys who waved us through earlier today.
Ah, these guys don't look political.
They look more like bandits.
We don't know who they are yet.
But it looks like they shot those guards.
Anyone goes for the DShK, shoot 'em in the face.
He's mine.
Left near.
Right far.
Step out now! The DShK.
On me.
Anybody hit? - We're good.
We're good.
- Okay.
(MEN SHOUTING) (BOTTLES BREAKING) Ray, militias are setting up roadblocks.
Gonna need your help to get us out of here.
All right, give me a sec and I'll get Davis to call for the drone.
(SHOUTING) Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! CROWLEY: Yes, we are evacuating post.
As of 0400, the embassy is shutting down normal operations.
Oh, oh yeah.
Call MacDill Air Force Base, Marine Corps Central Command, and request that they send a rescue convoy.
No, I-I was told the vehicles are already en route.
They'll be here in one hour, but you need to make the official request so that the ground commander doesn't get dinged for violating his chain of command.
Call MacDill on your sat phone.
Ask to be rescued.
Then give your people the "attaboy" for the quick work that they're doing destroying all this classified material.
Thank you.
RAY: The evacuation convoy is gonna reach the embassy in 40 minutes.
JASON: Copy.
Thanks, Ray.
Okay, after this turn, you're gonna stay straight 100 meters till you hit the roundabout.
JASON: Okay, we're making the turn now.
(MEN SHOUTING) 100 meters.
Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! RAY: All right, Jace, we're online with the tracking device and the drone feed.
We're gonna guide you back to the embassy.
JASON: I don't know, Ray.
This is looking hairy.
You're okay.
Just stay online.
Just 75 more meters.
Go home! Go home! Looking good.
All right, 50 meters.
(SHOUTING) We got to get out of here, boss.
Left up there, left up there.
(SHOUTING CONTINUES) RAY: It's too much smoke.
I'm losing visual.
Bandit, this is TOC, can you get another angle on that? PILOT: We're trying.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Back, back, back, back, back.
Back up.
Good, go.
(OBJECTS STRIKING VEHICLE) JASON: Where are we going, Ray? Talk to me, Ray.
Where am I going? (BOTTLE SHATTERS) I'm working on it.
They're gonna get sealed in.
Bandit, this is TOC, we need you to find a hole in that smoke now.
Tell her to take her time.
Whenever you feel like it, Ray.
Oh, my God.
(SHOUTING) RAY: Bravo 1, you've got an armed militia dead ahead of you.
Back out of there.
Whoa, whoa.
All back, all back, all back.
Come on! Go, go, go, go, go.
Okay, I got it.
RAY: You're gonna take the second no, make that third exit off the roundabout.
Left, left, left, left, left, left, left, left.
Easy, easy.
(GLASS SHATTERS) RAY: Oh, you are clear left.
Repeat, your left is clear.
They're calling us in.
We got 59 We have 58 minutes.
Sorry to Thank you so much, it was a really great party.
Why didn't you get me up before? BRIAN: Eat it, man.
- I should have left you here.
- Sorry we can't stay to clean up.
No, you're not.
(CHUCKLES) Somebody got lucky last night, huh? What'd I tell you? Shirt never fails.
(LAUGHS) Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Go home! Let me get on the comms.
Now get to the convoy.
Are you coming with me? Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I'm done helping our boys navigate back here.
Okay, I'll leave when you leave.
This isn't Virginia Beach, - and I'm not asking.
- Ray, I just want you to Lisa get to the convoy.
I'll be right behind you.
(HELICOPTER PASSES OVERHEAD) On time is five minutes late.
I can prove that's not true.
Won't happen again, Master Chief.
Next few days, you're gonna be all HALO.
We'll be making multiple jumps at 14,000 feet and upwards, free-falling in formation, pulling at 4,000.
Day, night, you name it.
We will culminate the training with night wall locker jumps, and a follow-on mission.
Clear? Clear.
RAY: We're loading the convoy at the embassy right now.
We got to get you on the road that's just ahead to your right.
Whoa, whoa, wait a second.
Visibility down that direction is close to zero.
Damn it.
Wait one.
Drone control, can you do anything about these optics? PILOT: Negative, TOC.
Been through all my filters.
- Bravo 1? - Yeah, I heard.
All right, we're not gonna be able to get back to the embassy before you hit the convoy.
Tell you what, we'll rendezvous at the airfield.
- Not open for discussion, Ray.
- You understand that means you're gonna have to drive through the city center blind.
One vehicle, no overwatch.
Yeah, I understand that.
1, out.
) Right over there.
(OVERLAPPING SHOUTING) Bravo 2, come in.
Bravo 2, sitrep.
(STATIC) We've got to move out, ma'am.
Come on, come on.
(SHOUTING) DAVIS: Ray! - The hell are you still doing here? - Oh, you're-you're asking me? The reporter got hit by a rock.
Spotted him on the way down.
- Tried radioing you.
- Yeah, the comms are a mess.
Oh, we're here? Yeah, we are.
Well, you need to know that when I'm shooting at the range, - the targets don't shoot back.
- Well, the alternative's you carry this heavy son of a bitch.
- I know you're strong - I got it, I got it.
essentially says that we can't smoke a guy unless he makes it him or us.
You just got to tell yourself it's not gonna be us.
It's not gonna be us.
(SHOUTING CONTINUES) Go home! Go home! Go home! (CHANTING CONTINUES) - What do you mean, he left you? - DAVIS: Crowley.
Moved out the convoy while Ray and I were still inside.
You got to be kidding.
Make sure he knows I sent you outside.
Your crazy ass decided to come back in.
All right, we're coming for you.
Back to the embassy.
(SHOUTING) (GLASS BREAKING) This reporter's not gonna make it much longer.
Neither are we.
It's one thing to wave the MP7 to scare away a few looters here and there.
Sooner or later, this crowd's gonna breach the perimeter.
(SHOUTING) JASON: Davis, we're going to secure an observation post across from the embassy.
Stand by.
I really can't smoke this idiot with the Molotov? Tell you what.
If it looks like he's about to throw it at someone, shwack him.
What if I thought he was gonna throw it? (SHOUTING CONTINUES) He left the flag.
He left the flag.
Crowley? He also left two of our people.
I think I got a way to get you guys out.
We could use one.
Okay, first, I need you to tell Ray how to get to the control panel that operates the front gate.
Then I got a job for you.
RAY: I'm at the front gate control.
JASON: All right.
Davis is on the roof.
(SHOUTING) Want me to press it? No, no, not yet.
They'll rush the front entrance.
Meet you in the rear.
Back gate clear.
Good to be seen.
SONNY: Well, look who we got here.
Hey, Crowley, how you doing, buddy? Can I get yourself a beer? (GRUNTING) You weasel! Got something for you.
Yeah? What's that? You must have left it behind by accident.
First stick, you're the first to jump! Get on the truck! Hey.
I like her.
Yeah, me, too.
Try not to screw it up, okay? I'm working on it.
Second stick going up! You're boarding the green truck! Second to jump! Hey, hold up, boys.
You all right? I guess you really were the one, man.
All right, Team 2, let's go! PILOT: DZSO, this is Bandit 1.
Copy winds two to four out of the north.
Second team jumpers away, looking for six canopies.
Bandit 1, this is DZSO.
Copy, jumpers away, looking for six canopies.
Bandit 1, five canopies, looking for a sixth.
Negative contact.
We have contact with the sixth jumper.
He's at 5,000 feet.
Looks like a partial.
We'll keep eyes on.
FINN: Copy, Bandit.
We see him now.
Medics, stand by! CLAY: What's going on? Looks like a line over.
Jumper in distress falling through 3,000 feet.
Copy, Bandit 1.
Hoping to see a cut-away real quick.
We have cut-away.
Looking for reserve deployment.
Still looking for reserve deployment.
DZSO, this is Bandit 1.
Jumper has impact ground about 800 meters northeast of the drop zone.
Bandit 1, this is DZSO.
Remaining jumpers touching down in the drop zone.
Identity of the casualty still unknown.
Jumper appeared to impact ground at speed.
Never saw a reserve deployment.
We will maintain our orbit to guide you in.
FINN: Bandit 1, good copy on all.
En route.

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