Shattered (2017) s01e05 Episode Script

Tears Bring Harry

Previously on Shattered: - What about your wife? - You know how I feel about you.
But then it's over.
I need a favor, Terry.
I need to know who she is.
I'm not ready to give up on us yet.
Getting back together with you is so far from being on the table.
I want you to come see me every week.
Like a regular patient? "Risk-taking behavior" "Life of the party" Let's go to Vegas, you and me.
That's where you belong.
Your "mood swings" Would you use any of those terms to describe yourself? No.
Would your wife? You were right.
I need to get clean And to do that, I need you away from me.
Look, I know we had a deal.
I made a mistake.
What was I supposed to do? I had to tell him it was over.
We'll get back on the plan.
I'll make it work.
I knew you'd come back to me, baby.
Ho! Spare me up! Who needs a beer? I think he wants you to follow him.
I don't think it's me you should be looking at.
You do know that you're in a bowling alley full of detectives, right? Thank you.
Just get me the damn tape.
I will.
And we'll get back on the plan and I'll make it work.
Everybody knows? Nobody said anything out of respect.
Well, since when did we stop talking, Ben? What's to say? You're a big girl, Pam.
You make your own decisions, you do your own thing.
Okay If you'd wanted advice, you'd come to me.
Here we go.
Kevin, can you give us a minute? Jeez, what's a guy got to do to get your attention, Pam? Buy a ticket? Take it easy, there, boss.
Really? Just because you have a problem holding your liquor doesn't mean that I do, all right, Ben? Hey.
I know you've always wanted a piece of me, Ben.
Any time.
Hey, hey, hey! Whoa! Kevin! Enough.
I was just going to call you.
Is that beer I smell? The morning after's always the worst.
Cheap draft is the worst.
Wearing cheap draft is the worst.
That's enough, boys.
Back in a minute.
I told you, don't call me here.
You know I'm at work because you always know where I am.
No, and don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.
To be a fly on the wall for that conversation Mm-hmm.
I didn't sleep with him to get promoted.
I wanted to get laid.
I mean, the guy was right there, more than willing, and it just happened.
I'm not judging Besides you putting women back 20 years.
Look, you're the toughest chick I ever rode with.
Why not just end it? I know.
What was I thinking, right? My guess is you weren't.
Okay, so what do I do? Freeze him out.
No late dinners, no coffees, no meet-ups.
What? Those sound a lot like the ground rules Ella gave me back when we first became partners.
She did that? She wouldn't have told you, but wives do it.
Husbands sometimes, too.
Let's face it, we spend more time together than we do at home.
She wanted to be sure we didn't end up in some motel instead of on a stake-out.
You passed the test.
I did.
Did you? All right, I'm I'm sorry, that's none of my business.
So, do you think everybody knows? Well, if they didn't know before last night, they do now.
Even the janitor.
You find it funny? No.
But what choice do I have? And, Ben? I don't need you sticking up for me.
All right? I can take it from here.
I ended it last night.
Besides, the last thing I need is you and super in another fist-fight.
A call just came in.
Woman's body found near the seawall.
Ident's already on their way.
Look, I gotta work.
Ben? Thanks.
You're welcome.
Susan Collins.
A coyote got her overnight.
A shame.
She was a beautiful woman But we all owe God a death, so, to the worms she goes.
Found this under her.
Must have fallen on it when she went down.
Still have to have it cleaned up, run a few tests.
Five casings Five bullet wounds.
No weapon.
She was shot at close range.
Her purse.
Contents: Hand sanitizer, keys, half-a-dozen condoms.
Working girl.
Evidence indicates she was raped for her trouble before she was killed.
Here? Back at the parking lot is my guess.
There were footprints and signs of a struggle.
So she was raped over there, she was shot over here.
What happened in between? Nothing out of the ordinary at Susan Collins's condo.
However, it did look like someone went through it before us.
No pictures of family or friends.
Not a lot of personal stuff around.
But we found this.
"Smooth escorts.
" Neighbors said they never saw Susan much, thought she worked at a store on Robson.
Had no idea she was an escort.
Probably used the condo for work.
Ident went in there and pulled hair out of the sink and tub.
Didn't find anything unusual on the phone, just her fingerprints and her blood.
Okay, a call to a "Sunshine," and last call out, near the time of death, to "vic.
" Zero seconds.
Call must have failed.
You want it? All yours.
Yeah, hi.
Oh, my name's Amy no, okay, well Something's happened.
Susan told me to tell you in person.
She gave me something to give you! We have to meet, it's important.
No, I can't tell you on the phone, okay? Please? Great.
Yeah, okay.
That'd be great.
Look at the other numbers in the memory of the phone.
Start making some calls.
Some of them must have been Susan's clients.
Hey! You must be Susan's friend.
You're not Susan's friend.
Neither is he.
You forgot to mention you were cops on the phone.
What's your relationship with Susan Collins? Friends.
That's it? She works for me.
Is she okay? When was the last time you talked to Susan? Yesterday, maybe? I'm not sure.
She called you last night.
You talked for 10 minutes.
Seems like the kind of conversation you'd remember.
I would, and I forget a lot.
What are you guys, vice? 'Cause I run a legitimate escort business.
Is Susan okay? What did you two talk about? She booked off early.
I called to see if she'd take a last-minute client, and she passed.
She called you again later that night.
Just before she was murdered.
What do you think that call was about? No clue.
I never got it.
Where were you around 1:00 A.
? At my brother's birthday party.
About eight of us, we checked out the peelers at the rail, closed the place.
You aware of any threats to Susan? Any enemies? Yeah.
Troy Bosch, former employer, "Sweet Grlz Escorts.
" Susan said he was calling, showing up, looking to recruit her.
Treats his girls like meat.
A real piece of work, that guy.
How so? Ask around.
See, me, I want to keep my girls clean.
Looking to move to the higher end.
Do you know a "Sunshine?" Sunshine? Sure, she's Susan's friend.
She works for Troy.
Real firecracker, that one.
Loads of fun.
You see her, you, uh, tell her to give me a call.
I could do better for her.
I'll be sure and pass that along.
I'll hold.
Yeah, don't be fooled.
What you see is not what you get.
And you know this from experience? It's like ordering sea monkeys out of the back of a comic book.
You end up getting dried shrimp in the mail.
Thanks, we'll be in touch.
How's it going running down the names? Got half a dozen interviews lined up, including a judge.
See if anyone on her cell matches any of the names on this "bad trick" list.
Judge Wembley? I'm Detective Rhodes.
This is Detective Holland.
Can we do this another time? I have to be in court in five minutes.
We won't take up much of your time.
Just have a few ques get to the point.
Susan Collins.
Do you know her? I don't know anybody by that name, no.
She's an escort.
Her body was found in seaside park this morning.
Your cell number was found in her phone.
You're wrong.
Sir you're going to want to double-check that.
Oh, we have.
All we're doing is just looking to strike your name off a list.
Just contacting all the clients to see if anyone knows any I am not a "client" of Susan Collins.
We're just doing our job.
You understand that, right? So, you're saying you don't know her? No, what I'm saying is you obviously have not done your homework.
Then help us out, your honor.
Tell us where you were last night, and we're on our way.
My club, and then I went home to bed.
Troy Bosch.
Two assault charges.
First, withdrawn.
Did time for the second.
Both women who worked for him.
Nice management style.
I talked to my old partner over in sex crimes.
Apparently, while Troy was inside, Victor ran "Sweet Grlz.
" When Troy got out, Victor left and started "smooth.
" So Troy and Victor get into a dispute, Susan gets caught in the middle? Troy kills Susan for jumping to the competition? We should have a talk with Troy.
Doesn't read here that he's the chatty type.
Maybe we can go at him through one of the girls.
I guess we get to ask "Sunshine.
" So You gonna hide in there, or do we put you under the bed? Just make the call.
How much were those chips? Five bucks.
Cashews are seven.
Get a receipt.
That's her.
The signal is when I hand her the "buy" money.
Harry? What are you doing here? Are you going to let me in? Yeah.
Hi, baby! Mm! So, why are you having me over in this cheap motel? Why didn't you just come over to my place? And How did you know to ask for me by "Sunshine?" What would you like me to call you? She's a hooker.
Are you kidding? You get to call me "Naomi.
" My wife came to see you.
She told you about that, huh? Is that why you Stopped coming over to see me all of a sudden? No.
I I Got tied up.
I was You know, I must've been busy with other things.
I get it.
Now that you have time, you call me over here like some cheap whore? - No - That is it! You called me all the way down here to talk about your wife? I would not call you down here just for that, okay? Is that your version of an apology? All right, then.
But, you know You called my service, so I'm going to have to ask for you to pay for me.
Of course.
500? Right? Come on.
Take it.
So, that's it? Now that you're paying for it, you just want to screw? Tsk.
All right, then.
Let's screw.
Get it over with.
'Cause I've got lots of appointments.
Look, Naomi hey.
Hey, hey.
Hey, Naomi? You call me "Sunshine!" Sunshine Naomi Why the sad face? What's wrong? I don't like this, Harry.
Why did you have me come over here? It's not so bad.
Look, look, look, they even have little bottles of fun.
Come on.
I missed you, Harry.
Mmm I missed you.
But I'm still going to have to ask you for the money.
All right, I got money.
I got Ohh All right.
You're under arrest.
Both of you.
What is this? I don't know.
You can drop the act now.
She can't hear us "Harry.
" So what's that? Some kind of strategy? Why call her to the hotel if you knew who Sunshine was? That's Naomi.
So you didn't know we were calling Naomi? 'Cause she sure seems to know you.
She's great.
Isn't she? You did know, or you didn't know? I You know what? Forget it.
It's none of my business.
I'm going to take this interview.
You seem to have a conflict of interest.
Dude, where did you get those? Hall's mother made 'em.
Help yourself.
There's more in the kitchen.
Mm! Can you please just book me so I can pay my fine and get out of here? We need to talk first.
Susan Collins.
Do you know her? Oh, no.
What kind of person are you to show me something like this? I didn't know you didn't know.
We want to make sure what happened to Susan doesn't happen to anyone else.
What does this have to do with me? She was murdered.
Your number's in her phone.
What kind of help are you looking for? We want to know more about Troy Bosch.
We believe he may have done this to Susan, and we want your help in making our case.
Can I please speak to the officer Who set me up? He's busy.
You're stuck with me.
Then can I go to the ladies' room? We need to finish up here first.
I'll think about it.
I'm suspending this interview.
Time is 11:23 P.
A cab home, please.
Ohh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Mm! Do you think that's a good idea? I don't know.
I haven't tried it.
It looks like it might be fun.
Look, I was going to knock off for the night, but I've got a few minutes.
Feel like a chat? Think about what I said.
Figure out what Susan would want you to do.
Oh! Just got a better offer.
Naomi! Naomi, baby.
Could you please tell him that I'm not talking to him? I really think you should do that yourself.
I'm not talking to you.
Good night.
Hey! Baby! Baby! Oh Interesting night.
There's cookies in the kitchen if you want.
What? What's that? You seem a little stressed.
It's nothing I can't handle.
I've got paperwork.
That was, like Such a mean thing to do.
I don't care if you're a cop.
Hoo whoa, whoa don't have to go so fast, it's not a race.
I mean, I get A lot of cops coming around here.
Cops need to relax too, but you should have told me, is all.
Okay, slow down.
Slow down.
So Ben's your real name? I'm really sorry that your wife has to find out about us.
I mean, that's something we should talk about, right? No.
No, no.
No, you have to stop.
Why? Am I hurting you? I'm I'm I'm sorry.
Just stop.
We have to stop.
No you're right, that was a stupid thing to bring up.
It's just You think you could unlock me, please? Where are you going? I have to leave.
Are you coming back? I don't think so.
Is there any point in me asking you about last night? Which part? No you might need these today.
We've interviewed Susan Collins's contacts.
Only one jumped out.
Which one? The judge.
He's got something going on.
Yeah, we're going to dig a little deeper, see if can't we find some dirt on this y.
Won't have to dig far.
He's in super's office right now.
Detectives Lynch and Sullivan, this is judge Wembley.
I appreciate you all taking time to Let me clear up what might be a misunderstanding.
Judge Wembley has come in of his own accord and without counsel.
I've told him how much we appreciate the gesture, and that anything he has to say will be kept in the strictest confidence.
"Collins" is my late wife's maiden name.
Susan Collins is my daughter.
Why didn't you tell Detective Rhodes or Hall about your relationship to Susan right away? Shock, I suppose.
Shame? I I tried to take Susan out of that life, and I failed.
I'm an ambitious man, Detective, and that doesn't always lead to the best decisions as a parent.
I aspire to the supreme court, and public knowledge of my daughter's profession I made a mistake, and I came down here as promptly as I could to rectify that.
Has anybody been charged? Our investigation's ongoing.
Susan's body? The autopsy will be completed soon.
We're done.
Let me get you to a car.
Thank you.
What was that? Wembley's a local rainmaker on the political scene.
Word is, super's considering a run for office.
Next time your team questions a sitting judge in connection to a murder, a heads-up would be appreciated.
We need to talk.
I'm done talking.
If we don't, resentments could fester.
It could be bad for both of us.
Let's try to clear the air tonight.
Okay? Your wife's here.
Morning, Amy.
Collins autopsy in? I have it right here.
It's a little early for ice cream, isn't it? Oh, it's never too early for ice cream.
The gun shot residue and penetration wounds indicate she was shot at close range.
Ballistics came back.
It was an older model nine-millimeter.
Additionally, we found semen and heavy bruising, and some tearing Must have hurt quite a a bit.
So we have DNA.
? Mmm.
We have DNA.
M? You have a minute? Of course.
I need a favor.
I would love it if you would speak at an event on behalf of my husband.
Oh? Kevin's officially announced his candidacy? Not yet.
We want as many of our ducks in a row before the gun goes off.
Uh well, I'm flattered, Laura, really.
I just I'm not sure I'm qualified.
Well, I disagree.
Excuse me? You're his protege.
My husband took you under his wing.
You certainly owe it to him.
I just don't think I'm the right person.
I'm not thick, Pam.
I read my husband's visa bills.
He hasn't bought me lingerie since our third anniversary.
Even then, it didn't fit.
Look, Laura, I'm What happened between Kevin and I was a mistake.
And it's over.
Well, I appreciate that, Pam.
Thank you.
So you'll speak on his behalf? Please say you'll do it.
Susan's body had traces of DNA.
She was raped.
Bet money that leads to Troy.
Troy can explain away having sex with her.
We've got to place him at the scene.
"Harry" Your friend's here.
What? That's what she called you.
You trying for a threesome? Funny.
Last time I was here, you asked me about Susie, and I held back on a few things.
Go on.
She phoned me that night And she said that she was going to meet Troy.
She was nervous and she was afraid.
Do you have any idea where they met? Troy likes to meet at the seawall.
Out of the lights.
And then, when I heard that's where she died, I got to thinking.
Do you think that you could get Troy to talk about this with you? I'll try.
Why are you doing this? Because I feel like I owe you something.
Hey, Sunshine.
Hey, Troy.
Why do you always want to meet in such weird places? I don't.
I just want to get some fresh air.
Yeah? Like the other night, you wanted to meet Susie at the seawall? Okay, obvious question how do you know I met with Susie? She phoned me and she told me that you were hooking up with her, and then we were going to hang out later.
Is that enough? No, we need her to tie him to the murder.
She did, huh? Yeah.
So, why'd you want to meet me? When I heard what happened to Susie, I got scared.
I know it was a sign.
I want out.
Come on, baby.
You know we got a good thing going here.
You know I wouldn't let nothin' happen to you.
No, but you said I could get out whenever I want.
Yeah, I did.
But it'll cost ya.
Yeah? How much? Everything I invested in you.
Is this what happened to Susan? This thing's going sideways.
You wearing a wire, bitch? Move in! Wearing a wire on me? Get this guy off me! Ben! Hey, hey! That's enough.
Just take it easy, all right? Take it easy.
I love when you do that, Ben, huh 100-yard dash, no heads-up I love that.
Where's Naomi? Is she all right? Bitch! Next time, give me a signal or something if you're gonna pull a move like that.
Sometimes I'm hard to read.
Sometimes you're an idiot.
Lynch? Did you send, uh, Troy's gun to ballistics? We did.
No match on the bullets in Susan Collins.
Meaning not enough for the murder.
We got enough to nail him on the rape.
I want him for the homicide.
We'll try to press him for a confession, but I don't think we'll get very far with this guy.
We got Terry and Hall out talking to Victor Adai.
We know they don't like each other.
We'll try and get his help in building a case against Troy.
My enemy's enemy.
I like it.
Here we go.
Thanks for punching Troy out for me.
You're welcome.
So, why did you leave the other night? Part of me wanted to stay The other part wanted to go.
Too bad the wrong part won.
Uh Anyone you can stay with? Why? Should I be scared? No, it's just it's precautionary, just for a couple of days, until we know Troy's bail situation, so Maybe you guys should send me to Vegas.
And then you could come and be my bodyguard.
Do you have friends or family I could call? Maybe when this is all done, we can hang out? Okay, yeah.
I gotta Thanks for the tea.
You're welcome.
So what about this bad blood between you and "Sweet Grlz?" There is no bad blood.
That's not what we hear.
Look, I liked Troy, I learned from Troy, but some people need change.
Susan approached me.
She's a free woman.
She was murdered, remember? Look, here's what I don't understand.
If you two think Troy killed Susan, what the hell are you doing here talking to me for, huh? We think that you can be of some assistance to us.
Oh, okay.
So first you're gonna arrest me, and now you want my help? Bottom line is, if you didn't kill her, Troy did.
Help us bring him down.
We got Troy sitting in the cells right now.
We'd like to keep him there.
That's not going to happen unless this thing sticks.
That's where you come in.
Think of it as a prudent business decision if Troy's out of the way, Troy is out of the way.
Well, I can't say what happened between Susan and Troy.
What I can tell you is that Susan recently got interested in photography.
How so? She bought herself a high-end spy-cam with night-vision capabilities.
You know, the kind that sometimes provides protection Or an alternate source of income.
Now, I'm not saying I know what she did with it, but there might be a tape in her apartment that ties into her murder.
No, we've been there.
There's no cameras.
She said it was a custom job.
What, like one of those nanny-cam things? D.
, Troy.
It doesn't lie.
And D.
says You raped Susan Collins before she was murdered.
You were rough, too.
She had bruises all over her legs and back.
It's a short step to convincing a jury you killed her, don't you think? I'm not wearing that, no way.
What aren't you going to wear, Troy? The rape or the murder? Neither.
That night, she wasn't leaving.
She was coming back into the fold.
Why would I kill her? Because she was leaving you for the competition.
I was welcoming her back.
The D.
exchange, that was a kind of deal-sealer.
Yeah, call it whatever you want.
It won't take much to put a sweetheart like you in jail whether she agreed to it or not.
What if we call it something else? Susie and I had this Special project we were working on.
She had this client, a high-profile guy.
She thought we could throw a hook in him.
Blackmail? Her idea.
I'm sure.
Who's the whale? She didn't say much about him.
All I know is she said he'd be worth a fortune.
Why would I go and kill the bitch that laid the golden egg? Do you believe him? Do you? We got somethin' you guys might want to see.
Is that judge Wembley and his daughter? Thanks.
No gun registered to the judge, but his former wife had a nine-millimeter.
Same caliber that killed Susan? Is it enough? You know what? I don't care what we've got.
I don't want this going to court.
All right.
Get a confession.
End it here.
Think I found something.
Wedding announcement.
I think I know why Susan was blackmailing her father.
Thank you for agreeing to this interview, your honor.
You said you had some news about my daughter's murder.
We thought you should know we've arrested a man who we believe sexually assaulted Susan the night she was killed.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That is very good news.
But what about her killer? Uh, for the record, I just need to ask you if you'd like to have a lawyer present.
What's going on here? I'm sure you can appreciate it's just standard procedure.
I'm a sitting judge with 17 years on the bench.
I will be treated with respect.
Of course.
There are just a few things we're working on to clarify the case.
You ever heard of a Troy Bosch? Doesn't ring a bell.
"Sweet Grlz escorts?" I don't use escort services.
Nobody said you did.
These are your phone records.
Did you get a warrant for that? Yes.
They show calls to Mr.
Bosch on three separate occasions.
We think he was trying to blackmail you.
Was he? I have nothing to be blackmailed for.
There are times in this job, I'm sure in yours as well, where you have to ask something you'd rather not.
Have you ever had sex with your daughter? Hmm? Maybe this will help you remember.
Where did you get? Okay, t-turn that off.
Turn it! Turn it off! Turn it off! So, if your colleagues on the bench saw that, what would you say to them? I would ask for For their understanding.
My wife She died when Susan was 15.
It was cancer.
The grief created a bond between us.
We were best friends.
That that just happened.
We tried to separate, but we kept coming back together again.
We were all we had.
That just happened.
- That was consensual? - Yes.
Then how come you were able to move on with your life and she wasn't? She chose not to.
Oh, of course! Because to be with you, she had to stay your little girl.
You're making it sound like a - A crime! - No! Only two people knew Susan was raped Troy Bosch and you.
We never released that information in the course of our investigation.
Look, you watched her be raped And then you killed her.
How could anybody understand that? Terry and Hall have a warrant.
They're on their way to the judge's home to search for the gun.
What I don't understand is why was she blackmailing him now, after all these years? He was gonna remarry.
She wanted to end it, he didn't.
Detective Lynch? Thought we might find a minute to talk.
I'm just Not really in the mood, thanks.
Really? Let me make it official, then.
Schedule a time.
Uh, what are we gonna be talking about? Your partner.
I got to go.
Yeah, I got your message.
I got all your messages, but look, we've talked about this.
I mean, it's gotta stop.
You can't keep showing up here.
I mean, what part of "go to hell" don't you get? Hey.
What exactly did you tell Laura? I told her the truth, that's all.
Why? There was nothing left to tell, Kevin.
It's over.
No more late dinners, no coffees, no meet-ups.
Pam I'm in love with both of you.
And, believe me, that's not a position I thought I'd ever find myself in, but here I am.
Oh, yeah, there you are.
What about me? Where you headed? Vegas.
Can't exactly stick around here.
Word's out that I'm a snitch.
A girl's gotta make a living.
Your old job's waiting for you when you get back.
If you want it.
You did that for me? We can't see each other again.
At all.
When you get back, don't call.
If I phone you or show up at your door Don't open it.
Turn me away.
Promise me you'll do that.
You're so Totally screwed up.
All right.
I promise you.

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