Skull Island (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Doggone It

[suspenseful music playing]
[suspenseful music continues]
[Mike panting and gasping]
Do you see them?
[Mike groaning]
- I just
- [footsteps approaching]
[Mike groans weakly]
- [quietly] You have a fever.
- I know I have a fever.
Well, why do you have a fever?
- Why does anyone have a fever?
- [footsteps continue]
- We'll talk about it later.
- What if I die later?
Then my fever is irrelevant!
- Is she using us as bait?
- Shh!
[footsteps continue]
- [mercenary] Ugh.
- [flare crumples]
- Is she using us as bait?
- Shh!
- What's going on?
- [beast approaching]
Whoa! Whoa!
- [thrilling music playing]
- [mercenary groans]
- Where is she?
- [Irene] I'm right here.
- Why won't you leave us alo [gasps]
- [dart thwips]
- [Annie groans]
- [heart thumping]
You suck.
[sniffs and whines]
[gun cocks]
[thrilling music continues]
[slowly] I don't like this.
It's going to work.
[bird screeching]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
- Wait.
- She needs us!
It's your dad.
- [Irene] Is she all right?
- I think so.
[Cap] She was riding that animal?
[sighs] It's a whole thing.
[mercenary groans]
I broke my arm!
Thanks for asking!
[thunder rumbles faintly]
Sweep the field,
see if those boys were with her.
What do we do?
- I'm sorry I got you into this.
- What?
Find a way to help your dad.
I'm here.
You look terrible.
I'm fine.
Where's Charlie?
[quietly] He's safe.
I I don't know.
We got separated from him earlier. I
[bird screeching in distance]
Move back to the camp now.
What did that bird do with Dog?
That was her dog?
Yeah. It's a whole thing.
Go. Now.
[somber music playing]
[rain pattering]
[mysterious music playing]
[Irene faintly] What?
I don't even know where
- [Mike faint] There are islands that are
- There's another island?
[Mike faintly] I don't know!
What are you doing with that?
- [mercenary] We're packing it up.
- Why?
It just felt like a fun thing to do.
Yeah, we thought it would be neat
if when we do get rescued
by another chopper, it weighed more.
[grave music playing]
[Charlie] seven, eight.
Okay, gotta get three people
away from eight guys with guns.
What am I gonna do
against eight guys with guns?
I'm gonna get shot,
that's what I'm gonna do!
Lamest way to die
on a monster island, bullet.
Just great. Typical, typical.
- Ugh, I don't wanna die!
- [leaves rustling]
- [dramatic music playing]
- Ahh!
Wait! Wait, wait, wait!
Who are you?
[dramatic music continues]
[whimpers] Okay. Okay.
[bird screeching]
[Mike] Ahh! Oof.
[music fades]
[bird screeching in distance]
- [yelps]
- [dramatic note plays]
Huh! Okay!
This is bad.
[ethereal music playing]
[Cap] What the hell
is Charlie going to do?
I didn't know you were just hanging out
with the people who have been
shooting at us this whole time!
Yeah. I guess that's fair.
Sleeping Beauty over here
got shot by a tranquilizer,
her dog got taken by Big Bird,
and I thought you were kidnapped.
And I can barely see straight! I
I didn't want Charlie to get hurt.
It seemed like the lesser of two
incredibly bad situations.
And as we have learned,
I am bad at making good decisions.
I'm sorry we didn't tell you
about her hiring us.
We just
We knew you don't like private money,
but we were out of options, and
But your father still should have told me.
Well, I'm sure he agrees with you now.
- [somber music playing]
- [Cap grunts softly]
[sighs heavily]
You okay?
You'll always have a home with me.
I know it's not the same, but
You know this.
What's wrong with your vision?
What isn't wrong right now?
If the job was to let her know
when we found the island
what was she doing out here?
Turns out we didn't find it first.
She said another ship she hired
did a month back,
sent coordinates to Annie's island.
- And then
- [Annie weakly] Daddy
[mutters softly]
Hot dogs.
Ah, now I'm hungry.
By the way
you see the, uh, monkey?
What monkey?
[dramatic music playing]
There are stone masons now.
[indistinct rumbling]
Dog, is that you?
[wind groans]
[imitating Dog] "Yeah, it's me!
How you doin', Charlie?"
Oh, I'm terrible.
[laughs] Definitely just got
left as a sacrifice on a bridge by a bird.
"Oh, that's too bad."
"Yeah, I'll just push you off now,
end it quick, 'cause I hate you."
Oh, cool. Thanks, man. Sounds like a
- [gasps]
- [faint growling]
[growls softly]
I'm just
I'm gonna sit here, okay?
Please don't do something bad to me.
[growls softly]
It's okay to be scared, you know.
This is, uh really high.
And the trip here was really bad.
And birds should not be that big.
And it probably put us here
for a really stressful reason. So
What can we do?
[growls softly]
They took her.
And Mike. And my dad.
[Dog grumbles]
But mostly Annie.
[Dog grunts]
There's no one to help Annie.
No one but us.
Look, I know you don't like me,
but you also know
I don't want to hurt her, right?
I think, with those,
we can climb down here
Yeah. I have, like, little nubs.
You have claws.
I can help.
If we can just be friends
for five minutes
we'll, you know
not die.
For Annie.
[Dog grunts]
All right.
All right!
Thanks for not killing me.
[Dog grumbles]
Okay. So, how to teach you
how to crawl down a stone tower
Okay, hard part's over.
But you have to be sure
to really dig those claws in.
And then we just take it nice and slow.
Got it?
- [bird screeching faintly]
- [whimpers] Okay, buddy, we gotta do this.
- [screeching continues]
- [growls]
No. Hey, no, stop.
That's a terrible idea. Look here, Dog.
I am so sorry.
But look. Look at me.
[inhales and exhales slowly]
Okay, see, we do this,
and then we don't die,
and we save everyone's lives,
but we also don't die.
[Dog grumbles]
Yes! Yes! Good dog!
Okay. Okay. Stay.
Wait! Wait for me!
If I climb on your back,
are you gonna buck me off?
You're making this as difficult for me
as possible, aren't you?
[Charlie sighs]
Trust me, I like this less than you.
[mutters] What is that?
He's fighting them.
[dramatic music playing]
What is it? Is it the bad bird?
No, no. Stop it, dummy.
Whatever that is, you can't fight it.
[epic music playing]
[loud rumbling]
Hold on!
[Charlie yelps]
[Charlie whimpers]
[laughs nervously and sighs]
Good dog.
- [mysterious music playing]
- [Dog grumbles inquisitively]
[grumbles softly]
[sighs heavily]
[somber music playing]
[grumbles melancholically]
Why's he so sad?
Oh, great.
Oh, there you are.
Hey, don't leave me here, man.
I'm a tiny
Oh, my God!
[dramatic music playing]
Why is there a giant hole in the ground?
I feel like there's tension in this tent.
Yeah. I'm tense.
You look terrible, kid.
You should see how I feel.
You know why I like you, Cap?
I can't think of any reason
why you wouldn't like me.
You're a genuine good guy.
There's no shenanigans with you.
Nah, I'm too old for shenanigans.
That's why you haven't even brought up
looking for your boy.
Because you know where he is. You know.
You're not even
gonna try to pretend otherwise.
Is he gonna try and break in?
- I assume so.
- [sighs]
I'll tell the guards not to shoot
the, um, teenage boy
running at them with a stick.
Yeah, yeah, but, you know,
you shot Annie with a tranq
and then shot her dog for real.
It's very confusing!
Kid, you have no idea how confusing
this whole last month has been for me.
[inhales sharply] You?
- [laughing] You're her
- [mercenary yelling] What is that?
[eerie music playing]
I got nothing.
- [eerie music continues]
- [Dog grumbles]
That is a whale.
[loud crash]
[epic music playing]
[music fades]
[Mike coughing and groaning]
- Mike?
- [groaning continues]
[sinister music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
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