Shifting Gears (2025) s01e05 Episode Script


Mom, that was your best road rage yet.
Yeah, I didn't know we were
allowed to swear at old people.
Everybody knows yellow means punch it.
Saw you guys pull up.
I'm glad you're home.
Oh, no, he's happy to see us.
He's gonna make us do chores.
Actually, you could help me out
if you go grab the crescent wrench.
It's sitting on my workbench.
- Oh, my God. The car is here?
- Car is here.
I can't wait for that kid
to see that dream car of his.
It's gonna be exciting.
[SIGHS] Here you go, Pops.
Did you like your surprise?
Oh. Is it inside the crappy old car?
That's the surprise.
The crappy old car.
You know, when it's my birthday,
you can just get me an Amazon gift card.
Well, come on. '67 Volvo 122S.
This is gonna be your dream car.
It looks a lot older and dirtier
than it did in the pictures.
Yep, just like on Tinder.
Look, Carter,
those pictures are renderings
of what I can do to this car
to make it yours,
to make it your dream car.
So, happy birthday.
It's not for five months.
I know. It's gonna take
more than five months
to do the work on this, though.
Five months? Again, Amazon gift card.
Carter, when I was 16, your
grandpa and I did this with my GTO.
And it started out way worse than this.
Oh. And that car's so cool now.
I-I love it.
- Thanks, Pops.
- You bet, buddy.
Oh, oh, oh, oh. Ow, ow, ow.
Get Stop him.
Carter, drop it.
- Drop it. Drop it.
- Get him a treat.
The chicks are gonna love my sweet ride.
Until those chicks meet the driver.
Little mean, aren't we?
A little?
Who rings the doorbell
after seven o'clock at night?
Oh, you think it's a home invasion?
Maybe a polite one.
Hey, Matt, I'm here to see
Riley and the kids.
You know, my kids?
Just some hipster loser
who got the wrong house.
Damn it, Dad.
It's your father.
I didn't say it wasn't Jimmy.
I just said it was
the wrong house, which it is.
There they are, my favorite
people in the whole world.
And their grandpa.
Come on. Bring it in.
Hey, Dad.
Well, delivering flowers.
So you finally got a job, Jimmy.
Grandpa's always messing
with me. He's a funny guy.
He's hilarious.
You know what else is funny?
You just showing up when I
told you I didn't wanna see you.
We have a break on tour.
I wanted to see my kids.
Plus, I wanted to see you too.
I got these for you.
Oh. Freeway off-ramp flowers.
- All is forgiven.
- I know you love flowers, babe.
Great catching up. See you later, babe.
I got something for you too, Georgie.
"The future is female."
- Love it.
- [JIMMY] Yeah.
I got one of those when I was your age.
And that says everything
we need to know.
Carter, I got you
this sweet Foo Fighters T-shirt.
I'm more into K-pop these days.
It looks like it might be
a bit small anyway.
You've grown,
like, 20 feet in the past month.
Gets any bigger,
have to do a paternity test.
Fingers crossed, huh?
Anyone else wishing
this had been a home invasion?
Thanks, Dad. Grandpa bought me a car.
Needs a little bit of work,
but unlike some relationships,
it can be fixed.
- You're not even being subtle now.
- He was being subtle before?
Carter, show your dad your car.
Take Georgia with you.
Now. Yeah.
You look beautiful, Riles.
- [GAGS]
- [GAGS]
You need to chill out.
I am chill, Riles.
- What's he doing here?
- I don't know.
I don't want him here either.
But he's here, so
can you try to be, like,
90% to 100% nicer to him?
I've developed
an allergic reaction to nuts,
like numbnuts that stop by unannounced.
You know what?
He's actually a very talented musician.
He wrote me some beautiful songs.
Who fell for music
written by a bass player?
Um, Linda McCartney?
That lady married to Sting?
And I'm sure there are others.
McCartney, Sting and Jimmy,
you got 'em all.
Well, since he's here,
he can sign the divorce papers.
Hope you get a piece
of that lovely 'stache.
It was nice of you
to give Carter that car.
Yeah, Grandpa's the best.
Can Daddy stay with us tonight?
I got a hotel.
No, I want you to see my room
and all my stuff.
- Georgia.
- Please, Mom.
Okay. It's one night.
He's the father of my children.
Come on, Dad. I'm mining my own
cryptocurrency called Georginium.
- Um, thanks, Matt.
- Set your alarm early.
Checkout time is 5:00 a.m.,
before I get up.
That's me trying to be nice.
Since when are you up before noon?
When I'm in a house with your dad.
You can't actually
sleep with one eye open,
no matter what Metallica says.
Oh, hey, I made you coffee.
Three sugars, right?
No sugars.
So close.
You sure? That doesn't sound right.
Yes, I'm sure
I know what I like in my coffee.
You're so bad at being a good husband.
This is why I want a divorce.
- And I drove here to talk about that.
- You really wanna break up?
- What was your clue?
When I moved to a different state?
I've said this a hundred times.
We grew up together,
but you never grew up.
Okay, I know I haven't been the
best husband, and that's why
I wrote you this song.
[STAMMERS] You're not gonna read it?
Jimmy, I don't wanna do
this dance, okay?
We fight, you apologize, we
make up, and we get back together.
But that's where we belong. Together.
[SIGHS] Please don't. And why
do you always smell so good?
- Still here?
Is that my coffee cup?
"Real cars don't shift themselves."
That's my cup.
Oh, hey. Who wants to hit
the Santa Monica Pier?
Um, that's not how Wednesdays
work around here. It's a school day.
As someone who is two chapters
ahead in everything,
one absence won't hurt my
chances of getting into Berkeley.
The only thing that'll stop you
from getting into Berkeley, kid,
is shaving your legs.
Please, please.
- Fine.
- [GEORGIA] Yes!
What about it, Carter? You in?
It's gonna be fun.
I'm good.
It's okay. You can go.
I-I think I'd rather go to school.
School? Maybe we do need
that paternity test.
Okay, we'll miss you, man.
Let's roll, Georgie.
Maybe if I soaked it in gas.
Hey, guys.
I got you coffee from that
hipster café around the corner.
Sweet for Gabriel because he's sweet.
Spicy for Stitch because he's spicy.
I feel so seen.
- What am I drinking?
- You're drinking my favorite,
oat milk latte with two shots,
no sugar and a dash of cardamom.
What, what? [CHUCKLES]
Who says I'm not fun anymore?
Mmm. Fancy.
This tastes like
something fancy.
Back in Vegas, my friends and I
would have a coffee klatch
to bitch about our crappy lives
before going to our crappy jobs.
You are my friends now.
I don't know who that's
sadder for, us or for you.
I wouldn't mind a good bitch sesh.
- I've been so stressed out lately
- Bup, bup, bup.
Whoever buys gets to talk.
- Got it.
- Okay, so what's going on, Riley?
Jimmy showed up last night.
And I'm working so hard
to keep my dad from killing him
that I don't have time to think
about how much I wanna kill him.
Ooh, good coffee and great tea.
I mean, the guy hasn't changed.
He thinks he can just pop back
in and everything will be fine?
Ugh, dying.
And what about our kids?
Carter's been having a hard time
with Jimmy since we moved here.
Are you sure that Carter's
the only one having a hard time?
Maybe you're struggling with
your feelings about Jimmy too.
Am I crushing the klatch or what?
Great klatching.
And he wrote me this song
to try to win me back.
Classic love bombing.
And I haven't read it because
the songs are always great
and that leads
to something else that's great.
Mmm. Bump and grind.
Smash City.
That thing.
- We got it.
- Let me see this.
"Dedicated to the girl I don't deserve."
- It says that?
- It should.
Let me read this.
Oh, damn.
I'm two lines in,
and I think I just got pregnant.
Ooh, Riley, you in danger, girl.
He just gonna write another one.
- Hey, Pops.
- Hey, Carter, I'm out here.
- Hey, kid. Hope school was okay.
- Mmm.
Listen, I've been looking
at this rendering of mine.
When we get back to the shop,
what I wanna do is get
the stance to this right,
so it's lower like this.
Then get cool wheels on it,
kind of represent your style.
And because you're practical,
I'm gonna add fog lights up here.
Oh. Hey, can we add flames
running down the side?
If you behave yourself,
I'm gonna put a new cam in this
and get some dual carbs.
It's gonna be as fast
as you can make a Swedish car.
- Totally, totally.
- Hey, listen, uh
Why didn't you go to the pier
with your dad today?
I don't know, I didn't really
feel like hanging out with him.
I-I get that.
I mean, you're the one
who called him a hipster loser.
Did I really say that?
You're not exactly a whisperer, Pops.
Well, you know, I
I don't really have to like your dad.
And-And it goes way back.
You know, he got my daughter
pregnant in high school,
and they-they left and, um
made the miracle of you, so
But you you're his son.
You're not allowed to dislike
your dad until way later in life.
Maybe he should be more of a dad.
- You know, like you.
- [STAMMERS] Okay, um
I mean, me and my dad would
never do something like this.
But, see, you get me, Pops.
Yeah, I just wanna be your granddad.
No. See, you got this car
'cause you knew I'd like it.
I mean, you were right.
You're right about everything.
And that's exactly why
you're getting the car.
- There they are.
- Mom, we had so much fun.
We went on all the rides,
and Dad bought me this.
And for lunch, we enjoyed some
fried butter. Yep, that's a thing.
And then someone wanted
some cotton candy.
Yeah, you.
Looks like you had a really great time.
Yeah, we did. Maybe next time
you can come with us.
Remember when we did the roller coaster
at New York-New York, and I got sick?
They were cleaning puke off
the Statue of Liberty for days.
You put out her torch.
All right, I'm gonna go wash down
that butter with some root beer.
Oh. Hey, bud.
We, uh
We missed you out there.
I had things to do.
Oh. Okay.
Jimmy, can we talk?
If you got something to say
to me, Matt, just say it.
Or maybe, just to switch it up,
don't say it.
In private. Can we talk in the garage?
The garage?
Just the two of us?
Yeah, just the two of us
and my knife collection and a
basket full of grenades. Come on.
Dial 9, keep your finger on the 1.
Man, this thing needs a lot of work.
That thrift store Foo Fighter shirt's
looking pretty good right now, huh?
Zero assembly required.
Jimmy, Jimmy, listen to me.
You know when the drummer does his solo,
the bass player stops playing?
That's what's gonna go down right now.
Yo, you bang on the skins.
I didn't know that
Got it. Solo. Go.
That boy, Carter, you know,
that kid somehow got the idea
that I'm some kind of father figure.
That's not my job. That's
your job. You gotta be his dad.
Okay. Well, this is rich.
I'm getting parenting advice
from a guy whose daughter
wouldn't talk to him for 15 years.
Well, exactly.
I know what it's like to lose contact
and emotional connection with your kid.
You don't want this, Jimmy.
Why do you care all of a sudden?
You and I have never gotten along.
That's because I don't like you.
You don't even know me.
This is the first one-on-one
conversation we've ever had.
- What about the delivery room?
- That was just you yelling at me.
Okay. First one-on-one conversation
where you didn't threaten to kill me.
There's still time.
What did you come here for?
What do you want?
I wanna win my family back.
Riley and I have had our ups and downs,
but this time she seems serious.
Do you blame her?
You've been doing
living your whole life
doing what you wanna do.
- You don't even pay attention to her.
- I am trying to make it.
And when I do,
I'm gonna buy them the things
that every kid should have.
A nice house with a yard
and a zip line to the pool.
They don't need any of that
stuff. They need their dad.
I know they need their dad!
Well, step up and be their dad then!
Is everybody okay in here?
- Should I call the police?
- No.
Stand by.
Hey. Hey, there you are.
We waited to start
drinking till you got here.
Rules of the klatch.
You so late, the foam heart
on my cappuccino
look like an old man's ass.
As predicted, Jimmy love bombed,
and then he ghosted.
He quit it without the hit it? Idiot.
It's for the best.
Wait, this is my order.
Yep. Oat milk latte, two shots,
no sugar and a dash of cardamom.
How did you know?
'Cause I listened.
Oh. Wow.
Not something I'm used to.
[CLEARS THROAT] If there wasn't
a no-crying-in-klatch rule,
I'd be a puddle.
You know, I'm starting to think
you're making up these
rules as you go along.
Okay, I bought today, so I get to talk.
- Hey, guys.
- Damn it!
It's my klatch time.
What are you doing here?
Hey, Stitch. Gabriel.
You know, you're lucky.
Matt's in there with a client,
so you're probably gon'
make it out of here alive.
You guys still work for Matt, huh?
No reason to chase a dream
when you caught it on your first try.
You and I have got
different work experiences.
Come on, man. Let's get back to work.
You good?
I'm good.
I thought you left.
Just went for a drive
to think about some stuff.
And I wanted to say that I'm sorry.
I wrote you the wrong song.
What it should have said is,
"I've been out there
doing whatever the hell I want.
And what I should have been doing
is being a dad to Carter and Georgia."
- That doesn't rhyme.
- Yeah.
I have to finish this tour.
When that's done,
I'm gonna get a real job.
Closer to you and the kids.
Are you doing Duolingo?
'Cause this is like a foreign language.
Well, I just realized
that the kids need a father.
And you need a husband.
Well, actually,
I was gonna ask you to, um
We'll see.
Yeah, well, I guess I should get going.
- Okay, go.
- Oh.
Oh, not 'cause of me. Your
van's blocking my dad's car.
Oh, God. I'm a dead man.
Hey, was that Jimmy I saw out there?
Everything okay?
Yeah, he's going back on tour.
- Oh.
- But this time seems different.
He didn't talk about making a
demo or opening for Dread Zeppelin.
He said he was putting his family first.
First is a good place to start.
What did you say to him in the garage?
Nothing. I just, you know,
showed him my blow dart
and knife collection.
Same way you potty trained me.
Well, is he gonna sign
the divorce papers?
Don't be mad,
but I didn't give them to him.
Riley, I'm not mad.
Whatever is best for you and
the kids. That's all I'm about.
I love you too, Dad.
You'll never take me alive!
- What are you doing?
- Uh, Grand Theft Auto.
The cops are after me
'cause I ran over a drug lord.
Well, in that case,
I hope you get a medal.
What's Blackpink?
It's my favorite K-pop band.
Dad sent me this, and it fits perfectly.
Check it. Ready?
[STAMMERS] I just ate,
so I-I can't even tell you.
Listen, so you and your dad are talking?
Yeah. I mean, he's on his tour.
But, look, he sent me a picture
of the world's biggest ball of yarn.
Well, well.
- Living the dream, huh?
- "Boombayah," am I right?
[STAMMERS] Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
You can't do that kind of stuff
in front of a Swedish car.
I just didn't feel like I was
being seen or heard, you know?
So I asked to speak to the supervisor.
Apparently, hot dog carts
don't have supervisors, so.
I'm about to break up with
my girlfriend.
Hey, now we're klatching. Deets now.
I bought again. It's my time to talk.
Yeah, she wanted to bring
another woman into the bedroom.
Okay, I was pretty much done.
Hey. Did I miss it?
- What?
- The coffee klatch.
Um, I'm not sure you're qualified.
It mostly involves listening.
Oh, I listen. Today, I was listening
to a guy at the DMV who rescued a dog.
Come on. Rescue, my ass.
It was a free dog.
He didn't rescue it
from Somalian pirates.
People just like taking credit
for stuff. It bothers me.
Like, uh, restaurants, "We only
serve free-range chickens."
Like the chickens have a choice.
You get go in that door
and get your head cut off,
or you can run around
and play hopscotch, hula hoop.
Oh, God. I gotta get back to work.
And you should know I've never
uttered that sentence in my life.
Yeah, Stitch, we
should get back to work.
Hell yes.
Oh, come on. We were having
so much fun klatching.
That was easy.
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